#anyway brick blackmails bloss and shenanigans ensue
aclosetfan · 2 years
Because this fandom needs more Blossom/Princess: "I saw that. You just checked out my ass". Thanks! 💚💖💙
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It’s funny, every time I do a prompt game there’s always a few people who gravitate towards the same prompts, and they’re usually the ones you absolutely KNOW buttercup would HATE. Anyway, I combined these two together! I hope no one minds! It’s more princess x blossom, but you don’t see the pairing very often, and I needed the boys more for the gag 😉  (i did all three pairing btws)
This is actually the first time I’ve written Brickercup! I haven’t found their voice yet as a couple, but I feel like these two together would probably be too powerful lmao. I need more practice with them! Anyway this one was really fun to write!! thanks for the prompt!
Summary: Blossom keeps her crush on a former villain discrete until things start to fall apart at her sisters track meet, and she’s caught checking out her ass.
a/n: For those who don’t know, the term “heat” is akin to “race” where track and field is concerned, at least, that’s the most simplified explanation tbh! 
"I dunno. I don't regret not adding him to my roster. His postseason last year was horrible. I thought I had it all figured out, though, right?" Buttercup droned on, "But then, boom, all the sudden, he's hot! He's scoring like no other! And like, I know I'll be fine, but now I look like the guy with the foot in his mouth, you know what I'm saying?" 
Blossom hummed noncommittally. She couldn't even say she was half listening to her sister; she was wholly preoccupied. Only a few meager feet away was Princess, who had spread out her things to stretch for her next heat of the day. 
"Blossom? Hey!" A hand waved in front of her face, bringing her attention back into focus. 
She looked up at her sister, "Huh? What?"
"You're not listening to a thing I'm saying, are you?" Buttercup huffed.
"I am," Blossom argued back, shaking her head.
"What was I talking about then?" Buttercup deadpanned, placing her hands on her hips and quirking an eyebrow. 
"Your fantasy… sports stuff," Blossom tried, blowing her hair off her forehead, "oh come on, BC, you know I don't care." 
"Would it kill you to at least pretend," Buttercup sniffed, bending over to do toe touches, "I listen to your nerd stuff!"
Blossom rolled her eyes, "name one time you've actually listened to my nerd stuff." 
"Oh!" Blossom mocked in surprise, "And what exactly was that conversation about?" 
A prolonged pause gave Blossom the chance to sneak another peak at Princess. It was hot out today on the track, and Princess had put her fiery curls up in a high ponytail. Sweat matted the frizz framing her face, but the rest of Princess's curls cascaded down her back and bounced about with every new stretch she attempted, and it was mesmerizing to watch. In fact, it was almost enough to distract Blossom from Princess's shorts that were seemingly painted onto her body.
"Ah, shut up!" Buttercup eventually waved her off, standing back up before lowering into a knee bend, "I'm in the midst of a crisis here, and you've been distracted this whole time! Like, hello? Earth to Blossom, aren't you supposed to be keeping me company? What are you even looking—"
"A crisis?" She snorted before Buttercup could turn around to search, "A bit of a stretch, don't'cha think?" 
That snapped Buttercup's attention back to her, and she evenly met her sister's incredulous stare. 
"A stretch!" Buttercup cried, "Now I know you're not listening to me! Like I know I'll be fine—" she seemed to be repeating this more for her own sake than Blossom's, "—but if I'm not, then my whole season's shot!" 
"Really? This is the penny league, right?" Blossom asked, attention already straying, but Buttercup paid her no mind as she again started to mindlessly word vomit, switching to yet another leg stretch.
Vaguely, Blossom wondered when the Super-Division ("super" as in superpowered) would begin and Buttercup—her convenient cover-up—would be called to the start line. Blossom wouldn't mind sitting here a bit longer, keeping Buttercup company and Princess in her line of vision. It was incredibly embarrassing to admit out loud, but Blossom didn't come to Buttercup's track meets for Buttercup alone. In fact, before discovering that Princess was often at these events, Blossom had never bothered to show up. 
She loved her sister; that was quite obvious, but her idea of "good time" wasn't sacrificing a Saturday to watch a bunch of kids run around in circles under a sun hot enough to make the rubber track steam. The only reason she had initially shown up to one of these track meets was to deliver the water jug Buttercup had forgotten at home because the Professor had been out of town and, therefore, unable to attend and do it himself. 
At the time, she had been unaware that the all-girl private prep school Princess went to was in attendance for these meets. She was also unaware that Princess was on the track team. How such details just seemingly slipped Buttercup's mind astounded Blossom. However, Buttercup's opinion of Princess wasn't much higher than her opinion of the Amoeba Boys, so she supposed she had no right to be surprised. Still, the former villain's presence had given her some pause for concern, and she had lingered at the meet, scrutinizing her former enemy.
Buttercup had shrugged off her concerns at the end of the meet. Apparently, Buttercup and Princess still bickered like no other, but it had become such a normal thing that her sister hardly considered it worth talking about.
"Besides, Bloss," Buttercup had pointed out, "it's kind of like the boys, right? She did her time—" then her sister laughed, "—and she ripped Butch a new one a few meets back, so I'd say she's, well, not cool, but eh, more bearable? I like her best yelling at Butch, let's just keep it at that." 
Blossom had conceded to Buttercup's points, they had been fair, but that didn't stop her from showing up to the next track meet as a precaution. And the next one, and the one after that, until somewhere along the line, Blossom could no longer deny that her attendance had become less of a "red alert: former enemy in the area!" and more a "red alert: she's wearing the tight pink track shorts again!" 
It was a stupid crush. A very embarrassing one, in fact. But it was there, and no one knew, so what harm would it cause, indulging in it every once in a while? To everyone else, it seemed she was only there to keep her father company and support her sister, and Blossom planned on keeping it that way. 
Even Princess hardly batted an eye at her. At most, she and Princess exchanged the occasional curt nod, symbolizing what Blossom hoped was a mutual respect for what their relationship once was and what it meant now. 
Now, Blossom relaxed back on the bleachers, turning around briefly to wave at the Professor, who lingered by the concession stand, trying his hardest to impress some PTA mom he had been eyeing. If Blossom had not been artificially created, she would have thought the two of them were cut from the same cloth based on their dismal flirting skills alone. 
Despite herself, she smiled at the thought as her eyes landed back on Princess. She took her time tracing the shape of her, gaze falling to her bottom. It was just as thrilling seeing her wearing those pink shorts as it had been the first time around. Blossom didn't think Princess wore them for her, but pink was her lucky color, and she couldn't help but overanalyze it. 
Internally, she cringed at her own behavior, remembering the little girl she had once fought with almost daily. That is until Morbucks Inc. fell into bankruptcy, and Princess's family could no longer afford to entertain her every whimsy without sacrificing the family mega yacht. Princess had been a brat in the past, and Blossom knew that hadn't changed, but there had been a time, right before it had all ended, where Princess's bratty teasing and witty and intelligent remarks had sent something hot down her spine. Unfortunately, Blossom didn't think that had probably changed either.
Most people envisioned her ending up with some fairytale prince charming, but Blossom just seemed to like bratty princesses more. And the very idea of getting the opportunity to find new creative ways to shut Princess up was enough to make her cheeks burn. Regardless, she sat on the sidelines and did nothing, too embarrassed to cross the imaginary line she and Princess had created when their fighting had stopped. The sidelines were safe, though. Blossom was too pragmatic to rock the boat, so she forced herself to be content with the situation and watch the other girl from afar with an unhealthy dose of hormonal pining and, perversely, lust. 
And again, it wasn't like anyone knew! So, she let Buttercup talk as she stared at Princess's toned body, paid particular attention to her squatting and stretching, and cheered a little too much when she won her races. Buttercup's track meets were a thousand times more interesting now, and Princess's fantastic ass definitely didn't hurt Blossom's opinion.
Blossom was staring at Princess's bottom when the unthinkable happened—Princess glanced back. At first, Blossom didn't register what was happening until Princess's double take, and that was when she froze like a deer caught in the headlines. Then, dread seeped in, and she hoped beyond hope that it had been a fluke, that Princes herself—the girl she had been obsessing about; the girl she put on make-up and a well-fitting bra for to attend her sister's track meets—hadn't noticed her so brazenly checking her out. 
Princess's face was mottled with blotchy red spots obscuring the pretty line of freckles that ran across her nose as the look in her eyes morphed from surprise to pure disgust. 
"I saw that!" She screeched, her voice cutting across the small distance. She pointed at Blossom, and her heart fell to her feet as Princess sneered, "You just checked out my ass!"
Blossom choked on her tongue, squeaking out something that was supposed to be an apology but was really just a panicked sound. She could feel every inch of her skin burning from the tips of her ears to her toes. If the world could have opened up and swallowed her whole right then and there, she would have been eternally grateful.
"What's going on? Who's she yelling at?" Buttercup whispered, standing up from another round of toe-touches and looking around, but Blossom ignored her, frozen with mortification until the sound of abrupt laughter made her jump. 
"Ha!" A voice behind her on the bleachers barked, "Apparently, you didn't see shit, Prinny!"
Blossom took a tentative peak over her shoulders with wide eyes, blinking up at Butch Jojo. She had forgotten he had bounded up the bleachers not too long ago to gab with Brick as he waited for the Super-Division to be called. Why Brick came to these events, Blossom had never bothered to ask. Still, they often sat together when their respective sibling wasn't around to keep them company. However, Blossom had begun to notice how Brick gravitated toward her even when Buttercup was present. 
"I saw you!" Princess sputtered, "I could feel it! You were just gawking! I literally made eye contact with you!"
"No, seriously," Buttercup looked between Princess and Butch, "what did I miss?" 
Blossom still couldn't answer her as a wave of euphoric relief crashed over her like a tidal wave. She had to stop herself from falling over from the feeling, and placed a steadying hand on the bleachers to do so. Princess was blaming Butch. It was like a miracle.
Butch laughed again, wrinkling his nose as he began stomping back down the stairs, "Don't fucking flatter yourself, Princess. I wasn't checking your ass out—" He hopped off the bleachers and shot a cheeky smile at Buttercup as he made his way towards the track coaches, "—I was checking out Butter's. Nice form, by the way. Maybe next time we can help each other stretch out." 
Buttercup blinked, seemingly taken back by the events unfolding around her, until something clicked into place, and she realized that stretching ass-up to the bleachers hadn't been the most brilliant move. Blossom, sympathetically, watched her sister's face bloom with color.
"No," Her sister mainly said to herself, shaking her head like she was trying to convince herself what was happening wasn't happening, "no, no."
"Oh, don't worry, Butters, I'll return the favor. I mean, you're always behind me anyway—" he gestured to the track, "—might as well enjoy the view, right?"
"Mm-mm," Buttercup shook her head again, pressing her mouth into a thin line, "nope."   
"It was you then, wasn't it!" Princess yelled again, pointing right at her. Her panic flared back up until she was (again) saved by someone behind her.
"I was also checking out Buttercup's ass," Brick drawled, standing up and making his way down the bleachers. He was more subdued than his brother. There was no obnoxious laughter or on-the-nose flirting, but Brick's eyes slowly traveled up Buttercup's form before he fixed her sister with a sly wink. Buttercup's eyes widened into saucer plates, and the flush on her face rushed down her neck as a small mortified squeak left her mouth. Her reaction pulled a lazy grin across Brick's face. 
Blossom couldn't save Buttercup. Actually, she didn't want to. The more flustered Buttercup became, the easier it was for Blossom to breathe. Every second that ticked by was another second her secret stayed safe, secure, and her own, and she didn't want to change that by drawing attention to herself. She sent a silent vow to Buttercup that she'd repay her in another way. 
"U-um," Buttercup sputtered, and Brick raised an amused eyebrow, urging her on. Thankfully for Buttercup, that was when the Super-Division was called, and her sister shot off without so much as a goodbye. 
"Argh!" Princess huffed, stomping away, "well, whoever you are—" She yelled up at the sky, "—stop staring at my ass!" 
Blossom sagged with relief, the tension wholly dissipating from her body. She was safe, in the clear, okay to continue—
Someone swatted her ponytail, and the seat next to her was taken. She looked to her left and found herself face to face with Brick, his grin no longer charmingly lazy but curling into something wicked. 
"I saw that," He leered, and her head filled with hundreds of red, blaring alarms as the blood left her face completely. "You checked out her ass." 
"Shit," She hissed.
"Shit," He repeated with a chuckle, nodding slowly because Brick Jojo had dirt on her, and they both knew it. 
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