#anyway nothing is true and everything is permitted so. loads up shotgun
piratekenway · 10 months
Ardyn likes being a pirate more than he wants to fulfill his destiny. unfortunately, destiny has other ideas.
When they make it to Galdin Quay, Ardyn has the Jackdaw drop anchor out of sight of the pier. Wouldn’t do, after all, for a known pirate ship like the Jackdaw to attract, ah, imperial attention, after all. And he’s certain it’ll be imperial attention soon—he’s been hearing rumors on the wind that the treaty between Niflheim and Lucis hasn’t gone as well as the Lucians might’ve hoped. Some years ago Ardyn would’ve been absolutely gleeful about that. Some years ago he might even have helped it along, because it would destroy the Lucis Caelums and wouldn’t that be downright delicious? But now— Well, there might be no love lost between him and his brother’s damnable bloodline, but. Niflheim treats pirates far, far worse than Lucis could ever hope to, and Ardyn has a ship full of them. If the empire catches wind of the Jackdaw anywhere near Lucis, that’s all of them at risk, and he’ll not put his crew in even more danger than they signed up for. He takes a rowboat the rest of the way, instead, and then walks up to the pier, searching for a familiar head of blond hair. Because he knows Edward’s habits, he cuts a glance up at the ceiling beams, just in case his old friend and former captain has decided to wait up there, out of sight. Nothing. Well, Ardyn supposes he ought to have expected that—he’s early, and Edward is likely to still be on his way here from Insomnia. The message he’d sent him had been short but urgent: Things have gone to shit. Meet me at Galdin Quay in a week.
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osakaso5 · 5 years
DUSK TiLL DAWN Event Story
Chapter Index
Rictor: Huff, huff... W-we managed to defeat it, somehow...
Somas: T-thank goodness... You've gotten better at handling a gun, Rictor.
Rictor: Io taught me. He said I should take deep breaths and relax my shoulders.
Somas: I see! Io's a good teacher.
Rictor: Yes, he is! I'll have to thank him when we meet again. Are you experienced with a handgun?
Somas: No, I've only taken one training course.
Rictor: Y-you've only done it once before this..!?
Yamarson: ...We've been walking for a while now. Will we reach the exit soon..?
Rictor: I'm sorry, this is a bit of a detour...
Yamarson: Ah, no, that's not what I meant...
Tamathony: You're awfully chipper.
Yamarson: I just wanna get out of here!
Rictor: Ah! It's right behind that corner!
Somas: Hang in there, Tamathony.
Somas: Now that Yamarson's recovered, we're headed straight for a happy ending!
Tamathony: A happy ending, huh...
Yamarson: That howl's getting louder and louder.
Somas: It sounds like it's coming from up ahead...
Rictor: They've even gotten this deep into the facility...
Tamathony: Hey, what's beyond here?
Rictor: A highly confidential area which only the few are permitted to enter.
Rictor: I've never been there myself, so I don't know what it contains.
Tamathony: How do you know it's got a way outside if you've never been there?
Rictor: The doctors showed me a sketch of the lab in case anything happens...
Yamarson: This place is probably bigger than some little sketch.
Yamarson: We're not lost, are we?
Rictor: No, it's all stored in my head.
Yamarson: ........
Rictor: Yamarson?
Yamarson: Not that I suspect you of anything, but... You're not trying to lead us somewhere, are you?
Rictor: Huh!? I wouldn't do such a thing!
Rictor: Why would you say that..?
Somas: R-right!
Somas: He saved your life.
Yamarson: ...That's true. My bad.
Tamathony: By the way, the people from W.R.U are all about as smart as me!
Tamathony: I never forget someone I've seen, either.
Somas: You're both very impressive!
Tamathony: Hehe! It's nothing special to us, though.
Yamarson: Sorry for doubting you, Rictor. All these negative thoughts just started popping into my head.
Rictor: It's fine...
Tamathony: In any case, we gotta get to that secret area.
Rictor: Yes.
Rictor: But I'm not sure if we can get in without authorization...
Somas: Someone might've opened the way for us, like earlier.
Rictor: Right...
Somas: Let's go.
Tamathony: Whoa, whoa! That was loud.
Yamarson: I've got a bad feeling about this...
Somas: It's coming from behind that door. It feels like we're about to face the final boss!
- - - -
Yamarson: The door's open..?
Yamarson: (Why do we keep running into places where the security's been conveniently disabled..? Was someone from this lab involved in all this..?)
Rictor: A rose mark...
Rictor: This is the doctors' laboratory..?
Somas: Rictor?
Rictor: You three should go on ahead!
Tamathony: Huh?
Rictor: If you turn here and go straight ahead, you'll reach a door that connects to the tracks!
Yamarson: Why aren't you coming with us!?
Somas: Right! What's gotten into you all of a sudden?
Rictor: The green rose on this door... It's the mark of the doctors.
Tamathony: What about it?
Rictor: I didn't see them at the hospital.
Rictor: But this... If there's a way for me to meet them, then I want to find it.
Rictor: (Please, doctors. Let me find something that proves you weren't involved in this chaos...)
Somas: It's dangerous for you to stay behind on your own! I'm coming, too!
Yamarson: Hey, are you for real..? Have you lost your minds!?
Somas: We've come so far together, I want to stay with him until the end!
Somas: I promised Io that we'd all survive to see our happy ending!
Rictor: Somas...
Tamathony: ...Right. I promised Cap, too.
Tamathony: And I'm not done analyzing this underground area, either.
Yamarson: Wha...
Tamathony: What are you gonna do, Yamarson?
Yamarson: What am I gonna do..? Ah geez, I already know where this is going...
Somas: Then let's stay together!
Somas: If something happens, please show me more of your cool knife handling!
Yamarson: Ugh... Fine. You'd better make use of that gun, too.
Yamarson: (The howl we heard back there... I feel like I've heard it before... We might find out something about it.)
Tamathony: Alright, let's go finish this!
Rictor: Everyone... T-thank you..!
Somas: We couldn't possibly miss a final dungeon of this caliber! Right, Yamarson!?
Yamarson: ...You really are nuts.
Rictor: I'll be counting on all of you!
Tamathony: Yup!
Tamathony: How much further down are we going..?
Somas: We've already gone pretty deep.
Yamarson: Hey, over there!
Rictor: Whoaaah..!
Somas: There's something big over there!
Yamarson: Is it the same as that thing we ran into in the subway?
Tamathony: Nope, it's even bigger!
Rictor: This specimen hasn't retained a humanoid form, either...
Somas: Is this also a Gathered?
Rictor: P-probably...
Rictor: The Gathered turn out like that because they absorb things from around them....
Yamarson: Ah, like the ones with weird heads.
Somas: It's such a cute creature design!
Tamathony: If only it was just a design.
Rictor: But that one is different from the regular ones. It looks almost like it endlessly consumes everything in its path.
Yamarson: So it's a mutant?
Rictor: I don't know... But it's definitely certain that it's different from normal Gathered.
Rictor: (Why would it be all the way in here..?)
Tamathony: ...Alright, time for a plan! We can't beat that thing if we just run up to it and start fighting.
Yamarson: Right. I don't wanna get too up close and personal with another one of those things.
Somas: Um...
Tamathony: What?
Somas: Both this Gathered and the one we saw in the subway... They still have their eyeballs left, even though the rest of their bodies have been dissolved.
Tamathony: Now that you mention it.
Somas: Simply put, the eyes are usually the weak point of a final boss.
Rictor: I see! So we should aim for the eyes!
Yamarson: Wha... It can't be that simple..!
Tamathony: No, they're not wrong.
Tamathony: Aiming for the eyes or head is a common hunting tactic.
Tamathony: It's worth a try.
Yamarson: .......
Tamathony: What?
Yamarson: Ah, nothing. I was just surprised to hear you say something so sensible...
Yamarson: (Did this Gathered get all the way in here? Or was it here from the start..?)
Tamathony: You're so rude.
Somas & Rictor: Ahaha.
Tamathony: In any case, let's do it! Who's got a long range weapon?
Yamarson, Somas, & Rictor: .......
Tamathony: Seriously..? A knife, a handgun, a shotgun...
Tamathony: Is this it..? I've only got an SMG, too...
Rictor: I-it'll be fine! There's four of us!
Somas: Exactly! We'll cover for you the best we can!
Tamathony: ........ Cap! I don't wanna do this anymore!
Tamathony: Once I'm done with this mission, I'm never coming down on the ground again!
Tamathony: Enough, let's just go!
Yamarson, Somas, & Rictor: Yeah!
Tamathony: Get a load of this finishing move!
Yamarson: Huff, huff... Did we do it..?
Rictor: Yes..! We seem to have defeated it, somehow!
Somas: W-we did it..!
Tamathony: Alright, let's get outta here!
Yamarson: Tamathony, watch out!
Yamarson: Ugh..!
Somas: Yamarson!
Tamathony: Yamarson, Somas..! Sorry, I let my guard down!
Rictor: It's morphed..!?
Ratatata... woosh
Mick: Kept you waiting, huh!
Nagistopher: I see you're still alive.
Tamathony: Ah! Cap! Mick!
Io: Somas, are you safe!?
Somas: Io!
Somas: You're so cool, running in to save me in a pinch! My hero!  
Io: You're saying dumb things again!
Nagistopher: Ah, Yamarson. I'm glad you're safe.
Yamarson: I'm fine, thanks to you.
Mick: I'm glad we made it in time..!
Nagistopher: It's coming!
Mick: Yep! Keep your eyes on it, guys!
Tamathony: The eyes are its weak point!
Mick: Okay! Let's go! Get to cover!
Ratatata... woosh
Rictor: Haah, haah..!
Rictor: We did it..! We've finally defeated it!
Somas: Yes... We really did beat it this time..!
Mick: ...I'm freaking beat...
Tamathony: I can't go on. I've moved around enough for a lifetime.
Somas: Io, are you hurt?
Io: Did you forget how skilled I am? I wouldn't let that blockhead anywhere near me!
Somas: Ahaha, that's Io for you!
Io: It seems you're fine, too.
Rictor: Yamarson, are you alright? You had all these battles right after taking the vaccine...
Yamarson: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying. What about you?
Rictor: Yes! As you can see, I'm unharmed somehow!  
Yamarson: Haha. That's great.
Nagistopher: You did well, Tamathony.
Tamathony: Yeah. Since I promised I would.
Tamathony: I worked sooooooo hard. And I even got the vaccine!
Tamathony: But I feel like all this excercise made me dumber...
Mick: There, there! Good boy! You really are I.DOL's youngest elite officer!
Mick: I'll give you a pudding drink, so chin up!
Tamathony: .......!?
Tamathony: Huuuh!? Why now!?
Mick: Huh? Well, you said you'd just had one, so I thought I'd save this one for when you were all out of juice.
Tamathony: You should've given me that earlier!
Mick: But I'll bet it tastes better after all this work!
Tamathony: It always tastes awesome anyway!
Mick: Right, my bad.
Somas: I'm glad Tamathony's feeling better now.
Io: That's not enough to make anyone better under normal circumstances. It's just a sweet drink...
Nagistopher: Rictor, where is the exit to the subway?
Rictor: Ah, right! I'll show you. Follow me.
Io: Let's be on our way.
Somas: Yeah!
Yamarson: ........
Yamarson: (I feel like I've seen this place before, too...)
Yamarson: (And Rictor asked me if we'd met before...)
Yamarson: (Have I... been here before..?)
Yamarson: ...Ow...
Somas: Yamarson! Let's go!
Yamarson: ......
- - - -
Rictor: It's so bright..! The sun has risen...
Mick: So it's already morning.
Nagistopher: Tamathony.
Tamathony: The Pudding model, right!? I've already called it!
Mick: This guy was like a wet noodle just a moment ago... Those pudding drinks really are something...
Tamathony: Wait a sec, I'll land it over there.
Voice from Radio: This is Base 7-0-0. Awaiting response. All survivors are to return to Section Beta.
Mick: The radio..!
Nagistopher: Handsome reporting. We've acquired the vaccine, and will be returning ASAP.
Nagistopher: There are four civilians in our custody. I'd like to request that accommodations are prepared for them. Over.
Voice from Radio: Roger.
Io: We've been saved...
Somas: Yeah. Just like I said. We all got a happy ending!
Io: Right.
Somas: But what do we do now..? Our dorm must be a mess, too...
Io: So you did remember that...
Somas: O-of course I did!
Somas: My dear, prized zombie collection... I'll never see it again!
Io: ...I take back everything I said. You’ll never change.
Somas: Ah! Wait, Io. Don't leave me behind!
Yamarson: Did you find any clues about the doctors?
Rictor: Ah, no...
Yamarson: Hey, are you sure you can trust those people?
Rictor: Huh?
Yamarson: I think W.R.U might've been the ones who created those monsters. It's weird that there was a monster that deep in the underground lab.
Rictor: ........
Yamarson: Maybe those doctors were behind all this...
Rictor: You're wrong! ...I believe in them!
Yamarson: ....... On what basis...?
Rictor: If it wasn't for the doctors, I couldn't have found the vaccine and saved you.
Yamarson: That's... true...
Rictor: And if they hadn't sent me that letter, I could very well have died in the lab.
Rictor: I'm alive because they called me to that hospital...
Rictor: That's what I believe.
Yamarson: ........
Yamarson: ...Okay. I get it.
Yamarson: But if you get taken into custody, they'll suspect you.
Rictor: I don't know anything.
Rictor: I don't even know why the doctors have disappeared...
Rictor: I want to know how things got this way more than anyone...
Rictor: ...Right now, the only lead I have that's connected to them is this letter...
Rictor: ........
Yamarson: Wha... Hey! Are you sure about that?
Rictor: ...Yes. I'll wait for them to contact me.
Yamarson: And if they never do?
Rictor: In that case... I'll go look for them.
Rictor: (Because I still don't know the truth.)
Rictor: (I'll be able to see you again, won't I..?)
Tamathony: Heey, the chopper's ready!
Rictor: Coming!
Translator's notes..?
finally done! i’m definitely not going to be doing any other extra translations until the ichiban kuji event.
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