#anyway did m83 majorly rewrite anyone elses brain in like high school or was it just me
fabdante · 1 year
I don't know if thereis a limit to those, but here are some for the soft asks 5,7,12,13,18,20,22 my mutual ♥
Hello dear mutual!! There is no limit!
5. Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh.
Oh difficult question!! I had a good time seeing the Mario Movie
7. What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?
Honestly just like stories and stuff! Either my own or like fan fic type ideas., stuff I want to write or draw in general. I like to think of little scenes and stuff! (It's usually fan fic type stuff)
12. Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.
My Tears Are Becoming A Sea by M83 !
13. What’s your ideal summer aesthetic?
That very specific summer feeling of wandering a hill up the way from the campground you've been staying at, were the trees part into a little clearing between the campground and farmland and the road. And everything is green and there's little wild flowers and an overgrown baseball diamond. It's sunny and there's perfect clouds in the sky. And everything is still for a little while and nothing is expected of you. Everything is changing and nothing is. All your friends are there and that's all that matters just now. You can be everything and nothing and it's nice.
18. Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random?
Yes and no. I think they're largely random and often just some passing thought we had. However that doesn't mean we can't derive meaning from them. Sometimes they can offer a lot of introspection, understanding, and comfort for that reason.
And sometimes they're just like some nightmarish lost episode creepypasta called 'Lois Griffon Flesh House' and you don't even watch Family Guy.
20. What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
One of the sweetest things someone has ever done for me was after my best friend died, my now girlfriend was coming to visit me and stopped to get me a gift to cheer me up. She'd wanted to get me a stuffed animal but couldn't find one where she stopped so she just got me a dog squeaky toy because she thought it would make me feel just a little better and I still think about that all the time.
22. What do you like most about nature?
I think I like most that no matter what we do as humans, dandelions always find a way to grow, so every spring and every summer they're everywhere.
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