#anyway i am. giving up now sajkfldjsaklfjdj sorry for like immediately ruining ur potential image of me i promise i am
the way cmh leo is on the verge of freaking out. does he get all pulterguisty when hes pissed or breaking down or does he fade? no pressure to respond just this: call me here has got me by the throat. its got me. send help.
!!!!! thank you waugh i'm so glad you're enjoying it!! and uhhh hm. i'm gonna say not really? maybe kinda like - staticky or. gltichy? smth like that, i may try and draw it later bc i am... having some trouble with words rn due to being sick lmaofjdskljfldks
i will say the fading is a dissociation specific thing but i cannot elaborate not because of spoilers but because of the aforementioned sick </3
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