#anyway hope u love more i/nej torturing allergic k/az
HELLOOOO i finally finished the follow-up to my last fic! so here it is 🤭 something i very very much enjoyed writing, and i hope you enjoy reading!!
perfume (a sequel to this, featuring kink!i/nej & a very allergic k/az)
Inej watches the rise and fall of Kaz’s chest as he slumps back in his chair, winded. His hair falls over his face now, the dark strands gorgeously out of place, his eyes are half-lidded and glassy, and his nose is flushed a deep pink - but she’s not done with him just yet. She knows she can unravel him even further than she already has, and what excites her more is that all it will take is a spritz of perfume to practically destroy him. 
“You know what? I’ll be right back,” she says to him with a mischievous quirk of her lips. A note of confused panic seeps into Kaz’s watery gaze. “Don’t look so scared, Kaz,” she laughs, “It’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before.”
She winks and leaves for her room once again. Inej knows exactly what she’s looking for - a delicate glass bottle of a strongly floral-scented perfume - so dainty yet so, so powerful. She’s only witnessed its effects on Kaz once before: she’d tried some on one evening, despite perfumes not really being her thing, and even with her having never been in close proximity to him, Kaz had repeatedly dissolved into seemingly neverending fits of uncontrollably harsh sneezes. Torture for him, but quite the opposite for her. A burst of adrenaline rushes through Inej as her hand closes around the bottle, and she has to suppress a giddy peal of laughter as she thinks of Kaz crumbling by her hand. It’s not often you get to see the Bastard of the Barrel’s dignity fall away into smithereens before your very eyes. 
Inej returns to Kaz’s office, practically bouncing with every step, and holds up the perfume bottle. He’s knuckling harshly at his nose again, exactly as he’d done before, eyes pressed shut, brows knitted together, and the bridge of his nose wrinkled in a manner not dissimilar to that of a rabbit. She clears her throat softly to catch his attention, and the dark-haired man looks up blearily. His face falls when he sees the bottle Inej is holding. Inej’s excitement spikes - this is sure to be fun, she thinks.
Kaz sighs. “Haven’t you tortured me enough?”
“Not at all,” replies Inej, giving him a smirk. “But, of course, if it gets too much or if you get uncomfortable, or anything, just let me know and we’ll stop, okay?” she adds.
“I’m sure I’ll be alright,” he says, “There’s only so many times a person can sneeze.”
We’ll see about that, Inej thinks, smug. She approaches him and returns to her position seated atop his desk. Kaz drags a gloved finger underneath his nose, back and forth, for a moment, almost as though to brace himself for what’s coming. The way it moves beneath his touch is mesmerising to Inej; the crinkles that appear, the to and fro push of the soft appendage, the nearly imperceptible twitch of his pink nostrils. She almost can’t take her eyes away, however Kaz’s voice pulls her from her trance.
“...Inej?” he says, lifting an eyebrow. 
“Ah. Sorry.” She meets his eyes and takes this opportunity to uncap the perfume. Something between pride and power rises in her as Kaz’s expression changes quickly from sceptical to rather wary. This tells Inej that they are both well aware how this is going to end.
“Ready?” she asks once more. Kaz nods without a word. His shoulders are tense and his eyes follow the bottle of perfume as if he’s scared it’ll attack him - it’s almost laughable. Inej spritzes the perfume, once, twice, thrice, about Kaz and watches his gaze follow the mist of droplets as they descend slowly. She wonders how long it will be for him to–
Ah. Almost instantly, Kaz hitches sharply, the back of his hand raised up to his face. 
“So soon?” Inej teases. “I thought you’d last longer than that.” She’s sure that under any other circumstance he would have given her the infamous Dirtyhands murder-glare, but judging by his welled-up eyes and quickly reddening nose, he’s a little too preoccupied for that. His breath hitches again, a sharp inhale that flares his nostrils and tells Inej that he’s got no chance of holding back the sneezes that are on the brink of eruption. And, sure enough, Kaz’s eyes slide shut and he tilts his head back, drawing in an immense breath– 
–before pitching forward with a fit of rather explosive sneezes, muffled haphazardly into his hastily lifted tie. 
“-eh’sSZZHH’huh! heH’KXSHHhiew! ‘kzZSHHhuh! haAH’KSCHH-kKXSHhuh! Oh, fuck, fuck– I cah-cahhn’tstop–hhH’KZZSCHHhuuh! ehh’hehH’dtSCHHhiew! ah'haAHh-haahH'sZZHHh'ih! hh'hiht'sSHHUHh! Sai-hih-nts–"
Inej stares at him, transfixed, her deep brown eyes wide and mouth very slightly agape. A soft warmth rises in her cheeks as Kaz emerges from his tie and she notices the darker patch on the fabric. It's obvious he's nowhere near done, but also evident that he won't justify dissolving into another harsh fit quite yet, judging by the way his gloved fist is pressed firmly to the underside of his nose. His breathing is unsteady; it comes in heady gasps, each threatening more sneezes. Inej wonders just how much longer he'll fight it. Every time they meet like this, she feels like she gets more and more fascinated with Kaz's expert holdbacks - it's awe-inducing, the way he pushes a determined knuckle up against his nose, the way his breaths deepen and quicken and become desperate, vocal hitches, the way his eyes nearly roll back in his head as he tries everything within his power not to–
"haAH'ZZSSCHHhiew! Shi-hht!-KXZHHhuh! hh-heHt'zZSHHh'hue!"
The first of the fit erupts from him too fast to be covered, so it leaves a fine mist hanging upon the air in front of his face. Inej's cheeks grow warmer. He swears, or, tries to, between his desperate hitching breaths, before cupping his hands over his face to catch the next onslaught of vicious sneezes.
"hhahH'iihHKSHHhiew! 'ehHSZZHh’uh! hh’hehH’KISSHHhiew! heh’kKXZZHHh!” He lifts his head, features still twitching with need, from his hands with a grimace. Inej sees the palms of his gloves, shining slick with moisture. His ever-flaring red-rimmed nostrils and upper lip glisten slightly with the same slickness, too.
“Sai-saints, ihht’s all-all-hhaah–allovermyglovesSHHh! ‘dtSCHHh-sSHHhuh! Hehh’hhaAHh–! hahH’kKSZZHHhuuh! –hiihHTSCHHHh!” Kaz tries to get a sentence in before giving in to his nose, but his breathy words end up stumbling over one another until the final syllable rises into a desperate sneeze… and after that, he simply doesn’t have the strength to keep the following explosions at bay. The perfume really seems to be doing its job - in fact, Inej had no idea its effect on Kaz would be so immense - as she watches him sneeze relentlessly against the back of his wrist. It appears he is running out of ways to catch the unending fits, especially considering how wet they’re becoming. A part of her craves the idea of him simply sneezing over his lap, as he often did when wracked with one of his terrible hay-fever fits, snapping forward with each vicious outburst until every last drop of that perfume’s scent is out of his system – but she knows he won’t do anything too humiliating. However, Inej might have hit a stroke of luck. Kaz’s fit pauses, and he tilts his head back, the want, the need for release written all over his face. As he does so, the arm he was previously sneezing against drops weakly to his lap, and he’s left hitching in utter desperation with nothing to cover his face. His heavily lidded eyes glisten with tears that cling to his dark lashes and threaten to roll down his face, and his mouth falls slightly agape as his hitching breaths rise in intensity. Rather selfishly, Inej decides he’s taking much too long, and so decides to spray the perfume again, just once, in front of his face. She’s fascinated by the instantaneous rounding of his nostrils as the perfume’s potent aroma enters Kaz’s airways, so much so that a shudder of electric excitement courses up her spine. His chest expands greatly, and with a heaving gasp, he’s finally, finally pushed forward by a set of tearing sneezes, each one stronger than the last.
“hhaAH’SCHHH! 'hhSSHHHhiew! aAH'kKZZSCHHh! –khH'HIISSHHh'uh! hhxXSHHH'hue! 'HZZHHhiew! iihH'zZSHHhuuh! –hah'haAH-sSZZHHhuh! 'iHZZHhiew! F-fuhhck–"
Kaz can hardly get a breath in between violent sneezes, and with each comes a heavy mist of spray that hangs upon the air, almost perfectly mirroring the clouds of scented droplets from each spritz of perfume. Despite his eyes being pressed tightly shut as he's practically unable to force them open between sneezes, several irritated tears manage to sneak from them and slide down his pale cheeks. His nose stands out, a flushed, angry scarlet, from those pale cheeks, and evidently it's nowhere near finished sneezing.
"heh'ihKSSHHH! 'SSHHHhiew! haAH'SZZHHhuh! ahHkKSHHh'uhh! huh-hhuUh'hiihHSHHHhiew! 'kKZZHHh!"
Kaz manages to wrench open his eyes and shifts his watery gaze to Inej, fights back the next onslaught of sneezes to choke out, "S-saints, that's so- hheh–! st-strongGKSHHhiew! hh'haAHH'ISZZHH'hue!"
He pushes his fist firmly against his nose, not eager to continue this dreadfully uncontrollable fit, and hitches rapidly against the leather of his glove.
"Kaz, Ghezen, you're so," Inej says, her voice strained, breathless, "gorgeous." She wants nothing more than to reach out and cup his face with her hand, plant gentle kisses on his terribly sensitive nose, and watch in close-up as he explodes with fits of itchy sneezes - but she knows how vulnerable he's letting himself be, even with the distance between them. Maybe one day will he allow her to hold him as he's wracked with unrelenting bouts of allergies, but for now, she's perfectly happy watching him from afar. Him unravelling himself in this manner is more than enough.
Kaz's cheeks redden at Inej's breathless words, but he still manages to force out a snarky response between hitching breaths.
"N-not while I'm suhh-sneezihhng–!"
"Especially while you're sneezing," she corrects. "Now stop holding back. You needn't be embarrassed." 
He nods slowly, breath catching in desperate gasps, nostrils twitching and flaring in such a way that Inej could become addicted to the sight of it, and lifts one hand lazily in front of his face. Though, he seems wary about letting himself sneeze again, despite having done so countless times just moments prior.
"Go on," murmurs Inej encouragingly. It seems that's all the reassurance he needs, or possibly the tickle got too much for even him to contain, for he draws in a deep gasp and shuts his eyes, ducking forward once more.
"-ehh'szZHHhiew! h-huhh'kKTSHHhuh! hhxsSHHhue! Huuhh… hhH'KSHHhuh! 'sSHHUuh! Oh, I think it-it's– haH'isSHHhue! Huh.. think it's stopping… hhah– I hope- 'ihHtsHHhiew!"
His sneezes are beginning to slow down, and they start to sound rather exhausted. Inej takes this as an opportunity to dote on him a little.
"Poor nose getting tired, hmm?" she asks softly. He nods weakly. She internally decided against spraying the perfume again, feeling that he's been adequately tormented. "Do you have a handkerchief on you?"
"Yeah. In the dr–heh'shHhiuh! …sorry. The drawer."
Inej shifts across on the desk and slides open the drawer. Quickly she finds a neatly folded burgundy handkerchief and pulls it out. She gestures subtly toward Kaz's face.
"May I?" 
She watches as Kaz gently touches the side of his finger to the underside of his nose, and grimaces as what he sees when he pulls it away. "Saints," he says, repulsion tinting his voice, "Mm. Go ahead."
Inej begins to gently clean up the thin layer of slickness beneath Kaz's pink-hued nose and just above his upper lip with the handkerchief's soft fabric. She notices the almost imperceptible catch of his breath and pulls away just slightly.
"S-sorry, I haveto–tosneezeagainnhHSHHhiew! ah-haahh'szZHh'huh!" He leans back from Inej's outstretched hand to direct a pair of much softer, tired-sounding sneezes into the back of his wrist.
Inej smiles lovingly. "That's okay," she says softly. "Any more?"
He pauses for a second. "...no, yeah, I'm okay, you can- you can carry on."
She finishes up tending to his nose with the handkerchief and leans back with a deep sigh. Kaz looks up at her warily.
"Uh… how- how was that?" he asks rather awkwardly, absently rubbing at one side of his nose with a gloved knuckle.
"Oh, Kaz, love," breathes Inej, "you were spectacular. More than anything I ever could ask for."
Kaz's cheeks turn red. "Love," he mumbles, turning the endearment over in his mind. Evidently he tries to hide his fondness for the pet name, but the corners of his mouth still lift despite his best efforts to suppress it. 
"Love," Inej repeats with a smile. She holds Kaz's gaze for a moment or two, before sighing a little and picking the perfume bottle back up from the desk beside her. Brief panic flickers in his eyes, and she laughs softly.
"Don't worry, I'm just putting it away," she says. He nods, but halfway through his eyes haze over and the need to sneeze once more. "Another?" Inej teases, watching his features slowly slacken.
"Y-yes… last one, I hope– hheh-! heh'tSHhhiew! -oh, shit-hhdtsSHH'huh! Huuhh…"
"Bless you," she says, tilting her head lovingly to one side. "Bless you at least, what? Fifty times?"
Kaz pulls a face. "Definitely not that many."
"Well, forgive me for being a little too preoccupied to count them," she replies with a playful eye-roll. He responds with a sardonic shake of his head (and a series of soft sniffles).
"Right, I've got paperwork to be getting to," Kaz says shortly. His words are ever so slightly noted with a hint of congestion.
Inej lifts her eyebrows at him. "Straight back to business, after all that?"
"Well clearly you've got other… matters to attend to," he replies, looking Inej up and down. She feels her face heat up. 
"Right," she says quickly, "then I'll leave you to it."
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