#anyway ill be over here crying about ships that had a rocky start but ended up turning into tooth rotting fluff
having-conniptions · 1 year
The KinnPorsche finale killed me nobody talk to me I'm dead
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bibliothesoph · 5 years
Neverland, The Cunning Spirit of a Pirate (part 11)
It's quiet on the rocky shore of Cannibal Cove and it's the kind of quiet that Penny needs to wrap her mind around everything that happened. The guilt is eating her alive, especially knowing that she dumped that all on Simon without sticking around to help him cope with it. Her plan was to tell at him at some point when things had hit a lull and Simon was bored and had the time to process and deal with all of it, but she can't change things now. He needed to know, anyway. It'll be for the best, or so she tells herself.
What's bothering her the most, though, is that Simon seems to believe that Baz will stay in Neverland forever. She adores Simon and she might be a bit jealous of Baz since Simon hasn't paid her any attention since Baz arrived, but she thought it would be fine because Baz would just be a temporary visitor. He will be a temporary visitor. She knows that. It breaks her heart that Simon doesn't, though. That he's so naive as to think that Baz will leave his life and family behind to fight pirates with Simon for the rest of his life. What worries her most about that part of it is that she's afraid that Simon won't let Baz leave. Or maybe that Baz will tell Simon he wants to go and that Simon will get upset and refuse to return him to London. It scares her, frankly, what Simon is capable of when he's emotional. He's always let his emotions guide him which is fine for a sword fight or for deciding what to do with the day, but it's why he never belonged in London. Because people, normal people, steer clear of Simon when they can. Maybe they sense that his emotions are too great and that his heart is different from their own. Or maybe they feel that hunger in him––the same hunger that drove his father to kill his mother.
No. Penny feels guilty for even thinking that Simon could end up like his father. She brought him to Neverland to shield him from the bad. To protect him from just that. Fairies have some magic. Enough magic for them to be able to channel it into a crystal ball or some suitable, reflective surface and see some of the possibilities of the future. And Penny used that knowledge to find Simon that night and save him from what he could become. She lied to him then. She's lied to him constantly. Because she didn't feel his pain––she saw what his pain could turn him into. And she didn't know him but she wanted to save him from himself.
So she sits on the rocky shore of Cannibal Cove thinking about how she would do anything to get Simon to see that Baz won't stay. And she's so deep in thought that she doesn't realize that Mr. Mage is approaching him, his ridiculous cloth hat in hand. And she barely registers what's happening in time to let out a scream. And Mr. Mage has her trapped in his hat and he's carrying her away from Cannibal Cove and the rocky shoreline and from her thoughts of how she can protect Simon Snow.
When she's released from Mr. Mage's disgusting, foul-smelling hat, she notes that she's in Captain Humdrum's cabins aboard his ship. She's placed onto a table in front of the captain who stares at her with an uncomfortable, forced smile. She wonders what she's doing here. What he wants from her.
"Well, Miss Bunce," he says, still smiling at her. "I've decided to leave the island."
She raises an eyebrow at him. At first, she doesn't want to believe him. She's not foolish enough to believe him without any evidence.
He seems to recognize her suspicion. His tortured, pale blue eyes glisten in the dim candle light and he lets his smile fall. Thankfully. It was unsettling. "Haven't you heard? Simon Snow defeated me yesterday. I think he was just trying to impress his...guest, but nonetheless, he defeated me. He only let me live if I promised to leave forever. And I am nothing if not a man of me word. Right, Mr. Mage?"
Mr. Mage sets down his bottle of rum with a smile. "Uh, yes, cap'n. Always!"
Captain Humdrum nods to him as if this will prove some point for Penny. "And that's why I asked you over here, Miss Bunce. To tell Simon I bear him no ill will. Oh, Snow has his faults to be sure, like bringing that boy to the island, for instance. Dangerous business, that."
Penny huffs in agreement. She realizes, for the first time, that the captain is, technically speaking, an adult. And since he's an adult, surely he knows best. She can't seem to recall who started this silly feud––Simon or the Humdrum––but she's sure it was Simon. An adult would never willingly and senselessly attack a child, right?
"Why, rumor has it that already he has come between you and Simon."
Penny's head falls as she realizes the truth in his words. Baz has come between her and Simon. And of course she wants Simon to be happy, but Baz can't make him happy. Not when he'll just leave live everyone else has left Simon. Everyone except her. She doesn't eve realize she's crying until the Humdrum frowns at her and offers her a handkerchief. She takes it gratefully and uses it to soak up her tears.
"What's this?" he asks, getting to his feet in shock. "Tears? Then it is true!"
She blows her nose and nods solemnly.
The captain turns to Mr. Mage, his long, blonde curls jumping out behind him with the sudden movement. "Oh, Mage. Taking the best years of her life and then...casting her aside like an old glove!"
Penny sobs in agreement. Maybe she shouldn't have listened to Simon when he said the Humdrum was evil. He certainly seems to know the way of things better than Simon does. Maybe, if Simon hadn't been so hot-headed and eager for a fight, the pirates could have lived peacefully on their ship whilst she and Simon lived peacefully under Hangman's Tree. Truth be told, she never really liked the whole thing with the pirates. So much fuss and danger. Simon had nearly died from their battles a few times now, and of course Penny was the one that had to help take care of him.
"Ain't it a fucking shame!" Mr. Mage cries in agreement, taking another sip of the rum to calm him down. Penny wants to ask him for some but she knows it won't go well. One droplet gets her drunk. She tried it, once, with Simon. He'd stolen a bunch of it and they both got themselves proper pissed on it. Penny remembers wondering how the pirates got anything done with that stuff lying around.
"But we mustn't judge Simon too harshly, me dear. It's that Basilton who's to blame."
Penny's eyes widen in shock as she realizes the truth to his words. Without Baz to distract Simon and make him feel like he's finally found what he's looking for, Simon and Penny would be off doing their usual things like playing with Ebb's goats or talking to the mermaids. And Simon wouldn't be heartbroken when Baz decides to leave him to go home.
"Mr, Mage," the captain says, turning to his right hand man again, his hands going to stroke his beard. He looks thoughtful.
More thoughtful than Simon has ever been, for certain.
"We must save the lad from himself. But how?"
Mr. Mage bursts into tears which, surprisingly, makes Penny feel better about the whole ordeal.
"We've so little time," the captain argues to himself, pacing the room. "We sail in the morning."
Penny watches him with intent. Suddenly, the captain stops pacing and points a finger in the air, the smile returning to his face. "Sail! That's it, Mage! We'll shanghai Basilton!"
Mr. Mage looks up at him with confusion on his little, red face. "Shanghai Basilton, Cap'n?" He clearly doesn't understand what that means, but Penny does. And oh, does the thought excite her. Not only will it get Basilton out of the way, but it won't put Simon in the position of having to take him home. They can avoid the awkward conversation all together. Simon will see Baz leaving on Captain Humdrum's ships and he'll realize that all Baz wanted was an adventure, not a friendship, and he'll come running back into Penny's arms and she'll be able to protect him again.
It sounds bloody perfect.
"Take him to sea with us! With him gone, Simon will soon forget this...mad infatuation."
Penny cheers.
The captain takes Mr. Mage's hand and starts dragging him out of the cabin. "Come, Mage. We must leave immediately! Surround Simon's home––"
"But, Cap'n! We don't know where Simon Snow lives!"
The captain stops in his tracks, dropping Mr. Mage's hand. He pulls on his beard again. It reminds Penny of the way Simon tugs on his curls. "Great Scott, you're right!"
Penny flies up to him instantly. "I know! I know where he lives!" she shouts, excited that she can be of use to someone.
"What's that, my dear? You could show us the way?"
Penny nods eagerly and heads over to the map that sits unfurled on his mahogany desk.
"Why, I never thought of that!" he exclaims, rushing over to meet her at the table.
She carefully grabs the quill, dips it into the ink pot, and marks the ship on the map as the starting point. She starts drawing the way to Simon's hideout. She pauses before she makes her way over to the forest that holds Hangman's Tree.
"Well, get on with it!" the captain shouts, his fist banging on the table. He seems to remember himself because he clears his throat. "I mean, continue, me dear."
Penny flies up to him again, shaking her small fist in his face. "You have to swear," she growls, "not to lay a hand on Simon."
"Madam," he says, clearly offended that she would even suggest that he would do such a thing. "Captain Humdrum gives his word not to lay a finger on Simon Snow."
Satisfied with his promise, she goes back to the map and marks a large "X" over Hangman's tree.
"Ah, Hangman's Tree? So that's the entrance to his hideout!"
Penny looks down to admire her handiwork and to think of how Simon will tell her that she was right when this is all over. He'll forgive her, certainly, when he realizes what Baz's true intentions were. Suddenly, the captain's hand comes straight for her. She doesn't react because she honestly wasn't expecting for him to betray her, so he manages to grab her. He squeezes his calloused fingers around her and grins.
"Thank you, me dear. You've been––" he shoves her into an empty lantern, "most helpful!"
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all-fandoms-fiction · 7 years
Heart (Sherlock x sister!reader)
Based on a song by Meg Myers, Heart Heart Head
(So I ended up writing a fanfic anyway! And I am so happy about it!) Reader is basically Eurus, I never know is it really Euros or Eurus, but never mind that, but just this time you as Sherlock’s sister, are no a secret. Sherlock is well aware of your present, but what he doesn’t know is that you have been transferred to Sherrinford because of mental illness, depression mostly. He hears from Mycroft, when he is finally ready to tell him, that you have been there, locked down for a year or so. Sherlock of course wants to visit you. ALSO reader is the youngest, unlike Eurus. AND sorry, Mycroft is a bit of an ass in this, not intendedly, maybe. (forgot the tags here like in every other ones...) @dekahg
Warnings: Angst, depression
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He was furious. How could Mycroft hide something like this from him? How could he be so heatless, no, he could, but this was their sister. Their sister! Both of them were related to her and still Mycroft took it upon himself to be the only one to know, the only one to carry such weight on his shoulders. And he had kept this to himself by a year. If it hadn’t been Sherlock himself that had started to pester Mycroft on how he couldn’t get a hold of their sister, how he hadn’t heard of her and asked for the big brother to track her down, and no, not just a note would do it, he’d need to see their sister, that she was okay and in one piece. This led to Mycroft finally coming clean, informing that their sister, their baby sister, (Y/n) Holmes, had been turned in for a mental hospital that Mycroft had her transferred to. To Sherrinford.
Sherlock had insisted meeting his sister right there and then after their loud argument, which Mycroft had tried to decline, but of course, if Sherlock wanted in, he would just go. It was much easier to just let him instead of fighting him further on. Mycroft would only waste his time and end with the same solution with just letting him go. He did warn his little brother nonetheless, of how unstable and messed up their sister was and that she was still resisting the treatment she got. Sherlock would be to face something that would break his nonexistent heart.
To Sherrinford was a long way to go. Only a plain or a ship would go there, over the ocean in middle of nowhere. Sherlock didn’t care how long the trip would take, he only wanted to get there and see his sister. He didn’t believe there could be any way to bring his sister down so bad that she’d need to be hospitalized and medicated. A girl born to the Holmes family wouldn’t be to quit on life and flight. No, that wasn’t the (Y/n) Sherlock knew. Mycroft was just overreacting. Had to be.
The building was just as Mycroft described. Almost entirely hidden under a rocky mountain and miles deep. It seemed secure, but more than just bit too much to keep away just one girl, their sister to be exact.
The stairs down took ages and so did the elevators. Sherlock had to go through countless of locked and secured doors, being examined many times to be clean of all weapons or objects that could harm anyone. He started to grow fed up by this constant checking and became eager to see just how bad you were if it was this well secured place. There were nurses passing by, two doctors by far and countless of guards. To keep an eye on a Holmes this had to be a way to do it.
As if the last door, the finale door that stood in Sherlock’s way separating him from his beloved sister wasn’t enough to make Sherlock anxious, the nurse that had escorted him to the door would make sure to do it. She held her keycard next to the door, not yet opening it, and turned to Sherlock with a serious but calm look. Her hair had been pulled to a tight bun, no loose strands hanging to shield her tired face, her pale lips turned to a frown that was easy to spot even if she fought against it. ”Just be calm, she doesn’t take it well even when Mycroft visits her and it is a bit of a struggle to calm her down after that.” She explained but did nothing to yet open the door. As if she didn’t want to let anyone in there. ”She doesn’t much care about visitors.” Was the last thing she said as she sighed and let the keycard hit the machine. When the door started ringing, informing it was unlocked, the nurse pushed it open and let Sherlock in.
The room was huge. It was lit with white lights and the walls were neutral grey, matching the floor that didn’t give away colors. The way how depressingly dead the room looked, just a bed in the center of the room aside of a toilet, all surrounded by thick glass walls, and in there, right beside the bed, was (h/l) (h/c) haired girl in a white gown.
By the sound of the door closing and locking again the girl lifted her gaze, those  wide, fearful but alert (e/c) eyes found Sherlock’s in a second. She was sitting on the floor, her legs crossed, but when she saw Sherlock she moved to get up right instant and Sherlock could make out from the raspy whisper she let out that she said his name, in awe. She took careful and slow steps closer to the glass and so did Sherlock. He still couldn’t put two and two together, not really wanting to believe his little sister was here, in an awful place like this.
”You came?” She whispered with a cracking voice, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she approached him. She couldn’t believe Sherlock was there, finally. She had pleaded to see him from Mycroft so many times that the older brother had declined to even visit her himself. For some reason he insisted on Sherlock keeping away from her when she was still recovering. How stupid was that?
Sherlock didn’t know what to say, he was speechless as he stared at the mess of a sister in front of him. The hair was a mess, she looked tired and not well. She looked nothing like the innocent and happy (Y/n) he once knew.
”I thought you would come for me.” She snapped sadly as she didn’t get an answer. ”You are so alike. You and Mycroft.” Her voice dripped of venom and her expression changed to anger. ”You come here to watch me, like a goldfish in a fish tank, just to see me and keep me here locked down. Am I such a disappointment that I had to be caged in here so no one could see me?” There was no sense on what she was saying by now. Where did her bad self-esteem come from?
”I thought you, from all the people, would come and see me! I thought you would understand, Sherlock! I was always on your side and I always held your back and I waited for you! I thought you would come and get me out of here! Mycroft locked me in and I thought you had the heart to see through him, that he is lying, I am kept here for nothing!” She was yelling, she was still approaching ever so slowly, the glass, but now her movement resembled of a predator. ”Say something, Sherlock!”
”I didn’t know.” He finally got out. He was lost for words and he couldn’t comprehend with what was going on. ”I didn’t know you were here until now.” He tried convincing, but his words didn’t reach you, not in a way he intended.
”You had all the time in the world to come and get me and you did, but here you are, just like Mycroft, staring at me! I let you in! I cared for you and I, from all the people, counted on you! I let you in my heart! In my heart! In my heart! In my head!” The scream that erupted from her was deafening. She pulled at her hair, maniacally screaming bloody murder until her legs gave in, only half way through her room and almost right in front of Sherlock. The scream would hunt Sherlock forever.
”(Y/n).” Sherlock whispered and almost shocked by holding in all the pain inside. ”(Y/n), please, calm down.” He tried and took a step closer to the glass. ”Please, I’m here now. I will get you out. I promise.” But she didn’t listen. She turned around and curled up, her hands on either side of her head, her back facing Sherlock. She took in a deep breath and screamed again, a long howl echoing in the room, but it was starting to mute in Sherlock’s head as he started to realize how unstable you really were.
”(Y/n) please.” He begged, his hand placed on the glass as he stood right beside it. ”I would never leave you here.” He couldn’t help the tears that started falling. His voice was cracking and becoming raspy, his talk turning into whispers that were barely heard by himself and doubtfully able to catch his sisters ears.
Under the chaos that slowed everything around Sherlock he was unable to realize that the door on the other side of the glass wall had opened and numerous of nurses rushed in. (Y/n) only screamed louder and this time it was pure panic. She moved on the floor uncomfortably and tried to dodge the hands of the nurses as they took hold of her, she cried and screamed. The distress she was going through made Sherlock’s heart break, and he found himself yelling and begging the nurses to let go, that it was okay.
”Please, she’s just confused! Can’t you see she is terrified?” He yelled but they wouldn’t listen to him. One of the nurses pulled out a needle and the screams only became worse. ”Stop! Let her go, she is fine!” Sherlock kept trying, but nothing he said had effect on what was happening on the other side of the see through glass. When the screams died down, now only there was to hear (Y/n)’s sobbing and crying as she was taken away from her room and Sherlock found himself leaning against the wall, taking support from it as his legs gave in. ”Don’t take her away…” Sherlock cried.
He cried where his knees had given in, leaning against the glass, doubled over. He didn’t even move when the door behind him opened, not caring to turn and see Mycroft walking in and stopping couple feet away from him.
”She doesn’t trust us anymore, Sherlock.” Mycroft said with a sad frown, unseen by Sherlock but still existing. ”She blames us for her situation.” His eyes drifted to the ground in shame, he did blame himself for not being there for (Y/n) too, and it pained him how he couldn’t bring himself to see her anymore. The screaming was too much for him. He tried to savor the memory of you he held dear to his heart. Those childhood memories that he shared with Sherlock of (Y/n).
”We should have been there.” Sherlock mumbled. ”We could have stopped this from happening. She needed us, and we weren’t there.”
”We had our reasons. She knows it.” Mycroft said but only for his composure. He really didn’t feel like it, but for his pride was too high to let his emotions show and so he instinctively went by hiding his true meaning. ”It has always been up to us each and our own to keep sanity, pity she had to come down from us three. I always thought it would be you though.” Mycroft said and turned to leave.
”You are going to keep her here?” Sherlock asked which made Mycroft stop.
”Yes.” The older brother nodded. ”It is the safest place for her, she is a Holmes after all.” And he continued leaving, only at the door he stopped to look over his shoulder, ”And Sherlock, please don’t come visit her again. I don’t want to risk her healing progress by our sentiment and pity on her by coming over here only so we can live in peace knowing she is alive. It is better for her too if we stay away.” And he waited for the door to start ringing before adding, ”She doesn’t need us anymore.”
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