#anyway TYSM AMBER MWAH <333333
solasan Β· 1 year
3, 6, 8, and 19 for Callista and/or Alarice? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
ask me questions abt my ocs <3
3. what is your OC's fatal flaw? are they aware of this flaw?
her kindness lol. which i think is also her greatest virtue tbh?? but she sees the best in people even when that best isn't there, if that makes sense. she holds everyone around her to the moral standard she holds herself to, which means that she kind of expects everyone around her to be a lot better than they actually are? astarion nearly kills her the first time he feeds, for reference. she becomes less naive over the course of the game, but she'd always rather be taken advantage of (which happens multiple times) than think badly of someone / not help someone who seems to need it. she's not rly aware of this flaw in the beginning β€” she's spent her whole life as an acolyte in the house of the moonmaiden, where this kind of kindness is exemplified as What's Expected, and she's not been outside enough to rly know what's realistic in the world β€” but she becomes more aware of it as the game progresses, i think? shadowheart despairs of her.
but i'm still not sure that she'd consider it A Flaw even when she recognises that people take advantage of her; i think she more views it as a virtue, and if someone's going to fuck her over, that's on them?
6. how easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
not easily at all. astarion hates her for being so naive bc she just flat-out refuses to do things she's not comfortable with, morally. u could probably get her to turn against her morals by threatening someone she loved β€” and i mean someone she really loved β€” but even then, she'd be a tough nut to crack. she's very classic lawful good in that way i think.
8. would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
oof. i'm not sure tbh. morally, definitely not; the guilt would haunt her forever (even pushing minthara into the pit in her office, which is probably the most physically removed kill she's done, messes with her head). but i do think she's smart enough to dispose of a body if she wanted to; the issue is more that i think her guilt would compel her to confess? i don't think she'd make a great effort to try getting away with it; she'd feel as though she should be punished.
19. how does your OC behave when enraged?
she's not loud when she gets angry; she doesn't explode or start screaming. instead she gets very very quiet. quite stiff, too; her whole body seems to almost vibrate with anger but her movements become quite economic, she moves with purpose. her voice gets very cold and hushed, almost difficult to hear, and she snaps out every syllable like a crack of ice. she doesn't get violent bc tbh she's not a violent person in general. but she might give u the silent treatment if she's rly angry, just bc she doesn't want to say something she'll regret. when she's been pissed off in camp β€” usually astarion's fault lol but sometimes it's been shadowheart, especially in the early days β€” she tends to just go off to a quiet place on her own so she can calm down. queen of breathing techniques.
3. what is your OC's fatal flaw? are they aware of this flaw?
god what part of alarice's personality ISN'T a flaw???? uhh i guess, inversely to callista, her selfishness? or maybe her greed? hm yeah ok i think greed trumps selfishness, if only bc it leads to her doing some pretty fucking stupid and life-threatening shit β€” turning on allies for material gain, making a deal with raphael only to almost immediately break into his house to undo it, racking up extortionate gambling debts with dangerous people, risking her life in jobs she shouldn't even be taking, etc. greed has also led her to sabotaging a lot of relationships in her life, so generally, her greed has messed her up in more ways than it's helped her.
i think she's always been somewhat aware of it, but it becomes more clear to her as the game's events progress. astarion expecting her to just kind of hand him over to araj oblodra in exchange for a potion (powerful or not) makes her take a step back and look at herself, for one thing. and i think that her and karlach have a Conversation after getting the soul coins from lann tarv in moonrise, if only bc alarice doesn't really? flinch at any of the stories? (save the last one about the kid) and that unnerves karlach.
coming face-to-face with nine-fingers is also another one; nine-fingers was kind of like a mother to her for a little while, so seeing how thoroughly that relationship has been soured by her own selfish & greedy choices rly rly makes her hate herself, so she resolves to change from kind of? late act 2 to early act 3? it's tough, though; her impulses will always be baser and more selfish, and she has to work hard to resist them.
6. how easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
this is a tough question to answer, bc my first instinct is to say "very easily", but alarice... doesn't?? really have?? a moral compass? she has certain no-nos (no mass-murder, no rape/coercion bc of her background, no hurting kids for other background reasons, etc) but she would sell her soul to satan for one corn chip, it is a MIRACLE she hasn't become a warlock. i suppose i'll take it as how easily would she cross those aforementioned lines, and tbh i think she'd do anything for enough money (in act 1 and early act 2), even if it made her feel pretty gross about herself / she had to do some serious mental gymnastics to justify it to herself, so yeah, not super difficult. but as the game progresses those lines become a lot more cemented, particularly as she begins to make genuine connections with the party and their own morals begin to rub off on her a bit, so then it becomes pretty hard to push her past her limits. god, her and astarion are a nightmare couple.
8. would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
answered here!!!
19. how does your OC behave when enraged?
she surprisingly doesn't blow up immediately, even if her personality seems like she would. she's actually very good at just kind of... grinning and bearing it, so she can smile through her anger and even be pretty convincing if you don't know her well. if u do know her well, she has certain tells β€” her smile can get a little manic and her eyes go kind of cold β€” but until she's out of the situation that's making her angry, her survival instinct has her hiding it. once she is out, though, she'll go full on apeshit and maybe get a bit violent, depending on who/what she's angry about. where callista runs cold, alarice runs hot, basically.
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