#anyway thank u sweetpea i hope ur having a good sunday!!!
inkykeiji · 4 years
i have really truly never watched bnha lmao but i did search up “dabi voice” and he has the perfect voice for degradation sfkjsl i sat there like 😳
I LOVE THAT EMOJI THAT IS SO CUTE THANK U 🥺🥺 also lmao you should just start a smol club and have all ur short anons & moots join. i will join.
okay idk how the forearm thing would work w the skin grafts b u t the dabi voice vid came w some visuals and i think canonically he already has nice forearms so idk i would bend reality a lil to have dabi choke me out </3 that says nothing about the forearm thing but everything about my thoughts on dom dabi
t-thigh riding w dabi? 👉👈 biting dabi’s thighs 🥺
i saw some like?? soft dom dabi earlier i think??? i jus like . obviously yall know best bc i dont know dabi lmao but i envisioned him as a very hard dom? like spreader bars and maybe cages and impact play and yes i agree lots of dumbification good but also when you go into subspace he is delighted
i also like??? think his aftercare is very like???? he swaddles u in blankets and has a point of contact with you but isn’t super cuddly and puts on a comfort show/movie as he cleans up and always makes sure to be in your line of sight or making lots of noise if he’s not because he knows you feel secure with him around. cuddles you when you’re asleep and you wake up feeling v safe and warm. idk thoughts pls?? only if u wanna reply tho
thats all have a nice day/night clari <3333
- 🦦
his voice is gonna put me in an early grave good god let me fucking tell you like,,,,,, so smooth and low and just fucking indifferent to everything, almost careless in a way, with the slightest hint of teasing laced in it,,,,,,,, ok ok goodbye
dabi is 100% into choking but oH OH OH thigh riding is just !!!!!!!!!!! oh holy fuck yes a hundred thousand times YES and he’d be such a cocky bastard about it too, yk?? would get off on the fact that you get off on just his thighs alone, that he can turn you into a stupid, trembling, drooling mess just with his thighs,,,
no i agree w u for the most part. soft dom dabi wouldn’t come out until he’s extremely comfortable with you, until he really really loves you and cares about you more than him. i just adore the idea of dabi having that one person that he truly falls in love with, and it takes him forever to actually accept the fact, yk dude’s got a lot of issues and insecurities surrounding relationships that he’s definitely not ready to get into etc etc but liiiike once he finally accepts it my good god would he love you fiercely (probably too fiercely, to an unhealthy amount, borderline yandere, v possessive n terrified you’ll leave him blah blah blah these are my personal headcanons ehehe)
ooooh aftercare w dabi is an interesting and complex topic!!! again i think it would depend on what stage your relationship is at, if that makes sense?? i really like what u said and think that that’s definitely dabi at least at the beginning of your relationship, like he’s kinda awkward w it and doesn’t really know what to do but also has that nagging sense of responsibility because he cares about you (which irritates him at first). it would be v slow and gradual but i think eventually he’d be more present and begin cuddling u before you fall asleep, whispering praises and sweet nothings into ur hair <33
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