#anyway I just want to continue to shout out sally jackson as a great mom for never being upset w Percy for his struggles
seaglassdinosaur · 9 months
The way Percy talks about himself in the show though, having ADHD and dyslexia, saying he knows that something is wrong with his brain, it’s heartbreaking.
Because stepping aside from the magic and monsters, this is a kid who’s internalized the ableist messages and bullying that’s been directed at him. He believes that having ADHD and dyslexia means that something is broken in his head. Not that his experience is natural, another one of the many different ways that people go through the world, but that his difficulties mean his brain is broken, and by extension, he is innately wrong.
It’s this out loud recognition of the struggling quiet part of someone with a learning disability, who can’t figure out what is going on with themself. They don’t know why they are the way they are, they don’t know how to manage it, and they certainly haven’t accepted it as a part of them, trying to fit into the expectations of a neurotypical society. All they know is that according to everyone else, they’re ‘wrong’. So they must just be ‘wrong’.
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Dream AU Where Percy is Never a Demigod
-It happens after a horrible day at school where Percy is completely overwhelmed trying to catch up with what he missed when he was gone and his stress and anger are through the roof. 
-He tries to call Annabeth but remembers that she is still up in Boston dealing with everything and doesn’t want to bug her. His mom and Paul are at a baby doctor appointment and so Percy is all by himself trying to deal with everything coming at him at once. 
-Between the homework and flashbacks and exhaustion, in a fit of rage, Percy slaps his textbooks off his desk and they slam on the ground as he groans in anger and looks up at his apartment ceiling, looking to pick a fight with the gods.
-”You know if I wasn’t constantly cleaning up your shit I might actually be doing something with my life instead of trying not to fail out of school and continually falling behind. I mean wasn’t it enough that you took eight months away from me and threw Annabeth and I into Tarturus! Gods!” He shouts angrily and goes to retrieve his books from the ground. 
-Once he is done cleaning up and sits back down at his desk, he is still frustrated and distracted and glances out his window where he can see people walking on the sidewalk, completely unaware that there are such things as gods and monsters among them. 
-Percy shakes his head and mutters, “Sometimes I wish I was never a demigod. I mean they have it so easy.”
-Later that night after finally finishing his reading and past-due assignments, Percy flops on his bed and immediately, his eyes get heavy and he drifts off to sleep. 
-And he dreams like most demigods too but tonight it’s not flashbacks or what Grover is doing with his satyr friends. It’s something completely new and very realisitic. 
-The sunlight peaks through his windows and forces him awake and he is met with the NYC traffic and noise. He groans and rolls over not wanting to start his day.
- “Percy! Come on, time to get up you don’t want to be late for school.” His mom calls to him. Defeated, Percy gets out of bed and walks out of his bedroom and sees his mom running around in the kitchen with her old bakery outfit on. 
-”Mom, what are you doing with your old uniform on?” Percy asks. She hasn’t worked at the bakery for years so it was weird to see her wearing it again.
-”Percy, I don’t have time for your jokes this morning I’m already late as it is. Breakfast is on the counter and your lunch is in the fridge. And please remember I have to close up tonight so you and your father are on your own for dinner.”
-Confused Percy asks, “My father?”
-Sally rolls her eyes and wipes her hands on a dish towel before grabbing her purse and kissing Percy’s cheek. “Someone must be very tired this morning. I’ll see you after work honey.”
-Still confused, Percy nods and goes to get ready for school. He goes and throws on the rest of his clothes and goes to brush his teeth when he sees a new prescription bottle and his mother’s handwriting. Remember to take your pills today :).
-Percy picks up the bottle and looks at the description. The name sounds familiar and he remembers It’s the same ADHD pills his mom refused to give him when he was younger because his teachers thought they would help with his energy and lack of attention. His mom refused because she knew if something were to happen and she wasn’t there those hyperactive impulses could save his life. 
-He puts it back down on the table and rubs his eyes, rationalizing that maybe he is just seeing things or something. After getting everything and grabbing his breakfast and lunch, Percy heads out to school.
-Everything seems about right until kids who he has never talked to before come up to him and slap him on his back. He furrows his brows and ask, “Um do I know you?”
-”Ah Perce! Always joking around man. We’ll see you at the swim meet tonight right?”
-Fear grips his chest and Percy combs through his memory trying to remember if he has a meet tonight. His schedule and workload has been so hectic that it’s perfectly possible that he could have forgotten he had a meet.
-”Uh yah. Of course.” He answers and the group of guys smile and walk away. Percy shakes his head still really confused at what is happening and goes to his classes. Everything seems about right, his dyslexia and attention issues are perfectly intune. Between periods, he sneeks to his usual hideout to Iris message Annabeth like they usually do.
-When he goes for his drachma though, he can’t find any and he could have sworn he had some in his backpack. Without any luck finding it, he sighs and hopes Annabeth isn’t too pissed at him for not calling her. 
-Percy goes about the rest of his day normally, school and his school work are still as boring as ever. But, it seems his workload has eased up a lot which makes him happy and that stress seems to be relieved. 
-Finally, the day is over and Percy goes to his swim locker to get ready for his meet. On the pool deck for warmups, his coach approaches him and says, “Ok Jackson, I put you in the 50 free tonight so hopefully between that and the 100 free they will be easy points to beat these guys. Even if you come dead last in these we will get something out of it.”
-Percy is shocked and a little peeved because he usually does all the relays, the 200 IM and the 500m, all events that he is able to show off but not completely with his powers. He is the best on the team and he doesn’t understand why he is being treated like a liability.
-”Um Coach, I usually do the relays and the 500m at least.” Percy contests.
-”What world are you living in Jackson? Get your ass in the pool.” His coach yells and rattled, Percy listens and dives into the water.
-Usually, the temperature of the water doesn’t affect him because he can choose to feel or or not but as soon as he hits the water, the cold shocks his body and its something he hasn’t really felt before. Once again, Percy is puzzled but takes his first stroke anyway, just expecting that shock as just Percy being tired and forgetting to use his powers when he jumped in.
-But instead of gliding through the water easily and with minimum effort, he feels like he is stuck in syrup and can’t move. The tension in the water is horrible and if that wasn’t the worse part, Percy’s lungs are on fire from not being able to breathe underwater. 
-As he comes up and gasps for air, Percy comes to the startlingly discovery that his powers aren’t working and he doesn’t understand what is happening to him. Once he gets to the other side of the pool, he immediately jumps out and races to the locker room.
-”Jackson get back in the water!” His coach screams and Percy ignores him, sprinting to the lockers to catch his breath. 
-What is happening to me? Percy wonders and decides that even though Paul doesn’t know too much about being a demigod and everything, he is the only one closest to Percy to help him out and try to figure out what the hell is happening.
- He spots Paul down the hallway and runs to catch up to him. 
-”Paul! Paul!” Percy shouts down the hall as he runs towards him.
-Paul quickly turns and looks shocked to see him, “Percy? Are you alright?”
-Percy shakes his head and says quickly, “Paul, I don’t know what’s going on. My powers aren’t working and I don’t know what to do. I’m freaking out.”
-Paul looks absolutely confused for a second and then finally he gets serious and says, “Mr. Jackson, are you high right now?
-Stunned, Percy stutters and answers, “What! Paul, I’m being dead serious. This isn’t funny.”
-Paul’s expression doesn’t change and he just says simply, “Well first of all, I would like to remind you that my name is Mr. Blofis not Paul. And, if you were on some drug right now Mr. Jackson, it would be against school rules and its illegal.”
-Annoyed now, Percy shouts, “Paul, you know I don’t do drugs. Hell, you live with me! My mom and you can check my room if you want. I just need help right now I don’t know why my powers aren’t working.”
-Paul is still emotionless and just says, “Percy, I’ve only met your mother at student teacher conferences. Alright, I know your a good kid so I’ll let this little drug incident go but if I catch you again there will be consequences.” And with that warning he walks away, leaving Percy alone and completely confused and frightened. 
-Angry and puzzled, he walks home to the apartment, hoping to see Paul there so he can give him a piece of his mind for the shit he pulled back there. As he is walking past an alley, he hears some noises. Very familiar ones of shouts and growls and as he comes around the corner, he sees a young demigod and a hell-hound going head to head. 
-”Hey!” Percy shouts expecting the kid to be grateful that he has backup and-not to toot his own horn- but some pretty good backup. Even though his powers are gone or whatever, Percy still knows how to use a sword. He goes to his jean pocket for Riptide but feels nothing. Panic seizes Percy and he pats around for his familiar pen but he can’t find it.
-The demigod turns around and says “Great, I got a hellhound and some mortal who can see through the fucking Mist. My lucky night. Just stay out of my way or you’ll get both of us killed.”
-Completely bewildered and stunned Percy stays back as the demigod fights the hellhound, trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Maybe this was the god’s way of getting back at him for his little outburst yesterday? But that would be ridiculous, he barely even said anything.
-Finally, the hellhound is dead and the demigod comes over to Percy and says, “Alright what do you want to know. Are you shocked that there’s monsters and shit out there?”
-Percy shakes his head and says, “No I know all of that I’ve killed those things tons of times. Hey listen, I don’t if you’re new to camp or whatever but I’m Percy Jackson.”
-The demigod isn’t impressed and says, “I’ve never heard of you before. And I don’t know how you know about camp. Are you a demigod?”
-Annoyed, Percy answers, “Like I just said I’m Percy Jackson. You know, son of Poseidon.”
-The demigod is still blank faced and Percy rolls his eyes and continues to see if this kid knows anything about who he is. “You know the Percy Jackson who saved Olympus and defeated Kronos. Stopped Gaea a little bit too. Uh Annabeth Chase is my girlfriend? Aw c’mon man seriously?”
-The demigod just shakes his head and says, “ Look I don’t know how you know all of that but I’ve never heard of Percy Jackson. And for your information, Luke Castellan defeated Kronos and Gaea, and he is Annabeth Chase’s boyfriend.”
- A mixed emotion of anger, confusion, fear overwhelms Percy all at once and it’s almost too much to handle. Annabeth is with Luke? No one has heard of me? Luke is still alive? What is happening! All these emotions and questions float around Percy’s head and finally he just says, “I got to go.”
-Ignoring the demigod, Percy sprints home for answers. Thankfully, his apartment’s location hasn’t changed and is the only constant in this insane day. Is he in some alternate reality? Is this a dream or the god’s way at a good laugh?
-When he bursts through his apartment door, he shouts, “Mom!”
-”She’s at work still. About time you got home.” a familiar voice calls from the kitchen and its a voice Percy thought he would never hear again and it almost makes him stop dead in his tracks. But instead, he timidly goes to the kitchen and is shocked to find who is there waiting for him.
-Gabe is standing over the stove with a cooked cheese pizza ready to eat. But he isn’t anything like the Gabe Percy grew up with. Instead of the disgusting smell, strong cologne surrounds Gabe along with a nice suit. He still is pretty big and has a receding hairline but he seems like he actually has a job at a decent business unlike the other Gabe.
-”What are you doing here?” Percy mutters through a clenched jaw and Gabe looks at him like Percy is an idiot, an expression that hasn’t changed.
-”Uh, I live here.” Gabe answers and starts to cut the pizza.
-”Uh no you don’t, where’s Paul?” 
-”Who the fuck is Paul?” Gabe questions and Percy responds, “My mom’s husband?”
-”Alright kid, I don’t know what high you’re on today but I’ve been married to your mom since you were one so I’d think I know if she was married to someone else.”
-“What?” Percy’s head spins and he looks for something to explain what is happening right now. His eye catches a picture of him when he was younger and he is in his mom’s arms. Around him are his mom and Gabe in a white dress and suit, looking somewhat happy on their wedding day. This must have been the “father” his mom was telling him his morning.
-”Please don’t tell me your my dad.” Percy pleads while he massages the brim of his nose, trying to relieve this massive headache he has. Everything is completely turned upside down and Gabe is the last person he wants to see. If anything all he wants to do is be tucked up into Annabeth’s warm embrace but apparently in this universe or whatever, she is with Luke, which makes Percy want to gag or punch a wall. He hasn’t decided which one first. 
-“Biological no but I have raised you the best I could. Even though you are a selfish brat but your mom makes it better. Her cooking and body are too good to leave.”
-And there’s the Gabe that Percy grew up with and hates. 
-Percy glares at Gabe and mutters, “Get the fuck out of my house.”
-Gabe shoots back an intimidating look and if Percy was younger, he might have ran away. But Percy has seen far worse than Gabe, which is something to say considering for years Gabe was the worst monster Percy could thing of.
-”Didn’t I already beat you enough last week to teach you a lesson? Or are you too stoned right now to remember punk?” Gabe threatens as he slowly walks over to Percy. 
-Percy also wants to know why everyone thinks he is on something but that’s not really important.
-”Well you obviously are losing your hearing then old man because you didn’t hear me the first time. Get the fuck out.”
-Gabe smiles and throws a punch, a punch Percy was anticipating but he is surprised to see that his demigod reflexes are much slower. As he ducks and misses another punch, Percy swings his arm and lands a punch, hitting Gabe square in the jaw.
-Gabe stutters back and holds his face and mutters, “You’re going to get it now punk.”
-But just as Percy dodges another punch from Gabe, his slow reflexes get the best out of him and Gabe punches his nose, hard. He feels his bones break and blood sprays out of his newly broken nose. He also his nose as blood soaks his hand and Gabe punches him again in his side, causing Percy to collapse on the ground.
-Just like he did in his childhood, Gabe kicks Percy hard in his ribs as Percy curls up into a ball, trying to defend himself. He is disappointed in his lack of skills and when the blows stop, he slowly lifts his head to see Gabe standing over him.
-”I’m going to make sure you’re going to remember this.” Gabe hammers down another blow and suddenly, Percy is startled awake.
-Panting heavily, he looks around his room and tries to get his bearings. It’s his room that’s for sure but what world he is in, he is less sure of. 
-He looks to his nightstand and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees the picture of him, his mom and Paul at the beach last summer before he went missing. Next to it, Riptide is capped and in pen form just like it always is when he goes to bed.
-After realizing it was just a very realistic dream, he lays his head back down on the pillow and wipes the sweat from his forehead.
-”I know you hate this life sometimes, but it could be worse Percy.” a voice speaks from the shadows and Percy jumps and goes for Riptide on his nightstand. He presses the pen and the sword bursts to life.
-When the figure emerges from the shadows, Percy realizes it’s his dad and caps Riptide again.
-“Gods you scared the shit out of me, Dad.” Percy calms down and looks at his father who he hasn’t seen since the battle with Gaea and hasn’t really spoken to since he went missing.
-”I apologize for the startle. I felt like it was time we talked since I know we haven’t in a while with everything going on.” Poseidon says and walks over to Percy’s dresser and leans against it. 
-“Well I’ve been busy trying to catch up around here. Haven’t really had time for a chat.” Percy answers and sighs.
-”I know you’re mad at the gods, Percy. You have been through more than any demigod has been through and I am sorry for that, son. And I know readjusting here hasn’t been the easiest either.”
-Percy nods and stays silent, unsure about what to say to his father. Sure, he is mad at the gods but he is still confused and a little unsettled about the dream he had. He also isn’t sure if he is mad at his father for just being a god or mad because he is Percy’s father and Percy hasn’t been feeling like his father appreciates his son’s sacrifices.
-”I know you are hurting and angry. Your outburst was just a fraction of the pain you must be going through and although I obviously can understand and am empathetic to your grievances, the other gods want to make sure you understand that although being a demigod, especially a demigod like yourself, is hard, it could be worse. You could have never met the love of your life, make your life-long friends, been able to get rid of Gabe or even have met Paul for your mother if you were never a demigod. Everything that has happened to you Percy has happened for a reason that only the Fates know.”
-Poseidon continues, “I also just want you to know Percy that I am proud of you. Truly, I am. I could've asked for a more heroic and strong son. And I am sorry if you feel like I wasn’t worried or upset. The pain of not knowing where you were those eight months was something that I can’t even describe to you. But I want you to know that through all of these trials, you have made me very proud.”
-Percy smiles a little and says, “Thanks Dad.”
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