#anyway deathstar canon
bridge-demon · 1 year
so in that soul eater episode where death the kid and blackstar go to find excalibur. and kid is hanging upside down and says that blackstar has to carry him through the cave so his pants don’t get wet…….. my brother in homosexual behavior, you got up the mountain on a FLYING SKATEBOARD. did his gayass just want to be carried or
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cringefailfagcat · 2 years
co-parenting ≠ romance
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drowsystarlight · 4 years
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Happy Chibi!Reverb 2020 !
I’m so glad I actually managed to join Reverb this year 😭😭💖 anyways i’m paired with @skadventuretime and I am FERAL. WOW. THEIR WRITING IS SO STUNNING AND AMAZING AND WHEW. DEATHSTAR CANON 2020 🤩🤩🤩
FIC LINKS: Ao3 , Tumblr
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
steve and billy having a movie night where they just lay in bed together cuddling, but then steve starts to slowly grind his ass on billy who’s hugging him from behind and making these soft little moans because he’s turned on and billy just grins and teases him until he fucks steve hard and good on the bed.
Modern solely so that there’s a laptop.
Billy had his head propped up on one elbow, hugging Steve to him as they laid sideways in his bed, watching Star Wars.
Neil and Susan were out of town and Billy jumped on the opportunity to invite Steve over.
He had his laptop set up on the bedside table so he could hold Steve as they watched.
“Wait, where are they?”
“They’re infiltrating the Deathstar to save Princess Leia. Pay attention and you won’t have to ask questions.”
“But, why is she there?”
“She was captured. She’s a Princess and a known member of the Rebel Alliance. She has important information that can be used to destroy the Deathstar.”
“I, what?”
“Just watch, Pretty Boy.”
Steve gave him about five minutes of watching. 
This movie had always gone over his head, even when he was little and tried to make sense of it.
Billy had convinced him to give the series a shot, making him watch the movies in canon order, starting with the prequels, moving to Rogue One. They were on A New Hope and Steve was tired.
He shifted his hips a little, hoping maybe he could distract Billy for an hour, maybe two.
He rutted his ass against Billy.
“Stevie, focus.” Steve moaned, loud and breathy.
“Can’t focus. Not when I’m so, so horny.” Billy held him tighter, made it difficult for Steve to toss his ass back against him. He leaned forward to rasp in his ear.
“Baby, if you finish the movie, I’ll give you a treat.” Steve whined as Billy’s fingers dipped below the waistband of his shorts, wrapped around his half hard cock. “If you don’t cum by the time the movie’s over, I’ll fuck you nice and proper.”
He kept his touch light, just barely ghosting his fingers over Steve.
They had just begun the movie, and Billy knew Steve wouldn’t last.
Was probably gonna fuck him anyway.
He kept stroking until Steve was hard, until Luke was using the force to fire the perfect shot into the Deathstar.
Steve was squirming as the credits rolled, was panting really hard. Billy almost felt bad, his cock must hurt.
“I, I was good. I didn’t cum the whole time, Billy please.” He began grinding onto Billy again, trying to get him as pent-up as he is.
“You did so good, Baby. Gonna give you a treat.” He rolled over Steve, slamming the laptop closed. “What you want, Sweet Thing? You want me to fuck you?”
“Yeah, yeah want your cock, Bill. Want you to fuck me hard.” Billy leaned in to kiss him rough, kiss him dirty.
He began pushing down Steve’s shorts, letting his dick free.
He was hard, so hard it must hurt. He was flushed red from his cheeks to his thighs, chest heaving.
“Look so pretty like this. Should keep you on the edge all the time.” He went for the lube stashed in a box under his bed, resettling himself between Steve’s legs.
Steve pushed at Billy’s sweatpants, whining when they didn’t come off by his vague attempts to paw at them.
“Calm down, Princess. We’ll get there.” Steve huffed.
Billy just chuckled as he lubed up a few of his fingers, pushing one into Steve.
He gasped as the finger breached him, as Billy angled and curled his finger to poke at his prostate.
Steve arched his back when two fingers stretched him open, when they drilled into that perfect little spot, made him feel like he was going to fucking explode.
Billy was biting at his neck, sucking marks into his skin.
“Oh, holy shit.” Steve’s hips bucked as he came, getting spunk all over Billy’s stomach.
Billy didn’t let up, added another finger, prepping him.
He pulled his fingers out slowly, taking off his sweatpants and slicking up his cock, lining up to Steve, pressing himself steadily inside him.
He held himself still for a moment, hips pressed flush to Steve’s ass, seated deep inside him.
“Always feel so good.” He kissed both his cheeks. “I think your ass is my favorite place to be.”
“That’s kinda terrible.”
“How is that terrible?”
“You just said your favorite place to be is in my ass. Which like, that’s a lot, Bill.”
“So, do you want me to get out of your ass, because I can-” Steve whined as he began to pull out, wrapping his legs tightly around Billy.
“No, sorry. Stay.”
“Greedy.” He ground his hips, making Steve gasp sharply. He went back in to kiss him, just sloppily licking into one another’s mouth as Billy began bucking his hips, fucking Steve gently, slowly.
“Bill, faster.” He obliged, slamming into Steve faster, deeper.
Steve was hard again, breathing heavy.
“You gonna cum again?”
“Not, not yet.” Billy smirked at him, licking over his teeth.
“What, I’m not giving you enough?” Billy slowed his pace, but fucked Steve so hard he was shoved up closer to the headboard each time.
“Oh, my, God.” The words punched out of him with every thrust. His eyes were wide as he scrambled for purchase on Billy’s back, clawing at him.
“Now you close?”
“Yeah, Billy I’m so fucking close.” He kept up with his rough, slow pace, shoving his way right into Steve’s prostate.
He was dangerously close, but he wanted to get Steve there first, wanted to feel how tight that sweet little hole goes around him.
He didn’t have to wait very long, Steve was arching his back so beautifully, his thighs tensing around Billy’s waist.
He clenched around Billy, made him grunt as he came.
Billy looked up at him, shook out his hair as he grinned.
“wanna watch the next one? Just like this?”
“Billy, if you keep fucking me to Star Wars movies, I’m gonna develop a Pavlovian response to get hard whenever I hear the Imperial March.”
“You were paying attention!”
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silver-and-stars · 5 years
The Rise of Skywalker
Okay so TROS is out in France and I’ve just seen it. And I need to get all those feelings out of my chest.
Bottom line for those who don’t want to read the whole summary about Kylo/Ben :
- Rey is a Palpatine
- Rey force healing Ben by giving him her life energy
- Leia dies and it makes Ben gives up the dark side.
- Rey VS Palpatine
- Ben Solo comes to help.
- Rey defeats Palpatine but dies.
- Ben Solo gives her his life energy to bring her back to life. That’s the romantic grand gesture they were talking about.
- THEY KISS and immediately after HE DIES and his body DISAPPEARS
- Nothing more is shown and said about Ben, him turning good again or his sacrifice. It’s like only Rey know that and no one will ever learn the truth. Not even Chewie.
Now, onwards for the very long talk : 
I hadn’t read the leaks, only the posts on tumblr following them : Rey blowing up the transport ship in which Chewie was in, Kylo Ren / Ben Solo dying and not being talk about again, it’s all true ! Expect that Chewie wasn’t really in the transport ship. He is fine.
More on the rest later but first Ben Solo’s redemption and death + Reylo.
So first off all, Rey goes on the wreck of the Death Star to find an item - a sith wayfinder, only two exist and Kylo has one - that could direct her to Palpatine’s lair, cause yeah, Palpatine is alive and he just lend the First Order a HUGE fleet of Star Destroyers, each equip with a Star Killer canon.
Palpatine is not doing well btw : he is vertically plugged to a machine, his eyes are white, their is missing flesh on his fingers... He hids on a sort of closed temple and has hundreds of Sith cultists (non-fighters) with him.
Kylo finds him and Plapatine tells him he made Snoke and the truth about Rey’s identity (which we don’t hear). He wants Kylo to find Rey and kill her and he will give him the Empire in exchange. 
Instead Kylo warns Rey that Palpatine wants her dead and says he doesn’t care about Palpatine’s plans, he just want her to join him on the darkside. He tells her who she is : Palpatine’s grand-daughter. Palpatine had a son who ran away and hid in Jakku with Rey’s mom but the Emperor wanted to get his hand on Rey, presumably to kill her, so they sold Rey and lied about her not being on Jakku anymore before getting killed.
So anyway Rey isn’t taking all that information so well, even less since she had a vision (that we saddly don’t see) of her sitting beside Kylo on the throne of the Siths.
On the deathstar she has a vision of Darth Rey after touching the wayfinder, quite like Luke had of himself on Dagobah. She fights with herself and drops the wayfinder. Kylo picks it up and tells her the only way she will find Palpatine is if she comes with it and he crushed the wayfinder. Rey is seething with anger and fights Kylo very agressively, most of what he does is retreating. They end up outside, on the wreck, above a very agitated sea.
Rey is really close to giving in to her anger and go dark and Kylo finally starts to get the upper hand. And then Leia happens.
Leia who felt their battle, used the last of her strength to connect with his son. She says his name and Kylo feels she is dying. He spaces out and drops his saber. Rey stabs him in the stomach the same moment Leia dies. They both feels it. Rey shuts down her saber, Ben slides down on the floor. Rey cries and looks at Ben, he is staring blankly into space, looking like a lost boy. She kneels beside him and heals him, transferring life energy into him. She tells him he was right, she did wanted to take his hand, Ben’s hand. And she leaves in his ship.
Later we find Ben still on the wreck, standing and looking at the horizon. A voice says “Hey kid” and for a sec I thought it was Ghost Luke. But no ! Ben turns around and it’s Han !
Ben says he is just a memory, “your memory” answers Han. Ben says Ben Solo is dead and Han says that it’s Kylo Ren who is dead, and asks him to come home. And Ben says it’s too late, “she’s dead”. Earlier on we had a hint that Ben wanted to go back to her but he believed he had went to far on the wrong track to be able and allowed to go back. Now Han tells him that what Leia believed in and fought for is still alive. The following scene mirror the one on the Starkiller bridge in SW7, when he killed Han, an act that still haunts him in this movie. Ben says the same lines “I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.”. Han’s touches his face and tells him he does. Ben calls him “dad” in a heartwrecking tone and turn around to throw his lightsaber into the sea. When he turns back Han isn’t there anymore.
The next time we see him it’s on Palpatine’s lair. Rey got there and confronted Palpatine who told her he didn’t want her dead, he wanted her to kill him so his spirit would be transferred in her body. Of course she doesn’t want to do so and doesn’t plan on hating him either. But he opens up the roof of the temple and she can see the Resistance’s ships getting their asses kick by his fleet. He tells her that if she completes the rituel she will have control over his fleet and she could then save her new family (the Resistance).
And then she feels Ben. He is here in the temple, with only a loose shirt, pants and a blaster, reminding me of young Luke or young Han, he is fighting his way toward her but the knights of Ren have him cornered and he is now unarmed. Rey and him look into each other eyes using their force bound (that is now strong enough for them to transfer objects between them) and they nods in agreement. Rey pretends she will strike Palpatine down, just like Ben pretented he was going to kill Rey before Snoke. She rises her saber while Palpatine narrates, puts it behind her back and... it’s in Ben’s hands. He was a very endearing gesture there, like he is saying “now we’re talking” and he fights the knights of Ren, one against six, with a blue light saber. Meanwhile Rey has another lightsaber : Leia’s, that force ghost Luke gave her and she fights Palpatine’s guards. 
Ben reaches her and they stand togeteher, in sync, before Palpatine. “you stand together. you die together” says Palapatine and he attacks them. But when he does the flesh on his finger is restored. He realized Rey and Ben have something very rare in the force, a bound, a dyad. And he absorbs their power to rejuvenate/heal himself. Rey and Ben fall unconscious on the ground. Palpatine now with his full power, unleashed massive a electric beam toward the ships and starts frying the Resistance (who in the meanwhile got backup from the whole galaxy).
Ben is the first to wake up but Palpatine throws him down a pit kinda like he was thrown in one by Vader. Then Rey wakes up, lies on her back and see the fleet, but beyond them she sees the stars and says “be with me”. Many jedi voices (Luke, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Ashoka etc) answer tell her to get back up, that they are with her.
She takes her saber and rise on her feet. Palpatine directs his electicity toward her and she blocks it with her saber. He tells her it’s useless, she can’t defeat him as he is all of the Siths, she cannot win. But she grabs the second light saber and push back, says she is all the jedis, and Palpatine is vaporized by his own force lightining.
The victory is here. However Rey drops the saber and fall on the floor, unmoving, eyes open. Finn (who is force sensitive) fells that she is dead. But from the pit arise Ben. He is injured, limping, he falls several times in his way to reach her but when he finally falls near her, he grabs her and cradles her, looking desperate. Her body is limp, her eyes still open and unmoving. So he lies her down in his laps, closes his eyes and gives her his life energy. Of course it works ! And, knowing about the leaks I think “oh no. oh no. maybe they were wrong about this part at least” and “you mom and uncle would be so pround of you right now”. Rey wakes up, sits up, looks at him, puts his hand on his face. He is so relieved, she smiles and calls his name, “Ben”. And they KISS. BOUM CANON REYLO. And when they break the kiss he gives her a smile so relieved, happy and innocent, it breaks my harts. It breaks my heart because they hug (I think) and then he falls backward. Eyes closed, unmoving and his body disappears and as it does so does Leia’s ! No more Ben. All there is left are his clothes on the ground. And that’s it.
Rey says nothing, the scene just cut to the fleet coming home and celebrating. We see her rejogning the fleet in Luke’s X-Wing, then on their base where she happily reunites with BB-8, Poe and Finn. Then she goes on Tatooine, finds the Skywalker farm, buries Leai and Luke’s lightsaber together. She has made her own lightsaber. It’s yellow.
An old lady passes by and asks her who she is. She says “Rey” and looks on her right. There are Luke and Leia’s force ghosts standing side by side and I’m already dead inside. On Leia’s left there is a blank space. I expected Ben’s ghost to materialize there, like Anakin’s did beside Yoda and Obi-wan in SW4, to shows us Ben is still with her in some way and that he was at least reunited with his mother, thzt he is at peace with Luke and himself. But no, nothing. She says “Rey Skywalker”, watched Tatooine’s suns set and that’s it. Nothing more about Ben turning back good, nothing showing some people -at least Poe, Finn AND FUCKING CHEWIE - YOU KNOW, HIS KINDA-UNCLE CHEWIE, CHEWIE, BEN’S FATHER’S BEST-FRIEND, CHEWIE WHO LET OUT AND HEARTBREAKING CRY AND FELT ON HIS KNEES WHEN HE LEARNT LEIA) DIED, CHEWIE WHOSE THREE BEST FRIENDS (HAN, LUKE, LEIA]) DIED TRYIND TO REACH OUT TO BEN - learned that Ben saved Rey’s life, helped defeat Palpatine and in the end did the right thing. For all we know the galaxy still believes he is evil and died evil. 
And really, if Rey went through all the trouble of separating from her friend and go on the Skywalker homeland - like she intended to live there- , couldn’t she just build up a life there with Ben. I can’t see how people would accept Ben and his redemption after he killed so many, including Han, and as he was such an important and feared figure of the First Order. But they could have lay low and live happily together on Tatooine and build a home and a family together there. A Palpatine and a Skywalker, united in peace and love. Two lost children, orphan now, creating their own home. A new start, a new life. But no. We don’t get that. Ben was too young to die in a Star Wars movie. This is not Rogue One wtf. 
So yeah no, I’m not quite okay. The end was too quick. The movie was nice, it didin’t felt slow or dragging, there wasn’t any horses race scene. But the conclusion was too short, to abrupt imo. You needs to spend a little more time on it after three movies ! Or you know, since it’s the end of the Skywalker saga FUCKING NINE MOVIES. Gimme a 30 minutes long ending like in Return of the King. I’m okay with this ! I do want to know what became of the Resistance, of Finn, Poe, Chewie. I do want to see force ghost Ben (since you weren’t kind and hopeful enough to keep him alive). 
Btw : R2D2 is barely in this movie and does almost nothing. It’s R2D2. Sure BB8 is cute but R2 as been around since Padmé ! He knows stuffs !! He is good at his job, let him save lives ! 
No canon Stormpilot. The queer character is has expect of an american Blockbuster own by Disney, a minor character (the lady who said in SW8 that Admiral Ackbar is dead and Leia in a coma) and she just kisses another lady for like 0.02 sec in a crowded scene.
No Rose x Finn either for that matter, not a word about the kiss, or their relation. Two new girls who have a romantic vibe with Poe or Finn, but it doesn’t lead anywhere fortunately.
Force ghost-Luke ! Memory-Han ! Leia (RIP) ! Lando (a bit) ! Chewie (still alive)! C3PO and R2 still alive ! Fucking PALPATINE wtf why were you not hinted at earlier ! CGI young-Luke and young-Leia traning in a forest ! Luke X-wing taking flight again ! The Millenium Falcon still up and running ! So many people from the old movies. 
Also Qui-Gon Jinn’s voice. Strangely it conforted me to hear his voice but dammit gimme force ghost-Ben !
What else? Oh yeah Hux betrayed the First Order to get in Kylo’s way and got unmasked and killed. No one ever talked about him again.
Also BEN SOLO IS FREAKING DEAD ! So Ben, you were a betrayed and manipulated kid ? Manipulated by freaking Palpatine and betrayed by your uncle Luke ? You want to do the right now ? Well you will have to die for it! 
No ! Keep him alive, have him earn is redemption by doing more for the good guys, to compensate the harm he has done. Or at least leave him in peace with his lover. 
I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY KILLED OFF -ALL- THE SKYWALKERS ! We like them ! Keep the young and last one alive at least !
Also the whole Palpatine business is so abrupt. That’s a thing for three movies, or two at last, not just the last one.
But I enjoyed it anyway. But my heart is quite broken. And it’s the end of the trilogy and Skywalker bloodline and story and i don’t know what to do with this.
I wished they hadn’t reused the “reformed bad-guy saves someone he loves from the Emperor but dies by doing so” plot point from the Return of the Jedi. We had seen this already, you could have done something knew and less heartbreaking. Vader at done a lot more evil, willingly, not because he was confused and manipulated, he was old, barely living. But Ben ? Ben was ready to start anew on the right path, he was young and seemed hopeful after Rey came back to life. His parents and his uncle tried to save him from the dark side. But when he finally got away from it he dies ? Just dies like that ? I thought I was okay with the idea that his redemption meant his death, but it turns out I’m not, it doesn’t feels right. 
Ben was a main charcater, one in whose redemption I was too much emotionnaly invested about to be okay with him dying like that, Vader style.
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void-tiger · 5 years
Starwars EU: unrated
...I never felt any burning need to read those books and comics Oh My as a kid while my dad, brother, and cousin pawed through thrift stores and tries to piece together timelines and which ones they Actually Had and quite frankly? I STILL don’t. Disney “retconning” it all was quite frankly a brilliant move for the sake of making new content that’s actually followable for old&new fans and especially for content creators. Enjoy it as Spinoff Alternate Universe since...that’s basically how it always functioned best, anyway.
..I will say I very much enjoyed the Jedi Apprentice series as a kid. (Jedi, camp (and whump and angst, especially for Qui-Gon), and a FoundFam dynamic between Qui-Gon and Obi-wan? GOOD STUFF. I seriously need to reread it once those books are unpacked. And Jenna Zan Arbor is everything I wanted out of Haggar tbh.) Oh, and I’ve got a (discontinued) series about the Clones I need to check out. And some of the StandAlone books about various characters sound interesting.
But...I really really wouldn’t consider any of the books, comics, videogames, etc to be canonical (and really just shouldn’t be. I think we can all agree that TheForceUnleashed is Fun but Uncanonical and a CompleteMess.)
The Clone Wars (series) (7/10)
Good, has rewatch value, fleshed out the Clone War, and humanized the Clones and various Jedi...buuuut...has pacing issues, and ends on a depressing Inevitable note when trying to tie things back together to the Midquels. Can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually preferred the Jedi being blindsided in RotS for Tying It Back To ANH. Obiwan’s and Yoda’s and Padme’s grief felt real vs cheated. And the episode with the Force Gods? Just...what was the point.
Rebels (series) (6/10)
It’s...Okay. I like the FoundFam concept, it’s campy, and has some really good moments. Plus seeing various Midquels Characters showing up for Nostalgia is always fun. But...I didn’t really care for it after s2 and don’t really feel any burning need to finish it. I’d rather read s1-then-AU fanon camp, honestly. (And from what I read about how it ended and Tied It Back? Doesn’t seem like I’m missing anything.)
RougeOne: Hopepunk Tragedy (8/10)
...but it’s always too soon for a rewatch. That movie BROKE me, but it remembered its themes, and gave backstory for “many bonthans died to obtain the DeathStar plans.”
Solo: Grimdark Camp (-5/10)
...just...TF is this. It forgot its themes, destroyed Han’s character, treated Lando SO dirty, and went out of its way to beat the Bechdel Test into a pulp, drag it behind a truck, tie it to train tracks, blow up the remains, then shoot whatever’s left into the sun, then feed the solar system into a blackhole. I’ve never wanted to walk out of a theater before but that movie somehow managed it, and I swear did so intentionally. Who was the target audience again? ‘Cause even the portion of the fandom who whines about diversity or the “EU” getting regulated to Spinoff/Uncanonical couldn’t have liked it since Han was so OOC
The Mandilorian: unrated
...I still do not have Disney Plus. (And if it were just a case of The Mouse’s Monopoly vs The Crew, then maybe I’d look for someplace to watch online.) But so far everything seems worth the hype (and I am a sucker for FoundFam and GOOD acting-despite-costume and prop/puppet&anamatronic usage. It’s an artform.)
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franeridart · 7 years
I'm not trying to say your opinion on the hard of hearing Bakugou is wrong or unjustified or anything, but there is proof that quirks can hurt your body, even though they come from your body. Ex. How aizawa's eyes get dry v easily or how AOYAMA gets nauseous by using his Lazer Once again, not trying to force your ideas in a different direction, I'm just putting this out there
I dunno why you guys are so set on trying to convince me Bakugou could become deaf through normal and safe use of his quirk, but okay - what you’re talking about is the quirk’s drawback, explicitly stated in every quirk description and, specifically, in the UA File. It’s like, to keep up with the walking analogy, when you run too long and your legs begin to hurt because you pushed it too far. It’s nothing irreversible, usually, and comes from crossing the line between safe use and overdoing it. Anyway, this is Bakugou’s UA File
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More specifically, the part we’re interested in is this one
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So, if we’re equating the possibility of him becoming hoh as a natural consequence of his quirk to Aoyama or Aizawa’s drawbacks, we actually know from canon that that’s not something that’s about to happen to Bakugou - the only drawback (or hindrance, really) his quirk has is that it takes a bit for him to reach full power when it’s cold
Guys, I’m telling you, I’m not here to change anyone’s opinion on this headcanon. You want Bakugou to become deaf before he can make it as number one hero, all the power to you! I wouldn’t even have brought the topic up if my opinion on it hadn’t been directly asked, and all I’m saying is that the headcanon isn’t my cup of tea - I got my reasons to not like it, you got your reasons to like it, that’s okay, that’s great, that’s what being different people with different tastes is all about
Anon said: Oh no, I understand better now, thank for explaining n for not thinking that I was trying to be rude!! Have a nice day!
It’s okay, you didn’t come off as rude at all, anon! :D
Anon said: I think what other anon might be overlooking is that while yes there are hoh/deaf people who can still walk that is because their hearing is damaged by something that only damages their hearing. Bakugous quirk has the possibility to damage multiple body systems, so like you said just one being damaged would be a little strange without special circumstances. (Like they said I'm just trying to respectfully join the conversation not come off as rude ^^')
You don’t sound rude at all anon, don’t worry! But yeah, as I said it comes off as hard to believe for me, but it’s not like headcanoning is serious business that needs to have a logic all the times always, if people enjoy it there’s no reason anyone should stop them from thinking about Bakugou as becoming hoh in the future. It’s just headcanons, after all
Anon said:You don't have to answer this one at all because I'm just responding to the HOH stuff and I don't want to force you to spam your blog with these questions for all of eternity lol. I just wanted to say that I personally could ONLY see Bakugou having hearing damage if he frequently overused his gauntlets to make unnaturally large blasts. Like using it occasionally like he does wouldn't cut it. He'd have to often be using them to create blasts outside his bodies normal limit
I do think, considering Bakugou’s personality, that the risk of him overdoing it exists, and that could make him end up with permanent damage caused by his own quirk, but I’m also of the opinion that he’s clever enough to stop pushing it if he realizes overworking himself is endangering his future, you know? And he has tutors and friends that would stop him in case he didn’t stop himself anyway, but that’s just my opinion haha
Anon said:Um????? Thank you for drawing Mina the way you do!??????? She's my fave chara and I just love how u make her both fluffy and muscly like I'm shook I luv my girl omg T-T
You’re welcome!!! And thank you for liking her!!!! I sort of latched onto those few times she’s been described as athletic and agile and ran with it ngl haha 
Anon said:I just realized that deathstar is a ship name and not a star wars reference
LMAO it’s a cool name isn’t it? A cool name for a super cool ship, I love it haha
Anon said:Opinion on mineta?
Do I have to be 100% honest? Like, totally and utterly? I have zero (0) opinions about Mineta. I just. Really don’t care about him. And usually forget he exists until someone brings him back to my attention. He’s just. Insignificant and dull. Even less worth of my time than the usual perverts you find in every single shounen manga ever. He’s just... he’s just Mineta.
I still wish there would be an occasion for Bakugou and Todoroki to launch him in the middle of a fight they don’t have the license to take part in and yell at him that “it’s the new heirarchy, Mineta” though, not gonna lie lol that’s... sort of a thought that’s been making me laugh since chapter 114 first came out haha
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classpect-weaponry · 7 years
What about a umbrellakind for a knight of space who has an interests in things like Pluto and masks possibly something that can act like a laser canon?
Well, Space, laser Canon, etc, I'm thinking something like a miniature reverse death star. I call it the Matter GathererAt each tip of the umbrella (the prong like things surrounding the perimeter) there is a gravity pool, basically something that can pull matter inward. These are used to basically pull enemies apart piece by piece, or to bring chunks of matter inward, compressing them into a single point at the center of the umbrella. This all takes place rather quickly, resembling a reverse gunshot, with all the smoke and fire seen leaving the muzzle of a gun played in reverse. (this actually looks really cool, look it up) Anyway, when it's compressed to your liking, simply flip a switch in the handle of your umbrella to fling all that matter forward in a concentrated beam. The longer you let it compress, the more power and heat will be released in something resembling the death star blasting apart a planet. As for acting as an umbrella, imagine using it to suck in an entire raincloud and then launching it back at your enemy as a huge boiling cloud of water vapor. The design of this umbrella is completely customizable, allowing you to actually copy the looks of things you've sucked and compressed with it! To make this weapon, use a Gravity Reversal Module, Gun-Brella and the Deathstar Blueprints. I hope you enjoyed this! ~Weapons Master Blu
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akajustmerry · 7 years
okay ya’ll know i am a hardcore believer in rey skywalker BUT in light of the recent Obi Wan film rumors, i also think rey kenobi is also fair game 
i’m gonna sound so thick but i only recently considered the fact that rey is one of the few characters with a british accent (jon boyega is also british but he was specifically asked to put on american accent) and obi-wan and qui gon were the only characters that had british accents throughout the films
then there is the fact that rey hears obi wan’s voice when she has her vision and we all know that ewan recorded the lines especially for that scene 
rey also does jedi mind tricks really well, something that other jedi in the series (including qui gon and luke) have struggled with, but obi wan was well renowned for
 luke didn’t start living like a hermit until now, but rey has been living on her own on jakku waiting for her family to come, more or less paralleling obi-wan’s seclusion on tattooine before luke sought him out 
when you watch rey and obi wan’s combat techniques side by side, there are some glaring similarities especially when obi-wan fights anikan in rots vs rey and kylo ren
there are loads of other parallels too like the way rey climbs thru the starkiller base vs obi climbing thru the deathstar, rey’s outfit is almost identical to what obi wears as a padawan in phantom, also both rey and obi-wan return luke’s lightsaber to him
of course it is more likely that obi is rey’s granfather but i think that is more poetic anyways because it’d be quite something to think that kylo ren, the grandson of darthvader will be defeated by the grandaughter of obi-wan kenobi, don’t you reckon?
and of course there is the obi wan film rumors that are not to be discounted - disney’s interest in the character and filling the gap in his canon implies that there is an event that occurred between rots and anh that we as audience would value
long story short: i’m rootin for rey kenobi and rey skywalker i am a win/win kinda gal
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*shrieking* FORCE-SENSITIVE FINN!!!!
*running flying leap kick to break down your screen door* FORCE SENSITIVE FINN
like y’alllllllllll
cable robin picks him out of an entire crowd of stormtroopers, recognizing this one is special enough to learn his designation???? like right here, guys, this is honestly enough for me, capulet rickroll cares about nothing but The Force(tm)
breaks through his conditioning!!!!!!!!!! strong fcukign minds my guy,,,
this is one is way more speculative than my other points but I SWEAR TO GOD when he and poe are escaping he turns off the targeting computer in the TIE fighter right before he blows up that one turret thing like I sat up straight in my chair when I first saw that in the theater! and then no one was talking about it so I convinced myself it didn’t happen so hard that the second time I watched the movie I was like “nahhhh he just messes with the controls or something” but the THIRD TIME that I watched the movie I was just ???!?!?!??!!!!! I STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS THAT’S ACTUALLY HAPPENING, BUT IN MY HEART OF HEARTS I BELIEVE HE TURNED IT OFF IN A DIRECT PARALLEL TO LUKE AND THE DEATH STAR THANK YOU GOODNIGHT
is deathstar one word? two? I don’t know and don’t really care either, lmao
ahem. anyway. when the deathkiller 2000 or whatever the fuck they named it (I’ve seen this movie three times and read a bunch of fic and still can’t remember lmao) blows up that star system, finn is about to walk onto that random ass ship and then IN THE BACKGROUND YOU HEAR WHAT SOUNDS LIKE DISTANT SCREAMING (you know... like thousands of voices crying out at once before being abruptly silenced........) and he immediately looks up to see the mega-watt-70k horrordeath 2.0(c) lasers in the sky
(anyway can you tell I really enjoy star wars but have exactly zero interest in learning all the minutiae of the extremely complicated lore... or even the like, not so minor details, I just want to passively consume my space fairytales and then screech about morality and soft characters (thank you, rogue one, for the Literal Blessing that is bodhi rook))
finn fights using luke’s lightsaber multiple times? I’ve been told there used to be a thing about how only jedi can wield lightsabers but a) who fucking knows if I remember that correctly b) who knows if it’s even still canon lmao and c) I had a third point but I forgot it, anyway, this was my dad’s only comment when finn turned on the lightsaber, and my dad is almost fifty and used to be a decently hardcore trekkie Back In The Day so I trust his general sci-fi knowledge more than mine, for perhaps obvious reasons
there’s more but this is the point where I stop paying attention to finn specifically because I’m way too emotional about what’s about to happen between mr. han organa and darth wunderkind
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