#which alicia said specifically bc *alicia* was different
tunemyart · 8 months
oh my god kalinda sharma actually is in love with alicia florrick isn't she
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soleadita · 5 months
top 15 tv shows (in no particular order)(ty for the tag @staybeautifulmp3 🫶🏼🫶🏼 i'm eyeing ur list and taking mental notes btw)
teen wolf (self explanatory)
stargate atlantis (self explanatory)
gilmore girls - it's comfy it's cozy it gives "show’s californian creator idealizes and pines after a new england small town experience" which. same, amy, same. also there's jess mariano. with paperbacks in his back pocket.
the bear - as larry the cucumber once said to bob the tomato: i laughed. i cried. it moved me, bob. (genuinely such an impeccably made show)
bridgerton but SPECIFICALLY SEASON 2 iykyk
the good wife - josh charles. also alicia florrick step on me what who said that maybe it was kalinda
sports night - again, josh charles. also baby peter krause. also dialogue speed that rivals lorelai gilmore's.
derry girls - the amount of times i’ve repeated the wee lesbian to myself in my head. unmatched.
crashing (2016) - go on. there are six 20 minute episodes. knock em out in an afternoon. you can do it. i believe in you.
bones - never have i ever seen so many characters with different flavors of autism in one space. it’s marvelous.
daredevil - love a sad catholic boy in a suit
andor - i know next to nothing about the greater star wars universe but diego luna star wars can stay
reservation dogs - okay full disclosure the first season emotionally decimated me so thoroughly that i haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the second season yet. or the third, for that matter. but holy hell. television amirite.
malcolm in the middle - watched purely bc of amanda’s reese mitm posting. no regrets. it’s so bizarrely good that my younger siblings, who barely like anything unless it’s pretentious or an anime or a k-drama, dropped everything to watch it with me last time i was home.
no pressure tagging @dauntingday @stardustsea @hotcinnamonsunset @scattered-winter @xandromedan @moonlightperseus @itwoodbeprefect + anyone else who wants to do it 💕
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I’m going to explain why I start twitching and break out in hives whenever someone floats that Sydney and Richie should hate fuck.
What I’ve discovered about myself this past year is I really don’t do the “guy is rude/an asshole/insults a specific woman and I must ship them together!!!”
This are my ships:
Mulder/Scully-The X-Files
Ginny/Mike- Pitch
Jane/Lisbon- The Mentalist
Ichabod/Abbie- Sleepy Hollow
Carmy/Sydney- The Bear
Rich/Michonne- The Walking Dead
Chuck/Sarah- Chuck
Ted/Rebecca- Ted Lasso
Will/Alicia- The Good Wife
If someone of you are familiar with a handful of these shows, you’ll recognize a trend here: these men worship the ground these women walk about. You will not disrespect these women, esp around them. They will either confront you, fight you, or both! (I’ll add some others I’m forgetting at the moment due to being sleep deprived.)
Women are often disrespected, esp black woken, as a joke everyday. And most of them aren’t joking. It’s delivered as one, but that person and their audience as serious.
I see the disrespect of (black) women tolerated and encouraged everyday, I don’t want to see that in my shows either. Even if it’s just a hook up.
The other part is: black women largely do not hate fuck white men. I’m not going to say never because there are exceptions to every rule.
Although I don’t expect the series to ever go here, Richie is so coded to casually say shit like, “ghetto black bitch” or maybe even “uppidy.” He resembles the white middle aged men and bros who swears they aren’t racist, but will be casually and outright racist at times and say, “if you don’t want to be treated like a ****** don’t act like a ******.” Or use the word liberally around his friends or certain circles.
Again, I don’t believe that is Richie, but his behavior is so similar to these guys that I can’t imagine Sydney would hate fuck a man like that. It would actually be upsetting for me. And this has nothing with me wanting her to be with Carmy, I’ve said early on after watching the show that I could see Syd x Marcus if they wanted to go there. This isn’t some shipper tearing down Richie’s character. I’m truly really disturbed with how he’s behaved toward Sydney and treated her at times.
I don’t believe they have sexual tension and I think it’s dangerous for some to believe (again, I said some) that characters who hate one another are secretly attracted to each other or will be. It’s why you have people who ship Maggie x Negan from the Walking Dead. Sometimes people hate someone for valid reasons and it doesn’t translate to fucking if they make amends.
Why does Richie hate Sydney?
She’s a scapegoat for him for useless and fear of being “pushed out” the beef, esp bc he knows he’s has nothing going on for himself. Then shows up this young and ambitious woman who is talented as fuck and won’t take his shit. He’s projecting all of his issues onto her.
Why does Sydney hate Richie?
When they first meet, he calls her sweetie (which is inappropriate), then while yelling at Carmy, calls her a broad. Is angry and belligerent when shopping for the caulk. Disrespects Carmy because of his culinary training. Mocks their passion and culinary training. Literally is aggressive and hostile with her (on two different occasions). Tina has to get him out of the kitchen because of how erratic he was acting. Constantly makes Sydney’s job difficult and refuses to listen to her. Blames her for shit that wasn’t her fault, and then gloats when she fucks up (after she covered his ass with the caulk too). Said she blow a critic for a good review and tried to sow discord between her and Carmy. And he loved gaslighting her, esp when she’s rightfully angry with her.
Sydney would have to have absolutely no sense of self worth or be at the lowest of low to fuck Richie. Because when in the fuck would she fuck a man who she doesn’t allow any form of disrespect or implied violence go unchecked touch her sexually? And that’s not including that a guy like that is someone who would read as racist to many black women.
And this is not to say some black women don’t see if for this hook up—some do! I’m not going to speak on that because that’s a nuanced situation as to how others explore fandom.
And this isn’t necessarily judging people who want it to happen. I just do not want that shit to be canon AT ALL. I would probably stop watching the show or consider it because of how upsetting it would be to me. If people want to write fanfic I’ll never read, but other would, be my guest. Go wild and crazy with it.
But I just cannot watch a character I adore, relate to at times, and who seemingly has a good sense of herself to not do some wild ass shit like that, that I’d stay around as she fucks a man who consistently disrespected and was hostile and aggressive with her.
The only couple I can think of that I shipped that were enemies to lovers were Kyle and Max from “Living Single.” And I think it was because they were equals—they were on the same playing field, but it stopped at barbs thrown at each other. He wasn’t in her face or making derogatory comments.
Sydney and Richie aren’t equals. She’s literally his boss and he can’t handle that (the point in me saying she’s his boss is to note that this aren’t two equals taking shots at each other.) And he’s also protected due to their precarious situation (aka bleeding money) and being Carmy’s “cousin.” Who knows how much she’s told and hasn’t told Carmy about his behavior, esp bc she’s used to dealing with everything herself. But again, there is still that race and gender element.
Like, if it’s all about fun and vibes for some, I get it if you ignore me. But the way I see black women treated in real life (dating wise and harassed by fans) and how fictional black women are treated, issa no from me, dawg.
I know enemy to lovers is a popular trope, it just isn’t something that hits for me when it comes to black and white relationships, esp if the woman is black. Esp when it piles on to the hate she already receives.
And, honestly, there’s no sexual tension between them. Some only think there is bc they hate each other and fans been conditioned to think that means there’s a sexual component there or will be.
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weirdly specific questions for patience!!! ^_^ hehe.. 1, 2, 6 (your choice!), 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 32, 35, 42, 50, 52, 54, 55... hehe so many i know... <3 couldn't help myself i like these questions
1./ What’s the lie your character says most often?
Honestly, probably that she definitely agrees with how workers are treated in Halcyon. She can see that it's wrong, and it's also one of the reasons she went away from the human resources job. But saying that she doesn't agree with them is definitely a death sentence, especially when you're working for The Board 😔
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
She sees anyone she's talked to abt non-work related things and has had a fun time with a friend and calls them that <3
6. What's their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
I'm gonna go with favorite self made drink sjfjjffk
Something she really loves is the Mock Apple Fizzy Tea mixed with Spectrum Blue Vodka, purpleberry jam and some sugar. It creates a somewhat purple drink with a funny taste and she calls it Dusk.
The reason why she's never recommended it before is that her friends prefer to just drink things from the bar or don't drink.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Not loose at all 😭 She's only said it once because she feels it requires So Many Things to say that she just feels overwhelmed by it :(
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Gentle love to both!!!! 🥺
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
A funny story from her childhood and what happened! She climbed on a tree at some point and fell down from it. Nothing got broken. BUT what most don't know is right after she fell, a mock apple fell right next to her sjfbnfgnfjfb
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Ridiculously funny stories from people's work. Alicia loves telling one where she was running around the building looking for That One Printer that had her papers, but with every printer she visits the story gets funnier. The first one was broken, the second one was printing someone's 200 page report, third one had a sticker paper stuck because said printer wasn't design to create stickers, the fourth one had some missing pages from someone's nsfw-ish fanfiction about the chairman (she ran out of the printer room so quick). Finally, the eighth printer had what she needed, but only printed half of it bc it didn't have enough ink JFBNFBFKGXN
Patience loves that story very much <3
13. When do they fake a smile? How often?
Inappropriate jokes by high status people. She can't risk looking like she's against them bc that can be dangerous 😭
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
She's always loud and outgoing everywhere else but home. Not because there's rarely ever someone to talk to, but because she simply feels different when she's all alone and has nothing to do :0
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
QUEUEING. she's impatient and wants to get somewhere as soon as possible andjjfjfkefkf
She does follow it most of the time, but sometimes she just doesn't care.
25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Halcyon's Human Resources laws and practices (6 different books) are forever in her mind ajfjkfkfkf she learned them perfectly. OH also!!! teacup canid medicine skfjffkgk
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Patience tells people she wants to have a good, stable life. What she actually wants is something adventurous, she gets bored easily :')
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
The guilt is definitely stronger when on work bc. well. she's a mercenary.
She tends to talk abt her personal guilt quite easily so she barely ever stresses abt it.
32. If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
Littering bc the trash bin is too far 😔
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Pushing someone's canid bc it was blocking the way and didnmt respond to commands 😭
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
How to take care of yourself when you're working in a really stressful field. The title would probably be smth like "Self Care for Dummies" KFKGNKCCK
50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
Worker's rights ajdkgrkfkgkf I like working policy which is why i also find tow "funny" bc it lets my social scientist brain analyze it sm. But like, while Patience does not always agree with the Board, she still feels partly like that.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Immediate emotions! Who needs facts. I mean yeah, there are situations where she might need to check the facts, but most of the time she just does whatever feels right at that moment.
54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Depends on the situation but most of the time it's fight, with some fawn mixed in.
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
PAPERWORK. she hates it so much skdkkfggnfn she'd definitely be throwing pencils at roof out of boredom like Mulder in x-files if the roof was like that.
weirdly specific questions
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ryanthedemiboy · 1 year
alicia never explicitly said mikey cheated or not. she never dragged out the situation. lindsey did. i understand that she was pissed but it also wasn’t her place.
and gerard never said anything about being unhappy with their brother?
people think he cheated because of the nowaymikeyway blog, which had a lot of misinfo and also said some horrible things about mikey’s ex. the blog abortion shamed his ex, which was wrong.
i think we can agree to disagree. everyone feels differently towards this ordeal whether you like mikey or not.
I could be misremembering Gerard saying it by for Lindsey — that's def something I may have done.
But Alicia and Lindsey were (are? Idk) friends, so I can totally understand her speaking up about it. And why would Lindsey lie about something like that? It may not have been her place to bring it up publically, but she had nothing to benefit from for saying something like that if it wasn't true.
I literally found out from twitter, not tumblr, bc I was at school. Was it breaking news then? Idk. It was within a few days of everyone finding out though.
I don't recognise that blog name, and I feel like I would bc it's a notable one (to me).
But there's solid evidence that he cheated, so i'm confident that he did.
But it's also long enough ago that it's like... Calm down. Not to you, specifically, but to people rushing to defend him.
1. Good people can do bad things (and bad people can do good things, but I think that's irrelevant here; I hope it is)
2. People can learn and grow (it's been what, 10, 11 years?)
3. You can accept that someone you idolise did something wrong/bad without your world combusting. I promise.
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martykirkby · 4 years
Any holby or casualty episodes you’d recommend rewatching? Idm how old, thanks :)
(i’m gonna put this under a read more bc it got way longer than i intended it too and you didn’t even ask for descriptions i’m just incapable of being concise ever sorry! i bolded the titles so you don’t have to read it all)
okay so it depends what characters you care about, bc my answers would be different based on who your faves are, so these are my faves to rewatch (but will probs be super biased towards my fave characters)! obvs i’m not saying watch all of them (unless you want to) but i’ve included reasons why i like them so you can decide based on what you enjoy.
holby (i’ve only watched from s16 with a little of s15 and s6 so it’s gonna start there):
intuition (16x11)- dom’s first episode back after his guest stint, and adele’s first ep! this is the first episode i watched when i started watching holby properly bc i was impatient and wanted to get to the dom scenes so i haven’t watched most of the s16 episodes before it but i would probably say watch 16x10 as well bc that’s when jac gives birth and this ep has a lot of scenes about her and emma.
prince among men (16x16)- raf’s first ep in which he’s v v iconic and also i love dom, zosia and arthur and frustrated mentor sacha and there’s that woman who’s like in love with a mummy until she finds out it was a female mummy. also jac and emma!!
one small step (16x42)- again i LOVE the keller trio, this is the first ep where they really bond even if it’s over a super traumatic experience w zosia. and connie crosses over for the first time since she joined casualty, which i rlly liked.
star of wonder (17x10)- a really important episode for zosia’s character and her bipolar sl! also i like christmas episodes
the ides of march (17x32)- another big ep for zosia and the one where she decides to move to darwin
beautiful (17x45)- dom taking a level students on a tour of the hospital and bonding w one of them and quoting that christina aguilera song... i love him
at first i was afraid (17x50)- dom and arthur roadtrip! the karaoke scene! frieda as a patient! elliot’s exit ft some really nice scenes w him and jac!
left behind (18x05)- i just really like all three storylines, i’ve rewatched the mo and wiliam sl a few times just bc i like mo and this ep is the last one of that sl and it’s my fave of them, and you can watch it as a standalone if you already know what’s happened in the eps beforehand.
blue christmas (18x11)- the only one i’ve seen where jac’s past is rlly talked about bc it’s the one where fran reveals they know each other. apart from that it is just a nice christmas ep and i really like all the other storylines going on.
young hearts, run free (18x13)- the ep where dom arthur and morven have to do some scavenger hunt thing in the woods!! and dom has a chicken called henriketta!! that’s reason enough to watch it 500 times tbh
one under (18x21)- for some reason arthur’s patient sl haunts me, but i think it is a rlly good (but sad) ep for arthur as he comes to terms with his cancer test
it tolls for thee (18x31)- arthur and morven’s wedding and i love them
i’ll walk you home (18x35)- arthur’s last ep (as not a figment of someone’s imagination) and it’s devastating but the episode is so so well done and i watch it whenever i need to cry
another day in paradise, parts one and two (18x38 and 18x39)- i just really like all the different storylines in these eps, the patient sl is like. wild and there’s focus on jac being a mother and dom’s grief and sacha and essie i just rlly like them
protect and serve (18x47)- this is the one after the helicopter crash in casualty so i always watch it after watching that one. it’s a good episode that focuses more on the characters than the storylines and i love the crossovers too.
i do, i do, i do (19x13)- an episode in which a main character’s daughter dies has absolutely no right being as funny as this, but the derwood/inga wedding is so so funny and also rlly sweet at the end and the contrast with the elinor storyline is wild (and also something i wish holby would do more often bc recently they’ve done like three depressing storylines in one ep)
the hard way home (19x35)- tbh the main reason i’ve rewatched this ep so much is for dofty which obvs i don’t care about anymore, but it’s also a really good ep just for dom w his steroid addiction and the anniversary of arthur’s death. and it’s damon’s first ep and i miss him
group animal, parts one and two (19x61 and 19x62)- the shooting eps which i also watch when i wanna feel sad, but also they are just really good episodes in general
also the last two eps of s19 after the shooting bc i’m incapable of not watching the aftermath
i haven’t rewatched any s20 or s21 eps except when giffing so i can’t rlly recommend any there
casualty (for some of these just pretend that lofty never existed on holby and his character was never destroyed):
next of kin, parts one and two (26x15 and 26x16)- the second ep is more exciting but you need the first one for context, it’s just classic high stakes drama, the entire ed was on fire bc they stopped filming in bristol so they were like yeah let’s completely destroy the set! and it’s ruth and jay’s last episodes.
duty of care (26x17)- also high stakes drama, tom’s first episode and the first ep filmed in cardiff. there’s a poisonous gas leak AND an explosion.
love is (26x23)- danny dyer did more acting in this one (1) episode than he has his entire career on eastenders i swear. i didn’t expect to get so emo about it.
the ‘ricochet’ eps (26x25, 26x26, 26x27)- casualty didn’t hold back with these eps. they’re v good eps (s26 has some of casualty’s best episodes imo) but a LOT about gang violence and a trigger warning for rape in the second one.
zero sum game (26x39)- fletch’s first episode! i mainly like it bc of that but it’s also fun to see how much lloyd hates him at first.
the #holbyriot eps (26x41 and 26x42)- definitely some of the most tense episodes casualty’s ever done, back when they cared about social issues like police brutality.
rabbits in headlights (27x17)-  the first episode for robyn, jamie and aoife (and ally but she leaves the next ep). i love seeing how far robyn in particular has come, and i loved jamie and aoife as well and seeing them as tiny dumbass students is fun.
unsilenced (27x31)- the fgm storyline, again when casualty used to care about social issues. it’s really well-written, i think.
once there was a way home, parts one and two (28x01 and 28x02)- this is ramin’s first appearance and i love him and jamie and the way jamie basically risked his entire job to help him. the first one is also rita’s first ep!
carrot not stick (28x35)- this one has a patient from 28x33 in, but you don’t need to have rewatched that one to get the gist. lofty and dixie take said patient to visit his dying mother and they go to the beach. they sing dolly parton. lofty steals a puppy. it’s just a really nice episode imo
born lucky (29x05)- this is a sad one, but i really like the relationships between the staff in this one, and i think it was a good final episode for jeff.
entrenched (29x09)- casualty said football fans don’t deserve rights and also lofty makes some points about the futility of war. michael spence is in this episode!
deadfall (29x10), the road not taken (29x26), holby sin city (29x39)- i’m grouping these together bc they’re all the ‘holby noir’ standalone episodes and if you wanna watch one ep and not have to worry about the long running storylines, they work. they’re also completely insane and v fun imo. the road not taken is my fave.
a child’s heart, parts one and two (30x01 and 30x02)- i’m not a fan of it focusing so much on charlie’s life story, but i love episodes just after a crisis and especially when one of the team is in danger bc you really see how much the staff all care about each other. these eps also have the start of louise’s storyline where she switches from a receptionist to a nurse.
high tide (30x27)- lofty’s last episode, jez’s first, and it’s also a really good episode for cal and ethan. and although i don’t really care about any of them except jez anymore, i still think this is a good episode to rewatch just to see like. them as characters.
too old for this shift (31x01)- this is the feature length episode so like. it might not be ideal to rewatch but again it’s the helicopter crash episode, so you really see the staff pull together which i love, and there are appearances from jac and fletch, and video calls from people who have left the show. like i said, it goes with protect and serve on holby so i usually rewatch those together.
mobile (31x27)- i literally just rewatched this episode last night which is why i’m thinking about it, but it’s a really good ep and it’s the one where robyn gives birth and her scenes with david are so well acted. they also link all three stories in some way to mobile phones which i thought was cool.
5 days (31x28)- i love robyn so i really love this episode. there’s a lot of character development imo, from being in denial and optimistic to realising how bad charlotte’s situation is and struggling to cope, to accepting how it is and being there for her as a mother.
one (31x44)- the plot is okay, it’s not something i’d be particularly interested to rewatch apart from the fact it’s filmed in one shot which makes it fun to rewatch.
32x19- max’s last episode and we find out a lot about him! and ofc there’s the zoe and max reunion and i just really like max in this episode.
32x21- bea’s first ep and i love her, also really shows how much a real ed has to cope with and has alicia start the anonymous blog which is v iconic of her.
i haven’t really rewatched any eps that aired after this specifically for one ep (i’ve rewatched every episode jade and marty and archie have been in but i don’t always care about the eps themselves)
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isolctions · 5 years
y’all ain’t really ask but i’mma talk abt it anyway.
i’ve already started to tag things for them bc i had the idea formulated in my head since...the literal inception of the vaughn siblings, but being that bakari is the most reckless of them all, it kinda felt weird that one day i could potentially write his death (which, by the way, i will.) & feel like there’s no one set in stone in his life like with the rest of the siblings. so before any of bakari’s current ships, relationships, or any connections gained through writing him on my blogs, bakari has one other person as his confidant — nikita simms.
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bakari met nikita the way he met a majority of the people in his life that he considers close friends, people outside of his family members that know him best, people that he treats as if they were his own blood: on the playground of a church down the block from the two bedroom project apartment that the vaughns were living in. they played together, sure, but he didn’t actually come to know nikita until the passing of cartier led the siblings to enter the public school system for the first time.
since bakari was six, he, nikita, and zay attended the same school, even if they didn’t have the same teachers as grades progressed. and while at first, bakari tried to pull the tough act by stealing nikita’s things on the playground, she essentially beat his whole ass during recess for trying her too many times and he respected her for it. zay included, they were a team, all throughout sixth grade — until, as they grew up and developed their own interests (zay with art, bakari with putting katya & damon’s drug dealings on a pedestal, nikita with writing clubs afterschool), they drifted apart. it didn’t officially start until the summer of seventh grade when she admitted, rather awkwardly after their first kiss, that she wouldn’t be going to school with him anymore.
from then on out, their relationship had been rather similar to the characters from the movie ‘the wood’, ronald & alicia. yeah they saw each other from time to time on the block...but not often. as for zay’s perspective, being that she’d been part of his first real friend group, felt so betrayed by her leaving suddenly and doing her own thing that he took to calling her ‘sugar hill harlem’ — when in reality, she’d still been living in harlem with her grandmother at the time, who sent her to a catholic school further uptown. but because bakari knows this, he defended her without looking ‘soft’. and yeah, they kissed that one time over the summer, but they don’t talk abt that! nor do they talk abt how irritated they get with the other while discussing their crushes or anything. just casual friend things.
their tenth grade year is when shit got tough for them. she hadn’t known, and had inadvertently found out from zay, that bakari chose to drop out of high school in favor of selling drugs. so at that point, their friendship had been low blows, arguments, and passive aggressiveness. they didn’t fully talk about this either, until one night at a house party where nikita got waaaaasted. and when she confronted him, she ripped into him. all his potential gone, all the hope to move in footsteps away from his father’s, and instead he went to sell drugs. she’s crying, he’s fuming, they’re upset — but he still got her home safe. cause, y’know...that’s his home or whatever.
and the next morning, they talk abt their lives now again. how this changes shit. bc no matter how mad she was at him for his decisions, she’s still in his life & still wanted be. that’s what friends are for, right? and through this vulnerable ass discussion they have, they happen to kiss...again...and again...and again...then they just ask: ‘what are we even doing?’
and so they have sex.
they both have done it before, so it was just whatever. life went back to normal. they still hung out and got dollar pizza every now and then. nikita still sat with zay, despite their differences, to help him study for shit he wasn’t planning on applying. and when she graduated high school, nikita got a full ride at spelman. bakari hadn’t seen nikita since 18, and that was just how it was.
fast forward to the tail end of 2017, october to be specific, when nikita finally graduated from spelman and took time off before starting her internship at a writing company in atlanta to come home to harlem — or, back to earth, as he’d call it. and they changed. he had a tattoo shop now, and the first thing that nikita does is get herself inked with her first tattoo at swavey’s. then, bakari invites her out to celebrate down at damon’s nightclub, 92nd’s. she’d only been in town for a few days, so why not? they dance, they smoke a few, they share a few drinks and memories and life stories since she left, and it felt just like they’d been on the block again, chasing after the ice cream truck and splitting their quarters for a sundae.
and then, when he drives her back to her hotel room in a damn porsche, they have sex. again. and they text in the days afterwards, and off to atlanta she goes.
2018, he gets the text from nikita that she’s pregnant. they’re both stubborn and hard headed, though, so he takes the first flight to atlanta despite her telling him not to, and they just...figure it out from there. and although he’s still working and moving weight and attending meetings for and with katya, and while he’s still the most reckless fucking sibling out of all of the vaughns, he tries his best! he keeps this mostly under wraps from the rest of his family though, bc he prides himself on being the only one aside from ni’kyah to not have kids yet. cause he’s just a lying ass bitch.
july 31st, bakari & nikita had themselves a little leo!! amari marquel vaughn came, with bakari in the room to witness the birth of his son and be with his best friend. he may be a piece of shit, but he still a good dad!
these days, their son is now one and a half, and they still maintain that same close ass friendship. nikita has considered moving back to new york just to make the distance between them bearable, because she really does hate him not being around his son although he surprises her with visits often to make that happen. he used to think that his death wouldn’t mean much of anything to the small circle of people he keeps close to him, but now there’s amari he has to think about. imagine finally growing up at a whole 23, almost 24 fucking years old.
and when does his family, namely his mother, find out about this? fucking thanksgiving dinner, when nikita surprises him with a visit for once with amari in tow.
and like i said...the relationships that are established for the vaughns in canon (aka my head) kinda come first to me. it’s what i immediately think of with certain things. so just know that i’m not invalidating any ships that he may have within indie, but nikita is a presence in his life that is seldom going away any time soon. so there’s that.
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lesceriises · 4 years
[ 🍒 ]  — gracing the tags with my presence before i go work on replies. hi. i’m elle. i’m mostly here for mxf shipping tbh, but i love platonic/family plots too. i have adhd which means i like jumping into things and figuring out what works and doesn’t without beating around the bush. send me memes!! send me ideas!! i love brainstorming. i have a bunch of muses right here & you can check out my open starters here. 
if you’re curious about what fcs i like + what types of plots i’m interested in, click the read more.
come write with me!!!
alfonso herrera, alvaro rico, chris pine, dacre montgomery, david giuntoli, edgar ramírez, jake gyllenhaal, kit harington, luke pasqualino, michiel huisman, oliver jackson-cohen, oscar isaac, ryan guzman, santiago cabrera, sean tealea, simon baker, tom ellis, tommy martinez, tyler hoechlin, zane holt, alicia vikander, alycia debnam carey, eleanor tomlinson, gugu mbatha-raw, imogen poots, johanna braddy, lupita nyong'o, margot robbie, oona chaplin, poppy drayton, ruth negga, saoirse ronan, shelley hennig, shannon purser, zendaya, zoey deutch.
drama, over-the-top drama, cheesy drama, angst, romance, manipulation, lying, cheating, pregnancies, horror, supernatural, ghosts, historical, crime, royals, modern royals, fake relationships, unrequited feelings, bad timing. you can check a few plots i’d like to do here.
if fandom isn’t your thing, i’m also v interested in rl / historical plots. you can find a list of those here.
CHOICES GAME APP & STORYSCAPE: plots based on: titanic, the perfect match, rules of engagement, desire & decorum, the royal romance, and the elementalists. we don’t have to play the “main” characters or follow the original storylines tho.
TITANIC/1900s: legit just... any and all dynamics lmao the list is infinite there’s so much potential. if you’re familiar with the game i’m looking for something taken from storyscape like matteo x adele dynamic (long-story short, matteo is a valet for a wealthy man and adele is someone who is being blackmailed by said wealthy man) or charlie x adele (charlie is a steward who befriends adele, helps her navigate her situation, and the two become very close - esp interested in a dynamic post-titanic too where he's trying very hard not to hold things against her but is struggling tremendously with guilt, ptsd, and his idealism) or a dynamic based on zetta x adele (zetta is famous and adele's employer, and adele is being blackmailed into ruining her engagement - but it'd have to be an mxf one because that's the only kind of romantic pairings i write).
THE HUNGER GAMES: capitol citizen x capitol citizen, mentor x mentor, victor x dead tribute’s sibling/dead tribute’s best friend, literally any other combO!! smth with spies would be great too like spy rebel working a the capitol x capitol staff.
VIDEO GAMES: plots based on until dawn!!!!!!!!! which is one of my favs tbh (there’s SO MUCH POTENTIAl but i’m particularly weak for “we had a ‘opposites attract, will they don’t they’ thing going on and smth was about to happen between us at the cabin but then my sibling/best friend vanished and everything went to shit and we haven’t spoken in a year even though we miss each other dearly”.
workaholic diplomats with a fuckton of baggage and personal struggles who are really good at their jobs and always butting heads… falling in love (bonus: maybe one of them is a squib)
pureblood order member is essentially kidnapped by their own elitist family and has their memory tampered with, meaning they now believe they’ve always just been a spy for the death eaters. they’re engaged and their significant other starts to notice little things that feel odd and unusual. 
i muggleborn who started lying about her blood status and is passing as elitist pureblood who ends up getting engaged to a pureblood.  
before the first wizarding war, two purebloods get married. it wasn’t an arranged marriage and for all their differences they brought out the best in each other. their families were iffy about each other but they made it work. she remained mostly a housewife, enjoying the work and taking care of the children. things were good until the war rolled around and slowly, gradually. it became clear that his family (and he himself) were prejudiced against muggles and muggleborn. in the end they end up on opposite sides of the war, and it gets ugly.
arranged marriage between two people. he’s a widower and a grump, no one really finds him good company and on top of that his wife died in questionable circumstances (everyone thinks he did it, but it was actually his parents). his parents picked her because she seems easy to manipulate and air-headed. they never thought they would end up gradually growing very fond of each other to the point of love - they have the same humor, he helps her try not to please everyone and she helps him allowing himself to be himself - and that he’d start standing up to his family.
ANGELS / DEMONS / NOT FANDOM SPECIFIC: angel x fallen angel (please. think of all the pain and angst) or demon x redeemed demon or smth of the sort (the betrayal!!!)
X-MEN: literally too many possible combos to list and i want them all!!! the angstier/messier the better.
THE MUMMY: doesn’t have to be based on the movie, i’m going for the ~vibes~ here. we can do: explorer/archaeologist x non-explorer, explorer/archaeologist x journalist, explorer/archaeologist x doctor, explorer/archaeologist x explorer/archaeologist…. they can be any age too! even exs with children, the options are endless.
PACIFIC RIM: trainee x trainee, pilot x scientist, pilot x pilot, doctor x pilot
OUTLANDER/TIME-TRAVELLING IN GENERAL: could be intentional, accidental, to the future or the past, etc so many options!! we can mix time-travelling with other fandoms too!!
TOMB RAIDER: feel free to make suggestions but here are some ideas: (a) and (b) have a long history (platonic, romantic, siblings, idc). they’re both explorers who for the most part have been on the same side. two peas in a pod. two sides of the same coin. etc etc. while trying to put together a mystery, and trying to beat the “bad guys” to it, they realise the object they are looking for can change the past or bring the dead back to life…. this is where (b) turns against (a), who, unlike them, wants to take the object and keep it safe inside a vault.
STAR WARS: literally too many options to list but i’ll try: “jyn” x “cassian”, spy x traitor, pilot x spy doctor, former stormtrooper x spy, former stormtrooper x regular person, spy x regular person, diplomat x pilot, diplomat x former stormtrooper, idk there’s so many possible dynamics i couldn’t list them all legit anything in this universe im begging lmao!
STRANGER THINGS: so many possibilities?? could be set at any point in time too… and/or make our characters older and have them revisit things that happened to them in the past.
MARVEL/MCU: superhero x human , superhero x superhero, hero x law enforcement, a verse where heroes are “banned” (think incredibles 2)… all of these could go in so many ways?? the sky’s the limit. reminder that i don’t write canons but i don’t mind writing against them!! 
ANASTASIA: lost princess/prince x kitchen boy/girl turned con-person who is at first using them for money but ends up falling in love with them and oops turns out they are the real deal.
THE LITTLE MERMAID: mermaid x prince, mermaid x human, mermaid x pirate, “ursula” x “eric”
ALADDIN: “i pretended to be a rich prince/princess to impress the their/heiress to the throne bc i’m poor as hell and i just want to stop being poor lmao … but oh boy i’ve fallen in love…….”
FROZEN:   “hans” x “anna” or “hans” x “elsa” (i just think “hans” is a great character and there’s a lot we could do with him tbh) oc guard or commoner x “elsa” “anna” and “kristoff” but their relationship isn’t working out the dynamic between “anna” and “elsa” bc i’m a sucker for sibling dynamics we could also explore the relationship of anna and elsa’s parents!!!  
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freckliedan · 6 years
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(for context, i made a post asking if this anon would b comfy telling me if she was a part of the lgbt community because i would be able to answer more quickly & with more nuance if i knew! my response would’ve been very different for the first ask if it had come from a cis/het person)
hi b!!!!!!!! ty so much for sending me this ask! this is a conversation i’ve had with friends a number of times & i think it’s really good to talk about so i’m really glad to have the chance to talk about it on my blog!
(under the cut because this got long)
i really feel you on this entire situation, tbh- i really hate to assume people’s sexualities, especially people who i don't actually know, bc doing that enforces gender roles & stereotypes so much of the time. especially when it's straight people doing the assuming? like, straight people talking about having good "gaydar" for me feels like them talking about being good at stereotyping people based on mannerisms etc and it makes me so fucking uncomfortable!
i'm 100% of the opinion that unless someone has the agency in telling people they're lgbt (like, they get to come out on their own terms, or they're so comfortably out that you'd maybe hear them referred to with pronouns besides he/she or hear about a same-gender partner when hearing about them in conversation)? nobody should be making a definitive assumption or trying to find proof or support of any perspective on their sexuality. people should get to be as closeted or as out as they're comfortable being, bc more than anything all lgbt people deserve to feel safe.
that said? i feel like lgbt ppl have actual "gaydar" but that it's not the same thing straight people say "gaydar" is. i think that for lgbt people, it has as much to do with being able to identify homophobic or transphobic straight or cis people (bc there are transphobic lgb folx, why do people. DO that) and being able to identify what straight/cis people are safe to be around as it does being able to find other lgbt people. it's more of a survival mechanism than a way of identifying people who are different, the way it functions for straight people.
so like? idk. over the past few years my concept of whether it's okay to speculate about a celebrity's sexuality has shifted a little? when i was in high school & recently out of it, i was more firmly against the idea that someone could tell if xyz celebrity wasn't straight, and super firmly believed that the only way you could know was if they said as much in words.
so what changed?
i experienced the world more, and i've learned so much about the lgbt community and about myself.
one of the big turning points for me was kristen stewart; i was never a super huge fan of hers, but i saw posts fairly often speculating that she and alicia cargile were together. not posts by like, news outlets or anything, posts by other wlw who were saying 'i see the way that kstew is dressing and acting and what she & alicia cargile are sharing of their relationship with the public and news articles keep calling them live-in gal-pals etc but that's exactly how i dress and behave and how my relationship with my girlfriend looks and how people treat our relationship when they're refusing to acknowledge the fact that we're lgbt."
also at the time i started seeing a lot of posts that were saying that the speculation was shitty, and for a hot minute i felt awful for seeing and reblogging posts & hoping/believing that they were girlfriends. the next wave of discourse tho was about how it was okay to speculate and hope if you were just an individual who was also lgbt, and how it was only shitty when it was invasive paparazzi and tabloids who had a platform that could actually disrupt her life and put pressure on her to come out. it was about power; one lesbian or bi or pan girl who was hoping a celebrity they looked up to was like them vs a business that doesn't have any investment in this besides to gain money/readership off of a celebrity's potential identity that had every right to keep their silence and privacy? it's two entirely different things.
i also went back to college in 2016, and realized that like. yeah it's shitty when straight people stereotype and assume things about people, but a lot of lgbt people don't want to be perceived as straight and intentionally dress and behave in ways that signal the fact that the're lgbt. i'm not a scholar on any of this; this is all from my lived experience. but i think it might be called flagging? i've seen the word a few times & just googled it & it seems right, even though i haven't read any of the articles for sure.
essentially it's a way of signaling to other lgbt people "hey i'm here and i'm also lgbt" without really having to disclose that info to all the straight people around you as well. and like, heteronormativity is a hell of a drug, you know? a lot of straight people are almost unwilling to pick up on the signals that someone's lgbt.
an example i can think of is like, lgbt people using non-gendered terms to refer to their significant other or any exes around straight people; it's not lying, and it leaves the opportunity for any other lgbt people present to maybe connect with the person who's doing the pronouns dance at a later point in time in a one on one setting.
another example would be like, butch and gender nonconforming wlw making their identity clear in the way they dress and behave? the song ring of keys from the musical fun home is about a young girl seeing a butch lesbian for the first time and going !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even without having the words. it's lgbt people broadcasting their identity for other lgbt people, not for straight people. it doesn't get seen or talked about as much because of that, but that doesn't make it any less real.
so how does this relate back to dnp?
i'm firmly of the opinion that the're like, doing this. they're living their lives without the complete self-censorship they used to have and because of that openness a lot of lgbt ppl see them, we see the ways in which dan and phil are quietly sharing the fact that they're not straight with us, and i think it's okay to accept that for what it is.
like? i genuinely am willing to argue that dan came out in his diss track. you look at that, and you look at him talk about labels in a liveshow (this video genuinely helped me a lot while i was going through the process of finding the right labels for myself) and you look at all of trying to live my truth or the fact that in dan's rebranding video part of the old branding that was going up in flames was gender rolls (i still have a screenshot of that on my phone). it's also in the countless ways he alludes to being attracted to men, and the ways he rejects a lot of the tenants of masculinity that society prescribes in the ways he dresses and presents himself to the world; that's not an inherently lgbt thing to do, but i think it's true that a majority of lgbt ppl experience gender more consciously than straight people do.​
i'm not going to lie and say i'm aware of as many specific details in regards to phil that indicate his sexuality-i do know less off the top of my head, but not because i don't love phil, just because dan means more to me personally in regards to my queerness and the ways i navigate my identities. phil also tends to share way less of himself with the internet than dan does? like, we know a lot of specifics about who dan is and who dan has been but despite knowing a lot of fluff about phil, we know less substantial information and that's super fucking valid and i love his double aquarius sagittarius rising enigmatic ass exactly as is. and i know i have things in my he likes boys tag about both of them, including (i think) at least one masterpost about phil.
which like, doesn't even bring us to the fact that i'm so sure they're together, too? it's not even like. things like the vd*y v*d, though that was still findable on tumblr when i joined the phandom in 2012.
i'm sure because i can look at dan and phil in the present, and the ways in which they function in eachother's lives, and the things they've said about their future together-the concept of a forever home, of getting a dog together,  the way that when either of them talks about a very old version of themself they talk about having kids & when you combine that with the idea of a forever home you kind of are left with only one implication- i look at all of those things and the ways they compare to my life, as a queer person in a long term committed relationship. and i know. i’m sure about them.
and i could go on. the thing that really gets me is how dan and phil, by all intents and purposes, hit all three sides of sternberg's triangle in his triangular theory of love; they've got the commitment of a shared life and they've talked about their shared future, they've got the intimacy of knowing and supporting each other for nine years and the close knowledge they have of each other is so great in volume that it's been the focus of what, two videos (the friendship test ones) and (spoilers, minorly) a section of ii? and in the way they look at each other, and in a lot of implications we've picked up on over the years, the passion is there, too.
they've fuckin got that good good consummate love, babeY.
they also constantly answer all of each other's bids, as per gottman's research/theories on successful relationships. i'm not gonna get too far into that, but it's what my like a sunflower tag is for.
and gosh, i've gotten rather off topic again. my apologies, b.
i guess the point is that like. as a queer person in a long term relationship, it's really easy for me to look at dan and phil and be sure that they're together. and i don't feel bad, anymore, thinking about that and speculating about it; i think it's ok for lgbt individuals to hope that the people they look up to are like them, and to talk about that hope.
and it would be nice, if dan and phil came out someday. stressful because of the fan reaction, i'm expecting a full meltdown if/when it happens (i'm leaning towards when, i think they want to get married someday).
but for me, i'm already sure. they've already given us so much and they don't owe us anything, we aren't entitled to them disclosing their identities, but i think they've already told us in subtle ways, a hundred times over. so my conscience is clear and my heart is sure, b. i hope yours can be too.
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1rmono · 6 years
Isn't Taeyeon rascist? Not about the wiz khalifa thing although that's still shady but the alicia keys comment, which seems like she apologized because of pressure from the public. And then she disrespected doctors and nurses with her comments, which made SM even apologize for this. idk she has a good voice and she's very pretty but she is problematic as hell and she rarely apologizes. even with the recent crash she caused (reckless driving), there were reports that she was treated first
under a guise. isolated herself from mult members in snsd (besides tiffany),didn’t promote snsd solos except her faves even when they promoted hers. ignored jessica forever before she left; you just had to pay attention; i’m surprised jessica didn’t get super depressed over this; all the girls kind of alienated her tho tbh. known for being saccharine. It’s all too much for me. snsd had a lot of colorist problems as a group tbh even recently with yuri/sooyoung. :/
about the wiz khalifa thing lmao he was the one in the wrong, lying about the location and time of their meet up and calling her names when the truth came out and the alicia keys thing was a known old mistranslation of what she actually said n she apologized despite not meaning it racially so :/
about the car crash, honestly ???? her being treated first isn’t something she can control, they did it probably bc she’s an idol and that’s not fair but they chose to treat her first is a fault on the paramedics side???? and human beings are human beings which she is, and everyone got treated.
about isolating members, first of all she fvckgn loves them all and probably the only time i can think when she pushed the rest away except specifically fany is when she was in clinical depression for a long time and felt sad and alone and depressed and felt like she could really let in tiffany (and i think seo). i am and have been depressed and trust me, i don’t go around parading my sadness n tears to everyone, only 1-2 people who are the closest to me.
don’t. start. about jessica. literally everyone has different views about this and sones, golden stars and those who are both, even person to person, everyone has a different victim to blame n i am not going to tack all that blame on tae alone.
okay culturally korean people (in fact, most asian countries, and i know because i am asian) are colorist. still a shitty inexcusable thing but it’s a fact. almost every one of your fave idol bands has had someone or the other in the band say colorist shit. it sucks, true, but it’s there. bts? exo? snsd? literally almost every band and you’re all out here excusing them so idk how it’s all taeyeon’s fault. 
why don’t you point out all the good things she’s done? her charity work. the way she cares for people who are close to her, supports her parents, takes such good care of younger female artists in the industry, promotes healthier women, talks against even her own company when she feels they’re wronging her?
also i just want to point out, me listening to her music is basically me loving her as a composer and singer and has nothing to do with all of this ????? literally when i said i can’t wait to listen to her album, it implies i like her music and voice, not this baggage you’re pinning on me?????
i respect your decision of not liking her or snsd and i’m sorry i’m being rude about this but there are 2 things i don’t like about this ask: first, that you assumed i am unaware of these things about tae/snsd like i’m not capable of doing my own research and forming my own opinions on the matter. and second, i can’t even stress how much i dislike when people claim their like for something (x band, or y book, etc) and immediately someone else finds the need to bash it just because they don’t feel the same? let people like what they like. chances are i’m well aware of the bad and the good in a fandom i have been part of for long anyways, it’s just that for me the good outweighs the bad. if i like something, it doesn’t mean someone needs to come into my inbox on anon and immediately bash it. it’s a shitty thing to do. 
listen, i’m not claiming she’s perfect but literally me and you and every single human being on this planet is problematic and fucks up some time or the other, the only difference is as an idol, her mistakes are out there for the world to point fingers at. from the years ive fvckgn loved taeyeon and snsd, she’s a sweet, kind and understanding, sensitive woman. people who don’t know snsd and her only find out highlighted wrongdoings bc that’s what sells in the media. 
tldr; she’s not perfect but neither are you.
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Jeff Sessions just became the U.S. attorney general. Here’s what to do next.
On Feb. 8, 2017, Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed as our nation’s next attorney general in a final vote of 52-47. The Republican from Alabama abstained from voting for himself, and one Democrat voted for him.
Despite resistance and pushback from many organizations including an open letter from 1,424 law professors from 180 universities in 49 states asking to reject Sessions on the grounds that “it is unacceptable for someone with Senator Sessions record to lead the Department of Justice,” testimony from civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia), a different hearing 30 years ago when a bipartisan group of eight Democrats and two Republicans voted to reject his appointment to the federal bench due in part to a black lawyer testifying that Sessions called him “boy,” evidence of his ongoing relationship with problematic organizations (*cough* white supremacists *cough*) Sessions was voted into office.
Presumably, for the next four years, he will be President Donald Trump’s chief law enforcement officer, overseeing how the laws are interpreted around immigration, elections, the War on Drugs, you name it.
It means the next few years could be challenging, to say the least.
Here are 19 real things you can do right now to make sure our justice system is working for everyone.
1. First of all: Dont freak out. Dont panic. Dont give up hope.
We’ve lived through a lot in our short time on this planet. The world didnt end when Bush was in charge. Obama didnt burn civil rights to the ground either or take away everyone’s guns. Youre still here. And there are ways to push back. Heck, some judges are already helping with that.
2. Maybe youve already donated to the ACLU. But there are other organizations that need your support too.
The ACLU has already raised six times what they normally do online in a year. Which is awesome.
Thanks to overwhelming support, we broke online records http://bit.ly/2oClpEl http://bit.ly/2oJ6hSs
ACLU National (@ACLU) January 31, 2017
But there are so many other organizations doing important work too, and they aren’t getting the same attention the ACLU has garnered in recent weeks. So, if you can swing it, help out organizations like the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild, and ProPublica that are also doing important work and could use the money too.
3. Support organizations led by people of color who are fighting for justice and equality on the ground.
Organizations like Black Youth Project 100 are creating the next generation of black leaders. There are a lot of brilliant and talented people of color out there doing super-smart things to help make our country more equitable with a focus on racial justice. But fighting for equality and justice isnt something that tends to be a huge moneymaker, so many people do it with little or no compensation.
Fortunately, The Safety Pin Box recently came onto the scene. It’s an amazing business with two important goals: 1. to turn white allyship into meaningful action toward racial justice and 2. more importantly, to fund black women who are doing hard work to change things for the better. The majority of proceeds from their monthly subscriptions are gifted to black female organizers who are doing said work. Their work will be key with Sessions in charge. Like their Facebook page if you want to learn more. And then subscribe. (If you need to know why you should subscribe, read this.)
4. Be ready for the midterm elections in 2018.
Take a few minutes right now to set a calendar reminder to vote so you can let the candidates who did (or didn’t) vote for Sessions and who are up for re-election in 2018 know exactly how you feel about that. Were still dealing with election fatigue from a tumultuous 2016, but midterms really are just around the corner. Stay informed and get involved. And make sure you vote.
Remember, Sessions has a history of prosecuting people who help others vote, as Evelyn Turner experienced firsthand.
Which brings us to
5. Support organizations that help protect peoples voting rights.
Sessions has a history of being a little aggressive about opposing voter rights. In 2013, he called the gutting of the Voting Rights Act “good news for the South.” The GOP has already started to take steps to eliminate the election commission that helps states protect the vote.
So check out organizations that report about and protect the vote, like Let America Vote, Color of Change, and the Voting Rights Institute.
6. Do you know what Black Lives Matter REALLY represents? Maybe it’s time to refresh your memory.
One of the criticisms often lobbied at any activist movement but especially at the Black Lives Matter movement, unjustifiably is that there is no clear set of goals. That all changed when Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, Alicia Garza who founded Black Lives Matter and their allies rolled out their guiding principles document, a comprehensive guide to fighting for racial justice in America. Their website has policy agendas, actions you can take, and ways to get involved on a national and local level.
Another organization, Campaign Zero, also has a platform specifically addressing how to reform police departments, offering solutions that will make life better for all involved. If you are a white person looking to get involved, you might also want to check out Showing Up for Racial Justice, which has local chapters across the country.
7. Support organizations that are acting as watchdogs of the Justice Department.
Speaking of policing and crime, Sessions has a history of being a hardliner who prefers harsh sentences for even nonviolent crimes. The Brennan Center for Justice has been keeping track of his long record of filling prisons instead of rehabilitating offenders. Sessions has been very hesitant to let the federal government help reform city and state police departments. Hes blocked common-sense sentencing reforms that even Republicans wanted to implement. And hes a fan of private prisons.
We wouldnt know that without checking out organizations like the Brennan Center. So Like them on Facebook, and, if you can, donate to help protect folks.
8. Take some time to learn about the Innocence Project and the Equal Justice Initiative.
About 1 in 25 people sentenced to death in the United States ultimately would be exonerated for a false conviction (if time on death row were unlimited). The Innocence Project is on the front lines of death penalty reform, helping to get innocent people who are wrongly convicted off of death row.
Then, for those who actually did commit crimes in a system that is fundamentally broken, the Equal Justice Initiative is there to call out bonkers things like the fact that taxpayers spend $182 billion a year on mass incarceration or that there are 10,000 children stuck in adult prisons as we speak.
Learn more about them the easy way. Like the Innocence Project and Equal Justice Initiative on Facebook.
9. Learn about hate groups, since Trump no longer is interested in what they do.
A recent survey of law enforcement agencies discovered that law enforcement is far more worried about right-wing extremism and terrorism hurting Americans than the threat of Islamic terrorism.
Since the Trump administration decided not to track terrorism by right-wing or white extremist groups, make sure youre following the Southern Poverty Law Center. They keep track of hate groups in America.
10. Consider running for office locally. Yes, you. You can do it.
As they say, all politics is local. In many ways, whats happening on Main Streets across America is just as consequential as whats happening in Washington. Start attending your local city council meetings, and better yet run for office on the promise to uphold civil rights and social justice in every way you know how.
GOOD NEWS! Since Nov 8, more than 4,000 women have contacted @emilyslist bc they want to run for office someday. http://bit.ly/2oJ96my
ann friedman (@annfriedman) February 8, 2017
11. Support groups that fight for immigrant rights.
A lot of immigration groups will be under attack in the Trump White House. We know this because Trump has already picked a fight with the entire judicial branch of government over his poorly thought-out Muslim ban.
Check out Informed Immigrant for resources. The National Immigration Law Center is on the front lines of the Muslim ban in assisting immigrants with legal advice. The Black Alliance for Just Immigration is helping fight for the rights of black immigrants. Mijente is on the ground, confronting immigrant abuse by government at the source.
12. National organizations get a lot of attention, but did you know many of them have local branches that need help too?
There are lots of smaller groups doing great work protecting and ensuring progress on social justice at the state and local levels (the ACLU has local affiliates, for starters). Ask around. Do some digging.
Also check out Movement 2017, where you can find lots of local organizations that need financial and volunteer support, and see if there are ways for you to get involved and support these efforts in your own backyard.
13. Share this video of Sen. Elizabeth Warren reading the 1986 letter written by Coretta Scott King opposing Sessions for a position as a federal judge.
Ya know, the one most GOP senators dont want you to hear. King penned a powerful piece in 1986 specifying why Sessions controversial record suppressing the rights of black voters in Alabama should disqualify him from a federal judgeship. Warren tried to read the letter aloud before the Senate but was silenced by the GOP-controlled chamber.
Do her a favor watch and share the video below:
During the debate on whether to make Jeff Sessions the next Attorney General, I tried to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the Senate. The letter, from 30 years ago, urged the Senate to reject the nomination of Jeff Sessions to a federal judgeship. The Republicans took away my right to read this letter on the floor – so I’m right outside, reading it now.
Posted by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday, February 7, 2017
14. Learn about gerrymandering with this super-fun video from “Adam Ruins Everything” so you know what’s at stake in 2018 … and 2020.
Show this video about gerrymandering to anyone who says gerrywhatnow? when you bring up the way voting districts can be redrawn to create party majorities. Sessions will probably be doing everything he can to protect this process.
By the time her movie ends, Ms. DuVernay has delivered a stirring treatise on the prison industrial complex through a nexus of racism, capitalism, policies and politics. It sounds exhausting, but its electrifying. Manohla Dargis’ review of “13th” in The New York Times
16. Make sure your bank isn’t investing in private prisons, and divest from it if you can.
Several large U.S. banks namely Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, BNP Paribas, SunTrust, and U.S. Bancorp help finance debt by CoreCivic and The GEO, two major private-prison companies. In other words, your bank may be helping keep highly unethical private prisons which rely on an increasing supply of inmates to make their money thriving. Divest from the banks that support this practice, and spread the word.
17. Support survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Sessions isnt exactly known for being a champion for women and survivors of sexual violence. In 1994, he voted against the Violence Against Women Act a fact that wasnt lost on Sen. Patrick Leahy, who pressed Sessions on his “no” vote earlier this month.
There are a lot of ways to support local women’s shelters doing vital work in protecting and advocating for survivors, whether it be volunteering your time with them or donating to shelters in your area. Also, take the time to get to know orgs fighting to create better policies on college campuses, like Know Your IX and SurvJustice.
We are. We’re not going anywhere. http://bit.ly/2oCnY99
End Rape on Campus (@endrapeoncampus) February 7, 2017
18. Help pay off the often steep legal fees for those searching for justice.
Funded Justice, an online crowdsourcing platform, allows people to raise money from friends, family, and strangers to help pay their legal fees. Unfortunately, while justice is blind, our justice system isnt; if you have the money to pay for the best lawyers and legal resources, youre more likely to get the results you want. This means low-income defendants arent given a fair shake. (For more on this, check out the documentary “Gideon’s Army.”) Funded Justice helps level the playing field.
19. Follow writers who are speaking out about our broken systems.
Read Ijeoma Oluos open letter to white people who want to help. Read Rewires list of grassroots legal all-stars fighting for justice. Expand your mind and check out our list of 23 incredible black women activists. Seek out new writers every single day.
We’ve got a long road ahead of us. It’s important to stay sane, stay healthy, and stay informed.
There’s probably going to be a lot of depressing news being thrown at you for the foreseeable future. Don’t block it all out; that’s how they win. They want you to feel overwhelmed. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
You wont know what these organizations are doing if they arent in your feed, your email inbox, or your mailbox. Take the time to go back through this article and Like the Facebook pages of the orgs that resonate with you. It’ll only take five minutes out of your day. It’ll help you keep up to date with what we’re up against.
And just to say it: If you do feel overwhelmed, take a break from Facebook when you need to. We’re all gonna need one occasionally. That’s normal.
When that break is over, get back to helping make sure we all live in a more equitable world someday in the future. And make sure to continue to share important information with your community. Share, donate, volunteer, and support folks who are doing the hard work on the ground.
Read more: http://u.pw/2oCcTFk
from Jeff Sessions just became the U.S. attorney general. Here’s what to do next.
0 notes
tragicbooks · 7 years
Jeff Sessions just became the U.S. attorney general. Here's what to do next.
Do something with the emotions you are feeling right now.
On Feb. 8, 2017, Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed as our nation's next attorney general in a final vote of 52-47. The Republican from Alabama abstained from voting for himself, and one Democrat voted for him.
Despite resistance and pushback from many organizations — including an open letter from 1,424 law professors from 180 universities in 49 states asking to reject Sessions on the grounds that "it is unacceptable for someone with Senator Sessions’ record to lead the Department of Justice," testimony from civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia), a different hearing 30 years ago when a bipartisan group of eight Democrats and two Republicans voted to reject his appointment to the federal bench due in part to a black lawyer testifying that Sessions called him "boy," evidence of his ongoing relationship with problematic organizations (*cough* white supremacists *cough*) — Sessions was voted into office.
Presumably, for the next four years, he will be President Donald Trump's chief law enforcement officer, overseeing how the laws are interpreted around immigration, elections, the War on Drugs, you name it.
It means the next few years could be challenging, to say the least.
Here are 19 real things you can do right now to make sure our justice system is working for everyone.
1. First of all: Don’t freak out. Don’t panic. Don’t give up hope.
We've lived through a lot in our short time on this planet. The world didn’t end when Bush was in charge. Obama didn’t burn civil rights to the ground either or take away everyone's guns. You’re still here. And there are ways to push back. Heck, some judges are already helping with that.
2. Maybe you’ve already donated to the ACLU. But there are other organizations that need your support too.
The ACLU has already raised six times what they normally do online in a year. Which is awesome.
Thanks to overwhelming support, we broke online records https://t.co/0AxVLgXlzP https://t.co/Ma0dxRwA26
— ACLU National (@ACLU) January 31, 2017
But there are so many other organizations doing important work too, and they aren't getting the same attention the ACLU has garnered in recent weeks. So, if you can swing it, help out organizations like the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild, and ProPublica that are also doing important work and could use the money too.
3. Support organizations led by people of color who are fighting for justice and equality on the ground.
Organizations like Black Youth Project 100 are creating the next generation of black leaders. There are a lot of brilliant and talented people of color out there doing super-smart things to help make our country more equitable with a focus on racial justice. But fighting for equality and justice isn’t something that tends to be a huge moneymaker, so many people do it with little or no compensation.
Fortunately, The Safety Pin Box recently came onto the scene. It's an amazing business with two important goals: 1. to turn white allyship into meaningful action toward racial justice and 2. more importantly, to fund black women who are doing hard work to change things for the better. The majority of proceeds from their monthly subscriptions are gifted to black female organizers who are doing said work. Their work will be key with Sessions in charge. Like their Facebook page if you want to learn more. And then subscribe. (If you need to know why you should subscribe, read this.)
4. Be ready for the midterm elections in 2018.
Take a few minutes right now to set a calendar reminder to vote so you can let the candidates who did (or didn't) vote for Sessions and who are up for re-election in 2018 know exactly how you feel about that. We’re still dealing with election fatigue from a tumultuous 2016, but midterms really are just around the corner. Stay informed and get involved. And make sure you vote.
Remember, Sessions has a history of prosecuting people who help others vote, as Evelyn Turner experienced firsthand.
Which brings us to…
5. Support organizations that help protect people’s voting rights.
Sessions has a history of being a little aggressive about opposing voter rights. In 2013, he called the gutting of the Voting Rights Act "good news … for the South." The GOP has already started to take steps to eliminate the election commission that helps states protect the vote.
So check out organizations that report about and protect the vote, like Let America Vote, Color of Change, and the Voting Rights Institute.
6. Do you know what Black Lives Matter REALLY represents? Maybe it's time to refresh your memory.
One of the criticisms often lobbied at any activist movement — but especially at the Black Lives Matter movement, unjustifiably — is that there is no clear set of goals. That all changed when Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, Alicia Garza — who founded Black Lives Matter — and their allies rolled out their guiding principles document, a comprehensive guide to fighting for racial justice in America. Their website has policy agendas, actions you can take, and ways to get involved on a national and local level.
Another organization, Campaign Zero, also has a platform specifically addressing how to reform police departments, offering solutions that will make life better for all involved. If you are a white person looking to get involved, you might also want to check out Showing Up for Racial Justice, which has local chapters across the country.
7. Support organizations that are acting as watchdogs of the Justice Department.
Speaking of policing and crime, Sessions has a history of being a hardliner who prefers harsh sentences for even nonviolent crimes. The Brennan Center for Justice has been keeping track of his long record of filling prisons instead of rehabilitating offenders. Sessions has been very hesitant to let the federal government help reform city and state police departments. He’s blocked common-sense sentencing reforms that even Republicans wanted to implement. And he’s a fan of private prisons.
We wouldn’t know that without checking out organizations like the Brennan Center. So Like them on Facebook, and, if you can, donate to help protect folks.
8. Take some time to learn about the Innocence Project and the Equal Justice Initiative.
About 1 in 25 people sentenced to death in the United States ultimately would be exonerated for a false conviction (if time on death row were unlimited). The Innocence Project is on the front lines of death penalty reform, helping to get innocent people who are wrongly convicted off of death row.
Then, for those who actually did commit crimes in a system that is fundamentally broken, the Equal Justice Initiative is there to call out bonkers things like the fact that taxpayers spend $182 billion a year on mass incarceration or that there are 10,000 children stuck in adult prisons as we speak.
Learn more about them the easy way. Like the Innocence Project and Equal Justice Initiative on Facebook.
9. Learn about hate groups, since Trump no longer is interested in what they do.
A recent survey of law enforcement agencies discovered that law enforcement is far more worried about right-wing extremism and terrorism hurting Americans than the threat of Islamic terrorism.
Since the Trump administration decided not to track terrorism by right-wing or white extremist groups, make sure you’re following the Southern Poverty Law Center. They keep track of hate groups in America.
10. Consider running for office locally. Yes, you. You can do it.
As they say, all politics is local. In many ways, what’s happening on Main Streets across America is just as consequential as what’s happening in Washington. Start attending your local city council meetings, and — better yet — run for office on the promise to uphold civil rights and social justice in every way you know how.
🚨 GOOD NEWS! 🚨 Since Nov 8, more than 4,000 women have contacted @emilyslist bc they want to run for office someday. https://t.co/hCUJKdkZJY
— ann friedman (@annfriedman) February 8, 2017
11. Support groups that fight for immigrant rights.
A lot of immigration groups will be under attack in the Trump White House. We know this because Trump has already picked a fight with the entire judicial branch of government over his poorly thought-out Muslim ban.
Check out Informed Immigrant for resources. The National Immigration Law Center is on the front lines of the Muslim ban in assisting immigrants with legal advice. The Black Alliance for Just Immigration is helping fight for the rights of black immigrants. Mijente is on the ground, confronting immigrant abuse by government at the source.
12. National organizations get a lot of attention, but did you know many of them have local branches that need help too?
There are lots of smaller groups doing great work protecting and ensuring progress on social justice at the state and local levels (the ACLU has local affiliates, for starters). Ask around. Do some digging.
Also check out Movement 2017, where you can find lots of local organizations that need financial and volunteer support, and see if there are ways for you to get involved and support these efforts in your own backyard.
13. Share this video of Sen. Elizabeth Warren reading the 1986 letter written by Coretta Scott King opposing Sessions for a position as a federal judge.
Ya know, the one most GOP senators don’t want you to hear. King penned a powerful piece in 1986 specifying why Sessions’ controversial record suppressing the rights of black voters in Alabama should disqualify him from a federal judgeship. Warren tried to read the letter aloud before the Senate but was silenced by the GOP-controlled chamber.
Do her a favor — watch and share the video below:
During the debate on whether to make Jeff Sessions the next Attorney General, I tried to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the Senate. The letter, from 30 years ago, urged the Senate to reject the nomination of Jeff Sessions to a federal judgeship. The Republicans took away my right to read this letter on the floor - so I'm right outside, reading it now.
Posted by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday, February 7, 2017
14. Learn about gerrymandering with this super-fun video from "Adam Ruins Everything" so you know what's at stake in 2018 ... and 2020.
Show this video about gerrymandering to anyone who says “gerrywhatnow?” when you bring up the way voting districts can be redrawn to create party majorities. Sessions will probably be doing everything he can to protect this process.
15. Watch the documentary "13th" on Netflix (or read "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," the book that inspired the film).
This Oscar-nominated documentary was directed by Ava DuVernay ("Selma") and currently boasts a 97% fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes. Its title comes from the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States."
If you want to better understand the way America’s modern system of mass incarceration is rooted in slavery and racism, "13th" is an eye-opening trip through history.
“By the time her movie ends, Ms. DuVernay has delivered a stirring treatise on the prison industrial complex through a nexus of racism, capitalism, policies and politics. It sounds exhausting, but it’s electrifying.” — Manohla Dargis' review of "13th" in The New York Times
16. Make sure your bank isn't investing in private prisons, and divest from it if you can.
Several large U.S. banks — namely Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, BNP Paribas, SunTrust, and U.S. Bancorp — help finance debt by CoreCivic and The GEO, two major private-prison companies. In other words, your bank may be helping keep highly unethical private prisons — which rely on an increasing supply of inmates to make their money — thriving. Divest from the banks that support this practice, and spread the word.
17. Support survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Sessions isn’t exactly known for being a champion for women and survivors of sexual violence. In 1994, he voted against the Violence Against Women Act — a fact that wasn’t lost on Sen. Patrick Leahy, who pressed Sessions on his "no" vote earlier this month.
There are a lot of ways to support local women's shelters doing vital work in protecting and advocating for survivors, whether it be volunteering your time with them or donating to shelters in your area. Also, take the time to get to know orgs fighting to create better policies on college campuses, like Know Your IX and SurvJustice.
We are. We're not going anywhere. https://t.co/KDpCudptCw
— End Rape on Campus (@endrapeoncampus) February 7, 2017
18. Help pay off the often steep legal fees for those searching for justice.
Funded Justice, an online crowdsourcing platform, allows people to raise money from friends, family, and strangers to help pay their legal fees. Unfortunately, while justice is blind, our justice system isn’t; if you have the money to pay for the best lawyers and legal resources, you’re more likely to get the results you want. This means low-income defendants aren’t given a fair shake. (For more on this, check out the documentary "Gideon's Army.") Funded Justice helps level the playing field.
19. Follow writers who are speaking out about our broken systems.
Read Ijeoma Oluo’s open letter to white people who want to help. Read Rewire’s list of grassroots legal all-stars fighting for justice. Expand your mind and check out our list of 23 incredible black women activists. Seek out new writers every single day.
We've got a long road ahead of us. It's important to stay sane, stay healthy, and stay informed.
There's probably going to be a lot of depressing news being thrown at you for the foreseeable future. Don't block it all out; that's how they win. They want you to feel overwhelmed. Don't give them the satisfaction.
You won’t know what these organizations are doing if they aren’t in your feed, your email inbox, or your mailbox. Take the time to go back through this article and Like the Facebook pages of the orgs that resonate with you. It'll only take five minutes out of your day. It'll help you keep up to date with what we're up against.
And just to say it: If you do feel overwhelmed, take a break from Facebook when you need to. We're all gonna need one occasionally. That's normal.
When that break is over, get back to helping make sure we all live in a more equitable world someday in the future. And make sure to continue to share important information with your community. Share, donate, volunteer, and support folks who are doing the hard work on the ground.
0 notes
socialviralnews · 7 years
Jeff Sessions just became the U.S. attorney general. Here's what to do next.
Do something with the emotions you are feeling right now.
On Feb. 8, 2017, Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed as our nation's next attorney general in a final vote of 52-47. The Republican from Alabama abstained from voting for himself, and one Democrat voted for him.
Despite resistance and pushback from many organizations — including an open letter from 1,424 law professors from 180 universities in 49 states asking to reject Sessions on the grounds that "it is unacceptable for someone with Senator Sessions’ record to lead the Department of Justice," testimony from civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia), a different hearing 30 years ago when a bipartisan group of eight Democrats and two Republicans voted to reject his appointment to the federal bench due in part to a black lawyer testifying that Sessions called him "boy," evidence of his ongoing relationship with problematic organizations (*cough* white supremacists *cough*) — Sessions was voted into office.
Presumably, for the next four years, he will be President Donald Trump's chief law enforcement officer, overseeing how the laws are interpreted around immigration, elections, the War on Drugs, you name it.
It means the next few years could be challenging, to say the least.
Here are 19 real things you can do right now to make sure our justice system is working for everyone.
1. First of all: Don’t freak out. Don’t panic. Don’t give up hope.
We've lived through a lot in our short time on this planet. The world didn’t end when Bush was in charge. Obama didn’t burn civil rights to the ground either or take away everyone's guns. You’re still here. And there are ways to push back. Heck, some judges are already helping with that.
2. Maybe you’ve already donated to the ACLU. But there are other organizations that need your support too.
The ACLU has already raised six times what they normally do online in a year. Which is awesome.
Thanks to overwhelming support, we broke online records https://t.co/0AxVLgXlzP https://t.co/Ma0dxRwA26
— ACLU National (@ACLU) January 31, 2017
But there are so many other organizations doing important work too, and they aren't getting the same attention the ACLU has garnered in recent weeks. So, if you can swing it, help out organizations like the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild, and ProPublica that are also doing important work and could use the money too.
3. Support organizations led by people of color who are fighting for justice and equality on the ground.
Organizations like Black Youth Project 100 are creating the next generation of black leaders. There are a lot of brilliant and talented people of color out there doing super-smart things to help make our country more equitable with a focus on racial justice. But fighting for equality and justice isn’t something that tends to be a huge moneymaker, so many people do it with little or no compensation.
Fortunately, The Safety Pin Box recently came onto the scene. It's an amazing business with two important goals: 1. to turn white allyship into meaningful action toward racial justice and 2. more importantly, to fund black women who are doing hard work to change things for the better. The majority of proceeds from their monthly subscriptions are gifted to black female organizers who are doing said work. Their work will be key with Sessions in charge. Like their Facebook page if you want to learn more. And then subscribe. (If you need to know why you should subscribe, read this.)
4. Be ready for the midterm elections in 2018.
Take a few minutes right now to set a calendar reminder to vote so you can let the candidates who did (or didn't) vote for Sessions and who are up for re-election in 2018 know exactly how you feel about that. We’re still dealing with election fatigue from a tumultuous 2016, but midterms really are just around the corner. Stay informed and get involved. And make sure you vote.
Remember, Sessions has a history of prosecuting people who help others vote, as Evelyn Turner experienced firsthand.
Which brings us to…
5. Support organizations that help protect people’s voting rights.
Sessions has a history of being a little aggressive about opposing voter rights. In 2013, he called the gutting of the Voting Rights Act "good news … for the South." The GOP has already started to take steps to eliminate the election commission that helps states protect the vote.
So check out organizations that report about and protect the vote, like Let America Vote, Color of Change, and the Voting Rights Institute.
6. Do you know what Black Lives Matter REALLY represents? Maybe it's time to refresh your memory.
One of the criticisms often lobbied at any activist movement — but especially at the Black Lives Matter movement, unjustifiably — is that there is no clear set of goals. That all changed when Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, Alicia Garza — who founded Black Lives Matter — and their allies rolled out their guiding principles document, a comprehensive guide to fighting for racial justice in America. Their website has policy agendas, actions you can take, and ways to get involved on a national and local level.
Another organization, Campaign Zero, also has a platform specifically addressing how to reform police departments, offering solutions that will make life better for all involved. If you are a white person looking to get involved, you might also want to check out Showing Up for Racial Justice, which has local chapters across the country.
7. Support organizations that are acting as watchdogs of the Justice Department.
Speaking of policing and crime, Sessions has a history of being a hardliner who prefers harsh sentences for even nonviolent crimes. The Brennan Center for Justice has been keeping track of his long record of filling prisons instead of rehabilitating offenders. Sessions has been very hesitant to let the federal government help reform city and state police departments. He’s blocked common-sense sentencing reforms that even Republicans wanted to implement. And he’s a fan of private prisons.
We wouldn’t know that without checking out organizations like the Brennan Center. So Like them on Facebook, and, if you can, donate to help protect folks.
8. Take some time to learn about the Innocence Project and the Equal Justice Initiative.
About 1 in 25 people sentenced to death in the United States ultimately would be exonerated for a false conviction (if time on death row were unlimited). The Innocence Project is on the front lines of death penalty reform, helping to get innocent people who are wrongly convicted off of death row.
Then, for those who actually did commit crimes in a system that is fundamentally broken, the Equal Justice Initiative is there to call out bonkers things like the fact that taxpayers spend $182 billion a year on mass incarceration or that there are 10,000 children stuck in adult prisons as we speak.
Learn more about them the easy way. Like the Innocence Project and Equal Justice Initiative on Facebook.
9. Learn about hate groups, since Trump no longer is interested in what they do.
A recent survey of law enforcement agencies discovered that law enforcement is far more worried about right-wing extremism and terrorism hurting Americans than the threat of Islamic terrorism.
Since the Trump administration decided not to track terrorism by right-wing or white extremist groups, make sure you’re following the Southern Poverty Law Center. They keep track of hate groups in America.
10. Consider running for office locally. Yes, you. You can do it.
As they say, all politics is local. In many ways, what’s happening on Main Streets across America is just as consequential as what’s happening in Washington. Start attending your local city council meetings, and — better yet — run for office on the promise to uphold civil rights and social justice in every way you know how.
🚨 GOOD NEWS! 🚨 Since Nov 8, more than 4,000 women have contacted @emilyslist bc they want to run for office someday. https://t.co/hCUJKdkZJY
— ann friedman (@annfriedman) February 8, 2017
11. Support groups that fight for immigrant rights.
A lot of immigration groups will be under attack in the Trump White House. We know this because Trump has already picked a fight with the entire judicial branch of government over his poorly thought-out Muslim ban.
Check out Informed Immigrant for resources. The National Immigration Law Center is on the front lines of the Muslim ban in assisting immigrants with legal advice. The Black Alliance for Just Immigration is helping fight for the rights of black immigrants. Mijente is on the ground, confronting immigrant abuse by government at the source.
12. National organizations get a lot of attention, but did you know many of them have local branches that need help too?
There are lots of smaller groups doing great work protecting and ensuring progress on social justice at the state and local levels (the ACLU has local affiliates, for starters). Ask around. Do some digging.
Also check out Movement 2017, where you can find lots of local organizations that need financial and volunteer support, and see if there are ways for you to get involved and support these efforts in your own backyard.
13. Share this video of Sen. Elizabeth Warren reading the 1986 letter written by Coretta Scott King opposing Sessions for a position as a federal judge.
Ya know, the one most GOP senators don’t want you to hear. King penned a powerful piece in 1986 specifying why Sessions’ controversial record suppressing the rights of black voters in Alabama should disqualify him from a federal judgeship. Warren tried to read the letter aloud before the Senate but was silenced by the GOP-controlled chamber.
Do her a favor — watch and share the video below:
During the debate on whether to make Jeff Sessions the next Attorney General, I tried to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the Senate. The letter, from 30 years ago, urged the Senate to reject the nomination of Jeff Sessions to a federal judgeship. The Republicans took away my right to read this letter on the floor - so I'm right outside, reading it now.
Posted by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday, February 7, 2017
14. Learn about gerrymandering with this super-fun video from "Adam Ruins Everything" so you know what's at stake in 2018 ... and 2020.
Show this video about gerrymandering to anyone who says “gerrywhatnow?” when you bring up the way voting districts can be redrawn to create party majorities. Sessions will probably be doing everything he can to protect this process.
15. Watch the documentary "13th" on Netflix (or read "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," the book that inspired the film).
This Oscar-nominated documentary was directed by Ava DuVernay ("Selma") and currently boasts a 97% fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes. Its title comes from the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States."
If you want to better understand the way America’s modern system of mass incarceration is rooted in slavery and racism, "13th" is an eye-opening trip through history.
“By the time her movie ends, Ms. DuVernay has delivered a stirring treatise on the prison industrial complex through a nexus of racism, capitalism, policies and politics. It sounds exhausting, but it���s electrifying.” — Manohla Dargis' review of "13th" in The New York Times
16. Make sure your bank isn't investing in private prisons, and divest from it if you can.
Several large U.S. banks — namely Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, BNP Paribas, SunTrust, and U.S. Bancorp — help finance debt by CoreCivic and The GEO, two major private-prison companies. In other words, your bank may be helping keep highly unethical private prisons — which rely on an increasing supply of inmates to make their money — thriving. Divest from the banks that support this practice, and spread the word.
17. Support survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Sessions isn’t exactly known for being a champion for women and survivors of sexual violence. In 1994, he voted against the Violence Against Women Act — a fact that wasn’t lost on Sen. Patrick Leahy, who pressed Sessions on his "no" vote earlier this month.
There are a lot of ways to support local women's shelters doing vital work in protecting and advocating for survivors, whether it be volunteering your time with them or donating to shelters in your area. Also, take the time to get to know orgs fighting to create better policies on college campuses, like Know Your IX and SurvJustice.
We are. We're not going anywhere. https://t.co/KDpCudptCw
— End Rape on Campus (@endrapeoncampus) February 7, 2017
18. Help pay off the often steep legal fees for those searching for justice.
Funded Justice, an online crowdsourcing platform, allows people to raise money from friends, family, and strangers to help pay their legal fees. Unfortunately, while justice is blind, our justice system isn’t; if you have the money to pay for the best lawyers and legal resources, you’re more likely to get the results you want. This means low-income defendants aren’t given a fair shake. (For more on this, check out the documentary "Gideon's Army.") Funded Justice helps level the playing field.
19. Follow writers who are speaking out about our broken systems.
Read Ijeoma Oluo’s open letter to white people who want to help. Read Rewire’s list of grassroots legal all-stars fighting for justice. Expand your mind and check out our list of 23 incredible black women activists. Seek out new writers every single day.
We've got a long road ahead of us. It's important to stay sane, stay healthy, and stay informed.
There's probably going to be a lot of depressing news being thrown at you for the foreseeable future. Don't block it all out; that's how they win. They want you to feel overwhelmed. Don't give them the satisfaction.
You won’t know what these organizations are doing if they aren’t in your feed, your email inbox, or your mailbox. Take the time to go back through this article and Like the Facebook pages of the orgs that resonate with you. It'll only take five minutes out of your day. It'll help you keep up to date with what we're up against.
And just to say it: If you do feel overwhelmed, take a break from Facebook when you need to. We're all gonna need one occasionally. That's normal.
When that break is over, get back to helping make sure we all live in a more equitable world someday in the future. And make sure to continue to share important information with your community. Share, donate, volunteer, and support folks who are doing the hard work on the ground.
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