#anyway in conclusion I'd appreciate prayer.
temple-of-hermes · 13 days
Hi hi hi!
So, I became a Hermes devotee nearly a month ago and last week I stopped getting signs from him. My prayers went unanswered, my tarot readings were all empty and meaningless, I lit candles and incense and still got nothing.
Could he be mad at me?
I can't think of any reason he would be, but I'm still worried. Hermes is the reason I wanted to start getting into hellenic polytheism anyway.
I don't want to stop my worship, but would it be best if I did?
I wouldn't immediately jump to him being mad at you if you can't solidly point to a certain thing that would cause his anger. Like something obvious. Breaking a promise or something like that. The gods really aren't that wrathful towards us, especially for simple mistakes. In myth, yes. But in this life? They're actually really chill. So I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that he's mad.
My best guess on what's happening is that he's just busy. He won't always be around, unfortunately. He's not like the Christian god who can always be there all the time. I rarely feel Lord Hermes' presence strongly. And when I do, it's because he has a message for me. Others may find a different experience in their worship, but that's what mine is. So don't lose heart, he's most likely just busy with his job. He still loves and appreciates all of his worshippers and devotees.
What I do during periods where I can't feel his presence is just keep going on as normal. I keep doing devotional acts, I keep lighting his candle and incense, I keep giving offerings. Communication between him and I may not happen unless I really need him, but other activities are more than welcome to continue. So I'd suggest keeping on, see if signs show up again. He sends me some every now and then to show me he's still here. Just don't lose hope yet!
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
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