#anyway i drew this yesterday but forgot to post it . too sleepy
transgaysex · 2 years
worlds most >:( 5 y/o (dontrb its art)
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ani aged 5 <- he doesnt know somewhere in another continent 4 besties are saving the world from horrors beyond this universe
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junioradventure · 5 years
A Month Into Teaching English in Korea: an Update
So, it’s roughly been a month since I’ve been teaching at my hagwon. I can’t believe that a month passed already! I wanted to post an update about how things have been. I’ve had my fair share of struggles, so stay tuned hahaha.
First of all, the curriculum we have to teach is really not that hard to adjust to. Since our school provides us with the materials, prep time is not too bad. It’s mostly printing out the students’ weekly homework reports (depends on the class), worksheets, and downloading audio files. Each class, I have to cover a unit in the textbook. It’s quite straightforward.
The problem mostly lies in the fact that a great deal of the material can be so bland... Which contributes to a lot of the lack of interest during class LOL. And it doesn’t help that the classes are only 40-50 minutes along, so there isn’t really a lot of time to fit in additional material that I might be able to do to boost interest in class. It’s a difficult situation, but it’s mostly something that I have to just accept, unless I have the time to try and fit in my own ideas for class.
Which leads me to some other issues I found during my first month of teaching. Although I really do like teaching some classes in particular, there are others that are more difficult because there are either a. sleepy students (some kids have fallen asleep in class, and they said it’s because they’re really tired) b. really quiet students, or c. really loud, disruptive, and wild students. Mind you, this is my first time teaching an actual class, so even though these kinds of students are pretty typical in any given classroom, it’s shocking when you actually experience having to teach them LOL. 
For the sleepy students, I really feel for them, they come here after their actual school, and then sometimes have to leave really late (9-10pm for middle schoolers!) and then they have to go home to do homework due the next day. I know the education system in Korea is no joke. It just feels really discouraging when there are those few that doze off in class. I know not to take it personally, but I still kind of do since I have to wake them up and encourage them to push through the material LOL. Thankfully, I only experienced this with two students. One of them stopped dozing off in class but has now turned into a really loud, disruptive, and wild student... The other is just constantly sleepy, but he’s really smart and can do the work in class easily. He just nods off quickly. I’m thinking of ways to make the class more active, but there’s only so much we can do since we have to get through the book material. Thankfully, this problem isn’t too huge.
As for the quieter students. I have this one class in particular where I ask questions and I am met with awkward silence *cues Stray Kids’ ‘Awkward Silence’* and they don’t really participate much. 
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Me trying to be enthusiastic in class but the kids hit me with the ol’ silent treatment... *awkward smiles*
The first time I experienced this, I was so drained after. This really begs the question, which is worse, a class full of rowdy, crazy students, or a class where getting them to participate is like pulling teeth? Truth be told though, I don’t know much about this class, so maybe I should think more about what I can do. I’m sure they’re mostly, if not all introverts too, so that’s also a factor to keep in mind. It’s not a bad thing, just a different perspective!
And the crazy, loud ones... sigh. Although they do put a smile on my face, sometimes it’s just too much and it’s really mentally exhausting dealing with them. It doesn’t help that the kids don’t really see the foreign teacher as having a lot of authority in class, and that discipline is also not really a thing for us to carry out. I’ve found going to the Korean teachers for the appropriate advice and measures helps a lot. They got my back, which is such a relief. I’ve learned to be a bit firmer now since I started off really compassionate about their behavior, and I felt “too nice” too, until my coworker told me for certain wild ones, being firm and strict is necessary. Sound advice, and will continue to do so, but I’m still gonna be sweet when I can LOL.
However, I do like getting to know my students better, and sharing jokes and fun conversations in class! For example, a few students like Pokemon so I drew some on the white board for fun, and they were so hyped lol. One of them brought their switch to class to show me their Let’s go Pikachu team and I was like “OMG DON’T BRING IT TO SCHOOL THAT’S DANGEROUS, SOMEONE MIGHT TAKE IT” Lol. Oh wait, Koreans don’t steal. Never mind. HAHA. Also, some of my students are realizing that I like kpop too. One of them was really shook because I knew BTS’ “You Never Walk Alone” album title when they made a pun about it in class LOL. She was like, “Are you an ARMY?” with a shocked face HAHA. I’ll be able to chat with them about it as we progress through the semester, so that’s a fun way to bond with them~
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How my students look and act some classes.
But overall, my job is not super stressful or horrible. I do have my share of stressors, but it’s still a job nonetheless! I am still getting into the routine of each teaching day, printing worksheets, posting homework, writing detention lists, submitting my daily reports, and extra assignments that come up. I had a hard time yesterday because I totally forgot about extra essays I had to give in class. It didn’t help that I was feeling under the weather and pretty bad about it, but that was a blow to me and I felt so overwhelmed. It’s taught me another lesson in stress management. I’m still not the best at letting things go and pass so that I can stop stressing about it, but I was thankful for my coworkers telling me that it will be okay, and I can just adjust the schedule next week to get the essays done in class! I know it will be fine, everything works out eventually!
Furthermore, especially for the real young ones, I don’t feel like just a teacher. I feel like a babysitter caretaker. I teach one class of first and second graders, and a lot of them just started attending this semester. They can get rambunctious, but they’re literal kids so it’s understandable! It does tire me out sometimes though, when I have to constantly tell them to finish their book work. I’m learning that I have to be there emotionally for them as well, when no one else can. 
Yesterday, one particular student who is easily the rowdiest kid in my class was feeling down. They started off class per usual, going up to me, hanging on me, and treating my tummy like their own personal pillow. He literally calls me his cushion... I think it’s kinda adorable in a way, and he is LOL. Anyway, not even halfway through class, he stopped doing his work and put his head down. The other kids were hooting and getting all bouncy because of it, and at first I didn’t think too much of it. One kid said he was faking. I continued class, but as time went by, he didn’t bounce back like how he usually does. I went up to him and asked him, in a calm and kind voice, “What’s wrong?” in English. He refused to look at me. 
Oh yeah, so my school has an “Only English” policy for foreign teacher classes. Which, in theory, makes a lot of sense. A ton of kids, ESPECIALLY these youngins, keep trying to make me speak Korean, or “find out” if I can, which I have to play coy about. But in situations like this, where emotional support is also something a teacher could provide, and asking him, “Why?” and, “What?” in English wasn’t helping, I asked him in Korean, “What happened?” He eventually murmured, “Something sad happened to me.” I asked him if we wanted to talk about it, but he said no. I also asked him if any of his classmates made him sad, or if I upset him (since I did tell him sternly to behave prior), but he said no again. Thankfully, it was already the end of class, and I told him to cheer up and enjoy the weekend. He nodded cutely, and seemed visibly better, and dare I say appreciative that I checked up personally on him.
It broke my heart to see him so gloomy about something I didn’t know about, but I genuinely hope the weekend gives him a lot of rest and fun with his family. Knowing him, he will bounce back and be as playful and rowdy as usual again. But it taught me another lesson.
Anyways, that’s all I can think of at the moment. This post got really long too, LOL. I’ll write down things whenever something else important happens in class! I know I’ll continue to learn from these experiences!
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ruthiswriting · 7 years
mp100 | serirei, AU, 2.8k
another drabble belonging to the series our endless numbered days, this one taking place about five years after the end of holding. wrote this a while ago, but held off on posting it. pre established relationship.
warnings: alcohol, mentioned major character death
Whenever Reigen drank, Serizawa resigned himself to getting him home.
It didn’t matter what he drank, how much he drank, or when he drank, but inevitably Serizawa would find himself supporting his weight as they walked the distance back to their apartment. Rather, as Serizawa walked— Reigen generally seemed to lose all capability to move his legs about in a reasonable manner. He simply would sling an arm around Serizawa’s shoulder and keep a running monologue in his ear. His warm breath, strong with the scent of shochu, would always tickle Serizawa’s ear.
Initially, Serizawa had found it charming. Now it was sort of exasperating.
But still charming.
And tonight, he couldn’t really bring himself to be annoyed with Reigen.
“Graduation,” Reigen said, shaping the word with exaggerated slowness. “Can you believe it, Katsu? Seems like yesterday Ritsu was just this moody middle schooler.” Serizawa attempted to straighten the suitjacket Reigen still kept on his shoulders, but then Reigen slumped into him. “Now he’s a moody high school graduate.”
Serizawa heard him chuckle against his chest, and then it turned into a hum. Reigen’s fingers danced lightly along Serizawa’s shirt, and Serizawa, underneath the embarrassing tingle in his stomach, realized they were blocking the door to the bar. He gripped Reigen’s upper arms and pulled him upright, and Reigen sagged comfortably in his grip. It made Serizawa think of one of those cats that went limp when you held it. He pulled him away from the door, tripping over the uneven steps and Reigen’s feet.
“Do you have everything?” Serizawa asked, patting Reigen’s jacket pockets. They were distressingly empty. Serizawa patted them more thoroughly, to no avail. “Did you grab your keys when we left this morning? Your wallet?”
He couldn’t quite make out the intricacies of Reigen’s expression— the streetlight above them shone on Serizawa’s head and cast a shadow over Reigen’s face, but he could see the suggestion of his face moving. Then Reigen settled a hand next to Serizawa’s neck, in a gesture that was probably supposed to be a pat but forgot along the way. “Relax,” he said. “I put ‘em in your pocket.”
Serizawa blinked. He checked his pockets. Both his wallet and keys and Reigen’s were there, forming a comfortable, equal weight on each side of his body. He turned his attention back to Reigen. “Why?”  
Reigen slouched back a little further, and his teeth glinted in the sliver of light they caught. “Oops.”
Serizawa sighed and looped Reigen’s arm around his shoulder. “Okay, Taka. Time to go home now.”
“It’s too bad,” Reigen remarked as Serizawa began walking down the street, “Ritsu’s still not old enough to go have celebratory drinks with us. Maybe that’s bad mentorship on my part, hm. I think we got him covered, anyway.”
“You did,” Serizawa rebuffed easily. “I just wait for you to get drunk and then we go home.”
Reigen laughed, and the noise echoed down the street. “Well, I don’t keep you waiting long.”
“No,” Serizawa agreed, intentionally dropping his voice in hopes that Reigen would match. “You don’t.”
He pressed a light kiss against the side of Reigen’s forehead, where hair lay thick against his temple. In the dark walking home, everything felt like a secret. So did this silent declaration, especially when Reigen tilted conspiratorily towards him and his body caved into Serizawa. Every loud feeling settled right between the space where the crook of Reigen’s side didn’t quite fit into his. Serizawa felt himself smile as Reigen’s head leaned against his shoulder.
Reigen was quiet, which gave Serizawa the time he needed to find the street sign and figure out where they were. He squinted at the tall sign with white characters, barely illuminated in the dark. Just as he was piecing together the solution, Reigen slouched against him again. His voice was soft when he spoke. “He was moody, though. More n’ usual. Right? I’m not crazy?”
Serizawa hesitated. There was something dangerous in the way Reigen’s voice drifted up, hopeful and wistful all at once. “Not crazy,” he agreed, trying not to look at Reigen, “but you know him better than me. You’d be able to tell better.”
But Ritsu had been moody— distant in a concentrated way that Serizawa hadn’t seen for years. He’d smiled, and accepted their warm congratulations on his academic achievements, but it was with the same thin politeness that Ritsu regarded strangers with. Even when Ritsu’s mother hugged him, or his father rustled his hair in a practiced gesture, it was something he endured.
By the time that Serizawa had figured out that Ritsu built walls, Reigen had begun dismantling them. That meant that Serizawa didn’t know how to read what each guarded expression meant, in the same way that came so naturally to Reigen— but no, he’d worked for it. He’d worked hard to understand, to drag Ritsu up out of that mire along with himself. Serizawa wouldn’t discount that.
“Guess it doesn’t matter too much,” Reigen said distantly, drawing Serizawa out of his thoughts. “He won’t be needing me, now.”
A barely held together seam in Serizawa’s chest began to open up, revealing something cavernous below. “Taka,” he said, the word soft.
“It’s true,” Reigen said, and he went to wave a hand. It made a circuitous path through the air, then hung there. “I never expected any of you to hang around. You know? I mean, I wanted… Well, I guess everyone wants dumb, impossible things. Like hopin’ you’ll wake up tomorrow, and your bank account’ll be full, and your knees won’t ache because you’re gettin’ old, and you’ll have some incredible guy who lets you trip all over his feet all the way home…”
Reigen slipped on the pavement, and Serizawa grabbed him. He always grabbed too fast, too hard, and he feared constantly that his hands would squeeze, and then Reigen would break. But Reigen just flopped into his arms. “Well, that one came true,” he said.
“I’m not leaving,” Serizawa told him. “Ritsu’s not either. He won’t work at the office, but he still cares about you. We both do.”
“Mhm,” Reigen murmured in what Serizawa hoped was an agreement. The way it was shaped made him doubt that. Serizawa frowned and felt lines in his face deepen. He continued guiding Reigen down the street.
Eventually, Reigen yawned, then slipped into a sentence. “Well, I did what I could, Katsuya. Hope his parents can tell… Guess they’d know. Well, I think I know, I guess I can’t be certain. Kid’s like a puzzle box, sometimes…”
Serizawa pulled him to a stop next to the curb, bending his head around Reigen to look down the street, then at his face. “Know what? What about Ritsu?”
“He’s thinking about Mob,” Reigen said.
There wasn’t anything amiss on Reigen’s face, even in the sleepy way his lids settled on his eyes. Serizawa still felt his stomach drop out from under him. He stood still for a moment, unable to think of any way to proceed.
Shigeo had died five years and one and a half months ago. Keeping track of days had become a necessary compulsion for Serizawa, so the time measured out clearly in his head. He could probably count the days too, back to when he’d found out why the city had split open, then when he’d had to go to the funeral, and then a million small pointless things until now.
He pulled Reigen closer, arm wrapping tighter around his side as a poor shield. “Come on,” Serizawa said, softly. “Let’s go home.”
“He always… gets like that, around big milestones,” Reigen continued as Serizawa tried to get him walking again. “All moody and withdrawn. Think he feels guilty for growing up, when Mob can’t…” Reigen blew out air. “Dumb kid. Guess I can’t blame him, though.”
His mood didn’t falter, all the rest of the way home. He rambled, on in an endless train that Serizawa couldn’t quite focus on. Somewhere, his philosophizing about Ritsu turned to his philosophizing about Shigeo, and then into long, spooled out anecdotes. Serizawa had heard some of them before. Some of them he’d been there for. Reigen didn’t seem to remind recounting things both of them knew in authorial tones, tugging on Serizawa’s collar to get his attention when he grew too distracted for Reigen’s liking. There was something easy on Reigen’s face as he laughed. They sounded like stories about someone who’d just gone away for a while, and he’d be there at the office tomorrow. Maybe the feeling was created by the alcohol. Maybe he was too drunk to know what he was talking about at all. Serizawa ached.
He’d gone quiet when Serizawa drew them up the stairs to their apartment, and then to the door  where he fumbled over the keys. Serizawa thought maybe he’d fallen asleep, finally, until Reigen nudged his shoulder with the top of his head. “Did I ever tell you,” he said, pressing one finger into Serizawa’s side, “how we met?”
Serizawa stiffened without meaning to. “You might have mentioned it, once,” he said finally. He knew the sketch of the story— some accidental meeting, and then Reigen had declared himself Shigeo’s mentor… There was some confused memory about it, tickling in the back of his head. But if he’d heard it, it would’ve been from before, and things from back then often felt out of focus.
“Well,” Reigen said, voice lifting in the beginning of a story, “It must’ve been about…” He tilted his head back, pretending to try to remember. “Ten or so years ago. God, Katsuya, when’d we get so old?”
The key in Serizawa’s hand clunked against the door, missing the doorknob once more. In a fit of frustration, Serizawa directed a burst of psychic energy at the door. It unlocked and swung open soundlessly, and Serizawa guided Reigen inside. He kicked the door shut behind him, and then they were in the dark. Serizawa slid his shoes off in the doorway and then, after a moment’s deliberation, swung Reigen up into his arms, tucking one comfortably under Reigen’s knees.
Reigen snorted against his shoulder, and Serizawa could imagine his bleary smile as he curled his fingers against the back of Serizawa’s neck. He wanted to kiss Reigen, suddenly, even through his exhaustion and exasperation and the aching pit of his stomach. Serizawa made it as far as pressing his forehead against Reigen’s before he couldn’t continue. He stayed there, listening to his breathing.
Reigen’s head tipped back, and Serizawa couldn’t follow the motion any further down. “He must’ve been about ten, I guess,” Reigen murmured, hand still playing against Serizawa’s neck. “He showed up at the office, back when it was just me, and he said he wanted help controlling his powers. Well, I was so sure it was some prank… Like I was important enough for anyone to go around playing tricks on me, hah. Imagine.”
Serizawa picked his way through their tiny apartment, past the kitchen that needed cleaning, through the living room with their half collapsed couch, and into their pitch dark bedroom. All the while, Reigen continued talking into his ear, low and confidential like someone might hear. “But I guess I felt bad for him, or something, or I couldn’t feel good about turning some kid out… So I gave him some hacked up advice, about how hard it was being a psychic but how it was still possible to be a good person. I don’t even remember what I said.”
He hesitated, here, long enough for Serizawa to doubt, and then launched forward again into the story. “Anyway, then I figured out he really did have powers, and I thought, hey, that’d be useful for the office, even if all really he can do is levitate cups. So I told him to come back, saying I’d help him control his powers, thinking I was smart enough to trick some kid into thinking I had powers. It’d be easy, right? People do it on tv all the time.”
Serizawa settled Reigen on the bed, then caught him before he could fall flat on his back. The words were pouring out of Reigen faster and faster as Serizawa peeled his coat off and began working his tie loose with careful fingers. “I spent years jumping through hoops, trying to impress him, convince him that I was really something. I was pulling my hair out over it, because what if he left? What the hell was I gonna do?” His arms spun briefly wide, hitting Serizawa in the side. “But, Katsu, do you know the best part?”
“No,” Serizawa said, dutifully. He settled Reigen back onto the bed, and it creaked underneath them as Serizawa bent over Reigen’s face. The dim light of the alarm clock was all Serizawa had to go on to see. He pillowed his elbow on a fold in the comforter, and then his chin on his hand. “What’s the best part?”
Reigen smiled. “He knew. The whole time, he knew, and the cheeky kid just let me run around in circles all day long. Isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve ever heard?”
The smile Serizawa made back felt weak and ill. Something was lodging into his heart, keeping it from functioning properly. He swept some of Reigen’s hair back to kiss his forehead. “Good night, Arataka.”
Reigen didn’t answer, and Serizawa sat up again. He lifted Reigen’s feet up from where they dangled and placed them on his knee, pulling the shoelaces loose. When Serizawa shoved Reigen’s shoes off his heel, a green light caught them in midair, and the shoes floated up. Serizawa sent them drifting through the bedroom door, back to the front door. Then, he slid his own jacket off, throwing it across the room at some place he’d trip over himself in the morning trying to find.
It was when Serizawa was pulling his own tie loose that Reigen said, “I really miss that kid. You know? I miss...”
Serizawa just sat there; feeling like a useless statue, a solid stone resting on the end of their bed. But then, Reigen made the smallest, ugliest, noise, and Serizawa turned, falling back next to him. There was something horrible working its way up Reigen’s throat, and Serizawa felt it when he dragged Reigen into his arms. He rubbed Reigen’s back in slow steady circles as a sob made Reigen’s whole body convulse. “It’s okay,” Serizawa whispered, hardly audible to himself under the noise of Reigen’s grief. “Taka, I know, I know…”
“I’m so selfish,” Reigen said, the words coming out as a wail. “I’m so fucking, sselfish, what do you think Ritsu’s feeling right now? God, five whole years of this and what have I done for him?”
“You’ve done a lot,” Serizawa said, raising his voice. “I swear, Taka, you have, you did so much for both of those kids, if you could see—”
Reigen shook his head, and he careened into Serizawa’s neck. His hands were clenching Serizawa’s shirt fabric, tighter and tighter. “I never even told him,” Reigen mumbled. “Mh- Mob. He knew, we both knew, but I was too much of a coward to say—” his voice hitched again. “And then today, I should’ve said something, to Ritsu, I could see, but I just let him walk away, I haven’t learned a thing… Katsuya…”
“He’s still here,” Serizawa whispered. “You haven’t failed, you can say something again, Ritsu’s still here, I’m still here, you’re still here…”
There was something unspoken in the ugly breath Reigen pulled through his body— a necessary absence in what Serizawa said, obvious in the tears slipping down Reigen’s face. Serizawa tried to pull him a little further up the bed so he could lay comfortably on the pillows instead of Serizawa’s chest, but instead Reigen pressed deeper against him. All Serizawa could do was wait until Reigen had given all he could, and his drunken sobs finally ended. Sobs settled out into ragged breaths, and Reigen was asleep.
Tears were still slipping down his face when Serizawa finally settled him into bed, pulling the comforter over him. He brushed a thumb under Reigen’s eye, then wiped the tears collected on the pillowcase by his head. Serizawa waited, as he listened to Reigen’s breathing, for the now cavernous ache in his chest to close so he could sleep. He watched the alarm clock slowly click through numbers in time to Reigen’s breaths.
Reigen’s hands slowly loosened their hold on Serizawa’s shirt, until they merely draped over the curve of his back. The congestion in his chest cleared with each slow breath. Serizawa smoothed a worried wrinkle out of his brow, and breathed in only to hear the congestion in his own throat. A few frustrated, angry tears slid down the bridge of Serizawa’s nose, and he buried his face in Reigen’s hair.
In the end, it wasn’t time slowly slipping by that dragged Serizawa into sleep. It was the sound of Reigen’s steady breathing that eased Serizawa into slumber, dark and dreamless as he wanted.
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impalaimagining · 7 years
PittCon Saturday
(holy shit y’all this was so much to remember from this morning until now. sorry if I forgot anything) Also this is obnoxiously long so this one gets a cut. #You’reWelcome
Read Friday’s here.
Part One: 
No Rob Benedict. Rich makes promises of him later.
ROB BENEDICT!!! He walked out with Briana and she claims she planned the whole thing.
Briana, Kim, and Gil didn’t have anyone lined up for questions. Briana threatened period talk. Gil blushed. 
Questions for Briana today instead of Kim. Briana does a little victory thing every time someone says, “My question is for Bri.” Kim mocks her from yesterday and says, “I’m gonna answer it anyway.”
Gil is third-wheelin’ it, hard. 
Gil addresses the whole thing that happened with the butt grabbing. He wanted to “nip it in the bud because it was weighing very heavily” on him. Apparently I missed that last night because I had no idea what he was even talking about when he said it. He’s a great guy. Try not to fault him for one little slip, yeah? He’s human. Cut the man some slack. 
Part Two: 
Rob scolds Rich for not telling us about the “I <3 KoC” shirts. Debates about whether it’s pronounced like Coke or like cock. “Wear that to Grandma’s house.” “One of those things will kill you!” 
Matt, Rob, and Rich bounce off of one another unbelievably well. 
Pssst, Matt Cohen is fucking attracccttiivveeeee
Questions about other projects and hobbies come up. Matt says he wants to get into racing again. Racing is in his future. Richard says he’s a lot like his father. His father was a lawyer. Rob used to have his own baseball league. With himself. He made up teams like “The Colors” and “Other Things.”
Rob and Rich are besties and it makes my life. 
The pilot for Skyward is streaming now on Amazon. Rich said there’s a part already sketched out for Rob if the show continues. It wasn’t his idea to include Rob, but he wanted to eventually anyway. 
Part Three:
Mark Sheppard is either consistently grouchy or was very tired/cranky today.
Almost all of his answers boiled down to one word, so that was the one word he used, and then moved on. He probably answered more questions on his own than Misha and Jake did combines just because of how fast he was moving. 
He said fuck Creation’s rules and walked around the crowd most of the time. Also joked about how when he was more powerful (and important), they never would’ve allowed that. (sad face on my part)
A fan asks how he feels about Fergus’s deal and how he lost his soul, what he sold it for. He doesn’t laugh. Just says, “If you want to ask about my penis, there are other ways to do it. I can’t relate to Fergus, if that’s what you’re asking.”
His favorite line is “Where’s your moose?” 
“You’re good, but I’m Crowley,” was improv. 
Talking about his wife and daughter made him light up like a Christmas tree. It was adorable. 
Everyone thinks he hates cats. He got very snarky about it. “Did I say I hate cats? No. I don’t hate anything. I hate Misha. Oops.”
He thinks Crowley came full circle. There wasn’t much else for him to do in the series, he thinks. 
He doesn’t understand the logic behind Rowena being Crowley’s mother.When Rowena dies at the hands of Lucifer (the first time), Mark said the line, “Always thought I’d be the one to do it,” felt very right in that moment.
Part Four: 
Jake Abel has the bubbliest butt in the entire cast. To quote myself from earlier today, “You could bounce a fuckin nickel off of that thing.”
He’s been creating plotlines and ways to bring Adam back. New plans are made every time he comes to a convention. Currently, we’re looking at an Adam spinoff in which he and his mother are resurrected (him from Hell, her from Heaven) and become hunters. They have “opposing forces!” as Jake said, and the story would follow the way they got the opposing forces to work together for the same common purpose.
This man is insane. 
He kept reminding us that he was in a weird mood because his flight didn’t get in until 4am.
Sleepy Jake is the cutest. 
Talk of Percy Jackson. 
Lots of talk about bringing Adam back. 
Part Five: 
Guys. I’ve never been more amazed by one person’s smile and overall attitude. He’s so cheery and bright and uugghhh Misha.
He tells a story about his dad, and then says that he had to tell his children about his parents’ (brief, I think?) split, but he doesn’t want it to sound like that’s the only way marriages can end. The next day, his son went to school and told the teacher, “I want my parents to get a divorce.” I literally have no idea if this is true, but it’s what Misha told us.
Fake spoilers for Season 13, but he told us that he was filming it last night. Jared and Jensen still fuck with him to no end. 
“We were filming. Jared was on the bed, and we were doing something we don’t usually do on Supernatural.” *cue roars from the audience*
I think he tried to fight someone in the crowd. I have photos of his bulgy eyes and sassy jawline. Yeah, it’s a thing. 
I was going to show him the photo of himself standing in front of the whiteboard with his drawing of Maison and the dandelion. Creation doesn’t allow phones in the photo op rooms so I had to put it in my pocket, which was fine.
I walked up and asked the woman if I could show him something. She said, “Sure, just make it quick!” Again, I get it. Not a problem. 
I’m standing there waiting with my arm pulled out of my sleeve to show him my tattoo. I walk up and I’m greeted with the most amazing smile and such a soft “hi.” 
I blurt out, “I NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!” *shoves my arm towards him* *silence from Misha as he stares*
His mouth kind of popped open when he realized what it was. His eyes are so freakin’ blue and I know because he looked me directly in them and told me, “That’s amazing.” 
My heart is racing, but I lean and and we hug and Chris snaps the photo. I step to walk away and Misha grabs my hands (!!!!!!!!!) I turn and look up at him (because damn he’s tall! He’s right, he’s just surrounded by giants.) and he squeezes my hands. “That’s amazing.” It’s so quiet and I blink for a second. “Thank you.” I get another tight hand squeeze and thank him before running into the hallway and crying. (*inhale* I’m okay, really.)
On to the auto. I showed him the tattoo again, quickly spat out, ”I know I showed it to you at the photo ops but...!”  and he drew a heart next to his name when he signed it. I got another “That’s amazing. Thank you so much.” and that friggin smile
I still don’t know if he knows the tattoo is his handwriting. I assume he could tell when he looked at it, especially for how long he looked at it. But *shrugs* maybe one day I’ll tell him.
While waiting for Misha’s op, I MET @HIGHONPASTRIES (whose tumblr is literally not working this weekend, just FYI)!!! There’s a selfie to prove it. Will be posted later.
Part Six: 
Jake introduces the band. First starts by demanding that we chant, “Bring Adam back,” over and over again. Chant quickly turns into, “Lou-den Swain.”
I didn’t know I needed a fuckin’ KAZOO. *cough cough* @torn-and-frayed @nichelle-my-belle-spn-con-blog (still waiting for the kazoo tip to make an appearance)
Rob Benedict sang half a song without a microphone. Don’t know why. It just wasn’t working. 
MATT COHEN WINKED AS HE RAN PAST ME Y’ALL. Camera was too slow to capture it but if anyone has that wink, good God send it this way, please.
Sam Smith popped out! Just to introduce Kim though - no singing. 
Kim Rhodes was so nervous and I just want to hug her and tell her she’s amazing. 
Gil McKinney. That fuckin’ man. Making me cry and shit, two days in a row. 
Drunk Matt Cohen is a thing of my dreams. 
Lots of guest appearances within the band. Chris on bass, Rich on bass, Adam from Creation on keys, Rich on guitar and the mic. Nobody takes Billy’s guitar from him though ;) 
Whipping Post sans Jensen. Still fuckin’ awesome. 
Fare Thee Well!!!! Rob prefaced it with a spoiler alert for those who haven’t seen the episode yet. *giggle*
Rob cried singing She Waits. Then said he loves us so much it’s unreal. This man is pure and good and needs to be protected at all costs. 
They played my faaave song. It’s called Amazing. 
Kazoo song. Also known as Medicated. Someone had an amplifier for their kazoo. Rob was very impressed. Cast members are getting better at the kazoo solo. Rob isn’t happy about it. “This isn’t as fun when you guys are gooood.” 
Questions? Comments? Anything? If you’re at the con, come find me and say hi! I’ll be in (or around) seat D25! :) 
TOMORROW I MEET JARED AND JENSEN Y’ALL THIS IS ITTTTT. *quietly crying bc tomorrow is the end*
*falls into bed and immediately starts snoring* P.S. Cons are exhausting in the best possible way.
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