#anyway that’s it that’s Anidala Halloween
coruscantrhapsody · 2 years
If there were Halloween in the Star Wars universe Padme would dress up as a pod racer some year just to see Anakin lose his mind
He’d be like babe … babe I’m so turned on right now
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Coming Attractions!
Because it is, in fact, the first Monday of the month (although it feels much later, lol...)
I got a couple chapters out since my last Coming Attractions post! Buuuuut technically only one in the month of September, soooo ::shrug emoji?::
That being said, while I know I’ve made this claim before, I really do think that the next few chapters should go quicker--they’re a bit more plot-heavy; I already have a good chunk of two of the three (or four, depending on how I divide things up) written...
I feel kinda bad, that we’re probably not going to check in with Bail and Ahsoka for a good long while, because things in the Outer Rim are about to get Plotty. Including technically the conclusion of a thread that’s been running for the past three arcs or so, and introducing one that probably won’t pay off until arc...twelve, I think? Maybe a little earlier. When Boba Fett starts to become a Problem. As he does.
Yeah, the rest of this arc more or less concludes the intertrilogy ‘setting up the Rebellion’ phase of the story, as well as setting up a few key plot points for the Galactic Civil War/OT portion of the trilogy, which will start with Arc Eight and probably break off into its own fic.
(Almost definitely going to have an Arc 7.5, too, covering some things in the intervening six years that won’t quite make it into the main fic due to timing/focus/whatever issues, but I also don’t want to leave in Bonus Content, sooooo there it is.)
And on the subject of Bonus Content! There will be two Bonus Fics coming out in the near future, dealing with the three-year anniversary and hitting 200k on this fic. I am definitely still accepting prompts for those, so feel free to shoot me an ask or whatever!
Anyway, overall, I’m still significantly behind where I want to be, but I think I actually will finish Arc Seven by the end of the calendar year, and then start fresh with Arc Eight and/or Arc 7.5. (Which will be posted out of order and probably alongside arcs eight and nine, which happen in very close succession.)
Other Projects:
I put out a bit of the Epic Crossover RP of DOOM, as well as a teaser/snippet for our faces like a mirror (though probably teeeeechnically outside the bounds of the fic I’m planning to write on that title, still in the same vein/cycle/it’s about Bo-Katan), and a brief Anidala fic that could be the jumping-off point for an AU. I actually got quite a bit of origfic done, thanks to a challenge on rainbowfic! Always nice when that happens. ...I mean, I think I only wrote one moving-the-plot-along story, but there it is.
Still hoping to maybe get some Distaff/Auxiliaries/Devoted!verse/Valdemar AU/AU outlines/maybe some other fandom projects out at some point, but we shall see. I’m still leaning towards at some point maybe reworking For Sorrow Sung or actually getting The Other Battlestar in some kind of working order, plus reviving Serenissima.
...I should also do a Halloween fic, maybe? I was earlier poking at doing an Anidala Orpheus and Eurydice fic, but I’m not sure I could pull that off at this point...any suggestions?
NaNo plans:
I think I’m sticking with what I said last month, though of course that may change as we get closer...meaning, I’m gonna  shoot for 60k. 20-25k devoted to building up a Precipice backlog so I can post chapters more frequently than once a month, about the same devoted to our faces like a mirror, since I really would like to get that finished and possibly use it for next year’s Big Bang (unless I hit upon another idea and/or decide to flesh out Bail Unfucks the Timeline). And then use about 10k to decompress/work on other self-indulgent and/or vanity projects or original fiction.
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eglantinian · 7 years
So i got tagged by @eponineinthebarricade, @bisexual-eponine, @kugirocks, @eponinexenjolras​ for this, and i decided i’ll just drop them all here for fun. i put in all my questions and those i tagged above, so if it’s not their thing to read the answers of other people, they don’t need to check mine out.
answer 11 questions
create 11 questions (for those i’ll be tagging) 1. What can cheer you up no matter how sad you are feeling? 2. How are you, really? (if you’re up for sharing, go ahead. if not, well, then, just say pass, and move on from this one) 3. Whose face do you think of when you hear the word humble? 4. What do you generally dislike about a certain fandom you are in? 5. If you can create a word, what would that be? 6. Was there something you said that you wish you could take back? 7. What irritates you? 8. What cultural norm do you wish wasn’the norm? 9. What’s one thing you would sacrifice everything for? 10. Would you want to die in Mars? 11. If you were in a zombie apocalypse, what weapon would you use, and why?
tag 11 persons: 1/ @ladywolfmd, 2/ @tomorrowatdawn, 3/ @xreyoflight, 4/ @skip-is-tired, 5/ @astoryinred, 6/ @courageandbravery 7/ @thesovereignempress, 8/ @eponinetdaae, 9/ @eponniia, 10/ @encarnalise, & 11/ @kotagula
questions from eponineinthebarricade:
What would you do if you went to space?
Probably spend gawking at Earth from the space station for a bit before bonding with other astronauts/cosmonauts over our mutual love for space. I’d probably be a space liaison.
What is “love” to you? Reason and passion entwined.
What is your hobby? Writing. Editing some photos. Reading. Watching videos about film and script analyses.
A food one must taste before they die? There’s this noodle we call palabok in my country, and it’s really filling. It has shrimp, eggs, and some vegetables thrown in, and the sauce in it is just… ah-mazing. I love this food.
Your way of coping with stress? I sometimes sing all the stress out. Or sleep. I like sleeping. Sometimes, I write. Or exercise eskrima.
What do you think would happen if music was not invented ever? Life would go on, albeit a little less interestingly. We’d make certain sounds from objects and we’d use our voice for purely practical reasons, but always wonder why is there something missing. We’d wonder why is spending time on this earth always a little empty. Literature would be less potent, less inspiring, even if it maintains a certain beauty with how it’s written. Any song would just be mostly poetry read aloud. Political propaganda as well as the market would use more visuals. Films and anything on screen would lack the drama and vividness of our imagination. Basically, our life would remain the same, but we’d have more boring lives.
Sleeping all day or being productive the moment you wake up? I prefer sleeping all day, but reality often denies it, so by circumstance and by duty, I am inclined to chooose to be productive. It makes me feel like I have a purpose, anyway.
Coffee or tea? I like both, but tend to buy more coffee because tea is a tad bit pricier.
What is your favourite literature movement? Realist and transcentalist movements.
Your favourite author? I have a ton, but for this one, I’ll say Sylvia Plath (for fiction) and Nick Joaquin (for non-fiction).
A line from your favourite poem and why you chose that line? ‘The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.’ - Tonight, I Can Write the Saddest Lines, Pablo Neruda It’s one of the most visually appealing and symbolic lines ever. And I memorise this poem a lot, but I keep forgetting this line. It’s the most different one from the whole set, and it joggles my pattern of recollection. But I really like it a lot.
questions from kugirocks: 
Favorite T.V show? I don’t have one I particularly like, but for the moment I am invested in watching The Flash.
Favorite movie? For this one, I’ll say Trance (2013) and Inglorious Basterds.
Favorite book? For this one, I’ll say Jonathan Tepperman’s The Fix.
Dogs or cats? Both are adorable, but I’m not inclined to adopt either.
An actor/actress you wish to meet? Leonardo DiCaprio because of his advocacy for the environment. Or, hmm, Asia Argento. She’s vastly underrated, and I’d really like to say she did amazing as Éponine in the 2000/2001 French mini series of Les Mis.
Grab the closest book to you. Turn to page 11. Read the first line from that page. What is it? ‘The Atoan system four days later.’ - Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command, Issue #1 (2011) Written by: W. Haden Blackman; Atist: Rick Leonardi
Favorite sport? Eskrima/Arnis. Savate.
Favorite musical artist? Too many. But I’ll say Freddie Mercury for this one.
Color or no color? Colour.
Favorite season? Autumn.
Favorite musical? LES MISÉRABLES
questions from eponinexenjolras: 
Are you afraid to die? No.
Introvert or extrovert? I’m an ambivert.
Dream job? Consul general / Human Rights Commissioner / Writer
What would you do with 1 million dollars? Keep half in bank. The other, I’ll divide to pay for my family’s needs, while some shall go to a select chairty, and a bit for some business.
Imagine you’re a celebrity. Would you want to be married to another star or rather to someone ordinary? I don’t like sharing, but I’d learn to make sure I could make that someone ordinary feel happy, safe, and never doubtful of my relationship with them.
Which royal person would you want to be (past or present)? Rajah Soliman. Or Nefertiti.
Where do you want to travel? Everywhere.
In which era would you like to live? Every era has its harms, but if I could visit a particular era, I’d want to see pre-WW1 or pre-WW2..
Favorite hobby? Making art.
Have you ever done something illegal? Yup. But would I tell? No.
questions from bisexual-eponine (who tagged me thrice lol)
set 1:
favourite musical? LES MISÉRABLES
what is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? A shit ton that I’m not ready to share, but I’ll settle to oversimplify it with traumatic childhood episodes and psychologically being manipulated by people I thought I could trust.
“Thinking Out Loud” or “Perfect”? I’m inclined to be partial to Perfect. I understand that TOL is sweet, but this one is just more poignant for me.
most embarrassing childhood memory? I had a fistfight with a guy playmate in front of the church when I was ten. I won. But I suffered quite the embarrassment.
have you ever been in a serious accident? Mild opening of the scalp because I was reckless once. Got 2-3 stitches. I can’t fall asleep unless it’s sideways, but I’m trying to sleep on my back more.
Bill Skarsgård: smash or pass? I didn’t know who this guy was, so when I searched who he acted as, I just can’t. I’ll pass.
do you think people can get too old for Halloween? Nah.
how often do you sin? Everyday………..
are pandas useless? (trying to prove a point to my friend philip) No. There is such a thing as Panda Diplomacy by China, who owns all the pandas in the world, so they get a lot of cash and ‘fans’ because they are adorable af.
are you flexible? To a certain degree.
if you wanted to get married, where would you do it? If. Well, there’s a beautiful place up north in my country. I’d pick that.
set 2:
what’s one headcanon you’ve always had for your otp? Okay, I have a lot, and some of my otps aren’t here, but here are some I’d like to share my thoughts on. Enjonine: They always don’t fall in love right away. It’s like the lowest priority they could ever have, and when they do, it’s one amazing collision. Anidala: They would have ruled the galaxy well. Anakin is a genius, and Padme is one feisty diplomat. They would have motivated more to know more about the balance of the Force, and ended slavery (gradually). Ugh. They could have had it all. Sifki: They brought out so much growth from each other. In ALL aspects. Seriously. Sif would be nearly invincible in wars with Loki’s help, but she would temper his… well, mischief. Dramione: Same thing with Sifki, but they would be more amazing role models, especially with being intellectual equals. They would show the younger generation what Sirius really meant about being people with a little bit of light and darkness within. Carl Jung’s Animus/Anima plays in a lot here.
did you ever have that one teacher that just hated your guts for seemingly no particular reason? My general psych prof. Ah well, the feeling is mutual.
on a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents? A mild 8 on a daily basis because of how fucked up my country is, a strong 15 when anyone in my family fucks up.
what do you think will finally break the internet? The moment Harambe returns.
which fictional character would you most like to marry and why? Enjolras. He is reason and passion entwined. Certainly imperfect in his own ways, but I feel like I could bring out his empathy in a more grounded way while he would make sure to challenge me to be better without making me feel a lesser person. 
what’s the worst purchase you’ve ever made and why? Hmm. SOME BLACK SHOES WITH CRISS-CROSS BINDINGS. It does more damage for my feet.
which character did you hate at first but don’t anymore? Sansa Stark. I didn’t realise I had too much internalised misogyny until I analysed her character, and finally realised that one could be dainty yet deadly. She’s an amazing character.
which character did you like at first but don’t anymore? Dumbledore. Look, he’s great and all, but he had a lot of mistakes that usually go unnoticed because of his Wizengamot status. He compromised a lot of things.
what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever gotten away with? I’d rather not speak of it.
who’s the messiest person you know? That would be… me.
what quote or saying do people spout but is complete bullshit? ‘Someone may have it worse than you. Please try to understand whoever did this to you.’ Casse-toi. Who, then, would understand me? Must I deny my own pain to give way for others so they could feel less guilty? Or you could feel better? Fuck off.
set 3:
what do you consider to be the three best things about yourself? Uh… curiosity. Ingenuity. Feeling too much.
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why? Caring too much.
what’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to? The Venetian.
what do you think is the “right age” to get married? 30-35 years old.
opinions on the concept of marriage? It’s how state and the market exploits love.
what are three things you’d ask your pet if they could talk? - what do you really call yourself? - do you have a nickname for me? - what is really your favourite thing to do with me?
when should we get a great comet revival? 2 years from now. They need to re-organise, re-plan their marketing strategy without sacrificing their cast, and re-structure their management model.
do you have a poor relationship with your family? (i sure do) i love my family, and they love me too, but sometimes they can be a little insufferable.
favourite time of day? 3 am. 7 am. 3 pm. 12 mn.
favourite person (real or fictional, dead or alive)? my guy bff. we argue once in a while, but i’m so fond of him a lot. i literally relax more when i see him.
favourite movie quote? ' Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. It's the only way to become what you were meant to be.' - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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