#anyway consider this a sneak peek of tomorrow's gif pack
silverduckie · 3 years
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Dayo Okeniyi in Shades of Blue.
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
Stray Kids AU: 10th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Tori bringing chaos to Chan’s home in Australia (before they were dating obviously)
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“Thank you so much for the food, Mrs. Bang!” Tori smiled at the woman as she piled more food onto her plate.
“You guys deserved a nice meal, you’re working so hard.” Chan’s mother smiled. “And take some more of the ribs.”
Tori shook her head. Her plate was already covered in food, and it was seconds. “I’m technically supposed to be on a diet for the tour, but I’m cheating a little.”
She dropped two ribs on the plate anyways. “You can cheat a little bit more.”
Tori grinned. “Well I can’t argue with that.”
She hurried back to the table. The Australian weather agreed with her, and she was taking full advantage of her summer wardrobe. Though, she had to admit, the shorts and crop top were starting to get a bit chilly as the night settled in. She’d stolen Hyunjin’s flannel to keep out some of the chill.
She plopped herself down next to Jeongin, who had already demolished half of his second plate.
“Enjoying yourself?” She teased.
“So much!” He said with his mouth full. “The meat is so good.”
“I know, right?” Tori laughed, taking a bite of her ssam. “It’s so nice to have real food again.”
“I should get more.” He looked over to the food table. “Aw...there’s no more ribs.”
“Take mine, Jeonginnie.” She moved the two ribs to his plate, licking the sauce off of her fingers.
“But there yours.” He protested, but looked like he was seriously considering eating them.
Tori gestured to her plate. “I still have lots of food, and I’m starting to get full anyways.”
“THANKS!” He grabbed the first rip without hesitation. “You sure you don’t want the other one?”
“Nah, I’m already getting pudgy off of one meal.” She laughed.
Jeongin rolled his eyes, but still poked her stomach. “Pudge, pudge.”
Tori snorted. “Eat up, we have a busy day tomorrow.”
After dinner, they were all lounging around and struggling to accept the massive meal they’d just eaten. Tori decided to take the opportunity to go and get a glass of water. She wandered into the house, wiping her bare feet off on the mat. The kitchen was just down the hall, so she headed towards it.
“I don’t know what you want me to do!”
Chan’s voice carried from the kitchen, sounding a bit heated.
Tori, being a rational and well-adjusted adult, immediately hid around the corner.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” It was his mom, and Tori instantly sunk lower. Debating if she should sneak back out, she decided against it. If they saw her sneaking away, they’d know she’d been listening. And she didn’t want to be involved in any family drama.
“You’re the leader, Christopher, you’re supposed to look after your team!”
“MOM, it was two ribs!” Chan insisted. “She had two plates why are you mad at me because she decided she wasn’t hungry?”
Tori’s eyes widened. Maybe she was already involved in the family drama.
She heard a sigh, the type of sigh that instantly made her fear for Chan. “I told you that you had to be nice to her. She’s outnumbered and she told me she’s on a diet. Why is she on a diet?”
“We’re all on diets, Mom, we aren’t strict about it.” He tried to explain.
“I heard her tell Jeongin that she thought she was pudgy. Are you making her insecure?”
“She likes being pudgy.” Chan groaned. “She says it’s better for cuddling and hiding snacks.”
There was a very long stretch of silence. 
“Christopher.” His mother began. “Make sure she eats something.”
Tori heard footsteps and squeezed herself against the wall as Chan’s mom walked past. She heard rustling in the fridge, and then Chan stormed past.
She peeked into the kitchen, hurrying to get her glass of water before going back outside. Chan’s mom was preoccupied packing up all of the food, and Chan was nowhere to be seen.
“There you are.” 
She jinxed it.
“Hey.” She turned with an awkward smile. “Fancy meeting you here.”
He seemed blind to her awkwardness, and just plopped down on one of the picnic benches. She sat down next to him, taking a tentative sip of water.
“Something bothering you?” She asked, unsuccessful in her goal to sound nonchalant. 
“Urgh,” He reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled something out, extending it to her.
She blinked. “A...dinner roll?”
“Technically...” He pulled out another one. “Two.”
Tori tilted her head. “Chan, you live here. I don’t think you need to hoard food.”
“It’s not for me.” He placed it on the table next to her. “Eat.”
“I’m ahh...not hungry, but thanks.” She took another sip of water.
“No choice.”
“But I ate a ton at dinner.” She whined.
“What if I pull the leader card?”
Tori shook her head.
“What if I tell you that if you don’t eat them I’ll be in a fight with my mom on one of the few times I get to see her?” He raised an eyebrow.
Tori sighed in defeat, grabbing one of the rolls of the table. “There’s fluff on it from your sweater.”
He brushed it off with a finger. “There you go.”
She took a bite, chewing on the bread. “I’m not supposed to eat carbs.”
“Don’t care.” He leaned back against the table as she ate. “My mom thinks I’m starving you so I have to prove her wrong.”
“If anything,” Tori squished the bread between her hands. “You overfeed me. You bought me two hot dogs yesterday.”
“Can you please go tell my mom that?” He smiled. “She was freaking out because you were giving food to Jeongin.”
“He’s a growing boy.” She finished the first roll and reached for the second. “And I really couldn’t eat another bite.”
“You seem to be doing okay right now.”
“Well, yeah.” She filled her cheeks with bread. “But I love bread.”
“You love food.” Chan corrected with a laugh. “And you’d better be prepared for a late night snack because she’s sending food back with us.”
“I was hoping we could get burgers.” She teased. 
Chan shook his head. “Pretty sure I have to send my mom a picture of you eating leftovers.”
“Ohh, can I wear my koala pyjamas?”
“You have koala pyjamas?”
“We went to the Australia Zoo today, of course I bought Koala pyjamas.” She wiped the crumbs off her hands. “They have a little hood with ears.”
“Really?” His eyes widened. “Then yes, you can wear your koala pyjamas.”
“Sweet.” Tori chewed on her cheek for a second. “Do you think you could build a house out of bread?”
“What?” Chan looked very confused. “We’re talking about how your diet is about to ruin my relationship with my mom and you want to know if you can make a house out of bread?”
“Yeah.” Tori nodded. “Not gingerbread. Like squishy bread.”
“Why would you want that?”
“Because I could run around and bounce into the walls.”
Chan held a hand up and felt her forehead. “I think you have heatstroke.”
Tori sighed. “My genius is too much for this group.”
Chan snorted. “So our next album is going to feature a song about a bread house?”
“Watch me.” Tori winked. “Also...I snooped through your fridge while your mom was giving a tour and I want one of those ice cream sandwiches.”
Chan gave her a cheeky grin. “Then let’s go.”
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