#anyway i just love how tumblr plays with superiority complexes like dolls
echthr0s · 5 months
oh so today's arbitrary marker of being a good person is *checks notes* having worked retail and/or food service, yes, I see
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toralyzer · 7 years
apparently there was this series of personal writing prompts for autism acceptance month that i missed, but i decided to do them all now cause i like talking about myself. http://doingcollegedisabled.tumblr.com/post/159842938764/30-days-of-autism-acceptance
Day 1.     Make yourself known.
I’m Amanda I’m 19! I was professionally diagnosed at a young age but by the time they told me I already long since knew I was weird.
Day 2.     Talk about passing and/or being out.
I’d be open about it I think but it hasn’t come up many times. I guess I did work really hard growing up to be able to pass as allistic though. Oh... I’m not sure if that’s ever caused burnout!
Day 3.     Talk about relationships, both platonic and romantic. 
Yeah as a kid I had a hard time making friends but now I’m a lot better at being sociable - in the allistic way I guess. But now lots of my friends are proudly autistic anyway!
Day 4.     Talk about your family and support. 
I think my family was fine about it. Unless in fact my trauma comes from them dealing with my autism badly. It’s unknown.
Day 5.     Talk about employment and your career. 
Yeah I gotta get one of those...
Day 6.     Talk about music, art, writing, and other forms of creativity. 
Yeah I do that stuff! I’m really creative. Sometimes I think about autistic themes but I don’t think I know what they would be, I think I have too many bad depictions internalized. Sometime I wanna do something with the changeling comparison though...
Day 7.     Talk about community. 
I guess I’m really not out as autistic anywhere ‘cause I pass well. So idk. And I’m not in any communities of autistic people.
Day 8.     Talk about traditional media. 
I think as a kid, media depictions gave me this horrible sense of condescending superiority toward myself and added to my complexes of not listening to my feelings. It’s like, you get these books that put you outside the autistic kid to laugh at his misunderstanding things, and I think then I felt like any sincere expression of my own feelings and thoughts was an immature misunderstanding and worthy of shame.
Day 9.     Talk about Autism Speaks.
Ya, fuck them.
And/or  Talk about special interests.
Damn I’m not sure if I’ve had a special interest lately? I guess some things I’ve been constantly thinking about lately are, um, Sports Anime RPG and my Zimmy fanfic. Okay so Sports Anime RPG is a roleplaying game I’m making based on sports animes even though I haven’t actually seen many but I thought it was a cool idea. It’s split into two sections, one is for the sports games and you can swap out different rulesets for different sports, and in general it’s focused on strategy and mechanics, similar to traditional RPG battles. The other is more freeform roleplay for the story outside sports matches, with light skill checks that are mostly social-based. And there are friendship mechanics where you can build friendships with other characters and get friendship abilities that you can use in either mode! And then the Zimmy story is this fanfiction idea that I always come back to when I feel really fucked up in my head - the premise is basically to throw together all the most viscerally upsetting surreal gore and horror set pieces I can think of, in the context of Zimmy from Gunnerkrigg Court’s reality warping getting set off bad. I’m a little frustrated because I can’t figure out how to express how much I love Zimmy and want to save her but also address how abusive she is.
Day 10. Talk about a cure. 
It’s a divergence not an illness so it wouldn’t be a cure so much as just mental modification. And no that would be really evil for other people to be able to make us allistic
And/Or  Talk about stimming. 
Yeah I like stim toys sometimes. I have a bracelet of rainbow stars and a thing of rainbow blocks you can put in different shapes and a fidget cube. I think a bigger thing for me though is that if I’m listening to a podcast or so I need to play a video game that uses my hands but not my listening brain. When I do that it can be the most fulfilling and engaging activity ever. Watching video fills my attention too much to do a simultaneous activity but not enough to keep me from being distracted so it’s not as easy for me.
Day 11. Talk about sensory issues. 
When I was a kid I only wore shorts all the time. Now I’m hugely self-conscious about it and I’ll never wear male shorts again. Yeah, I guess there are various sensory things I have a problem with... It’s not too intrusive to my life though.
Day 12. Talk about ableism. 
I don’t think I’ve got any stories here. I’ve never been targeted directly.
Day 13. Talk about something funny. 
“Has anything humorous or ironic ever happened to you because you were autistic?“ Haha probably not anything I’d want to joke about!
Day 14. Talk about role models. 
Uhhhh I’m not sure I know any autistic role models. Sometimes there are tumblr users who are vocally autistic who seem cool. Role models in general? I was saying the other day, I used to have a list of people I wanted to be like, but several of them have since become my enemies, so. Yeah, I think every celebrity disappoints you eventually. The last person about whom I thought “well, at least so far, this person seems really good and kind and a cool artistic inspiration” was... Rebecca Sugar.
Day 15. Talk about identity. 
I was diagnosed with aspergers but later I learned that’s just a subset of autism now. I like autistic better.
Day 16. Talk about treatment. 
I haven’t done any that I can really remember. I should go to therapy though. Like in general.
Day 17. Talk about empathy. 
I guess usually I have more sympathy than empathy for people? But sometimes when my girlfriend does a kind of cutesy sad voice as a joke I get some kind of weird hyper empathy and get really sad.
Day 18. Talk about functioning labels. 
I hear those are bad. I would probably be on the higher functioning side but yeah, those seem like a bad idea because they describe how well society is ready to engage with us as if it was our own success or failure.
Day 19. Talk about your struggles and strengths. 
I don’t really know which of those are because of autism or not and I’m self-conscious about finding out because I spent so long trying to learn to be “normal”. On the other hand sometimes it feels like it’ll turn out that autistic traits just account for my whole personality.
Day 20. Talk about communication. 
I’m verbal, sometimes I like when I can communicate in other ways though, like when I can get something across with quick hand signs.
Day 21. Talk about comorbid conditions.
Well I’m not sure about any of those and I don’t think I’ll speculate here to make sure I don’t appropriate anything.
Day 22. Talk about autism parents. 
Wow fuck them! Yeah I was just reading about #BoycottToSiri. People who abuse their kids because they can’t fathom trying to interact and listen to them to understand what they really need and instead go to great lengths to train them like animals into simulating “normality” should die.
Day 23. Talk about your living situation. 
I have a roommate who I know enjoys being able to stay in their room without ever encountering a single allistic or cis person. ^u^
Day 24. Talk about the stereotypes and misconceptions that neurotypicals and allistics have. 
Luckily I haven’t encountered it much in person but I know people see us as a young boy with a slightly distant expression with a single savant skill but also enough tragic disconnection from the rest of humanity that they can safely feel intellectually superior. Wow now that I think about this it’s actually this really unique way of viewing a person where they feel that the stereotypical expression shows that this child doesn’t really exist outside of his mysterious, unknowable brain and therefore all of his personal space and bodily autonomy is up for grabs. It’s really unsettling how autistic bodies in media are dehumanized into dolls because the portrayer is so obsessed with emphasizing this perceived unbreachable distance between the subject and the human observers.
Day 25. Talk about meltdowns/shutdowns. 
Kinda had one earlier because academic research is so frustrating. I think work pressure like that is the usual cause, other than social overload.
Day 26. Talk about echolalia and scripting. 
Yeah I don’t use really specific scripts for most things now, but when it comes to formal things like phone calls I do really need to work out my full sentence before I start.
Day 27. Talk about eye-contact. 
I think I’m pretty okay with eye contact? I don’t think I give people the wrong signals? This always makes me self-conscious X(
Day 28. Talk about autism as a disability.
It’s not a disability ‘cause it’s just different, right? Or are there aspects that strictly make things harder? I don’t really know...
Day 29. Talk about executive functioning.
Day 30. Talk with pride. 
“Are you proud to be autistic?” Yeah definitely!!! “How do you show the world your pride?” Oh. Hm...
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