#anyway the narrator doesn't know how to handle this because his little rat ass could barely handle how he felt about marla on a good day
jacksprostate · 6 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The five days Tyler's stolen my voice from me, I spend watching. The commons, group therapy. I visit my cave with my eyes open. Mills should get used to the cold. I've heard if it drops below 50 while your respiration is this depressed, you go to sleep and never wake up.
Valley of the Dogs.
An orderly with fresh bruises peppering his temple lets me take my walk in the same time Mills is carted around. This is how I must've looked for months. Glazed. Drooling. At this point they probably have to use elephant tranquilizers on me, the tolerance I've built.
God, his petty ass, we meet up for one on one and he says he has to give me some bad news.
No, it's not about Mills.
Tyler, whatever.
He is giving me the bad news, of the passing of one Marla Singer. Everyone seems to think this is bad news. Found dead in her apartment because she didn't pick up any Meals on Wheels for her neighbors for three weeks, and they worried about those little old ladies, up there all starving alone since their angel in black stopped showing up.
Her corpse was found, instead. I imagine it all waxy, tits rotted off just like she said, at some point you're so sick even the bacteria in your gut won't bother decomposing you. I imagine Marla's skin pulling back, fleeing, away from her eyes, her teeth, like a mummy. Dried out as all her collagen rots.
Paper clutched in her hand. A will, sort of hasty and half-assed.
Marla's many worldly possessions all fit on a hotel notepad.
Many other worthless things go to a small number of worthless people Marla has mentioned leaving behind in her life, and god says, Marla Singer has left me something.
That's the entire reason I get to know all of this.
If not, I would've never known.
The world could blow up, and you'd never know in here unless it was in someone's will to tell you.
Marla Singer left me her dildo.
Oh, Marla.
Addressed me in the will half the time as Tyler.
I wonder, did the cancer spread from her tits to her brain, like the cancer I didn't have. It's everywhere now. God says they're working out treatment. I wonder if it matters.
Without Tyler between us, I don't really know what connected me and Marla.
What kept her calling.
I liked her. Another psycho boyfriend in her stories. There will never be another, unless she's gone to Heaven, the real one, and they've got some sort of exchange program going on for her to have fun with.
I think Marla might deserve that. She deserved better than this.
I wonder if it was pills. There was no Tyler to save her, this time. No one to listen to her death rattle. I don't have the voice to ask.
I won't be getting her dildo, because you don't get possessions in a psych ward. It'll get dumped in some other landfill to persist for time immemorial with all the other plastic iconography of our stupid, stupid lives.
Released back out to pasture, I watch Mills. His wife was murdered. Murdered, you see, it's an action, and it's solvable. Mills solved it.
You can't solve the slow death. Not really.
I think about how empty Mills is.
Am I empty?
An unidentifiable amount of time ago, Marla called me again, and she told me all about what happens at the new support groups she goes to, since I ruined the old ones for her. They were willing to rally behind her for the whole blowing my brains out show, and she only would've had to wait them out for six months or so, but she decided to just find new ones. A new church, with new temptations like Living With Angels, a group for those caring for severe dementia patients, and Recovery Road: a program for those trying to rebuild their lives after a loved one blew them up. She said, when I got out, we could both go to that one, and I could talk about Tyler, and she could talk about me, and we could have fun getting kicked out together.
Marla was always talking about that. When I got out.
I wasn't ever hearing any of it.
Mills, they've let up on him, finally, you can see his eyeballs aren't floating with all they've juiced him up on. He's watching me, back.
I wonder if he knows about Marla.
Would Tyler care?
Tyler had said, don't call this love.
Does it need to be?
When I get my voice back, I bury my thoughts on the subject and Marla and everything in a relentless campaign to needle Mills until he looks like a voodoo doll in a shitty tourist trap.
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