#anyway i just think marinette would calm down if she listen to some my chemical romance and wrote some srupid fanfics on quotev or wattpad
strawberryking · 2 years
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Either i have created a grave sin in making this or the universe personally guided my hand. Not sure which. Maybe both
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dandelionflower · 5 years
Felix Month
Day 5: First aid.
Felix got injured. This wasn’t a new occurrence, as he had taken multiple hits meant for Ladybug since he had accepted his duty as Chat Errant and as Marinette’s guardian. This time, however, was different. He wasn’t in costume.
It had started with getting hit in a game of dodgeball, something he normally excelled at. Then he almost got run over when going to Marinette’s for lunch.
He spent the entire day nearly avoiding death or broken bones. He flopped onto his bed, Plagg flying out of his bag. “Plagg, what’s happening?”
“Well… it’s the week of Friday the thirteenth, so your luck will be really bad. Black cat and all. Knowing your Ladybug is helping you a lot, a few of my kittens have broken bones on these weeks.”
“So, what do I do?”
“Not die, for a start. I can help as much as I can, and the more time you spend with your Ladybug will keep you from dying. But you need to do one extra thing…”
“Take care of Adrien, he had the black cat so there might still be some effects.” Plagg’s ears drooped slightly at the mention of his former holder.
“Fine, but the minute he gets all high and mighty, I’ll use him as a human shield.”
Adrien went nearly two days without injury. Felix went three, he walked Marinette to and from school, which had a positive effect on his experiences.
Then, on the fourth day, Marinette was sick. With no Ladybug to lessen the effects of Friday the thirteenth on Adrien and Felix, there was a situation which landed them in the nurses office. Kim had tried to impress Chloe in science by mixing random chemicals in no particular order. Felix had tried to stop him and Adrien was his lab partner. Needless to say, not even Plagg could have caused more damage.
“Huh, this is odd, your wounds don’t seem to be healing. I’ll go get some better salve.” The nurse left, likely to check the internet.
“Plagg,” Felix whispered into his bag, “what’s going on?”
“Wait, Plagg?” Adrien’s head snapped up. “You’re Chat Errant?”
“Yes, and you’re Chat Noir.” Felix snapped, not ready for the sunshine boy’s ignorance. “Now Plagg, what’s happening?”
“You haven’t been around Ladybug enough, her protection is waning. I’ll get Tikki, she’s great at magical first aid.” He zoomed off, going straight through the wall.
“So you’re the one who took my miraculous.” Adrien crossed his arms, a cold look on his face.
“No, I’m the one who got your miraculous, this guardian was likely the one who took it.”
“Well, I don’t care who took it, I want it back.” He held out his hand for the miraculous. “My lady surely misses me.”
“Whether or not she misses you isn’t the question, you’re not worthy of it anymore, you abused your privilege, so you lost it.” Felix couldn’t believe the audacity of the sunny haired boy.
“You can’t keep me from my lady! We’re soulmates!”
“If that we’re true, you would have respected her more, let her have her own say. But you didn’t, so you lost the miraculous. I got it.”
“But, but, my lady…”
“‘Your Lady’ needed someone to respect her as a teammate, not a potential girlfriend.”
“You can’t take her from me, we’re made for each other. If you try I’ll, I’ll…”
“You’ll do what?”
“I’ll take Marinette from you,” he smirked, “you take my Lady, I’ll take Marinette.”
You fool, Marinette and your so-called lady are one and the same. You call her your lady but she’s not just a lady; she’s an angel. She’s sweet and caring in class, willing to give up anything. As a hero, she’s a force to be reckoned with, powerful and determined. She’s an angel in every way, a celestial goddess. Felix fumed.
Adrien took his silence as fear, and smiled wider. “I’ll do it, you take my crush, I’ll take yours.”
“Fine, do it.” Felix muttered. “She’s her own person, if she doesn’t choose me, that’s how she feels and I can’t change that. But even if she does, I’ll still be the black cat, and I’ll still be a better one than you.”
Adrien looked like he was about to leap onto Felix, when Tikki and Plagg came in. “Hi boys! I’m here to fix you both up.” She lightly touched her paws to Felix’s head, tapping and rubbing it whilst humming a little tune. She moved onto Adrien, who had been glaring at Felix the entire time. Felix gave Adrien a grin, letting him know that his opinion and plans weren’t going to shake him or make him give up his miraculous.
“Alright, that’s the best first aid I can do. See you, Plagg.”
“Bye, Surgarcube!”
As soon as Tikki had left, the nurse returned. “Ok, I think I know what to do… oh! You’re fine now, I guess you can go back to class.”
“Thank you, miss.”
“Now, as you know, Marinette isn’t here today. Who would like to bring her the work to her.”
Adrien’s hand jolted up, as Felix rose with his usual patience. Alya was ecstatic, Nino was starteled and Lila was fuming.
“Well, I saw Adrien’s hand first, so you can take Marinette’s work to her.”
Adrien beamed, shooting a triumphant glare at Felix. Felix rolled his eyes. Is everything a competition with him?
Later, after Felix had finished all his homework, his phone buzzed.
Nette 🌺: Hey can you come over? I need help with the homework. Not contagious btw.
Fe 😾: On my way
The minute he arrived, he knew Marinette was a mess. She kept turning and turning. Tikki flew up to him eyes wide, “I don’t know what happened! You need to help!”
“Marinette.” She wasn’t listening. “Nette. Marinette. Netta!”
“Felix.” She gasped. “Adrien. Homework. Flirt. Confused.”
“Marinette, take deep breaths.” He watched as she slowly calmed down. “Now, what exactly happened?”
“Adrien came with my work, said he’d explain it to me. It was like he was flirting the whole time, though. I didn’t stutter at all. I’m really confused, I still don’t know what to do on the worksheet.”
“I can help with the worksheet. As for Adrien, it’s possible that you’re becoming more comfortable around him. You are friends, after all.”
“I’m not so sure about that anymore…” Marinette whispered, eyes trained on her feet.
“I mean, he values Lila’s feelings over mine, said he was in my corner and just hung me out to dry. She threatened me in the bathroom and I’m not allowed to say anything. And the rest of the class never believed me when I said she was lying. Just a simple fact check would do. I know Jagged Stone! But the minute someone new comes along with a better story, I’m forgotten.” She was weeping now, falling on her knees.
“Nette…” Felix couldn’t believe this. Marinette was the most loyal person he had ever met, almost to the point of foolishness.
“And the worst part? I can’t even get upset about it! They’d say I’m overreacting. Or I’d get akumatized, not that that matters, as long as Lila doesn’t. She threatened me in the bathroom and I almost got akumatized, but could I say anything? No, I might get her akumatized and that doesn’t solve anything.”
Felix stayed silent as she raged, only speaking when she had finished. “Marinette, I’m not going to be much help with this crisis, except for meditation and calming techniques, but I’ll help you with homework and lend you a shoulder.”
“Okay…” her voice wavered as she walked up the stairs.
Tikki flew up again. “Thank you.”
Felix gave a weak smile. “You’ll talk to her?” At her nod, he continued. “I need you to do me a favor, give her the idea that she might not have a crush on Adrien anymore.”
“Okay, anything for my Scymnus.” She grinned.
“Thank you, Tikki.” He sighed. “I would give up anything that Adrien and I never needed first aid, and Marinette was spared this trouble.”
“Good thing you’re her black cat, then.”
He smiled fondly. “I suppose so.”
He heard the footsteps of Marinette coming down and saw Tikki zip off to a hiding place, Plagg close behind. He saw Marinette offer a tiny smile and he gave one in return. He would help his angel, his Netta, in anyway he could, even if it was merely with homework.
(He did allow himself a moment of triumph at the fact that Adrien’s attempt to “steal” Marinette failed miserably.)
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