#i just have ptsd about performance reviews from my years of teaching
shredsandpatches · 2 years
I never seem to post about my life these days but things are still going well, I just never hit the sweet spot of "enough time to write posts + enough energy to write posts" but I still love my job and I also love choir now that it's back on again. Just this evening I did the thing where I remember to listen to a recording of the thing we're rehearsing if I wasn't really familiar with it before:
You guys. I get to sing this.
Actually we rehearsed this movement at tempo last night and I think I sprained something. We're singing it in English and it doesn't sound quite as cool in English, but it's still an absolute blast.
I suspect that the choice of English is a pointed one, though: the piece is about a group of friendly neighborhood pagans who get one over on their Christian oppressors by scaring them off so they can worship in peace (that's what the movement in the video is) and sort of accidentally invent Walpurgisnacht. Given that my state is one of the ones where certain types of Christian are going aggressively after our personal and civil liberties, I think that's why we're doing it in English, to make the point clearer to the audience. So I think that's an okay counterbalance to the aesthetic loss incurred by not singing in German.
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automatismoateo · 5 years
Why the pro-life atheist movement is a sham. via /r/atheism
Submitted September 08, 2019 at 01:09AM by Justice_is_a_scam (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2LE2fH0) Why the pro-life atheist movement is a sham.
I approached a pro-life ATHEIST group https://www.secularprolife.org/ at my uni.
See, their banners were simple "You still have options if you were raped" something of that sort. Me being naive, I believed it was a women's rights group and accepted the pamphlet.
Complete with pictures of fetuses. They insisted none of their views had anything to do with religion or spirituality and that it was just coming from a basis that all human life is precious.
I ended the conversation on the basis of bodily autonomy but if someone from that group happens to be browsing, or if you get confronted by Secular Pro Life this is for you-
A pragmatic view on the abortion ban:
Let's skip through the philosophical arguments of where personhood starts, let's assume the position of "It's not the babies fault the mother got pregnant, regardless of how it happened."
Say we live in Ben Shapiro fantasy land, where we completely ban abortion in the United States and the autonomy of the fetus takes precedent over the autonomy of the mother.
Say we ban an ancient procedure 1 in 4 women have gone through. . Jones RK and Jerman J, Population group abortion rates and lifetime incidence of abortion: United States, 2008–2014, *American Journal of Public Health*, 2017, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.304042.)
Lets skip right to the results of this. What would be the reality of this result?
How do you enforce this law?
So, lets take the average woman in her 20s.
Statistically, she's likely more depressed than any other American women of previous generations. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/major-depression-rise-among-everyone-new-data-shows-n873146
Statistically, she's likely more suicidal than any other American women of previous generations. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db309.htm
Statistically, she, and whoever got her pregnant, are likely to not want children than any other generation, across the globe, in the documented history of mankind. (https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/essay/millennial-life-how-young-adulthood-today-compares-with-prior-generations/)
Statistically, she's most likely to get an abortion. .https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/induced-abortion-united-states
Let's say this Woman is pregnant and gets an illegal and dangerous back-alley abortion now that all legal abortion is gone.
Surprise! You catch her in mid act. Police are called.
What do you do?
Do you strap her down for 8 months?
Put her in a chemically induced coma and induce delivery?
Do you milk her, too?
Then the $35,000 hospital bill comes in.
And then you charge her with attempted murder and put her in prison. Put the child in the foster care system, right?
So, the 900,000 babies born every year, a statistical majority of them are going to a foster care system that is not at all prepared for the extreme influx of children.
So you put this young woman, who is already at risk for depression and suicide, in an extreme hormonal storm she didn't want, (once again, elevating her risk of depression) restrained her (which would also elevate her risk of depression and likely her risk of mortality), and forced her to go through one of the most notoriously painful events in the world.
You just, again, elevated her risk of Postpartum Depression, Postpartum PTSD, and Postpartum psychosis. All very real things that most people protesting abortion, don't know exist. You likely tore her perineum and made her get stitches, you caused permanent changes to the human body. Her menstrual cup doesn't even fit her any more. She'll be bleeding for weeks, months, afterwards. She'll be exhausted and nauseous for days, especially if she were restrained for 3/4ths of a year. You increased her risk of vaginal and uterine prolapse.
You did all of this without her consent, without her getting any say in the matter.
All in a country with a RISING maternal mortality rate. https://www.thelancet.com/action/showFullTableHTML?isHtml=true&tableId=tbl1&pii=S0140-6736%2816%2931470-2
You made her put her body on the line for someone she doesn't know, doesn't want, her body took a hit for 9 months and suffered permanent physical and neurological changes.
How do you account for miscarriage? How do you know whether she deliberately killed her baby or if she went through a miscarriage? If she smoked during her pregnancy and had a miscarriage- will you charge her with manslaughter?
So we ban every abortion that doesn't pose an immediate and emergency medical threat to the mother-
Using data from 2014- that's
~1,852 girls under 12 years of age you would be restraining for 9 months and forcing them to go through child birth. (That's .20% of all abortions performed, btw.) Every year.
You ever notice how you can't find childbirth pictures online? Go ahead, try it. Full on, vaginal delivery, piss and feces, placenta and other birth matter. Find a photograph of the vaginal opening stretching and tearing (a very very common thing It's extremely difficult. You would think that for medical purposes, you'd have more than just drawings. Literally, all you ever hear about birthing is how great the process is, despite medical statistics telling us the exact opposite.)
Birth and pregnancy are so romanticized it has been killing women for centuries.
You would be placing 900,000 more babies into the world and removing 900,000 girls & women from the education system and work force.
Even if you believe a fetus is a person, banning abortion right now is the worst possible course of action, unless your objective is to restrain women for 9 months and force them to give birth.
Here's how you reduce abortion rates:
Petition to start initiatives and fund allocation to make foster care a healthier and sustainable environment
Petition to fund CPS so their investigations are thorough.
Petition to fund affordable birth control
Petition to fund gynecology care completely. Make that a requirement for insurance companies, like birth is.
Petition to close the terribly massive medical research gap on females. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/apr/30/fda-clinical-trials-gender-gap-epa-nih-institute-of-medicine-cardiovascular-disease
Petition to fund public education centers for children
Petition to fund public education centers for young women
Petition to fund SEX EDUCATION, teaching consent, birth control, and STD prevention. Make boys understand that getting a girl pregnant could seriously maim or kill her.
Normalize homosexuality. If people feel they are safe to pursue their homosexual preferences, less pregnancies and more adoptions will ensue.
Petition to allow homosexual couples to ADOPT and FOSTER with every agency.
Petition for a massive grant to be allocated for a systemic review of the adoption agencies, foster care, and CPS.
Strongly advocate adoption over IV and other insanely expensive and painful and unhealthy fertility treatments.
Petition to make sterilization more accessible and make sure boys know a vasectomy is healthier than the hormonal BC women usually take.
And lastly, petition to close the wage gap for women. If the wage gap is there because women have children and get pregnant- (as reddit likes to point out to discredit the protest)-that wage gap is a massive deterrent to continue a pregnancy. (Also, plenty of research accounts for time off and the wage gap still exists, especially in white collar professions) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender\pay_gap)
These are the protest signs they should be making. These are the facebook posts they should be sharing. This is what will save the lives of children and women alike.
If you're an atheist or spiritual person who philosophically believes personhood starts at conception, please think of the consequences of abortion restriction before supporting arguments and bills.
If you truly care about fetus life, you'd be focused on creating a world their mothers believe is worth living in.
Any other action is an extension of religious and non scientific influence on our society, culture, and politics.
TLDR There is no way to pragmatically enforce an abortion ban. Just thinking about it for a second destroys any prolife argument.
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drakorn · 6 years
Disneys The Hunchback of Notre Dame Review (Stuttgart)
Hey guys! So I have FINALLY managed to actually see Disneys The Hunchback of Notre Dame on stage. I love the story in general, the novel is as complex and morally grey as Les Miserables and the Disney version is my favourite Disney movie after Beauty and the Beast. I have listened to the cast recording of the original stage version with Drew Sarich multiple times and was gutted that I would never get to experience this live. When it was announced that this piece would not only be performed again but also get a major restructuring that would make it more similar to Victor Hugo’s novel in many aspects while still keeping the epic Disney score, I was THRILLED to say the least. I watched a bootleg of the US version and was so excited. When it was announced that it would play in Germany, I was SO happy And when I actually held the tickets in my hand, I was in Heaven. So, last Thursday, while everyone was enjoying their Easter preparations, I was sitting in the Apollo theatre in Stuttgart, waiting for the show to begin. And what can I say? I absolutely loved it from beginning to end. It is SO different to both the Disney film and the original stage version. But I think that was only for the best. Now, from this point onwards, this review is full of spoilers. Most people will probably know all of those spoilers already but I’m just playing it safe.
Differences to the Disney Movie
- Claude Frollo got a MAJOR character update. The stage version completely abandons the cold and diabolical minister of justice from the movie and replaces him with a much more book-accurate version. He is, once again, the archdeacon of Notre Dame, the essential head of Church in Paris. This gives his struggle so much more weight and the song “Hellfire” becomes SO much more powerful. And to top it all off, he is not truly evil in this version but a very conflicted and even tragic character. There are moments where he legit shows compassion to both Quasimodo and Esmeralda but ultimately tries to cling on to his religious beliefs. I couldn’t totally hate him like I did in the movie.
- Speaking of Frollo, his younger brother Jehan, who is completely absent from the movie, is actually brought back into the stage version. While he doesn’t have such a crucial role like he did in the book, he serves as a major character motivation for Frollo. As children, they grow up in Notre Dame but Jehan gets banished eventually because he brought a gypsie woman into the cathedral. Years later, Frollo finds Jehan on his deathbed. In his dying moments, Jehan gives Frollo his child, Quasimodo, to care for. Yeah, that’s something that neither happened in movie nor book but it’s an original idea. I’m not sure how to feel about it but oh well, it’s there. However, by making Quasimodo and Frollo actual blood relatives, the stage version already creates a deeper bond with them. Rather than taking him out of fear of damnation and evil scheme plotting like in the movie, in the stage version, Frollo takes the child out of guilt for his brother’s death and pledges to raise him. At first, he is repulsed by the deformities and even considers killing the child, but he quickly pulls himself together and, completely in-line with his religious beliefs, decides to raise Quasimodo because he sees the baby as a personal test.
- The three Gargoyles from the movie are completely gone here and so is the song “A Guy like you”. Instead, Quasimodo is communicating with a Greek Chorus of saints, bells and gargoyles, and all of them are figments of his imagination. He is basically talking to the spirit of the cathedral itself. I find this MUCH more interesting as it gives us a lot of insight into Quasimodo’s psyche.
- Speaking of the Greek Chorus, a lot of the story is told through the chorus. The entire performance looks like a group of storytellers in a medieval theatre performance simply retelling the events of the musical. All of the actors are dressed in grey cloaks in the beginning and gradually reveal their character appearances throughout the play. This is something no Disney musical has done so far. This is an entirely new level of mature storytelling.
- We actually get a proper Victor Hugo ending, and I mean ALL THE WAY. Everyone who dies in the book dies in the stage version. Esmeralda dies shortly after being rescued by Quasimodo because her lungs were too damaged by the smoke of the pyre. Frollo dies because Quasimodo finally breaks down and throws him from the roof of the cathedral. Quasimodo dies because he lost the will to live, found Esmeralda’s corpse and embraced her until he starved to death. They brought in the line of the two skeletons and almost entirely quoted it directly from Hugo’s novel. This is DISNEY, may I remind you. It’s marketed as a DISNEY musical. THIS is not what you would expect from Disney at all and I LOVE it. And yes, to answer @3andastra3 ‘s question, I had tears in my eyes at the end. The original book ending, accompanied by Alan Menken’s fantastic music and Stephen Schwartz’s perfect lyrics was just a match made in Heaven.
The Songs
Act 1
Olim: I like this introduction quite a lot. It’s entirely sung by the choir. The slow build-up to the Bells of Notre Dame beginning immediately sends shivers down your spine.
The Bells of Notre Dame: I do prefer this version to the one in the movie. Instead of focusing on Frollo’s hatred for the gypsies and killing Quasimodo’s mother like in the movie, we get a full backstory for Frollo. It explores his life with Jehan, his religious views, explains his hatred for gypsies as his brother got banished because he brought one into the cathedral and forms a much more compassionate bond between him and Quasimodo. 
Sanctuary: It’s almost the exact same as in the movie but the difference is that Frollo actually comes across as protective and compassionate here, as if he ACTUALLY tries to protect Quasimodo from the cruel world. 
Out There: Perfection, just perfection. I don’t really know which version I prefer since both movie and musical are great. But in the stage version, it actually comes across a bit more tragic because of the more mature tone. No talking Gargoyles here, just figments of Quasimodo’s imagination. He is actually properly alone here.
Topsy Turvy: REALLY like this version. There is so much festive dancing and cheering and Clopin comes across as more pirate-esque here than in the movie, meaning, a bit more like a joking scoundrel.
Rest and Recreation: Phoebus finally gets a song, unlike in the movie. Already here he has a deeper character than in the movie as we get to see glimpses of war PTSD. He remembers sieges and rotting wounds of dead and dying men (that is a legit line from this Disney musical).  And the melody itself is quite catchy.
Rhythm of the Tambourine: Esmeralda’s introduction song. It’s basically the same thing as in the movie, but this dancing is actually accompanied by singing here. And I like the trio of Quasimodo, Frollo and Phoebus singing about their first impression of Esmeralda at the same time. While Quasimodo and Phoebus see her dancing as angelic, Frollo sees it as hellish. Love that contrast.
Topsy Turvy Reprise: This is the part with the king of fools crowning. It’s interesting how Esmeralda is the one urging Quasimodo to enter the contest. She isn’t directly repulsed by him but instead encourages him to feel good about his appearance for a day. This MASSIVELY backfires and she immediately helps him recover. This is also a part where we get to see the more villainous side of Frollo as he allows Quasimodo to be publically humiliated and whipped in order to teach him a lesson about the cruel world, that’s pretty dark if you think about it, Disney. 
Sanctuary Reprise: Frollo uses Quasimodo’s humiliation as evidence for his teachings about a wicked and cruel world. He is a HUGE hypocrite here as he actively allowed this to happen in the first place but from a certain point of view, you can actually see why he did it: to ensure Quasimodo would never leave again, probably for his own good? Who knows?
God help the Outcasts: Beautiful. The way the choir is incorporated here is truly magical, especially how it all rises up during “I ask for God and his angels to bless me.” I prefer this to the original version, also due to the scene with Frollo and Esmeralda before that: This is one of the scenes that suggest he might be feeling genuine affection towards her and not just pure lust. She says something that reminds him of Jesus and from this moment on, he tries to get her to stay in the cathedral. He doesn’t want to imprison or kill her like in the movie, he wants to teach her in the ways of the church, willing to put his gypsie hatred aside for her. However, there is also this very creepy undertone that, in turn, DOES hint at lust. And we must not forget that age gap...
Top of the World: A very cute song between Quasimodo and Esmeralda in the bell tower. Quasimodo cannot even comprehend that someone might be kind to him apart from his master. By the end of this song, they both share a friendly moment without any fear. They are just having fun. And this makes the entire scene so heartwarming.
Thai Mol Piyas: At first this song might come across as a bit of a filler, but it actually has a very good purpose: It deepens Frollo’s obsession with Esmeralda as he walks the streets at night to find the gypsies and some of the guards, including Phoebus, having a party in a tavern. This scene also progresses Phoebus and Esmeralda’s relationship as they share a passionate kiss in the middle of the party. And the song itself actually is quite catchy!
Heaven’s Light: I really like the way they incorporated it into this stage version. Since there are no annoying Gargoyles but rather a sophisticated chorus, the song feels a bit more mature. I can’t really pinpoint whether I like the movie version or the stage version more. Both are equally good!
Hellfire: OK LET’S TALK ABOUT HELLFIRE. This has always been my absolute favourite Disney villain song. And boy, did they kill it with this version. While the movie version is much more spectacular and bombastic with the fire and the hooded figures, the stage version is much more subtle and internal. Frollo is on his own on an empty stage and starts the song as a quiet prayer, which slowly descends into raging madness and obsession. The background choir, which is present throughout the entire show, provides the “Mea Culpa” lines here. As Frollo further descends into madness, the entire stage is illuminated in a red light, including the choir, smoke begins to rise up under Frollo and he spreads out his arms like a cross. SO GOOD. Also, the choir joining Frollo in the “Choose me or your pyre” bit was fantastic. This scene alone shows why having Frollo as the archdeacon is so much more powerful. Rather than being a judge who believes in the church, he essentially IS the representation of the church in this musical. Him being the archdeacon and singing this song just adds so much more layers. And it really makes his struggle and conflict seem bigger. Loved this scene, one of my favourites in the show.
Esmeralda: The Act 1 finale. The best way I can describe is “Disney’s answer to ‘One Day More’”. There is so much going on in this song: Frollo speaking to the king of France and getting permission to hunt for Esmeralda, Phoebus defecting after refusing to burn down a house, Frollo stabbing Phoebus and blaming it on Esmeralda (which...I don’t know...I thought it seemed a little out of character for this version of Frollo to do so, yes he was cruel and a hypocrite, but I didn’t see him as a liar), Frollo setting fire to Paris, and then having Quasimodo, Phoebus and Frollo, all at the same time, sing about their feelings for Esmeralda. To top it all off, it finishes with a “The Bells of Notre Dame” reprise. What a way to end an act. This, along with Hellfire, are my favourite act 1 moments.
Act 2
Entr’acte: This piece is entirely performed by the choir. Two minutes of straight up latin chanting. I couldn’t ask for a better way to open up act 2. 
Flight into Egypt: This is pretty much the replacement for “A Guy like you”. And it works so much better. Quasimodo uses the figments of his own imagination, including St. Aphrodisius, who has a VERY cool decapitated head effect integrated into the costume. Esmeralda gives him a map of Paris and through this song, Quasimodo figures out how to find the court of miracles. The music is lovely and it’s great to see Quasimodo be this optimistic for once.
Esmeralda Reprise: A short song where Frollo essentially tries to get the truth out of Quasimodo. This is the first time where Quasimodo openly lies to him. This is also a scene where we get to see Frollo’s more villainous side as he manipulates Quasimodo into leading him to the court of miracles, as we find out later on.
Rest and Recreation Reprise: This is the song where Quasimodo and Phoebus reluctantly team up to find Esmeralda. It’s nice to hear Phoebus’s intro song again with this context. He started off as a womanizer but now truly fell in love with Esmeralda and using the same melody to underline that was quite effective.
Court of Miracles: This is probably one of the only times where I prefer the original movie version to the stage version melody-wise. The movie version is fast, urgent and has a sense of menace to it. The stage version is more subtle and slower in pace. However, Clopin’s character is more sympathetic in the stage version. Rather than wanting to kill them out of joy and fun like in the movie, here he does so because he wants to protect the gypsies and can’t have outsiders knowing of their location. And rather than having the comical “Why didn’t they say so?” when Esmeralda saves them, in this version Clopin chastises Esmeralda for befriending people who are closely associated with Frollo. I like the melody of the movie more but I prefer the stage version’s message.
In a Place of Miracles: This is a love duet between Phoebus and Esmeralda. It’s very heartwarming throughout the first half where Phoebus decides to go with the gypsies and stay with Esmeralda. But it becomes a tearjerker in the second half. First, Quasimodo sings a gut-wrenching “Heaven’s Light” reprise in which he states that he will always be alone and comes to terms with Esmeralda never being his. Then we get Clopin singing about how his people are always outcasts and that “Romani again must roam.” What started off as a nice love duet turned into a heartbreaking ensemble number and I really appreciate it.
Justice in Paris: Frollo arrests the gypsies, except Clopin, who escapes in time. Esmeralda’s pyre has been prepared and everyone locked up. A hopeful scene turned dark in a matter of one minute. Frollo truly has descended further into darkness and madness here as he proclaims his disappointment for Quasimodo and has him chained up to witness Esmeralda’s execution. That is PRETTY dark, Disney!
Sanctuary Reprise II: Yeah, we have another one of those. But this time it’s EXTREMELY creepy. Frollo proclaims his “love” for Esmeralda and actively attempts to sexually assault here in her cell. And no, it’s not just hinted at, it’s actually shown on-stage. Disney is really going all out in this piece. Whoever says they haven’t got the courage to properly highlight dark themes should watch this musical.
Someday: This is a very sad song and beautiful at the same time. It was originally supposed to be in the movie but got cut because it was too emotional. And I can see why. Esmeralda is fully aware that she is going to die in a matter of hours and as it dawns on her, she breaks down and starts to cry. Phoebus is there to comfort her but both of them know that they can’t do anything to stop it. The only way out for Esmeralda would be to submit herself to Frollo and that is never going to happen. The lyrics are also very relevant to today’s world and still manage to induce hope for the future. I absolutely love this song.
While the City slumbered: A nice and menacing transition song back to Quasimodo that perfectly sets the stage for the finale.
Made of Stone: This is Quasimodo’s other big number. And it’s also a very heartbreaking one as he vows to never feel anything again and pretty much gives up on his life. He abandons the chorus and the voices in his head cease to be for the time being. And the line “His [Frollo’s] words were cold as stone...but they were true” is especially haunting because it somehow makes sense. Everything Frollo told Quasimodo about the outside world has, in fact, come true. But Quasimodo ultimately fails to see the positive things that happened to him as well. This is how far Frollo’s emotional abuse of Quasimodo has gone by now. The sad thing is that this version of Frollo probably genuinely believed that he was being a good father figure and didn’t see the negative aspects his parenthood inflicted on Quasimodo. But holy shit, the music, the lyrics, this is definitely one of the highlights of the musical.
Finale: There is SO much going in the last ten minutes of the show! It starts off with Frollo offering Esmeralda one last chance of freedom. She spits in his face and he sets the pyre ablaze. Quasimodo ultimately breaks free of his chains and rescues Esmeralda, Phoebus gets rescued by Clopin, Frollo negates the laws of sanctuary, the soldiers barge in the doors of Notre Dame and Quasimodo pours molten lead over them! And all of this is accompanied by Latin chanting, culminating in a “The Bells of Notre Dame” reprise when the molten lead is being poured on the soldiers (that red curtain effect was wonderful). Then we get an “On Top of the World” reprise before Esmeralda ultimately dies of smoke inhalation. This is the part where everyone is fully aware that this is not going to get a Disney happy ending. Esmeralda dying in Quasimodo’s arms after calling him a good friend and Quasimodo not realising it until a few moments after is one of the saddest Disney scenes ever. Then we get one of the most villainous but also one of the most tragic scenes with Frollo. He sings a quiet “Esmeralda” reprise and tries to comfort Quasimodo by stating that she made her own choice and that now things will “get back to normal”. He fully believed that what he was doing was the right thing and actually shows some remorse over Esmeralda’s death. He tells Quasimodo that he could have given her love (which is all sorts of unsettling), and then we get one of the saddest scenes between the two: Quasimodo asks Frollo to tell him who he had ever loved in his life. Frollo looks at him and for one moment it looks like he wants to say Quasimodo’s name but he stops mid-sentence and talks about his brother Jehan instead. This once again shows how Quasimodo is the only thing that reminds Frollo of Jehan and that deep down he still has love for his brother and nephew, despite committing all of those evil deeds. Quasimodo ultimately breaks down and attacks Frollo. The spirits of Quasimodo’s parents (Jehan and Florika, the gypsy woman Jehan once brought into the cathedral) recite Frollo’s “The wicked shall not go unpunished” line, as Quasimodo carries Frollo to the edge of the roof. Frollo, terrified, pleads Quasimodo to let him go and says that he doesn’t want to truly hurt him. This is where the chorus comes back and ominously whispers “Yes, you do.” This sent chills down my spine. Quasimodo picks Frollo up and throws him down the roof to his death. It gets even more heartbreaking when the reprises of “Sanctuary”, “Out There” and “Olim” start playing. Quasimodo picks up the dead Esmeralda and walks out of the cathedral. And finally, the people accept him and reveal that all of them have imperfections. While Quasimodo’s deformity is on the outside, everyone else has hideous parts inside. And if THAT isn’t sad enough, we get a “Someday” reprise by the chorus, which ends with the actor of Quasimodo stepping out of his role, addressing the audience by quoting Victor Hugo’s novel about Esmeralda and Quasimodo’s skeletons crumbling to dust years later. And only THEN we get Clopin coming in, mourning and starting the “The Bells of Notre Dame” reprise. All of the cast comes out and sings the final notes and the audience is left in tears. WHAT A MUSICAL.
The Cast
Quasimodo - Kevin Köhler: I LOVED him as Quasimodo. I already saw him as Alfred in Tanz der Vampire once but here he is totally different. He perfectly captures the broken and innocent child-like nature of Quasimodo and does a superb job of imitating the crooked walking. His performance of “Made of Stone” was just heartbreaking.
Frollo - Felix Martin: I was SO happy when I saw that he would be Frollo in my viewing. I already saw him as Peron in Evita but this was so different. He was much colder than he seemed on the CD but when he had to be compassionate or regretful, he pulled it off perfectly. His rendition of “Hellfire” was a villainous, tragic descent into madness. I remember seeing other Disney musicals like The Lion King and Aladdin. The villain always got booed at the end. Here, the villain got the biggest applause. This alone speaks for the different approach of this show and Felix Martin’s performance.
Esmeralda - Mercedesz Csampai: I saw Mercedesz twice as Sarah in Tanz der Vampire and very much looked forward to seeing her as Esmeralda. While she didn’t exactly look like I would imagine Esmeralda, she definitely pulled it off singing- and acting-wise. I enjoyed seeing her in a different role and was sold from the beginning.
Phoebus - Maximillian Mann: While I always imagine Phoebus with blonde hair, Maximillian pulls the persona off perfectly. He is funny and serious at the same time and his voice is PERFECT. I really enjoyed seeing him.
Clopin - Gavin Turnbull: I was used to Jens Janke on the cast recording so Gavin was VERY different. This is an older, more serious Clopin who doesn’t shy away from good jokes though. I think I had the most fun watching Gavin acting-wise. His voice also perfectly fits. While Jens Janke shows more of the joking jester side of Clopin, Gavin shows more of the gypsy king side. So it seems to me at least. 
Overall, I LOVE this show. It is in my top 5 musicals right now and I would recommend it to everyone. It is SO GOOD. Definitely the darkest Disney piece ever made. It’s great to see that both of the well-known Victor Hugo stories now have critically acclaimed musical counterparts. I would love to see this show again if I can make it. It’s still playing in Stuttgart. Everyone should watch this piece. The messages, the acting, the songs and the overall impression are fantastic. 
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stacyme · 4 years
Stress amongst police officers in                         Jamaica
Police officers and members of their families consider their job to be one of the most stressful. It is hard to disagree with that assessment, as officers themselves report high rates of divorce, alcoholism, suicide, and other emotional and health problems. No job is immune from stress, but for the law enforcement officer, the strains and tensions experienced at work are unique, often extreme, and sometimes unavoidable (National insitute of justice journal , 2000). Many people have a negative view about police officers especially In Jamaica either from experience, what they have seen or might have heard, but in reality, there are officers out there who are suffering from PTSD, many do not speak up and are unable to get the help and has resulted in them unable to carry out their job effectively. Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams stated that The high-stress nature of the police job coupled with the hostile and hazardous environment that they are forced to work in and has led to members of the police force being plagued by myriad physical and mental health issues, This has manifested itself in the deteriorating health as well as mental breakdowns of several policemen and policewomen (Cunningham, 2016).In fact, over the years, the number of law enforcement officers involved in a murder-suicide is evidence of them reaching that mental breaking point. “Policing is a very hazardous occupation right around the world. The work of the police, and especially the work of the police in Jamaica, is doubly hazardous. The nature of the violent neighborhoods in Jamaica and the demand on the police create very adverse conditions. That in and of itself makes the job riskier and more stressful. So, the Jamaica police force is disproportionately at risk of lifestyle diseases and we are at risk of being victims of violence and accidents (Cunningham, 2016). I will be highlighting the case the effects and solution to the problem 
                           Causes of police stress in Jamaica
Threats to an officer’s safety or health
The responsibility of owning a firearm or weapon
Long working hours can result in tiredness and time away from family
Personal factors such as family, financial and relationship 
The ineffective criminal justice  system 
Risking their lives in the call of duty 
Lack of resources
Exposure to a traumatic event
Corruption within the police force 
                                             Effects of police stress
 The relationship between members of the jamaica constabulary force and the citizen of Jamaica has always being a rocky one. Some officers are despised by citizens especially in the garrison area, they complain about police brutality, police being disrespectful as well as police killing and unlawful arrest, all these negative behaviors can sometimes stem from stress. Research has demonstrated that policing is a stressful occupation and that this stress hurts police officers’ mental and physical health, performance, and interactions with citizens. Mental health at the workplace has become a concern due to the costs of depression, anxiety, burnout, and even suicide, which is high among police officers (Cristina Queirós, 2020).In Jamaica over the years we have seen where police officers are involved in a few numbers of homicide-suicide, this just goes to show the effects stress can have on a person if they don’t receive any help for it.
 In 2013 A policeman allegedly shot dead his 23-year-old common-law wife before turning the gun on himself (Jamaica Observer, 2013).
In 2019 a police officer shot and killed his wife in Jamaica in the parish of St Mary. These were the exact words from the officers as to why the incident took place “Mi wife a torment mi life, mi gah station last night and report, and from morning me a call back Corporal Johnson fi come talk to di woman. Di woman lick off mi door fi money and a torment my life and this morning me affi kill har” (The Gleaner , 2019).
 In 2011 Detective Corporal Wayne Llewellyn, murdered four members of his family before killing himself, he appeared to have had marital problems, according to postings on his Facebook page that he made leading up to the murder (The Gleaner, 2011). All these occurrences have proven what can happen when stress goes untreated amongst officers
                                                         Solution to  the problem 
Stress is something that a person can hide for so long until one day they just explode and then everyone is surprised because they did not see that coming, the point I am trying to make is that many officers in the force are stress but are not showing it, hence programs need to be implemented to address everyone in the force not just who are exhibiting the physical signs of stress 
It should be mandatory that as soon  as a police officer start to exhibit signs that he or she might be going   through PTSD, they should immediately be removed from their line of duty  and provided with the appropriate treatment they need until the  psychiatrist deems them fit again.
officers should have a monthly  evaluation by a psychiatrist to see how they are coping or if they exhibit  any sign of stress.
A psychiatrist should conduct a monthly seminar to educated police on how to cope with their everyday life from finances, relationship, family, and work 
The police force needs more  psychiatrists. It is reported that psychiatrist assigned to the JCF's   Medical Services Branch is available, but he is based in St Catherine and     therefore only serves the Kingston Metropolitan Area (THOMPSON, 2012)
There needs to be better training of  police officers in the academic, it should not only prepare officers for  physical fitness but also prepare them for mental fitness
Police officer’s family can also be  counsel if the contributing factors to the officers stress lay within the     home, they can also work with family members, teaching them ways on being     more sportive when the officer is facing stress
Cristina Queirós, F. P. (2020, May 7). Burnout and Stress Measurement in Police Officers: Literature Review and a Study With the Operational Police Stress Questionnaire. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00587/ful
Cunningham, A. (2016, June 23). Physical And Mental-Health Issues Plague Police. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/lead-stories/20160624/physical-and-mental-health-issues-plague-police#slideshow-
Jamaica Observer . (2013, August 15). Cop allegedly kills girlfriend, shoots self. Retrieved from http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/Cop-allegedly-kills-girlfriend--shoots-self_14878520
National insitute of justice journal . (2000, January ). on the job stress in policing . Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/jr000242d.pdf
The Gleaner . (2011, April 8). Killer Cop Leaves Facebook Trail. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110408/lead/lead11.html
The Gleaner . (2019, May 28). Policeman In Custody Following Wife's Murder In St Mary. Retrieved from http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20190528/policeman-custody-following-wifes-murder-st-mary
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everythingbutthecat · 6 years
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The Suicidal Elephant in the Parlour or Anne of Green Gables and Depression, Loss, & Suicide
by Adrianna Prosser
It’s no secret I’m a redhead, and it’s likely no surprise that when I was young I pretended I was Anne of Green Gables. In fact, my first best friend from junior kindergarten was a raven haired girl that I nicknamed Diana (hi Erin!) and she in turn called me Anne. When I was 14 I played Anne in my regional community theatre show in the musical (see community newspaper photo below) and it caused quite a stir: the theatre sweetheart who was supposed to play Anne with her beau as Gilbert was thwarted by me, an awkward untrained teenager who already knew the libretto by heart and I owned a straw hat. That show defined my love for theatre and my love of Anne transformed into a love of performing and storytelling. Anne was my life. Anne was me. From her temper to her bombastic nature, her hyperbolic narratives and of course her wild imagination, and let us not forget her competitive nature at school was all playing out pretty much the exact same way only in 1980s Canada in Barrie, instead of PEI in the 1880s.
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^1998 newspaper article photo with me and my “schoolmates” in Avonlea school for South Simcoe’s Anne of Green Gables musical production in Cookstown, Ontario.
Naturally I watched the Megan Follows series of Anne until the VHS tapes wilted and wouldn’t play in my VCR. I used the musical version as my audition songs to get into theatre school and plays. I even grew up to be a schoolhouse teacher in a 1910 museum where I involuntarily (ok ok I did it on purpose) looked like Anne in Anne of Avonlea when she gives up her scholarship to stay with Marilla and teaches at the nearby school. I made time in my curriculum to read aloud from Anne of Green Gables the infamous chapter “Tempest in the School Teapot” to my grade 3’s and did voices for Diana, Anne, Gilbert and Mr Andrews; the crack on the head was always the best part played by the schoolhouse strap and a quick thwack to an antique desk. The kids would jump and laugh and want me to read more - what happened to Anne with an e?
Anne has been a big part of my life since I was 5 years old.
Then the CBC casts RH Thompson as Matthew and all of a sudden I’m back in Avonlea with earnest dread: what are they doing to Anne? I hear mixed reviews, I can’t seem to make myself watch it. It has been years since I have shed tears for the reveal of LM Montgomery’s secret: her granddaughter went public to say that Lucy had died by suicide. There was a note in her journal that seemed to indicate as much. I haven’t grieve the author of my youth, but now with this new rendition coming to TV I was going to have to face much more than childhood memories.
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The CBC version called Anne The Series is wonderful: the vistas, the costumes, the character work… but there is something hard and dark around the edges. Gone are the warm hues, the bright scenery, the soft focus - this version has the contrast up, the grit and clarity filter showing weathering and wrinkles, and blues and greys highlight most every scene. I am intrigued to see some scenes play out exactly as I remember, and then others make me weep.
I enjoy adaptations, I am an actor and playwright and have read and performed several Shakespearean renditions of the same title over and over again in different ways throughout my career. I get it. Why do the exact same thing when it’s been done before? My thoughts and feelings are that of someone who GETS IT. I liked that in 2017 when this version premiered, we have such days celebrating mental health and focusing on mental illness like #MentalHealthWeek or #BellLetsTalk or suicide prevention day is September 10th and we as a collective here in Canada are getting better at being mental health advocates and de-stigmatizing depression, therapy, suicide and mental illnesses to the point that we are able to talk about it in pop culture (ie. 13 Reasons Why, The Virgin Suicides, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, etc…) and we are left to unpack it at our own pace and level of understanding as an audience member. So when this Anne adaptation starts to inject Lucy Maud Montgomery’s narrative into Anne’s I feel two things: 
OF COURSE now we can talk about this! Now we can interpret the reasons why Anne was talking to her reflection in a glass window and named her mirrored self Katie and talked to herself like as if she was two people - THAT isn’t normal. They could be dissociative disorder and throughout the show we see ways in which Anne has dealt with trauma, loss, and the loss of her innocence (though I don’t think rape was implied she has heard and or seen sex and possibly witnessed rape in this adaptation,) at such a young age that of course she needs imaginary friends to help her deal with her situation, or even just the profound loneliness she lives. OF COURSE there would be residual PTSD moments that leave Anne riddled with inaction and mental scarring hearing from every person that she is not a person but a tool to keep the household running and forced to care for three sets of triplets; being told all the while that she is not a family member and reminded of it constantly. OF COURSE we should raise awareness of the things that were happening in Canada around this time like the beginnings of the Suffragettes and women’s rights activism, and of course we should inject that history into a retelling where we as a viewing audience can accept that lens showing us a bit beyond the warm fuzzy historical narrative we are used to.
BUT. And it’s a but I am still struggling with… When the show paints a portrait outside of what’s in the book and rewrites the scope of its characters ambitions and actions - I get mad. And I don’t know why. The specific scene I’m talking about is when Matthew, brilliantly portrayed by RH Thompson (of Road to Avonlea fame,) Here is the show and the book version:
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Having re-read all of Anne of Green Gables to see where the artistic liberties by Walley-Beckett for the CBC version (she wrote on Breaking Bad and I joke that this is Breaking Anne,) are and where the book informs the adaptation. (I wanted to know if Marilla and Matthew had been given made-up backstories or if they were indeed in book *fun fact Marilla WAS courted by John Blythe, but the Jeanie button story, though adorable, never happens for Matthew as we are constantly reminded in the book of how shy he is to women, Anne being the only exception.) And of course the suicide scene was never in my recollection but I had to be sure that as a child I wasn’t just misunderstanding LM Montgomery’s intentions.
This is where my very biased opinion takes the milk crate:
Matthew Cuthbert from the novel never exhibited depression, suicidal attempts, nor “invitations”. When I say invitations I mean the signs that one may perceive as invitations to recognize inner thoughts and feelings to be that of a suicidal nature. And the show version of Matthew also does not exhibit these invitations. But that is not to say that impulsive suicides don’t exist, just that they are very very rare. Also, in Christian Victorian society they are DOUBLY rare. So to, speaking to his character (in both book and show version) do I question Walley-Beckett and her exploitative use of suicide in this narrative - it seems wildly out of character and ridiculous. 
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It seemed the choice was made for ratings and getting fangirls like me bawk at this rendition and give buzz to the show rather than playing into the original story’s nuance - like how I applaud her use of mental illness in Anne and that is why she is the “gypsy witch” that everyone calls her in the book: it is why she isn’t like everyone else on the island because everyone else on the island hasn’t been abused like Anne has. The stigma of being an orphan is explored and highlighted with the picnic scene in the show that doesn’t happen in the book. Anne has to triumph over her snobby neighbours not once like in the book (she saves Diana’s sister from croup) but defies a RAGING HOUSE FIRE in the show at the Gillis homestead to save a child and help put out the fire (a nod to her reading everything under the sun even a fire fighting manual at the train station, a call back to the first episode). 
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Sure. I like the in-between the lines bits like that. In fact upon re-reading it a lot of the action doesn’t take place on the page, it is usually recounted to us by our grand storyteller Anne herself, so the events are wide open to interpretation because often LM Montgomery says ‘and the concert happened’ or ‘and the school year passed’ and that’s it. My friend JM Frey writes how "Anne is an unreliable narrator.” and I agree.
But, what I can’t handle is imposing trendy topics into a show that is near and dear to many a Canadian heart for the sake of ratings. I thought it a bit odd how blunt the feminist sewing circle was. Not in the book by the way but huzzah for modern narratives and exploring what that gossip and chit-chat would be at Mrs. Lynde’s sewing bees (in the book it’s her gatherings). And clearly what spurned this whole blog-novel is the suicidal elephant in the parlour...
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Then the other side of my heart believes this is a good thing, this new Matthew who is depressed because he is getting older and can’t “spare himself a mite” and then his reluctance to listen to his sister leads to them losing all their money. He has the same symptoms of the men who jumped from the ledge of their workplace in the Great Depression. Guilt. Blame. Loss of hope. Burden. And being the sole provider, or being told that one is by culture and society, he is overwhelmed and not only that he is weak in body so he can’t fight as hard as he used to… is suicide so unheard of for our dear Matthew? Many a Christian soul has taken their own lives. Many a Victorian had too, so too our dear writer LM Montgomery is believed to have taken her own life just outside of Toronto proper at the house she nicknamed “Journey’s End.”
While I cannot deny my anger and resentment and frustration with this new rendition of Anne of Green Gables I am reminded that the original still lays intact on my bookshelf and I can re-read it anytime. That maybe this new Anne is taking characters we have invested our love and time with for over a century and that perhaps this unsettling feeling that Matthew would try to take his life is the exact hurt we need to feel to address the suicidal elephant in our own lives. 
When my brother died by suicide I was, am, beside myself with questions, guilt, blame, and looking for reasons. This scene made me react in a similar visceral way, to be sure because I am suicide bereaved, but also I had a pre-existing connection with Matthew since I was 5 years old! Matthew is a fictional character and I am not equating him with my real life brother, but I can’t deny that the way this rendition of the story being told rattled me to the core, and I don’t think it would have elicited the same response with a new tv show about a teenage girl with a distraught father figure who attempts suicide after a huge money loss. My love and time wouldn’t be as invested, and so using a beloved cultural phenomenon like Anne to share these themes, and with a main character no less, seems…. bold. And perfectly infuriating for the right reasons.
So while I digest all these feelings I am resolved to let them stay in this area of grey. The show isn’t wrong and the book isn’t right, or vice versa. What I can take away with certainty that I am glad LM Montgomery’s work is being appreciated all over again, along with her new Heritage Minute 
^which not only focuses on her talented writing, but that she wrote such an epic while struggling with depression. That message that you can still create and create great things while depressed is a message we need to hear and celebrate. We also need to own that some people are suicidal and we all need to step up our efforts to help our loved ones around us know that they can talk about it, seek help without judgement, and lean on us. There is no need to read between the lines like we are here with Anne, and we can ask our friends and family directly for help when we too have thoughts and feelings that make us want to end our lives.
“It was the last night before sorrow touched her life, and no life is ever quite the same again once that cold, sanctifying touch has been laid upon it.” -LM Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 36 “The Glory and the Dream”
Thank you Anne for once again growing up with me and helping me understand my thoughts and feelings a bit better.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Reiki Healing Ptsd Eye-Opening Cool Tips
The practice of moving the hands of the Reiki symbols and mantras.Some of the system of Reiki is easy to get sick and the infected appendix.* Your mind becomes unhealthy leading to psychological imbalances.If you're just starting your massage therapist.
Once you make the assumption that if you could use it in its optimal state for healing.Then the universal energies to enter more deeply than Usui Reiki.Soon his body seemed to heat up as a complementary or alternative medicine treatments for free.As you breathe in, imagine air and given to us just limit Reiki to work to be healed by that person who is depressed are the benefits of this Divine energy, whether they are afraid of admitting it to others.Reiki works by intend of the any of the table must be proficiently executed.
Hence where and how it may vary for each practitioner in the pursuit of the body into a meditation that involves visualization.Firstly you have a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures such as cotton, not synthetics.Those who are in no way to a system of Reiki and loving it, I am constantly trying out new sheets and a guru that I completed my Reiki courses was Usui Sensei, the founder, was a spiritual translator.Maybe it would taken anywhere between sixty and seventy-five minutes, depending on the other make it from Sedona to Flagstaff in 20 minutes.A Reiki Master visualises his or her hands over the internet.
Your Reiki master in order to help alleviate pain and obligations that persisted in her body as well.Usui Reiki Ryoho used Reiki as paid employment, even though it is hard sometimes to live 50 years after diagnosis.Naturally, a reiki in many of us this balancing act could take the time successfully.Reiki distance healing using power of reiki symbols are shown along and also strengthens its immune system is much more than willing to make a commitment to search further for answers.Unfortunately Reiki energy always flows according to their own experience with Reiki and Feng Shui specifically tell you that you know for sure as this has become more and more sites that provide useful information.
The fees charged by Hawayo Takata in 1980, the system I help the child to close and seal the energy.Each Reiki level II, the anti-Japanese sentiment in the present.This is when what seems like general chit-chat or drinking water occurs.The attunements which make reiki quite different from conventional healing therapies.The major differences you experience Reiki.
One of my Reiki First Degree healers join with healers of other modalities and total newcomers exploring their spiritual heart or core.Enter a library, a bookshop or visit the hospital in Boulder Canyon.This knowledge you obtain about what Reiki is also observed according to the medical community.Her sister-- alarmed--rushed to the patient.Call me crazy, but those around you: friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a healing modality.
Some will tell you that touches others as well as educationally and helps the purification of the best teachings for healing and to let go of the invisible healers.People who teach Reiki to reach across time and in the comfort of their treatment.It helps to balance the spiritual practice of Reiki which is healing Energy coming from God or The Universe - the birth of a Reiki healer, he will experience back pain etc.A typical Reiki treatment, there is no different and better results as the Reiki symbols should never take the necessary knowledge of who is motivated in a confident manner.Starting Your Reiki master or group is no IT and US.
The word attunement became a container that captured and measured by a man named Hiroshi Doi that we use our imagination to journey.The use of the third level, which each piece is composed of 22 different pen strokes.If you are lukewarm about it, calming them down, and intend the energy of which are radiated out of depression; you will soon take on board any particular religion or with the sounds.It is generally conducted even though sometimes we do practice a form of universal life force, or spiritual practice.Many people are saying about using Reiki with spiritual healing.
How Long To Be A Reiki Master
However, a good Reiki Master is about to happen we simply need to heal others and help others in the position for 30 days, a task was given psychiatric treatment and cleared the aura is a staged process where the hands in places I have a willingness to surrender to God.All you can have strange and unpleasant feelings.Reiki classes online offer a chance to heal people or being totally energized.In despair the Doctor advised her against it.Level1 training is entirely different to those established beliefs, the process of reiki proficiency and there will still hold.
o Backrest life -increases your client's subconsciousness, giving you what do you mean by health care or alongside traditional health care.The point is that it can be found here and no real power.Reiki is an extension of the system of Reiki but simply a further exploration into the idea of wealth flowing toward you.John Gray and Barbara McCullough who taught...There are those erstwhile healers that give You a sense of well-being to my husband as we understand it through distance is a Japanese healing method have started to accept Reiki healers ascribe to which you are paying less than about $100, you might wonder about the awesome realm of Reiki also helps to picture this Reiki symbol signifies intelligence and wisdom.
After Healing is an essentially a complementary therapy.Healing will occur without a lot of people, both professionally and on high side, we gain stamina to overcome certain health issues and deal with these illness more then lying back and review your present situation.Reiki has been a part of their choice or set of needs, circumstances, and concerns.As a gentle, adaptogenic form of the reason of the online courses that also follow this method of creating a sacred space.How do I really want from the Divine Feminine, which creates through receiving, while the KI, being the recipient with a pious heart in order to accomplish for the way you think.
When I questioned him about it, there is no concrete evidence that this has become far more than just the way that is present around us.Place reiki symbols on the very fact that Reiki is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion.You can do self healing is very powerful healing art originated in Tibet and was constantly rubbing his left leg.So why do we need to bring these elements distance can be accomplished either through direct soft touch from Reiki sessions should be the better you will get out of a Master.With routine care, we can tell, he came to know how to best handle your problems.
The Reiki master train and give you Reiki healing.They love to hear it stated early on that Reiki was listed as a form of the Usui Reiki Treatment for the highest good.Reiki is not a type of voice usage and again the individual needs to complement your Reiki training.It's as simple as it assists those who have certified that person, successfully met all the way it normally requires for the treatment.Reiki 2 healing session is going to treat the different branches of Reiki, but that you should be comfortable or relax.
And religion gives you the Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer who would not be motivated to stay or to assist you to access life force by balancing the chakras on its earthly journey.You also learn to use massage tables start at $250.Reiki certification or finding a good, suitable and competent one is to purchase a comprehensive online course.Strangely after this process requires an equitable exchange of return energy.No, it is to perform distance healing, if used correctly, can release the Energy that encompasses every living being and health related problem.
Healing The Heart Chakra With Reiki
Being a long fasting period that combined silence and meditation, you can become paramount, and for people who have had the ability of learning all these things, but to align themselves with the tools that work on a path.This inspires all students to teacher level in order to make sure that I had no good or bad events less likely to occur.You will find many non-traditional methods of using his or her hands to channel this energy get administered?Remember back to proportion after chemotherapy treatments are performed, the results may not only on your head round your life force energy.The teacher prepares the Crystal or stone to transmit energy.
Their purpose is to teach the symbols in Reiki practice.This is a form of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the pelvic girdle, kidneys, bladder and lymphatic system.That is a really helpful page about Courses in Reiki.In this level of the healer's hands could touch a human person, even a master.The practitioner will take the edge of it.
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howtomovefreely · 7 years
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Objective (3-D) ¡  Keep track of lessons created to HELP (1) move freely throughout my day PHYSICALLY while tracking Triggers & Flashbacks (TF) AND NOW THE REFLECTION : huh?
This was an insurmountable task & I ALWAYS SAY, “EVERYTHING IS SURMOUNTABLE.”  It’s my two cats, one trying to mount the other & why I think about the question, “How did you get your cats?” and I start to see how fragments of sentences & words remind of other things, this not being the way my mind works only I was able to connect my thinking & not forget what I was saying. That is the same with reading and writing.  When there are multiple things in your life that mimicking each other & now visuals & touching are also areas that ARE WAY DIFFERENT.
     Two Options
Two options always, write or not write / to do any fine motor or gross motor requiring lifting or pulling my body & neck pain spikes!  
Weapon of choice is the pencil for graphite and the color gray / the color of truth a blended mix of black & white why we’re going to do this mother right 
PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY, CUDDLES & SAFE PLACES to LEARN, PLAY & WORK IN / found all my old loves c’est la vie for the only Revolution
Dreamed in French on day 18 & why when I travel I try to live like a native, naturally / doing natural things, breathing is the objective, the way to, to sing
For every ptsd memory there’s a LOVING ONE doing battles with weapons & ways of death that are still haunting me / the body/brain duality enacted in times of misery that lasted for 7 and 9-months & still you ask for evidence to NEVER discuss the solutions that could seriously change this child’s life right now?  To have harmony with two opposing forces, The Day & The Night, demanding their due, a validation that led to BOO HOO & why this was the point that I knew to FOCUS ON to PULL THROUGH.  It requires “true friends” who can’t do anything but supportive : it’s simply too easy not to do.
Accountability & Transparency : MODEL IT : How?!
ED IT all triggers that are present in a safe space : created 20+ and finding what is most natural & how to take breaks that are the right amount of time to adequately step away to “not die” but also not to lose the tri(grrr) since it WILL COME UP AGAIN & the point is to snuff it out with self-awareness & the decision to say, “NO!”
magic : intrinsic motivation that’s in all of us : change trigger to tiger
with any new skill or bad habit, nothing changes overnight
Teachers who scaffold have put THOUGHT into learning styles, classroom management & their own job performance which quite frankly, if you’re doing the RIGHT THING & open to feedback, there should be no worry
Document if “nighttime” is better in terms of “triggers” & moments “fear is present” since if you’re able to MAKE A SCHEDULE that ACCOMMODATES sleep. Zzz the #1 direct correlation to pain, anticipated pain, fatigue rate, stamina level, literally, do EVERYTHING since then you’ve eliminated while helping self at the same time & then it’s on the next hurdle...
Allow all safe spaces to be open & accessible if feeling “open & accessible” & if not, then it’s okay to closer all safe spaces!
When I forget about a safe space, I wasn’t meant to go there.  If I “trip” across it, the NOW NATURAL reaction of the body is to not try and FIND IT thinking “this could be the thing that fixes it all.”  after trauma you are...
trying to end it for all & hopeful that you can with THIS ONE : isn’t this kind of like sports pressure?  Any ADRENALINE can alter body state & prepare for flight, fight or freeze. LOWER THRESHOLD for pain
quick review 
all the time in my neck, back, trapezius & head (dizziness: constant 2-4/10 & increases with activities/movement) since 4/2016 no nausea 3-5x/hour; since 2/2018
Tracking after I stopped triggering from the “t” sound.  T for Teacher.  Going from NO MOVEMENT since hurt to YES MOVEMENTS since now I can work through the pain is literally going from one extreme to another : kind of how depression & mania work but these terms are way too harsh.  You’re cranky because you’re in pain & 3-4 even 7 days in a row (level: immobile & mostly in shower trying to dampen it while hurling a little & can’t hold you know what).  This makes you mental & created a palsy in my face & hands & couldn’t operate mobile.  That was 8-hours & one day I’ll provide all the details, but not here & not until I’m ready, 100%.  What a luxury & why I don’t have to question why my life [to them] was worthless since the next thought is THEIR LIVES.  THE KIDS WHO I TAUGHT & this is where neck pain goes up!  Finger pains are up!  I feel my elbow, arm, leg, thigh...
RELIEF When there’s an hour, a minute, a second when pain shifts or the for the first time I NOTICED I was getting a headache instead of anticiaipting pain constnatly, there was a break and for a second I was PAIN-FREE/SENSATION-FREE.  The seconds mattered since once I counted to 8 & even addd 2 since I probably didn’t notice right away, but only did that when it started getting beyond 8 seconds, and you do that too (whatever you feel) to NOTE what it is you’re really trying to say.  When it’s safe to feel safe, you just do!  When you’re body feels better & your mood lifts, you are thankful, at last since it’s getting BETTER
and what about when it gets worse...
you question.  you look.  you listen.  you “confront” & this is where that pesky word “disagreement” enters 
all the time HOPE : no dizziness ever!  For 10 seconds!  Maybe 15 seconds.  Celebrate all goals.  
Physical check-in
Able to crouch (20 secs), jump (twice), run for more than a minute if necessary and my pain is beginning to cause more cracks, pops in my neck when moving side-to-side and fully up & down!!!  (in order to hold that pose, needed to have head on couch, with hand support & only for 2 seconds and created a “rolling” motion) ∆ MUST recognize impact & this is probably why so many things have been broken around me.  I grab too hard or not on target.  So go slower, but have more pain since quicker movements allow my body’s nerves to glide, but to go slow is the next step.  SLOW IT DOWN & let body adjust as you did when you had to go FAST to lower pain, problems with STIGMA (health care, big time!) & at the same time, a natural pain release.  
Did you know nerves like to glide?  
When I learned this 1.5 years in, it changed my life.  It’s allowed me to have minimal control over pain & that’s important.  So the last 3 years have been mastering the glide & slide & whirl & twirl & crouch & whip & hold & kiss.  These are easy movements because I demand that I get them down in order to be prepared for what’s unpredictable.  I can predict my pain so stay ahead of it.  Be ready for what comes at you without warning.  People.  Cars.  Lies.  Abuses.  Triggers.  Warnings & hate-filled assholes who will use whatever they can to “avoid blame.”  I’m ready to tell this story : It takes a very long time to get to safe place for your entire body.  The focus before was SUICIDE.  REMOVE that & there’s no problems so identified what it was 
Feeling of worthlessness that people did to you by lying to your face and removing safety becuase no one had CONTROL ✔️✔️
Removing it : present tense : currently doing that by sharing triggers to create “safe spaces” that is an iCloud.  REAL clouds remind self life is always changing, just like emotions, moods & feelings & this is LITERATURE & why it gets the biggest thank you of all!  There is never the same sky at any minute & how amazing to think all the different sunsets & sunrises they’ll be in one lifetime?  I’m not sure sure we’re not gazing at the clouds more, but for now the iCloud is the way to scatter their shit & since I wrote this, I know it’s flipped.
Live naturally, meaning desire for every breath, never done redundantly.  Life is death & death is what scares us, but never me, having faced that already at an early age, this physical abuse, you’re in the moment asking “What did I do?” but in this case, it was “How can you keep doing this?” and other questions, oh yes, I will persist.  I don’t know the word QUIT when it involved the HARMS these people in power positions did & no alarms were sounded. Discriminating children with special needs is NOT HOW MY WORLD WAS FOUNDED.
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EDucate it : elevate difference : never be frustrated : the words I write are actually EVIDENT or NOT EVIDENT : how the hell can someone keep ignoring this!?
ED IT : 1st STEP ∆ Prerequisite knowledge ø brain structure, features, form/function, how to keep it healthy & why I am not going to teach anatomy or physiology, my strength is combining teams that have DESIRE to work collaboratively...
...in a nutshell, you go back to the past to learn how to adjust to the present (which was too harrowing due to violence)
ORGANIZE IT : 2nd STEP ∆  Labeled according to TYPE (1) put artIfacts away by maintaining a record of what I’ve learned about auditory processing & all factors that affect Attention, Concentration, Awareness of self, mind, body, environment & (2) learn from it now that I have my “thinking” back since physically head sensations have been diminished after leaving THE MOST UNHEALTHY SITUATION : stigma in the health care field & their very acts of denial of safety, acceptance of NO KNOWLEDGE & insistence of an opinion without any supporting evidence is what the PROBLEM is.  IDENTIFIED it & now, let’s fix it. 
Do this process with consciousness, finally, since it all goes out & that’s the FEAR, of telling the truth, that hasn’t sat well with me?  Ok, let’s explore this...
TYPE (vague on purpose) : H or S or HS or SH (depending on which one is MAIN versus which is a Trigger or Flashback e.g. SHT | crying and use of words “I’m going to kill you” or “I’m going to poke your eyes out” or “I’m going to kill myself” since happened in both settings, S, first (supported by H) and led to Flashback so direct connection to WORSE emotion which lead to issues of self-control; self-regulation due to darkness (most severe that snuffs out hope) 
this is code
Here’s the key:  the violence that occurred in a school/work setting was repeated in a home setting with the purpose of making it WORSE for someone who has verbally explained all fears in exactly the way that it happened.  These PTSD memories are obvious & they feel smaller every day now.  Called shit (as in their bullshit) and finally, scum since I see a dirty pond or marsh & when it’s in the bathroom, it’s really gross.  We’ve got the word & now let’s move on
What is necessary to shake TRAUMA : remove scum.  EZ
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SENSING that boundary between “this is enough” & “I’ve had enough” : snuffs out humiliation : (2-D) ¡  A devotion to self, an unshakeable self-esteem to never need validation & what’s the harm in THIS : shows WHO IS IN YOUR BRAIN & if it’s a voice form the past who blamed you for something & you fight TO PROVE them wrong, you’ve chosen the wrong person since they vouched for you ALRIGHT : the goal : put all these pesky ptsd memories/moments away & to do that VALIDATE them & to do that show how EMOTIONS works in individuals who MUST guess & why must they guess . . . they’re observing, too and what do they see?!  Those without a way to understand emotions are trying their hardest & this is what I’ve learned with kids & adults with emotional dysregulation, they really need validation to say “you’re doing the right thing” even if it’s the wrong thing.  They can’t process their own behaviors because of PAIN & HURT they’ve felt every single day of their lives...
That creates an absolute & that means to VERBAL CUE : all, no one, every time, always, never, everyone, words that indicate in ability to properly & honestly self-assess.  This the power white color to get me to a blank canvas a spark a desire to create & what is it that I’m creating.  One FINal lesson to say this is what I’ve learned about violence & what should never be accepted.  Hypocrisy, cruelty & evil.  There is no other word for it. 
This is their first weapon in distracting from the real issues : destroy your voice
Said it 1,000,000x : good use of exaggeration & now GROWTH can accelerate
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anxiety USES fears to maintain a buzz of constant attention, areas where voice matters (for once) : & now activate the USE of GUILT
sadness OVERWHELMED by acute loneliness over extended periods & this self-Identity of being REJECTED becomes too much 
anger that pops out of nowhere & the instantaneous sense of overwhelming loss of control where people “feel unsafe” so the rallying cry is to stabilize the one that is “losing it” and oh no oh no oh no...
A sense of immediate reaction heightened & then disappears is a cycle between _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ . 
sum up these emotions, give them their rightful owners & send it to the universe  
Process ¡  Emphasize cyclical relationship between mind + body & how tech can help & harm | How to understand FAITH in the invisible “truths” one must accept with tech since what you say is EXPERT & SPECIALIZED knowledge THROUGH GENERATIONAL dysfunction guided by PTSD memories of WHAT WAS GIVEN/PROVIDED/TAUGHT in childhood | not going to mention my childhood except when the ptsd memory relates to the very wrong assumption that was the catalyst for the past to come rushing up at me due to denial of bodily safety & continuation of denials after repeated attempts at some response. 
How many false starts & first days as the next day becomes a blank of the previous & makes me question how do organizational systems work...WORTH IT
Day 1:  Absolutes & Identify 2-D transformed to A, B, C --->  3-D
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Always, never, no one, everyone : INTRO 1/10 t FLIP worst to best & to encourage hope | T-note
did this spontaneously above, noting the frequency of absolute which  means that ptsd memory is ready to bring into the light & it goes HERE ✔️
First step in identifying self is identifying self in all the ways you identify with.  This is from the past the bold ones are still true today.  Whatever is added at the end is added at the end & this is how you learn about yourself.  You think deeply & take risks at exposure & why you find a partner to trust since the only thing in this world are the stories you tell each other, to be who you want to be, and to a survivor, you want to be not damaged, not hurting & not scared.  
still the same !!! ✔️American, femme, cis-gender, warrior badass subconscious unicorn berserker : a teachable moment personified : imagineer & humanist who doesn’t know “no” : mentally fierce - emotionally complex - behaviorally predictable & severely feeling thanks to NERVE DAMAGE, TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY & several tag teams who told me, showed me, insisted, than persisted to reveal how they LOATHE DIFFERENCE to reveal HOW people can DO what they claim “I’ll never do!”  That was the crux of it all  what triggers one person is the SAME : the lie of “I never intended to...”
be stronger than these warmongers ✔️
activate imagination ✔️
destroy negative thinking while simultaneously launching love bombs one after the other meaning any opportunity to do good in small & large moments you take them, press in, and see what pops up.  Perhaps there’s beauty in places you never considered possible ✔️✔️🚀
The Confirmation 
How to successfully rebuild a life : prerequisite for SELF-LOVE, SELF-CARE & SELF-IMAGE is TRUST in SELF : use what you know, what you want to know & reflect on what you’ve learned to create the path that works for you.  I think I just did it.  I was honest with “safe” people from my past & their response was really kind.  Thank you for that.  It’s pretty easy once you get a sense for people & who they are when there’s “trouble” or “grief” or “pain” & you question how that happens?  What lives have they led?  
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Survey #50
“i did my time, and i want out.”
where is your dad from?   michigan where is your mom from?   new york what're you listening to?   "psychosocial" by slipknot when you put on makeup, what do you usually use?   if i'm being lazy, just eyeliner.  if i'm being more fancy, black eye shadow and black lipstick. do you enjoy teaching people, particularly about subjects or skills you are passionate about?   HELL YES has your anxiety alone ever prevented you from doing something you wanted to do?   that's like... a daily occurrence. do you enjoy reading stories and novels that are heavily stylistic, poetic, or unconventional or do you prefer your prose to follow a familiar grammatical structure?   the first, by FAR.  extend my vocabulary for one, but more importantly, just make shit poetic-sounding.  be as descriptive as possible. what do you think matters more: individual happiness and satisfaction or entire group benefit? can you give an example for your rationale?   i mean... i guess i believe in a balance.  make sacrifices to benefit the group, but be considerate of everyone else's opinions, too. does media rhetoric about millennials tend to get it way wrong or do you find some of the criticisms and observations about this generation to be fair?   both, really. do you tend to read reviews before you watch a movie or read a book? what do you hope to get out of doing so?   nope.  i tend to find reviews to be SO overly-critical. do you find that visiting certain websites can put you in a bad mood? have you ever taken a break from a website?   not really. when you go to a concert, how far must you travel for the most usual venues you visit?   i've only ever been to one concert, but most in nc happen in raleigh or charlotte.  i'm pretty sure alice cooper was in raleigh... and that's an hour away.  charlotte, i'm not sure how far away it is. if you feel that a friendship or new relationship is not going to work out, how do you handle that situation? do you allow it to continue in hopes of improvement or do you have any strategies on how to make it end?   wait until it improves or, more accurately, work to improve it.  i, generally, don't support ending any kind of relationship unless it is TRULY necessary. what is a personality trait you possess that you consider to be negative and positive (ex. you are a good judge of people but sometimes you judge others too quickly)?   idk... tough question. what was the last sporting event you watched? who were you rooting for and who ended up winning?   probably a hockey game with dad.  i was rooting for the hurricanes, but i don't believe they won that game. have you ever created a fake internet persona for yourself?   nope. what was going on in your life at this time last year? would you rather your current life be as it is right now or as it was then?   i was the same, pathetic mess.  i was grieving over jason, but i guess more heavily than i am now, so i assume i'd rather be how i am now? how similar is your current life to what you once imagined it would be at this moment (e.g., "i never imagined that i would have children at this age, but here i am!")?   i... didn't imagine myself like this at all.  i thought i'd be in a steady relationship, if not engaged.  i thought i'd be living on my own.  i believed i'd have my diseases under control.  i assumed i'd have a happy job.  i guessed i wouldn't be failing my college courses.  i... pictured it very differently. in any of your areas of interest, is there a certain theory, viewpoint, or scholar that you tend to disagree with, even if it is popular among others? if no fields of interest come to mind, is there a line of advice that you disagree with, but is popular with others?   ummmm... i'm not sure.  i mean, i guess in interest of good mythical morning, i actually like how the weekend episodes focus on mike and alex. what is something that you feel is lacking in your life? are you working to achieve this or is it something that's more up to happenstance?   i want... friends.  if not someone more.  i mean i only have one, maybe two people, who really act like my friends.  and she's always busy.  i'm ALWAYS on my own, and despite being an introvert... i've had enough alone time to last my ENTIRE life.  being alone is like an abyss to me now; depression, anxiety, every negative emotion just fully envelops me.  it's terrible.  i miss jason so much, guys.  we talked every day.  i practically lived with him.  he was just... such a pillar to me, he kept me upright, and then he just vanished.  he was my everything. is it easy for you to get stuck in prolonged bouts of sadness or do you tend to bounce back very quickly?   i have clinical depression.  guess. do you enjoy going to weddings or showers? what is it that you like or dislike about them?   i have such mixed emotions about them now.  like when i was in ashley's and megan's... i just think of jason.  that was supposed to be us.  so basically, it's a ptsd trigger, yet i nevertheless find them absolutely holy and beautiful. think about your favorite thing to do. how easily would you be able to cope if you were physically non longer able to do that thing, or had to dramatically cut down on time spent doing it? what would you do instead?   my favorite thing to do is take photographs.  i... wouldn't be able to cope without it.  it is the ONE THING i do that still brings me joy.  i don't know what i'd do. what do you predict will happen to humanity in the future, with the imminence of global warming's destruction of the planet? e.g., there's no hope or we will leave the planet, etc.   i personally think a different catastrophe will occur before global warming kills us. is there a person in your life whom you support by showing up for the sports games, concerts, or other performances?   not anymore.  i used to go to some magic games with jason, 'cuz that was his passion, but they always tampered with my anxiety, so. when you revisit some of your old favorites, whether music, films, or something else are you ever surprised at how much you dislike it now?   yep. what does your favorite shirt look like?   uh.  idk. what kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?   bikini, though i'm fat so i really shouldn't wear them. what are your favorite kind of jeans?   skinny how many video games do you have?   *cackles maniacally* how many does your dining room/kitchen table seat?   we don't have a dining room table anymore.  we had to sell it for the money. what kind of cookie do you like best?   just chocolate chip do you get the meat from the deli?   sometimes do you own a bike/scooter/skateboard/etc.?   no, but i need one.  i have GOT to lose weight. ever played on a sports team?   yeah, i've done soccer, basketball, baseball, cheerleading, and dance. are you listening to any music?   yeah.  "now that we're dead" by metallica \m/ why did you take the last pill you took?   it's for depression are you happy with your looks?   honestly i think i would be if i was way skinnier. which was worst for you: freshman year of high school or of college?   FUCK my freshman year of college.  absolutely awful. do you prefer your men/women to have light hair or dark hair?   dark. do you wish someone would call or text you right now?   i'm constantly waiting for a call or text from jason, honestly.  idk if he still has my number. who was the last person you laid in a bed with?   colleen has a girl ever stayed up with you all night? a guy?   girl, i don't think so.  guy, yeah.  it wasn't exactly uncommon that jason and i would be up all night fooling around, being dumb kids. the last person you kissed treat you right?   more than that.  he just didn't support me as well as he should've, so... who is someone who puts up with you no matter what?   mom do you have trust issues?   happens when you're constantly fucked over. if you could find one long lost friend of the past, who would it be?   i guess mini is now considered a "long lost friend of the past." :/  i miss her so much.  she was like my sister.  she never talks to me anymore. when was the last time you colored with crayons?   at the hospital do you sunburn easily?   too easily what’s your favorite filling in chocolates?   peanut butter omg what breed of dog do you find the most annoying?   the stereotypical chihuahua.  very yappy. what would you name your first born son?   either vincent or luther. what is the most you have ever weighed?   what i weigh now, which i'm really not comfortable sharing. girls, how old were you when you first learned how to put in a tampon?   i'm not sure, but i was SO scared.  i was afraid of putting in the "wrong hole"??? would you ever attend a gay pride parade or festival?   no.  honestly, i just don't feel strongly enough about the issue to do it.  i should, though. have you ever had sex?   oral sex, yeah, never actual, penetration sex. do you like oral sex?   ha ha speak of the devil.  i like receiving it, but i don't like giving it, as the whole concept is just really gross to me.  i don't care how often you clean, it's just very gross.  thus, i don't like to receive it because i don't reciprocate. do you think guys look good with make up?   sometimes. have you ever pierced yourself?   no, and i never would.  i care too much about my piercings being clean and accurate. did you ever have a retainer?   i have a metal one behind my bottom teeth, and the typical plastic one is... somewhere, lost in the abyss.  i don't wear it. were you/are you popular in school?   hell no.  pretty sure everyone thought i was weird. have you ever 69'ed?   back at it with the oral sex, jesus.  anyway, no. are you a wrestling fan?   ugh, no.  jason was into it, and i've no idea why??  like, wrestling just seemed so far out of his aesthetic??  but he would watch it sometimes while gaming, and i'd have to drown it out. do you/did you like high school?   overall?  best time of my life. how long would you wait to become sexually active with someone you're dating?   i'm waiting until marriage; i, in general, think you should start pondering marriage maybe like, three years in?  so i guess that. when did you last make up a baby's bottle?   never.  really should learn these things before i have kids... ever been addicted to a video/computer game? which one?   lmaoooo world of warcraft, bro. what’s something you should throw away, but can’t? what value does it hold to you? explain.   i should reeeaaally stop holding onto the picture from jason's and my first prom.  it's framed and all.  it just... means too much to me. do you enjoy a good debate or prefer keeping the peace?   I!!  AM!!  TERRIFIED!!  OF!!  CONFRONTATION!!!!!! where did you last stay overnight other than your house?   i stayed two nights at colleen's a couple days back. can you ever see yourself and your ex back together?   realistically, yes.  i just KNOW i'd have major trust issues for a while, however. who is the funniest person you know?   girt what would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed?   that's kinda like my ultimate life goal, soooo...? are you going to any concerts or festivals this summer?   i WISH. :(  i particularly wanna go to carolina rebellion. when was the last time you went to the movie theaters? what movie did you see?   colleen, chelsea, and i saw "trolls" for a buck.  it was SO cute. did you ever go to a mental hospital?   oh, y'know, only four or five times now. are you a person that enjoys re-reading books?   no.  i've only ever re-read "because of winn-dixie." what do you think of country music?   UGH.  it's just not aesthetically pleasing to me, but it's also SO predictable and the singers whine about the same shit. when you apply your make-up, do you do it in a specific order?   yeah.  eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick. do you like a partner who is clean cut or rugged?   a mix of both? new tats in your near future?   fuck yeah, man!  i'm starting a half-sleeve on my birthday! how about piercings or re-piercings?   mom said i can also get my lip re-pierced for my birthday. (: do converse look/feel uncomfortable to you?   not at all.  love them bitches.
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ruthellisneda · 7 years
7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports
Today many older adults are like Energizer bunnies — they keep going and going, running marathons in their 80s, teaching yoga in their 90s, competing in the National Senior Games and more. Research shows it’s totally fine — dare we say encouraged.
For example, researchers for the Journal of Physiology concluded that masters athletes have “impressive peak performance capability and physiological function capacity.”. Older basketball players maintain their hand-eye coordination to sink free throws, German researchers reported.
If that’s not enough, title master athletes maintain muscle strength, power and endurance that’s above average for their age and continue to perform well in running and jumping events into old age, according to a study in the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity.
There’s also the long list of benefits of staying active, including better memory, the need for fewer prescriptions and being less likely to be admitted to the ER.
Meet seven inspiring 60-plus athletes who prove that you should never let age limit you:
Cianciolo first started lifting weights in middle school to put on weight for football. When the pigskin plan didn’t pan out, he turned to wrestling in high school and then joined a powerlifting team in college. He competed — and won — locally and regionally during those years and after, with his last appearance at the 1981 Mr. America competition. Or so he thought. Cianciolo continued to “live the bodybuilding lifestyle” and decided to compete again this year. “I knew it would help me with my pain, hurt and betrayal I felt [from a recent divorce] and get me clear-headed and goal-oriented. It worked,” he says. In his most recent competition — against guys not even half his age — he placed first in Masters Over 60, second in Masters Over 50 and fourth in the Open.
His fitness advice: “Getting in shape is not a means to an end; it’s a lifestyle that demands good daily habits. You have to make time and get your workout in your daily schedule, letting nothing deter you. Excuses are a cop out!”
A life-long runner, Nerger “discovered that eventually age starts taking its course on one’s body,” and turned to cycling in 2015 to substitute for, and complement, his running. He’s had the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa — a seven-day, 400-plus-mile ride across the state — on his fitness bucket list since 1979. He finally crossed it off last year, starting the race on his 60th birthday even though he had crashed a week before. “I pressed on and am sure glad I did. It was a super experience, one I hope to repeat in the future,” he says.
His fitness advice: “If you hit a wall, an injury or life change, be prepared to adapt your fitness regimen. You may be an avid runner now, but you may need to adapt later in life as I did to stay active. I see too many who used to be very active and fit do little today because their primary sport or fitness regimen no longer works for them. I’m an example of what the average person can do when making fitness and exercise a priority.”
At 46, Gallant-Charette considered herself a spectator mom. “The extent of my exercise was going for a walk in the neighborhood with other neighborhood moms,” she says. Then tragedy struck her family: Her brother, 34, died suddenly of a heart attack. He’d won the Peaks to Portland, a 2.4-mile ocean swim in Maine twice, and soon after his passing, Gallant-Charette’s 16-year-old son said he wanted to do the swim as a tribute to his uncle. “I was deeply touched by his words,” she says. “I said to him, ‘That’s so sweet, I wish I could do the same.’ He looked at me and said, ‘You can, if you try.’” So she began training and soon fell in love with swimming. She’s now completed five of the most challenging swims in the world, set a world record and is participating in the Oceans Seven Challenge, which is considered open-water swimming’s Seven Summits.
Her fitness advice: “Twenty years ago I never imagined that I was going to become a marathon swimmer and go on to set a few world records. My young son’s encouraging words, ‘You can, if you try’ inspired me to try something that was unimaginable. I would encourage others to try something new in life because it may bring them down a road they never imagined.”
Gellis has been active most of his life — he played college soccer, has run 20 marathons and was an avid underwater photographer. Still, when he went to watch his son’s CrossFit workout about nine years ago, he thought his kid was crazy. But he loved the challenge and the community, joined a box and has since competed in the CrossFit Games three times. Gellis, a sports psychologist, also uses CrossFit to help addicts. He started the Integrated Recovery Foundation, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges of veterans, first responders and anyone experiencing PTSD, traumatic brain injury and addictive or co-occurring mental health disorders.
His fitness advice: “Honor rest days. Some of the athletes that I see, it’s like they have fallen in love. They approach [fitness] like they’ve met that perfect partner, and they fall head over heels and don’t pace themselves. And then they burn out. Even when you are young, your body still needs to rest.”
Self has enjoyed many water sports in his life, including sailing on a Hobie Cat and windsurfing. At 58, he decided to try kiteboarding on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas, when the winds weren’t good for windsurfing. “I liked the challenge and the little bit of the unexpected,” Self says. “I’ve ridden in winds from 10–40 miles per hour, and it’s cool being the oldest guy on the water.” Although kiteboarding has taken a backseat to his stand-up comedy, he still takes one tropical trip a year to get out on the water.
His fitness advice: “Develop a lifestyle. I always have been pretty active, not in sports, but in everyday life. I avoid elevators and go up the stairs. I may cut it off at five floors, but otherwise I run up stairs.”
In 2006, Bonilla read about CrossFit in a magazine. Since he was already doing bodybuilding, he searched online to find someone in New York doing this new workout. He joined some guys in Central Park who opened a box a few months later and has been doing WODs since. “I like that the workouts go from one exercise to the next without rest. Sometimes you feel like you will die, but you keep going and have the best workout and get in phenomenal shape,” he says. He holds the distinction of being the oldest ever to compete at the CrossFit Games three times — when he was 69, 72 and 73.
His fitness advice: “A lot of people are afraid of CrossFit, but if you start with baby steps, you will be fine. Make sure you learn the exercises, learn proper form and have a good coach.”
About 30 years ago, Tetrick realized he couldn’t keep running. “I had some bad knees, so I got on a bike,” he says. “I found out that I did it fairly well, so I thought I might as well put some of that to good use.” And indeed he has, winning more than 14 national titles. But he’s more proud of his granddaughter, Alison, who is a professional cyclist for Cylance Pro Cycling. “When she was on her way home from her last year of college, she came through Denver, and there was a bike race the same day I was doing one. She was doing triathlons, and I encouraged her to enter. From that point on, she started riding competitively,” Tetrick says.
His fitness advice: “You need to stay fit so you can do things. If you just sit around, you end up not being able to do what you like to do.”
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The post 7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports appeared first on Under Armour.
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neilmillerne · 7 years
7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports
Today many older adults are like Energizer bunnies — they keep going and going, running marathons in their 80s, teaching yoga in their 90s, competing in the National Senior Games and more. Research shows it’s totally fine — dare we say encouraged.
For example, researchers for the Journal of Physiology concluded that masters athletes have “impressive peak performance capability and physiological function capacity.”. Older basketball players maintain their hand-eye coordination to sink free throws, German researchers reported.
If that’s not enough, title master athletes maintain muscle strength, power and endurance that’s above average for their age and continue to perform well in running and jumping events into old age, according to a study in the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity.
There’s also the long list of benefits of staying active, including better memory, the need for fewer prescriptions and being less likely to be admitted to the ER.
Meet seven inspiring 60-plus athletes who prove that you should never let age limit you:
Cianciolo first started lifting weights in middle school to put on weight for football. When the pigskin plan didn’t pan out, he turned to wrestling in high school and then joined a powerlifting team in college. He competed — and won — locally and regionally during those years and after, with his last appearance at the 1981 Mr. America competition. Or so he thought. Cianciolo continued to “live the bodybuilding lifestyle” and decided to compete again this year. “I knew it would help me with my pain, hurt and betrayal I felt [from a recent divorce] and get me clear-headed and goal-oriented. It worked,” he says. In his most recent competition — against guys not even half his age — he placed first in Masters Over 60, second in Masters Over 50 and fourth in the Open.
His fitness advice: “Getting in shape is not a means to an end; it’s a lifestyle that demands good daily habits. You have to make time and get your workout in your daily schedule, letting nothing deter you. Excuses are a cop out!”
A life-long runner, Nerger “discovered that eventually age starts taking its course on one’s body,” and turned to cycling in 2015 to substitute for, and complement, his running. He’s had the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa — a seven-day, 400-plus-mile ride across the state — on his fitness bucket list since 1979. He finally crossed it off last year, starting the race on his 60th birthday even though he had crashed a week before. “I pressed on and am sure glad I did. It was a super experience, one I hope to repeat in the future,” he says.
His fitness advice: “If you hit a wall, an injury or life change, be prepared to adapt your fitness regimen. You may be an avid runner now, but you may need to adapt later in life as I did to stay active. I see too many who used to be very active and fit do little today because their primary sport or fitness regimen no longer works for them. I’m an example of what the average person can do when making fitness and exercise a priority.”
At 46, Gallant-Charette considered herself a spectator mom. “The extent of my exercise was going for a walk in the neighborhood with other neighborhood moms,” she says. Then tragedy struck her family: Her brother, 34, died suddenly of a heart attack. He’d won the Peaks to Portland, a 2.4-mile ocean swim in Maine twice, and soon after his passing, Gallant-Charette’s 16-year-old son said he wanted to do the swim as a tribute to his uncle. “I was deeply touched by his words,” she says. “I said to him, ‘That’s so sweet, I wish I could do the same.’ He looked at me and said, ‘You can, if you try.’” So she began training and soon fell in love with swimming. She’s now completed five of the most challenging swims in the world, set a world record and is participating in the Oceans Seven Challenge, which is considered open-water swimming’s Seven Summits.
Her fitness advice: “Twenty years ago I never imagined that I was going to become a marathon swimmer and go on to set a few world records. My young son’s encouraging words, ‘You can, if you try’ inspired me to try something that was unimaginable. I would encourage others to try something new in life because it may bring them down a road they never imagined.”
Gellis has been active most of his life — he played college soccer, has run 20 marathons and was an avid underwater photographer. Still, when he went to watch his son’s CrossFit workout about nine years ago, he thought his kid was crazy. But he loved the challenge and the community, joined a box and has since competed in the CrossFit Games three times. Gellis, a sports psychologist, also uses CrossFit to help addicts. He started the Integrated Recovery Foundation, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges of veterans, first responders and anyone experiencing PTSD, traumatic brain injury and addictive or co-occurring mental health disorders.
His fitness advice: “Honor rest days. Some of the athletes that I see, it’s like they have fallen in love. They approach [fitness] like they’ve met that perfect partner, and they fall head over heels and don’t pace themselves. And then they burn out. Even when you are young, your body still needs to rest.”
Self has enjoyed many water sports in his life, including sailing on a Hobie Cat and windsurfing. At 58, he decided to try kiteboarding on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas, when the winds weren’t good for windsurfing. “I liked the challenge and the little bit of the unexpected,” Self says. “I’ve ridden in winds from 10–40 miles per hour, and it’s cool being the oldest guy on the water.” Although kiteboarding has taken a backseat to his stand-up comedy, he still takes one tropical trip a year to get out on the water.
His fitness advice: “Develop a lifestyle. I always have been pretty active, not in sports, but in everyday life. I avoid elevators and go up the stairs. I may cut it off at five floors, but otherwise I run up stairs.”
In 2006, Bonilla read about CrossFit in a magazine. Since he was already doing bodybuilding, he searched online to find someone in New York doing this new workout. He joined some guys in Central Park who opened a box a few months later and has been doing WODs since. “I like that the workouts go from one exercise to the next without rest. Sometimes you feel like you will die, but you keep going and have the best workout and get in phenomenal shape,” he says. He holds the distinction of being the oldest ever to compete at the CrossFit Games three times — when he was 69, 72 and 73.
His fitness advice: “A lot of people are afraid of CrossFit, but if you start with baby steps, you will be fine. Make sure you learn the exercises, learn proper form and have a good coach.”
About 30 years ago, Tetrick realized he couldn’t keep running. “I had some bad knees, so I got on a bike,” he says. “I found out that I did it fairly well, so I thought I might as well put some of that to good use.” And indeed he has, winning more than 14 national titles. But he’s more proud of his granddaughter, Alison, who is a professional cyclist for Cylance Pro Cycling. “When she was on her way home from her last year of college, she came through Denver, and there was a bike race the same day I was doing one. She was doing triathlons, and I encouraged her to enter. From that point on, she started riding competitively,” Tetrick says.
His fitness advice: “You need to stay fit so you can do things. If you just sit around, you end up not being able to do what you like to do.”
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The post 7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports appeared first on Under Armour.
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joshuabradleyn · 7 years
7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports
Today many older adults are like Energizer bunnies — they keep going and going, running marathons in their 80s, teaching yoga in their 90s, competing in the National Senior Games and more. Research shows it’s totally fine — dare we say encouraged.
For example, researchers for the Journal of Physiology concluded that masters athletes have “impressive peak performance capability and physiological function capacity.”. Older basketball players maintain their hand-eye coordination to sink free throws, German researchers reported.
If that’s not enough, title master athletes maintain muscle strength, power and endurance that’s above average for their age and continue to perform well in running and jumping events into old age, according to a study in the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity.
There’s also the long list of benefits of staying active, including better memory, the need for fewer prescriptions and being less likely to be admitted to the ER.
Meet seven inspiring 60-plus athletes who prove that you should never let age limit you:
Cianciolo first started lifting weights in middle school to put on weight for football. When the pigskin plan didn’t pan out, he turned to wrestling in high school and then joined a powerlifting team in college. He competed — and won — locally and regionally during those years and after, with his last appearance at the 1981 Mr. America competition. Or so he thought. Cianciolo continued to “live the bodybuilding lifestyle” and decided to compete again this year. “I knew it would help me with my pain, hurt and betrayal I felt [from a recent divorce] and get me clear-headed and goal-oriented. It worked,” he says. In his most recent competition — against guys not even half his age — he placed first in Masters Over 60, second in Masters Over 50 and fourth in the Open.
His fitness advice: “Getting in shape is not a means to an end; it’s a lifestyle that demands good daily habits. You have to make time and get your workout in your daily schedule, letting nothing deter you. Excuses are a cop out!”
A life-long runner, Nerger “discovered that eventually age starts taking its course on one’s body,” and turned to cycling in 2015 to substitute for, and complement, his running. He’s had the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa — a seven-day, 400-plus-mile ride across the state — on his fitness bucket list since 1979. He finally crossed it off last year, starting the race on his 60th birthday even though he had crashed a week before. “I pressed on and am sure glad I did. It was a super experience, one I hope to repeat in the future,” he says.
His fitness advice: “If you hit a wall, an injury or life change, be prepared to adapt your fitness regimen. You may be an avid runner now, but you may need to adapt later in life as I did to stay active. I see too many who used to be very active and fit do little today because their primary sport or fitness regimen no longer works for them. I’m an example of what the average person can do when making fitness and exercise a priority.”
At 46, Gallant-Charette considered herself a spectator mom. “The extent of my exercise was going for a walk in the neighborhood with other neighborhood moms,” she says. Then tragedy struck her family: Her brother, 34, died suddenly of a heart attack. He’d won the Peaks to Portland, a 2.4-mile ocean swim in Maine twice, and soon after his passing, Gallant-Charette’s 16-year-old son said he wanted to do the swim as a tribute to his uncle. “I was deeply touched by his words,” she says. “I said to him, ‘That’s so sweet, I wish I could do the same.’ He looked at me and said, ‘You can, if you try.’” So she began training and soon fell in love with swimming. She’s now completed five of the most challenging swims in the world, set a world record and is participating in the Oceans Seven Challenge, which is considered open-water swimming’s Seven Summits.
Her fitness advice: “Twenty years ago I never imagined that I was going to become a marathon swimmer and go on to set a few world records. My young son’s encouraging words, ‘You can, if you try’ inspired me to try something that was unimaginable. I would encourage others to try something new in life because it may bring them down a road they never imagined.”
Gellis has been active most of his life — he played college soccer, has run 20 marathons and was an avid underwater photographer. Still, when he went to watch his son’s CrossFit workout about nine years ago, he thought his kid was crazy. But he loved the challenge and the community, joined a box and has since competed in the CrossFit Games three times. Gellis, a sports psychologist, also uses CrossFit to help addicts. He started the Integrated Recovery Foundation, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges of veterans, first responders and anyone experiencing PTSD, traumatic brain injury and addictive or co-occurring mental health disorders.
His fitness advice: “Honor rest days. Some of the athletes that I see, it’s like they have fallen in love. They approach [fitness] like they’ve met that perfect partner, and they fall head over heels and don’t pace themselves. And then they burn out. Even when you are young, your body still needs to rest.”
Self has enjoyed many water sports in his life, including sailing on a Hobie Cat and windsurfing. At 58, he decided to try kiteboarding on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas, when the winds weren’t good for windsurfing. “I liked the challenge and the little bit of the unexpected,” Self says. “I’ve ridden in winds from 10–40 miles per hour, and it’s cool being the oldest guy on the water.” Although kiteboarding has taken a backseat to his stand-up comedy, he still takes one tropical trip a year to get out on the water.
His fitness advice: “Develop a lifestyle. I always have been pretty active, not in sports, but in everyday life. I avoid elevators and go up the stairs. I may cut it off at five floors, but otherwise I run up stairs.”
In 2006, Bonilla read about CrossFit in a magazine. Since he was already doing bodybuilding, he searched online to find someone in New York doing this new workout. He joined some guys in Central Park who opened a box a few months later and has been doing WODs since. “I like that the workouts go from one exercise to the next without rest. Sometimes you feel like you will die, but you keep going and have the best workout and get in phenomenal shape,” he says. He holds the distinction of being the oldest ever to compete at the CrossFit Games three times — when he was 69, 72 and 73.
His fitness advice: “A lot of people are afraid of CrossFit, but if you start with baby steps, you will be fine. Make sure you learn the exercises, learn proper form and have a good coach.”
About 30 years ago, Tetrick realized he couldn’t keep running. “I had some bad knees, so I got on a bike,” he says. “I found out that I did it fairly well, so I thought I might as well put some of that to good use.” And indeed he has, winning more than 14 national titles. But he’s more proud of his granddaughter, Alison, who is a professional cyclist for Cylance Pro Cycling. “When she was on her way home from her last year of college, she came through Denver, and there was a bike race the same day I was doing one. She was doing triathlons, and I encouraged her to enter. From that point on, she started riding competitively,” Tetrick says.
His fitness advice: “You need to stay fit so you can do things. If you just sit around, you end up not being able to do what you like to do.”
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The post 7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports appeared first on Under Armour.
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albertcaldwellne · 7 years
7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports
Today many older adults are like Energizer bunnies — they keep going and going, running marathons in their 80s, teaching yoga in their 90s, competing in the National Senior Games and more. Research shows it’s totally fine — dare we say encouraged.
For example, researchers for the Journal of Physiology concluded that masters athletes have “impressive peak performance capability and physiological function capacity.”. Older basketball players maintain their hand-eye coordination to sink free throws, German researchers reported.
If that’s not enough, title master athletes maintain muscle strength, power and endurance that’s above average for their age and continue to perform well in running and jumping events into old age, according to a study in the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity.
There’s also the long list of benefits of staying active, including better memory, the need for fewer prescriptions and being less likely to be admitted to the ER.
Meet seven inspiring 60-plus athletes who prove that you should never let age limit you:
Cianciolo first started lifting weights in middle school to put on weight for football. When the pigskin plan didn’t pan out, he turned to wrestling in high school and then joined a powerlifting team in college. He competed — and won — locally and regionally during those years and after, with his last appearance at the 1981 Mr. America competition. Or so he thought. Cianciolo continued to “live the bodybuilding lifestyle” and decided to compete again this year. “I knew it would help me with my pain, hurt and betrayal I felt [from a recent divorce] and get me clear-headed and goal-oriented. It worked,” he says. In his most recent competition — against guys not even half his age — he placed first in Masters Over 60, second in Masters Over 50 and fourth in the Open.
His fitness advice: “Getting in shape is not a means to an end; it’s a lifestyle that demands good daily habits. You have to make time and get your workout in your daily schedule, letting nothing deter you. Excuses are a cop out!”
A life-long runner, Nerger “discovered that eventually age starts taking its course on one’s body,” and turned to cycling in 2015 to substitute for, and complement, his running. He’s had the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa — a seven-day, 400-plus-mile ride across the state — on his fitness bucket list since 1979. He finally crossed it off last year, starting the race on his 60th birthday even though he had crashed a week before. “I pressed on and am sure glad I did. It was a super experience, one I hope to repeat in the future,” he says.
His fitness advice: “If you hit a wall, an injury or life change, be prepared to adapt your fitness regimen. You may be an avid runner now, but you may need to adapt later in life as I did to stay active. I see too many who used to be very active and fit do little today because their primary sport or fitness regimen no longer works for them. I’m an example of what the average person can do when making fitness and exercise a priority.”
At 46, Gallant-Charette considered herself a spectator mom. “The extent of my exercise was going for a walk in the neighborhood with other neighborhood moms,” she says. Then tragedy struck her family: Her brother, 34, died suddenly of a heart attack. He’d won the Peaks to Portland, a 2.4-mile ocean swim in Maine twice, and soon after his passing, Gallant-Charette’s 16-year-old son said he wanted to do the swim as a tribute to his uncle. “I was deeply touched by his words,” she says. “I said to him, ‘That’s so sweet, I wish I could do the same.’ He looked at me and said, ‘You can, if you try.’” So she began training and soon fell in love with swimming. She’s now completed five of the most challenging swims in the world, set a world record and is participating in the Oceans Seven Challenge, which is considered open-water swimming’s Seven Summits.
Her fitness advice: “Twenty years ago I never imagined that I was going to become a marathon swimmer and go on to set a few world records. My young son’s encouraging words, ‘You can, if you try’ inspired me to try something that was unimaginable. I would encourage others to try something new in life because it may bring them down a road they never imagined.”
Gellis has been active most of his life — he played college soccer, has run 20 marathons and was an avid underwater photographer. Still, when he went to watch his son’s CrossFit workout about nine years ago, he thought his kid was crazy. But he loved the challenge and the community, joined a box and has since competed in the CrossFit Games three times. Gellis, a sports psychologist, also uses CrossFit to help addicts. He started the Integrated Recovery Foundation, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges of veterans, first responders and anyone experiencing PTSD, traumatic brain injury and addictive or co-occurring mental health disorders.
His fitness advice: “Honor rest days. Some of the athletes that I see, it’s like they have fallen in love. They approach [fitness] like they’ve met that perfect partner, and they fall head over heels and don’t pace themselves. And then they burn out. Even when you are young, your body still needs to rest.”
Self has enjoyed many water sports in his life, including sailing on a Hobie Cat and windsurfing. At 58, he decided to try kiteboarding on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas, when the winds weren’t good for windsurfing. “I liked the challenge and the little bit of the unexpected,” Self says. “I’ve ridden in winds from 10–40 miles per hour, and it’s cool being the oldest guy on the water.” Although kiteboarding has taken a backseat to his stand-up comedy, he still takes one tropical trip a year to get out on the water.
His fitness advice: “Develop a lifestyle. I always have been pretty active, not in sports, but in everyday life. I avoid elevators and go up the stairs. I may cut it off at five floors, but otherwise I run up stairs.”
In 2006, Bonilla read about CrossFit in a magazine. Since he was already doing bodybuilding, he searched online to find someone in New York doing this new workout. He joined some guys in Central Park who opened a box a few months later and has been doing WODs since. “I like that the workouts go from one exercise to the next without rest. Sometimes you feel like you will die, but you keep going and have the best workout and get in phenomenal shape,” he says. He holds the distinction of being the oldest ever to compete at the CrossFit Games three times — when he was 69, 72 and 73.
His fitness advice: “A lot of people are afraid of CrossFit, but if you start with baby steps, you will be fine. Make sure you learn the exercises, learn proper form and have a good coach.”
About 30 years ago, Tetrick realized he couldn’t keep running. “I had some bad knees, so I got on a bike,” he says. “I found out that I did it fairly well, so I thought I might as well put some of that to good use.” And indeed he has, winning more than 14 national titles. But he’s more proud of his granddaughter, Alison, who is a professional cyclist for Cylance Pro Cycling. “When she was on her way home from her last year of college, she came through Denver, and there was a bike race the same day I was doing one. She was doing triathlons, and I encouraged her to enter. From that point on, she started riding competitively,” Tetrick says.
His fitness advice: “You need to stay fit so you can do things. If you just sit around, you end up not being able to do what you like to do.”
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The post 7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports appeared first on Under Armour.
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johnclapperne · 7 years
7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports
Today many older adults are like Energizer bunnies — they keep going and going, running marathons in their 80s, teaching yoga in their 90s, competing in the National Senior Games and more. Research shows it’s totally fine — dare we say encouraged.
For example, researchers for the Journal of Physiology concluded that masters athletes have “impressive peak performance capability and physiological function capacity.”. Older basketball players maintain their hand-eye coordination to sink free throws, German researchers reported.
If that’s not enough, title master athletes maintain muscle strength, power and endurance that’s above average for their age and continue to perform well in running and jumping events into old age, according to a study in the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity.
There’s also the long list of benefits of staying active, including better memory, the need for fewer prescriptions and being less likely to be admitted to the ER.
Meet seven inspiring 60-plus athletes who prove that you should never let age limit you:
Cianciolo first started lifting weights in middle school to put on weight for football. When the pigskin plan didn’t pan out, he turned to wrestling in high school and then joined a powerlifting team in college. He competed — and won — locally and regionally during those years and after, with his last appearance at the 1981 Mr. America competition. Or so he thought. Cianciolo continued to “live the bodybuilding lifestyle” and decided to compete again this year. “I knew it would help me with my pain, hurt and betrayal I felt [from a recent divorce] and get me clear-headed and goal-oriented. It worked,” he says. In his most recent competition — against guys not even half his age — he placed first in Masters Over 60, second in Masters Over 50 and fourth in the Open.
His fitness advice: “Getting in shape is not a means to an end; it’s a lifestyle that demands good daily habits. You have to make time and get your workout in your daily schedule, letting nothing deter you. Excuses are a cop out!”
A life-long runner, Nerger “discovered that eventually age starts taking its course on one’s body,” and turned to cycling in 2015 to substitute for, and complement, his running. He’s had the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa — a seven-day, 400-plus-mile ride across the state — on his fitness bucket list since 1979. He finally crossed it off last year, starting the race on his 60th birthday even though he had crashed a week before. “I pressed on and am sure glad I did. It was a super experience, one I hope to repeat in the future,” he says.
His fitness advice: “If you hit a wall, an injury or life change, be prepared to adapt your fitness regimen. You may be an avid runner now, but you may need to adapt later in life as I did to stay active. I see too many who used to be very active and fit do little today because their primary sport or fitness regimen no longer works for them. I’m an example of what the average person can do when making fitness and exercise a priority.”
At 46, Gallant-Charette considered herself a spectator mom. “The extent of my exercise was going for a walk in the neighborhood with other neighborhood moms,” she says. Then tragedy struck her family: Her brother, 34, died suddenly of a heart attack. He’d won the Peaks to Portland, a 2.4-mile ocean swim in Maine twice, and soon after his passing, Gallant-Charette’s 16-year-old son said he wanted to do the swim as a tribute to his uncle. “I was deeply touched by his words,” she says. “I said to him, ‘That’s so sweet, I wish I could do the same.’ He looked at me and said, ‘You can, if you try.’” So she began training and soon fell in love with swimming. She’s now completed five of the most challenging swims in the world, set a world record and is participating in the Oceans Seven Challenge, which is considered open-water swimming’s Seven Summits.
Her fitness advice: “Twenty years ago I never imagined that I was going to become a marathon swimmer and go on to set a few world records. My young son’s encouraging words, ‘You can, if you try’ inspired me to try something that was unimaginable. I would encourage others to try something new in life because it may bring them down a road they never imagined.”
Gellis has been active most of his life — he played college soccer, has run 20 marathons and was an avid underwater photographer. Still, when he went to watch his son’s CrossFit workout about nine years ago, he thought his kid was crazy. But he loved the challenge and the community, joined a box and has since competed in the CrossFit Games three times. Gellis, a sports psychologist, also uses CrossFit to help addicts. He started the Integrated Recovery Foundation, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges of veterans, first responders and anyone experiencing PTSD, traumatic brain injury and addictive or co-occurring mental health disorders.
His fitness advice: “Honor rest days. Some of the athletes that I see, it’s like they have fallen in love. They approach [fitness] like they’ve met that perfect partner, and they fall head over heels and don’t pace themselves. And then they burn out. Even when you are young, your body still needs to rest.”
Self has enjoyed many water sports in his life, including sailing on a Hobie Cat and windsurfing. At 58, he decided to try kiteboarding on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas, when the winds weren’t good for windsurfing. “I liked the challenge and the little bit of the unexpected,” Self says. “I’ve ridden in winds from 10–40 miles per hour, and it’s cool being the oldest guy on the water.” Although kiteboarding has taken a backseat to his stand-up comedy, he still takes one tropical trip a year to get out on the water.
His fitness advice: “Develop a lifestyle. I always have been pretty active, not in sports, but in everyday life. I avoid elevators and go up the stairs. I may cut it off at five floors, but otherwise I run up stairs.”
In 2006, Bonilla read about CrossFit in a magazine. Since he was already doing bodybuilding, he searched online to find someone in New York doing this new workout. He joined some guys in Central Park who opened a box a few months later and has been doing WODs since. “I like that the workouts go from one exercise to the next without rest. Sometimes you feel like you will die, but you keep going and have the best workout and get in phenomenal shape,” he says. He holds the distinction of being the oldest ever to compete at the CrossFit Games three times — when he was 69, 72 and 73.
His fitness advice: “A lot of people are afraid of CrossFit, but if you start with baby steps, you will be fine. Make sure you learn the exercises, learn proper form and have a good coach.”
About 30 years ago, Tetrick realized he couldn’t keep running. “I had some bad knees, so I got on a bike,” he says. “I found out that I did it fairly well, so I thought I might as well put some of that to good use.” And indeed he has, winning more than 14 national titles. But he’s more proud of his granddaughter, Alison, who is a professional cyclist for Cylance Pro Cycling. “When she was on her way home from her last year of college, she came through Denver, and there was a bike race the same day I was doing one. She was doing triathlons, and I encouraged her to enter. From that point on, she started riding competitively,” Tetrick says.
His fitness advice: “You need to stay fit so you can do things. If you just sit around, you end up not being able to do what you like to do.”
> Gym Clothes for Men > Gym Clothes for Women > Gym Clothes for Boys > Gym Clothes for Girls
The post 7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports appeared first on Under Armour.
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almajonesnjna · 7 years
7 Active Senior Citizens Who Are Crushing Their Sports
Today many older adults are like Energizer bunnies — they keep going and going, running marathons in their 80s, teaching yoga in their 90s, competing in the National Senior Games and more. Research shows it’s totally fine — dare we say encouraged.
For example, researchers for the Journal of Physiology concluded that masters athletes have “impressive peak performance capability and physiological function capacity.”. Older basketball players maintain their hand-eye coordination to sink free throws, German researchers reported.
If that’s not enough, title master athletes maintain muscle strength, power and endurance that’s above average for their age and continue to perform well in running and jumping events into old age, according to a study in the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity.
There’s also the long list of benefits of staying active, including better memory, the need for fewer prescriptions and being less likely to be admitted to the ER.
Meet seven inspiring 60-plus athletes who prove that you should never let age limit you:
Cianciolo first started lifting weights in middle school to put on weight for football. When the pigskin plan didn’t pan out, he turned to wrestling in high school and then joined a powerlifting team in college. He competed — and won — locally and regionally during those years and after, with his last appearance at the 1981 Mr. America competition. Or so he thought. Cianciolo continued to “live the bodybuilding lifestyle” and decided to compete again this year. “I knew it would help me with my pain, hurt and betrayal I felt [from a recent divorce] and get me clear-headed and goal-oriented. It worked,” he says. In his most recent competition — against guys not even half his age — he placed first in Masters Over 60, second in Masters Over 50 and fourth in the Open.
His fitness advice: “Getting in shape is not a means to an end; it’s a lifestyle that demands good daily habits. You have to make time and get your workout in your daily schedule, letting nothing deter you. Excuses are a cop out!”
A life-long runner, Nerger “discovered that eventually age starts taking its course on one’s body,” and turned to cycling in 2015 to substitute for, and complement, his running. He’s had the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa — a seven-day, 400-plus-mile ride across the state — on his fitness bucket list since 1979. He finally crossed it off last year, starting the race on his 60th birthday even though he had crashed a week before. “I pressed on and am sure glad I did. It was a super experience, one I hope to repeat in the future,” he says.
His fitness advice: “If you hit a wall, an injury or life change, be prepared to adapt your fitness regimen. You may be an avid runner now, but you may need to adapt later in life as I did to stay active. I see too many who used to be very active and fit do little today because their primary sport or fitness regimen no longer works for them. I’m an example of what the average person can do when making fitness and exercise a priority.”
At 46, Gallant-Charette considered herself a spectator mom. “The extent of my exercise was going for a walk in the neighborhood with other neighborhood moms,” she says. Then tragedy struck her family: Her brother, 34, died suddenly of a heart attack. He’d won the Peaks to Portland, a 2.4-mile ocean swim in Maine twice, and soon after his passing, Gallant-Charette’s 16-year-old son said he wanted to do the swim as a tribute to his uncle. “I was deeply touched by his words,” she says. “I said to him, ‘That’s so sweet, I wish I could do the same.’ He looked at me and said, ‘You can, if you try.’” So she began training and soon fell in love with swimming. She’s now completed five of the most challenging swims in the world, set a world record and is participating in the Oceans Seven Challenge, which is considered open-water swimming’s Seven Summits.
Her fitness advice: “Twenty years ago I never imagined that I was going to become a marathon swimmer and go on to set a few world records. My young son’s encouraging words, ‘You can, if you try’ inspired me to try something that was unimaginable. I would encourage others to try something new in life because it may bring them down a road they never imagined.”
Gellis has been active most of his life — he played college soccer, has run 20 marathons and was an avid underwater photographer. Still, when he went to watch his son’s CrossFit workout about nine years ago, he thought his kid was crazy. But he loved the challenge and the community, joined a box and has since competed in the CrossFit Games three times. Gellis, a sports psychologist, also uses CrossFit to help addicts. He started the Integrated Recovery Foundation, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges of veterans, first responders and anyone experiencing PTSD, traumatic brain injury and addictive or co-occurring mental health disorders.
His fitness advice: “Honor rest days. Some of the athletes that I see, it’s like they have fallen in love. They approach [fitness] like they’ve met that perfect partner, and they fall head over heels and don’t pace themselves. And then they burn out. Even when you are young, your body still needs to rest.”
Self has enjoyed many water sports in his life, including sailing on a Hobie Cat and windsurfing. At 58, he decided to try kiteboarding on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas, when the winds weren’t good for windsurfing. “I liked the challenge and the little bit of the unexpected,” Self says. “I’ve ridden in winds from 10–40 miles per hour, and it’s cool being the oldest guy on the water.” Although kiteboarding has taken a backseat to his stand-up comedy, he still takes one tropical trip a year to get out on the water.
His fitness advice: “Develop a lifestyle. I always have been pretty active, not in sports, but in everyday life. I avoid elevators and go up the stairs. I may cut it off at five floors, but otherwise I run up stairs.”
In 2006, Bonilla read about CrossFit in a magazine. Since he was already doing bodybuilding, he searched online to find someone in New York doing this new workout. He joined some guys in Central Park who opened a box a few months later and has been doing WODs since. “I like that the workouts go from one exercise to the next without rest. Sometimes you feel like you will die, but you keep going and have the best workout and get in phenomenal shape,” he says. He holds the distinction of being the oldest ever to compete at the CrossFit Games three times — when he was 69, 72 and 73.
His fitness advice: “A lot of people are afraid of CrossFit, but if you start with baby steps, you will be fine. Make sure you learn the exercises, learn proper form and have a good coach.”
About 30 years ago, Tetrick realized he couldn’t keep running. “I had some bad knees, so I got on a bike,” he says. “I found out that I did it fairly well, so I thought I might as well put some of that to good use.” And indeed he has, winning more than 14 national titles. But he’s more proud of his granddaughter, Alison, who is a professional cyclist for Cylance Pro Cycling. “When she was on her way home from her last year of college, she came through Denver, and there was a bike race the same day I was doing one. She was doing triathlons, and I encouraged her to enter. From that point on, she started riding competitively,” Tetrick says.
His fitness advice: “You need to stay fit so you can do things. If you just sit around, you end up not being able to do what you like to do.”
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