#anyway fanon is so much better than canon sometimes and this show is a shining example my dudes
ya-rr-ow · 10 months
sunflower trio thoughts
I love the sunflower trio in canon, but I do think it would be better if the dynamics changed.
First of all, I don’t like Teri having a crush on Aoi. It doesn’t give much to the story except for more conflict between Akane and Teru, and just overall doesn’t make sense. It seems like it’s only there because Teru is a boy and Aoi is a girl so why not make it a love triangle! I know it would never happen since Teru and Akane are both boys and I doubt the creator is tbhk is planning on including any mlm or wlw romance in tbhk (unfortunately) but I think that Teru having a crush on Akane would make so much more sense. It would be so much more compelling to see Teru crush on Akane, knowing he can never have him because he loves Aoi and feeling guilty about it because he is part supernatural. It would add a lot more to his character than some random backround crush that a doesn’t do much to his character. Not hating on teruaoi, you ship what you want as long as it’s not problematic, I just don’t ship those two by themselves. Now I have a very complicated relationship with aoiaoi. On one hand, I see Aoi as a lesbian (me projecting), but that’s just a personal headcanon. I don’t despise aoiaoi, but I’m not a big fan of how their dynamic is portrayed in tbhk. Most of the time it is used for humor, just showing Akane being a creep. My problem with this is that I think it takes away from Akane’s character to make everything he says or does about Aoi. This is why I think he shines when paired with Teru instead, as more of his true self comes out instead of just him loving Aoi being his only personality trait. Obviously the ship has a lot more depth than that, especially when you look at the severance arc. I believe that the ship would be nicer if Akane was slightly less obsessive and Aoi trusted him more. Luckily, canon seems to be going that way as at the Minamoto house we see them interacting more normally. I don’t consider the ship toxic, and sometimes I really enjoy it. I just think that it could be made better with more communication between the two.
To be honest, I’d say I prefer aoiaoi more in fanon aus than in canon. I’ve seen far worse ships with this dynamic though (tmnt2012 apriltello) and I think that it definitely has an interesting dynamic that can be expanded on more in the future. One way to do this could be showing Akane trying to heal Aoi’s hand, but I don’t know if that will be followed up on.
Anyways, there are my hot takes on the sunflower trio. Again, if you like aoiaoi or teruaoi please don’t come at me for anything said here. Just my personal opinion!
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Headcanons for Supernatural Angel Wings
Cool cool I’m sure this has been done but I’m doing it anyway. Okay let’s go archangels first.
It sounds cliche as heck but I’d give him golden eagle wings. 
Eagles have been the image of a lot of major things for one main reason: they’re the symbol of Zeus. And therefore Jupiter. And therefore Rome. And therefore a ton of other countries trying to be the Roman Empire Take Two. I feel like the warrior archangel that he is? He’d have eagle wings. (If I weren’t so sure about it I’d give him condor wings for sure)
Mark Pelligrino said it first: Flamingo wings. 
And actually?  The aesthetic works for me. They’re not quite as ostentatious as bubblegum pink plastic ones - there’s reds and whites and blacks, which frankly goes with the hellfire Lucifer’s been through, while also being flashy. (I don’t have access to a good image of the wings, but just trust me? And Mark?)
Probably turkey vulture. 
Another out of the blue one to look up, but the brown and white contrast on the underside of the wing does look pretty cool, and the bird itself looks like the regency aunt on her third mysteriously dead husband, so the vibe fits for me for whatever reason.
The golden-winged boy: I’d give him Golden White-Eye wings.
I just recently looked up golden birds and these tiny things were PERFECT and precious little things with bright golden feathers. Not yellow - I’m saving the goldfinch for someone else - but really golden looking feathers. Plus, you know, small and critically endangered, like my fave. (Shh, he’s not dead, I don’t know what you’re talking about ;) )
You’re probably thinking I was going to say a raven, right? Well, no. I’m not. 
Common Grackle.
I have a ton of these little dudes always in my yard, and let me tell you, they’re actually gorgeous despite probably being kind of common. They have kind of oil-slick looking feathers in a metallic black-blue situation towards their heads. So at the base of his wings it would be that blue, but it would radiate out into black in my head. 
Look, Peacock wings are nearly as extra as their tailfeathers, and this man I cannot doubt would have these bright wings. 
I know him better from fanon than canon, but the sweet smol boy deserved better, and I think he would make a lovely finch. 
Dusky Lory - another one I looked up for this list specifically.
These wings look like they’re burning, so I can only think of Anna tearing hers off as they burn away as she becomes human. If Flamingo wasn’t already Lucifer’s, I’d pick this for him, probably.
I’m not just doing this to be hating on him - though a lot of people are willing to do that; I can’t help but know him best from “Don’t Call Me Shurley”, as I came in on Season 11 when I finally sat down to watch the show week by week. But some pigeons are downright beautiful. 
Blue-winged kookaburra. 
Grey and unassuming as Ezekiel, with shining blue power in the end. 
He’ll have crow wings, I think, because they are a bad omen, and he ends up being a pretty bad image for everyone: Lucifer is coming, and Heaven is going to side with the Apocalypse. 
I’m giving him Canadian Goose wings, because he’s an annoying blowhard who’s too dangerous for his own good.
Shining cuckoo, partially because of cuckoo behavior, partially because green and shiny. 
Cuckoos leave their eggs in other nests so that other birds will raise them, sometimes starving the rest of the nest to provide for another bird. There’s some sort of parallel in there, I’m sure, but my brain won’t go all the way to make the connection rn. 
HM this one’s hard. I think I’ll give her swan wings (wow, the first white ones???) because of the vanity she seems to flaunt - she’s got it all, why not show off her power for a buck or two?
I have two main thoughts on Jack’s wings.  In the AU with Mary, they looked much, much smaller than they did recently. I always thought of them as sparrow wings. 
However, I can’t deny that the recent episode with him taking Michael’s Grace? I think he could have a merlin falcon’s wings instead. But I’m still clinging to my sparrow boy. IDK.
What do y’all think?  I certainly can’t decide on Jack, but I do like my choices here. What would you match up? Did I miss an angel, a bird you’d want?
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