#anyway screw that racist ableist sexist homophobic show
woomycritiques543 · 1 year
I was watching the newest episode with my friends to see if the episode would make up for the terrible writing and actually fucking develop her female characters until Viv literally made a ""joke"" about low functioning autistic people with that one new character in the sloth ring... Me and my friends had a sour taste in our mouths! I honestly thought Viv would've known better than to write shit like this this AFTER THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the fans pointing out her bigotry time and time again! seeing viv and her writing staff come up with shit like that makes me believe Vivziepop definitely hates people who are autistic or neurodivergent and that's why she ALMOST used the r word! Only to ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that she shouldn't use it because it's a slur but used it anyway in the pilot and DIDN'T apologize for it whatsoever! Vivziepop is a disgrace and is disgusting.
Like this...
Is Vivs literal logic: """hahaha look at the autistic character lol, aren't neurodivergent people are so funny because they're slow and stupid lol? Don't @ me this is hell and it's jUsT a JoKe lol?"" 🤬😭 like literally watching that made me feel ashamed because I'm autistic and while high functioning I am a little bit slower than other higher functioning autistics. I can't believe I LOOKED UP TO Viv in the past.
Let's see what I've learned so far:
Vivziepop is a bigot, racist, sexist towards her female characters especially with the lack of writing, pro shipper, a transphobic, enbyphobic, ableist, supports incels because of the tasteless jokes about Stella and her brother, pretends to support LGBTQIA+ people and is homophobic, abusive AF to her co workers, is a closeted Blaire White supporter, etc!!
W O W!!!
Fuck you Viv! I have no sympathy or hope for you and your shows because of how you mess everything up!
Ok, I hear you, and I understand that you're really heated right now-
But we should still have some sympathy, she is human after all.
-a horrible human, but still human netherless.
So can you tell me the scene where this happens?
A timestamp maybe?
Also yes, ableism and any other bigotry is never ok even if the writers (not the fictional characters, this isn't about them, they dont exist!) try to frame the scene as "CUTE AND FUNNY!", comedy does not make bigotry exist in a vacuum. It's nasty no matter how much someone tries to show it as "CUTE!", and the episode being that ableist as you're saying (havent watched much of it, but from what ive heard it's just as bad.) is not ok in the slightest. Vivziepop and Adam (and Brandon!) arent "clever" or "fighting against the haters! >:)" for this. They are losing respect, they are losing money, they are losing viewers, they are losing dignity. They gain nothing from this long term, yes, people who are like them love them, but keeping up with this behavior will screw them over if this doesnt stop happening. This is just how life works.
It's literally a "talk shit and see what happens" situation.
Vivziepop's just messing up her own dream, and it's sad to watch.
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quoting you "But our brains are hardwired to find certain things attractive." and you said it on a post when you trying to talk about why people prefer white characters. not hard to figure out what you were saying there, i have reading comprehension (and a not-american education, your assumption was weird). also, here have this not on anon. not a coward just used to racists who pile on if you call them on it, but i can deal.
Dear sir and/or ma’am,
Firstly, kudos! I’m glad we can have an actual conversation without hiding behind anonymity. Still not sure how productive of a conversation we’re going to have, since you’re insistent I’m racist, but I’m now willing to discuss it with you further since we can have an open conversation and dialogue.
No, I did not say that people were hardwired to find white people attractive. I said our brains are weird; that they’re hardwired to find certain things attractive, and -the important bit you missed -is that there’s no rhyme nor reason to why.
For example, to get a bit personal here. I like short, stocky men, and I have a thing for big/abnormal shaped noses on men. Richard Harmon, Seth Gilliam, and Aaron Stanford are examples of this. In women, I like well-muscled and taller than me (which doesn’t take much, I’m 5′2″). Examples of this would include Marie Avgeropoulos, Rosario Dawson, and Lupita Nyong’o.
Now, clearly, I have two very different and distinct things I look for, depending on gender. This makes no sense, logically, and I am well aware of this; if I like large or abnormal shaped noses on men, I should like the same thing on women, logically. If I like short, stocky men, I should like the same thing in women.
But I don’t. Why don’t I? Because what we like isn’t something that we choose; it’s not something that we make a conscious decision about. Our brains are hardwired to find certain things attractive, and we don’t know why. We don’t know what crossed this particular pair of wires together, resulting in liking short men or tall women. We don’t know how those neurons in our brains got so jumbled that we have foot fetishes, or are into dominance play.
Telling people that they are racist because they don’t find a thing attractive is redundant, and can be turned against you very, very easily.
For example. Do you like fat men? Short women? Bald women? Amputees? No? Well, that makes you ableist and sexist! 
Do you have any straight pairings? That makes you homophobic! And don’t even get me started on how screwed over us bi folk get when it comes to fandom shipping; we can’t win either way: because it’s not gay pairings, we’re labeled homophobic, and if it’s gay pairings, we’re labeled as attention seekers, for ‘calling ourselves bi when we’re actually gay’.
Are you starting to see where I’m going with this? You have a thing you like. I’m ambivalent about the thing, or maybe even I actively dislike the thing. Instead of accepting that, you decide to label me as racist.
Let’s say you like purple. Purple is a mixture of red and blue. You love purple, it’s your favorite color. I, however, do not like purple. I prefer orange, and believe that red should be mixed with yellow for the best results.
Am I horrible person for disagreeing with you? Am I bad because I like my red mixed with yellow instead of blue?
(Also, please bear in mind, I don’t see colors well, so this example might not be entirely accurate with the mixing, but I’m hoping your getting my point beyond that).
Let’s use another example here. In the Umbrella Academy, one of the most popular pairings is Luther and Allison. Well, how would you feel if I said that you’re racist for shipping Allison with a white man? As a minority woman, she should only be with other minorities! Therefore, she must be with Diego!
You’d say I’m nuts; clearly, Allison and Diego would be terrible for each other. They’re both very strong-willed, stubborn people with serious attitude problems. But hey, I like the Allison/Diego pairing. I think they’d go well together. I like the bad boy vibes, and Allison is strong enough to tell Diego where to shove it when he starts getting angsty and sarcastic. It could work! 
Let’s go a step further. I ship Diego and Vanya; I think they look absolutely adorable together. On an emotional level, they’re all wrong for each other, and I understand that. But physically? Hell, I dig it. I’d dig it a trench a mile deep. I don’t know why I find them to be so cute together, but I just do.
However, I logically understand that Vanya is gay -or bi, potentially, I’m sure we’ll get that hammered out sooner or later in the show. And I completely accept that character’s decision to be with Sissy. But the two of them together just don’t do it for me. I look at them as a couple and go, ‘meh’. It doesn’t evoke any feeling in me. But that one scene at the end of the last episode, where Vanya just rests her head against Diego, and after a moment, he returns the gesture? That gave me chills. And I decided right then and there, I would die with that ship. Because it made me feel good and happy, and gave me those butterflies floating in my stomach.
Do you pick your partners based off of what you think society wants you to like? I sincerely hope you don’t, and instead follow your heart. I hope you pick your partners or your ships based off of what makes you happy as a person. What makes you get those butterflies, of what gives you chills when you think of them together.
Shipping in fandom is the same. If you’re shipping people based off of what other people tell you you should like, or what you think is socially acceptable to like... You won’t get those butterflies. You won’t get those chills. You won’t get that stupid little grin when you think of the cute shenanigans your pairing gets up to. It will be wooden, mechanical, and soulless. There’s no heart in it, because you’re not shipping what you like... you’re shipping what you think you should like.
Biology doesn’t work like that. Know that whole thing where everybody kept telling gay people not to be gay? To force themselves to be with the opposite gender?
You and I know -hopefully you know, anyways -that that is absolutely stupid. Being gay isn’t a choice; it’s just something you are. As Lady Gaga so aptly put it years ago, we’re just born that way. We like what we like, and telling us to try and be different is not only pointless, but it’s hateful. It’s hurtful. But many large groups -mostly Christian, and/or conservative -insisted that you could just choose to not be gay. You could choose to like the opposite gender, and by not choosing that, you were going straight to hell. 
But this is exactly what you're trying to do with shipping. You are taking the part of the Moral Majority and Jerry Falwell here. You are the one telling people that what they like is wrong! They should just like what you like! If they don’t, they’re terrible bad awful people who should be ashamed of themselves! The Christians/conservatives called them amoral degenerates; you’re calling them hateful racists. But the end result is the same: you’re trying to shame and humiliate anyone who disagrees with you.
Now, I’m not going to make any presumptions about what you like; I don’t know you well enough for that. Maybe you dig interracial couples; maybe you dig gay couples. Maybe you like disabled couples, or dominant/submissive couples.
But whatever it is that you like, or what gets you hot and bothered? I wouldn’t dream of telling you it’s wrong. As long as you keep your IRL stuff consensual? It’s not my place to tell you what you can like. It’s not my place to tell you that your ideas of cute couples are wrong.
More and more lately, I find many fandom shippers using the idea of an ‘ism’ to try and force people to accept their pairing. Whether it’s racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, classism, ableism... Everybody can throw an ‘ism’ at people who dislike their pairings. It’s relatively easy to do, in fact. Give me any popular pairing, and I can throw an ‘ism’ at it.
Sorry I refuse to be browbeaten into saying that your pairing is more valid than mine. Sorry that I won’t let you bully me into going along with your pairing, and leaving my own by the wayside. Sorry I won’t bow to your threats of calling me mean things to force me to like your ships. Sorry I won’t just sit meekly back, and let you dictate what I’m allowed to find cute, or attractive, or sexy, or hot.
Actually, you know what? No. I’m not sorry. You can try to browbeat me. You can try to bully me. You can try to make me capitulate. You can try and make me sit quietly and not have an opinion.
But it ain’t gonna work. You misconstruing my argument, reading what you want to read in it, cherry picking your way through, or you calling me a racist, sexist, homophobic meanie head isn’t going to force me to root for your ship.
If I find a straight ship cute? I’ll ship it. If I find a gay ship cute? I’ll ship it. If I find a bi ship cute? I’ll ship it. If I find an interracial ship cute? I’ll ship it. If I find a intraracial ship cute? I’ll ship it. If I find a disabled/abled ship cute? I’ll ship it.
I will ship what I ship, and no amount of you throwing stones is going to force me to abandon my ship.
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