#and he’s able to see ‘oh this actually is just a normal variation of the human experience’
seaglassdinosaur · 9 months
The way Percy talks about himself in the show though, having ADHD and dyslexia, saying he knows that something is wrong with his brain, it’s heartbreaking.
Because stepping aside from the magic and monsters, this is a kid who’s internalized the ableist messages and bullying that’s been directed at him. He believes that having ADHD and dyslexia means that something is broken in his head. Not that his experience is natural, another one of the many different ways that people go through the world, but that his difficulties mean his brain is broken, and by extension, he is innately wrong.
It’s this out loud recognition of the struggling quiet part of someone with a learning disability, who can’t figure out what is going on with themself. They don’t know why they are the way they are, they don’t know how to manage it, and they certainly haven’t accepted it as a part of them, trying to fit into the expectations of a neurotypical society. All they know is that according to everyone else, they’re ‘wrong’. So they must just be ‘wrong’.
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naddiesflower · 1 year
hi there, may i request hcs w dabi, aizawa & toga w a gn s/o whos very flirty and talkstive but when someone flirts back their brain just shuts down and they instantly become a flustered mess?🤭
*rises from the dead and drops this very very late*
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I feel like Dabi wouldn’t flirt back immediately 
But he wouldn’t outright ignore you
if anything he would entertain your flirting
You would flirt with him any chance you had
“Hey, aside from being good looking, what do you do for a living?”
This makes Dabi huff out a small laugh
“Oh you know, just some rookie villain stuff.”
There was one time you had decided to flirt with him while running away from some heroes
“Don’t you ever get tired from running through my mind all day?”
“What i’m tired of is these losers chasing us.”
One day Dabi decides to flirt back just because
You had said something (he wasn’t sure what cuz he would tune you out sometimes)
“You sure are chatty, im sure i can think of a better way we can put that mouth to use.”
Immediate brain short circuit
You suddenly don’t know how to function
Your stuttering is intelligible
And you can feel heat rising to your face
Dabi’s lazy smile stretches into a sinister one
“No way.”
“Uh…well see you later Dabi-”
Oh wow and now there’s a hand planted to wall next to you
“Now hold up, where did all that bravado go?”
His face seems just a tad bit too close to yours
“My uh- the um you see, i ah-”
Dabi just busts out laughing after this
Which thankfully gives you the time to flee
You are no longer safe around this man anymore tho
It is now Dabi who is initiating the flirting
You shall now deal with the actions of your consequences
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This guy i just know would not flirt back
It was you mostly flirting with the dumbest pick up lines
Aizawa mostly rolls his eyes
But you mostly flirt during hero work 
Cuz that’s when you bump into each other more often than not
And that’s when Aizawa doesn’t roll his eyes
But responds with variation of
“We have no time for this.”
Or “must i be the one to face this type of torture?”
This goes on for the longest time
But you never tire from teasing Aizawa
Aizawa also doesn’t make any big fuss about trying to stop you
He kinda secretly looks forward to you bothering him
One day after taking down a villain he compliments you
“You did a great job taking down that villain, your form was especially great.”
Now mind you this was a small compliment
A very tame compliment 
You stop on the spot
You suddenly don’t know how to work your legs
Aizawa is confused
After a concerned Aizawa makes sure you’re okay
The rest of the day goes on normally
Though Aizawa does come to a conclusion that he tests out the next time you bump into each other
“Good job, you looked great out there.”
Oh man do your knees go weak and you’re a babbling fool at this point
“Oh uh, y-yeah, i mean- thanks…”
From now on when you try flirting with him, Aizawa fires back with actually pretty sweet compliments
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You are in trouble with her from the start
Would immediately flirt back
But she doesn’t notice this cuz that’s just the way she is
If anything she’s the one who approaches you first and just starts complimenting you left and right
“Your eyes are so pretty!”
“Can I have some of your blood?”
Most people would be like wtf
But in your mind like 
“You want my blood?” 🥺👉👈
Obviously you don’t voice that out loud cuz you quite literally can’t
You kinda look like a fish out of water with the way ur trying to utter a single word out
You can almost never get a word out around her cuz she’s bubbly and just as talkative as you if not more
Which somehow leads to you making it a goal to at least not be a blabbering fool around her
It’s an ongoing challange that you can never seem to accomplish
The most you were able to get out around her was one (1) small compliment
Which didn’t phase you at first because you had genuinely meant it
“Ah, Himiko you have a really cute smile.”
She gets all starry eyes and blushy
But you don’t notice cuz you're mentally celebrating not acting a fool around her
However, that’s short-lived as soon as she wraps herself around your arms and drags you somewhere around the hideout while you’re mentally short circuiting
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thetetratan · 5 months
(welcome to the cartilage)
(the place in between multiverses)
(this is a post essentially explaining all of the TETRATAN's lore soooo)
(also anything in parentheses isn't in char)
(but everything else is)
(read this post if you want to know about the TETRATAN's lore)
(Or go in blind and see if you can piece together anything)
(that may be more fun)
(idk it's up to you)
(but this post did take more than two days to write)
(so I would appreciate it if you did read it all)
(this story starts a long long time ago, like every damn story. But I'm talking like REALLLLLY long time ago. Like HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF YEARS AGO. This story takes place in a kingdom, and by now you already have deja Vu from the stories you were told as a kid. But this kingdom wasnt any normal kingdom, because it was an ENTIRE OMNIVERSE. At this moment in time, the only inhabitants of this omniverse were all the different types of Titans, omniversal beings that held time most power out of any species, ever. Besides the other types of Titans, of course. There are four types of Titans. Normal Titans, who can use Titan magic, or xylves, but can be hurt by anything. Then there are Supertitans and HYPERTITANS. Both being able to use xylve magic, and only being hurt by said xylves. HYPERTITANS, being stronger than Supertitans, had their entire names capitalized, even in speech! And finally there was the most powerful Titans, the TETRATANS, who not only had two extra tentacles for legs, but also were incredibly rare and unique. The TETRATANS were actually around the same power as the HYPERTITANS, but the difference comes from a different item, the TETRA CRYSTAL, which gives incredible power to any who wield it. Any being could receive a major power boost in all areas with this crystal, but the titan types, especially the TETRATANS, were extra reactive to the crystal. These TETRATANS were few and far between though, so the ones that did exist were basically worshipped by everything, including lesser Titans. (Also this may be a good time to note that cannibalism was morally acceptable at this time, in fact it was a regular occurrence, because Titans of all variations besides regular Titans feed solely off of deceased xylve matter, and Titans were not just using xylves, they were made of it, so going to war with other Titans was a good idea cuz death of people meant food ok now back to the main story oh wait we only now just finished the background info oh shit this is a lot of lore) So one of these worshipped TETRATANS was named ECHO (@21ducky don't you dare even think about it) and ECHO was kinda a tyrant (just like @21ducky) and no one really liked him but they still worshipped him because they would immediately die if they stood against him.)
(or would they?)
(see, there was this one person, who wasn't any type of Titan, but was at the moment pretending to be a Supertitan. His name was DISCORD. You may be asking, why is HIS name capitalized? I thought only HYPERTITANS and above get that treatment! Well, you would be correct. DISCORD gets the capital name treatment even thought he technically isn't a Titan at all. This is because he became a person with equivalent power to a TETRATAN. DISCORD found a material that, when used in a process that involves the TETRA CRYSTAL, can become a new material that mimics parchment paper. But everything written in it will come true. So he used his newfound power to become as strong as ECHO, and he eventually won. He sealed ECHO in the first dimension to stay for all eternity. But ECHO will be important later...)
(meanwhile, DISCORD starts to fake being a TETRATAN cuz even thought he has the power of a TETRATAN and the cool TETRA CRYSTAL thing, he technically isn't. But the other Titans don't know that they'll just worship him anyway. DISCORD goes med with power trying to make sure no other TETRATAN tries to become another tyrant, and becomes a tyrant himself. So that worked well for him, didn't it? He settles in the Citadels, which house the HYPERTITANS and live in the one in the middle, which houses the TETRA CRYSTAL. So yeah a pretty overpowered location. He starts using that material from before that gave him power (don't have a name for it yet) and writes things assuring that he stays in power, buuuuuut in his rush to make sure no other TETRATAN can come to power, he made the thing wrong (L) so THIS paper does absolutely nothing besides serve as paper. But he doesn't know that, so he keeps writing and writing, and starts writing these in rhyming poems and plays them off as prophecies (even though they won't even come true lol). The HYPERTITANS dub him as a prophet, and dub his living space as the Prophet's Castle. Eventually has a plan to get more power. But don't worry about that plan because he DIES.)
(So after their leader and idol DIES, the HYPERTITANS all go to war against each other.)
(The HYPERTITANS have been broken up into a few clans. Being in a clan was advantageous because they were going to war with other HYPERTITANS all the time. They also unanimously decided to keep it a secret that DISCORD died from the other Titan types. Just because THEY wanted to be the ones to get to the Prophet's Castle. See, most HYPERTITAN wars were fought between two clans, just for the sake of food. But there was another motive to this war. Remember the TETRA CRYSTAL? Yeah, that was kept with DISCORD in the Prophet's Castle so if any clan got into the Prophet's Castle, DISCORD would have INSANE powers over the other HYPERTITANS. So each clan was trying to get to the Prophet's Castle, to get that sweet sweet extra power for themselves. Eventually one clan got to the Prophet's Castle and used the TETRA CRYSTAL's power to defend themselves and stay in control. There, the leader of that tribe had his second son. (His other son left to the land of the Supertitans as a representative of his clan to establish trade offers) This new baby HYPERTITAN was actually really special, because he wasn't a HYPERTITAN. He was a TETRATAN. (Remember TETRATANS are just HYPERTITANS with a stronger connection to the TETRA CRYSTAL) So considering that the new baby was part of a species that was worshipped in the past and when in proximity to the TETRA CRYSTAL are by FAR the strongest beings in the omniverse, the HYPERTITANS decided to raise him as their own and try to use his power against their enemies. But Titans in general age much slower than humans. Like, MUCH slower. It depends on what Titan that person is, but for HYPERTITANS AND TETRATANS, it's around one TETRATAN year (or HYPERTITAN year) for every one BILLION human years. So the HYPERTITANS will have to wait a while before having this powerhouse. The HYPERTITAN clan tried to keep it a secret from the other clans, but eventually word got out, and all the HYPERTITAN clans had a new target. To either kidnap or kill the infant TETRATAN. (And if it isn't clear yet, this infant is THE TETRATAN. The one who runs this blog.) Eventually, one of the outside HYPERTITAN clans were able to infiltrate the Prophet's Castle and kidnap the TETRATAN. But not before his oven clan noticed. In the midst of the battle that ensued, the TETRATAN did one thing, that changed everything. He started to cry. Now, this may not seem like so much, but this is a TETRATAN, LITERALLY ADJACENT TO THE TETRA CRYSTAL. Also, no one was expecting a massive blast to come from the baby being kidnapped, so when it came, no one was ready. Everyone was all so not ready, in fact, that they ALL DIED. So yeah, nice going there TETRATAN. And when I say they all died, I mean EVERY HYPERTITAN, AND MANY TITANS were affected. The Titans don't even live in the area! The Supertitans live even further, but even they could feel it, although no one got hurt. This big boom was also strong enough to SHATTER THE TETRA CRYSTAL. The TETRA CRYSTAL broke into many TETRA SHARDS, each giving whoever wields one an AMAZING boost of power, but not NEARLY as amazing as the full TETRA CRYSTAL.)
(Killing wasn't the only thing that this blast did, though. It also created the ENTIRE OMNIVERSE. The one EVERY UNIVERSE AND MULTIVERSE THAT HOUSES A NON-TITAN SPECIES IS IN. And, if it isn't clear enough yet, this baby crying was the cause of the BIG BANG.(The one they were in before is now called the ruins, cuz that blast destroyed most of it, and this new one is called the Omniverse, as uncreative as that is. There are other omniverses, but none besides these two are important to this story.) So now with the creation of non-Titan beings, and a massive blast coming from the HYPERTITAN area, there was a lot that caught the eyes of the surviving Titans. Including a certain HYPERTITAN off establishing trade offers in the SUPERTITAN lands. THE TETRATAN'S BROTHER!!!!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!)
(The TETRATAN's brother, understandably panicked by the big boom boom, rushes back home immediately and sees what has come of the ENTIRE HYPERTITAN SPECIES. And he notices the only survivor is a baby. He quickly figures out that the baby caused the big boom (somehow) and, having just lost his entire family (well not his ENTIRE family cuz the baby is his brother but he doesn't know that) the TETRATAN'S brother decides to yeet the TETRATAN into the omniverse he just created to live there cuz he doesn't want a baby (child neglect be like). The TETRATAN lands on a deserted island inhabitated solely by octopi (squids and octopi evolved from the HYPERTITANS). So at least he has food.)
(many years later ooooooooo)
(time skip a FEW billion years, the TETRATAN has self-taught himself a lot of magic. He need to do this to survive, because his brother, after living for a few billion years in solitude, has reconsidered his old choice to send the TETRATAN off into the omniverse, and is now trying to kill him. You know you else is trying to kill the TETRATAN? MY MO-)
(You know who else is trying to kill the TETRATAN? DISCORD!!! Remember him? Yeah, turns out his death was staged and he was waiting for the next TETRATAN to come along because he wanted to make sure no new tyrant like ECHO would rise to power, so he decided killing the only other being powerful enough to do so would stop that from happening. Also everyone thinks DISCORD is a TETRATAN, but technically he's not. He still says he is though. The TETRATAN doesn't really know much about his past, because everything blew up, and the only people who DO know anything much about his past are trying to kill him. (This is actually why he goes by the name of his species, the TETRATAN, instead of his real name. He doesn't know his name. He can't read or speak in Titan language so he can't figure it out himself, either.) All three of them are trying to collect as many TETRA SHARDS as possible to become more powerful than the others, and it is chaotic. DISCORD is also the only one out of the three who doesn't know how to teleport. And the TETRATAN messes around with the inhabitants of the omniverse he created when he's bored, and lives in the seventh dimension, aka the void.)
(@myconidwitch how's that for lore)
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
ohmigod does streamer au mean that Knives is like. Vash's twin that visits his apartment to ensure Vash is okay (as a disabled person myself who lives alone, i get weekly visits from my mom and brother lmao) and comes in with groceries, leaves with trash, comes over to drive Vash to his doctor appointments, and tells Vash to get a real job??
does the chat see Knives as like. a cryptid. and the chat spams with acknowledgement as Knives moves about in the background and Vash goes "Chat says hi! ...Knives?! Did you hear mE?! CHAT SAYS HI!!" and he shouts back "I heard you both times, but I'm not acknowledging your no-life-having enablers!" or some shit
Knives feels like he has a trenchcoat and briefcase and has some high-up position like, idk, i feel like hed be an enviromental lawyer but also a corporate lawyer yet he also feels like he could be a radio/podcast celebrity with Bad Takes (i might just be describing Andrew Tate or somebody whoops) and a reputation for being shitty to his fans. like i could Knives being either objective scum with a cult following. or being like a eco-friendly protestor who put a politician's house on fire but hasnt been caught bc he wore one of those face-masks that distorts pictures and made sure not to leave any finger-prints. maybe he's something in-between, like he supports PETA, i dunno. or maybe he and Vash are actually estranged
im really curious how you would characterize Knives in this au, theres definitely a lot to go with considering the vast differences in his 1998, 2023, and manga variations (im partial to 2023 myself, but manga is a close second and 1998 is in the dust for me personally) since his genocide nonsense doesn't have a 1-for-1 translation in a modern world. the only act of Knives that i can think of that would track is 2023!Knives blaming himself for Vash's amputation (as opposed to other variations, if i remember right, where Knives did it to punish Vash, i liked that they went with a "Knives did it bc he loves Vash and didnt see another way to save his brother" direction instead) bc maybe the amputation happened in an accident that Knives blames himself for Vash being a victim in. but yeah, so many variations
also Rem. but Rem is a bit easier because there's always the "Well, Rem is still dead" option mixed with "She was our foster mom" (oh, maybe Knives works in the Social Services) whereas Knives, again, has all these variations
(anyways, i have a Part 2 to this that's not related to me asking questions about your streamer au, but rather me just saying a hc i have for Vash+Knives Modern AU that is very biased to my own personal history and therefore is irrelevant to your streamer au, so do hold up briefly, i do wanna ramble about that bc rambling about Trigun Modern AUs is fun)
I think I can tell you guys some about the ideas I had in mind without spoiling too much!
So I've bounced it around a bit in my head, and I think I've come up with something that works for this AU in particular. Rem was in fact their foster mom, she adopted them both as babies. While Nai was a pretty normal kid growing up, a bit cynical and intelligent for his age but nothing concerning, Vash was the type of kid who got sick really often. Like, immunodeficient, multiple hospitalizations sick. I was thinking something like CVID, which makes it so you're way more susceptible to getting respiratory and lung infections. He was a happy kid, but in and out of the hospital a lot.
In late middle school he had a really bad reaction, and while rushing him to the hospital Rem got in a car accident that cost her her life and Vash his left arm. Vash feels like he's the whole reason the accident even happened in the first place, while Nai blames himself for Vash being even worse off because maybe if he'd just been able to keep calm Rem wouldn't have been so distracted. There's also a fair bit of survivor's guilt in him, being the only one who got out of the wreck generally unscathed.
So he's kind of taken himself up as his brother's keeper, balancing his own post-graduate work life with checking in on Vash, bringing him to appointments, and just generally making sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He's a conservation biology major and a huge ecology nut, who often says (in a deadpan tone that Vash thinks is a joke) that the planet would probably be better off if all the humans on itwere wiped out.
Nai has complicated feelings about Vash's streamer lifestyle. On one hand he's not as deeply, deeply depressed as he was in early high school, most days it being a chore for Nai to even get him to eat or drink. On the other hand, he thinks that a job like this isn't stable enough for Vash, that he could be doing more with his fantastic intelligence, and that Vash cares way too much about what random strangers on the internet think about him. It's the sparking point for many arguments, because as much as they love and care about each other, they just don't see the world from each other's viewpoints.
(He'd also never say it, but Nai is actually very grateful that Vash has Nicholas as a roommate. As much as he despises the guy, at least there's someone around to make sure Vash is eating real food and actually going outside when Nai isn't there to check on him.)
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MC turn into Child and hug Trein like his reaction made him recall his children
oh god what a cute idea!
Guardian! Mozus Trein reacts to MC that has turned into a child
Characters : Mozus Trein , mentions of Pomefiore students
Gn pronouns were used.
Context : (y/n) has been one of the top students in potionology class since they started attending the NRC. There was something very comforting about being able to excel at something that didn't really require the student to have magic abilities of their own.
It also helped that your partner in that class was a Pomefiore student, as they tend to have better grades on this subject.
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For today's class, you and your partner had to make an anti-aging potion.
There's a very high demand for those in the market, so it makes sense that they would teach you how to make them.
As you stirred the mix, you noticed that it was changing colors...
Pink. It turned pink.
Crewel said that it should turn dark purple... wait, why is it bubbling?!
As the bell rings, not many people notice neither the tiny explosion nor your entire face covered in pink goo.
your partner can't help but laugh at your face, what a silly view!
the laughter turns into dead silence when, in a matter of two minutes,
your clothes can't fit you anymore, your eyes are bigger than ever, and you're not much taller than Grim.
lucky you, there's no one else in the room with you two, since it's lunch break.
Afraid of being scolded by Crewel, your partner brings you to his dorm in hopes of fixing you.
How. The hell. Did you do this.
Even Vil has NO IDEA of how to turn you back to normal.
One of the leech brothers also has a reputation of being quite skilled on this subject but by common sense they won't let him near you.
Meanwhile your guardian has been looking for you all day.
Mr.Trein believes that letting you be independent is the best thing for you.
You two barley see each other outside of class, he's always buried in work and you're always studying hard to keep up with everyone.
BUT today at lunch you didn't send him the usual 3-5 funny cat videos
so he knows something's up.
Fortunately for everyone, Rook knew what your password was, for like, everything.
don't ask.
but seriously why would you use the same password with little to no variations for literally EVERYTHING
he unlocks your phone.
he's an EmPatH 🥺🤪 so he tells your old man about the situation via text.
He just knows Mr.Trein could be very worried about you for not replying.
Also, if even Vil can't do anything about your state, then it's better to call an actual adult.
Mr.Trein goes to the dorm, just to find Epel playing games with you. Several half eaten apples laying by your side.
God. you're tiny.
He thanks them for telling him about the situation, Vil apologizes for not being able to do anything.
Then, he picks you up.
you hug him, with all the strength that your little arms can provide.
And for just a moment, time stops.
Or maybe it's just him recalling a memory. A very distant one.
it's an odd feeling, isn't it? they way one thinks that some things just fade away forever.
but it feels just like when he was holding his (now grown) children.
everyone in the room could swear for the great seven, that for a fraction of a moment, the look in his eyes...
it made it seem you were the only thing that mattered in the world. the most beautiful, wonderful being of all.
Rook may be crying
He and Epel escorted you two to the mirror.
A few hours pass and the effects of the potion finally fade for good.
you wake up in your dorm room. And sitting in the armchair besides you is your old man, fast asleep, with a book in his hands.
"The princess who could talk to mice"
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andro-dino · 9 months
uwaaa how about some little tidbits with ezekial and luther.... like once ezekial pulls up and luther's life turns upside down how does he cope with it
OH ive been thinking about this too but how many aus do you have revolving around your ocs ??? im curious :3
I’m going to answer the second question first bc it’s shorter I think. I actually don’t have like a ton of aus as a whole. Juno’s got the most variations though bc I’m insane about digivalen <3 For them I’ve got
- shogunswap (where juno stays part of the main gang)
- shogunswap (where Juno’s with DNA instead)
- mermaid au
And I could’ve sworn I had another one but I can’t remember it at the moment.
EDIT: I REMEMBERED!!! MANGA JUNO! Idk if that really counts as like an au au but manga compliant juno and anime compliant juno are very different so I count it. That also brings up manga Victoria as an au for her too, since anime compliant Victoria dies while Sakyo’s still young while manga Victoria’s still kicking 🫡
The other that immediately comes to mind is Ezekial and Luther au where Luther’s family is actually completely fine and normal and nothing goes wrong and everyone’s fine. That one’s uuuunrealistiiiic :]
When I was younger I was super into Undertale aus though and I had an underfell version of my main ocs at the time where they were all just edgy and mean and sad. fun times <3
OH YK I did just remember I do have mfb wakfu au from when I was rewatching wakfu. Juno was an eniripsa, Axyl’s an eliatrope, and then bc of that I have two different Wakfu Essi’s. Alone, I can definitely see her as an iop, but in wakfu lore, all eliatrope’s have a shapeshifting dragon sibling who come from the same egg as them, so that also opens the door for dragon essi (I actually have doodled eliatrope Axyl and dragon essi before I’ll have to find those when I get home.) For the other characters, feca kite and eight for sure, sacrier chao xin (I also have sacrier Chao Xin somewhere I will also be finding those later), and I never fully settled on a species for the garcias but ecaflips were the main option in my head.
Then for Ezekial and Luther. smile :)
Luther is a whole mess of emotions when Ezekial shows back up. When his goons essentially “capture” Ezekial while he’s snooping around, the bring him to Luther, who looks down on Ezekial very intensely and very coldly. Their entire first interaction there is completely cold on Luther’s end. Ezekial is ECSTATIC to finally see him again but Luther is really intent on keeping up his professional demeanor. At first, he’s willing to let Ezekial go unharmed and just leave it at that, but when Ezekial refuses to go, Luther tries to be a little bit more “convincing,” and in that moment is especially trying to emphasize (both to Ezekial and to himself) that he’s a different person that he once was and isn’t so merciful. Even then, Ezekial persists, and the more he pushes, the more Luther finds himself enraged for reasons he can’t quite understand. Luther has a reputation for usually being able to prevent his own hands from getting dirty, but he can’t help but shut Ezekial’s whole speech about how he knows that “his best friend is still in there somewhere” down with a firm kick to the gut from his own boot. This is not the last time something like this will happen, and it’s notable that Ezekial is the only person who’s ever been able to rile Luther up enough that other people see him lose his temper and put his hands on someone. It’s notable also that it’s not just rage behind Luther’s eyes, but a deep unsteadiness and what could be considered fear.
Luther from there on out decides to keep Ezekial “prisoner” basically, not necessarily because he wants him around but because he knows Ezekial can cause problems for him if left to his own devices and wants to keep an eye on him. That is how The Problems start and continue to develop into A Plot :]
There is actually one scenario I’ve thought A LOT about because it’s a really important scene for these two. Maybe the first night Ezekial is there, maybe not, but it’s still relatively early into them being reunited, Luther lets Ezekial into his room one night. Ezekial is there kind of awkwardly twiddling his thumbs while Luther showers ((((((IN A SEPERATE ROOM)))))) ((((((LUTHER HAS A BATHROOM ATTACHED TO HIS BEDROOM)))))) ((((((EZEKIAL IS AWKWARDLY SITTING AROUND IN LUTHER’S BEDROOM WHEN THIS HAPPENS))))), notably the most unsupervised Luther has left him at this point, and when Luther comes out, he still barely acknowledges Ezekial but instead walks past him onto the balcony. He leaves the door open, a silent invitation, as Ezekial follows him out and finds Luther lighting a cigarette, leaning against the railing. Ezekial stiffly copies the action and the two sit in a tense (well, tense for Ezekial at least) silence before Luther is the one to start the conversation and the two just. Talk. It’s the most vulnerable Luther has left himself in front of Ezekial and the closest thing Ezekial’s gotten to feeling like he’s connecting to the real Luther again. When this conversation is over, they’ll go back to how it was before, but it’ll stay in both of their minds, and it definitely won’t be the last of its kind despite that.
This is like, fairly old art that I don’t like anymore, but I did kinda draw out part of this scene.
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Bound, Part 12
Previous part
“So,” said Marinette, her hands gripping the straps of her backpack like they were a lifeline. “Are you sure about this?”
Tim snorted. “Absolutely not. The –” he made a ‘W’ with his fingers instead of saying the word aloud, lest they pique its interest too early “– is known as the perfect hunter.”
“Why couldn’t it have been a gardening spirit or something?” She complained to no one.
Tim gave a laugh, but it was strained. “Well, I’m not sure whether Native American deities would be all that interested in appearing for either of us. Considering…” He motioned vaguely to his face with the hand he wasn’t holding onto her with. “... yeah… if they did show up, it would probably be even worse for us.”
She clicked her tongue. “You just had to be white, huh?”
This laugh was a little more real.
Something warm curled around her heart, and she wanted to relish the feeling. It was like waking up cocooned in blankets on a cold winter day. She never wanted to leave, she just wanted to bask in the feeling until the day she died.
And that was the point.
She bit down on her tongue to ground herself.
Tim’s eyebrows furrowed in mild irritation.
There. That feeling. That expression. She had to keep that in mind. That was the true way they felt, and if she let herself forget it then she would get swept up in it all.
She had already been the gods’ plaything. She wasn’t intent on going through all of that a second time.
So, she forced herself to concentrate on the task at hand.
They had done quite a bit of research on the Wendigo before they had come to these random Oklahoman woods. The one bit that readers might have already noticed was that you were never to say the Wendigo’s name aloud, nor should you use any variations of the term (such as Skinwalker and, debatably, Cannibal). Names, in many cultures, had power and, in this particular mythos, names piqued their ears, allowing the hunters to pinpoint your exact location instantly, and they would go for you. It was said that it was nearly impossible for someone to face off against a Wendigo, especially not when you weren’t a Shaman. They had silver knives tucked into their running shorts, and matches to light its heart aflame, but they both had doubts that it would work. Even if their weapons could hurt it, it was said to be stronger and faster than normal humans by an unbelievable degree
As for everything else… it was up for debate. It was a monster, or it was a possessing spirit, or a person who had simply been desperate. It sounded inhuman, it could perfectly mimic the voice of someone you knew. It would try and lure you in, it would appear out of nowhere and you wouldn’t even get to see it before you found your throat torn out. It could be cured, the person inside was too gone to ever recover. It had fur, it was completely hairless, it was human-like, it was more beast than anything…
Basically, they were almost definitely screwed. They should have just gone all the way to Mexico and tried their luck with the Duende. At least those fuckers were short.
But, no, they were walking through the woods, almost definitely toward their dooms.
It came far too soon.
They came upon a bell. Hanging in the middle of the woods, looking oh-so-innocent and yet so strange. The brass gleamed like it had been polished only a day ago. Ringing the bell would immediately alert the entire forest of where, exactly, they were.
Marinette grimaced. “This is the point of no return.”
It was quiet. Tim leaned forward, inspecting the bell. He poked it, as if trying to gauge whether it was actually real.
And then he drew back, his expression grim. “Bury as much as you can of me if I die and you don’t.”
She hummed. “Burn incense for me. Also, wail.”
They may not like each other, but they weren’t actually bad people. So, quietly, they both agreed to do whatever funeral rights they could. Marinette wouldn’t be able to bury him with all his body parts like Judaism entailed if he got torn open by the beast, and Tim wouldn’t be able to spend 7 days making sure that she had a full funeral in a place where a Wendigo was prowling around, but they could promise each other the small things.
She picked up a large stick from nearby and, after both of them had taken a couple of sips of water and stretched, she rung the bell.
For a few moments, it was quiet. Still. Not in the way it was when there was a predator near, and the world itself seemed to be lying in wait. Instead, it felt like they were simply alone, waiting in silence.
And then, suddenly, that feeling was gone. Goosebumps rose on her skin.
A rabbit started to dart across their clearing, only for it to go still.
It was alive, breathing fast and hard, its ears perked and its eyes wide. But, even as Marinette approached, it did nothing. For they were not the true threat in the forest.
A low, crooning sound came from their right.
Their heads snapped over to look, but they couldn’t see anything among the leaves.
And then the sound picked up, getting louder and louder until her ears buzzed and she finally let go of her backpack to clap her hands over her head. Tim’s knees buckled and he stumbled back, only just barely catching himself by grabbing onto a tree for support. The sound got so high, so intense, that she started thinking that this was how it killed its prey, that they had missed some lore and now they were going to keel over, their brains blown out of their head or their blood leaking out of their ears, and the Wendigo would have a feast laid out before it and they wouldn’t even get a chance to try.
And then it cut off.
It was replaced by something else. It sounded, almost, like a wounded person, crying for help. They screamed and begged, saying someone, anyone, please, and yet there was something off about it. Because, despite the terror in their voice and the guttural screams they gave from time to time as they were, assumedly, injured… there was no snarling attacker, no rip of flesh, not even the rustling of leaves and grass to indicate a struggle.
And, somewhere, somehow, Marinette knew that this was its previous victim’s last words.
It cut itself off abruptly once again.
The air around them changed.
It was done trying to lure them to it, now.
Slowly, as if it had all of the time in the world, a couple of branches were brushed away.
“Can you see it?” Tim breathed.
She could.
It was a hulking beast. If it were on its two hind legs, it would probably be able to tower over some of the trees. As it were, on all four legs, it still was taller than they were. It looked like a human, but a warped one. Its limbs were too long, but its torso was the normal size. In fact, its torso seemed to be smaller than average. It had no fat at all, allowing her to see every ridge of its bones. It didn’t seem to have any organs except for one, which was prominently on display within its ribs, the skin clawed away to reveal a still-beating heart.
But worst of all was its face.
Large, irisless eyes still managed to look small in comparison to its long, gaunt face. Its lips were completely gone – as if, in its desperation and hunger, it had eaten its own mouth. This allowed her to see its many long, too-sharp teeth in all of their terrifying glory.
“I think we made a mistake.”
His eyes widened, and she wasn’t even sure it was because of what she said. For the terror she had been feeling from her soulmate increased tenfold, and he didn’t seem willing to look away from where the Wendigo was creeping toward them to acknowledge her.
“It wants to play with us before it kills us,” he said, almost in a whimper.
Marinette grabbed him by the arm. Her fingernails were dull, the whites nonexistent after years of being bitten down, and yet she held him so tightly that she could feel the ghost of them digging into her skin.
“Well, we might as well, then.”
She jerked his arm, and that was enough to send him sprawling into his fight-or-flight instincts.
He chose flight, thank god.
They split up, sprinting through the brush at opposing vectors, heading towards their car in the vaguest sense. She lost track of him, but she knew where she was going and where, generally, he would go, and that was enough.
Or, at least, she thought it was.
Her soulmate hit the ground, scraping up his hands and knees in the process, and she could feel a mad scramble to stand, but something heavy came to land on his back, forcing him down again. Terror began to build, and she wasn’t even sure whose it was.
But she knew one thing for sure: Tim had been caught.
Later, she would blame it on her latent superhero instincts. It was easier to think about that than how easily fate took her terror and warped it, forcing her to care about someone she had a neutral opinion on at best.
“Tim,” she choked out through the invisible body pressing down on her.
And this was when an idea came to her.
“Wendigo!” She screamed.
The pressure lifted instantly.
She started running again.
She could still feel Tim’s shock, his horror, his hands scrabbling as he started trying to get to his feet and start running again. He was alive. Which meant that the Wendigo had left him.
For her.
She didn’t get far.
A hand grabbed her backpack and she was jerked back so fast she was lucky it didn’t dislocate her arms. Long fingers wrapped around her neck before she could try and pull her arms out to escape, deathly sharp nails pressing against her skin.
It smelled awful. Like rotting flesh. She felt like she might just choke on the smell alone, rather than the hand that had yet to squeeze.
Nevermind, it was squeezing.
She took one last, desperate breath before it started pressing down on her windpipe. Instantly, her head began to go fuzzy, and she could feel her pulse beating a mile a minute beneath its fingers.
And then, so far away that she only just heard it, she heard Tim yell out: “Wendigo!”
It jolted, letting go of her in a motion so fast she almost couldn’t process it, its head jerking in Tim’s direction, and she realized that it wasn’t as simple as the name telling her its location.
Hearing its name didn’t just summon it, it Summoned it.
The creature wailed, caught between them, not even allowed to fully change directions between Summons. And yet it still chased them, slitted nostrils flaring with anger. This was no longer a joke, no longer it playing with its food. If it managed to touch one of them, they would be killed. Their guts would be torn out for the pleasure of it rather than for food.
They stepped out into the parking lot outside the woods. It was small, only allowing for a few cars. They were the only ones there, thankfully.
Less thankfully, the car was in the middle of them. If the car was at 90 degrees, Tim was at 135 and Marinette was at 45. And the Wendigo was in the center of it all, its head jerking this way and that as they both called for it.
One of them would need to lure it away so the other could start up the car. They could not let it get access to their only means of escape.
Marinette wasn’t the one with the keys.
The pair of soulmates slowed to a stop, their eyes meeting around the creature, their mouths still chanting a name that no longer sounded like a word at all. His eyebrows knit together in a silent question, and she tried for a smile.
Something trickled through their bond, a quiet kind of resigned determination that she returned, and Tim nodded once before snapping his mouth closed.
The Wendigo took just a half second to hesitate, clearly shocked at the fact that it had been released.
And then it turned to look at Marinette.
She swallowed thickly, backing up just half a step.
She had already summoned it, but she didn’t want to risk it.
“Skinwalker,” she said.
It pounced on her.
Her back hit the asphalt of the parking lot, but she couldn’t even gasp around the hand pressed against her mouth. Fingernails dug into her cheeks before it bashed her head against the ground, making her brain fuzz and her vision dance with colors she had never seen before. Her head began to ache in the back as she was pressed further and further into the ground.
It raised its other hand, the claws gleaming a sickening, dirty yellow in the sunlight.
Pain, white-hot and nearly blinding, curled itself in her side. She screamed around the hand gagging her, her legs kicking out wildly. She tried to pull out the claws digging into her, but it was so much stronger than she could ever dream of, and it was hard to put much force into anything when all you can think about is how your side is slowly getting torn open.
The being seemed to relish in her pain, surely thinking it justice for what she had done to it earlier, and she wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing. It was more likely she could be saved, but it hurt so much and all she wanted was for it to stop.
She remembered the knife in her waistband, and she was quick to try and bury it in the thing’s forearm, but the knife sailed through it like it were nothing more than an illusion.
Still, it seemed to realize what she had been intending. It snarled at her, eyes narrowing, spittle flying freely without lips to stop it. The hand dug in deeper, earnest now in its attempts, pushing upwards in search of her heart with no real concern for anything else it might hit on the way to it –.
A car slammed into it.
It screamed as it was torn off of her, flying into the trees.
But how long would it be gone for?
Marinette tried to push herself up, but her head felt woozy the moment she started to move.
And, really, the sun was so bright. She would rather just turn, bury her face in the ground, and fall asleep.
The door clicked open and Tim rushed over to her, so fast he scraped his knees again. She whined in protest, trying to pull her legs to her chest, only to remember that her stomach was torn open and moving was bad.
“MariMariMari,” Tim chanted. She wanted to tell him that he was doing the Wendigo thing wrong, and that he wasn’t even supposed to be doing it anymore, but then he scooped her up in his arms and pain screamed through her.
Or maybe she was the one who screamed. Honestly, it was hard to tell.
He tucked her close to him, his teeth gritted. He was scared, she could feel it, but she wasn’t sure why. The Wendigo wasn’t even in sight anymore.
Nevermind! There it was! Haha!
Oh, it looked mad. Oof.
He jumped back into the car, and she gave another vague groan at the jerkiness of it all – makes sense, Tim is a jerk – and didn’t even take the time to fully close the door or do anything more than vaguely position her in his lap before he was peeling out of the parking lot and onto the road.
The Wendigo screeched, but Tim jerked the door shut and the sound faded into something quiet and much more manageable for Marinette’s poor, aching head.
Tim’s head was decidedly not looking at the road ahead of them as they sped out of there. Instead, he watched the Wendigo get smaller and smaller through the back window before it finally gave up with another high, loud scream that rattled the car’s windows.
He gave a quiet laugh, somewhere between manic and relieved and terrified and surprised. “Holy shit. Holy shit.”
Marinette might have shaken her head and said something about him chanting again, but really she was just so tired.
She let her head loll against his shoulder.
His breath caught as he seemed to realize that they had not, yet, done it.
“Hey, Mari, hey, don’t go to sleep,” he said. A jolt of fear ran through her, and it wasn’t her own, and it was almost enough to force her back awake. The arm around her shifted, moving to press her closer, so he could try and stem the blood spilling out of her with the hand he wasn’t using to drive. And she felt safe as she practically became one with his shirt.
Why did she feel safe?
She didn’t like him, right?
But why not? He was hugging her, and he was concerned for her, and he was so comfortable and kind and pretty…
Maybe she was remembering wrong. Her head felt kinda empty at the moment. Maybe that was why. It was filling up the empty space with lies. How could she ever hate someone like him?
She brought a hand up to cup his jaw. Blood, sticky and red and standing out oh-so-much against the pale skin that just kept getting paler, smeared across his chin.
Tears began to well in his eyes as he looked down at her.
“Don’ worry,” she said, smiling at him even as her own eyes became heavy. “Chat Noir’ll fix it.”
Next part
Also! Important disclaimer that I totally didn't forget to do! Wendigos and Skinwalkers are NOT the same creatures. I combined them for the sake of Lore. In this universe, mythology is based on current beliefs, and most modern-day people can't tell the difference between them. So, I took aspects from both and combined them into one creature, with some aspects from both.
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blupengu · 10 months
Oh my god I just finished Lucas’s route… oh my god I’m so mmmmmmmm I don’t even know bruh y’all oh my god 😂 big fat spoilers for virche and long ramblings as usual under the cut
Oof where do I even begin my word vomit like, ?!??!??!?!?!?? The funniest thing to me is still the fact that they they didn’t bother trying to hide him being Bourreau with the exact same fucking sprite poses lmao, but I guess that wasn’t really the mystery
CAPUCINE BETTER WATCH THE FUCK OUT THOUGH IT’S ON SITE 🔫🔫 (and whoever this mysterious benefactor is… better not be some shit like, it was Salome all along lmao)
Like okay I know Lucas is a lil extremely way cracked in the head in his despair ending (oh boy oh boy) but… he’s so pretty? When he’s in his Bourreau outfit and his hair is tied up?? Covered in blood??? Stab me harder please 👀 … Do I have a problem? Perhaps… but I’m just keeping true to my dubious taste in anime men 😌
You can’t give me a pretty character with long hair and blue eyes with a gentlemanly “oh ho” personality who’s such a sweetie, while everyone thinks he’s delicate but is secretly (obviously) super strong and very sus, and then tell me how super fucked up his situation is and *NOT* expect me to fall in love????? Boy you had me at the first “ehehe” laugh, you saint-germain-esque motherfucker, I 100% have a type in these games I am very predictable 😂
Aaaaaah I don’t wanna think about Nadia… 😩 girl, sweetie, honey, GIRL. Girl. Too good for this world. Too pure, too innocent… Girl I am so sorry you’re in this game LMAO jeez. I knew… I knew shit was gonna be bad, but oh I was so hoping it was not gonna go that way………. But with everything being all about despair you knew it was gonna happen…….. Big FMA fucking “big brother Edward” and oddly enough hatoful boyfriend vibes… I DID NOT WANT IT THOUGH NO I DON’T LIKE IT!! 😭 I am so scared about what Lucas’s salvation ending is gonna be now, and where it’ll start changing from this end… because BOY. IF THIS DOESN’T GET FIXED…! I am going to be so heartbroken, family in fiction just get me y’all ;-;
… God I know it’s not all gonna get fixed though, there’s just no way, there’s too much shit going on, something’s gotta give, especially in a game like this? If it was your normal otome game maybe, but… I don’t think Nadia’s making it… and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Lucas didn’t either… even if they both do, they’d barely be able to live another year so I can only see bittersweet endings lmao I’m very worried 😭😂 I NEED THAT FANDISK LOCALIZED NOW!!!
Also I did NOT expect Ankou to suddenly show up at the end?? Aight sir I see you, don’t worry you’re right behind Lucas for me… knowing he got his ass absolutely demolished by Lucas though is kinda hilarious, like I thought Ankou was gonna be some all powerful magic dude but nope. Lucas cut him into little bits LOOOL rip in pieces literally 💀 humanizes him surprisingly for me 🤔
And wtf was Ceres’s plan…? Like… hey lemme go die?? Hope Lucas snaps out of it after he stabs me??? GIRL PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE’S ALREADY DEAD. That’s such a shit plan how was Ankou okay with this 😂
At least uhhhh…. We’re his wife now………? Consolation prize… sorta…………?? 👀😬 yikes lmao but at least all his CGs are so pretty 😌
Wait I just checked his CGs actually… there’s… three left??? And 11/18 (oh shit that’s today’s date LOL). Oh yes, oh hell yes that means more for the salvation ending with variations, give me MORE!! I’m kinda sad now that the “good” endings are locked behind the final route… I need to know what the “good” ending is (BIG quotes around “good” lmao)
I’m gonna need to make one of those “do it for him” memes now to feel better, but I guess I’ll have to hold off until I get all his CGs LOL
OH MY GOD WAIT THERE WAS SO MUCH GOING ON I DIDN’T EVEN TALK ABOUT THE CAGE HOLY CRAP 😂 ah how could I forget?! Actually, after finishing his route I don’t have a lot to say about it… it was super hilarious when I first saw it and my only thought really was “not this shit again” lmao, but at least in this case it made more sense…
Ah okay I’m think I’m done venting… off to do Scien’s route next… maybe I’ll give Lucas a day to cook in my head though, this is the longest rambling text post I’ve ever done lmao… or maybe I’ll finish up the happy bits I have left to do from the even if tempest fandisk 😭
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These two are so precious I can’t 😭
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Types of Bullies
Lone wolf. The rarest, because it is the most difficult to pull off. Bullies like to have a posse of meek allies. Narcissists like their troop of "flying monkeys". There is strength in numbers and they feel powerful controlling their gullible followers. Lone wolf bullies are rare and unusual.
The ringleader. The "boss" of a group of bullies. Usually the one calling the shots, making the plans, and doing most of the verbal bullying, while the rest imitate their behavior. When it comes to dirty work, like slashing tires or posting their victim's private information online, they step back into the shadows while the minions take the risks. They may seem like a close-knit group, but the followers are usually expendable, easily tossed when they no longer serve a purpoSe. On their own, the ringleader is severely hamstrung and probably won't manage for long!
The follower. Spineless, gullible, dependent, cowardly,  and lacking self confidence. They stick with a toxic little group because it makes them feel valued and powerful. They don't have the self awareness to see they are just a pawn to the leader, only different from their victims because they are in the leader's good graces for some trivial reason. Even if the group is sometimes unpleasant to be in, they don't leave because they are afraid of retaliation.
Motivations and tactics
The manipulator. While normal people would have to map things out on paper or spend countless hot showers planning, verbal manipulation of other people's thoughts, perceptions, and opinions comes NATURALLY to these bullies. They can weave a flawless Web of lies effortlessly. They can work their way into a friend group, ingratiate themselves with each member, start a smear campaign against the member whose place they want to usurp, get that person unanimously kicked out of the group by their true friends, and step into their place looking like an angel, WITHOUT PLANNING ANY OF IT!
The envy-er. They feel their own self and life is lacking, always envious of what others are or have—whether that be loving family/friends, success and respect in a certain area of life, or material wealth. But rather than go out and earn that stuff on their own like a normal, motivated member of society, they prefer to steal or usurp what they want. Their manipulations usually result in a real-life Uno reverse card effect. You are a respected leader at your job and have a nice paycheck? A little slander of anonymous origins should get you fired, so they can slip into your spot with some sweet talk to the higher ups. Oh, and if they can't successfully steal what you have, they will destroy it! If they can't have it, there's no way you will either! You and your fiance are eagerly looking forward to tying the knot and living happily ever after? Mmm, he's handsome so she will try to manipulate him into cheating with her and if he resists, she will cloud the waters with lies to break off the engagement forever. Either way, she's happy because you are not!
The victim. Weapons of choice: crocodile tears, sob stories, acting helpless and weak. The universe and everyone in it are out to ruin her life. She always needs your help. She always wants you to know that the reason she can't improve or give her 100% is because of other people putting her in these circumstances. 
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The rich girl. She might actually be rich or just has enough credit card debit to fake that she's rich. Either way, money, beauty, and material possessions are the only things she values in herself and in other people. By those standards alone is she able to feel superior. If you don't have those things, you aren't worthy of her time or attention. Time is money, afterall. She isn't very skilled at bullying; most of her tactics are played out variations of showing off her belongings and shaming those with "less". Unfortunately, her victims focus so much on the nasty way she treats them for being "poor" that they can't see above the problem, that her standards are shallow and best shrugged off then ignored. She hates you because you are "poor" ? Sounds like a HER problem. She can take a long walk off a short pier in her Jimmy Choos.😘 (Just kidding, she can't afford those, either.)
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What's one thing they all have in common, despite their differences in tactics? They are all incredibly insecure, hateful, and lacking compassion. Most have such deeply-rooted issues that there is no saving them. They will always be mean girls.
For those who do awaken to their cruel behavior and seek to become better, I applaud them, but do not easily shrug off their past misdeeds. Penance equal to their crimes must be done.
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f1 · 2 years
Daniel Ricciardo admits teammate Lando Norris has handled tricky McLaren better
Daniel Ricciardo admits teammate Lando Norris has handled tricky McLaren better than he has - as Aussie F1 star prepares for exit By Josh Alston For Daily Mail Australia Published: 23:51 EDT, 16 October 2022 | Updated: 23:51 EDT, 16 October 2022 Aussie F1 star Daniel Ricciardo has admitted his young teammate Lando Norris has been better able to handle the challenges of driving a difficult McLaren this season. Ricciardo's struggles in 2022 will see him replaced at the end of the season by Australian compatriot Oscar Piastri, but the man known as the Honey Badger hopes to return to a race seat in 2024. It has been a season to forget for Australian Formula One driver Daniel Ricciardo of McLaren Ricciardo's meagre 29 points this season in comparison with Norris' 101 points has raised eyebrows and brought whispers of preferential treatment for the young Brit. 'We have so much data, and I'll watch Lando's onboards as well. And I'll see sometimes what he's able to do, and I'm just like, 'OK, I can see it, but I can't do it'. And I'm like, why won't it just rotate, or do that?' Ricciardo told The Race. 'The race pace as well, that's been one where normally things balance out, if you can't maybe get the peak in the car in one lap in quali, by the race, it should kind of settle and yet sometimes the race pace I'm like eight tenths a lap slower. And I'm just like, how? 'Even in debriefs, you'll hear from Lando 'oh this stint of the race, I could really feel the car was working there, it kind of came alive' where I'm just like … I never had that feeling. 'At times, I'm just like, something's up. This isn't normal.' Norris is the future of Australian F1 driving and has usurped Ricciardo at McLaren for 2023 Whatever the cause of the disparity in performance between the pair, Ricciardo acknowledges the quality of his teammate. 'One, I'll never take credit away from him – the kid's good. There's no denying that. And if I say he's not, then I'm just being a bitter, sore loser,' Ricciardo said. 'The second is, ignorance is bliss. And I'm not saying he's got no knowledge of racecars, not at all. He's quite actually in tune with what he does, from a technical point of view. 'But it's the only F1 car he's driven. There's been variations of the McLaren but he hasn't driven for another team. So in a way he has got, I'm sure, used to some of the elements of this car.' Ricciardo has been unable to replicate his best form behind the wheel of the orange McLaren in 2022 with his fifth place finish in Singapore his best result all season. With no podium finishes, DNF results in Italy and Saudi Arabia, an 18th place finish in Emilia Romagna and a 17th finish in Netherlands, it has certainly been a season to forget.   Numerous vehicle issues have plagued Ricciardo in a season with zero podium finishes It would be easy for Ricciardo to blame the car. He has struggled to adapt to the McLaren Mercedes all season, endured countless mechanical issues and missing out on an engine upgrade given to Norris amidst claims of preferential treatment toward the younger driver. Both drivers have disputed those claims and Norris said the McLaren setup was actually geared more toward Ricciardo's driving style than his own. Now, Ricciardo has opened up in an interview with The Raceabout his woes at McLaren and how Norris had simply been able to overcome those challenges better than he could.   Ricciardo has no hard feelings and admits that Norris has handled the vehicles better His 227 starts make Ricciardo the most experienced Australian F1 driver ever. Since making his F1 debut in 2011, he has claimed eight Grand Prix victories, 32 podium finishes and three pole positions, making him the 39th most successful driver in history. Advertisement Share or comment on this article: Daniel Ricciardo admits teammate Lando Norris has handled tricky McLaren better via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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rydrake6 · 1 year
I've been working on the lore for Stoneseige, so I might do a few posts about it. On a side note, I redesigned the Stardrakes. Or should I say Staramphitheries?(I renamed them because Stardrake was taken by Spectrobes) I'll show the refs for some characters under the keep reading link. (I did more than just showing the refs if you click read more then prepare for an info dump)
Okay so these are the old designs.
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Not really the best designs for them. They look like creatures you'd find at the end of the rainbow or like a cross between carebears, unicorns, and barney the dinosaur. So I figured it was high time for a redesign. (Also, the bottom reference sheet says Zelva, but that character's name is actually Zatros. I was still figuring out the name at the time I drew that ref and I later decided that Zatros was a better name.)
So here's the new design for one of them.
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I always wanted to somewhat base them off of feathered dinosaurs. I think the new design is much better than the old one. I also updated the lore and I added a different type: Scorched. I'll save the lore for a different post, but for now I'll explain the design differences between a normal Staramphithere and a Scorched Staramphithere.
So a normal Staramphithere is normally very brightly colored. Like colors that would hurt your eyes if you looked for too long. Like you see with Vigor up above. Their horns are normally some variation of bright red, yellow, or orange and their scales and feathers are very brightly colored. Another detail that isn't shown here is that normally, Staramphitheries glow in the dark. So if I drew Vigor in a really dark cave, he would light up the cave because with him being a Star dragon, he glows in the dark.
Now Scorched Staramphitheries, on the other hand, are much darker in color. For example, see this Scorched version of Vigor I made(Who'll probably be seen in some of the darker routes in Stoneseige).
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I'll admit that all I did to make this was color over the original Ref Sheet with black and make it transparent, but the sentiment still stands!
Anyways, Scorched Staramphitheries have darkly colored scales and feathers. The brightest colors they have on them are their eyes, which are always some variation of red. Heterochromia is possible and common for Scorched Staramphitheries, but at least one eye is always red.
I know I said I'd do lore in a different post buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt......
There are two ways which a Scorched Staramphithere can happen:
They can be born that way, which is rare and normally when it happens, the Scorched Staramphithere ends up being an outcast because Scorched Staramphitheries are seen as evil. Or
A regular Staramphithere can become Scorched by doing something really really bad. Sometimes it has something to do with an elemental Obelisk as well. And a lot of the time, there's burn scars left behind, hence being "Scorched."
I know I've said that Stoneseige is somewhat inspired by Undertale and all that, so I'll just let you take a wild guess as to how Vigor went from the nice looking guy in the first Ref to the scary looking dude in the first Ref. The villain, Zatros, is also Scorched and became Scorched in this way. I'm still working on his Ref, but when I do post it, you'll be able to see burn scars on his design.
Another little detail about Scorched Staramphitheries is that they can't glow in the dark. In fact, they lose pretty much all the powers that they once had related to the stars(Which I'm still figuring out the specifics of). Staramphithere hybrids are also more likely to be born Scorched.
Whew. Welp, that's a lot more info than I was planning to put down, but it was worth it. Oh wait, there's more.
I wasn't originally going to add Sexual dimorphism to the species, but Vigor is trans, so I figured that I would add something. I have another trans character who happens to be my fursona, Zephyr, and he kind of inspired some of the design changes. Mainly the extra horns on the side of the Female Staramphitherie's head. I'll put the refs down below.
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Male Staramphithere base.
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Female Staramphithere base.
(Side note if you want to use these to make a character you can, just credit me for making the base and the species. Also, remember the guidelines for making one. Or don't. It doesn't really matter that much if you follow the last part. Just note if you do make a Staramphithere character, I may or may not ask for permission to use your character in the game later on.)
Anyways, as you can see, there's kind of a subtle difference between the Female and the male designs. Just an extra pair of horns on the side of the face next to the feathers.
And if you're wondering why Vigor doesn't have those side horns if he's trans, that's because he went to see a wizard that lives in the middle of a faraway enchanted forest because he didn't want to be a princess anymore and the wizard gave him a spell that would make him into a male Staramphithere in all ways but the way he makes babies.
There's way more lore than just that, but this post is about character design. Not lore. Also the Wizard is also trans, it's a whole thing. I probably shouldn't be spoiling all of this, but this is Tumblr. I make posts at a decent rate. By the time Stoneseige is a completed game, this post is going to be buried. Or maybe it'll have like a bajillion notes. Idk what will happen. This site is weird. Also there's a keep reading link, so anyone who doesn't want to read past it won't.
Anyways, thanks for reading all of this stuff about character designs and stay tuned for a post where I dump the entire lore of a videogame that doesn't exist yet because I haven't made it.
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contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 23: Peter Pettigrew/Rabastan Lestrange + Hermione Granger (Toys)
She had made a mistake.
Which for Hermione Granger, wasn’t super uncommon.
Oh, she was a genius, certainly. Both in magical and muggle society she was brilliant. She could recite a whole library’s worth of information even before a hat had dropped, thank you very much. She had mastered and modified spells well beyond her years. She had developed potions no one could even imagine creating.
But, she was also reckless.
Everyone blamed that recklessness on Ron and Harry, which yes they encouraged it, but they didn’t cause it. But they absolutely encouraged it, which was why when she created a variation on the Polyjuice Potion, one that stayed active until an antidote was consumed, they had merely said “wicked” and went on planning a bank robbery.
They really should have invested in a voice of reason.
Maybe if someone had stepped in and said “neat idea, not really the time to test it” she wouldn’t be stuck in the Malfoy Manor with no bloody idea how to leave before the real Bellatrix Lestrange got in. Well, she probably would still be stuck, since she so rarely listened to advice from others.
Luckily, she had managed to avoid reporting to Voldemort as the dark lord was “busy elsewhere.” Whatever the business was, she did not need to know. Instead she was going to try and find a way to either get Harry and Ron into the manor, or herself out of the manor. What were the chances any of those decorative windows actually opened?
And it was while she was hunting for an escape route that she happened upon the strangest noise. Well, wails of pain and torture were probably normal in the base of operations for a dark lord, but usually in the dungeons. Why would someone be tortured up in the guest wing where Narcissa Malfoy most likely kept things that were not meant to have blood on them?
But unfortunately, as earlier stated, Hermione was reckless. So of course she was going to investigate. And of course she would find the sitting room with its door slightly ajar, letting out the agonized screams. Luckily not from anything in the sitting room itself. No, whatever it was came from beyond the sitting room. So of course she pressed forward until she found the ornate door cracked ever so slightly open. And of course she peeked in to see just what those dastardly Death Eaters were up to.
They were up to fucking.
Peter Pettigrew, the rat bastard who actually cleaned up rather nicely not that she’d ever say it out loud, had been strung up to the frame of a four post bed. His arms were held by braided rope, and his legs were spread apart at the knees so he was forced to kneel. The rope didn’t give him much room to move about, but did give him enough room that she could see the enchanted dildo pushing into him. It was only when she caught motion out of the corner of her eye that she noticed one of the Lestrange brothers, the one Bellatrix wasn’t married to whatever his name was, sprawled out on a chaise lounge. His wand, an unpolished white poplar wand, moved in time with the dildo and his hand mimicked the motion on his own exposed cock.
She should have left. She absolutely should have left. But she had also been traveling with two rather fit blokes for the better part of a year with the war keeping their adventure for being the right kind of adventurous. So yes, she stayed and she watched hungrily as Pettigrew arched and moaned and wailed for his release only for Lestrange to deny it.
And if she made some mental notes about the logistics of a magically controlled dildo, well that was no one’s business but her own.
Pettigrew must have been tired of the teasing, attempting to settle further onto the dildo in question only to get a sharp snap of a whip against his rather large backside. He screamed, and it was then that Hermione was able to place the noise from earlier.
Turns out torture and kinky sex sounded really similar. Good to know.
With a controlled flick of his wrist Lestrange lodged the toy deep into Pettigrew, causing the chubby man’s eyes to roll back in pleasure. His plump belly jiggled, and it didn’t take long for Lestrange to cross the room in order to caress the soft skin there. He licked along Pettigrew’s stretch marks, almost worshiping even as Pettigrew was strung up, powerless and on display.
Where Pettigrew was soft and round, Lestrange was all sharp angles and flat planes. His eyes were intense, even more so from the shadows under them, and even with his robes half off and his cock out, he looked intimidating.
“Rab, don’t tease. Please, Rab.”
Oh right! Rabsatan Lestrange. She had been right about him not being Bellatrix’s husband.
Good, because she couldn’t begin to guess how Bellatrix would have responded to finding her husband and Pettigrew fucking. The mad witch gave off the energy of someone who would be fine with it so long as she also got to mess around, but Hermione wasn’t going to bet her safety on that.
But that still made him Bellatrix’s brother-in-law who was fucking one of Voldemort’s spies who had escaped Azkaban by pretending to be a simple rat for years while other loyal followers suffered.
Would Bellatrix be okay with watching this?
Cause Hermione, who had been thrust into war at the height of her sexual development, she was okay watching this.
So when Lestrange reached down to cup his erection, Hermione slipped her hand past layers of petticoats. When Pettigrew whimpered and struggled against the ropes binding him, Hermione bit her lip to keep from copying him. When they both began panting for air, Hermione did the same.
A casual flick of the wrist, obviously forced given how red Lestrange had become, and the dildo was moving again. Faster and harder and apparently no longer needing Lestrange to dictate it’s movements. Instead it fucked Pettigrew, slamming into him so hard his soft belly jiggles. Lestrange cupped one tit with his free hand, the other caught in his mouth. Finger tips and teeth and tongue worked together, until the plump man screamed through his orgasm. Lestrange wasn’t far behind, coating Pettigrew’s tits and stomach with his seed and only when he was finished did he cancel the spell on the toy.
Hermione’s fingers stalled between her legs, as instead of passing out or starting another round, Lestrange kissed Pettigrew. It was soft as Pettigrew but as fierce as Lestrange. Soft and biting all at once. And shockingly it was enough, along with her redetermined fingers, to push her over the edge.
And when she finally recovered her breath and looked up, it was straight into the amused face of Rabastan Lestrange and the embarrassed face of Peter Pettigrew.
“You ladies planning to join us?” Rabastan asked, sprawling out to display exactly what they could join.
Wait, they?
Spidery thin arms wrapped around Hermione’s borrowed chest, cupping one breast as the other hand held her firmly against a body. A very familiar body. Almost like the body she had been adventuring in for the past few hours.
“Oh, lets go play, my clever doppelganger. Or is it my doppel-Granger?”
And as Bellatrix laughed in her ear, and Rabastan smirked from the bed, and Peter cycled through all five stages of grief in thirty seconds, Hermione realized she had absolutely made a mistake.
Curse the recklessness of Gryffindors.
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bigtittybitch10 · 3 years
Fezco & Ashtray - Sister
Requested? YES (Wattpad)  - "I had this idea that you could Rues fight with her mom and sister in season 2 but your Fezcos sister and your fighting about the same thing with fez and ash"
Summary: When reader gets caught doing more then just some weed all hell breaks loose between her and her brothers Ashtray and Fezco.
I posted this on my wattpad last night and I was very quickly asked to write a part two or turn into a book. I decided to go with the second option and chapter one is now posted on my Wattpad HERE. 
If you love this imagine I would love it if you could check out the story!
"Y/N get your ass over here right now," I hear my name being yelled while Im scrolling through my phone. I quickly get out of bed and making my way into Fez's room knowing that's where the voice was coming from. When I got in there fez was sitting in his bed and Ash sitting in a chair next to the window.
"What do you need Fezco," I say while rolling my eyes at my older brother.
"Ey! Drop that attitude," my younger brother Ash quickly says once he sees me roll my eyes. I just flip him off not really caring what he has to say.
"Do you wanna explain to me why Im being informed that my sister is doing more than just some weed," Fez says while looking at me. The blood in my body ran cold and if looks could kill Ash would have me drop dead right now.
I can clearly see the disappointment on Fez's face which makes forming a sentence hard.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I mumble not trusting my voice fully.
"Cut the bull shit Y/N," Ashtray says while letting his voice boom. Even if I was several years older than him I will always be slightly more scared of him than Fez, especially after I saw how he took care of Mouse.
"I saw you hanging with that Elliot kid and the worst I thought was you were sleeping with him, then I noticed he was buying more than normal and assumed it was for Rue, so tell me what you're doing here?" Fez said while holding up his phone for me to see. I quickly noticed the phone was of me doing a line at a party I was at last week. It was one of the only parties I went to that Fez wasn't actively selling at making it easier to do things like that.
"You know how I feel about this shit," Fez says which makes me roll my eyes.
"Nah, Im serious Y/N, drop that fucking attitude," Ashtray says which makes me want to flip him off again but I resist the urge knowing Im already in some deep shit.
"Who even sent that to you," I asked while looking at Fez knowing there was only a handful of people who would actually say something about it.
"It doesn't mat-" Fez starts to say but I quickly cut him off yelling, "No Fez, it does fucking matter because the last thing I need is to have overbearing brothers and fake fucking friends too along with it."
I can visibly see Fez taken back at me raising my voice. I wasn't one to yell, I was always the calm one in the family, solving problems with communication was something I was known for. But it was clear right now was not gonna be a calm conversation.
"Lex-" Fez starts to say but Im quickly cutting him off again.
"OH she's one bold fucking bitch," I yell at Fez.
"Stop cutting me off," Fez yells back getting him my face which makes me back down ever so slightly not used to being yelled at by my older brother.
"Lexi and Elliot," Ash finishes for Fez which makes me look away from mine and Fez's stare off.
"Are you fucking serious?" I quickly return back to my calm demeanor which has Fez and Ash looking at each other trying to figure out my next move.
I quickly run into my room in search of the box that lived under my bed. It had a variation of drugs in it that I was able to steal from the business over time as well as my gun and a few personal pictures from when I was younger.
"Where is my box Fez," I yell out when I notice it isn't in its normal spot. I was met which silence which had me searching through my closet looking for it. I wasn't in the search for the drugs but rather the weapon.
I quickly run back into Fez's room in the search for said box. I look under his bed and in his closet knowing this box couldn't have gone far. At this point, I didn't even care if it was my gun so I was quickly searching for Fez's guns in their normal spots but was again met with absolutely nothing.
"Fez where is my fuckin gun," I said while getting into his face and hitting his chest with each word.
Fez quickly grabbed my hands restraining me from continuing to hit him. When the room fell silent again that's when I heard it, Lexi's voice.
"It's locked up." My arms quickly go limp from shock before Im charging myself into the dining room only to be met with Elliot and Lexi.
I quickly turn around fuming finding my brother quickly making their way out of the room to make sure Lexi and Elliot are both okay.
"Every single person in this fucking house is fake," I yell out while waving my arms in the air aggressively.
"You two make a living off the of the SAME exact drugs I was getting high off of," I say while pointing at my brothers looking both of them in the eye.
"and you two are some bold mother fuckers, especially you," I yell while making my way to stand in front of Elliot.
"It's funny really, the second I found out you SLEPT with FUCKING Jules I didn't go run my mouth to Rue but now all of the sudden you wanna run your mouth, I thought you loved me" I yell in Elliot's face before aggressively pushing him. I wait for a second to see if he'll say anything but Im met with silence making me sarcastically laugh at him.
"You can't even say shit, you know I'm right," I say while walking away from him and making my way to Lexi.
"You... you my dearest Lexi, you're a no good snitch. All of the sudden you get a taste of my brother's fucking dick and now you wanna be a good fucking samaritan," I say while shaking my head.
"Y/N cut it out," Fez yells while shaking his head.
"NO! I won't because this bitch is supposed to be my BEST FUCKING FRIEND but the second she gets the slightest bit of attention she wants to be a good person?! NO she doesn't get to be a good person, I've been actively using hard stuff for the past year and a half and Lexi has known the whole time, she was even there when I almost overdosed, BUT NOW she finally gets the attention she wants she runs her mouth," I say while shaking my head.
"You're a terrible friend. You've always been second best to Cassie and you'll continue to be second best to her. She's prettier, she's funnier, she's a hell of a lot better at keeping her mouth shut, and last but not least I bet she's better at fuckin-" but before I could finish my rant I feel a hand grasp around my mouth halting my voice from talking anymore.
"That's enough you're done," I hear Ashtray say before dragging me back into my room and closing the door behind him before sitting me down on my bed.
"Was that really necessary," Ashtray asks while shaking his head at me.
"Yes, it was. I also meant every fucking word of it," I tell him while looking at him straight in the eye.
"The second I get out of this damn room Im heading to Rue's and telling her everything I know, cause if I'm gonna be friends with snitches I better be one myself," I tell him which makes him shake his head at me.
"Calm the fuck down Y/N," Ash tells me while keeping a calm demeanor. I just huff and lay back into my bed trying to think up my next couple of moves when I remember about my box.
"Ashtray where are my pictures," I ask him while turning my head slightly to look at him.
"I don't know," he whiles me while shrugging.
"What do you mean you don't know," I say while sitting back up and looking at him.
"That box was gone through before I even got involved, I really don't know where they are," Ash says while shaking his head.
"I need those pictures Ashtray," I tell him while standing up and making my way to my door which resulted in Ash grabbing me and keeping me back.
"I won't say shit I need those fucking pictures Ashtray," I tell him while getting out of his grip and making my way back to the kitchen where I find Lexi crying and Fez trying to console her.
"Where are my pictures," I announce myself while looking over at the couple.
"In my bathroom now get out of here," Fez says which makes me absolutely lose my shit.
"What the fuck Fezco, this is my fucking house, if I wanna be in the kitchen Im gonna be in the fucking kitchen," I yell before quickly making my exit out of the house making Elliot quickly follow me.
"Where are you going," Elliot asks while keeping up with my fast pace.
"To Rue's to be a snitch like the rest of my friends," I tell him while speeding up my actions.
"I did this for you," Elliot says which makes me stop my fast pace and turn to look at him.
"FOR ME?!" I yell at him while laughing a little and shaking my head.
"Y/N I almost witnessed you overdose. I refuse to sit back and watch someone I love kill themself," Elliot says which makes me shake my head at him.
"You know you claim to love a lot of people but you're not very good at showing it. You claim you love Rue but you slept with her girlfriend," I continue to bring Jules up knowing my words are cutting deep. I continue walking with Elliot hot on my trail.
"Im sorry okay, I hate fucking seeing you like this. It was Lexi's idea and she wanted some back up not knowing how Fez and you would react," Elliot says which makes me turn to look at him.
"So you decided it should be you?" I question while letting the frustrated tears fall. Which just made Elliot sign and pull me in for a hug. I struggled for a few seconds before giving in and letting the hug happen.
"Im sorry okay, Im so fucking sorry," Elliot says which makes me shake my head.
"I don't wanna hear it, Elliot, I fucking loved you and this is the shit you pull," I tell him while pulling away from the hug and continuing to walk to Rue's house.
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seaoflostdreams · 3 years
Hey! I've been following you for a while but first time I've actually sent an ask oh my
Can I request Zhongli with F K and P for the Alphabet event?
Pairing: Zhongli x GN!DOM!reader
Warnings: just a little bit of zhongli slander, anal penetration, the reader being penetrated, Zhongli being a sub top and a sub bottom, intimacy, dacryphilia, dumbification, slow and sensual.
A/N: Thank you for sending in your first ask and for participating in the event!
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
If Zhongli is the one penetrating you, I think he would enjoy any variation of the cowgirl position. It gives him a great view of your ass and chest. If you allow him, his hands will be running all over you, squeezing at your thighs and waist, and trailing patterns over your hip.
If you're penetrating Zhongli, I think he would prefer more intimate positions like tabletop and face-off. Any position where you can be pressed against each other would work honestly. I think you would probably be his first in regards to him bottoming, so he would feel vulnerable, especially at the beginning. As he gets more used to it, I can see him enjoying more experimental positions such as the mating press and butter churner. But be careful not to break him, he's not as young as he used to be...
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Going off what I said about him liking intimacy, I think he'd really enjoy being able to touch you, hold hands and kiss you during sex. Not really sure what kink this would be though, intimacy kink?
I can see him also see him being into dacryphilia. He gets so overwhelmed during sex, especially when he bottoms, that he ends up crying from all the pleasure. It would be a massive contrast to how he normally is and it would be a sign that you've fucked him stupid.
Leading on from dacryphilia, Zhongli likes dumbification. Normally he's so smart and composed, so he likes being able to unwind during sex and not have to think about anything. Not a single thought crosses through his mind once he reaches a certain point and he loves it. All he wants at that moment is to cum and be good for you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual would work better for Zhongli, it's more intimate. You can hold him close against you, kissing as you thrust into him. He also loves how he feels when you take your time to build his orgasm, they feel more intense to him than when you pound into him and overwhelm him with pleasure.
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
Past and Future about Discussions - Wait. Strike that. Reverse it.
[Inspired by @monsoon-of-art​‘s Pokerus AU] Lian groaned. His body was… well, still gloopy. Great, it wasn’t a dream… he’d had such a long rest that he’d been hoping this blindness was just a nightmare, but…no. He still couldn’t see anything. His hearing was as good as ever, though, if not more so - meaning he could hear what was going on around him rather easily.
“Seriously, thanks... I wasn’t sure how long he’d be out, or if he would...you know...” Rei? That was Rei, yeah.
“Don’t worry. I just had to rope in some help...” The Survey Team Captain?
Growling grumbles. “Just...shut up.” Well, that was Adaman...
“I...am loath to agree, but he is right. Forcing us to drag our poor Warden back was...quite rude.” C-Clan Leader Iridia?
Cyllene mentioned something about best available options, but the blind Warden paid it no mind. Instead, he pulled his head out of the shell (once he found the hole again) and spoke up. “Miss Irida! Are you alright?!”
The first response was something slamming into his shell, sending him wobbling. The slight chill through his shell was enough to tell him who it was, though. “L-Lian! You’re alright! Oh, we thought we’d lost you...”
The Sliggoo leaned down, giving his Leader a small nuzzle. “It’s alright... I’m far more worried about my Lord...” Wait. “Actually, what are you doing he-” A goopy head jerked up as Lian listened to the surroundings in a way he hadn’t earlier, distracted by grogginess and realizing the Pearl Clan Leader was within earshot. 
The Sliggoo had no choice but to hone his other senses as his sight left him, and right now everything was screaming five words at him: “THIS IS NOT THE FIELDLANDS!!” Even with the strange variations that sprung up a week ago, this sounded far too close to a village to be near his Lord’s home. And it was most definitely NOT the Pearl Settlement. He’d not been to the Diamond Settlement since his...changes (not that he ever had much reason to go there anyways), but given how things were there was only one reasonable conclusion. “...M-Miss Irida...” A gulp. “Why are we in Jubilife Village?”
He could hear the Clan Leader choke back a sob, fear and worry wafting off of her in waves. And not just her, similar emotions were rolling through the room like a Sinnoh-sized bouquet. It honestly made him wonder if going blind was the worst thing that’d happened to him...
And upon hearing his Leader’s answer? He had to accept that yes, blindness was not the worst thing that had happened to him.
“So... you actually had to fight the Warden?” A large Snorlax grunted, trying to draw attention back to him. Sorry pal, Ms. Scary Abra (yes, Akari knew her name was Cyllene and she was the Survey Corps Captain, but to the Dewott she was Ms. Scary Abra until further notice) was kinda keeping more focus. Even if this giant Normal-type was technically above her.
She was able to snap her focus back to the fat ‘mon to reply, however. “Y-yes sir. And it was odd... he’d only been in there for a couple weeks, when usually it takes a month for-”
*SLAM!!* Up she went, and down she fell on on her side. Thank Arceus for Oran Berries. “I wasn’t asking for comments!” A groan as the (Snorlax) head of the Galaxy Team, Commander Kamado, leaned back with a grumble. “The situation is bad enough as it is, we do not need conjecture tossed in.”
“With all due respect, sir?” Wah! Ms. Scary Abra was talking! “I have to politely disagree.” Wait.
“What?!” Ok, Akari had thought that the same exact time the Commander said it. Kinda Creepy, but even weirder was the fact that Ms. Scary Abra apparently wanted Akari’s comments?! “As loath as I am to admit it-” Ah, there’s that good ol’ disapproval- “She does seem to be the only one here who knows anything about these distortions. Thus, I say we should let her speak... Just take all she says with a grain of salt until we can corroborate it.” 
Groan and slump while the Snorlax grumbles, that seems appropriate for the situation. “Well, fine. And I suppose you want me to take Rei’s account as “corroboration” for what happened with Lian?” Aaaand time to perk back up as Ms. Scary Abra just gave a “so-so” motion with her hand. “...FINE. Ugh.” A meaty paw barely ran down a meaty face, the meaty body getting in the way nevertheless. “So. Talk.” Oh-kay, noiw he’s focused on her and is almost as scary as Cyllene (Wah! She forgot to keep the nickname up!). “What normally takes a month?”
Gulp. Alright, pull yourself together Akari. It’s now or never. “I-it normally takes a month in a Mystery Dung-err, distortion, for a ‘mon to go insane enough to attack outsiders on-site.” Can she stop sweating so much please? It was bad enough that she’d already switched to the local parlance for Mystery Dungeons. “T-that’s why Rescue Teams exist, to get ‘mon who get stuck in a dungeon out of there before it’s too late. As it is, Lian...might have some trauma from the matter-”
“Actually, Lian doesn’t remember anything.” Rei covering for her nerves, thank Arce-wait, what did he say? “The last thing he recalls is trying to find some shelter in the Fieldlands to wait for help to arrive. Next thing he knew, he was in Jubilife.” Hang on, what?! “He does seem to be more...capable than we saw him last, too much so for only a week’s worth of practice. But he only agreed with us after we pointed this fact out...”
“Meaning for all he knew, he’d taken a nice, long nap.” Kamado growled as Akari took this new information in. “Well this is just Pecha-y. While it’s good that Lian’s stronger, this means that all our other wardens are likely just as mad as he was!” Paw slammed into table, and Akari had to right herself in mid-air once more. “And if Lord Kleavor is just as frenzied, then the other Nobles will be too!” A loud groan escaped the Commander as he slumped, the poster child of “Angry About Things But Not Knowing What To Do”.
“...erm...s-sir?” All the eyes in the room shot to Akari, who had landed on 2 feet (sorta, but who’s asking?). “I... I think I should mention that I think this...isn’t the Dun-Distortion driving them mad.” A chorus of “What?!”s greeted her statement, and the Dewott took that as permission to continue. “I...I actually think whatever’s creating the distortions could be causing these frenzies...”
“...And that makes a difference how?”
“Ah, well-”
Rei to the rescue again. “From the sound of it, sir, it means that these conditions should be cured by, well, defeating the crazed Warden or Noble in battle.” A gulp. “As...sacrilegious as that sounds, it worked for Lian, so-”
“So there’s no reason it wouldn’t work for the others, right.” A grumble as the earth shifted, the large ‘mon moving a bit. “I suppose it’d be a good idea to go ahead and test that theory with Lord Kleavor. Lian said he was only one or two... floors... below his Lord, right?”
“Yes sir.”
“Very well. You two are to go back to the Fieldlands and recover Lord Kleavor. Lian will accompany you-” Rei opened his mouth to speak, but the Commander beat him to the punch. “-because even if the route is different, he is Lord Kleavor’s Warden. I believe Miss Irelia would agree with me that the recovery of Lord Kleavor is thus part of his duties. However, as she and Sir Adaman are busy looking for any stragglers outside of the Dungeons, I will take command of the situation for the time being.” That...seemed like solid logic, damnit. Hopefully the Sliggoo could move properly, she reeeeeally didn’t want to be the one dragging his heavy shell on a sled this time ‘round. Help or no help.
Well, the sound of steel scraping on wood made those hopes real, the door opening to reveal the Warden in question who began dragging himself into the room. “I...I heard you needed my help with calming Lord Kleavor?”
Kamado blinked, then nodded with a huff as Lian pulled his way next to his two rescuers. “Indeed. I take it you will be joining them?”
“Y-yes, but I’d rather we not set out right yet-”
*WHAM!* And in the air they all went - again (that is a strong fist there, Commander...). “What possible reason could you have to delay? Are the Lords not important to you? Is your Lord not-”
“It’s nothing of the sort! I’d like to prepare some offerings to take with us.” Nicely timed rebuttal, Lian. The Commander shut up to listen. “I-I’d think that having some food for him could prove to be useful in calming him down... at the least, the scent should shake him from the Frenzy briefly.”
Eyes fell on the Sliggoo, silently asking “How do you know?”. To his credit, the Warden didn’t draw into his shell at the gazes (although if you asked Akari, that might be just the blindness).. “B-because...” A deep breath. This...must not be a nice reason. “Because I...I think my hat was the only reason I didn’t go crazy sooner.” And now everyone was leaning in, eyes open wide (and having jumped a bit from Kamado slamming his hands on the desk). “The first few days, I could...I could feel myself starting to slip. At the time, all I knew was that it was instinct, a need to protect myself...a-and fight.” He clenched (through his shell, and Akari was impressed she caught that!), the air in the room growing heavy from implications. “I...I didn’t want to fight. Not when I couldn’t see. And the smells of Warden Ingo and Lord Kleavor on my hat...they gave me something else to think about. At least until...” He trailed off, leaving the known bout of insanity out of his story. They already knew about it, anyways.
The Snorlax leaned back with a *hmph*. “Well, alright. I won’t deny that this feels like a stretch to me, but it’s probably worth a shot. Alright... you have 2 days to make the offerings, then you need to get over there.” A short, sharp nod - spraying goo everywhere - as the Sliggoo made to head off... And turned around right before the door. “Erm, sorry, but I’m gonna need some help, what with the blindness and all... you two mind?”
“Oh, sure!” The Pikachu scampered over towards the shelled ‘mon as Akari thought for a bit. She could spend the time working out tactics to deal with the Dungeon, especially if this Lord was going to be an even harder fight than Lian, but at the same time...
“Alright, count me in.” Good way to build camaraderie in a team, especially since they had no choice but to take the mission together. That, and while she knew Rei somewhat, she had no clue what Lian could do when he was of sound mind (he was a good shot with those Water Guns in the fight, but he was crazy at the time. That never counts). Not to mention, she had no idea who this Kleavor was, outside of some high-ranking official. Wonder why a human official had a “Warden” for a caretaker...wouldn’t “Butler” be a better fit? She had her answer the next day. “Wait, Kleavor is a type of Pokémon?!?”
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erenscherub · 3 years
series masterlist | chapter 1
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pairing: eren x fem! reader
warnings: NSFW under the cut. Overstimulation, praise kink, and virginity loss. Also, not my best writing
a/n: to the anon who asked for some headcanons, thank you so much for reading and for being so patient. I’m not sure if tumblr ate your ask, but I saw it in my inbox a couple days ago and then when I checked back in this morning it was gone. I’ve never done headcanons before so I hope you like them.
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You are the only one Eren will ever say ‘I’m sorry,’ to without any hesitation.
It’s how his friends and family know Eren is serious about you since he actually means the words, ‘I’m sorry,’ when he apologizes for the first time in his life.
Only for you is he able to swallow his pride. He’s never even said any variation of the words ‘I’m sorry’ to Eliza.
Ok but it’s also kinda his parents’ and older siblings’ fault too. Eren’s never been the best with words. His apologies may sound half-assed to anyone normal. Still, the art of admitting your wrongdoings is a concept unfamiliar to the Jaeger’s. Especially if it’s their fault, they will make no attempts to bury the hatchet. Instead, after a cooling off period they want to move on as if nothing happened. And if you even attempt to bring it up, they are the type to instead use the hatchet to hack you apart.
He’ll even apologize first most of the time. Because he does start 99% of most of the fights.
The first time Eren apologized to you would be for his rather rude behavior… Basically, he was a huge asshole the first time you two met.
Your eyes remain guarded as you continue to stare Eren down. He begins to rub the nape of his neck and shift his weight from foot to foot. He’s wondering if you’ll curse him out. Maybe even tell him to leave you alone. Anything would be better than your silence at this point.
“Thank you for your apology, Ian.”
Eren can’t help but chortle at your words. First you call him Joshua. Then Ian. You’re just too adorable with the way your nose scrunches right now in frustration. “Did you forget my name even though I just said it a few minutes ago.”
He raises his eyebrows expectantly and he gives you a shit-eating grin as you gaze furtively around the room. “Of course not,” you pause, giving him a nervous smile. You nudge him in the ribs with your elbow, mumbling, “Sport.” You only seem to get more irritated as he bursts out into laughter. “Ok, Zach. Well thanks for the apology. But gotta save lives!”
Eren isn’t that bothered even when his sister, Mikasa, drop kicks him out of the E.R. waiting room. You were the one. Earlier, Pastor Nick confirmed you were the one he predicted all those years ago. There’s plenty of time for you to get his name right. Especially since it’ll be the only thing you’ll be screaming tonight once he takes you back to his place.
So this begs the question of who Pastor Nick is
We’ll get acquainted with him in the summer arc.
When Eren was 13, he, Armin, Historia, Ymir, and Sasha had thought it would be fun to see a fortune teller. Except this fortune teller, ‘Pastor Nick,’ seemed to have way too eerily accurate descriptions of their past and surprisingly detailed predictions about their futures.
Armin’s mouth twitches into a disapproving frown as ‘Pastor Nick’ continues to chant, “Oh angels of the walls of virtue. Maria, Rose, and Sina.” A flame sparks in his hand from a Zippo lighter. Armin stares at the others, wide-eyed and his mouth agape, as they seem to actually believe this crackpot. “Three angels, messengers of the Lord, grant me wisdom. Help me steer these children towards your way!”
The last straw would have been Nick spreading ‘incense’ throughout the small shop. Armin made sure to point out, “Is that a blunt?”
“I see you are one who believes in no higher power but himself.” Pastor Nick blows a puff of smoke directly into Armin’s face causing the blond to have a coughing fit. “Who is Annie, Armin? Expect her to ask you this Thursday to get frozen yogurt with her.”
That made him shut up real quick. None of them had told them their names.
He goes down the line of the then 13 year olds, spouting other predictions. Sasha would marry a Michelin star chef (*cough* Niccolo*). two people in this room were hiding their true feelings for each other and will be the first ones to get married in their friend group (Ymir and Historia).
Eren gets the most detailed fortune. Nick’s eyes flutter shut and he hums while shifting from foot to foot. “Eren Jaeger,” he calls out, prompting the boy to stiffen in his seat as a chill runs up his spine. “Seems as if love is also in your future. And yes, she’s-” he pauses while his nose crinkles. He lets out a deep sigh, sounding almost disappointed as he resumes, “the three angels of the walls of virtue say she’s, in their words, ‘beautiful, brilliant, and ballsy.’”
Eren’s eyes widen and his grin stretches from ear to ear. “What does she look like? What’s her name? How will I meet her? How many children-“
Nick clamps a hand over the thirteen year old’s mouth. “You’ll meet her in a near death experience at a boba place. Not for some time, unfortunately. Her name is still unknown. And so far, the angels have only confirmed one daughter.”
That near death experience was choking on boba by the way. Amanda still regrets it to this day that she helped Marcel and Colt guilt trip you into performing the Heimlich maneuver on Eren.
You and Eren were each other’s first serious relationship, with Eren also being your first time.
It’s not as painful as you expected it to be. Eren is incredibly sweet and asks you every five minutes if he’s going too fast or if you feel good. The sweet nothings he murmurs in your ear help distract you from the discomfort, until it fades into a startling kind of pleasure. “Eren- f-feels weird.”
He immediately stops his movements eliciting a whine from you. “Does it hurt? We can stop-“
“No! Please, ‘Ren,” you gasp while pushing against the headboard, meeting his hips with yours to reclaim that feeling again. The moan of his name that tumbles from your lips has his cock twitching inside of you.
“You sound so pretty, baby. Please say my name again. Could listen to you say it forever.” He snaps his hips into yours with deep, deliberate thrusts that make your toes curl and stars spark in your vision. The squelching noises no longer embarrass you as you feel a knot of pleasure tightening in your stomach.
Eren’s emerald eyes are half-lidded and glossy from pleasure. You feel way better than he ever imagined. And your mewls sound so pretty too. “God, baby, you’re taking me so well. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. I love you so much.”
Your walls flutter around his length as he moans your name and continues to whisper sweet nothings. Your ecstasy only skyrockets when he begins to rub patterns on your clit. “Shit- (Y/N). Can feel you. You’re squeezing me so tight-“ His pace quickens as he feels your release drawing near. Your orgasm hits you like a wave with the crest of pleasure also consuming Eren closely after.
King of aftercare. For some reason, eren always gets this weird burst of energy after sex.
He always makes sure to run to the bathroom immediately to wet a small towel with warm water, being extra gentle as he cleans you up.
He’ll run to the kitchen and grab a pitcher of water and a few glasses to make sure you stay hydrated. And he’ll ask you if you want any snacks or if you want him to cook or do a food run.
The longest you two went without having sex would be right when you gave birth to Eliza. As much as he loves your high sex drive, it took all of Eren’s willpower to stay away from you. It may have been the longest five weeks of his life, but he didn’t want to risk you getting an infection or other complications following your delivery that could jeopardize your health.
As soon as that five week window passed and your OB-GYN gave the thumbs up, you two barely made it to the bed. Of course he made sure to call in Jean and Mikasa to watch Eliza for the rest of the day. Eren wanted to make up for lost time.
The length of time that rivals that period would probably be the two and a half weeks after your fight when you came back from California. Eren knew you needed your space. But it was really breaking his heart to pieces not being able to hold you close. Which is why the asshole upped his ‘work meetings’ to serve as a distraction because when is Eren never a dumbass.
Ok moving on before I get into a whole spiel about how Eren is stupid for chasing an adrenaline rush when his insecure ass had everything he wanted right in front of him. Your pleasure is always his priority. He always tries to make you cum before he does.
Besides a praise kink, he loves eating you out and over stimulating you. There’s nothing that turns him on more than the sound of you moaning his name. No one does it for him like you do. You’re better than any woman he’s slept with or porn he’s watched. He loves how embarrassed you get when he bluntly states that if he could do one thing for the rest of his life, it would be to fuck your brains out.
“Rennie, please,” you whimper, “I- I can’t-“
Eren peers up at you through his lashes, his fingers only tightening around the plush of your thighs. “Mmm, taste so good though, baby.” His tongue drags from your entrance to your clit before he bites lightly on the nub. His lips twitch into a smirk at the sight of your back arching as you gush on his tongue and fingers for the umpteenth time.
You feel your face grow hot when the lewd noises of him slurping up your release reach your ears. You shut your eyes and throw your arm across your face when his fingers curl once more to hit the spongy spot that has you seeing stars.
“Feels s’good,” you mewl as his lips suction against your swollen clit. “G-g- gonna cum again-“ you feel the familiar coil of release in your stomach winding itself up once more.
“Yeah? You like that, beautiful.” The vibrations from his words send another shockwave of pleasure straight to your core,
“Eren- Too much. Fuck, fuck, fuck- Babe, I- Oh fuck, Eren!” As soon as the sentence exits his lips, your vision blurs. Your back arches off the mattress and Eren’s dick twitches at the sight of your features twisted in pleasure, with your eyes shut and lips parted by another cry of his name.
Eren’s even more turned on by the sound of your whimpers as he taps his cock against your sensitive clit. “You always taste so fucking good. So hot seeing you squirt. Gonna be a good girl for me and cream on my cock, too?”
“Wait,” you begin to plead with wide eyes, “Eren, please. Need a break for a few- Oh-“ You both moan unabashedly as Eren pushes into you with little resistance.
Eren doesn’t give you that break. The mattress springs squeak in protest as he pulls orgasm after orgasm from you.
“Shit, this pussy’s good. You’re so warm,” he pants as he continues to relentlessly thrust into you. “So wet. You’re always so fucking tight too, baby.” His eyes alternate between your creamy white release gathering at the base of his length, the way your pussy sucks him in and throbs around his dick with each harsh snap of his hips, and your fucked out expression.
Your lips part into a silent scream when his spit-dampened fingers pinch and circle your clit. “That’s a good girl. Always so good for me.”
You can only moan in reply, unable to croak out a coherent response as your ninth orgasm hits you unexpectedly. Eren lets you catch your breath for a minute. His breath tickles the shell of your ear as he chuckles, “So beautiful when you’re cumming for me. Gonna be my good girl and give me one more? You can make it to ten, right, baby?”
His wolfish grin lets you know he has no intention of stopping after only one more.
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