#anyway i masked in my car. 1+ hr drive home
999-roses · 10 months
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record-on-the-shelf · 4 years
Being a Starbucks Barista During COVID-19
So…I’m a Starbucks barista that decided to go back to work. For those of you who don’t know, Starbucks gave their employees the option of whether they wanted to go back to work or not. We get paid our average hours through May 3 regardless of what we decide. I’ve been with the company for over 2 years now and have never taken a vacation. So of course I took advantage of taking a week off and getting paid to do that. Being who I am, I lasted only 1 week before I got stir crazy and wanted to go back to work. There were also some good incentives to go back to work such as our usual free drink/food and coffee bean mark-outs, but we also get an extra $3/hr, 50% discount and tips. The tips definitely make it worth it (I went from getting $20 to $120 every week!!). Anyways, I got some insight for you on what it is like to work during COVID-19 as a Starbucks barista.
Company-wide: Cafe stores are closed, hours have changed, drive thru and grab-and-go only. Most stores in each district are closed. The amount of stores that are open are dependent on the amount of employees willing to work. We, the employees, are not to blame for stores not being open close to hospitals. The stores are determined based on if they have drive thrus and if they have enough space to accommodate grab-and-go pickup. 
My store: We are only open 7-2 because our district thought it was best to have 2 stores open instead of 1 to alleviate the line a bit. Our line begins forming 30 mins to open and continues being busy until we cut off the line 30 mins to close. Sometimes, the line gets out of hand and wraps onto the main road in front of our building. We have had the cops come and redirect the traffic because it gets bad at times. Typically our line is 30+ cars long and it takes us anywhere from 30-50 mins to get through the line depending on how large the orders are and who is actually making the drinks. People make the decision to get in line despite knowing it will take awhile.
At my store in particular, we get quite a few bad, rude and/or entitled customers.
“Since I can’t come inside to enjoy my drink, can I get 2 free coffees that Starbucks is offering?” Umm..what now? We are in a pandemic and we are not giving you free coffees because of the mild inconvenience. On top of that, the offer is for front-line health care workers to get a free tall hot/iced coffee. The coffee isn’t for bored soccer moms with nothing else to do...
“This line is ridiculous!! You need to get employees that can actually do their jobs.” Sorry you feel that way. We have been trying our best. Taking it out on the employees is not going to solve the problem. On top of that, we don’t have enough employees. If you want the store to remain open, you have to deal with the line. Plus we didn’t hold you at gunpoint to get in line. The only way to make the line shorter is for customers to obey the stay at home order.
“You need to open more stores.” Sorry, we don’t have enough employees. (I had to repeat this at least 3 times per person because they weren’t grasping the concept of work being voluntary.)
My manager and I went out to cut off the line because we were about to close and a woman tried cutting in front of 10 cars to make sure she could still get a drink. I told her that the line goes back behind her, that she was cutting the line, and that we were not taking any more customers. She ignored me, sped to the back of the line where my manger was and lied to her saying that I told her that she could get in line. My manger, not wanting to deal with it, told her that I 100% didn’t say that but let her in anyways to avoid any more lies and yelling.
Customers have attempted to bribe the barista stopping the line to let them in. 
Several customers have ran over our sign with our hours that blocks the drive thru when we close. They think that by getting into the drive thru lane automatically means we have to serve them. Sorry, that is not the case.
One customer yanked and banged on the front door after we closed. Keep in mind, we have 4 signs on our door and I wrote our hours largely on the windows too. He proceeded to look confused, walked around to the side of our building to the drive thru window and started banging there too. If he didn’t leave, we were going to call the cops. Thank goodness it didn’t have to come to that. Our store has made too many calls to the police this past year.
“You guys always run out of food.” We order as much food as we can that makes sense. We have donated so much food to Salvation Army at the end of each day. Trust me, we only run out of popular food and that happens maybe an hour to close. If you come late, there’s a good chance that the food item you want will be gone. 
Customers will crowd around the front door and attempt to drink on the patio. We have to continuously go outside to tell customers to stay 6ft apart and that they have to enjoy their drinks in their car and not by the door.
A lot of young teens come through the drive thru and then park in the lot to spend time with each other. 9 times out of 10, they don’t practice social distancing. Since they are on our property, we can get in trouble too so we try to shut it down as much as we can.
I also spend a lot of time online when I am not at work. I’ve looked on reddit, tumblr, twitter, facebook and the news to see what customer concerns were.
One customer was mad that they could no longer access the free internet we provide. Saying that we “needlessly closed the cafes.” Sir, we are not purposely attacking you. We have to think about our safety as well as yours. If you need internet, several grocery stores have free internet. You can sit in the parking lot and still access it in most cases. 
“Starbucks is not an essential business and shouldn’t be open.” I generally agree with you. However, the amount of healthcare workers that come through and show us immense amount of gratitude makes it worth it. We are meant to be open to serve them. Sadly, we get more people that are meant to stay home, coming in. They make the line too long where some essential workers don’t have time to sit and wait.
Customers have been complaining on reddit that we have been rude. I can’t speak for other stores, but mine has tried to remain positive and friendly. Keep in mind that we are scared and worried just like you. We can only hold back our fear from turning negative for so long. We deal with customers not following social distancing and the stay at home order coming in. They can be mean and downright disrespectful at times. We wish that we could refuse service but we need to keep in mind our policies. Overall, we are stressed to the very limit while working. All stores are. Lines are too long, some cars have families who order 6 custom drinks that take extra time. Then mobile/delivery orders come through with up to 20 drink orders at a time. 
However, there are some pretty great times too.
Customers bring in their dogs to get pup cups. I take pictures of course! They brighten up our day so much.
Customers are generous with tips. We may have tipped the scale a bit by putting two tip jars out with a yes or no questions attached to them. We have done simple questions too like “do you like cats or dogs?” or our best question was “Did Carol Baskin kill her husband?” We have fun with it and so do our customers.
We get customers that are extremely funny or pleasant to talk to while we make their drinks.
We get to meet employees from all around and make new friends. 
We have the honor of serving our front-line workers.
If you decide to come to Starbucks:
Make sure you have time to wait in line.
If you don’t have 30+ mins, mobile order and come to the front door. Please give us at least 5-10 mins if you can.
Pay with card or phone to prevent cash handling. Every time we handle cash, that person has to go to the back room and wash their hands. Save everyone’s time by doing that.
Wear a mask. The CDC recommends it and it gives us more peace of mind.
Don’t touch our hands when we hand you your items. Again, we have to wash our hands, which wastes precious time. 
Only front-line workers get to take advantage of the free drink promotion. 
Have backup food/drink items in mind! Due to the increased volume of orders, we run out quickly. We don’t want you to waste time in line if we don’t have the specific item you want. It sucks waiting so long and to not get anything at all. 
Don’t try to be funny and fake cough. It makes us freak out.Don’t be that person.
Don’t smoke cigarettes in our drive thru. Some of us have allergic reactions to the secondhand smoke. We have told people before. Most don’t listen. We have, in the past, shut the window and refused to serve them until they put it out. We hate doing that but we are not putting our employees in harms way just so you can have a quick high. Wait until you leave our drive thru please and thank you.
Be aware of our hours. Don’t get mad when we stop letting new cars come through. 
Please refrain from ordering at the window. It messes up the groove of the people making drinks. It makes the line stop longer than it needs to. 
Let us know if the food item you want needs to be warmed. Some items come warmed automatically while others don’t. If you come to the window, take your items and then tell us you wanted it warmed up, we have to throw the item away and get you a new one. Don’t waste food. 
Same goes for drinks. Let us know if you wanted it hot or iced, what size and if there needs to be sweetener. The drinks all have their own presets. If you don’t tell us, don’t get mad when we make it to the preset. It is up to you to order correctly. Side note: if you think you are going to pull off the TikTok hack where you purposely order a grande and get to the window and say otherwise, you are mistaken. You WILL NOT get the extra drink for free nor will you get away with not paying for the size up-charge. It has happened way too many times and we are over it.
Tip your barista? We don’t have to be here, but we are. Most of us rely on tips to pay our bills. Some of us got laid off from our second jobs. Some of us have partners that got laid off and need as much extra income as possible. 
In general, be nice. It makes everyone’s day better if you do. We get nasty customers and having great ones help make the day not suck. Trust me when I say that being called a c**t, a b***h, a w***e, etc. for just doing my job to the best of my ability sucks. It makes you not want to come to work anymore. Plus I believe in karma. 
That’s all for now folks! Message me back stories if you are also a barista, I would love to hear how your store is doing. I will block and report trolls so don’t do it. I may update this post or make a part 2 if I have more stories. Let me know if you want to see the dog photos? Umm I think that’s it?
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Jihoon Office AUP2
And heres Part 2...
Genre: Romance/Fluff/Angst
Plot: You and Seungcheol have been best friends forever and as a favor, you agree to be temporary assistant of the one Lee Jihoon.
Words: 3528
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
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Jihoon and Wonwoo paced outside the hospital room as the doctors checked up on you. They had been told that you suffered a few cuts and scrapes to your arms and legs as well as a bruised cheek from the hit. The big thing was that when you fell, you hit your head really hard so you were currently unconscious. 
The suspect had been apprehended and  was now in police custody thanks to Wonwoo while Jihoon went with you in the ambulance. 
“Jihoon” Wonwoo said as the younger one stopped pacing and looked at the older one. 
“Did you...call Seungcheol yet?” 
Jihoon facepalmed, “Shit,” he muttered before taking out his cellphone.
“Jihoon?” Seungcheol’s tired voice could be heard over the phone. 
‘Double shit’ Jihoon thought to himself as he looked at the clock, no wonder...it was already 3am.
 “Seungcheol…I’m sorry to bother you so late but...”  he started hesitantly, “It’s about Y/N….” he slowly explained what had happened in the last few hours and how you were currently in the hospital being checked over. 
Seungcheol didn’t even respond, he just hung up the line and fifteen minutes later, he, Jeonghan and Joshua were running down the hall. As Seungcheol went to the front desk to see what he could find out what was wrong with you, Jeonghan and Joshua approached Jihoon and Wonwoo who were sitting in the waiting area. 
“What happened?” was the first thing that left Jeonghans mouth.
“Seungcheol didn’t tell you guys?” Jihoon asked as the two shook their heads. 
“He only called me to ask to drive him to the hospital and we got Jeonghan on the way, he only said it was about Y/N but that was it.” Joshua said looking between Wonwoo and Jihoon. “So as Jeonghan asked, what’s going on?” 
Jihoon bowed his head, that meant that Seungcheol was that shaken up that he knew he wouldn’t be able to drive which wasn’t normal since it was rare to see Seungcheol without his car.
“Y/N was attacked.” Wonwoo started. “I was walking home when I heard a scream so I went to see what was going on, by the time I got there, Jihoon was beating someone up and Y/N was on the ground.” 
Jeonghan and Joshua then turned to Jihoon who started explaining. 
“I was near my apartment when I heard a scream in a different direction that sounded like Y/N’s so I started walking in that direction…then I heard her scream again and I started running and I got to an alleyway, Y/N was pinned against a wall..” 
Jeonghan gasped as Joshua continued to listen.
“The guy said somethings to her, like” Jihoon started imitating the guys voice, “Seungcheol isn’t here to protect you now. Then he slapped her, the moment he hit her, I ran towards them with a stick and started hitting him. I didn’t realize Wonwoo was there until we stopped hitting him” Jihoon looked down at his hands that were bruised.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had actually hit something or in this case, someone. He was a relatively calm person and was one to sort conflicts with his words but seeing that man touch and hit you had made his blood boil so much that he couldn’t control himself.
“What did the guy look like?” Seungcheol asked, joining the group, his body visibly shaking. 
Jihoon described what he saw but that didn’t help Seungcheol. He would have to wait till you woke up to know for sure.
Soon, the doctor came out of your room and took his mask off. 
“For Y/N?” he asked as the five men stood up.
Seungcheol stepped forward, “What’s going on with Y/N?” 
The doctor sighed, “We’ve conducted a standard exam and found various bruises and lacerations to her body, she hit her head and was kicked in the abdomen as well. We found some scarring from a previous operation so there is a chance that the scar tissue could tear which could cause major internal bleeding-”
Everyone gasped as the doctor continued.
“In the meantime, we’ve taken her to run some tests and have some scans done to ensure that her head has no fractures and that the scar tissue wasn’t affected. Once she’s done, we’ll be moving her to a different room where we’ll be keeping her overnight for observation. A nurse will come get you once she’s all set.” he nodded as everyone thanked the doctor before he walked off. 
Seungcheol’s legs gave way and collapsed in the closest chair, resting his head in his hands. He couldn’t believe this was happening. You had literally been back for two weeks and you had already gotten yourself into trouble.  He knew that he should’ve kept better tabs on you after you left but you didn’t know that they were going to find out once you got back to Korea.
“Cheol…” Wonwoo said worriedly. None of the managers had ever seen Seungcheol this emotional before. He was known to be strong willed and quick to think on his feet so it was unusual for them to see him in this state.
The group sat in silence, watching Seungcheol warily as they waited for the nurse to come get them. One by one, dozing off in their respectful chairs.
The nurse who came to get them thirty minutes later was surprised to see such good looking men waiting for the one trauma patient they had that night. Quietly clearing her throat, Jihoon was the first to wake. 
“Sorry to wake you” the nurse said smiling apologetically, “Are you here for Y/N?” 
Jihoon nodded his head, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes causing the nurse to inwardly squirm at how cute he was. 
“Can we see her yet?” He asked, sleep evident in his voice.
The nurse nodded her head, “We’re in the process of moving her to an inpatient room. Why don’t you wake your friends up and head to room 1331? It’s going to be on the 3rd floor.” 
Jihoon nodded his head thanking the nurse before proceeding to wake up the four other men.
They made their way to your room with heavy hearts. Though most of them had just met you earlier that week, they all recognized that you fit in just fine with the group and all had somewhat grown a slight attachment to you. Seungcheol, Joshua and Jihoon’s being the strongest.  
Since highschool, Seungcheol had always looked out for you, be it from bullies or any potential suitors he did not approve of. Both sets of your parents were close so in turn, he looked at you like the younger sister he never had.
You and Joshua had managed to catch up over coffee and lunch that week and found out that you two had associated in the same circles in college, with many of your friends being mutual which blew you away. You two had a lot in common and it was really easy being friends with him, which made you wonder why you never got to know him in the first place.
Jihoon on the other hand was taking it hard because he had been there and was so angry at himself when he didn’t listen to his mind and offer to walk you home. He knew that the two of you lived close to one another since you two often saw each other leaving your respective buildings in the morning. He didn’t want to admit it, but as the week wore on and you constantly making sure that he was eating, he had developed a slight attraction towards you.
You and Jeonghan bonded over gossip, not that you two were big ones, but the two of you would share what you had heard that day in the break room from the girls in marketing and HR. Wonwoo had grown fond of you as well since the two of you shared a love for books, you even telling Wonwoo that your book collection might be bigger than his which he didn’t believe till he saw it for himself.
The five now stood in front of your door, unsure who should open it. Everyone looked at Seungcheol who was looking extremely stressed out though he told the guys nothing. It was Joshua who had reached forward for the door knob but before he could open it, the door opened revealing the same nurse. 
“Ah, great you guys are here.” She said opening the door wider so all five could enter. 
“How is she?” Seungcheol asked getting straight to the point while looking at you. 
You had a bandage wrapped around your head with various cuts and bruises noticeable around your cheek area which Jihoon noted was where you had been slapped earlier on. You had few bandages on your wrists and your legs were covered by a blanket so no one could see the damage down there. 
“She’s strong.” The nurse said looking at the chart, “Her vitals are fine but we won’t know about the extensive damage until after her test results come back. We’re going to keep her here till she wakes up and then the doctor said if there are no further complications, she’ll be able to go home.’ She hesitated looking at the five of them, “However, she’ll have to be under supervision just in case. She’ll be in a lot of pain and we wouldn’t recommend her being alone for the time being. Does she have anyone that she can stay with? Parents perhaps?”
All eyes turned to Seungcheol who shook his head, “Her parents are currently living in the States right now so she’s here alone. She can always…” he was about to suggest that you stay with him when he realized that he, Wonwoo and Jeonghan would be out of town this week due to a conference.
Jihoon saw Seungcheol’s hesitation knowing that he would have wanted you  to stay with him, but he knew that he was going out of town. Not knowing what compelled him to do so, Jihoon spoke up. 
“She can stay with me.” 
All eyes turned to him as Jihoon nodded his head in confirmation. 
“Are you sure? She can always stay with Joshua…” Seungcheol said not wanting to trouble one of the best managers he had.  “I know you’re busy with a lot of things right now…” 
Joshua nodded his head in confirmation not minding at all. He was originally going to offer after all.  
“It’s okay. I have nothing planned this week anyways except the usual work load” Jihoon said and received looks of doubt from those around him, 
“I don’t mind at all.” He reassured. “She can work from home for the time being till she heals. It’s my one week that I’m clear of meetings and I can handle the paperwork without her..”
The group nodded in unison amazed at Jihoons change of attitude, “Okay then, take care of her. Call me if anything happens.” Seungcheol said as Jihoon nodded wondering why something would happen. 
The nurse nodded her head, “If that’s the case, I’ll have you fill out her paperwork if you want to come out with me. Because she has the room to herself, we’ve left the second bed and a cot free should any of you decide to stay.” 
The five boys thanked the nurse before Jihoon left with her to fill out the appropriate paperwork leaving Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua and Wonwoo to sit in your room.
Seungcheol let out a heavy sigh as he ran a hand through your hair, “It wasn’t supposed to happen like this…” he muttered catching the other three’s attention.
“Seungcheol, why would someone attack Y/N?” Joshua asked. The whole group was curious though it seemed like Seungcheol was the only one with the answers. 
Seungcheol let out a big sigh, “It’s...complicated..” he started, his mind deep in thought. “I’ll explain later okay?” he gave the group a tight smile in which they accepted. They could see that he was at his breaking point and didn’t want to drive that any further.
Soon, Jihoon returned and Seungcheol, Wonwoo and Jeonghan left in Wonwoo’s car despite Seungcheol wanting to stay till you woke up. They had meetings to attend to and they had a three hour drive ahead of them so they needed to rest. 
To reassure Seungcheol even more, Joshua offered to stay with Jihoon till you woke up. Which actually did. Jihoon and Joshua, both too worried to fall asleep, sat in your hospital room, talking about things like work, life and things that people spoke about in the middle of the night when they were really tired. They were very much alike, with Joshua treating Jihoon like the younger brother he never had. 
The next morning, you started waking up with a bunch of questions running through your head.. Where were you? Were you dead? No...everything hurt too much for you to be dead. Your eyes slowly opened but you shut them due to the brightness as you let out a moan in pain. 
Jihoon, whose was in the chair closest to your bed shot up when he heard your moan, in the process waking Joshua up too. 
“Y/N?” Jihoon asked quietly, getting a moan in response. 
“Y/N?” Joshua tried this time, both watching you hesitantly as you slowly opened your eyes as they quickly adjusted to the light.
Both sighed in relief as your eyes fully opened.
“What happened?” you croaked because your throat was dry which had Joshua handing you a cup with a straw. 
He and Jihoon helped you sit up as you sipped the water, the moisture making it easier to swallow.
After having the doctor check you over and explaining that outside of the bruise on your face and bump on your head that would be present for a while, there was no major damage, you were given the clear to leave that afternoon. He advised that you shouldn’t be alone since you may need assistance and explained to you that you would be staying at Jihoons for a few days until you healed completely.
Despite trying to argue with Jihoon that you were okay, Jihoon was adamant and used the excuse that since you were currently under him directly, he wanted to make sure that your well being was okay and knowing that you were injured and living alone didn’t sit well with him and Joshua explained that his place was currently undergoing renovations or else he would have offered for you to stay with him as well. 
At that you reluctantly agreed making the two boys happy.
After the doctor left, you, Joshua and Jihoon decided to have the nurse help you change out of the gown. Joshua had run to your apartment with the key Seungcheol had given him to grab a change of clothes and your belongings. 
Soon, you were sitting in Jihoon’s car on the way to his apartment. 
The drive was quiet as you looked out the window deep in thought. 
You were trying to process what happened in the last day. There was work, then you went out with the managers for dinner and drinks and you got to converse with Jihoon on a personal level and you got to know your boss more, after that you went home and then the attack…
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. ‘How did they find me and how am I still alive..?’  Thinking back to the hospital you recalled a conversation with the nurse who was looking you over before you got discharged.
“He seems to really care about you.” the nurse said humming as she looked over your charts and you looked at her with a confused expression.
“Sorry...who?” you asked, she was probably referring to Seungcheol. Joshua had said something about how Seungcheol was hesitant to attend a conference because of your state but the guys managed to convince him to go.
“The one who rode with you in the ambulance. He didn’t leave your side until the doctors started observing you  and when the police came to ask him questions about the attack but even after that he back at your side with the other gentleman.” she smiled at you, “The detective told me that he was really brave for what he did and that you probably meant alot to him if he was willing to protect you like that.” 
You realized then and there that the nurse had been talking about Jihoon. You heard from Joshua that Jihoon rode with you in the ambulance and with a quick glance at his hands which were holding the steering wheel, you saw that a few of his knuckles were bandaged up and blood was starting to seep through them.
You glanced at Jihoon’s face from the corner of your eye and met his causing you to both look away at the same time. 
As Jihoon unlocked the door to his apartment he took out his phone and called Joshua to let him know that the two of you were back at his apartment. Joshua soon responded saying that he’d be by with a few of your things Seungcheol packed for you before he left for the conference.
“This is my guest bedroom but I guess your room for now..” Jihoon said as he opened another door, “Please..make yourself at home and feel free to use anything. My room’s down the hall so if you need-”
“You’re already doing too much Jihoon.” you said softly with a smile and looked at him, “Thank you. For everything.” 
Jihoon swore he felt a blush creep up his face but shook it off and cleared his throat. “I-I’ll let you get settled in then.” he said before turning around and leaving you with what you had from the hospital.
After you washed up in the adjoining bathroom, you opened the door and heard a curse from the kitchen. You followed the silent curses and peeked around the corner and saw Jihoon trying to change his bandages but kept dropping the gauze that had to be wrapped around his hand.
Making your way over to him, you picked up the gauze when it fell again and gently placed it on the counter. No words were said as you took Jihoon’s injured hand and dabbed it with the ointment from the first aid kit. Jihoon tried not to react as you blew gently on the wound, instantly taking away the sting that he initially felt.
Taking the gauze, you placed it on the wound and held it gently as you wrapped it in place.
“Thank you.” Jihoon said touched by your kindness. He gave you a smile which you returned. “How are you feeling?”
You tilted your head to the side, “The doctor said I should be in more pain after the medication they gave me wears off but I’m fine right now. What do you want to do?” 
“We could...watch a move till Joshua gets here,” Jihoon suggested and you nodded your head. Jihoon was surprised to see that you agreed to watch an action movie but was happy to know that you were a Marvel fan as well.
“You seriously haven’t watched Black Panther?” he asked casually while getting popcorn. Joshua had texted him earlier and had an emergency at the office so he would drop by later in the evening.
“I never had the time to watch movies or anything. I always worked.” you responded while making yourself comfortable on Jihoons couch with a blanket and many pillows. 
Jihoon thought about your comment as he emptied the popcorn into a bowl. When was the last time he watched a movie? He turned to look at you from kitchen island and chuckled at how cozy you looked. He was happy you were comfortable around him and he could see why the other managers had taken to you so nicely, himself included.  You reminded him of someone but he couldn’t put a face to the name. 
Turning around, he chuckled at the sight of you rolled up like a burrito with your phone in hand responding to a text. He put the popcorn between the two of you on the couch and started the movie.
Midway through, you took the medication the doctor prescribed to you while Jihoon went to get more popcorn and water. Just before the end, Jihoon felt a weight on his shoulder and turned his head slightly to see that you had fallen asleep. He remembered the doctor saying that the medication may make you drowsy so he wasn’t surprised.
He debated in his mind whether to move you or not and saw that the next movie was another movie he enjoyed. 
‘It’s because I shouldn’t wake her’ he reasoned in his mind and ever so gently lifted his arm so that it wrapped around your shoulder and gently moved your head to the pillow on his chest and that was how Joshua found the two of you when he arrived shortly after..
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I will be learning to drive pretty soon and I want to know the cheapest and affordable car insurance out there for students.
Health ins. companies can't deny people for pre-existing conditions. Should the same be true of car insurance?
I ask because my car has some pre-existing problems: 1. The brake pedal only works about 1/3 of the time 2. The engine is currently on fire How can these greedy car insurance companies declare that my car is unsafe to drive?
Whats cheap car to insure and run?
ive been trying to find cheap cars to insure, and it comes up with 2010 models that the car costs 12,000 i want something old cheap reliable for fuel car cost and insurance, i dont really care what year but im guessing the older cars like 1980s will be cheaper""
Car insurance PROBLEM HELP!?
Hi i've just bought a little suzuki SJ410 jeep 1.0L. the jeep was advertised as a SJ410VB. So i put that into my insuance quote before i got the jeep and it was very cheap 800. Anyway now i have the jeep i have found out it is s SJ410VBJA. So i put that model into the insurance quote and now it is 3,904!!!! WHAT? It is basically the same jeep 2 seats and same engine. So whats going off? Should i contact the insurance company? I can't afford almost 4,000!!! HELP! And i'm now stuck with it!""
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ?
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ? Which of the three fields ( life, health, or property ) would be compatible with working from my home office ? How difficult is the California State exam to get licensed ? Is it possible to earn residual income in all 3 fields ? Thank you for your help.""
How much is car insurance for a 18 yr old?
Hi, this is probably going to sound stupid but just out of curiousity how much would car insurance be for an 18 yr old female driving an Nissan primera ( saloon) As a first car? Or any car for that matter? It's manual transmission, I have no clue about car insurance! As you probably can tell so how much would it cost on average?? Thanks!""
How much do you think my car insurance would be/added on to my mother's insurance?
I'm 18 and just now getting my license. My car is a 2001 Ford Focus ZX5 that I bought for $2500. My mom is going to add me to her insurance which is $50 per month (I know that is outrageously cheap I'm so jealous lol). I just want a loose loose estimate because I'm also in college so I'm only working 15 hours a week at minimum wage.
How much would insurance be for a Porsche Baxter?
My parents will but me a new porsche boxter if i pay for insurance? How much will it cost?
Can my insurance company find out?
I'm currently a student with 1 years no claims discount on my Car Insurance. I've just finished University. I've renewed my quote and it states that I'm a student still, however I plan on working full time for this year. I decided to keep my occupation as a student, as it's significantly cheaper than if i tell them i work full time. Will my insurance company be able to find out if i'm still a student or not?""
Best Health Insurance Quote for uk?
Can you Suggest me Good Place where I can get Quote to Life Insurance?
My job offers awful health insurance?
Our company got bought out & our new employer is doing open enrollment for health insurance next year. I currently have roughly a $75 monthly premium with a $500 deductible, then the employer pays 80%. The insurance I'm being offered has a $60 monthly premium, $100 deductible, then the insurer pays 80%, but only pays a max of $750 for the year. As it was explained to me, it is like partial health insurance-but I think this won't be enough to cover what I need. I had major surgery last month & even after meeting my deductible, the out of pocket expenses were a struggle. So should I get a HSA or apply for supplemental health insurance? The other employees at my company are in the same position as I am & I feel awful having to look elsewhere for better coverage. No spam please, I beg you!""
Car insurance question?
My mom just bought a new car and she wants to add me (a new driver) to her policy. How much would our insurance increase/decrease comparing to as if I bought the car myself.
What is the best car insurance i can get?
I am 18 and have a minnimum paying job.. what would be the cheapest car insurance i can get? its a 86 honda accord.
I purchased car insurance from RAC last year, they then annulled it as said I could not use my no claims bonus on two cars and sent me a new quote. I rang them up and they then said I haven't sent the no claims bonus documents in so I faxed them through once again, I advised I received this letter but they said just send in the documents which I did. I also never received any documents for my cover so had to request these myself which were sent by email for 25.00 :S. After hearing nothing back I rang rac for an update who said my new insurance quote was double the original quote!! I haven't signed any paperwork or received any paperwork advising they automatically gave me new insurance. I asked them to cancel but they said I have to pay 1000 as well as them keeping my deposit and paying for the first months insurance..1000?? I told them no. Paid what i owed for the first month. Now they are sending me letter telling me to pay..do I really have to do this?? I haven't signed anything even for the original insurance as they never sent the paperwork out, and as the insurance was annulled can they really automatically start a new insurance without my permission?? Thanks in advance""
How do the candidates expect to make everyone buy health insurance?
Health insurance costs are extraordinary, Hillary and OBama want to force people to buy health insurance (and subsidize the costs for some) but they fail to address the reasons health insurance is so expensive. Medical malpractice insurance costs doctors more than most people make a year, and Insurance companies answer to their stockholders before their customers are two of the main reasons it is so expensive. It seems that insurance companies are the ONLY winners in the field of medicine. The democrat solutions to the health care crisis only masks the problem.""
Dallas cheapest auto insurances?
I just moved to Dallas and looking for a good auto insurance. Thanks
Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?
Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?
Kincheloe Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49785
Kincheloe Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49785
Renters insurance?????
My landlord is asking me to get insurance for my dog but its not for like health and stuff its for something else. She told me about renters insurance. And i don't know what to do. Plz help
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance? On like an 2003 truck?
If I brought 4 luxury sports cars how would that effect my insurance?
Im doing a project for school and I need to know if I brought four cars say a Bentley, porsche, a Maserati, and a aston martin would it make my insurance go up a crazy amount or would it stay the same as if i were to buy four regular cars like honda? P.S. say Im 25 and have a perfect record!""
About how much will basic insurance cost for a 30 year old male once the new Insurance system is in place?
right now I can't afford insurance but will be required to buy it anyway starting in 2014, I am curious as to how much it will be. As I understand it, it will be basically figured at three different levels of service and three different rates depending on your age and the coverage you want. so for a 30 year old male who wants basic coverage how much would I expect to pay? just ball park. like $200 to $300 per month? more then that less then that? this question has been deleted over and over again I don't understand why.""
California health insurance?
I just need to know the monthly cost of health insurance in california, for a school project. If you know how much dental costs it would be nice if you could tell me that also. Thanks! p.s. its for two people""
Can I get car insurance for one month?
I need tags for my car and I have to have insurance. I can't afford more than 150 so does anyone know a good place I can go that would let me do one month or just somewhere that is cheap online that i can pay a little amount then cancel the rest?
How much would lowering my mileage by 5k save me in california?
So being a teenager(19) and a male with a ticket I'm paying around 900 for insurance. Tickets my fault I accept the punishment. However, I switched jobs and After calculating distance I'm only going to be driving around 5000 miles rather than the 10 on my insurance. Just kind of curious how much the mileage drop could save me since my insurance agency isn't being much help.""
Do you think my dad is paying to much for insurance?
my dad is around 44 years old and he has never been in a car accident. He has gotten tickets from when he was 19 years old. He has California casualty and he has been with them for years, we live in oregon. He has a 2006 toyota tundra darrel waltrip edition 4.7l v8 valued around 20k. He told me he pays around 100 a month for full coverage. We have 2 cars on his insurance, toyota, and my eclipse. Iv never gotten any tickets(dont know if that would affect it). THE reason i ask this is because my bf's dad just got a 2006 mustang gt and they said they only pay 76$ a month. So im just curious, Do you think my dad is over paying?? THANKS""
Will a new insurance company looking into rates know of a ticket which hasn't been sent in guilty or not yet?
I recently got a ticket for failing to drive in the correct lane, but I haven't sent it in guilty or not guilty yet. And now I am looking into car insurance rates. Will the insurance company know I got the ticket?""
I am about to be 18 and i wont a gsxr 1000 and im wondering about the price of insurance?
I am wondering the price ranges.
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Is Matrix Direct a good ins company?
Learners permit insurance?
My parents are divorced and my mom took me to get my permit and signed for it. In order to drive with my dad do I have to have a card of her insurance in the car?
Car insurance rates for teens?
can u tell me how high are the rates to insure a car for a teen for a 2008 acura tsx? would this vehicle cost a lot to insure. Are their discounts for students? thanks
How to get the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anybody know any tips that would lower my insurance? I was looking at prices of insurance for a 1L peugeot 107, which cost around 2000, and the prices were 4000+. My girlfriend was looking at prices for herself and the prices were around 1500 for a 5000 Vauxhall Corsa. Any help is appreciated.""
How much would a 1 million dollars liability policy cost per month for a fright transport company?
Im starting a small hot shot trucking transport company. I need to know how much a 1 or 2 million dollar policy will cost me per month. Or what kind of Insurance I would need. I will be hauling oil field equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, air fans, motors, things like that.""
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What vehicles have the lowest insurance rates for teenage drivers.?
What should i expect to receive for a 1997 saturn sl1 from an insurance campany after total?
i have a 1997 saturn sl1 that has 122,000 miles on it, power door locks, aftermarket component speakers, tinted windows, automatic, power steering, A/C. i was rear ended and the the body shop told me totaled. now im waiting for the insurance to pay me for the car and make an offer. does anybody have an idea what i should expect. this was a reliable car, i drive this car everywhere, it was supposed to get me to school everyday when i start college and my school is about 10 miles each way. i just dont want a low ball offer where i cant purchase a car thats going to get me to college everyday when i dont have a job. what is the average for this car, in great shape. will they pay for the speakers, the starter i just replaced 2 weeks ago""
How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female?
she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA
How does AAA insurance work?
I want to start driving I'm a fifteen female. I want to drive my moms four wheel drive Subaru. We have AAA insurance and I live in the state of California. I'm just not sure what the insurance policy would be... Or whatever. So basically, what would our insurance be? I'm pretty sure this makes little to no sense and I apologies sincerely but to be quite frank I don't understand insurance whatsoever. So if you could explain to me that would be amazing. Thank You for your time""
Motorcycle insurance?
About how much would insurance cost for a 17yr old High school student. If I was buying a sports bike with around 500cc of power. I'd be on my parents plan. So I would need a guess if using Progressive.
Do I need health insurance?
I am a healthy 20 year old male... I have a wife, who is also healthy, that really thinks we should get health insurance... My work offers a decent plan for $300 a month... I think this money could be put to better use... a savings account or something. The problem is of course, emergencies. I've seen plans that cover emergencies but only like 80% and they have a high deductible/monthly payment. Any suggestions/ideas??""
What effect does a minor ticket out of state have on insurance rates.?
A few months ago I got a ticket in Maryland, where I go to school, for going the wrong way down a one way street. The ticket was only a small fine and I don't think any point were given. Recently I just got another ticket for making a wrong left turn in New Jersey, where my permanent address is. Normally, my insurance company, geico , would let one ticket slide but I'm not sure if they would even know about the Maryland ticket. I would appreciate any information.""
Health Insurance should be illegal?
Why not? Hospital fees would fall drastically! Funny how no body really knows what the hospitals charge... And funny how socialist countries are ranked above U.S. Oh yeah and I love how doctors in U.S. are pill salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Health Insurance and guess what!!! Healthcare will be affordable! what you think?!
Does passing on shoulder make insurance go up?
If you get a ticket that accuses you of passing on the shoulder, would that add points to your record and make insurance go up like a speeding ticket?""
Would my insurance go up with a red truck?
so i never new this until not to long ago but ppl say if u have a red car ur insurance will go up so if i have a red full size pick up or dump truck will my insurance go up because its red i mean i dont picture anyone racing with a 1 ton dump truck or anything
Kincheloe Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49785
Kincheloe Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49785
Need a term life insurance policy with no medical exam or health questions.?
Preferrably online. As simple as possible.
Car insurance quotes?
Is there any place to get a car insurance quote without entering in a bunch of personal information? I am looking for quotes for a sedan, coupe, and SUV for a new 16 year old male driver. (Im trying to decide what a good deal is, and what is worth buying)""
Motorcycle insurance with no Class C?
I live I California and the dmv gave me an only class M learners permit and I can only ride motorcycles not cars. My problem is Insurance companies keep asking for a drivers license then they cut me but I really don't want a Class C license!!! Any insurance companies bypass that?
Insurance on a car that you do not own yourself?
Im 17 years old. My grandma will buy me a car. But she doesn't want me on her insurance, so she said i had to wait til i was 18 til she would buy it. I was wondering if it's possible for my mom to put insurance on the car for me, if she's not that one that own's it. She can't on it for medicaid reasons. Thanks.""
What are my health insurance options?
I recently changed jobs to a small company that does not provide health insurance. I was turned down when I applied independently to Aetna for medical reasons. Would the decision of another company likely be any different or is COBRA my only option? Despite some issues in my medical history I virtually never go to the doctor and would be happy with a plan that just covers unexpected catastrophic issues but I'm not sure how to go about looking for that.
Can a life insurance sole beneficiary claim be disputed in Arizona?
The mother of my 4.5 yr old son recently passed with no will. Her 25 yr old son (half-bro) being oldest blood relative, locked my son out of his home and proceeded to stake claim to everything his deceased mother had, car, cash, final paycheck, $3800.00 income tax refund check (probably less than $30,000. total assets) but no real telling. Come to find out she had a employee life insurance policy which she named the 25 yr old as sole beneficiary. does' my son have any rights to claim anything?""
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
Whe will liberals admit the affordable health care act has made health care and health insurance?
More expensive already?
Where can I Find Reliable Cheap Life Insurance Quotes?
I recently started a home internet based business. When I was just starting out I went without insurance for a while. Now that things are going well I would like to buy a life insurance policy. There are a ton of life insurance sites, but most of them seem biased or focused on an individual provider. Where can I find a good life insurance quote site that is unbiased or gives me quotes from a wide array of services? Also, are there any good tips for saving money buying life insurance for small business owners?""
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
I am 18 looking to get a bike want a CBR 600 or something along those lines. My question is how much is it to insure a bike my mother said that the personal protection would be very expensive how does this work and do i need two different kinds of insurance for riding? Like is the personal insurance separate than the insurance on the bike? And don't tell me thats a big bike i have been riding all my life and have took my friends CBR out more than one time i know i will probably kill myself lol
What is the best insurance for a teen?
i need car insurance and health insurance but still not sure which is better. If this helps i just graduated and live in arizona and have a yukon
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance in Ontario?
I'm looking to purchase a used car, probably 6-7 years old, and I am a 29 year old male living in Toronto. I want the most basic insurance available required by law, as the vehicle will be less than $4k, so I will take the hit if something happens to the car. I've seen really good quotes from Johnson insurance, but can anyone recommend any other insurance companies which offer cheap insurance for basic coverage? Thanks in advance, Joe""
Auto Insurance in California?
I'm a new driver, all I have is my Permit right now. I'm trying to find insurance that isn't going to ream me financially. Also, don't you need insurance to get registration/new tags....or do you need the registration to get insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! (And, if you're going to be a smartass, don't bother. K? Thanks!""
Im a 29 single mother of 4 I was wondering should I get whole life insurance or term?
I dont know which one is the better choice at my age
Can a 16 year old drive parent's car without insurance?
I am 16 years old, I already got my license for about 3 months. I do not have a car but I drive occasionally, using my sister's or my mom's car. One day, I drove my mom's car to school and my dad was very upset. He claimed that I can not drive her car because I do not have insurance yet. (There is insurance on ALL cars except my NAME is not on it). Since my name is not on the insurance, can I still drive her car?""
Grace period on car insurance in nyc?
Anybody know of any car insurance co's that will give auto insurance policies to 17 year olds??
I have a 17 yr old that has already gotten 2 tickets so I want him off my policy - as he is making it too expensive for me to afford - I told him he needs to get his own insurance. I already called my insurance and tried taking him off my policy (as I took away his driving privelages) but they told me I HAVE TO keep him on my policy even if he doesn't drive - He has a license and has to be covered under my policy because he lives with me - so I can't take him off til he gets his own insurance. My problem - most co's will not issue a policy to anyone under 18 (PS - we live in New Jersey)
How much do you pay for car insurance in Ontario? ?
how much a month do you pay a month? what kind of car? anything to lower it? and WHAT AGE ARE YOU? <<<important
About car insurance in virginia?
what car insurance company responsible for, what is the limit of policy, whats the liability?""
Cheap insurance?
im 17 & i live in toronto (CANADA) and i gotta 1992 honda civic , and i m looking for the cheapest insurance possible does anyone know some kind of insurance agency who can get me a cheap insurance $300 or less?""
How much money difference between full coverage and liability?
I'm 24. I have full coverage on my car now, and I pay $106 a month. I am getting rid of my car, and getting a new one that I will not have a loan on. So I plan on getting liability insurance. Around what price difference can I expect after switching from full coverage to liability? Thanks.""
""Crashed car into the bushes, would basic insurance cover it?""
My car brakes gave up on me and i crashed into the dense bushes. The police didn't even write a report since, as they said, it was no fault of my own and i had no injuries. Since i didn't hit anybody or anything but the bush there was no fine for me to pay. I don't know how big is the damage to the car since it happened on a saturday evening (i'll have it checked out tomorrow), but the front looks bad. I have basic Florida insurance, and i just want to know if they would cover it before i call them. If they don't cover it i'd rather just get it fixed without having my insurance rate go up. So... since it was not my fault (there were witnesses who saw i did everything possible to get the car safely off the road) would it cover at least part of the expenses?""
Can you have two insurance policies on one car?
My Dad has a classis car, I would like to use this car for a weekend, but as i am only 19 I cannot have classic car insurance so I cant go on as a named driver. Is there anyway I can insure this car for a weekend?""
""If I start paying my car insurance, and then change my name, would my dad find out?""
I'm almost 20 years old, I recently moved back in with my mother and my father gave me a car. As of now my father pays for the insurance, and the car is in his name. He also has a GPS installed in it. I'm going to be moving across the state this year, but will put the car in my name and pay for it's insurance beforehand. I will also finally be changing my name (first and last). I don't want him to know about my name change. Though they are public records, I know, would he be informed in any way by looking at any document to do with my car? Would insurance or anything contact him in any way if I pay for it?""
Kincheloe Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49785
Kincheloe Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49785
Car insurance for teens !! Help?
So I live in Benton Louisiana and I'm 15. I'm about to turn 16 and my mon said that she won't let me drive or get me a car because insurance is expensive. How much is insurance for 16 year olds?! It just really makes me mad because at first she was all for it and said that she would get me a car since she ruined my 15th birthday. Now, she just let my hopes down once again. That's why I want to know like about how much is car insurance for teens. Thank you!!""
Which car insurance company is cheapest for 18 years old?
hi i live in texas and i was wondering which car insurance company is cheapest for me no car accident and no ticket at all if it is possible can you tell me how much you pay
More expensive insurance?
Is insurance more expensive for a new car than a used one assuming that it's the same model from the same manufacturer?
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
Sports Car Insurance <--------- 10 POINTS HURRY UP!@@@?
I'm getting a new car, I'm going to be 18 and which of the following is a sports car and how much would insurance cost me every 6 months if I have good-student discount, taken drivers ed, and would it cost less if I put the primary driver under my parents name. Possible: C-300 Luxury from Mercedes Benz (sedan) C-350 Sport from Mercedes Benz (sedan) 328i from BMW (sedan) 335i from BMW (sedan) IS350 from Lexus (sedan) IS250 from Lexus (sedan) Thanks""
Cheap Health Insurance...?
I need cheap health insurance just for seeing my gyn and the eye doctor twice a year or so. I had medicaid as a child *until this past bday in december (i got an extension)* i don't make much since i work fast food right now..and i'm in school...
How to lower My car insurance?
If insurers are now meant to quote the same price for guys and girls for the policy's does that mean if i got a quote for a car as a girl lets say 1000 and I rang the insurer and quoted this would they have to match it so my quote would come down from say 3000 to 1000? As the law is meant to have changed?
I currently have health insurance through my husbands work...?
my husband's is paid for by his company but mine costs almost 400.00 each month. The copay is 40.00 for office visits and deductible is high for other costs. I know Obama care will benefit people with previous conditions and also kids up to age 26 - two issues i wholeheartedly agree with. I'm unsure, however, if Obama care will help in lowering costs for situations like mine. Can anyone clue me in?""
Will a car insurance company cover a collsion if I have a salvage title?
I purchased a vehicle which came with a clean title from an owner.I called my car ins.company and added insurance to the car then went to register it.DMV says this vehicle was in an accident and would have to be a salvaged title. My question is if my ins.company has it down as a clean title and I get into an accident,will they then find out its a salvage title? If not then how will they find out if at all? Im afraid if I tell them its salvaged now they won't insure the car then I'd be stuck with it.""
Do car insurances typically give lower quotes for married couples?
I'm going to be jumping on to my fiances auto plan [Progressive] and heard that insurance agencies give lower prices to married couples. Is this true? He drives a 1988 bonneville and I drive a 2001 sunfire. I am also in college, he isnt.""
Does vehicle modifications raise insurance?
Things like new Wheels, body kits, engine swaps and etc. Would modifications raise insurance?""
""Florida law - Florida license, no car, so no insurance?
If someone with a Fl driver's license who doesn't have a car so doesn't have car insurance is involved in a car accident while driving someone else's car. Does the car owner's insurance cover the uninsured driver?
Does AARP offer affordable health insurance?
I'm turning 50 the end of October, as of now I have no health insurance. Someone told me that I'll be eligible for AARP and will be able to get affordable health and dental insurance. Is AARP the answer to being able to finally afford health and dental insurance?""
Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?
ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.""
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations?
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations? Also need price quotes for both taxi car insurance or limo car insurance.
Do insurance companies charge more for sports cars?
Do insurance companies in the US charge more for sports cars than they do for passenger cars?
What type of insurance covers any driver who gets behind the wheeL?
and what is liability insurance and who does it cover?
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
Car insurance question?
okay my boyfriend just got his drivers license today..he doesnt have a car yet and he wants to be able to drive my grandmas car to work whenever he can but she says he cant because hes not on her insurance. Does it matter whether or not hes on her insurance? what could happen?
How to cancel car insurance after paying ?
Hi everyone, I've just bought a car insurance from Access Insurance Company this morning for a period of 6 months. The effective day will be from 11/20/2012. But suddenly there's some reason that I change my mind to use All State Insurance. So, is it possible for me to cancel Access and get a full refund ? It's been 4 days until the effective day.""
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Can you have a 'black mark' against you for car insurance?
I'm 20 years old, and because of the stupidly hiked insurance prices I got into riding motorbikes as a way of getting around. I now commute around 20,000 miles a year and the weather is really getting to me. I love riding but forced riding is different. Last year I was insured on a cbr 600 (2000 model) for 1200 a year TPFT, and this year part ex'd it for a Suzuki Bandit (2008) which is around 700 a year. Both bikes are 0 no claims as I've never kept a bike long enough to accumulate any. Now I understand cars are bigger and cause more damage etc, but bikes are quick, really quick, but how can insurers justify the stupidly high priced insurance for me on a car? Minimum 2500 a year!? My brother has a ford fiesta, an old old G red model, hes 2 years younger than me, and has always wanted to drive so he's spent ages saving and working towards getting a car. Come his insurace quote, and they're asking for 1200 a year TPFT. The EXACT same details, address etc, just with my name, age, and job (electronics technician) I'm looking at around 3000 a year, same company, no change. Its really getting to me now. I have to convictions, no speeding penalties, nothing. I've lead life so far getting involved in zero trouble, I do things by the book. So I'm beginning to wonder what's up. My insurance prices are always double or more that of my families and friends cars, and coming up to winter, I really don't want to risk loosing my job a second year running because its too dangerous to venture out in the snow by bike (hourly paid, high staff turnover.) I'd really appreciate any tips or advice anyone has, I've tried independent companies (phoning or internet), comparison websites, I've tried many many different models of cars, from boy racer cars, to a Diahatsu, I've gone through the ABI database looking at the exact insurance group for a car and then trying it. I've exhausted almost every option I can think of. I really really want to drive a car.""
What kind of insurance do you have and do you 'like' it/is it good?
I want to switch insurance companies, but I don't know how to decide what to switch to. Insurance is such a confusing thing to start with that I need to find a company that is helpful as well as affordable. I'm looking for a company to cover automobile and homeowner's insurance, and if possible life insurance too. Thanks for the help.""
How can insurance companies make money by selling life insurance?
Everybody will die eventually. But will insurance company pay the beneficiary all the time?
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In arizona state, can you get health insurance for your outstanding other if you are not married?""
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