#anyway hello i'm on another new-to-me old lawyer show
tunemyart · 1 year
oh my god kalinda sharma actually is in love with alicia florrick isn't she
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Fucks not Found
Summary: You hack, that's what you do. Dying to do so freely, wasn't what you had expected. Meeting the weirdest fucking squad; losing the best part of you; falling for a thief : was not planned.
Pairing : Four/Billy (Ben Hardy) - You
A/N: The story goes through the all movie, so I suggest you watch it before reading.
I don't own any characters other than Eight.
English is not my native language, I'm trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Tried my best to match Ryan Reynold's level of sass aha
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch8 One, but not done [end]
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This is how you die.
"So you're the one who hacked the wrong guy" You swiftly turn around gasping at the sudden voice in your apartment
"Depends, you’re his hitman?" You were ready to run even if it means jumping by the window.
"Nooo, I'm an angel.” You snort at his sarcasm, unknown to you at this moment that he was full of it.
"Wanna disappear?" he asked taking a seat at the kitchen table eyeing your bags at the door.
"In a body bag? Slowly you make your way to the knives, just in case.
"You are a funny one, aren't you? I know the man you stole from, you won't get far until he got you. But, he emphasized, if you’re willing to do what's right.."
"I've already done my part for the flag." Assuming he was American by the way he talked.
"I'm not talking about shitty drug dealers. But evil war-lovers, genocide perpetrators, that kind of shitty so-called human. Those ones that are above the laws with governments' balls in their hands, ready to squish them.”
"That's gross" your brother appeared from the adjacent room. You let your mind consider the stranger’s offer as soon as you look at your confused brother, knowing he was in danger because of you.
“You two look at lot alike.” The guy leaned in, screwing his eyes at you both.
“We’re twin dumbass” your brother answered glancing at you wondering.
“What’s the deal?” you asked considering the offer
The guy smirked, “Well, to be short you die, and then you take down evil motherfuckers without governments’ backlash on you.” He tapped his fingers against the Formica table.
It took 5 minutes.
"One condition, my brother comes to!"
"What's he good at?" he crossed his arms.
"I can drive…Hold on what? Die? Who the fuck are you!?”
"Already too many questions” he rolled his eyes
"He's a hell of a driver, it got him under surveillance when he got chased by 6 police cars after an illegal race back in the States."
"So they caught up Muttley” the guy clucked his tongue
"No, you interfered almost ashamed, I told him to stop the car...I got motion sickness."
The guy erupted in laughter, you two watching him unamused.
“I’m more like Peter Perfect.”  Your brother mumbled as the guy left.
You look by the window discreetly, catching a glimpse of the guy mingling in the crowd. “You’re Muttley bro.”
A week later you got a text. The guy who called himself One had planned your fake death. A random trek in Italy’s mountains, an assumed fatal fall, no bodies recovered.
It was never supposed to be your life. But we all know nothing happens as it should.
Papà went to fight a war and disappeared, you were forced to move in America when you were 6.
Mammà never cope the loss of her motherland and husband. She died of a belated broken heart syndrome when you were 16. 
Both you and your brother were placed in a host family. It wasn’t a crappy family like it’s always the case in some tv show, they were nice and wealthy. The father was a tech engineer, somehow you took interest in his work and start learning to code, soon reading about hackers: white hats; black hats; “We are Legion”, you were hooked and skilled in a matter of time.
When you turned major though, things turned difficult, the host family had to let you go and Internal Affairs of your state caught you looking in their network. Which led to you working as a C.I for them, it was that or prison. Not thrilled by the idea but obliged to cooperate was your new motto.
Your brother had some job here and there but nothing steady, so money from the IA was welcome.
After a year and a half, I.A ditched you, it was rather good news in a way, they’ve erased your past mistakes but said they’d keep a distant eye on you.
So you moved on from your shithole that was the 1 bedroom apartment you and your brother shared and went to your parents’ hometown in Italy. Your brother was reluctant at first as he couldn’t even say hello in Italian, you taught him as your mamma had done it with you but he wasn’t that interested.
Working with people was not your forte, you were too bossy, so you got fired ... plenty of times: from a coffee shop, a rental bike shop and a tourist city tour bus thingy. So you started doing what you were good at, hacking for money, it went well for a few years, never being too greedy - until you hacked the wrong person and got in trouble.
That's how you became a Ghost and ended up in the middle of the California Desert.
One had built a squad. No names, only numbers to identify each other. Not calling your brother by his name was a challenge, same for him.
There were 7 of you.
One, the “boss”, a mysterious sassy billionaire who decided to fund his own strike team.
Two, a French blonde woman, pretty cold, a spy apparently
Three, a crazy hitman who couldn’t shut up
Four, a young parkour master and reformed thief
Five, a Doctor, but you heard she was actually working at a Dentist
Six, your brother, the annoying driver.
And then Eight, you, the Black Hat somehow becoming a hacktivist.
Why not Seven? Long story short, it was one more condition you’d submitted to One.
"Your focus determines your reality.”
“Oh for fuck's sake One, quit your Jedi bullshit!” you loosed your temper typing on your keyboard angrily. An entire week, an ENTIRE WEEK quoting Star Wars!
Four and Five laughed in the comm. One braced himself on the other end of the line. Three cut the heavy silence.
“Eight, Chiquita please stop yelling”
“I’m not a Chiquita stop saying that!”
“Ok ok chi…Eight, damn you’re stressful” 
“God, why do I have to team you up!!” One facepalm
“Now what?” Five asked
Radio silence
“Oh so now no one’s talking! What are you, 4?” One angrily called out to you 2.
“Yeah, uh high, literally.” Four answered One, you snorted.
“No ..  damn not you!”
“You called me Mate!” Four said offended
“No, shush – Eight are you done with the system?” he was about to lose it.
“I’ve been done with it the second Three called me Chiquita!” you crossed your arms in front of your laptop.
“Hey ..” “We’re not talking about that again!” One cut Three
“Can we get going now?” Two interfered, you heard her bike roaring.
“Finally, some sensed words.” One said wrapping it up.
Four entered the place you’d hacked the system of. Six and Two were not far in case of trouble.
“Four, the hard drive is in the main office. Second floor.” One enunciated, you followed Fours progression with the security cameras.
It was enlivening, stressful, but oh so exciting. When you worked with I.A you were never there when they’d go down in action, it was nothing but boring data researched and dealer’s MacBook.
“Freeze Four, guards coming east.” Switching cams you gave him a safe path.
“Ok, you’re clear. Now to your left, third door then turn right.”
Four got his hands on the hard drive containing all you needed to know about the next target.
“Well done.” One congratulated the team
“Thanks, thanks, It helps to have a sexy voice guiding you” Four chuckled, you blushed, sexy voice? is that even possible?
“Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”
You rolled your eyes at the endless use of Star Wars' quotes.
“Hum that’s my sister, remember?” Six growled tightening the wheel
“Luke grab Solo, meet up in 15minutes at the hotel. Everyone move!” One instructed you smiled at the thought of being Leïa. Gosh, you were as much of a nerd as One.
Climbing down the jeep Three had rented, you laughed seeing your brother holding Four in an arm lock for a few seconds anyway, Four reversed the lock, pining your brother’s arms behind himself.
You passed by them “Easy with my twin please.” Four wasn’t releasing his hold so you stopped, turning back you lift an eyebrow at Four insisting he let him go.
“Oh!” he lifted his hands in defence taking a step back.
Grabbing your brother by the sleeves as he was about to jump on Four “Come on piccino” you made your way in the hotel laughing.
Your first big mission started a few weeks after, everyone gathered in The Haunted House as One called it, an old bunker, cheesy name for an HQ.
“You don’t get it, I need a CAR!”
“That’s a car, Six.” Three argued back.
“No that’s a heap, that thing won’t get us through the paved road of Italy, believe me.”
Four and Five were amused by the situation, Three had rent a truck and an old Volvo for this mission.
“Alright, shut up, we’ll get another car!” One declared, Six flicked to Three.
One resumed the mission’s details. Giving everyone their own missions. A simple mission, retrieve a lawyer’s smartphone.
In the midst of it, your hand flew to your brother’s head next to you. The smacked resonating between the walls of the unfinished bunker.
“Why ..why’d you hit him?” One asked confused, your brother was rubbing the back of his head frowning at you.
“Cain’s instinct.” You replied wriggling your fingers for him to continue. Four snorted, Six nudged him in the ribs.
In a few months, you had learned a lot from this weird squad. Learning to shoot was an obligation, Three was insane but a good teacher.
You’d asked Four to teach you some parkour in case of a chase. Six and Four became close friends in a matter of time. Five was nice, but you were never one to be good at making friends. Two was not a big talker and frankly, she scared you a little.
So you spend your free time hacking and reading, on the hammock installed between a dismantle plane and a dead tree. Not far from there you could hear Four skating in the empty pool and three at the makeshift shooting range.
Groaning you closed your book “WHAT!?
Your voice boomed against the caravan and lost itself in the desert, but you still hoped Four had heard. It was his thing, screaming your name instead of coming to you directly. At his silence, you wriggle out the hammock and strode to the pool.
“What’d you want skater boy?”
He was lying in the pool his board by his side. “Four?” you made your way to the ladder, “hey” you gently nudge him with your foot but he didn’t move.
“Four? you called out worried, “shit” knees hitting the vinyl liner checking if he was breathing, he wasn’t.
“Hey wake up, seriously dude don’t make me do CPR on you, I suck at it!” suddenly laughter erupted in your ears. Six appearing on the edge, Four chucked on the floor.
“Pranking you..he tried to breathe in, is always the best sis!” Six laughed even harder at your confused face. Still kneeling at Four’s side, he was looking at you laughing, until he wasn’t, catching a glimpse of worry melting with anger in your eyes.
Punching his left shoulder, you hurried out the pool. He stayed on the floor watching you go.
“Don’t make me do CPR I suck at it!” your brother was still laughing his brain's out.
“What was that?”
Four leaned on the dead tree near your head, his shadow offering some shade.
“A real bad joke?”
“No I mean, why’d you hit me?”
Sighing you clasped your book closed for the second time today “you really got me worried, happy?”
“No, you propped up on your elbow at his answer craning your head to him, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His warm hand slide in your hair at the base of your neck, he leaned in, letting you enough time to push him away if you wanted.
"Sorry" he whispered, his lips pressing in your temple gently, warmly for a few seconds. Catching yourself leaning in you almost fell off the swinging' hammock as he released his hold, he grinned and left not saying anything more.
"What the hell Four!!" you yelled at him, an ounce of laughter in your voice, a blush creeping into your cheeks, his own laughter filling the desert's silence.
A/N: don't forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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ryan-spinel · 4 years
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“Heavenly Bliss”
“What are you doing out so late Spinel.” Connie challenged
“I wouldn't call 5:45 in the afternoon last Connie. Seems like you've been somewhere, caring paper bags.” I smirked
“Well, Valentine, going grocery shopping after school is better than hanging with drug dealers.” Connie provoked
“Well I guess someone was doing more than shopping, I was helping a friend get a date.” I sassed
“Sure you were.” The whore snickered
I have to say, I alway hated passive aggressive bitches. I mean, if your going to be angry show it, instead of being a dick about it.
“Listen to me Spinel, I don't know what kind of stuff you're involved with the Black Hawks. But my father is the chief inspector of the local police agency, and I will have to report any unusual activity your involved in.” Connie warned
“And that's suppose to mean something, my mothers a lawyer.” I bragged
“Sigh, look Spinel. I don't want any trouble. I don't know why you hit me yesterday, but all I ask for. Is that you stay away from Steven, or you'll regret it. He doesn't need someone like you in his life.” Connie threaten
It's cute that she thinks she can scare me. It's you who will be sorry.
“Connie. You sound like Steven belongs to you, you do realize he has a life outside of you.” I smirked
Connie was about to say something, but then she gave be a defeated look. Looks like I won this battle, but haven't won the war just yet.
“Just, please don't go near him. You're not his friend.” Connie added, walking towards me.
Of course I'm not his friend, I'm his girlfriend, his babey, his sweetheart.
At the moment she walks by me, I pulled out my Italian stiletto and used it to tear the paper bag open. Causing the groceries to drop to the ground.
“Gasp, oopsie daisy.” I gibed, walking by Connie irritably picking up her groceries.
It brings me joy to see someone like her struggling. Now time to go home before my folks worry about me.
It's now sundown, I just arrived to my place. I hope my moms aren't worried.
I walked up to the entrance and was going to open the door, however I stopped. I was hearing muffled screaming inside the house, so I ease dropped to find out what they're talking about.
“This has gone on long enough mother, we can't keep denying the problem with Spinel!” Mother argued
“You watch you're tone with me young lady, Spinel is fine. How is her liking someone so awful.” Grandmother Whitney retaliated
“Liking someone, you mean this boy Steven. I got a call from the school that she punched a girl in the face.” Mother retorted
“How is that a problem, Spinel probably had a good reason to do so.” Grandmother Whitney denied
“She hit that girl, over a piece of cake. I was told by Dr.Maheswaran, that her daughter asked for a piece of cake Steven had, and then all of a sudden Spinel hits her trying to slap the cake out of her hand. Accidentally hitting her in the face, causing her to bite her lip.” Mother shot
There was a silent pause, until I heard Momma speaking.
“Whitney, this isn't normal behavior for a girl like Spinel. Ever since kindergarten she's been very violent towards kids her age. We can't keep hiding and ignoring on what she did to Spin-.”
“Never, and I repeat never mentioned that women again.” Grandmother Whitney snapped
“Mother what is wrong with you, don't hit Bella again.” Mother raged
“Or what, you won't defend me in court. I had to teach her a lesson for disobeying me.” Grandmother Whitney threaten
“Bella's right Mother, somethings wrong with Spinel. Sigh, God we should have never given her that knife.” Mother muttered
“The reason why I gave that knife is because that's what she wants. She doesn't want makeup and all that girly crap you get her. I know my Granddaughter.” Grandmother Whitney stated
“You can know Spinel inside and out all you want Whitney , but you gave her a weapon. In the past we got calls that Spinel threaten students in elementary, once I got called into a meeting with the principal because Spinel got suspended for bitting a kid, in middle school. Now she's attacking girls out of jealousy. Sigh, Whitney. Spinel is sick. This can't continue, because if it does Spinel will get herself hurt or go to prison. So if you really care for her, you need to stop defending this toxic side of Spinel. She needs help-.” Momma screeched before being interrupted
Ding, dong
“Hey guys I'm back from the library.” I announced
“Come in starlight.” Grandmother Whitney answered
I opened the door and walked to the dining room. I saw my three care-givers sitting at the dinning table drinking tea. Although I noticed Momma had tears in her eyes, and having a red handprint on the left side of her face.
“How was school today Spinel.” Mother coaxed
“It was a wonderful day Mother, I had lots of fun with Perri today.” I clarified
“That's good sweet-pea, did you have dinner at the Fitzgerald home.” Momma faltered
“Yes Momma, don't worry about wittle old me.” I reassured
Although I wouldn't call a tray of onigiri dinner, even though I'm still a little hungry. But I can wait until tomorrow, I don't want momma to stress about me.
“Okay darling, please get ready for bed.” Grandmother Whitney asserted
“I'll see you guys tomorrow.”
Once I finished getting into my cute bun-bun themed pajamas, I walked to my futon going to bed. Saturday is going to be a big day for me, because that's the day Steven and I will be all alone. No Connie to interfere with us. I'll just have to ask him tomorrow at school.
Ring ring
Another day of school went by so fast, and Friday is the perfect day to ask out Steven. Because that bitch Connie has tennis practice on Fridays, that means Steven will be all alone without any interruptions.
In the distance I see the gullible hunk walking off school grounds. I have to catch up to him before it's to late. I raced like hell to catch up to him, trying to catch his attention.
“Steven!” I exulted
Finally, I got his attention.
“Hey Steven, huff puff huff puff.” I listlessly
“Oh, Spinel. I didn't expect to see you. Are you okay, from Wednesday.” Steven Gasped
“Ya everything is just swell.” I said trying to ease his nerves
“Anyway, sorry to bother you. But would you like to hang out tomorrow. Like get a milkshake, do karaoke or something.” I hesitated
Please say yes, please say yes.
“Sure, why not.” Steven responded
Yes, yes, oh god yes. I feel my heart racing and I'm sweating like crazy. I honestly had my doubts.
I wanted to reply to his answer, but I was so happy I lost my sense of reality. I couldn't stop smiling and my cheeks were like two hot tomatoes. My heart has never been this happy before, it's going to explode.
“Ah, Spinel. Are you okay.” Steven guessed
Just him looking at me made me paralyzed with joy.
“Oh, oh Stevi your so cute. I just want to cuddle you and feed you cookies.” I mumbled
“Ahhhhhhhhhh, okay. Well, meet me at my place tomorrow at noon. Bye.”
And just like that, my man is gone. Tomorrow I need to look my best, also I need to ask a favor from my geeky bud.
“Congratulations on your date Spinel.” Perri cheered
“It hasn't started yet, but thanks. How was your date with Lexi.” I grinned
“Well, I wouldn't call it a date. At least the clan allows me to hang with her.” Perri hummed
“Does Brooklyn know.” I doubted
“Ah, not yet. She still doesn't want me around the Black Hawks. But I still want to see Lexi, I just want her out of the gang.” Perri worried
“Hey, don't worry. Things will turn out okay, Lex is a smart gal and she'll get out eventually.” I encouraged
“You're a great friend Spinel, how can I repay you for what you did.” Perri offered
“Well, I hate to ask but. Can you keep Connie away from Steven all day.” I begged
Please say yes, please say yes
“Your in luck friend, I'm working on a science assignment with Connie. I'll tell her to come to my house to work on the project.” Perri reassured
“Ah, thank God. I owe you big time.” I burst
“No need, that's what friends do.” Perri acknowledged
It's 30 minutes until noon. I have to make up an excuse to go out.
“Hey Momma.” I shouted from my room
“Yes dear.” Momma groggily
“I'm going to the karaoke club with some friends. I'll be back before sunset.” I lied
“Yawn, okay sweetie. Please be safe.” Momma sleepily
I didn't expect it to be that easy, now time to see senpai.
It's a good thing Steven lives less than five minutes away, I would hate to take the bus. But if I had to I would.
I finally arrived at Stevens house, or tiny home to be exact.
His house wasn't as fancy as mine, although it's a cute little home. But what do you expect when your dad is a Uber driver, and rarely gets the dough at one of his garage concerts.
Speak of the devil, I see Greg Universe. On a lawn chair outside his house, playing his guitar and drinking beer. Although I have to admit, even though Greg looks like a loser he's still a good father. Obviously Steven got that suave charm from him.
“Hello Mr.Universe.” I burst
“Oh, you must be Conn- Ah I mean Spinel. Stevens happy that you asked him to hang out. By the way, call me Greg.” Greg sputtered, sounding like he's one more bottle to being wasted.
“Is Steven almost ready.” I inquired
“Don't worry, he'll be out shorty.” Greg reassured, but still looks like he has more to say.
“You know. I'm actually glad that you asked Steven to hang.” Greg confessed
“Really.” I doubted
“Ya I am. Steven doesn't really hang out with other kids outside of school. Even since his mom passed away, he's been very antisocial. Sure he may be out going at school. But when he isn't at school, he just sits in his room. Or sometimes hangs out with his friend Connie.”
I hate the thought of that bitch being mentioned today.
“Steven may hang with a lot of kids, but they're not his friends. I hate to talk behind someone's back, but I feel like Connie and Steven spend to much time together. I'm not saying that they can't hang out, but Steven needs a variety of friends. Because if they don't stay friends Steven will have trouble finding new ones. Ha, I'm sorry I burden you with all of that. It's just my way of saying thanks, I hope Steven has lots of fun.” Greg rattled on
Wow, you think you know a guy. I really misjudged Greg, he must want Steven to have as many friends has he wants. I'm just glad that we're one the same page that Connie is bad for him. That's what happens when two loners become friends, they're obsessed with spending so much time with each other.
“I'm sorry about your wife Greg, she must be very lucky to have a kid like Steven.” I comforted
“Thank you Spinel, it really means a lot to me.”
“Hey dad, I'm going now-oh hey Spinel. It's good to see you.” Steven beamed
“Hey Schtu-ball, here's so cash to have fun with your lady friend.” Greg happily offered
“Dad, it's not like that.” Steven spluttered
“Loosen up Lil-man. I'm just messing with you.” Greg smiled
Then all of a sudden, Greg was whispering in his ear. I couldn't hear want they are talking about. But what caught me off guard was that Greg secretly slipped a condom in Stevens jacket.
Oh Lordy, Steven and I haven't even got to the batters box's yet. Already Greg gives him a condom on the first date, I guess it's better to be safe then sorry. Now Greg has my full respect now, thinking that Steven and I would get dirty. He really wants Steven to have more friends.
Although poor Steven, he must be so embarrassed that Greg is giving him condoms and advice on girls.
“Okay Dad, I heard enough. Come on Spinel let's go” Steven spluttered
“Okay okay, see you crazy kids later.” Greg joked
“Jesus Christ.” Steven mumbled
After Steven got the talk, we made our way onto the bus.
“So Spinel, What would you like to do.” Steven asked
“Well, lets go to that 50s style dinner. I heard they have to best burgers and milkshakes there.” I suggested
“You mean Krazy Kats, (chuckled) it's been so long since I've been there. After that lets go to the karaoke club.” Steven cheered
“Steven Universe, I didn't know you can sing.” I teased
“Well. I can't, the only song I can sing is twinkle twinkle little star.” Steven joked
“Well it doesn't hurt to try.”
“No, it doesn't.” Steven hoped
After a long drive, we finally arrived at Blossom valley Mall.
As the gentleman Steven is, he helped me off the bus. Such a chivalrous lad.
“We're here, so do you want to do first.” Steven advised
“Lets go to the karaoke club first.” I responded
“Cool, lets go.”
“Wait Steven.” I shouted
“Yes Spinel.” Steven smiled
“I, I need you to hold something for me.” I avowed
“Sure, I'll be happy to help.”
I took out my right hand and reached it out to Steven, palm up.
“My hand.” I cackled shyly
Steven looked at me for a little bit, trying to get a grip of the situation. Until he started to smile.
“(Giggling), your adorable Spinel. Of course I'll hold your hand.” Steven beamed while grapping onto my hand.
He. He called me adorable. Wow, he called me adorable, on our first date. Oh god, I feel like I'm having a heart attack because my heart can't stop beating. He's now holding my hand, his soft skin rubbing onto me. How a I going to make it the whole day without fainting.
We happily dashed to the karaoke club. Inside was just like the interior of the Double Deuce in the movie Road House. It was also very spectral, with smoke, flashing colored lights and giant speakers. It was like a rave in here. Steven and I quickly found a place to sit, now looking at which songs we're going to sing.
“Wow, there's a lot to choose from. What are you going to sing.” Steven asked
“(Giggling), that's a secret. You'll find out soon.” I teased
“Always full of secrets I see.”
Well you got one thing right.
“Okay, you can go first. I'll still need some time to choose.” Steven convinced
“Alright kiddo, I'll go first.” I joked
I walked up to the counter and asked for my song. They told me I was on in five minutes. I walked back to Steven to tell him.
“Hey Stevi, I'm on in five minutes.”
“Cool, I picked mr blue sky electric light orchestra.” Steven mentioned
“Interesting choice bud.”
“Alright everybody give him around of applause. (Laughing) okay folks it's time of our next performer, please welcome to the stage for Spinel.”
I skipped up to the stage, getting ready to sing. Although some people would need to read the lyrics on the screen, but I know this song off by heart.
The song began
I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me 🎶
I still feel your touch in my dreams 🎶
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why 🎶
Without you it's hard to survive 🎶
Here comes the chorus
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling 🎶
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly 🎶
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last 🎶
Need you by my side 🎶
'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static 🎶
And every time we kiss I reach for the sky 🎶
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go 🎶
Want you in my life 🎶
(Freestyle dancing)
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky 🎶
They wipe away tears that I cry 🎶
The good and the bad times we've been through them all 🎶
You make me rise when I fall 🎶
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling 🎶
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly 🎶
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last 🎶
Need you by my side 🎶
'Cause every time we touch, I feel the static 🎶
And every time we kiss I reach for the sky 🎶
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go 🎶
Want you in my life 🎶
(More freestyle dancing)
'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling 🎶
And every time we kiss I swear I could fly 🎶
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last 🎶
Need you by my side 🎶
“Spinel that was amazing, your singing voice is beautiful.” Steven praised
“Your so sweet Stevi, it's now your turn to shine.” I encouraged
Now as expected, Steven sucked. But we had a good laugh about it. So far this was the best day of my life. This was true heavenly bliss.
Steven and I weren't really hungry, so we got takeout milkshakes from Krazy Kats. We then found a nice place to sit and catch. On a small green hill under a cherry three.
“How's your mint-chip, butterfingers, Reese's PB cups, Hershey's chocolate syrup with no cherry.”
“It's just delicious, how's your plain boring strawberry milkshake.” I joked
“Hey, it's just as good as yours.”
“(Giggling) I'm just messing with you, you look so cute when flustered.” I teased
“Okay now your just being silly.” Steven gushed
“Puff, (laughing).” Steven and I giggled
“Ha ha hah, Spinel this day was amazing. I'm having so much fun with you.” Steven cackled
This is an amazing day, I just want to relive this moment for the rest of my life. I never expected Steven to have fun with someone like me.
Wait, why's Steven frowning. Did I do something wrong. Fuck, I thought I did everything right.
“Spinel, I should have never given that cake you gave me to Connie. I thought I was doing something nice, but I didn't reconsider on how you'll feel. Although it wasn't right that you hit Connie. But, it was my fault that I blown out of proportion. I'm sorry Spinel.” Steven apologized, on the verge of tears.
“I can just act so stupid sometimes. I don't mean to do anything to hurt anyone, but I do it without knowing. I don't know why I'm like this. Ever since my mom was shanked in an ally by Black Hawk thugs, I just find was to mess up. Dads always stressed about paying the bills and taking care of me. He doesn't need that kind of stress I'm giving him. I'm just a burden. I'm a burden to my friends, my teachers and even my closest friend Connie. I just don't want to keep annoying people all the time, telling me to go away and play kid games. And them saying “your bitch mom got what she deserved”, one time I got a note I found in my locker, saying that it would be better for everyone if I just kill myself. (Sobbing). I feel like the whole world is against me, that everyone has some reason to attack me. Because I keep fucking up all the time. I'm just one. big. fuck up.(sobbing).” Steven bawled
Oh god, I had no idea Steven was in this much pain. It seems like on the outside that he's this layback happy guy. But no one notices that he's breaking and dying inside. Like me.
There was only one thing I can do, I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a tight hug.
“I'm sorry that you're feeling so bad, is this why you wanted to hang with me.”
“No!” Steven screamed
“No, no. I really wanted to spend time with you. I felt guilty for hurting you. But I still enjoyed today. (Sobbing).”
“It's okay daring, I'm not going anywhere. You're never a burden Steven Universe. I know things are stressful for you lately. But please don't consider it. I'll miss you, your dad will miss you, your friends and even your pets. You're important to a lot of us.”
“Lets just say this, you off yourself last year. That means you missed all those precious memories to this day. Your birthday, Christmas and even Halloween. All those events are gone, disappeared.”
“Remember last year. When I started the first year of high school. On Monday during lunchtime, I was waiting in-line to by the canteens fresh baked cookies. I was a limited time offer, only on Mondays. When I walked to the counter and asked for one of their cookies. They said “Sorry kid, we're sold out.” So I started to get upset. I wanted those cookies for so long and now there gone. But out of no where, you saw me. Out of the kindness of your heart you game me half of your homemade chocolate-chip cookie. Even though it wasn't as good as the canteens ones. It was still special that someone as kind as you, would share with me.”
“Don't you see goofball. Your actions have an impact on people's lives, a good impact. If you disappeared, that special moment would never happened. I know we don't know each other well, but I really care about you. Because you cared about me, and I would love to hang out more with you. Those last couple of hours were the best moments in my life so far.”
“(Sniffling) you really think so.”
“I know so Steven, you have a big heart and you care and love everyone. But you need to start loving yourself.”
Steven then wrapped his arms around my petite waist.
“Thank you Spinel, thank you so much.”
“I'll never leave you Steven. Never ever.”
To be continued
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bowieemeddow · 5 years
TRINITY. (Queen Fanfiction)
Part 1 // Runaway.
Summary: Margaret McCullugh comes to the realisation that her life is a total mess. After an argument she realises she’s had enough; she grabs her bags and runs away.
Note:Hi guys this is the first chapter of my new fanfiction. I’m not the best writer and this is my first time so please go easy on me; there will be grammar and spelling mistakes throughout this chapter. Feedback will be greatly appreciated 🙂
Warnings; Swearing, sexual assault, bad writing, slight Scottish slang (I’m from Scotland and I write the way I talk sorry 😉✌🏻)
Thursday // May 1970
"I've never wanted to punch him in the face more in my life than at this point of time." I thought to myself as I glared at him across the dining table. Even from what felt like a mile away; I could still see that smug look on his Greg's face.
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"Margret! Are you even listening to me?" I tore my focus from my bastard of a step father to my bastard of a mother. "You'll be meeting Thomas next thursday remember. To talk about arrangements."
Ah Thomas Russel. Son to a millionaire family; him being a successful doctor in the making at 22 and is apparently a distant relative of some foreign royal family (to be fair I wasn't listening to the shit leaving my mothers mouth)
The cherry on top of it all; I've never actually met the boy and I'm his fiancé.
"Poor Thomas." Gina; my younger sister mumbled under her breath while eating her dinner.
"Mind your own business you little shit!" I spat kicking her harshly under the table. Believe me I know this makes me look bad but I promise you I'm not a bad sister; I was actually excited when I found out I had another sibling on the way. I loved her even when she was a newborn. It was when she started talking; she turned into a sneaky little bully and mummy's favourite.
"That's enough don't you dare kick your sister again!" She snapped at me.
I cringed at my mothers comment; more because of the way she said it. Trying to act as posh as possible; trying to mask the natural Glaswegian accent she's had her whole life; the same thick apparently "rough" accent I also have yet Gina never developed it as bad as me, my dad had the rough accent and I was a daddy’s girl... before he left us.
"Why do I have to marry him. I didn't him pick him, hell I haven't even met him! Marrying me off to becoming nothing but a trophy wife? Fully dependable on my husband with a big empty house full of loads of children. Nothing to do except cooking and cleaning-"
"Can we please change the topic?! I don't feel like sending you upstairs again." My mum sighed
"Oh mother!" Gina exclaimed making me jump; her bloody voice goes right through me.
"This dinner is absolutely amazing!" I chuckled to myself quietly, Gina is so far up mums arse it's embarrassing.
"Thank you darling I made it myself."
Yeah right did she make this shit, she doesn't even know how to use the stove, it was the cook that made it. All of it is vegan since "meat is the reason why your acne is so bad and you've starting to lose that figure Margaret, you simply don't take proper care of yourself."
“Oh god I forgot! I was meant to take you bra shopping today.” Mum informed Gina
“But she’s only 13 mum. I never got my first bra till I was 15?” I argued, Gina got everything she wanted without having to even lift a finger.
“You should go with them Margaret. You wear too small a bra better go up a size sweets." He smirked away as he took a drink of his wine that's likely more expensive than everything I own.
At that point I was so pissed off I grabbed the closest thing to me which was a potato from my plate funnily enough and threw it at his head. If I wasn’t so pissed off I think would’ve found it difficult to keep a straight face.
Friday// May 1970
While sitting in period 7 English I thought back to last night.
After successfully hitting Greg's big head with a potato for his inappropriate comment about his step daughter's breasts; Mum took his side and got sent upstairs without eating anything for the rest of the night; not like I wanted to eat any of that shit anyway.
"God he's so cute!" The girl next to me squealed to her friends who were both in front of her; their chairs turned from their tables to form a circle that I was sadly apart of. I wasn friends with the three girls; Tracey, Yasmine and Gemma were the popular girls, the best housewives in the making.
I looked down at the newspaper which Tracey had in her hands, it was crumpled up due to her "fan girl" moment taking over her senses.
"The Gregory Special." The newspaper was called;
Only rich wankers read it.
"Thomas Russel is ready to settle down but who's the lucky girl?"
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It said with a picture of the boy himself below it . Wasn't his best picture; he was probably flirting with some random girl in while the photo was being taken.
"So who is the bitch huh?" Gemma spat as Tracey read away at the newspaper trying to figure it out.
"YOU! Mrs Reynolds wants to see you in her office.” My English teacher shouted pointing at me it made the three girls jump back to their original spots as if they were actually listening to the lesson.
Shit what have I done now; I usually lose track at this point.
While putting my things in my bag I looked over at the three girls to see them scanning back through the newspaper frantically to find out who the "lucky woman" was.
I accidentally let out a chuckle of sympathy which caught their attention.
“I’m sorry, is there something you want to say?” Jemma snapped.
"Yeah I do actually since you three can't read for shit. Page 24." I sassed back and waited a moment.
"Margaret McCullugh? Who the bloody hell is that?!" I rolled my eyes at the stupidness.
"Margaret McCullugh. Now." My teacher shouted across the classroom which I nodded to standing up and grabbing my bag and coat with a grin on my face.
The three girls had their mouths wide open once they put two and two together; it was me.
"Bye girls." I whispered chuckling while leaving the classroom.
"Please tell me you are joking Miss McCullugh?" Mrs Reynolds pleaded with me
"What's wrong with what I want to do once I leave here?" I argued back.
"Your mother is a politician; she could bloody well be the prime minister in a several years time. How is she gonna get there with her child wanting to do.... textile design?" She gagged at the though of me becoming something that wasn't a doctor or lawyer.
"Why does it fucking matter anyway I can't even do what I want. My mums already set up my whole life." I argued back slouching in my seat with my arms crossed over my chest.
Fuck being ladylike.
"Ah your talking about your engagement with Thomas Russel. Your mother wants you to just be okay, she's worked hard for where she is right now and it was a risky thing she done to get there. She doesn't want you taking any risks when you go onto be a politician or a lawyer-"
"Or a textile design artist." I corrected for her not giving in to her manipulation.
"Margaret I know you okay. Through these past 6 years that you've been in this school you've been very strong willed and feministic attitude to social issues and topics."
"Damn right-"
"But I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this is a patriarchal society we are living in. Woman will not change society. Ever."
I was beyond pissed at this moment of time. I shot up off my seat and slammed down both my hands on her desk in order to shut her up.
"Fucking watch me then!”
Saturday // May // 1970
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"Hey chickadee." Tana smiled as she came into one of the private rooms of the pub, she lifted my feet and plopped herself next to me in the booth then put my feet back down to they were resting on her lap.
"Hi." I said stretching slightly as I shut my notebook over immediately and set it down on the table.
Tana was probably one of my only friends at this point of time; the moment she turned 19 she was allowed to decorate her parents bar; to which she called me up and asked to borrow my creative mind for help. Before it was just an old looking bar where young ones likes to hang out; now it was a modern neon, rock music bar.
"Glam Rock" it was called and it was placed in a more poverty ridden area of Glasgow. If my mum found out I was here I'd get murdered.
Every Saturday night people from everywhere would come here and celebrate a new "generation" as they called it.
"This new rock generation is gonna grow everywhere. Where men dress like women and women dress like men. Completely and utterly flamboyant!" I remember Tana saying to me when I first came across this bar; it was a Saturday morning and she was getting ready for a party. I was here because I was trying to find the record shop since they sell limited editions for half off.
"We just need someone to spread Glam Rock to every corner of the world."
"HELLO EARTH TO MARGARET!" She shouted snapping her fingers in front of me.
"Huh?" I said snapping back to reality.
"I said were you writing something?" She said pointing to my notebook, I didn't answer yet again because I was too busy admiring what she was wearing.
"For fuck sake! Have you took something?" She laughed trying to get my attention again.
"Sorry, sorry just had a long day. Thinking about what kind of punishment I'll get this time once I make my way home." I chuckled
"Anyways what did you say again?"
"Writing songs... oh and you've also got your camera."
"When am I not writing songs or taking photos Tana?" I said sitting up to grab my vodka and lemonade and down it.
"That's very true. So, let's see what photos you took." She said as she pulled off her slip on heels so she could fold them in a basket.
I put down the two photos I took on the table.
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"Have you got a pen." I asked her as she admired the photos.
"Umm.. yeah I think somewhere in they drawers." She said turning her head to the left to show me where it was.
"This bar does look fucking amazing, you have to admit it."
"It's because I decorated it Tana. I hate to toot my own horn here but I'm fucking brilliant at decorating." I laughed as I took one of the photos and wrote the location and date behind it; then done the same with the other.
"You're good at everything you do it does my head in." Tana complained with a groan as she ran her fingers through her black long curly hair.
"I'm not."
"You are. You can paint, you create these amazing clothes, you can play the piano like no one else. You're an amazing singer..." my smile dropped as I grabbed both the photos from Tana's grip and stuck them in my bra for safekeeping before sticking the the pen back in the drawer; the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop, or more like you could here me slamming the drawer shut.
"I'm not a singer." I said interrupting her.
"Correction, your mum says your not a singer. But frankly love, you're  the best singer I've ever heard. You should join a band."
"That'll never happen."
Sunday // May 1970
Walking up the driveway of my massive house barefoot with my heels in my hand, my make up and hair a mess I knew I was in for it.
I accidentally fell asleep at Tana's last night and now it's 8am in the morning.
I walked in the house and shut the door behind me.
"MARGARET BEATRIX MCCULLUGH!" I heard my mum screech as the sound of her heels became louder and louder.
"God don't say my middle name." I cringed with my face scrunched up; a massive migraine was starting to take its toll on me.
"Where were you?" She shrieked once again; I'm starting to see stars with how bad my freaking headache is. It's way to bright in this house.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep at Tana's I should've called you it's my mistake I won't let it happen again."
One thing to know about me; when I'm in the wrong I apologise.
One thing to know about my mum; she throws my apology right back in my face and calls me immature.
"TANAS!" She started to trail behind me as I clumsily made my way up the stairs to my bedroom door. Once I reached the door I got an overwhelming feeling that I was about to vomit so I stopped for a moment to calm myself down.
I leaned my forehead against the cool marble that the whole house was made from to cool myself down.
She caught a glimpse at my notebook; purple velvet and green floral exterior. She knew exactly what it was and snatched it from my hand.
I snatched the book from her and held it right to my chest. This book was my lyrics, my ideas, my thoughts, feeling. My whole life.
"ITS CALLED ROCK MUM! Get with the times, it's the Beatles that are popular now, not fucking hymns." I snapped as I walked into my room. Before I got the chance to shut the door over she was already invading my space.
"I don't give a shit what it's called. Stop it okay! That part of your life is over. It's time to grow up and face reality. You are engaged-"
"I'm not marrying him you can fuck right off." I looked at her through my full length mirror as she walked up to me. Her expensive heels clicking against my flooring as she walked closer to me.
"You're an ungrateful human being you know that. I found you a man; a millionaire who can take care of you for life you won't have to work a day in your life-"
"Yeah that's what I'll do, I'll go right ahead and marry a man I don't marry so that I'll birth all his kids and be his perfect dumb trophy wife for life. You worked hard to get where you are, why can't I work hard in something I wane you do. I don't need a man to do that." I said smothered in sarcasm making my mother roll her eyes.
"You and your bloody pride. Here's the real world Margaret; a woman's purpose main purpose in life is to get married and as the bible preached, have children. You'll never be anything different." She spat.
"You're going to the Russel's household on Thursday morning  for you to plan the wedding with your fiancé with a big bloody smile on your face you hear me?"
I chuckled softly as I walked up so our faces our almost touching; her Chanel No.5 tickling my nose.
"I'd love to see you try." I spat in her face. I suddenly gasped as her hand connected with my cheek forcing my face to the side as my cheek started to warm up almost instantly.
"I hate you, you're not my daughter you know! I should've aborted you when I had the chance you know that! If it killed me oh well, as long AS YOU WHERE NEVER BORN." She screamed in my face, she turned to leave my room to meet Greg leaning against the door frame.
"Are you okay Darling?" Greg asked my mum; his voice all sweet and soft making my scoff and roll my eyes.
She ignored him and left in anger.
"Would you get the fuck out of my room?!" I asked, his head snapped from watching my mum as she made her way down the landing and down the stairs to me.
"Seems you need to be put in your place a bit huh?" He asked as he walked up to me, so close to my face I could feel his breath hit my skin.
"I don't see the bad thing about being a trophy wife Sweets? You'd be a damn good one anyway."He chuckled as he looked at me up and down licking his lips. His hands were resting on my arse ready to give it a spank. A sudden spur of anger and confidence caused me to push him back.
"Touch me again and I swear I'll rip your tongue out."
"You don't have the guts." He simply said before leaving the room.
He's right I didn't have the guts, I didn't have the guts to go to the police and ruins my mother's career that she worked so hard for when it got out to the media that her husband is a child molester.
So Ive kept my mouth shut for years.
I feel hot years fill my eyes, I take a long deep breath in an attempt to calm myself down while looking up at the ceiling to try and stop the crying; I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
That's when I found myself packing a suitcase, grabbing my passport, some money I had. A couple of outfits to keep me going two or three weeks.
I grabbed my notebook, my Polaroid camera and my box full of Polaroid's and squashed it all into one massive suitcase.
I had to leave the rest so I could move quickly.
An hour later my family left to go out for lunch without me. I sat at the window and watched them leave.
I watched them get smaller smaller until eventually I couldn't seem them at all.
I would never see them again.
I grabbed my suitcase, grabbed the keys to my mums car and fucked off out of there with the intention of never returning again.
I just had to put Harry Styles in there somewhere.
Sorry not sorry 🤪😩
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aghostpost · 8 years
can u write a bruce imagine with the "I'm rich" line thanksss
A/N: I’m gonna combine this request with a prompt I made my friends randomly pick for me for a lil’ 2-for-1 special~ They also chose Bruce and “Hit me!”, number 32 from this prompt. Here the reader knows Bruce is Batman and she’s an anti-hero herself. Not to be confused with Verismo; this reader has no special/supernatural ability!
You put one guy in jail, or in my case a body bag, and another shows up. Bad guys popped up in Gotham like patients in a hospital, and to keep up I had to be prepared no matter what. You get rid of one threat to the city and some other jackass thinks of it as a chance to climb the ranks. They all think they’re better than the last guy, smarter, richer, have more power. Some are even smart enough to learn from the mistakes of the competition that got caught, but every criminal has one thing in common: greed. With new criminals came new challenges, so I was here in the gym getting some training done to stay in fighting shape. I liked to think I had the inside scoop on criminals because I was just shy of becoming one myself. Gotham is a sewer hole that swallowed me alive, but I’ve seen the underground life. It wasn’t pretty. But I’ve also seen the GCPD fail the city more times than I can count.
I’m here to do what they can’t. I operate around the law, bending the rules or breaking them altogether. What sense was there shoving bad guys in a cell when somehow they managed to get back on the streets months later to do the same shit? Rehabilitation didn’t happen in the prison system because there is no changing these people. Now I have more blood on my hands than I sometimes care to admit, but that doesn’t make me a criminal. No, I like to think of myself as Gotham’s salvation, the saving grace of this city.
My training was interrupted by a man that would probably consider himself the same, although we were nothing alike. Two polar opposite sides of the tracks, two different ideas for cleaning up Gotham. “What’re you doin’ here?” I huffed, beating a punching bag to a pulp.
He smirked to himself. “Just checking on the place. Newly acquired property of Wayne Enterprises.”
“Believe it or not, I’m surprised. I didn’t think there was a scrap of real estate left in Gotham that didn’t have your name on it.”
“This gym is a prized possession of Gotham. I thought what better way to give back than to fix things up around here, no?”
“You can do whatever you want with your money, Bruce. You’ve got more than enough of it. But,” I said with one final punch at the bag, stepping away with my hands on my hips, “it’s my day off. Did you have to do it today?”
“You aren’t happy to see me?”
I rolled my eyes and went to a nearby bench, wiping my face with a towel and helping myself to my water. “Am I ever?”
He chuckled to himself. “Well like I said, I’m only here to take a look at what changes I want to make. I saw you, thought I’d come say hello.”
“Hello. And now, goodbye.”
“Warm as ever.”
“Last I remember you were sneakin’ around zip-tyin' people to pipes. You want a warm welcome from me?”
“Wouldn’t that be your mistake, letting me get behind you?”
“You think I didn’t know you were there? Only mistake I made was thinking I could kill that bastard before you stopped me.”
“Yes, likely story.” He had that usual arrogant look and that usual condescending tone that made me want to scratch his face off. “Better luck next time then, Y/N.”
I scoffed. “Is there a reason you’re a smug asshole or do you only do that to get on every one of my nerves?
“You only say I’m smug when I’m right and you’re wrong.”
“Right about what? You think I can’t tell when someone is coming up behind me? I ignored you believing I could bring my arm down and stab that asshole faster than you could subdue me. That’s the only thing I’m wrong about, but trust me it won’t happen again.”
He nodded. “Good, good. Learning from your mistakes.”
“Geez, who are you, my grandfather?” I took another drink before turning away from him and climbing in the boxing ring. “I’m ready when you are, Tommy.” Tommy was one of the gym trainers here who I took a liking to. He was smart and good at his job, got a lot of fighters out of this gym and somewhere in Vegas fighting for big bucks. Him, I didn’t mind taking notes from.
“I got this one, Thomas.” I turned to to see Bruce removing his coat, tossing it on the bench beside my water bottle. I look at Tommy who seemed just as confused if not more than me.
“Uhhh, you sure about that, Mr. Wayne?”
He nodded, rolling up the sleeves of his navy blue cashmere sweater. “Yes.”
“C’mon, what are you doing?” I asked, completely unimpressed.
“You say you knew when I got behind you, right?”
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Are you serious?”
He shrugged. “I just want you to prove it, that’s all.”
“You don’t have a business lunch to go to or something? Meeting with your lawyers, whatever else it is big time corporation owners do?”
He smiled to himself. “It’s my day off, too.”
“Of course it is.” I rolled my eyes. “How do you explain to the audience how you’re such a good fighter, Batty?” I mumbled low enough for only him to hear.
“Easily. I’m rich. People have done many things to get to me and my money; it only makes sense I take a self defense class or two, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Sure, maybe. Don’t think that would explain you dressing up and takin’ on the things that go bump in the night, however…” That said, I walked to the opposite side of the ring. He wanted me to prove it then I would. The sooner I got this outta the way the sooner I could get back to my actual training. The gym fell silent as everyone was now interested in why billionaire Bruce Wayne was inside the ring. I took a second to redo my ponytail, waiting patiently for him to sneak up on me, listening closely and focusing on my surroundings. A shift in the ring, the feeling of another presence in my space; I waited for either to happen but everything remained still. After a moment nothing happened and, assuming he was just annoying me as usual, I rolled my eyes at this waste of time. “You know-”
“-What-” he interrupted from directly behind me.
“-Fuck!”  I whipped around at lightning speed with a right hook that he blocked with his forearm.
“Very good. You didn’t catch me behind you but you rebounded quickly-”
“-Shut up!” I swung again and this time he dodged, and before I knew it I unleashed myself unto him. He was quicker than I expected. The most he ever did was knock a gun outta my hand or find some way to block me from taking someone out; I never had a moment of combat with the Caped Crusader myself. It was different than the training I was used to. Tommy had more experience, yes, but I was a fast learner. Bruce? He was lightyears ahead of me.
But there was no way in hell I’d admit that to him.
I was throwing blows at him nonstop but for whatever reason he remained on the defensive, which was doing a pretty good job at further frustrating me.  He just made it look so effortless, didn’t even work up a sweat. I hated it.
“Hit me,” I grunted, slapping his hand from my fist that he managed to catch before it connected to his jaw.
“What was that?”
“Hit me!” Quickly I reached and grabbed the throwing knife I kept sheathed at my ankle and swung, slicing the air as he backed away from me.
“Whoa! Y/N, you can’t-”
“-It’s fine, Tommy. Bruce and I are old friends, I wouldn’t hurt a hair on his head.” Bruce’s face revealed nothing but I knew he realized how serious I was. “You can stay on the defensive or you can hit me and knock the blade outta my hand. Your call.”
“I think you know the answer to that.”
I shook my head. “No fun playing with you. No matter; I would hate to ruin such a nice sweater anyway.” I turned my back and stepped outta the ring, all eyes on me as I grabbed my things from the bench and went back into the locker room. Everything went back to normal after I cleared the room. I straddled the bench and did some post workout stretching, trying to think of the other errands I needed to run after I showered at home. The hairs stood on my neck and before I knew it I whipped around and hurled the blade as fast as I could. It went through a locker door and slowly Bruce stepped from behind it.
“So you could sense me…”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” I grinned to myself. Truthfully I didn’t sense him behind me in the ring. This time I saw his reflection for a tiny second in the locker room mirror and just reacted quickly enough where it may have seemed I could feel him behind me.
“That was going to split my face open.”
“Then you should be proud of your reflexes. Besides, I said it was your sweater that I didn’t wanna ruin.”
“Instead you settle for ruining property.”
“Add it to your list of fixes, I’m sure you can cover it. What was it you said back there? You’re rich?” I spun around on the wooden bench to face him. “Why wouldn’t you fight back?”
“It wouldn’t have been fair. I’ve been at this way longer than you, Y/N. And frankly, I didn’t want to embarrass you.”
I scoffed. “Geez, I didn’t know you were actually this full of yourself.”
“Just being honest-”
“-I’ve taken down far worse than you, Bruce,” I reminded him as I stood and made my way to stand face to face with the man. “My opponent underestimating me for being smaller and a woman is ironically my biggest strength. It’d be wise of you to remember that.”
“I never underestimate my opponent and I always expect the unexpected. Luckily, you aren’t my opponent.”
“I’m not?”
“Of course not. We’re on the same team. We fight the same bad guys, just not the same way.”
“That’s putting it mildly.” I was over this little visit and training was a bust. I packed my things into my backpack and closed my locker. “Until our next run in, Batty,” I said waving him off behind me.
“Wait- You don’t want this?” I turned to see him pulling the knife from the locker door and chuckled, continuing my exit.
“You keep it. I got one on the other leg too if you want a matching set.”
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