#anyway i would happily chase the missouri state legislature with pitchforks and stuff
shredsandpatches · 2 years
I never seem to post about my life these days but things are still going well, I just never hit the sweet spot of "enough time to write posts + enough energy to write posts" but I still love my job and I also love choir now that it's back on again. Just this evening I did the thing where I remember to listen to a recording of the thing we're rehearsing if I wasn't really familiar with it before:
You guys. I get to sing this.
Actually we rehearsed this movement at tempo last night and I think I sprained something. We're singing it in English and it doesn't sound quite as cool in English, but it's still an absolute blast.
I suspect that the choice of English is a pointed one, though: the piece is about a group of friendly neighborhood pagans who get one over on their Christian oppressors by scaring them off so they can worship in peace (that's what the movement in the video is) and sort of accidentally invent Walpurgisnacht. Given that my state is one of the ones where certain types of Christian are going aggressively after our personal and civil liberties, I think that's why we're doing it in English, to make the point clearer to the audience. So I think that's an okay counterbalance to the aesthetic loss incurred by not singing in German.
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