#anyway haru is so damn cute but i can't wait to find out exactly what kind of shady shit he was up to
tecchan · 3 months
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Waking up and finding you on your period | FKBU Headcanons 』
Characters: female!reader, Kambe Daisuke, Kato Haru
Tags/warnings: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited (anime), 15+, mild sexual references, fluff, so much fluff, teensy bit of a daddy kink implied for Daisuke, bit of breeding link implied for Haru *COUGH*
A/N: Guess who came on her period and was in dire need of some comfort from her best boys? That's right. Me. So I freaking wrote it. Here you go.
Despite the tags, it's like, 95% fluff, and even the sex is fluffy, and it's not even described. This is just pure wholesomeness. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! Imo~
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Kambe Daisuke
At first, when Daisuke sees the blood in the bed, he thinks you might be injured and worriedly wakes you up, asking if you're hurt with his hair down because he's been sleeping
As you wake, you feel the crushing pangs in your abdomen and shake your head
"That's not is," you say, embarrassed about the amount of blood staining the sheets
"I see," he says, deducing that you must have got your period in the night
He sounds as calm as ever, but he's actually genuinely relieved you haven't injured yourself
But he can see that you're in pain and he hates it serious daddy vibes
He carefully picks you up and carries you to the ensuite bathroom princess style, baby
"I'm sorry," you whimper into his chest
"There is nothing to be sorry for," he says firmly
His voice rumbles in your ears that deep, sultry voice, omg
When you reluctantly ask him if he's grossed out, he gives you a blank look
"Why should I be?" he asks. "It's perfectly natural."
"Yeah, but…"
He senses that you've experienced unpleasant situations with boyfriends in the past and can't help but feel fiercely protective and angered that they hurt you like that
"Any man who is 'grossed out' – as you put it – by something like this," he continues, entirely seriously, "does not deserve to be called a man."
He sits with you and helps you clean yourself as he draws the bath for you, having got his servants to fetch pain killers, sanitary products, and clear up the mess in the bedroom
You keep apologising for ruining the incredibly expensive, luxury bedding like so expensive, you want to die
But Daisuke keeps telling you not to worry about it, insisting that it can easily be replaced
He's literally already got HEUSC to order some new stuff
After you're clean, he helps you into the bath and gets in with you, sitting you between his legs, his arms around your body, and pulls you back against his chest
He insists you use all your favourite scents and products, planting little kisses on your neck and shoulders as he caresses the bubbles over your skin
He helps you get dressed into some of his comfy, oversized clothes and sits you down on the sofa he bought some after he wore Haru's, lmao
Come to the comfy side, we have hot guys
You grab hold of the back of his shirt when he turns to leave
When you ask him to stay with you, he immediately has tells HEUSC to clear his schedule for the day, calling in sick for work so he can do just that he must look after his princess
He can never say no to you
Hoodies and sweatpants all round
He has his chef make all your favourite foods and orders in whatever chocolates and treats you want
He even purchases a giant, expensive teddy with same-day delivery when you showed even the slightest interest in it we're talking a 2 metre plus bear, here
You spend the day curled up next to him in a cosy room, watching whatever movies, TV shows, K dramas, etc. you want
He probably has a cinema room in his house, okay? Don't @ me
Lots of cuddles and spooning hnng
He ignores any sexual urges he gets if he knows you're not in the mood
When you say you want a massage, he immediately goes to get HEUSC to call his private masseuse
When you ask him to do it instead, he's caught off guard and doesn't really have any idea what to do
He's hesitant and nervous, worried he might hurt you
But he eventually gets the idea, and feels proud of himself when you say it's helped relieve your cramps a little
Lots of hair stroking and back rubs
While you're asleep on his lap, he researches into dealing with period pain
He hates that his money can't buy you out of your pain entirely, but he's going to do the absolute best he can this sweet man, I can't
He makes sure he orders all sorts of high quality products, like super expensive heat pads, magnets, the best quality pads and tampons etc. so he's properly prepared next time best boy
While looking this stuff up, he reads that orgasms and sometimes even penetrative sex can help relieve cramps and pain, and immediately starts looking up how to go about it
When you wake up, he gets you some water and goes to ask you about what he read, but ends up a little too shy to, and vows to himself to bring it up next time
Which he does and it's adorable and hot at the same time??
And he really goes all out, focusing on you completely
You're glowing afterwards as you come down from your high, and he rests his forehead on yours
I'm dying, this is so cute. Why can't this be real?!?
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Kato Haru
You wake up first, feeling your stomach sink at the all too familiar sensation of blood between your legs
You nervously turn to Haru and wake him up, but can't manage to get the words out
Haru knows exactly what's happened as soon as he sees it
He gives you a hug and a kiss and tells you it's okay, and to get out of the bed
He fetches you pain killers and hurries out to the convenience store to buy any other products you need
A range of different pads, tampons, a hot water bottle, more over-the-counter pain killers and medication, chocolate it's necessary, okay? Haru knows what's up
It's dishearteningly early in the morning and still dark out brave boy, best boy
He returns with the items as quickly as possible, smelling of a fresh, crisp morning, still panting a little from hurrying to get back to you I freaking can't, it's too cute
He starts cleaning the sheets as best he can, soaking them in the tub while you clean yourself up in the bathroom
He also prepares a quick meal or two for you in advance because he knows you'll feel too awful to do anything yourself today he's so knowledgeable and practical
#boyfriend material
Lots of small smiles, hugs, and forehead kisses to remind you that he's not mad, because he knows you're worrying about it
When you're all clean and the bedding is changed, he puts you back to bed with a hot water bottle and a blanket, kissing your forehead
He has to get ready for work
You want him to stay, but you know how strong his sense of duty is, and don't want to put him in the position where he has to choose
He kisses you softly before he leaves, saying he'll call you later on his break
You spend the whole day missing him while enjoying the food he lovingly prepared
You wait with your phone by you, watching the clock
When he calls and you hear his voice come though on the other end of the line, you sink under a wave of relief and finally start to relax
He asks you how you are, if you've been eating, tells you to eat that particular food you always leave, because it's good for you, damn it, and reminds you where things are in case you might need them, etc.
He says he loves you soft boi
You can hear Kamei in the background, poking fun at Haru – who pointedly reminds him who has a girlfriend and who doesn't rip Kamei
Daisuke's voice briefly drifts down the line, and Haru says he has to go
He says he loves you again, and you say it back
When he hangs up, it's suddenly very empty in the apartment
You hug a pillow all afternoon in place of him
It's late when he gets back, laden with groceries, the ingredients for your favourite meal, and a bouquet of small, pretty-looking flowers from the supermarket
You're immediately feeling better now that he's home, getting some colour back in your cheeks
You watch him cook up a storm in the kitchen he's so hot when he cooks, I can't
You always love his food, but it tastes so much better now that he's with you
After eating, you curl up together and watch TV
Lots of goofy grins and raspberries on your neck and tummy – anything to make you laugh and smile again
When you finally laugh, he leans in and says, "There it is."
Spooning yes, both of them
I like spooning, shut up
He can't help but get hard, and he apologises bashfully when you notice
You tell him it's okay wink wonk
He grins
"You know, I think I have a remedy for this affliction of yours," he says, nuzzling your neck with his nose
"Oh yeah? What's that?" you ask sceptically, sensing something mischievous is afoot
"I could always put a baby in you, free of charge," he says, only half joking as he nibbles on your earlobe getting steamyyy
"Babe, we're broke," you say, breaking out into a giggle
But you get down to it anyway because he freaking loves you and knows that you needs to be reminded of it right now
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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