#anyway anyway i feel a lil overwhelmed so i'm gonna take a minute
tvrningout-a · 11 months
still thinking about chiyo showing up in a calcifer costume while convincing your muse to be sophie or howl :' )))
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hyperfixationgoddess · 10 months
Hey, everyone! I know it's been a hot minute, but I have an idea for a fic that I'm probably never going to right, but I thought you guys might like to hear about it anyway!
The thing is, I love crossovers. Even if there are just crossover elements, I'm happy. So, here's what I've come up with:
Star Wars: The Clone Wars w/ Spider-Man Elements!
An independent Kaminoan scientist is doing independent experiments on spiders. One day, two of their spider experiments escape.
The corridor that lab is in is a good shortcut to some of the training centers, and CT-5555, aka Fives, and CT-1409, aka Echo, happen to be using it as the spiders are out.
They both get bitten, but they don't think anything of it. They go to training as normal.
Come nightfall, Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbate are in a panic because something is wrong. Both Fives and Echo have fevers, not so severe that they need the medbay, but still worrying.
Come morning, they have ✨ spider powers✨
Here's what I imagine their powers will be, and possible weaknesses they have.
Organic webbing, like Toby Maguire.
Venom shock, like Miles Morales in Spider-Verse
Stickiness, obviously
Super strength
Spider sense
Enhanced senses
Fangs like Miguel O'Hara, but smaller
Enhanced metabolism
Lack of thermoregulation
Sudden aversion to mint and vinegar
Also organic webbing
Super strength
Spider sense
Enhanced senses
Venomous fangs that retract (I read about that in an MCU fanfic that I can't remember the name of)
Invisibility, also like Miles Morales
Enhanced metabolism
Lack of thermoregulation
Sudden aversion to mint and vinegar
I would also like to note that when they are feeling overwhelmed, cornered, or protective, they are liable to go a little feral.
Anyway, they figure out their powers with the help of their batch, and keep everything completely secret from everyone else. So, at the time of their Citadel exam, they're a lot closer.
Except 99, of course. He helped raise everyone. And Clone Force 99, eventually. Fives and Echo, and the rest of the Dominoes, love those kids. Fives and Echo help them feel not alone.
However, both Fives and Echo are overstimulated, because Bric is an asshole, so they aren't at the top of their game. Hevy decides they should take a calculated risk, and they throw the exam
(in my opinion, this just speaks for their faith in Shaak Ti)
Anyway, they pass the exam the second time around and get sent to Rishi. The twins still keep their powers a secret, but they still train with their powers.
When the invasion of commando droids comes knocking, Echo and Fives' spider senses clue them in, so everyone survives! Yay!
The twins do go feral, and they go a little crazy with the webs, but the first wave is pretty much obliterated by the time Cody and Rex show up. It is stressful to clean up all the webs. Luckily, the rest of the Dominoes distract Cody, Rex, and all the others on Rishi
Anyway, everyone survives so all of Domino squad joins the 501st
Eventually, the Dominoes trust the legion enough to tell them about the spider situation, and everyone loves it!
At one point, Hevy pulls Rex aside and is like, Fives and Echo see boundaries differently, so they were afraid to cross yours by asking, so I'm gonna ask for them. Wanna join us for a nest pile at some point? Because that is a thing they do at least once a week.
(also, that lil interaction is my way of saying I headcanon Fives and Echo as neurodivergent)
Also, once the Bad Batch gets out into the field, the Dominoes absolutely follow their missions, cause they're so proud.
Echo and Fives have told Rex all about them, so the 501st gets to work with them a lot sooner.
As Jesse is leading the Batch to the barracks they'll be sharing with the Dominoes, they hear the Dominoes talking about how proud they are of the Bad Batch and that they really hope the Batch wants to do nest piles like when they were cadets but if not they'll respect their boundaries, blah blah blah
Hearts melt, and a nest pile happens, of course!
And of course thanks to the spider senses Echo doesn't get captured, Umbara doesn't go to shit, the chip situation happens differently, and Order 66 doesn't happen!
Thanks for reading! If anyone ends up making something out of this, let me know! I'd love to see it!
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snootlestheangel · 9 months
A Lil Snootles Ranty Rant Time
Hoo boy I need to rant for a minute so everyone relax and just go with this, okay? Don't gotta read or say anything, I just need this out
I am at a really weird point in time right now.
I dropped out of college in September, I started working full time a couple months later, and I will be working full time until at least August. Which is when I plan on going back to school.
But like, I'm still working on figuring out everything I need for my future career. I'm working towards being an aquarist (basically a zookeeper but for an aquarium), and there's a lot of moving parts there in terms of what I need in order to even be considered/eligible for a job position.
I need to sign up for swim lessons this year, and I need to get my scuba certification. Neither are a requirement until I am ready to apply to different positions, but they'll only help me with school and internship opportunities. Which that's like a whole 'nother can of worms I am not prepared to deal with for the time being.
There's a woman at work who used to work with sea lions and she gave me some really good information and said I can contact her whenever. Which is great! I need to ask her what exactly she did, if she was an animal keeper with the sea lions or something else, what schooling she had before then (which I'm assuming and it was implied on she had a marine biology degree of some sort)
Anyways, what I've been avoiding saying is that I am just really overwhelmed with all this, I guess? Like I know it's gonna be a long process, which is better, but I still feel rushed, almost?
I just feel a certain amount of pressure to have all this shit figured out and like soon. I know I need to have an answer on going back to school by the summer so I can register for classes and stuff, and it'd be nice to have swim lessons already in the works before then.
I'm in my early twenties and I work full time. Honestly, I'm in a position that I really want my life to get a move on. I want to meet people and do fun stuff, I want to start dating, I want to put effort into my appearance this year. I don't know, I feel like physically I'm in a great spot for a relationship, and mentally I'm the best I've been for like 3 years now.
But I have to keep reminding myself that I'm only 21, I have time a plenty to figure this whole life thing out. I have time to figure out my career and finish schooling for it. I have time to find a partner. I have time to get stable enough financially to move out of the house.
I'm still just impatient, I guess?
It doesn't help that I still have like no social life. Especially since dropping out. I had a somewhat social life before when I was still in school, but I wasn't mentally in a good place so I rarely pursued being social.
But now I am in a good place. I've gotten past the point of needing my "weekend" to be a recovery period. I can do a bunch of shit over these two days and not feel exhausted, and can still start a new work week feeling pretty good.
I'm overwhelmed by all this but at the same time I'm not because I'm ready to get shit done. I'm ready to take the next step forward in life.
But I can't right now. It'll take so much time for all of this, and right now, I keep getting anxious about the future. I don't know, I'm struggling to put some of this into words.
I feel so silly being this distraught about life because I'm only 21 but I am.
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years
Heard you were looking for company!
I don't wanna spam you so this is gonna be pretty long lol
Okay first!
I'm sure you don't know what monster prom is but I have a self insert for it and I think I'm finally gonna make her look like me??
Which is exciting???
Like all my self inserts look like me but since my monster prom one is a monster girl all we have in common is hairstyle, personality, and like what clothes we wear
But I think I'm gonna have her have my skin color but keep the horns and stuff
I might draw her today???
Can't promise anything
I've made it a lil mission of mine to have my moots fall in love with my ocs
And the two I've been talking about are Alizah Hale and Alaska Howler derogatory cough cough
Also I just realized that their initials are both AH so that's interesting
Ah! The element of surprise
I've talked about Alaska more so I'll get his ass out the way
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Alaska Howler, a 23 7'2" werewolf who's your stereotypical rich fuck boy asshole
I absolutely hate him he's a piece of shit
He can be nice
The type of guy that helps drunks at the bar home
The type of guy that gets his personal make you clothes because you keep complaining about not being able to find cute clothes
The type of guy that would hold you close and validate you if you had a bad day
Since he knows how attractive he's an egotistical piece of shit and the fact everyone throws themselves at him doesn't help
I've been thirsting over him with some of my moots, their fault I swear I hate him he's a guilty pleasure, like GOD he's such an ass I hate him so much
It's his damn height
It makes my size kink act the FUCK up
He's the type of guy you wanna punch in the face, just knock that fucking smirk off his face, but then have hate sex with him later
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And then there's bby boy Alizah Hale
He's one of my yandere ocs
He's just so soft
Like he isn't that bad when it comes to yanderes
He pushes people away and hurts others for your sake, yes, but he does it so you don't get hurt or used!
Like Alizah is a double edged sword, he'd do absolutely anything you asked and kisses the ground you walk on like absolutely worship's you but also believes you're waaaay out of his league like why would you ever like him? Even as a friend?
Like he's desperate for your attention and will do anything to be next to you, so uh don't be too worried if one of your windows is unlocked, and takes any compliment from you as you wanting to date him/sharing the same feelings
Like he's just a really soft bby that wasn't affection
Has that childhood best friend/nextdoor neighbor kinda personality
I care he
He's a sweetie
Just a lil overwhelming at times
Lastly (?)
Idk if you have Netflix but I just binged Love Death + Robots and I loved it so much
It's a bunch of animated shorts, so like 5-20 minutes all depending, and there's this one short that I can't stop thinking about
It's really interesting and I'd give it a watch!
There's only 2 seasons rn
I think that's it?
The only book rec I have is Dumplin' it's a book I read junior year of highschool and I really liked it
It's about this chubby southern girl running for a pageant with other girls that have their quirks and aren't attractive by society's standards
I think there's a second book out?
Not sure
Anyways mwah mwah I hope this isn't too much of a read
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BEEE!!!! omg i love hearing about people's ocs, this is such a treat!!🥺
for your monster girl, do you know what kind of monster she'll be? does she have any cool powers? tell me more~
okay. so alaska is SEVEN FOOT TWO AND YOU EXPECT ME TO ACT NORMAL. i swear if he even breathed in my direction i would crumple like a piece of aluminum, SEVEN FOOT TWO?????? homegirl i am Tall and like to feel Small, so this is the dream. thank you for bringing him into my life.
as for Alizah, yandere doesn't normally do it for me but HE is very pretty, and i would like to feel his tongue piercing:blush: that's what got me, honestly.
i haven't watched love death + robots, but i've heard good things!! if i ever get around to watching it, i'll let you know:)
And i've seen the movie for Dumplin', but i didn't know it was a book! the movie was really sweet, so maybe i'll check it out! oh no i might have to go to the bookstore /s
thank you for keeping me company and introducing me to your lovely ocs, dear<33 I appreciate you and love seeing you on my dash xx
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