#idk what to think about kim and porchay tho...
having-conniptions · 1 year
The KinnPorsche finale killed me nobody talk to me I'm dead
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glazecaramel · 8 months
After Porchay went broke up with Kim, he asked Porchay to forged his document so he could live again like a normal people. But it is hard, he can’t live too far from his brother, but he alao knew Kim do somehing unforgivable. So he agreed with Porchay but in a condotion he should be in a family who had a brother, mom and dad. And that’s how he met Non, almost perfectly identical with Porchay. Porsche do some barter with the real Non. In exchanged Non real family don’t know about this and help his brother to get out from the family bcs his family doesn’t accept his older brother anymore (smthng happened, idk)
The minor family (Vegas and Macau) knew this. But Macau didn’t really know Porchay, only knew him from Porsche. So he agreed to Porsche to accompanied Porchay but not in the same school (I still- idk how they became a friends to fwb to bfs. like bro, he do something Kimhan can’t even say I love you)
But when Porsche learned from Macau what are this bitches do to his baby brother after he live just only for his brother not to get closed to mafia anymore he think a better thing to make a things more like they believed, that the mask ghost is real. (Even he was scared to ghost 😑 but anything to your only family right?)
So he along with Kinn, Tankhun, Macau, and Vegas (no Kimhan only knew this after Macau get to fwb with Jin) set a good trap to them. Poor baby Macau he need to go to this house.
Porsche doesn’t want the bullies parents get involved with this after what they did behind Theerapanyakul back when Porchay became their victim (theerapanyakul doesn’t involved a kid to money laundering, illegal drug, illegal club or pub)
So after later the whole revenged is already done, Macau back to minor compound to informed all of what happened to those bitch bullies (inc. Por and Por driver) and how it became and end to those low mafia who involving kids or teenager)
Oh, and the mafia who set up this? They got beaten and skinned alive by Vegas and Pete. Porsche? Play with his brother while he still recover even after 3 years already pass.
Kim? He is the one who murder the those bullies. But no, he doesn’t tried to get closed with Porchay anymore. He still can’t utter a nice thing to Porchay.
Jin? He alived. But a lot of regret he had.
Why I’m sound petty tho.
Yeah I know this is a bad AU promt
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gaykey · 2 years
I'm glad someone is finally talking about age differences between bl characters/actors... I feel like if it was het pairings people would protest. idk who the people you mentioned are but I'm watching kp and the kimchay parts make me v uncomfortable! I was hoping they would fix the original plot, say by making Kim wait until Porschay is older. It'd still be grooming-adjacent but in their case it was the younger person pursuing the older one so it's not as gross, even tho Kim is a manipulative creep ("detective").
It feels unnecessary, especially since it's so unrealistic. While Chay's crush on his idol is 1000% plausible, Kim's feelings are not. I'm the age that Kim is supposed to be and while I can imagine thinking Chay is adorable, it is only in the way that a puppy can be adorable. He's a child, there's nothing in him that someone my age would want in a partner. He's popular, he could have anyone, so why would he choose a highschooler? I think this is made even worse by the fact that the actor's age gap is even bigger while the younger one is still underage 😐
(Sorry for such a long ranty ask 😅 i hope you have a good day today!!)
i'd say it's something that actually gets brought up quite a lot? i mean, not enough but still
yes, i see people shipping actors that have way too big of an age gap for it to be appropriate but, there are definitely people that aren't ok with it
i wouldn't say it happens too much? most companies have their actors in age appropriate couples, from what i've seen. but zeenunew, maxnat...........yikes.
yeah, about kimchay...iiiiii ah, i'm not a fan. they're cute i guess, but i watched their little part in last ep through my hands because i was so worried they were gonna have them kiss.
but, they have kept it pretty pg thankfully, and i think they'll continue to keep it that way.
also, originally the part of porchay was meant to be played by gameplay, who's worked with jeff and is the same age as him (well a year younger but).
but, after all the production company drama, he couldn't be on the show anymore, so they recast the role, and barcode got it.
the entire crew & cast are so good with making him comfortable, and safe, and everything age appropriate for him though. they really do well by him, which should be the standard, but unfortunately isn't always.
in terms if the actual story though yeeeeeah it's? i too don't get what kim could see in chay beyond being a sweet younger friend.
that's just the plot - and kimchay is a loved couple from the novel so it's not like they coukd just get rid of it.
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agendratum · 2 years
Hi! So, you probably don't remember me but I'm that anon from a month ago whom your blog convinced to watch Kinnporsche! Well I have finally had time off to binge it and I just finished it and I am screaming! (and I have no one to scream with so I hope you don't mind)
This show was really great, I love how it had both silly and serious moments, how the date wasn't the perfect date Porsche pictured but it was still beautiful for them, and how there were so many moments where I was just screaming at my screen for the characters to just communicate ffs. But it also had many twists, some of which I did and some of which I didn't see coming, which kept the plot fun and interesting!
I've mostly been rewatching tv shows lately so this was super refreshing to watch and I just fell in love with the characters at introduction (I mean, come on, that Porsche intro was perfection, and the way it was mixed with what was going on with Kinn was perfect)
They did so many great things with lights I probably need a rewatch to catch and appreciate them all!
I'm glad KinnPorsche and VegasPete (and Macau) got their happy ending, and I'm a bit sad for Porchay and Kim but maybe they'll work it out eventually, or not, who knows, never meet your hero and all that
But I had a question since you seem to know a lot... Do we know what actually happened? Because what Korn said is heavily implied to still not be the truth (and he hasn't exactly shown himself reliable with the truth), so I was wondering if maybe they had said more about it in interviews or some of the specials?
Anyway, I am very sorry for filling your inbox with my rambling, I hope you have a great day (or night!), and thank you for having all these wonderful gifs and posts that convinced me to give this show a shot, I did not regret it one bit!
hi!! also sorry to take 3 years to reply to this, i've very glad to hear that you watched and enjoyed kp!!
the first episode is seriously such a masterpiece with how it introduces the characters and the whole show and sets the tone (not that every episodes is going to be strictly about serious mafia stuff, but serious mafia stuff will always be looming over our characters having their silly lovely moments)
also i’m flattered that i seem to you like someone who knows a lot cause i feel a bit more like porsche most of the time
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but yeah, anyway! i’m gonna say that i don’t think they mention anything like that in the interviews. i haven’t watched all of them obviously, but if they were talking about what actually happened in characters’ past i’d feel like it would be pretty important and loud and by this time made it to my radar at least once alksjd but i don’t think they talk about it, especially considering that there is still a chance of second season happening and you would want to keep something like very important plot relevant truth (korn did kill kan a bit too early to keep some of that truth from porsche and kinn, seems important) for the next season.
then again, the series is based on the novel, and the novel has all the lore the series doesn’t have. but i haven’t read it and for now have no interest in doing so (maybe some time later, but idk man). and the plot of the series might differ from the novel, so again, i don’t know if the novel has answers to your question.
one thing is certain - korn is full of shit. what he tells porsche in the end isn’t the truth or at least isn’t the full truth, but i personally wouldn’t trust him even with a weather report. i’d say that our best bet is to hope that there is a second season and that they will reveal the actual truth in it, because i’m damn curious about what the fuck is up with this fucking family!
i will kindly ask tho, if someone did read the novel and is reading this post right now, don’t actually post any novel spoilers in the replies, please? but if there is something relevant in the novel, maybe let the anon know that you know? ok, thanks everyone, love you!
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