#anyway anon who requested happy Hardcase i hope you like him. i hope you all do!
seaofashes · 3 years
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Hardcase x Happiness is my favorite Clone Wars ship
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I don’t know if you take prompts on tumblr but I love your fics! And I just wanted to know if you’d do Dogma/Case Dogma/Tup Hardcase/Dogma/Tup? Either nsfw or sfw is up to you! If you end up doing it thank you so much!
(I’ll let you know anon that you sent me into the rabbit hole with these three. Have this Dogma/Hardcase NSFW for now, but know that I’m gonna write something for Dogma/Tup and Dogma/Hardcase/Tup as well. Anyway, I hope you like it!)
Hardcase is pretty pumped about this: they’re going to disobey Krell’s orders. He can’t wait to fly again, and this time he’s sure he’ll get it. Last time’s disaster doesn’t count.
“Dogma will be on our case for sure,” Jesse says however.
“Mmh, you’re right,” Fives replies, scratching his goatee, “We need to find a way to distract him, or else he might rat us out to Krell.”
What should they do? Normally they’d rely on Rex for help, but he’s made clear that there’s nothing he can do in this situation.
Suddenly, Hardcase has an idea. It will forbid him from going with Fives and Jesse, but at least like this he’ll make sure nobody knows anything about their plan. Besides, it could also be… exciting.
“I might have something in mind for that.”
 Dogma’s moans echo in the empty - beside them - barracks. One would think someone as uptight as him - a true stick in the mud - would try to keep quieter, but not him; it makes things way more fun.
It was pretty easy getting him to the barracks: Hardcase simply asked him for some help regarding his blaster and he followed him, even though he was suspicious as to why he was asking him of all people.
All it took however was to corner him against the wall, and all Dogma’s suspicions became something else.
 In insight, Hardcase should’ve expected that Dogma is just a repressed vod; what he could’ve never expected is how much he’s into this whole thing.
From outside, everybody must be hearing them, but that’s not what Hardcase is thinking about - he couldn’t give two shits about that at the moment.
What has gotten his full attention is the way Dogma, on all fours on the bunk, is pushing against him at every single thrust, the way he keeps ordering him to go faster, the way he’s grabbed the back of his neck and he isn’t letting go, scratching at his skin. It puts a smirk on Hardcase’s lips.
Dogma has always scolded him for being a troublemaker, but look at him now.
“So kriffing tight…”
 He hears it when Fives and Jesse depart; those sounds couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.
Dogma, on the other hand, is so taken by what is happening that he doesn’t notice it, which is good because that makes Hardcase’s job easier, but it’s also a testament on how far gone Dogma actually is.
“Why did you stop?”
Hardcase looks down on Dogma, at his trembling body glistening with sweat, at his lips hanging open, at his clouded eyes. He shoots him an apologetic look.
“Sorry. Got distracted.”
He resumes his merciless pace, pushing Dogma more and more against the bunk at each thrust, until he’s completely lying down, trapped between the mattress and Hardcase, who doesn’t stop hammering inside him.
Dogma shouts as he comes, Hardcase following close when he feels his walls clench around his cock.
 He pulls out of Dogma, and he even has the decency not to collapse over him, rolling on his left instead.
Well, this went better than expected. Honestly, had he known this is what was going to happen, he would’ve made a move on Dogma already a long time ago.
Still, now he needs a break--
 Before he can do anything about it, Dogma’s already settled on his lap and, by the looks of it, he’s not doing that just to use Hardcase as a pillow.
Hardcase can’t help but to gape at Dogma’s request. Is he for real? A smirk appears on Hardcase’s lips then. Looks like he had underestimated him.
“I’ll show you more,” he mutters, and immediately he’s on Dogma again.
 They go at it again, and again, and again. The only reason why they aren’t doing anything now is because Dogma has passed out from exhaustion, and honestly Hardcase isn’t that far behind passing out as well.
It’s nice to have someone who matches his energy, but this might be too much even for Hardcase.
He hears from outside brothers cheering and yelling, along with some running. Fives and Jesse must be back.
For a moment he wonders if he should join them; he wants to join them. The thing is, however, that he also doesn’t want to leave Dogma alone - he bets he wouldn’t be happy if he woke up and found himself alone.
He curls himself around Dogma then, chest pressed against his back, and circles his waist with one arm. Since he’s here already he can always get some actual rest and catch up on some sleep; he knows he’ll need all his energy later.
He only hopes that Dogma will forgive him for this.
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