#anyway i have a weird feeling they'll try to bully me into picking up more hours and if they try that i'll genuinely quit
binch-i-might-be · 2 years
just learned that one of the full-time register helps is leaving at the end of the month
GOD I wish that were me
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based off this post
how I think (some of) the Dungeon Meshi characters would interact with an isekai-ed reader who's hyperfixation is dungeon meshi
includes: Laios, Falin, Kabru, and Toshiro (Shuro)
im imaging reader meeting him when he was a child
a little after Falin was born and after he was given the dungeon gourmet guide
reader actively seeking him out but kinda starts freaking out when they actually see him
reader decides to go with the approach being interested in his book
Laios was suspicious at first ( the book is one of the main reasons he got bullied )
but after some time and patience he got comfortable with you
I feel that Laios would be very attached to reader
like someone besides his sister who gets him, listens to him, communicates with him, etc.
listen as someone who is very hyperfixated on dungeon meshi at the moment I would be so invested in learning about monsters
and Laios is more then happy to talk about it for hours
reader making a point to support his dream of exploring the dungeons bc his parents are dicks
he wouldn't really be weirded out by reader seems to know so much about him, maybe early on but over time I feel he would just be glad to have someone like that by his side
low-key though,,, I think there would be a small small part of him that is kinda jealous over how reader seems to just,, get some people
I see reader being her number one hype-person as a child
reader would also beg her to teach them some magic
I think that Falin and reader would meet through Laios
Falin while she is outcasted from her home town, is still a litter more sociable then her brother
but what had her truly open up was not only the readers support of her magical talent but also the readers interest in learning about how biology works in this world
she also info dumps a ton
you know how she kept bringing Marcille things cause she wanted to eat them with her
she would 100% do that with reader,,, and the amount would increase when Laios leaves
he would be veryyy fascinated by the reader
his hyperfixation is people. studying them, their anatomy, psychology, how they tick
he would absolutely notice how reader picks up on things, knows things about some people without even having met them, predict events
to put it simply he wants to study reader under a microscope but is also extremely suspicious of them
he's also gonna pull out all the stops to try charm his way into understanding reader
his distrust sky rockets the first time they lock eyes, he can see it in his eyes, this look of understanding the deepest parts of him
he does not like it
it takes a long ass time for him trust them and genuinely open up again
reader making a point to ask things that will make him want to info dump
"hey did you notice how x was acting today" or "did you hear that x and y got together? do you think they'll make it?"
gossip buddies
and reader would be all too aware of this as well
he is heavily implied to have a hyperfixation on bugs, and had to at a young age become a master at masking and picking up on social norms
but anyways-
he would think reader is weird, mostly bc they would remind him of laios
slowly but surely I feel he would feel more comfortable
another case of the way to his heart is through the info dump
maybe walking back from a little adventure and noticing a beetle and showing him
now hes not gonna be as outwardly as excited as Laios
but it is slightly noticeable that he is interested and excited
reader offers to give it to him and asks him some questions
less info dumping and more info sprinkling but still he does like to talk about it
I think he would appreciate how they seem to pick up on his smaller details, maybe not a perfectly but still
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dragonjesterwrites · 2 years
Could you please write headcanons for Sun and Moon with a reader that tries not to smile or emote because they have facial wrinkles that they’ve been bullied for? Sorry if this is kind of a weird request. If it’s too specific or anything, Sun and Moon with an insecure reader is also cool with me!
For sure! I feel this ask, my facial expressions get misread a lot, so I try to keep it neutral - and then people think I'm angry or sad 😭 skjgh anyway I hope you enjoy the fluff, nonnie!
Sun doesn't really pick up on why you might not emote at first. He thinks you might be upset about something, but he doesn't want to make it worse by pushing you to smile.
So he doesn't pressure you- but he does leave little gifts where you'll find them in the hopes of making your day a little better.
If you work in the Daycare, he'll invite you to sit and do crafts with the kids- that always makes him happy! If you work as a janitor, you'll probably find your cleaning cart/mop/broom decorated with little origami flowers and butterflies made out of colorful card stock. If you work as a security guard, you'll find little sticky notes on the Daycare doors wishing you a good shift.
The first time he sees you smile, mans is smitten. Head over heels. Sun is the kinda guy to say "this is the best x ever" about everything, but he genuinely loves your smile.
If you try to hide or shy away, he'll be quick to let you know how lovely he thinks your smile is, and he is absolutely not objecting if you show it more.
If you explain to him why, he totally gets it- people call his and Moon's smile creepy too sometimes. It hurts, but he's quick to point out to them that words hurt- and he'll quickly step in to do the same for you if a kid/customer teases you, followed by reaffirming how much he loves your smile.
Moon's less active than Sun in trying, but it's not because he doesn't want to see your smile- he just goes about it more subtly.
Like making puns while reading to the children and sneaking glances at you over the top of the book, or gentle reminders to take care of yourself, perhaps left on sticky notes with little star doodles.
When you do crack a smile around Moon, he's quick to tell you how beautiful it is. He might even write a short poem or two, leaving them in your Daycare staff cubby.
He'd never tell you because he doesn't want to scare you off, but you smile in your sleep sometimes and he adores it. He'll drape blankets over you in the hopes that you'll feel comfy and safe enough to smile.
If you're having a bad day and your guard is up, they understand. They'll keep an extra close eye on you to make sure no one's rude to you while you recover.
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roommates AU!! Maybe one where young Tony has had a string of awful roommates (ie. they bully him for his age, etc.). The housing office transfers him one last time and tells him to give it a week. If this one still doesn't work out, then they'll let him room alone. At first, Tony just wants the week to be over, but of course his new roommate is the sweet Peter Parker. Cue pining!Tony, oblivious!Peter and a fluffy resolution... Just my rambles, but always excited to see what you come up with!
do the thing - send in all the prompts.    
Nonnie, this was a lovely prompt - thank you so much for the idea! I aged Tony up a little bit to make sure there wasn’t anything underage, but I hope I hit all the things you were looking for! 
Tony always figured flying through school would be a breeze. And for the most part – it was. The class material turned out to be easier than even he anticipated; he could’ve easily gotten through high school with his eyes closed. At 16, the concept of winning was the only thing that registered to him – what he was winning, he didn’t really know; but beating out his peers around him always made him feel just a bit better about how ridiculously brainy he really was.
Of course, the social aspect of school wasn’t nearly as easy. Most people didn’t understand what it was like to be the son of Howard Stark – Tony knew the inside of a lab before the age of 4 and attended dinners with some of the world’s figure heads on a consistent basis. As one of the youngest people in the entire room always, Tony struggled to fit in. Being smart wasn’t the piece of school that people admired, especially when the age gap was already so substantial. To say he was picked on was putting it mildly.
He assumed getting to college would end all of the bullying that came pre-packaged in the high school experience. Why would people in the pursuit of a degree in higher education care how old anyone was? The shocking reality of how wrong he was came when his very first roommate locked him out of the dorm for a full 48-hours. Tony didn’t like to throw around the weight of his name, but he hadn’t showered and needed textbooks to get to some of his classes. Needless to say, his roommate did not remain in the room for much longer.
Tony’s next roommate at least lasted for the rest of the year – he was an asshole at all points in time, but he didn’t lock him out of the room or touch his shit. There wasn’t enough of a connection to ask him back as a roommate – so Tony put his name back on the list for a roommate and went about his summer vacation.
Coming back from Italy, Tony was refreshed and more than ready to get through the next year as quickly as possible. He’d turned 17 over the summer and was one step closer to being on the cusp of independence. Then, people couldn’t judge him for his age. Tony walked into the year with a positive attitude – that was quickly bat down by the homophobic bigot they stuck him with. Tony still didn’t like the way faggot sat on the surface of his skin.
The struggle to keep a roommate brought him in front of housing for what felt like the hundredth time – all he wanted was some peace to get through school and maybe enjoy some of it. The notoriety of the university kept the supply of single rooms scarce, but he figured if push really came to shove, he could find a way to get one for himself. Cindy, who’d been dealing with him since his first gem of a roommate screwed the pooch, looked at him with a mixture of pity and concern. “I need you to give it a go one more time, for at least a week. There aren’t any singles available and I’m certain that this person will be suitable for you. In the meantime, I’ll see what I can do if all else fails.”
A barely concealed scoff left his mouth, but he nodded, anyway. After the stream of lectures he got from his father when the initial trouble started, Tony was determined to settle the situation by his own means, even if that meant trying to stomach one more person for 7 days. All of his other roommates proved how terrible they were right from the get-go, so he figured he could make it – the other side held the key to his single and a little bit of peace from the boring monotony of societal norms.
A couple of days later, a knock on the door drew Tony from the book in front of him – he’d been balls deep in the chapter on electrical energy conversion. Standing up from his seated position, Tony realized how long he’d been sitting when his feet felt a little numb. The break was obviously needed.
Pulling the door open, Tony let a soft gasp leave his lips – the person standing there was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Long legs led to a torso that was covered with a white and purple striped shirt and flight jacket. The length of this person’s neck held a head covered in dark brown, curly hair. Tony took a couple of steps back on instinct, his brain going haywire.
“Are you Tony?”
In an attempt to speak, Tony opened his mouth – no words followed, however. Blushing, he chose to nod instead. He opened the door a little bit wider, his hand swinging in a ‘come in gesture’. His lips were quirked into an involuntary smile, everything about his body he could usually control now running on instinct and the overwhelming hormones that coursed through him.
A soft chuckle left the other’s mouth, the sound like music to his ears. Why did it take this long to deliver someone like this to his door? More than anything, Tony hoped that handsome person walking into the dorm that must be his new roommate wasn’t a total piece of shit – he wanted to be able to hold out a little hope.
“I’m Peter – Peter Parker. I just transferred here,” the man, Peter, said – his eyes wandering around the modest fixtures that Tony kept around the shared space. “Is that really a big-screen TV?” Peter’s plumps lips formed a roguish grin, coffee-colored eyes flashing with genuine excitement. “I never thought I’d see one of those in a college dorm room.”
Tony watched him trace a hand across the top, his fingers fiddling with the wiring at the back of it. “And it has HDMI capability. We can get both of my systems set up on this thing.” Peter’s excitement took him by surprise, everyone else who walked through the door didn’t care about the cool shit he brought with him – just the differences between them; his age, the sexuality he refused to hide – his academic abilities, even.
Not Peter, though – he went on to explain that he was getting a degree in Electrical Engineering and didn’t get to have some of the newer appliances growing up. It was weird, to see someone so excited about the nerdy stuff Tony liked, too. They heartily discussed the best way to get both the Xbox and PlayStation set up through the tv without bogging down the cable setup already existing in the room. 
By the time they were both happy with how Peter’s things mixed into the fixtures of the room, Tony figured he was already head over heels for the guy – for the first time in his life, someone took him at face value and didn’t hate what they saw.
The rest of the year with Peter went by seamlessly. During the spring semester, they planned to have a class together, both of them still needing to take some of the basic engineering classes. There wouldn’t be a lot of cross over later in their degrees, so they took advantage. It was different, having someone he could rely on sitting in class next to him, and then being there at home later on, too. Tony never got to experience the sort of camaraderie that Peter so freely gave to him.
Mornings were filled with the two of them trying to make breakfast on the little hot plate Peter brought from home. It was always an adventure, trying to get everything cooked all the way through and evenly – at least, Tony enjoyed watching Peter puzzle it all together. Their day started together and as the time passed, it ended together, too. Peter liked to spend time in their shared space, so Tony found excuses to be out there, too.
Tony found himself seeking out Peter’s company all the time, if he were being honest. Peter was the most interesting person – he didn’t care about the normal things; he wanted to learn and explore, he wanted to see what the world had to offer. Best of all, he seemed to want to include Tony in the things he wanted to know more about.
A couple of months into their second semester living together, Tony looked up to find Peter staring at him. “What’s your middle name?” Peter asked, a smirk slipping across his lips. “Are you an Anthony, or just Tony?”
Putting his pen down in the book he’d been reading to keep his place, Tony shifted a bit and gave Peter his full attention. “My full name is Anthony Edward Stark. No one but my mom calls me Anthony, though.” Tony tried to keep the blush he couldn’t help under cover, but his ears were warm – there was no escaping it. “What about you? Are you a junior, or something?”
The exchange went on a for a while, Peter talking a bit about his family in Queens and the Brainiac’s team he left behind when he graduated and came to Cambridge. Tony soaked up the information and attempted to be open about pieces of himself, too – he talked about his dad and the weird relationship they had and about Dum-E and the never-ending tweaks and adjustments he made to better him.
It was a little easier after that conversation, both of them felt a little more comfortable and for Tony, he felt closer to Peter than any other person in his life. He hoped it wasn’t obvious, how much Peter meant to him. There were stars in his eyes constantly – so he kind of doubted it.
Even his mom noticed how things shifted for him – he wasn’t his normally surly self when he went home over spring break. Maria looked at him with a weird smile – Tony didn’t think he’d ever seen the look on her face before. “School okay, Tony?” she questioned, her hands brushing through the hair by his ear. He figured she missed the little kid he used to be – he would sit for hours and let her pet him like that back then.
Grinning, Tony nodded – his teenage hormones making it hard to keep himself calm, cool, and collected. “Yes, it’s okay. I’m doing well and really enjoying Differential Equations this semester.” He kept his answer brief, his inability to talk to her still in place despite the weightless feeling that accompanied him. “I’m thinking about picking up a class in the summer and sticking around.”
He didn’t tell her that Peter was involved in a work study program and would need to be on campus all summer working. It seemed silly to give up his bedroom in the place that was now his home simply because summer came around. 
Tony didn’t want to miss a single second of time he could be around Peter – no matter how weirdly pathetic that probably was. Later, when he left the kitchen and headed towards his room, Tony missed the smile his mom beamed his way.
Their end of the semester project was due a couple of weeks after they got back from spring break, so Tony and Peter spent a lot of time together when they got back from visiting their respective families. It was a little like the time away from each other strengthened the need for the bond between them. Peter spent more time in the dorm and when he couldn’t be there, Tony pestered him at work, the help desk more than familiar with him after all the time he spent there.
The closer they got; the more Tony wondered if Peter felt the same way that he did. Tony knew he was still young, his 18th birthday creeping slowly toward him. There were tons of great looking people on campus, people that were closer to Peter’s age – but he hoped, he crossed his fingers and looked up in search of a person he didn’t believe in just to send up a little wish into the atmosphere.
Tony tried to gage things between them a couple of weeks before the end of the semester – he wanted the summer to go off without a hitch and knew his useless pinning would be more of a burden than anything if he didn’t at least try and find out if he stood any chances. He wasn’t completely sure of how he’d try to fish out the truth, but he needed to – the probable thought of exploding crossing his mind frequently.
A perfect opportunity presented itself when Peter came home a little tipsy from a party that Friday night, his face split into a loose smile, eyes shining with the blaze of alcohol and something simmering just below the surface. Tony paused the round of Tekken he’d been playing, his hand patting the cushion next to him. “Have a good night?” Tony asked curiously, his lips slipping into a smile when Peter threw himself carelessly down onto the couch. Their shoulders brushed, that little bit of contact sending a torrent of happiness through him.
“I definitely drank enough to make it feel like it was a good night,” Peter replied, the alcohol letting the words fall easily from loose lips. “MJ brought 151 in a little flask – it doesn’t taste like shoe cleaner, so it was easy to drink a little bit too much.” He smiled and leaned further into Tony’s side. “Glad to be back, though.”
A nose brushed the side of his neck, Tony holding his breath to stop the gasp that tried to escape from the confines of his chest. He put the controller down on the arm of the couch and sat more fully on the couch – his arm going around the back of it. “I’m glad that you’re back, too,” Tony admitted, his hand moving inch by inch until his fingertips were just barely fumbling with the sleeve of Peter’s black t-shirt.
“What are you doing, Tony?” Peter asked from his place against Tony’s shoulder, his breath tickling his skin, the sensation distracting. He drew his bottom lip between his teeth and absorbed he warmth while he could – Peter nestled in the space Tony wanted him the most might never happen again.
“I – don’t know. I – “ Tony started to speak, but the common problem of getting a little tongue-tied around Peter coming back with a vengeance. “I think I was trying to put my arm around you.” He felt his face flush even further – his cheeks and ears the same colors as Peter’s without the influence of alcohol and its properties.
While he didn’t actually move away, Tony felt Peter stiffen. Sucking in a hurt breath, Tony froze, too – he must’ve read the room wrong. “Oh,” he heard Peter say, the word muffled by Tony’s skin still. He gulped, then extracted himself from the tangle of longer arms and warm skin – his eyes already starting to burn with tears he wouldn’t be able to control for much long.
“Sorry – I didn’t, I mean. I – sorry, Pete.” Tony babbled, the inability to speak in full sentences hitting him double time now that embarrassment coated the nervousness that threatened to overcome him. How stupid could he be? Turning before he could embarrass himself further, Tony made a quick beeline to his room and shut the door. He slumped back against it, sliding down to the floor.
Tony avoided Peter as much as he could leading up to the end of the semester, and subsequently, Tony’s birthday. He’d already made the commitment to stay over the summer, and he steeled himself for the awkwardness that would more than likely settle between them. The soft ‘oh’ Peter mumbled that night still played in his mind – his voice just as confused as the rigid posture of his body.
Either way, he needed to find a way to get over it – Peter was the best roommate he ever had, and he still had at least one more year of school to get through. It felt good to finish a semester and he did his best to focus on that instead of the weird ache in his chest. No wonder so many people were so wrecked by the love thing – when it didn’t work out, it hurt like an absolute bitch.
The two weeks before finals and Tony’s birthday followed much of the same pattern – Tony stayed in his room until he couldn’t stop the rumble in his stomach; he did his best to time his ventures into the shared space of the dorm when he thought Peter wouldn’t be there. It was easier to just ignore the situation and hope it past.
His birthday rolled around without much fanfare – he was glad to be 18 and didn’t need the huge party his parents wanted to throw him. They were never about him, anyway. Tony figured he’d spend the day watching the TV in his room and making his way through the couple different cartons of ice cream he put in the freezer the day before.
A knock on the door around 10AM had him muting the TV to answer it, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw Peter on the other side of the door. “Hey. Happy Birthday, Tony,” Peter started, the card in his hand being thrust forward into Tony’s chest without much finesse. The hand he could feel against him shook; Peter obviously nervous for some reason.
“Actually – that’s not why I’m here. I thought maybe you’d be more willing to open the door when there was something to celebrate.” Peter shrugged, his legs crossing in front of him. “Tony, that night – I wasn’t… upset, or anything. About what you said. I was surprised. I didn’t have any idea that you felt like that. It was a shock – I’d been crushing on you for months at that point and there you were, adorably trying to put your arm around me. You were gone before the ability to think started to work again.”
He reached out and traced Tony’s cheekbone with a soft finger, the caress barely there. “I like you, Tony – I want you to like me, too.” The fingers trailed along Tony’s soft skin and into his hair, the entirety of his hand palming the back of his neck when it got there. “And I think you do.”
“I do, Pete. I do. I really, really do.” Tony let both of his hands drift to the bare skin of Peter’s forearm, his fingers gripping the grounding warmth there. “Will you kiss me?” Tony asked the question so sweetly, the blazing in his eyes a sharp contrast
Peter used his lips to answer, the hand on the back of his head pulling Tony close enough to press their lips together. A gasp left Tony’s lips, the touch like an electric shock. In an attempt to keep his feet on the ground, Tony fisted Peter’s shirt in his hands, the move bringing them closer still.
The need for air had them pulling apart, Tony’s eyes opening wide to take in the look on Peter’s face – he figured the loopy smile there mirrored the happiness etched into his own cheeks.
“Want to go out with me, Tony?” Peter mumbled, his face breaking into a beaming smile.
Laughing, Tony used the grip on Peter’s shirt to pull him back in for a chaste kiss, his entire being thrumming with life.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Nancy is fun but she is so sad Buster: The fact that you're calling her fun, even if you retract it, shows me how gone you are Rio: How gone she is Rio: but she's home safe Buster: Well, cheers Buster: We all know she shouldn't drink. Can't like Rio: Not really a case of being good or bad Rio: not when needs must Rio: don't reckon my experience sneaking saved her from your 'rents but doubt they'll kick her whilst she's down, like Buster: They'll get over it Buster: Hardly the first or worst sin Rio: Ain't them I'm worried about tbh Buster: Be weird if you were, like Rio: What else is new Rio: Weirdo Buster: Shhh Rio: You love it Rio: what are you doing Buster: Talking to you now Buster: Telling you to drink some water Rio: I ain't the amateur Buster: Me either Buster: So listen to me Rio: You got anything worth saying tonight? Buster: Depends on what you wanna hear, babe Rio: How you been Buster: Standard Rio: Christ Buster: What do you want me to say? Buster: That I feel like shit? Is that better Rio: Least it's making conversation Rio: was hoping for better but you know take what I can get at this point Buster: Babe Rio: Forget about it Rio: talk to your sister Rio: not now Rio: but do it Buster: So what you're just gonna go back to telling me what to do like you never stopped? Rio: Yeah Rio: and what Rio: I'm right Buster: How are you right? Buster: What the fuck is trying to talk to Nance gonna do? Rio: For starters you can tell her you don't hate her Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Why would I do that? Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: cos that's what she reckons Rio: and i figure you want to put a stop to that no Buster: She doesn't reckon that Rio: Yeah Rio: she does Buster: Shut up Buster: She's just being dramatic. I can't blame her for that one Rio: You did fuck her bully Buster: Behave Buster: They were friends and they fell out and things got out of hand, like Buster: You don't have to join her in being dramatic Rio: Give me strength Rio: this is why you two need to talk Rio: not how it was like, remotely, not for her Buster: Leave it alone Rio: Whatever Buster: Not whatever. It's bullshit and the past and I'm asking you to Rio: Isn't going to make the problem go away Rio: but sure thing Buster: Yeah well it's my problem and she's my sister Buster: Not yours Rio: Yeah well act like it then Buster: What 'cause I'm not mothering and smothering, I ain't Buster: That's your way not the only way Rio: How's yours working for you? Buster: It's none of your business Buster: Act like it Rio: Is when I have to console your sister 'cos of the shit you've done Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: Was she begging you? No Buster: You put yourself in the middle of it 'cause that's where you wanna be Rio: Alright then, I wanted to 'cos I'm not a massive cunt Rio: Don't lash out at me 'cos you're angry at yourself and feeling sorry Buster: You wanted to 'cause anything not to deal with your own shit and how you feel Rio: My shit really ain't no concern of yours Buster: If that's how you want it Rio: Yeah Rio: keep telling yourself this is all how I want it Rio: not how you've got it Buster: It is how you want it though, babe Buster: We're stopped talking 'cause you wanted space and we're talking now 'cause you wanna have a go at me Buster: None of my choice in it Rio: Sure Rio: You're just a blameless angel who deserves none of this Rio: My bad Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I know what I did and if you wanna punish me forever you can, but I'm not gonna pretend that's how I want things to be Rio: Yeah 'cos I'm loving this Buster: I never said you are Buster: But you're doing it Rio: It's a reaction Rio: there's no want about it Rio: it is what it is Rio: deal with it Rio: i'm trying Buster: I'm here, aren't I? Buster: I am dealing with it Rio: Good Rio: I'm glad Buster: You should be 'cause if I wasn't dealing I'd be at your door Rio: that meant to make me feel better Buster: Yeah Rio: Fucking hell Rio: you're so clueless Buster: Fuck that Buster: I am not Rio: You are Rio: completely clueless Buster: I'm not having that Rio: Well I'm out here spitting nothing but truth and wisdom and you ain't having that either Rio: whaddya want me to do boy Buster: You wish, babe Buster: Truth maybe, but hardly life lessons Rio: Please Rio: just 'cos you don't wanna hear it Buster: No I don't Buster: I've got enough bullshit in between my ears without you adding to it Rio: If you fucking talk about it Rio: it'll clear some space Rio: 'nother hot tip Buster: Sure, I'll get Granddad to stick the kettle on so I can pop round and spit some truth at him Buster: Fuck that Rio: Priorities Rio: he's fine without your chat Rio: you know who you gotta chat to pussy Buster: Fuck you Buster: Just drop it Rio: Good luck you trying that approach yourself Buster: Go to bed, Rio Buster: You've done your good deed for the night already Rio: Shut up Rio: I'm not tired you wish Buster: I will if you will Buster: Like you said, it's a reaction Buster: Shut up to shut me up Rio: Nah Buster: Then get new chat Buster: You're wasting your time saying it Rio: idc Rio: slow night Buster: At least you can't blame me for that as well Buster: Wrong twin, like Rio: I told you she's a laugh Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: I get it Rio: she ain't your biggest fan either, like Rio: which was fun, btw, fuck you Buster: Fun you decided to have Buster: I didn't twist your arm Buster: I didn't even know you were out so don't start on me Rio: it ain't a decision how many times Rio: i can't just ignore her when she's hurt like Rio: not got the distance Buster: You don't have to seek it out Buster: Not like you live with her Buster: Or go to school with her either Rio: She's family Rio: don't fool me Buster: So what? Buster: She's stuck with me, I don't have to make it worse for her by showing up and vice versa Rio: Impressive you've got it in you to do worse Buster: Cheers Rio: Very welcome Buster: Are mum and dad there still? Rio: Last I checked, yeah Rio: why Buster: 'Cause you said Nance was home Buster: You know her track record when she's had a few Rio: Yeah, they were there then Rio: she's fine Buster: Alright Rio: Yep, told you, not fooled Rio: leave you to your evening now though Buster: Fine Buster: Drink that water though Rio: Lame Rio: we're going on to another club Rio: or party idk Buster: Don't they have taps that far into the 24? Buster: Still doable Rio: Boring Rio: what can i get you darling Rio: oh a tap water Rio: sexy Buster: like you couldn't make it sexy Buster: come on Buster: try harder, babe Rio: fuck off Rio: need all the help i can get Buster: No you don't Rio: do tonight Buster: I'm not buying it Rio: good thing i ain't trying to get you to buy rn then Buster: Yeah Buster: Sure you'll still be a hit wherever you end up Buster: It's only the 24 after all Rio: Right? Rio: Always got Ryan to hit up when it gets real desperate ay Buster: That's not funny Rio: Neither are you Buster: I'm not trying to be Buster: If you're not fooled I'm not gonna bother playing the fool for you, am I Rio: Just a dick then? Rio: Fun Buster: Complain all you want now but you had your fun with that when it suited you Rio: Heaven forbid anyone ever calls you out on your shit Buster: You've been there and done it Buster: It's the same old shit Buster: Sorry to disappoint but I haven't actually fucked up again yet since we spoke last Rio: Sorry I ain't impressed when you're doing fuck all to sort what you did last Buster: Says you Rio: Sort of given yourself away Rio: even if Nance hadn't told me Rio: but go off Buster: What's a give away is that the only way to sort things between me and her is to leave each other alone Rio: Ignore the problem and hope it goes away Rio: especially if its her who does it right, you can feel left all over again Rio: brilliant Buster: Fuck you Rio: You could do better Rio: you both could Buster: So could everyone Buster: That's life Buster: I'm not gonna pick at wounds until they open up over and over again and pretend I'm fixing things Rio: What happened to the best? Rio: And I need to try harder Buster: You can always do better Buster: Truth and wisdom, babe Rio: You might be clueless but don't act like you're fucking hopeless and helpless too Buster: I ain't Rio: Of course not Buster: You want me to apologize for my high standards now? Rio: What standards? Rio: The ones you hold yourself to or your conquests, either way Rio: hardly aspirational Buster: Hilarious Buster: Well done on keeping it fun, like Rio: Like you said Rio: weren't complaining were you Buster: I'm still not Buster: You're the one dead set on it Rio: That's all you've done this entire conversation don't lie Buster: How do you work that out? Rio: Slow night or not Rio: don't need to sit here and pick out all the best insults Buster: Then don't Rio: Shame for your work to go to waste Rio: but there it is, no doubt i'll remember 'em still though Buster: Good luck with that Buster: All the best, like Rio: Piss off Rio: not above a reread anyway Buster: More fool you Rio: make it easier to keep ignoring you Buster: Like I said, good luck etc Rio: I hate you Buster: Understandable Buster: Stick with Nance, you're in good company there Rio: why don't you care Buster: I do Rio: then fucking show it Buster: I am Rio: if i can't tell Rio: and she can't tell Rio: then it isn't working is it Buster: You can tell Buster: And she doesn't want to Rio: you both just want it on your terms and won't budge an inch Buster: Yeah well Buster: Like you said, it is what it is Rio: For God's sake Rio: Buster Buster: What? Rio: Just.. why is everything fucked Buster: 'Cause of me Buster: It's that simple, like it or not Rio: No Rio: if only Buster: Yes. I fucked it. You didn't and Nance didn't Rio: Nah Rio: She's fancied her, loved her, whatever for years Rio: and same here so Rio: not like we didn't play our parts Rio: and its everyone Rio: all the time Rio: its all fucked Buster: You reckon? Rio: Yeah Buster: Then why bother. With any of it Buster: You still do though Rio: Someone has to Rio: What's the alternative? Rio: Be like Drew Buster: If it's all fucked anyway then why does someone have to? Buster: Why does it have to be you? Buster: It's cause you know it isn't Buster: Not everything and not all the time Rio: Just hoping to get into heaven still Rio: loves a trier, remember Buster: At least when you do you won't have to put up with me any more Buster: Worth it for that, yeah? Rio: Shut up Rio: stupid Buster: Not all the time Rio: Don't say things like that Buster: Like what? Rio: About you being gone Rio: 'less you really want me to have a panic attack in this car, like Buster: Babe Buster: Come on Rio: I mean it Rio: not even jokes Buster: Okay calm down Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Hmm Rio: better be Buster: I don't say things I don't mean, remember Rio: even the horrible things Buster: I mean them when I say them Buster: My anger does Buster: but Rio: Yeah Rio: it's alright Rio: least you're honest Buster: It's not really alright Buster: But bit late to try and change my ways now, like Rio: Dramatic Rio: not even 18 Rio: you won't be this twat for life, babe Rio: don't worry Buster: You've met my parents Buster: You can't say that with any certainty Rio: Rude Rio: and maybe they were even worse before Rio: shock horror Buster: Now that's funny Buster: I knew you were capable Buster: Sometimes Rio: Just gotta stop taking yourself so serious, McKenna Rio: trust Buster: Says you Buster: I saw your snaps, serious business trying to straighten my sister out Rio: 😂 Rio: there goes my conversion camp idea Buster: I don't reckon she'll be your poster child, nah Buster: But don't give up Buster: Plenty of gays in Dublin Rio: Spread the good word Rio: thank god we've left the gay club Rio: that's a bit brazen, even for me Buster: 😂 Buster: Your t-shirt slogan taking on a homophobic meaning like Buster: Even me, massive hero I always am, would struggle to save you there Rio: 😏 Catch me getting disowned forreal for that one Buster: Same Rio: Hoping you wouldn't see that snap though Rio: spot on with try harder but like 😬 Buster: Shut up Buster: You know you look good Rio: Ha Rio: only got Nance's skills with the 📷 to thank for that then Buster: Bullshit Buster: You look beautiful like always Rio: Now you can go to bed Rio: Your gentlemanly act outta the way too Buster: shh Buster: I'm being real Rio: Shh Buster: I don't want to Rio: If it's any consolation, I don't want you to either Buster: Rio Rio: Buster Buster: You should go Rio: Right Rio: 'course Buster: Go have fun now you've ditched my boring sister, like Rio: Idiot Buster: I'm serious Buster: Lightweight and dead weight on a night out Rio: Want me to do you the favour of pretending you've got a clue? Buster: Don't do me any Rio: Yeah right Rio: If I was really in the business of doing you favours, I wouldn't be replying so Buster: And I'm the one who hasn't got a clue, yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: Getting tragic, honestly Buster: Fuck off, honestly Rio: See? Rio: You want it so bad Buster: Shut up Rio: Make me Buster: You wish Rio: 'Course Buster: Get a clue, kid Rio: Ain't sharing with you if I do Buster: Very mature and polite Rio: Never too late to change, babe Buster: If you say so Buster: Still a know it all, obviously Buster: That ain't changing any time soon then? Rio: Can't unknow shit Rio: Better or worse, like Buster: Good Buster: Pretty shit being clueless, not that I'd know, like Rio: You reckon? Rio: Ignorance is bliss, supposedly Buster: I don't buy it Buster: Happiness is expensive and how many idiots do you know with plenty of cash Rio: Can name a few, honestly Rio: but that's pure 🍀 Buster: Exactly Buster: And they know it so not so stupid, at least not entirely Rio: Would be the first time you've been on his side Buster: What? Rio: Talking about Drew, obviously Rio: he's made quite the life out of being an idiot Buster: Firstly, I thought you loved him again now Buster: and secondly, not that much of an idiot given he's still standing Buster: It's everyone else who gets hurt not him Buster: Some would call that a smart move Rio: Can still think, fuck it, KNOW, he's dumb Rio: people who don't know how sad and fucked up he is, maybe Buster: Yeah Buster: So most people, 'cause who's in his inner circle Buster: Nobody Rio: And why would you care what they think if they ain't even good enough to be in your circle? Rio: Irrelevant Buster: Exactly Rio: Are we agreeing now or what? Rio: I don't think that's allowed Buster: No takebacks Rio: Wow, coming for my gig being childish too Buster: It's a time for firsts, obviously Rio: Hmm Rio: Don't know if that's a bad or good thing Buster: Well, since we were being childish I was gonna ask if you wanna play truth or dare but fine Buster: It's a no from you Rio: Nuuh Rio: I wanna play Buster: Alright Buster: Truth or dare, babe? Rio: Truth Buster: Are you gonna drink your water or not? Buster: I'm invested here Rio: 😂 Rio: 'Course, this skin routine's worth shit if I don't get my 8 glasses Buster: Well that's a relief Buster: I'll be able to sleep easy tonight now Rio: You're ridiculous but it's your turn Buster: So ask me Rio: Truth or dare? Buster: Dare obviously Buster: Not an amateur Rio: Neither am I, for the record Rio: Hmm Buster: 'Course not, babe Buster: Such a pro Rio: I dare you to talk to your sister Buster: Seriously? Rio: Yeah, deadly, like Buster: Fine Buster: [sends a pic of the text so she knows he sent it] Rio: 👍 Rio: Impressive Buster: Don't act like I ain't always Buster: Which one do you want then? Rio: I'm picking dare so I don't have to confirm or deny the above Buster: Where are you first before I decide Rio: It was a house party in the end Buster: I dare you to go up to someone and tell them how you feel about me Rio: I don't know how you want me to document that bar sending you a picture of their utter confusion and horror but Rio: okay Buster: You'll figure it out Rio: [Sends video of random saying hi Buster] Rio: There Buster: For that you'll get a truth from me Rio: Okay Rio: Are you having a good night? Buster: I wasn't but now I am Rio: Good Rio: Truth me Buster: Why did you really go out tonight? Rio: Was a lot to cheer Nancy up, and she asked so, couldn't say no Rio: but being able to get wasted and not be alone is an obvious bonus Buster: Babe you're not alone Rio: A bit Rio: feels like it in comparison anyway, yeah? Buster: You don't have to be wasted to talk to me Buster: You know that, yeah? Buster: I'm still here for you, whatever Rio: At least I have an excuse then Rio: rather than just wanting to Buster: You never need an excuse with me Buster: You're not the one who did anything wrong Rio: But I'm doing it all wrong if I just forgive you, aren't I Buster: If it feels wrong to you, yeah Buster: But if not, I always wanna talk to you Rio: It feels wrong not talking to you Buster: Then talk to me Buster: Even if all you wanna say is something annoying Rio: Ha Rio: You've got that covered, babe Buster: Rude Buster: I was gonna say give me another truth but if you don't wanna hear it Rio: Okay okay Rio: one last one 'cos everyone's getting annoyed with me Rio: Do you still want to be with me? Buster: Yeah Buster: It's all I want Rio: Okay Rio: Now I know Buster: Did you honestly not know that I'd get on a plane in a second if you told me that's what you wanted? Rio: Hey, I didn't pick Buster: I know but you have to know that, Rio Rio: I do Rio: but I know you've got to focus so I can't tell you that Rio: it wouldn't be fair Buster: No it wouldn't be fair 'cause I'm sober and you're not Buster: And if I did come and see you I wouldn't want you to feel bad about it Rio: Babe Buster: Just tell me you want me tomorrow if you still do Rio: I will Rio: don't think I don't if I don't, alright? Buster: It's like you always said, I won't hold you to shit you say right now Buster: Except the truths, of course Rio: I said some mean things didn't I Buster: It doesn't matter Rio: It does Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Don't Buster: I've said and done worse to you Rio: Doesn't mean I get a free pass to do the same Rio: or does it 'cos might need to cash that in I can feel the regret already Buster: I think it means exactly that Buster: At least Rio: Good stuff Rio: I don't wanna go Buster: You can stay Rio: What you gonna stay with me 'til I fall asleep like before Buster: Yeah Buster: If you want me to Rio: I really do Buster: Tell me when you're home Buster: I'll call you Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too
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