#anyway no way raph didn't die protecting someone
sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
A while back my first ever post for rottmnt was about how Donnie died in the bad future so now what if I wrote about how Raph died
Some quick notes for context:
I hc Casey Jr. as trans. His given name was Arum (after the toxic flowers yes) so he’s still referred to as such during this. I hc Raph as??? definitely not cis and Cassandra often uses she/her pronouns for Raph while Donnie often uses he/him
Added commentary in my tags if u want it uuuuu okay have fun????
Donatello could accept dying.
He’d come to terms with that ages ago, not long after they got thrown into this war. Despite all the measures he took for safety, defenses, he always kept it in the back of his mind that any number of things could kill him and that would just be that.
He couldn’t, however, accept that Cassandra and and his niece would die with him.
What a mess and a disaster. All it took was one Kraang hound following a squad to this base for the army to show up. They had an alert, at least, a heads up. Most everyone escaped.
But two year old Arum was harder to find. Donatello and Raph both stayed behind with Cassandra to find her, where she’d tucked herself away, while Leo and Mikey took care of setting up their backup base.
Donatello wouldn’t admit half his motive for staying was to, potentially, set off the self destruct sequence to put a dent in their numbers.
But so much for that. Cassandra’s leg got injured. She was against the wall behind Donatello, holding Arum in her arms.
And Donatello couldn’t move. He just stood there, staff out, his magic tech projecting a shield into the open hallway to stop the enemies from getting in. By now there were so many of them, too many. Kraang hounds, corrupted humans, and other flesh like monsters all pressed against the shield, adding to the pressure.
Donatello knew it wouldn’t hold forever. Knew if he tried to do anything else the shield would fail and they’d be overrun in seconds. How was he supposed to get them out of this?
Where was Raph? Already gone? That thought put a vice grip on his throat, almost squeezing out a sob.
Donatello wanted his big brother.
He didn’t know what to do.
The room shook. A sharp crack came from above. Donatello turned his gaze to see the concrete giving way. No no no. Were they going to bust in from there too? Donatello didn’t have time to make another shield.
Another crack. A huge slab fell from above. Dust exploded into the room but Donatello refused to drop his shield. Not yet. Not yet.
“Cass.” Raph’s voice rang out through the room. “Donnie!”
Donatello watched his big brother first run to check on his wife and daughter. His breath shook when he exhaled, so relieved to see him, but he kept his concentration on his magic as the kraang tried to put another dent in the shield.
“Cass, are you okay?” Raph spoke from behind.
“Fine. Had worse. Take Arum and get out of here.”
“You’re both getting out of here.” Raph insisted. “Donnie--”
“Take them and run.” Donatello interrupted. “I’ll keep buying you some time.”
“I’m not leaving you here either, Donnie.”
“You don’t have a choice.” He snapped. “The second I drop this shield we don’t have time to escape.”
He waited for some final words, or another argument. Instead there were some quiet whispers from Raph, probably speaking to Cassandra, then the sound of a gentle kiss.
Donatello glanced back at the shifting of rubble, seeing Raph approaching him.
“We have to get you out of here, Donnie.”
He glared at his big brother. “No you don’t. If you try then none of us are getting out. Just--”
“You have to get out of here.” Raph insisted. “Without you, your tech, the resistance is dead in the water. We need you, Donnie.”
“You will figure something else out.”
“No.” Raph hardened his tone. “There has to be a way out of this.” He glanced at the shield, at the wall of monsters just behind it. “Think you can make that thing just a bit smaller?”
“What do you mean?”
“Small enough to fit down the hall. Then I can punch it, send all of them back. At least long enough to give us a chance to run, right?”
That seemed stupid, insane. “Raph, it would insure your family’s survival far more if you just--”
“Donnie, trust me.” Raph held his shoulder. “We’ll get you out of this.”
Donatello didn’t want to listen. Why couldn’t Raph just take Cassandra and run?
“Fine.” He sighed. “Get ready.”
Raph’s ninpo already flashed around his fists, light trailing up his arms. It glowed bright, hot, like it often did these days when he wanted to increase the impact of his strikes.
Just as his big brother rushed toward the shield, Donatello let it shrink down. Pink tentacles and teeth tried to worm their way through the gaps, but a second later Raph hit the shield.
The impact sounded like an explosion. The entire thing rocketed down the hall, taking the monsters with them. The edges of it shredded some of them, smearing flesh and blood along the walls. Donatello held back the bile in his throat as he finally released his magic.
“Go help Cass up.” Raph told him, keeping an eye on the hallway where some of the creatures were already screaming as they approached once again.
Donatello rushed over to Cassandra. He hoped to see her relieved, or at least angry at this whole ordeal.
Instead she looked horrified.
“Donatello.” She shouted at him. “You idiot.”
What? What was she talking about? He followed her gaze, back over to Raph.
The devices seemed to fly toward him in slow motion. Two of his escape pods, the things he hadn’t brought with him because he’d given them to all the other people on base.
As soon as they got close enough they sprung open. Metal clicked as it shifted into place. The belts shot out, grabbing their target. One snatched Cassandra and Arum off the ground while the other aimed for Donatello.
He tried to weave out of the way, run around it toward his brother who had his back to him. But it wasn’t enough. The devices were meant to chase their target, on the off chance they got snatched by an enemy during launch.
He almost got close enough to grab Raph’s shoulder when the belts snapped around his chest. It jerked him backwards, into their.
“Raph!” He screamed. “Raph, what did you do?”
“Sorry.” Raphael finally looked at him, smiling, in spite of the onslaught of kraang reemerging from the hall. “Take care of them for me, okay D?”
“No.” Donatello screamed as the cover snapped down. He tried to pry the belt off, release the hatch, but it was too late for that. “No. Raph? Raph!”
The pod launched into the air, out of the hole Raph created earlier. Had he planned all this from the start?
Donatello kept staring at the old base, praying that Raph would somehow find another way out of it.
He could see the shock wave hit the ground before red light emerged from the ground. It twisted into the shape of his big brother, a bigger construct than he ever created before, almost glowing as bright as the sun.
It aimed a punch down, and as soon as the fist collided with the ground everything exploded.
Donatello flinched when the shock wave from that hit the escape pod. Thankfully it stayed intact, and on course. He tried to look back at the base but by now it was nothing more than a crater and a pillar of dust and flames.
“Ra... Raph...” He barely got the word out. Shock settled into his systems, rendering him silent as the base got farther and farther away.
As Raph got farther and farther away.
Donatello failed to hold back his sob this time.
He wanted his big brother.
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yellowhollyhock · 6 months
raph vs a volcano day 20
The 1987 episode plot:
Donatello's health scanner predicts Raphael has only 24 hours to live. Raphael goes around doing good deeds and taking ridiculous risks because he's gonna die anyway. Meanwhile Donatello figures out his machine didn't work right and means to tell Raphael, but you see he is distracted doing good deeds and taking ridiculous risks. It culminates with Raph inside an active volcano (trying to stop it from erupting? bro??) and his brothers have to come rescue him.
I love this episode. For so many reasons.
1) What an interesting way to give Raph his role while keeping him in character within the new role they gave him for this show. Because Mirage Raph is the guy who always wants to help without pausing to think about whether they can. He's known for sometimes being impulsive and always being protective. And not just of his fellow turtles! He sees someone in trouble he wants to help. But usually in Mirage that's expressed with violence. So for the show they made the "crazy one" express the same traits through sarcasm instead and he became the witty one, and I love how future Raphs are both. And I especially love when 1987 Raphael himself is both
2) This is such a classic plot. It's like... the tribbles spoof/tribute or 'character gets kidnapped but acts so annoying they get released.' You know the kinds of plots I mean right? Our style of storytelling has changed (it's always changing) but tv shows in late 80s early 90s especially had these. You could pretty much guess the plot from the title because you know the characters and you know the story. The exciting reveal is mostly the jokes. There are words for what I'm saying but I haven't had an english class in a few years, so take this ramble and trust me. It's a beautiful example of whatever this is. And!
---2a, It doesn't have the classic resolution that 'character thought they had one day to live due to a misunderstanding' would have on a kids show. There isn't a 'moral' about seizing the moment and using your time wisely. There also isn't a moral about communication, so instead of the miscommunication being annoying like it would in a preachy episode, it's gloriously hilarious to watch
3) Speaking of that, the obligatory 'he tried to ask' scene is Raphael watching Michelangelo cry on Donatello's shoulder because "I'll miss him so much" "I'm sorry there's nothing I can do for him" it's the oven. The oven is broken. Michelangelo is sobbing in Donatello's arms like his world is ending because they're going to have to get a new oven because this one's beyond fixing. And Raphael fully believes that Michelangelo is begging Donatello to fix him, when this version of Donatello is so very none medic. Like I don't even know how to describe why and how much I love this scene. I think I killed english
4) The scene of Raphael in the volcano. I just. He's so funny. This episode really captures what I love about the whole show, which is that I am absolutely buying into it and feeling deeply about it, and simultaneously enjoying it ironically. Does that make sense? When you can put your whole heart into unironic enjoyment but your brain at the same time gets it's 'make fun of this' treat. So both types of fun at once.
---4a it's not trying to fix the plot holes it's enjoying that in this format you don't have to. I feel like this is severely under utilized in modern cinema. make things not make sense on purpose for fun. don't explain about where they are, how they carried that object with them, why there were not other consequences for certain actions. The fun thing about stories is they don't have to be realistic unless you want them to
so for today I had intended to write a Rise version of this episode. I think it would work well for them. Plus, Raph and Donnie bonding. However. That is going in drafts and will be coming. later (march for raph is my opportunity to collect drafts for the rise turtles apparently.) I'm actually still debating if Donnie would make a health-o-meter or if something goes down in witch down, but either way, ❤️💜
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crownedcrowrow · 2 years
(Alright here's the rant, there's art at the end if you don't feel like reading)
2k3 Leonardo and Rise! Raphael have so much more in common than I would have guessed despite the many differences between them. Specifically their roles in their respective teams, being the leader or the responsible sibling. Both had to grow up too quickly in my opinion, we can clearly see that both are much more mature than their brothers. (This is more of a head cannon but this is why I assume that's the reason they both are shown to own a teddy bear as I mention in the post that started me on this rant.) 
To get into the more specific observations, neither one of them asked to be the leader. They just kind of fell into the role because, well, who else would?
In the Rise Movie there was a storyboard that didn't make the final cut. As Raph is talking to Leo Raph states that he never wanted to be leader, he was the oldest and it was his responsibility to look after his brothers. In the episode  “Samurai Tourist”, Usagi has a conversation with Leo. Usagi says,” Your eyes betray you, they show me the oppressive burden you have chosen to shoulder.” Leonardo responds with, “ Someone has to.” 
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Onto my next point. OH MY GOD these poor CHILDREN are so sick with worry and anxiety that they bottle up for the sake of those around them. They are constantly worried about doing a good job and making sure their brothers don't die while also focussing on keeping calm to set a good example. Not to mention there are times they are teased by their brothers for trying to do what they can to make the team stronger. I sincerely don't think their brothers do it on purpose, they just can't relate, therefore they just view it as meaningless team building and extra training. But when there is a close call, it is the leaders fault, after all, a leader is supposed to be able to protect their team. If something goes wrong, if someone gets hurt, or ends up dead, the leader should. Have. Done. Better. They should have found a way out or made a better call, right? Anything it takes to make sure everyone gets out alive, even if it means to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your team. Or at least this is their mindset. We see this demonstrated many times with both characters, Whether it’s Raph throwing himself off a clif to help his brothers ulcock their mystic powers or taking a stab through the shell to protect his little brother. For Leo, whether it's jumping head first into tricky situations to protect his brothers or fighting the Shredder all by himself, even choosing to take on the burden of beheading the Shredder by himself and living with the knowledge of what he did just to make sure no more harm would come to his family. But when their brothers don't listen to them or worse openly ignore them, it gets frustrating and eventually that pent up frustration is going to cause “the cork to pop off the unopened bottle.” 
“I'm the oldest here. I'm responsible for keeping us safe and making sure we can handle anything that comes our way, because if I dont we could all end up dead. “
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“We stopped half! And only because we got lucky! Is that good enough for you? IS IT? We're always one step behind! We act like a bunch of amateurs! How many times are we gonna get beaten before you guys wise up and realize this isn't a game!?”
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To put that all into simple terms, they need so much therapy. Specifically group therapy with Rise! Mikey's “doctor delicate touch” as their therapist. I also just like to think that if Raph or Leo start to think a bit too much about their shell scars and how they got them, their brothers would put gold painto over the edge, kind of like Kintsukuroi. ( If you want to know more about it look it up, I don’t feel that it’s my place to talk on behalf of the Japanese practice. Just think it's really neat and has a beautiful message behind it. Since the turtles are of Japanese descent I figured Splinter would have told his sons about it.) Anyway thank you for coming to my Ted Talk! 
As a thanks for making it through my rant here's some art of the bois.
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Nerding out about Rise Movie
(Yes I am aware Im late. That's my whole brand. Shut.)
Anyway. This is specifically about the last bits cause of course it is.
*ahem *
Cant find a GIF but yknow that bit, when Leo tells Casey to basically pull the plug, to let him die, and the kid grabs the key to do so. But he doesnt do it right away and you can see the struggle so clearly its amazing.
Theres Casey knowing he will be the cause of losing Leo again, in such a short time. He doesnt want to. This is his father figure/uncle. This is one of the only comforts he knew and he has to be the one to kill it. And then there's resolve that its the right thing to do.
Its almost like Casey was trying to impersonate Future Leo, a person he looked up to, who made hard choices for the good of everyone.
But then the bravery is gone, crumbling at his feet and Casey doesnt want to make the hard choice. This is still a kid. This is still someone who a few hours earlier had watched his world die. Every last bit of it.
He doesn't even look when he finally does it. And he doesn't stay put and pull, he runs away.
The moment the portal shuts Leo stops fighting.
The moment his brothers are safe he just stops.
There is no brave front, no stoic decree that he will make the Kraang's life hell or take revenge somehow more than he has. He's done.
However almost everyone I see writing this bit in fanfics always makes it sound like he didn't care about dying and that isn't true. He wants to live. He's crying, wanting his family to hold him and be in the good times again so he holds onto the picture. But he's genuinely too tired to do much and he knows there's nothing he can do anyway. Doesn't mean he doesn't still want there to be.
Who says sacrifices arent scared of dying?
The fact the boys gave it everything they got and all the Kraang had to do was flick a finger. That is terrifying and such an awesome way to display the villain's power. They have no hope of defeating it, and its not hard to see how the Kraang took over the world in a different timeline. To have the turtles do all that and it to be brushed away as a little less than an inconvenience. Horrifying. Good job.
Call it talking about something obvious, but I love the scenes we see that we thought was the end, with Leo gone forever. Cause at that point the world was saved, people were probably celebrating if they could see it happening, but to our heroes there was no victory. To them the end is as devastating as if they had lost. The background behind Casey as he clutches Leo's sword is the same red he grew up with, where death and loss and fear was as common as air.
Donnie is crying, and he shakes his head as he realizes cause no, this cant be reality. This wasn't in his plans. He denies the tears because that means its hurting. And if it's hurting that means that it happened.
Raph is on the ground cause he is the big brother, meant to protect them, and he failed. The grief is piled on by guilt and anger and sorrow and the need to do something but he can't and its too heavy. Even he can't carry all of it.
Fun little tidbit to finish but I love how when Mikey opens a portal to get Leo back, Raph and Donnie also take some of the backlash to that power. Its also a little funny that its the two turtles who were dead when he opened the time gateway, especially since Ninpo is stronger when they are united as a family and he opened that portal alone.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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ducknotinarow · 8 months
🎶 for all your Raph muses tbe music meme give me all the songs bich you can delete the post but that ain’t gonna stop meeeeeeeeeeed
| Send me "🎶🎶🎶" and I will share with you 1-3 music tracks that I associate my muse(s) with!
*Considering I have playlists for them all I just had to pick three songs XD Keep in mind a lot of these choices are solely based on events in rp on the blog at least stuff that has enough development for me to comment on in terms of songs. Or goes into my protryal of Raphael over all.
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We didn't start the fire
Is this love that i'm feeling
Beat It
*When it comes to all my 80's playlists I try so hard to keep the songs in that time frame but I have broken that over time XD but mainly it is still a good 80's mix. Anyway when picking his songs I tried to stick to his time frame. Can't say i'll be as dedicated on the others pft. Anyway time for my pop tart boy.
We didn't start the fire: I picked because it seems like a song reference he would make when it comes to how often him and his brothers wind up roped into situations he doesn't fully believe are their problem to deal with. But end up being their problem anyway. Like don't get him wrong when he feels it is their issue Raph's attitude is different like in the first season when it came to Splinter.
Is this love that im feeling: yes course this gonna be about Casey. Raphael just thought he had no real interest in romance why would he after all? He is a mutant turtle? maybe if there was a female mutant turtle? But even then he had doubts. The only time he kind of liked a girl was when he was hit with a love potion after all. He didn't seem to like girls so he wondered if he liked well men instead? based off his own comments he thought were just jokes. Then in came Casey Jones. Who he fell for pretty quick sure at first he found them nuts but he was attacking his brothers. And it didn't stop him from fighting Casey again later. But didn't keep Raph once they had a more friendship going on to wonder what was there. Turns out it was love its why he changed his tune to like Casey clearly. I also just like it for when he and Casey date. Sure loving someone is enough to date them but dating is how you see if you continue to love them. And that what Raph figured out. Also I like to think this is a song Raph would sign towards Casey uwu
Beat it: I find it funny and clear proof others don't watch the 87's series. Cause they have this weird outlook of Raph not lighting ti fight or being a fighter. And I agree he isn't looking to pick a fight but he is fucking petty and will start a fight. Raph is a very "I didn't start it but i'll finish" it type of fighter in this series. So a good song about throwing down to fight seems fitting for Raph's rude behavior.
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*Normally I put 03/07 together but I feel some songs will fit better for some themes in 07 story plots.
1. Hercules
2. Brother
3. I'll be good
+4. Bonus song My best friends Ex
Hercules: Generally I love this song because it really works to dip into Raph's need to protect. It's not just in a physical way either Raph despite calling himself a lone wolf is someone who really just looks out and cares for others. He comes off selfish and uncaring but then you see how he is quick to put others before himself. Down plays anything going on with him but will put more worry into it for others. He loves to have space but is quick to try and reach out to someone else if he feels they need it. His stubborn ass is what makes him so loyal he has so much faith in others. He really will shield others from harm when they can't themself.
Brother: I love this song for TMNT in generally because a brotherhood is just such a strong theming for the series. BUT I'm directing this to his brothers. Raph's heart is one of four, his brothers are his whole world. Anything happens to one of them? and best look out he will die if it meat protecting his brother or getting revenge for them. Raph can seem harsh and distract but in the moments that matter most? he is the one by his brothers sides first. When need be he will step up into leader role so to make sure the rest are safe if Leo isn't around like when Leo left to see the Ancient one and they got attacked by Karai. One thing you don't get between is Raph and his brothers even when Raph distances himself them he knows they have him and he knows they know he has them. Why they count on him and will call out for him when needed especially Donnie.
I'll be good: It's not secret that Raph is his own worst critic. It's why I feel Splinter never got on Raph's case as much as he dose Leo during Leo's emo arc. Splinter will step in if Raph's going to far and offer advice but he knows no amount of scolding is anywhere as bad or deep hitting as what. It's hard for Raph to understand where his anger comes from. He wants to protect his family and it scares him to see how big the world is out there if they stayed in a much smaller area easier to maintain it be easier to protect them. Raphael just feels like he can't do right he fears being the one to hurt his brothers why he has nightmares of him being the shredder. He regrets any fight he has with Leo, the times he went to far with Mikey hell he got regrets with Donnie too. He wants to be good he wants to be more positive like Mikey can be but he just can't he feels something wrong he feels if he could cut into himself deep enough maybe just maybe he can find what it is and take it out.
My best friends ex: I couldn't give up the last three for this song but didn't wanna leave it out XD. Raph and Von's friendship in 03 verse is just so damn good to me I love it I love them being besties so much. It's funny cause I feel you wouldn't see these two being so close. But I think Von just not caring to fall for the image Raph sets up allowed her to get close to Raph. Maybe cause of her background who knows. Just in my mind if Von ever dated anyone outside Donnie they knew/or knew about Raph that friend thats hates them funnier if Raph don't know them he hates them uwu.
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Danger to myself
Killing me
Danger to myself: For sure where Raph was at just after Leo had taken off. There was just a lot going on. Raphael hated that they were told they couldn't basically go on with their lives with Leo gone. Raph lost a good source of his distractions because of that and struggled with things going on with himself. Slowly he started to make things worse shut out his family, and pushing away those who he needed most. Donnie someone who always makes him feel a bit more grounded. But Raph lost his footing. Casey someone who always made him feel loved and needed. But Raph didn't love himself or feel he was needed. Night Watcher was so easy for him to hide anyway into. If he was the Night Watcher he didn't need to be anything more.
wannabe: Why this song? how do a spice girl song fit Raph. I feel like each of the adults have had moments where they are watch both Summer and Ariel on their own. Raph's soft for the two on their own as is. When they are together? He might as well be a floor mat for them. Just image them in a classic moment of the girls finding a way to rope Raph into thier antic and feel one is singing along to songs well messing around. Raph can act like he dont wanna be part of thier sleep over antics but I feel Casey walked in and found Raph singing along to the Spice girls with his daughters. XD basically it more a song that just makes me think of Raph in a parental route.
Killing me: May seem a bit misleading on how Im gonna be using this song but this is more meant for when Casey is going though his mid life crisis. You think Summer felt her dad just left? Oh trust Raphael felt the same way. But where Summer can speak on that and express how she feels Raphael will not. No different from how with his own family Raph seeing Casey going through what he was he in part knew that Casey needed to be allowed to. Raph had to go through his own stupid shit for a time. He saw Leo have to as well and even Donnie. But it wasn't easy, Raph had to keep things in home well in order. Had to make sure Summer was taken care of. Seeing Casey not in the right state. In truth I feel Raph reached out to April A LOT during this time. If he could swing it with disguises he of course takes Summer to practice himself. Raph didn't really have a support when he fell apart (he pushed them away that why) so he wanna try and give Casey the room to fall apart too and show Raph is there to help pull him back together like Casey has for him. But even Raph dose feel Casey's absence and it's killing him uwu
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Lost: Some of my favorite scenes dealing with Raph are when they see Splinter get thrown down into the sewers. And in his fit of rage Mikey hugs him to snap him out of it. And again during the space arc when one the angry planet Raph once more snaps and Leo hugs him. What snapped him out of it? Love uwu. Raphael is someone seen as uncaring he is quick to say he don't like ti deal with certain emotions. He is meant to be big bad tough Raphael. Yet, he is full of pain and a feeling of being just lost. Where he should be aware he is loved and needed sometimes he needs that assurance because Raph sees the worst in himself. Raph is hurting deep down and it come out in his anger and he wishes he knew better how to handle it to even understand why it's there so sometimes a bit of affection paid his way helps. Raph isn't bad a kid hes just very unheard. It shows that he can be heard by some and it should make Raph look weak that he dose need that at times. But to him dose. He just lost in the storm always in his mind. Sometimes he just needs to grab on to someone a moment.
Sharks: It's funny how often you can mirror Raph with some of the villains. You got of course his often foil in 2012 Fish face, the more obvious Slash before he was redeemed even being shown like a worse case for what Raph could become. And of course, there is the fact he and Leo are like a new generation of Yoshi and Saki. Often I feel why Splinter is how he can when it comes to Raph's anger and complaints on Raph likes to think he is better because hes good so he should be better he wouldn't sink to their levels. But he has he can even Slash alone showed what would happen if Raph let his anger consume him too much the beast he could become if he didn't have his brothers around? Raph would become so much worse. If he didn't have family he loves and looks out for than what would he have to keep him grounded?
Fine: Raph is the stereotypical character who talks shit about love and romance. Act like he so above his brothers who more open to showing they would like to fall in love. Raph very much that person who just can't understand someone loving him because of his own self hate. And he sort of projects that on the him and his brothers Who would love them. And yet? He wants it he wants to be stupid over someone, he and try and deny how he felt for hockey playing idiots all he wants but he don't want that he wants to also turn and say he's an idiot and he feels those things too. Cause deep down Raph is just a sappy romantic. He wanna just embrace those things too given the chance. So why not go ahead and show he might have intrest in his best friend just a bit uwu
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Can't take me down
I like it heavey
Can't take me Down: This is just a feel good song for Raph in general he is very much got this I can't be stopped mind set (boy do I look forward to him getting humbled or shown other wise that he isn't strong enough >:3) This is very much a how I carry myself kind of song. Despite how clearly everyone around him seems to look at him and see him needing some help professional level even or any time someone remarks on him going a bit too far? Raph will either defend it with a look of 'what do you mean?" or blow it off. He goes in loud with out a second thought. You can't take him down and much as they all hoped he thinks that's what will get people to love him uwu
Chills: I just like this for our rasey for mm with your take on MM casey uwu Since we always tend to give Casey the theming of ice. But it also just fits because Raph never been in love before not really something he thought of only to make fun of Leo over. The. Comes Casey someone who gives him litteralt chills uwu
l like it heavey: someone thar is a mutant? Yeah, this start of the song dots alone as is. But Raph himself? Someone who dose have a bit a different taste in well everything from his more violent tendencies to his love for wrestling even to point if hiw he wants to present considering he uses protine powders to help muscle growth. Even his sens of style? Some like it pretty, but Raph likes it heavey. Slightly to play into the sing above this jsut plays into why Raph himself don't think he goes to far or maybe even need help (he dose u_u) he just himself and wants someone who gets that who he is.
1. Hot n' cold
2. Chateu
3. The phoenix
Hot n' Cold: I'm sorry but not sorry hot n' cold os just Raoh generally over all. He can really just shift through his moods swings fast enough to give someone whiplash. Raoh has his moments where he can be sweet and caring and those moments should really speak the loudest to others. But other times? He's a oranry bitch. And he's pretty up front about it.
Chateu: since Raphs known casey the longest in this verse, i feel these two have had a lot of time to be all fuck this place mind set over time. Between Raphs family drama and Casey own. Raph has had Casey in his corner from day one. This is just a very nice song for Casey and Raph in general I feel ;3; they need each other, they make eachnothers hearts bear. Course, there's a reason it took them time to get together, but they been able to give up on some things thiwr hangs up and such cause they got the other ;3;
The phoenix: in truth this song I played on repeat often well playing the game it self xD It just fits!!! Anyway in universe I would say it's because Raphael is pretty goal set in the game. He feel long as they stay together as brothers they will get Splinter back because well he needs to or he will get hopless himself. So he talks uo loving the fights and such and enjoys when they get to certien maps in the game. Honestly the most break in this is when they are looking for Casey he gose from. But he picks himself back up after every loss or miss chance to get thier Dad back. Raphael isn't someone to get knocked down too easily like his fiery rage this turtle will rise back up like. Phoenix
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