#anyway I am no authority on real life ppl I just get annoyed seeing ppl flanderize him like he is some kind of cutesy anime boy
Oh did something happen with Jon Anderson???
Nothing happened to Jon Anderson, it is what people are DOING with Jon Anderson.
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flowerslut · 4 days
i just saw an update by someone on ao3 saying they hated when ppl asked for an update or said stuff like where’s the update and it made them lose their passion for writing the fic and i literally do that to u all the time and have probs done it consistently for three years and i am so sorry LOL i never considered it could be annoying
LMFAOOOOO no don't worry at all!!! I don't mind it!!! plus, I feel like it all depends on how people are asking for updates and on the specific author, too. I know that a LOT of fanfiction writers get stressed out when people leave comments asking for updates, (or even comments that aren't 100% complimentary, tbh) because it makes them anxious and rubs them the wrong way. I am absolutely not one of those authors lmfao. I, for one, only get annoyed at people asking for updates if they phrase it in a real asshole-ish way, like:
"please continue this story" <- this would could be fine, but there's no sense of whimsy or joy in this demand. at least add an exclamation mark, ya fool
"another great story left unfinished" <- yeah! and it'll stay that way too unless you want to give me Unlimited Writing Money 🖕
"well, it has almost been 4 years, when are you going to post a new chapter?" <- ah yes another entitled bratty asshole who will ensure for everyone else that I never want to post a new chapter again
"I guess [story name] is dead. it is always sad to when someone dies without closure" <- literally what are you on????? hello? there are REAL people dying out there, kim
these are real comments left on some of my old WIPs btw^^ 💀 usually as long as people are nice and don't sound like entitled dickheads I have no problem with people asking for updates, or asking when I'll update a WIP!!!! a simple "I love this story I hope you update soon!" is so sweet! I love getting messages like that!! it shows that they like it and they want to see where the story goes! which is such a universally relatable experience for any fic reader out there!! more real-life examples of ways people can ask for updates and not sound like bratty jackasses (also from old WIPs of mine):
"This is great! Will you continue this?" <- short, sweet, to the point
"Any chance that you will come back to this story?" <- great! I love some curiosity with that little nudge where they're clearly hoping your answer will be 'yes!'
"Thank you for taking the time to write this, I wish you would continue it." <- the compliment combined with this encouragement is soooo sweet and I adore messages like this even though they make me feel a little bad LOL
"Please consider picking this up again. Even if just for a few chapters, to wrap it up. It’s so, so good, it’s be a shame to leave it without a continuation. Also, this chapter was phenomenal." <- this was one of my most recent reviews to a fic on an 'indefinite hiatus', and it made me actually go back and re-read the fic (a dangerous thing for me to do, because then I always want to keep writing, even if I don't have the time/energy/ideas/inspo) and long story short I sure did put it back on the bottom of the 'to finish' list 😅 i'll go back to my naruto fics one day. but not yet
anyways this got long but just know this: I am an author whose feelings you cannot hurt. nothing you could comment would make me anxious. enthusiastically asking for updates does not bother me. no amount of rude comments/reviews ever affect me outside of 1) great amusement or 2) mild-to-moderate annoyance that won't survive a full day. and don't worry. when it comes to people who are rude assholes I have no problem telling readers to go fuck themselves. lmfao ANYWAYSSS love u bestie gonna post a bonus roots chapter this week just for funsies now. you've invigorated me.
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hshouse · 2 years
This should probably be a tags rant on my own blog but I have an nda so I get wary, but anyway I work for an author/influencer, not even a big one but someone who’s been writing online for a decade, and the amount of unsolicited opinions and hate they receive for mundane stuff on a daily basis is mind-boggling.
So when I see stuff like what went on with Anne, I just think abt how much of this ish goes around not just to celebs/celeb adjacent, but to average ppl. I mean, take the kind of anons you get just doing your thing in this corner of tumblr! (I love your thing btw, keep being your hella lucky, hella confident self, it’s an inspiration.)
All that to say I am just so concerned by the bigger issue, which is this normalization of “posting anything on the internet ever means open season for strangers to publicly shame/drag you” —like would ppl really walk up to someone at a cocktail party and say their negative ig comments or anons to their face? Idk I recently read a piece about “comment culture” that has opened my eyes to how counterproductive all of it and yeah I have no solutions but I just don’t want it to be seen as normal or ok.
Whoops, sorry, this got long, but I know you’ll have good boundaries and not publish if you wanna be done with this topic lmao. 😘 Sending love and apologies for using your inbox as a place to vent. 💕
hi bby,
oh this is so interesting. I will def read the article. and I am honored you like my blog. Yeah, I dont remember where I saw this but someone wrote that the creation of the comment feature on the internet was a huge mistake. After you take a step back and think about, you cant ever go back to that mindset. We should behave online how we behave in real life. What do we do in real life when someone says something weird/annoying/etc??? we gossip about it with our friends. We dont go off on the person??? like thats not how society works. Online should be like that. I think it is fair game to go to your own pages and rant. freedom of speech and all that. but the culture of SENDING these things to people (famous or not) is so toxic and dangerous. a comment you typed in 20 seconds can stay with someone for the rest of their life (I have one from 6th grade that I will remember on my grave). that's a lot of power. everyone should yield it with care.
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