#anyway my head keeps saying almond/oscar szo im gonna run with it for a little bit
musubiki · 4 years
idea dumping for ms almond,,
just cuz i keep thinking abt it and writing it on here helps me draft and flesh it out a bit owo
- i am gonna start refering to her as almond!! just cuz its such a cute name. i love
- mostly cuz the character of penny bun was originally meant to be like a love rival for mochi, but almond progressed a lot since then so i wanna seperate her character from the basic bitch beta idea,,.
- anyway, almond is in the rat witch’s guild!! im thinking of naming the rat witch brie. name her after cheese
- shes super pretty/quite popular. her mother is an accountant and her dad runs a medical practice. like a REALLY GOOD medical practice (think doctor tofu from ranma), and is passing it on to almond 
- so almond is kind of the doctor/medical unit of the story. everyone goes to her to get fixed up when mochi cant do it. its SUPPOSED to be only for brie and her guild but sometimes coco or oscar pops up like “yo mochi is tired today can you help me patch up this huge scar on my arm-” and at first shes like “brie said no” but then does it anyway (they probably bring her food for exchange)
- brie loves her a lot!!!! precious baby!!!! even though brie acts more baby than almond, she still sees her as “beautiful bff baby girl!!! protect at all costs!!!!” and doesnt let her fight. “let pink love guy get his ass kicked instead!! i dont wanna see you hurt!!!” brie tells her
- i think almond probably had an almost life-ending experience early on in the guild, and since brie loves her so much, shes like “no. no more fight 4 u”
- despite this, almond is still quite spunky about it. shes the “i’m a healer, but- *cocks gun*”
- so only has medical/protective magic. im thinking its laced into her nail polish maybe??? capable of healing/patching, and creating barriers/shields. she finds ways to use this to be offensive sometimes.
- shes kinda similar to oscar in this aspect, as for a long time, the only magic tool oscar has is a witchs medallion capable of defensive magic only. theyre the support units
- in her normal life outside the guild, shes very pretty and popular wherever she goes!! shes like the female counterpart to lime
- im thinking brie sent almond to wessport high school to spy and see who the hell is going there that has such a strong magical pressence. there she became part of the drama club.
- as the residental doc, she doesnt care about blood. in fact, shes very ok with it. shes there at the drama club, passing the actors a bottle of ketchup, and going “make it goreier. sell the act” 
- everyone is horrified with fake blood everywhere and shes like “ah yes, anatomically correct.”
- shes also capable of doing that FAKE “oh no...,.whatever shall i do 🥺” ACT THAT MOCHI DOES ALL THE TIME (refer to episode 7)!!!!! but by the time shes introduced lime already sees through this shit.
- shes a lot better at doing said act than demanding/asking things of people. like when she needs something, and someone is bothering her for a date, she goes “oh no.,..i cant reach that box way up there...can you grab it for me? 🥺👉👈” and it WORKS
- once she used it on oscar. he had a lil crush on her. she forgot her lunch money and was like “ah...i forgot money for lunch...” and oscar is like “UHH I CAN PAY IF YOU WANT-”
(speaking of oscar, below are beta ideas for a potential almond/oscar pairing):
- they only went on that 1 date and she told him she wasnt interested afterwards. oscar was bummed for a bit, but got over it
- oscar is the bane of her offensive defensive magic because his barriers are SO MUCH STRONGER than hers she gets SO FUSTRATED
- these two also potentially have a fake dating trope going on. once there were too many people harassing her for a date, she ran up to oscar, grabbed his arm  and went “sorry!! already have a boyfriend!! i love him very much!! 🥰”
- he just kinda looked at her, saw what was going on, and went along with it, cuz theyre technically enemies, but gee being harassed like that sucks. not that he would know.
- so he pulls out that sorta creepy side of himself and goes “oh??? people harassing my girlfriend??” with a malicious tone, and they back off.
- i think something else also happens regarding her lack of boyfriend. she has like 5 sisters so im thinking theyre like “get a bf already lmfaooo!!!” and wont stop bugging her about it. 
- when oscar finds out, hes like “just use me.” and shes “??? what”. he repeats with the sunshine smile, “just use me! it doesnt have to be real, just say im your boyfriend to shut them up! i dont care!” hes a good heart boy. he helps where he can.
- so she does. theyre not really bf/gf but she says they are and he goes along with it cuz its free and not hurting anyone, and she can relax finally. he does use this to get free medical care from her when he needs it though
- catch her start to catch feelings by accident
- catch oscar being soft but also extremely stupid and having no idea
- i keep thinking about a scene where shes fixing him up, lecturing him about being more careful or something, and spills by accident saying something like “*blah blah blah* my boyfriend *blah blah blah*” and he stares for a moment, before going “your.....your fake* boyfriend....right...?”
- and she stops for a bit, before realizing what she said, then goes “yeah of course! duh! thats what i meant! fake boyfriend!”
- and later that night shes like “fake boyfriend. thats all he is. fake boyfriend.”
- shes the most obvious tsun. very much the “idiot!!! its not like i ACTUALLY like you!!! i dont care!!!! *cares very much*” type.
- only exception is for the pink love mage guy. when she says she doesnt care abt him, she actually really does not care
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