#if this seems like it came out of the blue. i alluded to it earlier haha
jacksprostate · 6 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The five days Tyler's stolen my voice from me, I spend watching. The commons, group therapy. I visit my cave with my eyes open. Mills should get used to the cold. I've heard if it drops below 50 while your respiration is this depressed, you go to sleep and never wake up.
Valley of the Dogs.
An orderly with fresh bruises peppering his temple lets me take my walk in the same time Mills is carted around. This is how I must've looked for months. Glazed. Drooling. At this point they probably have to use elephant tranquilizers on me, the tolerance I've built.
God, his petty ass, we meet up for one on one and he says he has to give me some bad news.
No, it's not about Mills.
Tyler, whatever.
He is giving me the bad news, of the passing of one Marla Singer. Everyone seems to think this is bad news. Found dead in her apartment because she didn't pick up any Meals on Wheels for her neighbors for three weeks, and they worried about those little old ladies, up there all starving alone since their angel in black stopped showing up.
Her corpse was found, instead. I imagine it all waxy, tits rotted off just like she said, at some point you're so sick even the bacteria in your gut won't bother decomposing you. I imagine Marla's skin pulling back, fleeing, away from her eyes, her teeth, like a mummy. Dried out as all her collagen rots.
Paper clutched in her hand. A will, sort of hasty and half-assed.
Marla's many worldly possessions all fit on a hotel notepad.
Many other worthless things go to a small number of worthless people Marla has mentioned leaving behind in her life, and god says, Marla Singer has left me something.
That's the entire reason I get to know all of this.
If not, I would've never known.
The world could blow up, and you'd never know in here unless it was in someone's will to tell you.
Marla Singer left me her dildo.
Oh, Marla.
Addressed me in the will half the time as Tyler.
I wonder, did the cancer spread from her tits to her brain, like the cancer I didn't have. It's everywhere now. God says they're working out treatment. I wonder if it matters.
Without Tyler between us, I don't really know what connected me and Marla.
What kept her calling.
I liked her. Another psycho boyfriend in her stories. There will never be another, unless she's gone to Heaven, the real one, and they've got some sort of exchange program going on for her to have fun with.
I think Marla might deserve that. She deserved better than this.
I wonder if it was pills. There was no Tyler to save her, this time. No one to listen to her death rattle. I don't have the voice to ask.
I won't be getting her dildo, because you don't get possessions in a psych ward. It'll get dumped in some other landfill to persist for time immemorial with all the other plastic iconography of our stupid, stupid lives.
Released back out to pasture, I watch Mills. His wife was murdered. Murdered, you see, it's an action, and it's solvable. Mills solved it.
You can't solve the slow death. Not really.
I think about how empty Mills is.
Am I empty?
An unidentifiable amount of time ago, Marla called me again, and she told me all about what happens at the new support groups she goes to, since I ruined the old ones for her. They were willing to rally behind her for the whole blowing my brains out show, and she only would've had to wait them out for six months or so, but she decided to just find new ones. A new church, with new temptations like Living With Angels, a group for those caring for severe dementia patients, and Recovery Road: a program for those trying to rebuild their lives after a loved one blew them up. She said, when I got out, we could both go to that one, and I could talk about Tyler, and she could talk about me, and we could have fun getting kicked out together.
Marla was always talking about that. When I got out.
I wasn't ever hearing any of it.
Mills, they've let up on him, finally, you can see his eyeballs aren't floating with all they've juiced him up on. He's watching me, back.
I wonder if he knows about Marla.
Would Tyler care?
Tyler had said, don't call this love.
Does it need to be?
When I get my voice back, I bury my thoughts on the subject and Marla and everything in a relentless campaign to needle Mills until he looks like a voodoo doll in a shitty tourist trap.
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Chapter 8- Part 16
Jumping across the platforms isn’t really much, it’s pretty straightforward, and now we’re in another open area! There’s a doorway to a new area over there, plus a guy- what does he have to say?
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…Do I even need to say it?
Light Screen all you want, little one, but it can’t save you from Bug Bite gaming!!
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Not sure, but probably somewhere with not as much parkour. But now- let me click on your items and see if there’s anything-
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Nice. Okay, now we can head upstairs to what I’m guessing is 2F?
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Alright, still no ladies with long blue hair anywhere…but there is a sign. Maybe that’ll give us a clue?
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A roof? Oh wait- wasn’t there another Light Shard on top of a roof, that first one I saw (before I knew what its purpose was)? If we go down here, are we gonna come out onto that space, that rooftop? In that case, and if there’s a healing spot, Amaria might be in that direction…but I don’t want to go there just yet! I want to explore a little more!
So let’s go left, towards those platforms, and- oh, encounter!
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Ah, we can find Mankey around here! Hmm…I know there’s a possible implication that a gang of Scraggy/Scrafty live around here, and so we might get a chance to catch one of the former, but I don’t know if I’m correct in guessing that. Plus, getting a proper Fighting-type now, even if we don’t use it right away…not bad!
So let’s start with Prong, lower its HP a bit, then switch into Glare…
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And with Glare(TM), we paralyze it-
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And throw a Poké Ball for the finisher!
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Brawler seems like a good name for him, being an angry punchy guy and all.
Anyways, we hop across these platforms- it’s a little more involved this time, the placement is a bit cheeky so you’ve really gotta pay attention if there’s a specific place you’re trying to jump onto. But regardless, we make it and find this area!
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Yeah, I’ll always take stuff like that!
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Mmm- yeah, that might be another way to the roof, so we’re still not going up there yet! We’re going back around! Man, this place is bigger than I was expecting…
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Okay, um- again, didn’t get to screenshot this, but…in the middle of this little room here, there was a box, yeah? But then the box just…moved, and went down that hall to the lower left? 
And I didn’t pursue it, because- well, I left the Obsidia Slums and went to the Pokémon Center again, this time to get a screenshot of the PC Box for the ending stuff (spoiler alert, this chapter’s about to come to an end), then I came back here so I can save and just start here the next time I play, and…
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The box?? Is back now?? I don’t know what happened- if the box moving earlier was part of some event thing, then did me leaving and coming back…break it somehow? Glitch, bug, whatever you wanna call it? If that’s the case, then uh…welp! Guess I’m not getting whatever would have come out of following the box, RIP me.
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So yeah- as I alluded to, I’m ending the chapter here! I was initially hoping I’d be able to end it once Xera and Victoria found and met Amaria and all that, but I didn’t realize how expansive the Obsidia Slums were going to be, so that didn’t work out. We’ll just have to take care of that next time, in addition to obtaining the TMX and possibly making our way into Obsidia Park!
Happy (belated) New Year everyone, I hope this was good of a gift as anything, and I’ll see you all in the next chapter!
Species: Croconaw
Gender: Male
Level: 20
Ability: Sheer Force*
Item: Quick Claw
Brave nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Pidgeotto
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: None
Lax nature; Mischievous.
Species: Ekans
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Intimidate
Item: None
Naughty nature; Highly curious.
Species: Skitty
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Wonder Skin*
Item: None
Lax nature; Capable of taking hits.
Species: Roselia
Gender: Male
Level: 21
Ability: Leaf Guard*
Item: Rose Incense
Docile nature; Alert to sounds.
Species: Charjabug
Gender: Female
Level: 20
Ability: Battery
Item: None
Rash nature; Loves to eat.
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zoebeeeeeeeee · 3 years
We Won’t Be
CW abuse stated and somewhat described but not in detail. Murder and violence, rape alluded to but not mentioned or described.
I’ve been reading almost all of @penandinkprincess​ ‘s prompts and like, this idea came into my head. This is a mix of something i was already thinking of, this prompt about abandonment issues, and a few other various prompts that apparently i never saved, so that's cool
Please let me know if there is a better way to tag this so it doesn't show up for people who have blocked tags. <3
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     The road to Kaer Morhen was long and dangerous, so when the chance to stop and rest came just before the foot of the mountain Geralt decided to take it. He too the opportunity to not only prepare himself, but be sure that everyone else was also ready, Ciri in particular. He had been running fighting drills with her for most of the day before Yennefer stepped in and gave her a break. The four of them were sat in a clearing heavily sprinkled with all colors of wild flowers. Yennefer and Ciri sat across from each other flowers in one hand and a rock in the other, Yennefer was teaching Ciri a very basic and very important lesson on the give and take of magic.   
     Jaskier sat farther back, closer to the tree line, and watched the two of them as he played with the grass at his feet. Looking up he met Geralt’s eye and gave a sweet smile, then patted the grass next to him. Geralt shrugged and sat in the spot offered to him.  
   “She’s really rather stunning isn’t she?” Jaskier said after Geralt settled in. Geralt looked from Jaskier to the girls and back with a raised eyebrow.     “Yennefer?” He asked.  
  “Oh Gods no.” Jaskier scoffed. “No your little child surprise.” Geralt looked back at the girls. The clearing was lit by the golden rays of the sun just starting to set behind them. Ciri’s hair seemed to glow and her face was excited and determined as she listened and took in every word Yennefer said. She was a beautiful young girl and Geralt felt a twinge of pride remembering how strong she was when they spared and how fast she was learning. He hummed in response to Jaskier.    
  “She reminds me of my sister, almost.” Jaskier looked down and the purple wildflower he held in his hands. “Think she was a little older then Ciri is when i was kicked out…”    
   Geralt studied Jaskier. He had a slight smile and a comfortable look in his eyes but Geralt could see though that the smile was fake. He could tell he wanted to talk, tell him more about his sister and whatever he did to get kicked out and from where but he was stopping himself. Geralt focused in on Jaskier to see if he could find why he wasn’t actively talking his ear off. He could see hurt behind Jaskier’s eyes and that his smile was still standing on seer force of will. The lingering scent of sorrow hung around him and Geralt could see the flower he was twirling between his fingers start to shake. Geralt took a breath before speaking.
   “What happened?” He asked.
    “Nothing.” Jaskier replied. Geralt was now concerned.    
   “Nothing?” He repeated.    
    Geralt shifted his arms to rest on his knees and starred out into the clearing in front of them. He was unsure of what to do. Maybe he had been wrong about Jaskier wanting to talk earlier? He had assumed to much perhaps and it would be better to drop the question and move on. But if that were true Jaskier would have started to get angry or frustrated when pressed further, but he didn’t. The scent of sorrow still encompassed Jaskier, he found a blue flower near by and held it next to the purple one already in his hand and the scent grew a little stronger. So why wasn’t he talking? Did he think Geralt wouldn’t want to hear his story? That he would stop listening? Or did he not trust him to lis-.
    Oh shit.
    Geralt’s heart tightened for a moment as the realization that in the years they had been apart Jaskier no longer trusted Geralt as he used to. It was expected but still hurtful none the less.
    Geralt looked in the opposite direction of where Jaskier was sitting and pressed his lips into a thin line, thinking up a plan to win back some of his trust. There were sure to be plenty of opportunities to show Jaskier that he would protect him when the made there trek up the mountain but what about right now? Give him a sword to use on the mountain? No, unlikely he knows how to use it. Show him how to use a sword? A glance at Jaskier left the answer a definite no. A story for a story? Possible.
    He turned back and looked at Jaskier. He had taken both flowers and was pressing them into and empty page of his notebook.     “Have i told you about the first monster I’ve killed?” Geralt asked.
    “Yeah, think so.” Jaskier responded, not looking up as he stowed his journal away. “Something about a little girl and some bandits wasn’t it?”
    “Something like that…” Geralt looked out into the grass and flowers and took a deep breath before continuing. “It wasn’t bandits though, just one man, and the woman was older then i was at the time… She was bruised and crying for the man to stop, to let her go but he kept beating her. When he started ripping her clothes off I-... I don’t remember what happened next, i just remember seeing him lying in a pool of his own blood and my mother ripping the dagger from my hands. I ran away after that, right to the witchers, nearly died on my way there. Never saw my mother again after that. I only know she died some years later. Don’t know how or why, don't really care to know.”
    Geralt looked to Jaskier. He was starring at him, listening very closely, and his eyes sparked with tears that hadn’t yet made it out. He sniffed hard and turned away from Geralt, clearing his throat as he did.
    “Well, that’s a bit different then the story i remember… how old were you?”
    “Nine.” Geralt said simply.
    “Nine… Jaskier repeated. “That’s young.” Jaskier sat back and thought. “My mother, bless her, died when i was about that age actually… and my father never forgave Hortensja and i for it…”
    “Hortensja?” Geralt asked.
    “Have i never mentioned my sister? Hmmm, well, like i said, she was very young when i was kicked out.”
    Geralt waited for Jaskier to continue. Jaskier looked up into the tree that hung above them and licked his teeth, more tears were welling up in his eyes. He looked over at Geralt who was watching and waiting for whenever Jaskier would be ready.
    “If i left at 18 then she would have been…ten, so younger the Ciri I guess. No, but, i-well…” Jaskier took a deep breath before continuing. “Well i guess i regret leaving her with that man… i should have taken her with me… He-my father-was always angry it seemed. Ruled over the manor with an iron fist… He always had a cane with him…” Jaskier stopped and looked down at his fingers. He had been scratching at his thumbs as he spoke and one had started bleeding. He didn’t care too much and bit off a piece of skin that he had scratched off.
   “Um, no, but, he-he ignored me and hated Hortensja. To him she killed mother by being born and I… well i got in the way. I would try to get in the way at least. To protect Tensy the best i could. It pissed him off that i would defend her but… Mother had told me to watch over her before she died… so i did… the best way i knew how, i distracted my father. If all the attention was on me he couldn’t pay attention to her and it worked for a while. Then i came of age and he kicked me out because he legally could now. And i didn’t fight him. I left happily and just-” Jaskier cut himself off and bit his thumb again. Tears were running down his face and his hands were shaking, though he was doing his best to ignore them.
    “He had her married off turns out.” He continued. “She was out of the house at 16 and hasn’t talked to him scene. Nice man, twice her age but very nice. Met them a few years ago. I’m an uncle, by the way. Three girls, they look just like her.”
   Geralt and Jaskier starred out at Yennefer and Ciri. They had moved on to the next lesson, Yennefer was standing behind Ciri guiding her arms.
    “I don't want to be like him.” Jaskier said after a moment.
    “Neither do i.”
    They looked at each other, a final tear ran down Jaskier’s cheek and landed in his beard. He continued to scratch at his bloody thumb until Geralt reached out and held his hand. He was still shacking a little but as he adjusted his grip on Geralt’s hand it lessened. Jaskier sniffed hard and looked up at Geralt with a smile, a genuine smile this time, and it was lovely.
    “We won’t be.” Geralt said simply.
    “No.” Jaskier said as the both looked back to Ciri. “We never will be.”
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hey… for comfort, may I have bo holding me really tight and glaring at everyone? seems like a nice way to go 😂
Lily, my love.😍✨ You absolutely can!! Who doesn't want to be hugged and protected by Bo, I mean?🥺😂 I quickly threw this together and I hope you like it!🥰💗
TW; mentions of hospitals, medical talk alluded to, Bo's possessive, swearing in the narrative & dialogue, mentions of past injuries and of losing consciousness/passing out.
She/her pronouns & "Lily" used - personalised!
Word count: 1, 082.
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You gripped your phone in your hands, staring blankly at the stark white tiles of the hospital floor. You had passed out today after trying to get out of bed after a nap and though it was something which had happened before, Bo had still gotten you to the hospital, his grip on the steering wheel of his beloved truck white knuckled and his jaw tense, his shoulders set and his beautiful blue eyes swimming with worry and concern. You had been there for too long now and you were bored shitless; there wasn't much visual stimulation to match the loud and overbearing sounds of an emergency waiting room.
Bo hadn't left your side for a second. He had gotten out of the truck once he had parked in the lot and grabbed a ticket with a tense, "wait there", and then he had gone around to your side of the door and helped you out, his hand holding yours tightly. The chances of you going down again were unlikely, but it had happened once already and Bo would never take chances with the one he loved the most. He was there with you when the nurse checked you over, he was there when the tests was carried out, and he was right there beside you in the waiting room, too.
His hand never let go of yours. If Bo had an itch on his nose, then the hand that was joined up with yours, fingers interlocked, was the one he scratched it with. If he needed to get his phone in order to respond to one of his brothers asking after you, then he used his other hand. Bo did not and would not let go of you, and one of the nurses found that out for themselves when they tried to get you alone so that they could give you the medical advice which you needed.
Bo's grip tightened on your hand as he glared at the nurse. "M' 'er partner," He smiled with all the charm you had seen him use on the people who came to Ambrose, but it was his sarcastic smile. It didn't reach his eyes. "S'my wife." He specified after the fact, as if that would sway the nurse any. You weren't yet married but the nurse didn't need to know that. "Anythin' y'wanna say to Lily, y'can say to me, too." There was an undercurrent of ice in his tone which all three of you were aware of; his worry for you made it harder for Bo to mask. The nurse smiled tightly, not wanting to be rude but also not appreciating the way Bo had spoken to them and spoken for you in the same sentence. Still, it was accepted seamlessly - the nurse was too tired and too underpaid to do anything else - and you were filled in on what to do in this situation, how to take care of yourself and what to do if, when, it happened again.
When the nurse briskly walked away, Bo shook his head and muttered, "un-fuckin'-believeable" under his breath.
"What is?" You frowned, looking over at him so that you could press a kiss to the part of his jaw just below his ear.
"Them," His tongue cut like the blades his twin favoured, "Thinkin' m' all righ' wit' you goin' off on yer' own like that when y'passed out earlier. M'goin' nowhere, darlin'."
"I'm all right, Bo," You squeezed your hand in his and Bo jolted, as if he had forgotten that he was holding your hand; he hadn't let go for well over an hour, now, and you were started to wonder if he ever would. You didn't want him to, in any case. When Bo's hand was in yours, all was right with the world. "It's happened before, I - "
Something in Bo snapped and he stood up; neither of you needed to be in the waiting room anymore anyway and he wanted to get the fuck back to Ambrose. He didn't speak until you were out of the hospital and out of the way of the main entrance. Then, and only then, did he spin around, finally letting go of your hand. Your palm was cold with the ghost of his tight and unrelenting grip and you clenched it, trying to keep the feeling of the weight of Bo within your palm. Oh, but you loved him so much that he hurt. He grabbed you by the shoulders and tugged you into him, holding you so tight that you almost couldn't breathe. Almost. You were glad that your ribs were healed now with how he was holding you; that sort of grip would have hurt even a month ago.
"I know s'happened before," Bo murmured. He pressed a kiss to your temple before he rested the sharp lines of his chin on your shoulder. One hand rubbed up and down your back while the other remained firmly planted across your shoulders. "I've been there every time, Lily. But there's only one'a ya', darlin', an' Ion know what I'd do if I lost ya', s'all." His voice was thick with emotion and you cooed, hugging him tightly and squeezing your grip until he grunted just a little - that was your definition of a good hug.
As sweet as the moment was, though, as tender and romantic as Bo was being, you would have laughed if you could see the way he was glaring at people over your shoulder. If anyone got closer than a few paces away from you from any angle, Bo's jaw was clenching and his baby blues would shoot daggers of ice at them. He was extraordinarily protective and it bordered on possessive even during the best of times, but right now it was positively feral. People were walking around the both of you with strange looks, if they had the presence of mind to notice an embracing couple right outside of a building where life and death walked the same halls.
"I love you, Bo." You pressed a kiss to his cheek and you felt it curve with a small smile. He really was worried but for every kiss you planted on his weary visage, the deeper his smile became and the more the ice grip around his heart warmed up. He had you in his arms and that was where he always wanted you to be.
"I love y'too, Lily. More'n y'know."
But you did know. Oh, you did.
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bountyhunter-s-bane · 3 years
Pairings: Cad Bane x M!Reader
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.6k+
Summary: Cad Bane and his apprentice hunter (Reader) wait out a thunderstorm on Ryloth. Neither seem to have much fondness for the weather (content warning for astraphobia)
Your latest hunt brought the pair of you to Ryloth. Not perhaps the wide welcoming landscapes or the friendlier towns (under siege by the Separatist forces), but every planet seemed to have a hidey-hole for the less hospitable kinds of people, such as smugglers and bounty hunters such as yourselves. This one was a bar stuck into the side of a cliff and surrounded by dozens and dozens of ramshackle huts for refugees trapped on the planet, either trying to eke out a living or waiting for the first opportunity to get to somewhere safer.
Cad Bane left his freighter outside the outskirts of this shanty town, and instructed you to stay and keep watch whilst he got to business. As you were left sitting there and waiting, staring at the lack of scenery, you figured you would have preferred to join him at the bar. The air was muggy and heavy and the wrong kind of warm, all alluding to the thick black clouds gathering on the horizon. Where you were now however was bright sunshine, and to keep from melting you took shelter under the wing of the fighter with Todo as company. The droid kept up light conversation, both of you bouncing discussion back and forth regarding your latest job. This one was apparently meant to be person gathering over information gathering, something that Cad tended to interchange depending on the current prices going. Both were often available after all, and both could be equally dangerous and fleeting. But for now, you were waiting on your contact to gain the whole picture for what you and Cad would be collecting.
The clouds were almost overhead before Cad returned from his meeting, about as stormy as the oncoming weather.
“Trouble?” you asked.
“Our information and money source didn’t turn up on time,” he grumbled. “I commed him only to find out he’s not going to be in until tomorrow. Waste of time.” He turned and thumped a hand against the side of the freighter, face wrinkled up further from frustration. You remained calm, albeit disappointed as well. The waiting times between missions were often the dullest times you had to deal with. Being made to wait reeked of a particular kind of person that neither of you enjoyed working for, so long as they paid up at the end.
“So we stay the night, wait for him in the morning,” you said, folding your arms as you lean against the side of the freighter. Cad looked down to you, an expression of grim resignation on his face. Taking a moment to rub at the bridge of his nose, he heaved out a tired sigh.
“That’s right,” he replied. You watched him as he slowly sat down on the ground next to yourself and Todo, digging into his coat for a toothpick to start chewing on. His irritation was rolling off him in waves. If you disliked being made to wait, he hated it. Sure, he could be patient while waiting on a target to come out into the open, but there was a difference between patience and being practically grounded on the planet. As he stared up towards the line of black clouds, he felt a gentle weight lean against his side. You shuffled quietly into more of a comfortable position, thinking perhaps that the motion was subtle, up until he raised an arm away from you and draped it heavily over your shoulders.
“The view’s nice at least,” you commented.
“I can agree to that. ‘Least until that storm hits.”
The storm finally broke a few hours later, the tension in the air about as thick as soup. Cad tasked you with going out and finding a place to get food from, which was much easier said than done when wandering about a ramshackle village. Eventually you were able to find a Twi’lek family serving out some wrapped up meals, a couple portions of which you obtained having bargained several credits and an hour of small-talk. It was difficult to bring in any information into this place, so people were getting what they could however they could. While the family seemed keen to move on, they weren’t going to risk getting a ride out with a bounty hunter and his apprentice, it seemed.
A sheet of rain cascaded down, causing you to flee back to the freighter, shielding several foil-wrapped parcels of hot bread and hunks of dried meat under your coat. There wasn’t exactly a kitchen or a section of the ship where a person would sit and eat, and so normally you and Cad would simply eat meals in the freighter’s cockpit where there were seats. Tonight Cad had set up a small burner for heat and extra light, over which you could hang up your sodden coat. With the majority dampness deposited to dry off, you handed over his portions in silence and plopped down into one of the seats. Raindrops pattered across the front viewport, filling some of the empty space as you both dug into the meal.
“It’s weird. It’s raining but still kind of warm”, you commented.
“That’s Ryloth storms for you. Be grateful for the warmth, it’ll get real chilly at night”, Cad replied.
Lightning flashed in the distance. You counted the passing seconds under your breath and around mouthfuls of food. Eventually the grrmmm of thunder sounded, but not before several other flashes of lightning had struck. The distant sound sent cold shudders down your back.
“Shouldn’t we be worried about the ship?” you asked nervously.
“It’s parked close enough to the cliff. Natural lightning rod. It’ll be fine,” Cad replied, hand-waving your concern. He trusted his own intuition on keeping his possessions safe, and so leaned back in his seat as he watched you sit back as well. 
“…I can’t actually remember the last time I saw a proper thunderstorm.”
“Don’t be sappy, lad. You get used to them, and sure get to hate them with some of the planets we gotta work on.”
“I’m not being sappy. I’m being grateful.” 
The lightning got closer, brighter. The thunder started to sound closer to each flash, becoming more harsh until it wasn’t a grumble and more of a CRACK. Cad blinked slowly, feeling more lethargic with the evening rolling in but still very much perceptive of the room. The lightning kept him on edge - too similar to a blaster flashing blue. He could see each flinch you made, the way you recoiled from the viewport in time with the loud thunder. It wasn’t the usual sort of fear he saw on your face when the pair of you faced a situation that had gotten out of hand, that sort of fear came with excitement and adrenaline. This fear was paired with a cold helplessness. 
“C’mon, get up,” he grumbled, getting to his feet and pulling you up from your seat as well, reaching out for the burner. “It’s getting late. It’s quieter in the bunk room anyway.” 
“It is?” 
“Yeah. Makes it easier to sleep and all.” For all his snark, there was an ulterior intent to Cad nudging you out from the cockpit. Discomfort remained in his gut even after moving you away, even now in the soft quiet where you relaxed. No rumbling thunder in here. True to Cad’s earlier warning, it’d gotten quite a bit colder, even in the cramped interior of the freighter’s bunk room. The burner was set on the holotable and cranked up, but that wasn’t going to keep anyone warm without hugging the little machine, and no-one wanted to burn the engine fuel for a cosy night if you were on ground instead of in space.
The silence turned weirdly heavy as you kicked off your boots and Cad draped his coat over one of the seats. You were already shivering from the change of temperature, and Cad wasn’t looking too hot either. By the time you’d set aside your jacket, you were glancing from your own personal bunk to the space that was blankets and leathers and pillows that Cad had built up for himself over time. While you were glancing at the bunk, Cad was looking at you. You were pretty sure you both had the same idea. And while you were hesitant to suggest it, Cad was anything but shy.
“Peh, get over here.” He grabbed your wrist and tugged you over the bunk. “If you got ill from the cold that’d cost us both credits and time.”
Your continued hesitation got you a firm nudge in the back that sent you teetering over to fall into the bedding.
“Kriff’s sake, that was uncalled for!” you snapped, much to Cad’s delight.
“Come on, you were acting like I was going to bite you.” His sly smile became a grin. “I mean, unless you-” 
“That is a conversation for another time,” you said, feeling heat rise rapidly in your cheeks. Cad snorted, sitting down into the bunk as well.
“Seems like the perfect time for this conversation.” Whatever response you had died on your lips as you felt a slight rumble through the ship, just noticeable enough to catch your attention. Cad noticed it too, the heated look in his eyes fading as the moment slipped itself into the cold room, and he settled in close to your side. 
“....So….” Your words trailed off.
“Just get your rest. And stay close to me.”
Rain clattered softly off the metal overhead as the thunderstorm passed overhead. Sometimes you could feel another rattle in the metal of the ship, and you wondered whether it was thunder or your own imagination. Cad was fast asleep, but part of you knew that he’d be awake the moment something bad happened. He’d also managed to coil himself around you, contact generating warmth while one arm rested heavily over your chest. Possessive. Comforting. For all his grit and teeth (and you did think about those teeth more than you probably needed to), he pulled out stops to keep you alive and well under his wing. You’d noticed this protective streak with all his possessions, and wondering if he considered you as such. And really, how bad was that in the end, when he held you like this and gave you that smug grin that caught your tongue so often.
You relaxed and let yourself fall asleep as well, to the sound of the rain.
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crimsonrae · 3 years
Reckless Intent: Part Two
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Summary: When the dance between Sherlock and Delia first began, learning the steps did not come smoothly. But then that would happen when affections haven’t been made clear and a murderer is on the loose.
Rating: M
Warning: Some manhandling, allusions to nudity.
A/N: Set about ten years before the events in Enola. Sherlock has only been away from home for about three years. So this is more from Sherlock’s point of view and I had fun with this, because despite how intelligent he is, I think that he would still be lost to a woman’s way of thinking or reacting. Also there will be a part three. A culmination if you will of all my teasing : )
Reckless Intent: Part Two
It had taken more time than he would have liked to get the bestial efflux that had swarmed his blood to calm.  
Sherlock pulled a long-drawn breath through his nose as he silently counted the seconds until a certain menace in the shape of woman appeared by his side. Never had he met someone who could stir his anger so easily. She made him want to rage, to shake her until sense fell into that cob she called a mind. How she could incite him with just a few well-placed words was boggling.  
Yet, images of Delia on that stage danced before his eyes as he waited outside the club. The hint of cleavage through the feathers of her fan, the shapely curve of her thigh... Lust had seared his veins at the unexpected display of her womanly assets. His palms had itched with the need to cup her silky flesh, to leave his mark on her unblemished hide, and pull the most melodic notes of pleasure from her dainty throat. His manhood had hardened with a demand that only her tempting hole could satisfy.
And had they been alone?  
Had the ravenous stares and drunken jeering of the swine inside not been present... he would have taken her there on that staged. He would have answered her teasing seduction, shown her what happened when such a flag was waved before a bull.  
But they hadn’t been alone. He wasn’t the only one to gaze upon her bare flesh and that was unforgivable. Fury still spurned his veins, only the remembrance of their kiss tempered his lingering ire.
Sherlock bit back a groan as he tried to ignore the memory of the delightful contrast of her wired nest against her smooth skin and her heat... his fingers had been brushed by her desirous warmth, had felt the hint of her promising dewy depths. He marveled that he hadn’t sunk into her depths there and then. Her protest to his advances had been meek at best. There was no doubt in his mind that his Delia was a wanton... but she was his wanton. It was high time that he made his claim known.
He would not tolerate another incident such as this.
His fingers flexed and tightened over the head of his cane, releasing the frustrated bur that Delia so expertly pricked in him. It wouldn’t do to walk the streets with an erection like an adolescent boy. As if she knew his struggle, Delia appeared at his elbow only to add oil to his smoldering flame. Her frock covered little more of her chest than her stage attire.  
His nostrils flared with annoyance. Even her hair was still unrestrained, her curls falling loose about her shoulders, “That was longer than ten minutes.”
Delia arched a brow at him, unimpressed by his dour reproach, “Yet, you didn’t come back for me. You should be pleased.”
His glare was glacial, but she refused to simper –stubborn mule of a woman.  
Sherlock snatched her elbow before she had a chance to send another volley. The firm grip teetered on the edge of impropriety, but it was hardly the most improper act that either one of them had committed so far. He nudged her forward, refusing to speak further until they were away from this infernal club.
Luckily, Delia took the hint as she adjusted her arm in his grip and fell into step. It wasn’t lost on him that she had quickly masked the aggressive undertones of their current meeting. It no longer looked as if he were dragging an unruly woman through the street but had taken to escorting a potential paramour. Strangely, they fell somewhere in between the two paradigms.
They swept down the dimly lit streets with marked silence. He, still simmering, unwilling to vent his anger where it could be heard by the restless populace of London and she – he darted a glance to his companion – she was remarkably stoic. Her features serene as if nothing was amiss, but the darkened hue to her cheeks and the tense set to her jaw belied her discomfort... or perhaps her anticipation.  
Sherlock wasn’t sure which beset her and ignored the little voice in his ear that whispered it was the later. He had decided long before he had exited the club that his baser urges would be denied that night. Far more pressing concerns needed to be addressed before he conducted any further intimate explorations of her body.
As if she knew where his thoughts had led, Delia smirked dimly as he prodded her up the steps to his apartments. He wanted nothing more than to steal that smile from her face and it wasn’t until the door clicked firmly shut that he began his attack, “Have you lost your damn mind? Did you even for one minute think about what would happen to you in that place?”
“Sherlock -”
“No.” He continued as if he hadn't heard her, “You didn’t. You’re lucky I was there – that I even had an inkling to show up. Else wise you would’ve ended up like your friend or worse on your back -”
Fire laced up the side of his face as he felt the imprint of her palm reverberate through the bone of his cheek. Glowering he turned back to her and found Delia torn between shock at her actions and indignant.
Her breath came fast as she spat, “You are not my keeper, Sherlock Holmes. If you’re not going to discuss this case, say so now and I will take my leave.”
Sherlock smiled grimly, “Oh, I am taking the case, Delia. I’ve said as much already. And you’re right, I’m not your keeper. I’m far more than that and you will acknowledge it before the night is over.”
“How dare you!” Indignation seemed to have won out in his little menace as she hissed, “To make such assumptions based on one measly kiss... I would think such acts beneath you. Impervious king that you are.”
Words that could be used to describe both of them in that moment, Sherlock noted distantly. He fought to keep a hold of his temper. He had pushed her tonight and she had already been walking a tightrope by going undercover in that club. He shouldn’t be surprised that the bewilderment and anger she had carefully kept under lock and key had been released now.  
However, he was sure that he had made his intentions clear long before his stolen kiss, in fact he was sure of it. A resounding crack echoed through the foyer, stunning both occupants as the head of Sherlock’s cane fell from its body. He hadn’t realized how tightly he had been gripping the implement or even that he was still holding it.  
He cast the ruin staff aside with a barely contained growl, “One measly kiss?”
He prowled forward like a stalking jaguar, “Is that what you think I based my assumptions on?”
Delia, to her credit, did not cower from him as she lifted her chin defiantly, “I think you saw naked flesh and responded as all men do.”
Again, Sherlock wondered if she could read minds. Hadn’t his thoughts dwelled upon her wicked display before she had arrived at his side? But she was very mistaken if she thought that his reaction was merely a result of her dance... No, his interest in Delia Woodson had started long before this night.
“Blue myosotis.”  
Delia blinked, her confusion apparent by his pointed delineation, “Pardon?”
“Blue myosotis.” Sherlock repeated definitively, “Or more commonly – forget-me-nots. You pinned them to my lapel three months, one week, and two days ago. After that murdered child was found by the docks. I was upset, but you...you were the only one to notice. You saw through the impassivity that I had carefully cultivated to keep myself detached.”  
He refused to use the word impervious.
His voice grew soft, “You pinned the flower to my lapel and said, ‘It’s a small token, Mr. Holmes, but colorful – bright. You need a little of that I think.’ I knew I loved you then.... and the flower you chose? More than appropriate for that realization. I doubt you knew but forgot-me-not's represent true love.”  
Stricken with shock, Delia could only gape at the unexpected confession, “I - Sherlock.”
“So, yes, Delia. I am far more than your keeper.” He continued stoutly, daring her to interrupt, to protest his words, “And not yet your lover, but that state will be rectified soon enough I’d wager. And no, our kiss had little to do with your irreverent show, though I do wish it had been under different circumstances, I don’t regret it.”
He could see her floundering. By not hiding from the truth, nor ignoring his earlier actions he had stripped bare any defensive armor she had managed to cobble together in their brief time apart. And he had finally acknowledge the elephant that he had been alluding to all night. He didn’t need to hear the words reciprocated – he knew she felt the same, though she hadn’t realized it until he had accosted her in that club. He had seen the moment she comprehended where her affections laid.
His hand came up to grasp her chin as he made sure that he fully held her attention, “And such antics will not occur ever again. I won’t stand for it and your bottom won’t sit for it, should you attempt such an act.”
Her eyes widened at his pointed threat, knowing he was serious her defiance flickered at him. Sherlock nearly grumbled. Why did he have to fall in love with the most obtuse woman on the bloody planet?
“This...” She drew a calming breath and laced her delicate fingers over the top his that still grasped her chin, “This is not talk of the case.”
Dull amusement laced through him at her poor deflection, but he took his cue and drew back a step, “I garnered several leads while you were performing. I’ll be able to more thoroughly investigate tomorrow. I haven’t forgotten about your Margaret.”  
“What leads?”
Sherlock shook his head in the face of her hungry interest. She had taken far too many risks as it were for this case, “No. You want me to take this case and investigate? Then my price is that you stay out of it.”
“But -”
“You were reckless tonight.” Sherlock vented, his anger rising back to the top. She hadn’t seen the men that had watched her – followed her, but he had. Not all of her audience had been lustful brigands. His little menace had made no secret of her inquiry into her friend’s death, “Purposefully, I’m certain.”
Her lip jutted out temptingly and he nearly cracked a smile in the face of her pout, “She’s my friend, Sherlock. Surely, I deserve to know – to help.”    
“You will stay out of it. That’s my price – take it or leave it, Delia.” He stated resoundingly, unwilling to budge on this point. He would fill her in once he had solved the crime and the murderer was being carted off by Scotland Yard, but not a second before that occurred.
Delia huffed as she dared ask, “And if I refuse and continue to investigate on my own?”
Sherlock stiffened at her challenge as he raised an unimpressed brow and smiled thinly, “Oh, I dare you to try. You won’t make it out that door, I can promise you that.”
“I have to leave some time; I don’t live here.” She muttered lowly, after all he only had just started his investigation.
“Yet.” Sherlock returned arrogantly as he stepped towards the stairs, “Mrs. Hudson!”
The shadow of his housekeeper appeared at the top of the stairs within seconds. He had no doubt that she had heard every word passed between himself and Delia, but ever discreet the matronly woman had waited until he beckoned. Draped in her robe and bonnet, he felt a stirring of guilt for having disturbed her slumber with his return, but even still as she blandly met his stare – he couldn’t help the mischievous spark that entered his mien.
“Please ready the guestroom. Miss. Woodson will be staying here tonight.” Loathe as he was to have her out of his sight, Sherlock knew they needed space. Too much had occurred in a sort time span and to be perfectly frank he needed a moment away from the weight of her presence. He needed to recoup.  
“That’s not necessary.” Delia started softly.
Sherlock barely contained a weary sigh, “It’s late and I’m not in the mood to escort you back to Hoxton.”
She blinked, bemusement once again piercing her features, “How did you know - ?”
Sherlock didn’t deign to answer. To say he wasn’t thrilled that she lived in such a horrid area was a vast understatement, but he had to admit that it was a step above White Chapel and far better than Old Nichol. Another situation he would soon need to rectify.
“I’ll have warm water brought to your room.” He said instead, “Rest. We’ll speak more in the morning when calmer heads prevail.”
Delia stared at him with an expression he couldn’t decipher but found that the calm he had just manage to reclaim was rapidly deteriorating. His heart lurched and the familiar itch to his palms returned as she stepped back into his sphere.
“You followed me. You accosted me. Kissed me. Protected me. Took a case that is boring just to make me happy -”
“Keep you out of trouble -”
“Told me that you love me.” She continued as if he hadn’t spoken and soundly shut him up. 
Delia smiled then. A small smile, but so bright before she leant up on her toes and claimed a kiss so gentle that it stole his breath.
Unconsciously, his fingers latched into the folds of her gown as he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. The supple swell of her lips felt like silk under the brush of his tongue. She tasted sweet, like honey and tea. She moaned lowly and a pleased growl rumbled through his chest at the sound.
They must have stood like that for only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity.  
Delia, as tenderly as she had approached him, broke away again and started up the stairs. Sherlock could only watch after her dazed. 
She paused halfway up and glanced at him over her shoulder, “And you send me to the guestroom? You’re an odd man, Sherlock Holmes.”
She disappeared over the landing and Sherlock was left in stunned amusement. He had half a mind to go after her. Her teasing knew no bounds it seemed... but despite her words, he knew she was virginal, and he planned to take his time divesting her of that chaste state.
However, he should have known that Delia had no such patience...
Damn her.
Previous Chapter
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seraphdreams · 4 years
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had enough
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contains - breeding, car sex, alcohol, club setting, no prep, rich boy! atsumu
wc - 1.2k
a/n - heavily inspired by the song “had enough by don toliver”
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heavy bass and the rhythm of music filled your ears. splashes of blues and purples beamed down on your satin white dress, illuminating your curves and fresh, glowy skin. you weren’t even in the building for five minutes, yet every man around you was jumping to talk to you. one offered to buy you a drink, another asking to dance with you and even when you politely declined; they still ogled at your body.
you made your way to the bar, sitting at an empty stool waiting for the bartender to notice you. you were such a sight, alluding the perfect balance of seduction and modesty, topped off with the classy fragrance of your chanel perfume. getting antsy, you tapped your nails on the slick wooden surfaces, clearing your throat after.
“sorry to keep you waiting, pretty lady. what can i get for you?” the bartender asks with soft eyes as he leans over the counter, just enough to leave you some space. “can i get a vodka spritz please?” you say. he nods his head then turns to work on your drink. you observe the scene; sweaty bodies rubbing against each other and others just sitting in the lounge area.
a particular man caught your eye. he was dressed in all black, hands clasped over his spread legs. from what you could see, he was tall. tall and intimidating, staring right back at you with daunting brown orbs. you look back to the bartender and watch as he hands you your drink. you sip lightly, aware of the burn that came right after. if it wasn’t for the drink, you’d probably end up staring into the random strangers eyes all night.
the nerves in your body seemed to loosen as the alcohol settled into your bloodstream. maybe you could go see if those men from earlier still wanted to dance? or go back to your car and get cross faded off your pen? you shrugged off the thoughts and reached into your clutch for the clear gloss that lacquered your lips and a mirror. “another coat won’t hurt” you whisper to yourself as you open the handheld mirror. you were too deep in your thoughts to realize the platinum blond waves in the reflection behind you.
he was almost too quiet to hear over the music as you turned yourself in the stool. he emitted a cool, mysterious aura, smirking down at you with both hands in his pockets. you smile back, taking in every detail; from the way he parted his hair to the way his earthy cologne flooded your senses. “i’m atsumu, and what’s yer name, doll?” he reaches his hand out for you to grab, and you do, the calloused skin rubbing against your soft palm as he shook it.
you giggle at him before responding back to him. “i’m y/n”. he repeats your name quietly before taking a seat down next to you. he waves for the bartender and places his order. “can i call ya doll?” he questions, quirking up his eyebrow. another contagious giggle erupts from you, causing him to chuckle back. “i like your accent”. you place your glass up to your lips, sipping the last ounce before setting it back down.
he raises his glass, then puts it down, shifting his focus back to you. “oh, ya do?”. feeling giddy, you nod your head. it’s something in the way he watches your every moment, studying how your eyes flicker from his crotch, back up to his eyes. you must be a sweet, naive thing. “you look familiar, do you play a sport?” you ask him, unaware of how slurred your voice is starting to sound. his eyes are locked onto your chest, the v-neck of the dress showing off your cleavage just right.
“yeah, i play volleyball” he responds. before he could even get another word out, you pull him by the wrists excitedly. “this is my favorite song! dance with me. please”. he can’t say no to your pleading eyes, drowning with lust and sprinkled with tipsiness. he gets up and follows you to an emptier spot on the dance floor.
he leans his arms back on the island countertop, watching as you sway your hips to the music. even through the reverberated bass, he could still hear your “come here, please”. he smirks and motions his hand in a way that brings you to him. you look up at him wide eyed. “i can’t dance as good as ya, doll” he whispers into your ear. you pout at him before turning to press your ass against his lap.
he wraps his hands around you waist while you grind your hips over his, occasionally dipping down. you could feel the throbbing of his semi hard cock through his slacks. he matches your movements soon after, using one hand to steady your hips and the other to check the time on his luminescent gold watch. “hey, hey. how’s about we go outside real quick, eh?” he whispers into your ear. you pause your motions and nod your head as he leads you to the parking lot.
the cold gust of air hits your bare skin causing goosebumps to form and your nipples to harden under the thin fabric. atsumu leans down, breath ghosting over your ear. “which car do you think ‘s mine?” he asks. you hum as you scan the crowded parking area. “is it that one?” you point at a silver tesla in the corner. “bingo” he says dragging you behind him as he paces towards his vehicle.
he stops at the drivers seat, unlocking the door. you get in after him, placing yourself over his lap. “seems like ya already know what’s about to happen, doll” he smirks, adjusting the seat back. the car must’ve been brand new, it still had that smell to it and didn’t seem too used. you place your hands over his crotch as he uses his own to lift your dress up, rubbing the curve of your ass. you unzip his zipper, pulling down both the pants and boxers.
his thick cock slapped against his stomach. the precum dribbling down the flushed red tip. “feels like yer wet enough” he says, pulling the lace thong to the side and gathering your essence on his fingers. you gulp, positioning yourself over his cock. in one swift action, you sunk down onto him. he twitches inside you, waiting for you to ride.
“s-so big, ‘tsumu” you coo. you use bounce on his length, rocking your hips rhythmically. grunts and groans fly from his mouth each time you slam down on him. “that’s a good slut, such a good slut”. your cunt hugs his cock tighter at the phrase. you mewl as the tips kisses your cervix. he thrashes you down harder with the tight grip he has on your waist. you squeeze him even tighter, feeling the coil build up in your stomach.
“can’t take it. too much” you whimper, trembling as the orgasm washes over you. he bucks his hips up, determined to reach his own climax. “gonna breed you so well, doll. fuck, you want that, don’t ya”. thick white ropes coat your insides, splurting as he floods your womb.
the car is silent except for your heavy pants. he rubs his large hand over your sweat-dewed cheeks. you lean into his tongue, eyes threatening to close. “sorry i made a mess, ‘tsumu”. he kisses your forehead.
“it’s okay, we can get it cleaned”
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
My Favorite Quotes from Dazai's Blue Bamboo
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Once again Happy Birthday to Dazai-sensei! I have fallen in love with his works this year and here are some quotes of his that I’d love to share, as well as a bit of my own thoughts! I just finished this book on time yesterday to be able to share these! [For context, Blue Bamboo contains a collection of 7 short stories by Dazai sensei]
My Personal Favourite:
“Human beings must suffer through their terrible lives amid the love and hate that rule their world. There is no escape. All you can do is endure. Endure and struggle, struggle and endure. Learning is a splendid thing, but to make a show of having risen above worldly affairs is cowardly and mean. You must become even more attached to the world, and spend you life immersed in the hardships it presents you with.”
- Dazai Osamu, Blue Bamboo, Blue Bamboo
This quote is one that gives me immense comfort whenever I read it, till now I’m still quite unsure where it came from...
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“And he buried himself in the dust of the world”
- Dazai Osamu, Blue Bamboo, Blue Bamboo
This quote in my opinion seems to be a refernce to a Chinese poet (whom Dazai-sensei had quoted earlier in the story). Alluding to his words of  「舉世皆濁我獨清」, basically saying that he is the only pure one in the world of the corrupt. But instead, here Yu Jung decides to live and dwelve in this corrupt world. This shows that Dazai-sensei is perhaps saying that  we can just simply change ourselves and keep living the way we do, rather than changing society which is a goal of the traditional chinese concept of junzi, as this would actually enable us to live happier.
“Because their daily lives are so dreary they are harbouring, all of them, some faint flicker of hope that compels them to stroll through the Shinjuku night with looks of cool composure on their faces. Walk up and down those streets all you like, not a single good thing will come out of it. This much is certain. But happiness is being able to hope, however faintly for happiness. So, at least, we must believe if we are to live in the world of today.”
- Dazai Osamu, On Love and Beauty, Blue Bamboo
I really like how bittersweet this quote is. Dazai-sensei captures this feeling so well in his works. Those last two sentences appeal to me constantly.
“The recognition of any reality begins with trust.”
- Dazai Osamu, The Samurai and the Mermaid, Blue Bamboo
For without trust, how are we even certain if what we are currently seeing is a part of reality?
“One lies to seek a bit of relief from a ponderous, suffocating reality, but the liar, like the drinker, gradually comes to need larger and larger doses. The lies become blacker and more complex, and they mesh and rub together until in the end they shine with the luster of truth.”
- Dazai Osamu, Romanesque, Blue Bamboo
 For some reason, this quote reminds me of Dazai-sensei, perhaps because of his mentions of clowning in No Longer Human, I feel that this quote is something that came from deep within him to warn the readers.
“As long as one is capable of believing that one is qualified to receive the love of others, one feels that life is worth living, and the world is a wonderful place. But even if one should discover that one no longer has the necessary qualifications to be loved by others, one must continue to live on. Even if one is not ‘qualified to be loved’, one is eternally ‘qualified to love’. To seek only the joy of being adored is to surrender to savagery and ignorance”
- Dazai Osamu, Lanterns of Romance, Blue Bamboo
Again this is something I feel that perhaps came from Dazai-sensei’s heart, which once again leads me to can’t help but love this quote. 
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ryukyuan-sunflower · 4 years
Major Symbolism in Episode 20+21 (Another MugenxFuu Post)
Episodes 20 and 21’s series of images has been going through my head a lot recently, and I think that it is about time I rant about it.
I’ve written before, how Sara is a symbol of a maternal figure for Mugen. But today, I’m gonna go into something else…
Episode 20’s series of images alludes to Mugen and Fuu not only having feelings for each other, but also the concept of marriage, parentage and the idea of being abandoned. A lot of these details bridge and connect with multiple parts of the episode.
The Sad Bride
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The woman upon the boat is dressed in a traditional uchikake wedding kimono. What is happening is “Yomeiri-bune”: a traditional Japanese bridal procession on a robune rowboat.
The robune boat carries the bride’s household possessions at the front of the boat. The bride sits behind the possessions. Behind her, the bride’s two parents sit, wearing black. This boat carries the bride across the canal, to her husband. This traditional procession is still held in one place in Japan: Ibaraki during “Suigo Itako Ayame Matsuri”, or the “Iris Festival”
Here is a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApIeJ384oDo
There are some key details about the bride in the scene of Samurai Champloo. While I think it could be a tale of Sara’s life...I think this is more related to Fuu’s future.
1.The bride has no household possessions. Fuu also has no household possessions of her own. The two women are incredibly poor.
2. The bride has no parents seated behind her. Fuu also has no parents to send her off and celebrate her marriage someday, as her father abandoned her, and her mother died of illness
3. There is a willow tree to the left of the scene. This one may not be major, but willows are symbols of grief, and in Japanese culture, are thought to attract ghosts. For such a sad symbol to be shown in a composition of a marriage seems intentional.
4. The bride is not smiling. Should a bride not be smiling upon her wedding day? It is supposed to be one of the most joyous moments of a woman’s life. She must be unhappy about the arrangement. This exact composition of Fuu’s unhappy face can be seen later, where Fuu is shown in front of glittering blue water. She must contemplate which of her bodyguards she will give up. But I’ll get more into that later.
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Notice also, in the composition of the scene, how Fuu is on the far left, where the bride is. Sara and Jin are standing close together, where the parents ought to be seated. Mugen however, is a far distance from them all.
Sara is clearly a maternal figure in the episode, as her entire story concerns her child. Jin also has some parallels to the Sunflower Samurai, and plays a very fatherly role for Fuu throughout the series. I wonder if this position is intentional.
At the end of the robune procession, the boat delivers the bride to her husband. When a woman is given away to her husband, she is also saying goodbye to her father and mother.
There seems to even be a symbol of this.
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But it is not to say Fuu wanted to give up Jin. It is clear that after Jin leaves with Sara, how upsetting it is for Fuu. She breaks down into tears. Though, it is important to note how childish these tears are. It is a comical scene, where Mugen gets frustrated and stomps off. It is nothing like the painful moments that Fuu cries when she thinks Mugen is in danger/dying (In episodes 14, 21, 25 and 26).
This seems to be Fuu clinging childishly to the closest thing she has to a father figure (Jin), similar to how this whole journey is her trying to find her father: the last remnant of her past.
The Mother and Child
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While walking, the four travelers pass a mother carrying a child. The father is nowhere in sight. Again, this is an allusion to Sara and her son. But it is noteworthy that the only character to look back at the mother and child is Fuu.
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The mother has light brown hair, like Fuu. The son has black, wild and unruly hair and orange clothes. More on the orange later.
The next symbol shows how this is not only about Sara...but about Fuu contemplating a future: the fear of being abandoned by a husband and left with a child alone, the same as her mother was.
The fear of being abandoned by Mugen.
The Pinwheel
The mother and child have a yellow pinwheel.
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I’ve talked in other posts how pinwheels seem to be a symbol of childhood innocence, and of rebirth. However, we have seen a pinwheel in only one other scene in the series. And it is almost the exact same color. They could have chosen any color for the pinwheel, but I cannot help but feel this color choice is deliberate. Mugen flicks the pinwheel in Episode 1, just moments before meeting Fuu for the first time. 
Rather than childhood innocence, this pinwheel flick could have another meaning entirely. In Chinese culture, the flicking of a pinwheel means to “turn one’s luck around”. Why this is notable, is, in Episode 1, we find out Mugen is not Japanese at all, but Ryukyuan. The Ryukyu Kingdom was a tributary state of China, before being invaded by the Satsuma Domain. For that reason, there is a blend of both Chinese and Japanese culture in the Ryukyuan Islands.
Perhaps Mugen flicked the pinwheel, as a way to wish himself good luck in getting some food. Little did he know, this meeting would greatly change his life.
Furthermore, the pinwheels start to shift into sunflowers. Fuu’s face pans across the scene, as if a symbol that she has come to a realization, or is pondering something important.
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This could be a symbol of Fuu coming to a realization of her feelings for Mugen, her fear of the future, and the fear of being abandoned by him, the same as her father abandoned her mother. 
This fear and realization is reinforced throughout the rest of the episode.
The Boy with the Monkey Mask
During the festival, Sara asks Mugen and Jin to pick out a gift for her son. Mugen proceeds to grab a small child, and asks what he wants.
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1. The child responds that he wants Mugen’s sword. He’s a little fighter.
2. The child is wearing a monkey mask. This is important because in the previous scene, Mugen, Fuu and Sara bathe in the hot spring. When Sara asks Fuu what Mugen looks like, she gets extremely flustered and proceeds to say: “Honestly, he’s less than human. He’s more like a monkey or a gorilla.”
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However, we know Fuu is lying, because when Sara asks, “What?” Fuu sinks into the water and blows bubbles.
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The fact that the line and the mask is a scene apart, seems intentional yet again.
3. The boy is wearing orange, similar to the orange of the boy on the woman’s back earlier that only Fuu looked at. Also, Fuu in her childhood, is seen wearing orange...and was abandoned by her father.
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This boy is a symbol of Mugen and Fuu having a child together. To reinforce this is the thoughts going through Fuu’s head, Mugen asks Fuu what they should get for a boy. Fuu remembers Sara’s request of taking one of them with her. It is at Mugen’s words and her own thoughts, that Fuu suddenly runs away in tears.
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We know that she is pondering the choice Sara gave her: Mugen or Jin. We know that she knows Mugen will willingly leave her. We also know that she chooses Mugen to stay, despite this.
And this is where we see that previously shown picture of Fuu’s sad face, emulating the face of the sad bride. Fuu is afraid Mugen will either abandon her, or will not love her.
Jin is the one to chase after Fuu and appears behind her, not Mugen. He is far more reliable, and would seem to be a better husband. Fuu could very easily marry a man someday that she does not want to be with, because Mugen is not the type to marry. But  despite all of this, Fuu still chooses Mugen to stay and complete her journey.
The two episodes’ composition largely features Mugen and Fuu, while Jin plays a more minor role.
Not only does she give up Jin, but also the entire Episode 21 barely features Jin. It becomes about Mugen facing Sara twice...and it also becomes about how Fuu’s love for Mugen stops Sara from killing him,
Sara’s words to Fuu
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She chooses Mugen.
Sara’s Words to Mugen
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Sara tells Mugen they are alike, and mentions the closest she came to happiness was having a child. It also zooms in on Mugen’s face here. 
Having a child with Fuu could be his first shot at happiness.
This dialogue completely emulates Mugen’s dialogue with another woman: Koza in Episode 14, in which she asked Mugen if he is happy now. He tells her he hasn’t thought about it. Koza then went on to say “Fuu is happy because she gets to be with you. I want to be with you, like she is.”
A Distance in Episode 20. A Closeness in Episode 21.
Throughout the episode, Mugen and Fuu are barely shown next to, or across from each other. They are always near Sara or Jin instead.
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There is is a sense of a distance forming between Mugen and Fuu. But by the end of Episode 20, Fuu still chooses Mugen to stay with her. And Episode 21, they are finally close again, stuck alone together.
She throws herself on top of him to save his life and tends to his wounds which are close, intimate acts.
Other Blatant Hints
Aside from the visual symbolism in the episode, there are other clear indications of the character’s developing feelings for each other during these two Sara episodes, but not expressing them.
Fuu and Mugen see each other naked in the hot spring. This is a painfully common romantic anime trope.
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Fuu gets jealous of Mugen’s attention to Sara.
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Mugen gets jealous of Fuu crying over Jin and comically stomps away. He agrees to stay with Fuu, even though he clearly could’ve abandoned her, and only claimed to stay to fight Jin. Now with Jin gone, he has no excuse as to why he’s sticking around.
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Fuu’s Declaration of Love
Fuu throws herself in the way of Sara’s blade, in order to save Mugen’s life. This action was committed only mere seconds after Sara’s haunting words to Mugen: “It’s as if you’ve never been loved by anyone.”
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Fuu throwing herself in the way is proving Sara’s words wrong. Mugen is loved. This is why Sara gasps and stays her blade. Like her previous words, she is unable to read people’s feelings.
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Throwing her own life in the way for Mugen’s life to be spared could have easily gotten her killed too. To me, this seems to be an allusion to “Shinju” or “Double Suicide”. Lovers’ suicide was surprisingly common in Japanese history, and there have been famous Tokugawa plays written about the subject such as “Love Suicide at Sonezaki” and “Love Suicide at Amijima”. 
The symbols of a sad bride, a pinwheel, a child with a monkey mask, Fuu’s choice and Fuu’s sacrifice all allude to her feelings for Mugen, and her fear of an uncertain future with him.
Now, combine this giant list of symbols, with the numerous amounts of far more major MugenxFuu scenes, blatant dialogue, interviews of the voice actors and Shinichiro Watanabe, etc...and what you have is a canon subtle romance. 
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
All-Nighter (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2.9K Warning: Language and alluded sexual situations Premise: He’d do anything for her, even fly across the country on moment’s notice. 
A/N: If Ethan had gone to Vegas to spend a full night with MC. Crack and fluff. Sorry! 
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12:26 am
Ethan had never understood the appeal of Vegas. The city, crawling with gaudy exhibitionism, reckless gambling, and rowdy party-goers, had always seemed a tad tasteless to him. Even in his med school years when his cohort planned a trip to sin city, Ethan had preferred to find solace in an overpriced drink at a bar off the strip and not dancing against strangers in a stuffy nightclub. 
Now, he had been convinced (albeit too easily) to take a six hour flight to a city he would much rather avoid.
His phone pinged with a notification from her, reminding him of the adult rated texts that had inspired his impromptu trip. 
Miss you. Wish you could see me in this dress. 
Seconds after, a picture came in and Ethan almost dropped his phone on the concrete. 
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And finally, she sent one final, maddening addendum: Or out of it. 
It was lucky for Ethan that he was already in the same city as her, one an elevator ride away from ripping that tempting thing off of her. 
I'm outside, he texted back. 
More than anything, he wanted to give in to the burning need to just have her in his arms.
12:48 am
As Ethan waited outside the casino she mentioned in a previous text, however, the flashing neon lights making it almost difficult to distinguish that it was nighttime, he held a different doctor in his arms. A very drunk Dr. Lahela had haphazardly collided with him only seconds earlier, throwing an arm around him after recognition hit. Ethan was still unsure if the gesture was out of comradery or to maintain his balance. 
“Ramseyyyy,” he called out with a suave ease that was admirable in his current state. 
Before Ethan could answer, Varma and Sienna Trinh appeared at his side. The former looked just as intoxicated as Lahela, though she was doing a much better job at maintaining her balance and dignity. Sienna, however, looked sober, or sober enough to figure out why Ethan was there for she threw him a knowing smirk. 
“Dr. Ramsey,” she greeted casually over the noise of the busy boulevard. “I forgot Edenbrook sent you here because of our contract with Panacea.”
It was a feeble excuse to explain his presence to the other two. It didn't matter because neither of them was listening anyway. Ethan doubted they ever questioned why he was there in the first place. 
Lahela's arm gripped him tighter as he swayed. “Dr. Ramsey, you have to come with us to the Sugar Factory. They have this drink called the fish bowl. It's exactly what it sounds like except full of candy.”
It sounded like a drink straight out of his nightmare. 
“Lahela, tell me why—” 
To his horror, the young surgeon's face lit up as he started singing. “Ain't nothing but a heartache.”
“Tell me why,” an equally drunk passerby added. 
“Ain't nothing but a mistake,” Lahela continued as others laughed and joined in. By the time they were finished, all three residents laughed hysterically while Ethan remained unmoved, silently wishing he had stayed in the blissful quiet of his apartment in Boston. 
He was reminded of why he had left the comfort of his home to venture into the wild five minutes after the group had departed for the aforementioned Sugar Factory. His eyes found her as soon as she stepped out into the street, clad in the sinfully short dress from her picture. The effect it had on Ethan felt like a punch.
Lilac spotted him too, her face alight with a combination of surprise and unrestrained elation. Before either of them could stop what was about to happen, she rushed into his arms. On instinct, he lifted her off her feet, their lips meeting in a kiss charged with promise. 
“Hi,” she greeted breathlessly when he carefully set her down. 
“Hi,” he returned, sounding just as affected. 
“I had to come out here to make sure you were really here. I can't believe you actually came,” she all but exclaimed, voice laced with giddy happiness. It made his stomach leap pleasantly, inspiring a foolish grin he didn't care to fight back anymore. 
“Me neither,” he confessed. 
“Well, I'm glad you did. I like this spontaneous Ethan Ramsey who flies across the country on a whim.”
That admission sent a thrill through his body. He realized he'd do anything to see that winsome smile each time, even if it meant dropping everything and rushing to her side hundreds of miles away. 
1:32 am 
“Eight, six, seven,” Lilac was saying over the roar of the fountains and the Celine Dion song. “Five, three, oh, nine.”
She waited for a hint of recognition, but as 
she had suspected, the drunken frat boy did not understand the reference. Instead, he tapped the number into his phone and flashed her a sloppy smirk. “I'll call you later.”
Ethan appeared at her side after he was gone, shaking his head at her with a smirk. 
“Your drink, Jenny,” he said, offering her a cup that looked to be more ice than drink. 
Lilac laughed as she accepted it, her body gravitating to his side at once. A rush of dizzying joy almost overpowered her every time she realized she didn't have to fight that instinct here. 
“Funny. That's the name I gave him too,” she said taking a sip. “He was insistent and drunk beyond comprehension. I thought it'd be easier to give him a fake number.”
“You gave him a song,” Ethan commented with a laugh. A rare, taunting grin illuminated his face, rendering him the handsomest man she had ever seen. “And you could've just told him you have a boyfriend.”
She arched an intrigued eyebrow, already moving into his embrace. “I have a boyfriend, do I?” 
Ethan's free arm encircled her, casting a glow of warmth over her body. It could have been the small amount of alcohol in her system or this newfound energy that crackled between them, still fizzing with longing but considerably lighter than in the past months. 
He nodded in mock seriousness. 
“And is he the jealous type?” 
Ethan genuinely scoffed at that, his fingers aimlessly caressing her bare back. It made her skin blaze where he touched her. “Jealous of what? A sweaty frat boy crass enough to hit on a beautiful but evidently uninterested woman? Believe me, there's nothing to be jealous about.”
“Case in point,” she laughed, raising herself to kiss his nose.   
Ethan laughed too and took advantage of their sudden proximity to press his lips against hers, their kiss sweet and just as dizzying as the many desperate, passionate ones they had shared. When they parted, that fiery, striking gaze of his remained locked on hers, making her thighs quiver. 
The song in the background reached its final notes as the jets of water disappeared into the dark pool glittering in front of the lavish hotel. The crowd began to disperse but Ethan and Lilac remained on the sidewalk, basking in a content lull, his arm securely around her and her cheek pressed against his chest. She knew without asking that he was enjoying this small allowance of being a real couple just as much as she was. 
At last, her eyes fell on the replica of the Eiffel Tower across the street. In the span of a second, she wondered what it would be like to be in front of the real one, safely wrapped in Ethan's arms.  
“I wonder how it compares to the real one,” she wondered out loud. 
“I've never seen it but I'd wager it's not a true representation.” 
For some reason, she found that surprising. “You've never been to Paris?” 
“I've been for work but my time was spent doing just that. I didn't venture out much into the city to sightsee. To be honest, I didn't understand the appeal.” 
The pause that followed suggested he wanted to add more but he remained silent. When Lilac pulled back from his embrace to look at him, she found those piercing blue eyes studying her intently. 
“I know what we should do for that date you teased in your texts,” she said when she finally found the words. 
It was Ethan's turn to arch his brow at her in interest. “I thought this was our date?” 
“Yes, but we're in Vegas. There's so much to do at this hour. And besides, you promised me all night in one of your texts.”
The crooked smile he gave her along with the wicked glint in his eye should have been illegal. He leaned in and whispered darkly, “That's not what I meant.”
Five words and she was all over him, kissing him in ways that were inappropriate even for Vegas. They broke apart and Ethan looked at her expectantly. 
“So what's this idea for our date?” he prompted when Lilac merely stared at him, lips still burning from his kiss. 
“Oh, right. I was thinking since we were both two giant nerds who powered through med school and never traveled—”
At this, Ethan shook his head, amused. 
“—we could each pick something to do here in Vegas that feels like traveling to somewhere remote.”
“But instead we'll be in a loud casino, surrounded by obnoxious crowds and exposed to secondhand smoke?” 
Lilac rolled her eyes which made him laugh. 
“Fine, I'll do it. But you pick first.”
2:17 am
As they glided through the clear waters, Ethan had to admit he could see the appeal in the faux gondola ride. Even if it was romantic, the critical part of him dwelled on the fact that the canals of Venice did not smell strongly of chlorine. He almost voiced the cynical observation out loud, before he remembered this was her idea and the last thing he wanted was to offend her. Although, he was certain Lilac would only laugh and playfully shove him. 
But Lilac was not taunting him, which should have been his first indication that something was off. She wasn't even marveling at the painted ceiling of the casino or making snide comments about the high end shops at the edge of the water and the people who shopped there. Instead, she pressed firmly against his side, her nails digging into his shirt. 
“Are you okay?” he murmured. 
Lilac plastered on the weakest attempt at a smile. Ethan only waited until she dropped the act and said, “Is it weird that the water is freaking me out?” 
Ethan considered that. “Are you afraid of open water?” 
Lilac shook her head. “No, or I would have never suggested this. But once we got in and started moving, the water just looked terrifying?” 
Ethan gave her reassuring smile. “We can get off if you want.”
Again, she shook her head with a brave determination that made his stomach flutter. She was entirely too adorable, even without trying. 
“No, I'll be fine,” she said through a steadying breath. “I'll just refrain from looking at the creepy water. And I'll try not to think about what we'll do if this thing flips over.”
“Rookie, the water is three feet deep. If we capsize we can just...get up on our feet.”
Lilac's eyes moved to meet his at the words. They stared at each other in the golden glow of their surroundings, their expressions unreadable. The silent seconds stretched until they both dissolved into hearty and borderline hysterical laughter. 
Ethan tried his best to sober up first, but when he was close to regaining his composure, he would meet her eye and then they'd both continue to laugh relentlessly. He was aware that they were drawing curious looks from the people observing from the bridges. Even the gondolier cast them a questioning look but said nothing. 
Ethan didn't care. 
It was the happiest he had felt in weeks, amidst everything that had happened. 
They finally sobered and Lilac sighed, much more at ease than before. When she settled against Ethan, it was with her hand softly pressed against his chest, directly over the heartbeat that pounded fiercely for her. 
3:31 am
The plan had been to go dancing at the Egyptian themed casino, much to her companion's dismay. In the end, she won against his protest and Lilac was feeling particularly proud of herself for talking Ethan Ramsey into going to a nightclub. Then again, she hadn't missed how his eyes occasionally traveled along the expanse of her plunging neckline or how his fingers trailed along her exposed back whenever he held her. A lot of the credit was owed to the dress. 
Which is probably why they never made it to the nightclub. Instead, they hastily detoured to the penthouse suite the leeches at Panacea paid for, their hands and lips on one another for the majority of the journey there. 
Thirty minutes after ensuring they were truly alone, the miraculous dress lay pooled on her bedroom floor, completely forgotten. Meanwhile, Ethan moved against her in ways that made her scream out his name. As they both reached the peak, Lilac leaned in to whisper exactly what she wanted him to do. 
With a grunt, Ethan obeyed wholeheartedly. 
“Your turn,” she panted minutes later as she rolled off of him. 
“As you wish,” he said, the words interrupted as he too struggled to catch his breath. “Although you know I prefer it when you take the lead.”
She laughed. “No, your turn to pick a place to go next.”
Ethan flipped on his side, offering her the sexiest grin. God, she was really thinking about sleeping with him again, mere minutes after the first round. 
“I thought I picked this one,” he teased, his voice thick and heavy in ways that made her center pool with heat. 
“We both picked this one,” she argued before she kissed him. 
3:47 am
Ethan only pretended to consider their next destination. The truth was that he knew the answer since the moment she suggested it in front of the fountains. 
They only had to leave the bed, a feat that was more challenging than it sounded. 
Lilac, far more determined than Ethan, even got as far as slipping back into the lacy black underwear he had removed with his teeth earlier. The deliberately coy smile she sent his way when she realized he was staring, however, had his hands on her hips in seconds. 
“Fucking hell, Lilac,” he murmured against her mouth as he pulled her on top of him for the second time that hour. 
4:59 am
After a third failed attempt to get out of bed, which resulted in both of them making good on the promises they made in their earlier texts, Lilac sat up in bed to look at him full on. She gave him what was supposed to be a stern, admonishing look, but she knew it was half hearted because he looked at her with such adoration that she broke a smile. 
“No more distracting me. You're not getting out of picking, Ramsey.”
Ethan's eyes remained fixed on hers in the darkness of the room, his expression betraying no hints of amusement. Outside, the sky began to glow with the first rays of orange and pink, the promise of the sun's arrival setting the inky blue sky ablaze. 
She frowned, noting the lines of exhaustion on his handsome face. “Are you tired? We can just stay if—” 
“We're already here,” he said quietly. “The place I pick.” 
“Bed?” she asked with a startled laugh. “Ethan Ramsey, you are almost a romantic.”
“Almost?” His mouth betrayed a hint of a smile. “I'm offended, Rookie. But no, as wonderful as we are in bed, that's not my choice.”
Ethan didn't elaborate, the small crease between his brows suggesting he was deep in thought. Every so often, his eyes flickered to hers, holding her gaze briefly before they moved away just as quickly.  
“I'm not—” he started, stopped, and tried again. “I'm not good at this kind of thing.”
A slight flush colored his angled cheekbones, so endearing that she couldn't help but kiss him. In all honesty, she wasn't any better at any of it either, only suggesting the date idea as a clichéd way for them to spend time together in a faraway city. It hadn’t been her proudest moment but had Googled ideas the moment he said he was outside. 
Nervous energy filled the room in their shared silence. 
“The only place in the world I give a damn about is by your side, Lilac,” he said at last, the words quiet but powerful enough to make her pulse clamor like bells. 
Ethan scratched the back of his head at her silence. “I was also hoping this goddamn penthouse had a balcony. I would've picked that as my date because of Miami and the first time we—” 
Lilac interrupted him with a kiss, the force of it over balancing Ethan and sending him into the pillows. She didn't care that their kiss was unceremonious and far from romantic. All she was aware of was the growing, urgent need to kiss this cheesy, romantic, brilliant man. He laughed against her lips, strong hands steadying her on top of him. 
“You're so much better at this than you give yourself credit for,” she informed him when they broke apart. 
“Good,” he said, lifting his head to kiss the curve of her neck. “I was worried there was finally something I didn't excel at.”
A/N: Meanwhile, her friends are still partying somewhere on the Strip, begging Bryce to quit drinking while he’s ahead. Those fish bowl drinks are no joke. 
Holy shit that was 3K of nothingness. If you made it this far, thank you! 
This was loosely based on my experience(s) going to Vegas, although I don’t remember most of it. Again, those fish bowl drinks will destroy you lol. 
Thank you to @aestheticartsx for your help with this mess!
P.S. Sorry about the dress in the pic not being the exact same one. I saw some that were close but the wrong color. Others were too crazy with that neckline. Ethan would’ve just dropped dead lol. 
New Tags: (Hope I didn’t miss anyone!)
@openheart12 , @takeharryandgo , @ethandaddyramsey, @trappedinfandoms, @aestheticartsx, @aworldoffandoms, @paulfwesley, @myusualnerdyself,  @rookie-ramsey, @ohchoices, @colossalpainintheass, @enmchoices, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker, @choicesfanaf, @openheartthot, @octobereighth, @nazarihoe, @utterlyinevitable, @kites-in-our-skies, @maurine07, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @doilooklikeiknow, @snesdudes, @kingliam2019, @perriewinklenerdie, @cinnamonspongecake, @choicesstan1, @queencarb, @ethxnrxmsey, @missmiimiie, @jens-diamondchoices, @adamsdumortain, @mrsramseyy, @apphia12, @kalogh, @lucy-268, @binny1985, @queenbirbs, @honeyandsunfl0wers, @newcolonies, @lilyvalentine, @rigatonireid, @interobanginyourmom, @parkerattano, @custaroonie, @nikki-2406, @lilypills, @chasingrobbie, @nooruleman, @angela8756, @lonely-mxxnlight, @ruinedbypixels, @shadynaturehilariouscookie, @shadynaturehilariouscookie, @tsrookie, @mvalentine, @professorkingslay, @drakewalkerfantasy, @casey-v, @helloblueeyedcat, @mysticaurathings, @blossomanarchy, @thegreentwin, @togetherwearerapture, @rookieoh, @ramseysno1rookie, @rookiemarsswiftie, @natashajaniphil, @mysticalgalaxysstuff, @hatescapsicum, @choices-lurker, @kiara-36, @junehiratas, @danijimenezv, @macy-ray85, @adrex04, @canigetanawwjunk, @sanchita012, @overwhelminglyaquarius , @scorpiochick8, @skylarklyon, @starrystarrytrouble​
Interest in this fic:
@udishaman, @a-crepusculo, @khayy19, @mercury84choices, @jlynn12273, @fireycookie 
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angelicmichael · 3 years
hi! could i request some dad!jim finding out you’re pregnant (but it’s very unplanned and you both are like very young adults who are definitely not ready for something like this) but he’s very excited nonetheless? thanks! <333
A/N: hello!! Thank u for requesting this 🥺💖 hope u like it!! I tried to make it pretty fluffy but ofc theres a little angst hehe. This is basically already a given but just in case - Jim is 18+ in this.
Warnings: angst revolving around being pregnant and just.. general mentions of everything that has to do w being pregnant LOL, bit of Jim being insecure for 2 like seconds, lots of fluff
As much as you would like to claim that it was a typical Friday night; to your absolute dismay you found it was proving to be quite the opposite. Instead of enjoying the night and going out with your boyfriend like you had previously planned to do - you were curled up on your bed.. in tears.
You told yourself earlier today that by now you would've pulled your shit together; atleast enough to go see Jim at the bowling alley like you had planned but.. of course, that didn't happen. Things never seemed to go according to plan as of lately.
You currently stayed buried under far too many blankets on your bed.. not bothering to watch TV or go on your phone (going on your phone would only force you to see all of the missed messages and calls you had gotten from Jim) so - you settled on listening to the stormy weather outside your window instead. Rain battering against your glass window helped distract you from your current unwanted, rational thoughts but.. it was soothing and distracting atleast. It helped you take your mind off of the problem you were currently dealing with.. which, had to do with your current state of being.
The past couple of days you had felt odd.. to say the least. At first you merely thought you were coming down with the flu; you had all of the symptoms. Like nausea, aches and pains.. but there was also some inconsistencies that started to make you question whether it was really the flu, because you didnt have a high temperature.. And thats when you conveniently missed your period.
You knew you didn't have the fucking flu.
A pregnancy test sat on your nightstand; the box it came in was discarded on the floor amongst other.. various trash. You had taken the test hours ago; and you were right about your suspicions of your illness not being the flu. The two pink lines on the pregnancy test confirmed your previous thoughts.. and that's what prompted your episode of you staying in your bed all day.
Your first instinct was to call Jim but.. you knew you couldn't do that. There was no fucking way you were ready to let him in on what was happening. You knew that you two were both completely unprepared to be parents; for multiple reasons. You were both extremely young, neither of you had super steady jobs and.. it just wasnt the right time. That's what you kept telling yourself anyway. The more you denied what was probably going to become your reality made you feel more in control and safe than how you currently felt.
However; you still were yearning to call Jim and to tell him to come over but you also didn't want to let him in on the fact that anything was wrong. He had more than enough on his plate as it was with his chaotic family (and even calling them chaotic was a nice way of putting it).. you knew that Jim didn't deserve to deal with how you were acting right now but; you were selfish. Even though you knew Jim would be better off not knowing, you still wanted nothing more than for him to hold you and tell you everything was going to be okay.. even if it was a lie.
Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted once you heard the front door of your house unlock and click open. You immediately jolted up in your bed and pushed your blankets off of you. Attempting to smooth out your clothes as fast as possible; immediately knowing that it had to be Jim Mason. After all, only one person had a key to your house besides you..
You heard his footsteps start to grow gradually louder as he approached your room.
"(Y/n)?" Jim's voice was loud and high pitched as he called out to you.
It startled you a bit to hear how concerned he sounded, but you quickly bounced out of bed and flew to the door - opening it quickly just to find Jim a foot away.
"Jim," you breathed out with relief.
You rushed over to him and greeted him with a harsh hug. Completely disregarding how startled he looked, and instead relishing in how truly happy you felt he was finally here.. but you knew that the complications of him being in your room with you now also meant he would know of your situation in no time at all. You knew there was absolutely no way you could hide it now.. fuck.
You felt one of his hands rub up and down your back - loosely following the curvature of your spine in a soothing way. You let yourself exhale a few shaky breaths; letting the anxiety leave you with every exhale as you tried to fully relax - knowing damn well that Jim was probably going to ask you for a explanation soon. You hesitated before breaking free from his arms to speak.
"How did you know to come?" You asked; your words spoken quietly and delicately.
You and Jim locked eyes as he stared at you - his blue eyes were swarmed with confusion. He looked at you as if he didn't know the answer to the question you had just asked; almost like you had spoken in a different language entirely.
"W-what do you mean? Of course I came.. we had a date tonight and I got worried when you no showed. Is everything okay?" he stumbled on his words; alluding to the fact that he felt uncertain in himself.
You felt your stomach drop as you heard his words. Oh fuck, your date. You and Jim's date was something you had totally forgotten about after seeing your test results.. you instantly felt horrible. The feelings of guilt, anxiety and fear that started to creep into your system was too overwhelming and too much to handle all at once. You took a few steps back from him; partially retreating back into your room.. hoping he wasnt here to solely yell at you or make you feel even guiltier than you already felt. 
"Holy shit. I totally forgot, Jim. I'm so sorry," you admitted; your voice cracking.
You were aware of how your words sounded like a pathetic excuse but.. you were hoping that Jim knew you better than to think that lowly of you. You wanted to say more to help your case but you knew you couldn't.. how could you even explain this situation to him without fully explaining?
Jim slowly approached you, only just to brush past your shoulder and go into your room. He stood close to the center, turning around and seemingly examining the objects and state of your room whilst you continued to stay underneath the doorframe. Watching him in horror as every sense of yours heightened with fear of what he was really doing or thinking.. praying he wouldn't see the pregnancy test you left stupidly on your nightstand.
Your chest was aching now with the unbearable amount of anxiety your heart was infected with. Sweat was starting to grow on your skin; everything nearly moving in slow motion as you watched Jim move to look at your nightstand and then-
"Your room is a mess," he says with a chuckle.
He turns to make eye contact with you for a split second before going over to your bed. Pushing your blankets off to the side  before sitting on the edge, and patting a spot off to his left - urging you to join him.
A soft laugh finds it's way to your lips as you exhale with glee and relief.. but you still try your best to act casual and nonchalant for the time being. You walk over and sit next to him, a bit closer than you had originally intended too but Jim automatically wraps an arm around your shoulders. Coercing your body to melt right next into his.
"I miss our date, and act like the worst fucking girlfriend in the world and all you have to say is that my room is a mess?" you said with a laugh.
Jim is quiet at first, but the newfound silence isn't awkward. However, before you can avert your gaze somewhere else - he puts a finger under your chin so that you're forced to make eye contact with him.
"Dont ever say that about yourself when you know that's not true. I would never think something like that about you."
The pain that lived in your heart so vividly only moments before, struck once more. It was clear as day that he was hurt, but it wasnt by your actions. It was your words that did the damage instead.
"I'm sorry, I just.. I'm not feeling the most like myself right now," you tried your best to not clench your jaw as you spoke.
You figured that from this point forward you were going to have to chose your words very carefully.. but you also knew that Jim deserved the truth.
You started to get restless with anxiety, even with Jim's arm still around you (which had now dropped south to your waist). You gaze fell down to your hands.. the urge to just stand up and escape this inevitable conversation that you knew was going to happen was stronger than ever; but you knew that if you were going to be honest with Jim - you had to start now. It was now or never. Jim seemed to notice that you had more to say because he stayed silent, watching you as you sat with your mouth ajar - trying to find the right words.
"I'm not sorry for just missing the date earlier.. There's something else," you sorely admit.
You felt sick with anxiety as you felt Jim's arm pull away from you.
"Something else?" He spoke timidly.
He stood up; taking a few steps backwards away from you as his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched. You knew you would have to speak fast before anger completely took over him.
"Yes but.. it's not what you think," you stood up and walked over to him.
You took his hands into yours.. pretending to try to not notice how he slightly recoiled from your touch - his hands limp as you held them.
"I've been feeling really different lately.. I've been sick.. and i know it's not the flu or the cold, Jim."
As soon as your words left your mouth - it was almost as if Jim knew exactly what you meant. It was nearly impossible to try to not laugh at his reaction - seeing how his entire demeanor changed so fast. You felt his grip start to tighten on your hands. His blue eyes suddenly held so much emotion and pure joy in them.. His happiness was so infectious that you couldn't help but to smile too.
"Wait.. Your-"
"Yeah. I'm pregnant," you spoke with a giggle.
Jim fully smiled this time and let out a loud, full laugh.
"You're pregnant?? Why didn't you tell me?"
He let go of your hands and enveloped you into a tight hug. You wrapped your arms around him without any hesitation; so happy that he was taking this news greatly but.. you still couldn't help but to feel sort of unsettled  still about how unprepared you two truly were.
You broke away from the hug; and took a step back. Nervously holding your hands together as you spoke.
"I mean.. we're so young, Jim. I wasnt sure this was something you even wanted, or that you would be ready for."
"Is this something that you want? And I mean in regards to us. This is a big deal and this would mean that-" Jim's voice started to shake as he spoke.
You almost could feel his insecurity seeping through his words. You knew exactly what he was getting at - this meant that you two would essentially be settling down. Previously in your life; the idea of settling down so early fucking terrified you but.. with Jim, you would be willing to do anything. As long as he was by your side, you weren't scared and you knew you had no reason to be. Everything happened for a reason and after all.. maybe this was the perfect time for this to happen. You and Jim had been through so much thus far - you knew you both deserved to have some stability and to have something that was genuinely good for once. Although the exact details of how you would make it work were still murky; living out the rest of your life in domestic bliss really didn't seem like the worst option at the moment.. If anything, it was starting to look like the best.
You put one finger up to his lips to shush him - looking at his light blue eyes before muttering, "shut up and kiss me, Jim Mason. Of course I want you."
Your finger fell off from his lips; and your hands gently moved to his face. Before your lips had even met- you felt his hands at your back. Pulling you in closer.. closer.. and closer until the distance between you two had completely dissipated. Your lips moved together at first in a tortuously, agonizingly slow manner. It was soft and tender; yet needy. As much as you wanted things to escalate and pick up -  you thrived in the delicious slow burn that Jim was putting you through.
All fear and anxiety you had previously felt completely melted away and was replaced with utter euphoria. Every fiber of your being felt as if it was on fire; you felt like you were glowing. Your senses being completely occupied with Jim only made your feelings of contentment grow. The smell of Jim (a mixed combination of the ocean, bonfire and cigarette smoke), the taste of Jim (which tasted faintly of energy drinks along with a bit of saltiness that was reminiscent of the ocean) made you feel like you were in heaven.  The one and only coherent thought that ran through your mind was: Jim, Jim, Jim.
Your hands moved from his soft, burning cheeks to his hair, while you let your other hand drop down to his back near his shoulders. Your fingers ran through his hair; pulling a bit on a few random strands when you felt his teeth sink into your bottom lip gently.. You heard a groan expel from his throat in response to this; which only made you smile into the kiss - and then giggle which of course; unfortunately ended you and Jim's kissing escapade. You two didn't fully pull apart from eachother though. Jim took a step or two back but he chose to hold onto your hands.. refusing to let you completely escape his embrace.
"I would be lying if I were to say I wasnt nervous, you know," he said.
You hesitated for a second before swiftly leaning in and kissing the side of his mouth - choosing to stay a little closer in proximity this time when you parted. If it wasnt for him bringing it up - you would've completely forgot the conversation you two were having prior to the kiss. Your hand resided on the side of his face as you looked into his eyes.
"Its okay. I'm nervous too but.. were in this together. Me and you," you stated with a reassuring smile which Jim only mirrored. 
"That's all I need," Jim replied softly.
You knew in that exact moment that you had absolutely no reason to dwell or worry about the future when you had someone like Jim to rely on. Even with the future being as uncertain as it currently was; having Jim's love was really all you needed.
Jim insisted to stay over for the night; even though you tried your best to assure him you'd be fine - he didn't believe you.. and your kind of glad he didn't. You quickly realized that trying to make solid plans for the future would be for another day; for when every time you tried to speak - Jim shut you up with a kiss but you weren't complaining.. how could you, when this is what you wanted so badly? The comfort of knowing you would have Jim forever by your side was enough to let you fully relax and melt into the moment with him.. and let the future become something that you could have dreams about later.
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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All of me. Chapter One [B.B.]
When she met him masterlist
Pairing: Winter soldier x Female Reader [Michelle]
Summary: In May 1954 two parallel worlds were to meet in Berlin. On the one hand yours, completely chaotic, on the other that of the Winter Soldier.
Warnings: Angst. Toxic relationship. Mind control. Winter Soldier.
Word count: 3075
A/N:  Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
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West Berlin. May 1954
The mirror showed a reflection you hadn’t stopped to contemplate in a long time. Rosy cheeks offered life and warmth to a pale face that seemed to have been forgotten. Your skin was smooth and the colour of porcelain, showing the youth that had just begun. Your eyes were highlighted by a greyish iris, which seemed to be complemented by blue drops, but as pale as your complexion. Your golden hair was tied back behind your face, but even so, a few strands stood up in rebellion, sliding down your forehead.
You moved closer to that imposing mirror, which was perched on the chest of drawers in that hotel room. It was then that you could see on your lips that the reddish lipstick had been fixed to perfection, offering a speck of colour to that ensemble that you formed in your totality. Your attention was diverted to the melody coming from the phonograph’s horn, however you could notice the presence of a person behind you reflected in the mirror itself. Those vermilion lips showed a smile, as the warmth of the male body pressed against your back. 
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life,” the whisper overpowered the music. “Tonight every man in the universe will know how lucky I am.”
A blush came over you, causing you to look away from his face through the mirror and lower your gaze, still smiling. It had been a few months since you had left behind everything you had known in your nineteen years, venturing out to suffer the indifference and rejection that the unknown future could bring. Your life in New York was a past that counterbalanced the pain and happiness of your younger years, but it did not offer you all that your inner self demanded, until he came along. Richard was a young British man of beauty, wit and chance, who had made a fortune in the tobacco world after the end of the Second World War. So you could say that it didn’t take long for you to notice him and for him to want you among his various properties. It was an accumulation of promises that entered your mind and led you to follow him to Europe without questioning their veracity, accepting the consequences that this meant for a young woman of your position in a world run by and for men. 
It had been many years since you 
had had a male figure to support or guide your decisions, as well as your purpose in life. The loss of your father during the Second World War made you acquire a mind of your own and make decisions of your own, which mostly used to be accepted by your sweet mother, but which in this case did not find a place in the audacity of your friends and family. Those who knew you thought that your judgement had been clouded or that you had only lost your mind because of your love for that gentleman.
Richard had made his appearance in New York City just a few months earlier. Your fates crossed in the New York night, during the presentation of a new Walker Motors Corporation internal combustion engine at the Edison Hotel, a milestone in the market. Richard was an external guest, invited by one of the company’s own partners, but you were invited by the leading eminence. It is worth noting that Charles Walker, director of WMC, has been friends with you since your childhood, which is why you attended the private party. However, it was not until midnight that Charles himself took it upon himself to introduce you, alluding that Richard had shown an exclusive interest in meeting you.
“Where is your mind?” Richard’s lips brushed your right earlobe.
His fingers rested on your neck and brushed aside a slight lock that fell across your collarbone to rest his lips on it. All the while you watched each of his movements in the mirror.
“I don’t want your mind to go elsewhere if I’m not in your thoughts,” that whisper sent a shudder around your body, as Richard’s lips continued to trail firmly down your neck.
You had been extremely decisive in agreeing to give yourself to a man you barely knew, or had any testimony about his past. But your mind was so dazzled by the hopes you had placed on him and his oaths that you had barely been able to consider the fact that something could go wrong.
The kissing stopped, which caused you to open your eyes again to find your own reflection. Richard turned away from your body for a moment to look inside his jacket. After a few seconds he pulled out a greenish rectangular box, which he opened without letting you see what was inside.
“Close your eyes,” the young man asked softly in your ear.
With little opposition you acted as he had instructed. A tingle tingled around your neck, which brought a subtle smile to your lips as you waited for Richard’s command to open your eyes again. However, it wasn’t until after he placed a brief kiss on your bare shoulder that you decided on your own to contemplate the object resting on your collarbones. Your lips parted in surprise, as an array of pearls lay upon you, illuminating practically the entire room. Your fingers slowly brushed each one of them, you hardly knew what to say, the only thing that came to your mind was the questioning of why about that detail.
“Tonight you will shine over the whole world,” Richard’s hands rested on your hips. “There won’t be anyone in Berlin, east or west, who doesn’t know who Michelle Wells is.”
You offered him a blushing smile as you stared at your figures in front of the mirror, those words giving you the encouragement you needed to face the performance that was to take place in a few hours.
Your ability on stage had been recognised in various clubs in New York, but you knew that the audience that night could not compare to the one you had had before. New York had been the pinnacle of jazz, and Harlem had been a favourite neighbourhood of its own creation, yet it was a far cry from anything you were used to.
A slight sigh came out of your mouth, showing the presence of your nervousness in such a situation. It was an unavoidable fact of life that you were thousands of miles away from your hometown, and even if you had made yourself think that you and Richard would find your own home, you couldn’t help but feel incomplete.
“Take everything out of your mind, leave it blank and just focus on you from this moment on,” the breath collided with your ear, creating a brief shiver down your spine. “Forget everything you have lived through, and all the people. You are the creator of your own destiny, and no one can stand in the way of that. Tonight may be the most important moment for your future. For our future.”
In that instant you turned around so that you could look directly into his eyes, those that depending on the light could appear blue or green. Under the dimness of the lamp the greenish hue could be found in them, but you barely noticed it because their proximity was cut short when he said those words, melting into a slow, passionate kiss before he left for the club.
Meanwhile, in East Berlin
A whitish light flickered faintly above him with each step down the long corridor. The silence was broken by the flickering tinkle and the sordid screams in the distance. The place felt like hell itself. However, if it really was hell, it was not as he had imagined it to be. The mist was pouring out of his nostrils with every exhalation, the cold was bordering on extreme. Yet he was unable to feel it in every part of his body. His gaze was impassive, as his ice-cold eyes seemed to be held in a sea of darkness. The road came to an end as the stiff iron gate cut him off. His footsteps slowed but did not stop, as a dull echo reported the opening of the gate, offering entrance to a new area.
The walls, as sturdy as the material of construction, stone, offered not a hint of light, for there were hardly any openings in them. The place had the characteristics of an underground bunker, with only a musty smell coming from the ceiling. His figure continued his march along the corridor, with a firm and decisive step, knowing where he was going. At that instant, a silhouette loomed on the right side, guarding a new entrance. That silhouette, noticing the presence that was heading towards him, moved away from in front of the door, opening the way for the man, who stopped in front of it until it opened.
“Oh, we’ve been expecting you, soldier,” said a German-accented voice from inside the room.
Unlike the corridor, there was a pleasant warmth in that room for anyone. However, he was no longer a person. The door closed behind him, preventing him from leaving, for he would have to face the four figures sitting at an oval table. One of them rose from his seat and slowly approached him with his hands behind his back, until they were facing each other.
“I believe the orders you have been given are clear soldier,” he observed curiously squinting at the young man. “Do you have any doubts?”
“No, sir,” a coldness crept into his voice from inside his throat, it seemed as if he had spent the last few months barely expressing a sound through it.
“That’s the way I like it,” that statement came along with an encouraging look from every part of the young soldier. “Kerkove will be in charge of taking you to the west side of Berlin. There you know what you have to do.”
The soldier merely nodded, processing all the data that had been offered to him hours before. The door opened again to let him out, just as he had entered, and the person in charge of his mission stood there. Over the past months he had carried out a number of other missions on the eastern front, but this was the first time he would be infiltrating the western zone, covered by American and British soldiers, which is why he was wearing an American infantry uniform, similar to that of his companion.
As he arrived outside, he realised that the night was clear, as the moon was in full bloom, a fact that could hinder the key points of the mission. Even so, he had to concentrate, since his first test would be the moment he wanted to cross the border, for although he was in the uniform of the American army, he had to pass himself off as one of them.
Fifteen and a half kilometres was the distance to be covered by car, before walking three kilometres to the point in question. The quietness fell upon him, sharing a constant blank stare, and with nothing else in his thoughts but each and every step to be taken that night. There were hardly any words between the two of them, until the moment they parted, as his companion informed him that they would meet again after four hours at the rendezvous point to carry out their extraction.
The ease with which he found himself in West Berlin in five minutes seemed absurd in the face of so much apparent control over the population itself. The tranquillity received on the other side of the wall caused a rupture in the new area, a commotion was generated as he walked towards the more central streets, entering the Berlin night. The movement of pedestrians and cars caused him to slow his steps, remembering his sense of mission ‘To blend in without being discovered’.
The streetlights illuminated the roads and the power of those lights fell on his face, generating a sense of uneasiness in the face of his own passivity. Groups of uniformed men walked along, mingling with the local population. He was curious as to where they were going, for the premises of the busy main street invited him to enter them. Those five soldiers in British uniforms, which he could distinguish by colours and badges, made their way to the pavement in front of him and then entered a place called 'Central Club’.
After looking around, he could not think of a better situation than to take the same path and thus discover their frequent activities. With the proximity to the place, he noticed the melody that could be heard behind the door, which became more and more noticeable after opening it. An unfamiliar smell hit his face as he stepped inside. Warm brown tones met his gaze as did long descending staircases. Hesitantly he descended each step, incorporating the smell of aniseed liqueur into his senses as the notes coming from those instruments became more constant. A greenish curtain gave way to the hall, which was unexpectedly packed with people. Its tables were completely crowded and the noise mixed with the melody hardly let him think in those moments. He looked around as a boy bumped into him trying to get in. His gaze fell on the bar on the right-hand side, intending to sit down and take in the area at his leisure. Nearby he could find an empty stool catching the attention of the bartender himself.
"What will you have?” he asked as he wiped a glass of champagne between his hands “Is this your first time at the Central Club?”
The soldier nodded, half-opening his lips, for he had scarcely noticed his presence.
“Then you must try our special aniseed and ginger cocktail,” the waiter began to serve him after watching the boy nod. “I suppose you’ve come for her, haven’t you? We haven’t had the club this full since before the war, she’s a real gem, I envy the man who gets her.”
The soldier paid little attention to his words, but nodded at every comment he offered, for he had not yet been able to adjust to the atmosphere generated by the crowd. Music was still playing on the circular wooden stage in the background. A band was providing entertainment, showing off their merits with a piano, drums, bass and saxophone. However, due to the noise it was impossible to hear them.
He took the glass that the man had prepared for him a few minutes ago and brought it to his lips, making his throat burn with every drop that fell through it. His senses were amplified and the warmth was rising from within him. She turned to the man behind the bar to inform him to refill the glass, for if he was to blend in he hoped to do so as everyone else in the place did.
The music stopped and male words came from the stage. The soldier barely noticed. However, the deafening noise of applause and cheers made him look towards the back of the room. A female figure appeared as if out of nowhere before his very eyes. After she came on stage, silence fell, reminding him of peace. The spotlights created an aura of divinity around the young woman that abstracted any of his own thoughts as soon as he beheld her. Her crimson lips could be glimpsed from every corner of the club, making the blood burn under those uniforms.
Time had stood still for a few moments, for the slowness with which such an event unfolded before his eyes was apparent. The girl slowly brought her fingers around the microphone to bring it closer to her mouth, as she set the rhythm by snapping her fingers to the melody of the bass. That was the moment when the soldier became a man, his reasoning engaged in a constant struggle against his experience. That voice had taken over his thoughts and was the only thing he could hear inside him. The melody had awakened a sliver of his memories, but he had not yet realised that fact. The hole of darkness that made him up had found a flame to illuminate it. 
“All of me
Why not take all of me?
Can’t you see?
I’m no good without you”
His muscles had relaxed as the minutes passed. His lips were parted and his eyes were completely lost in hers. For an instant he thought he could feel their paths meet, holding her gaze, a fact that generated a throbbing in his heart that he did not seem to possess. In a subtle blink of an eye, barely noticing it, the girl finished her song and lost his vision as everyone in the room rose to their feet to applaud her, but he did not. He preferred to keep his gaze lost trying to glimpse what had just happened in those moments, as his mission became present in him again.
“It’s a wonder,” the bartender interjected.  "A woman with a voice like that can’t possibly go unnoticed. I think I could listen to her for the rest of my life, and watch her too. You know what I mean.“
The soldier just sipped the last of the liquor in his glass and turned his attention back to the group of men in British uniforms who had led him there. They seemed to be in a hurry to leave again, so he took a note from his pocket and without looking back left it on the bar to follow them. From that moment on, his evening was based on analysing each of the places they frequented and the activities they carried out, making the odd brief conversation, and letting himself be seen in the area. He did not have a chance to think about the heady moment he had experienced until he returned to the bunker and was asked for all the information he had collected. However, although a new memory had settled in his mind, he was unable to express his encounter with you.
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kaitoujokerscans · 3 years
The Night the Silver Cape is Set Ablaze CH5
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<5> Spade's Preoccupation
Around the same time, the Twin Thunder Shark was cruising over somewhere else. It was a dark, moonless night. Spade and Dark Eye were sitting next to each other in the pilot seats. They were on a course for the holding place of a treasure they had sent out advance notice for. Spade glanced outside the window to the side. I'm feeling unsettled...
Ever since he had visited Joker's place, Spade's mind had been clouded over. Not because Joker had refused his generosity. He hadn't expected to manage a decent talk with Joker in the first place. What unsettled Spade was how an advance notice had been delivered to Joker from Noir. He had adjusted the story for Joker at the time, but actually, what Spade received wasn't an advance notice.
Spade recalled the letter from Noir.
 To Phantom Thief Spade,
I've heard your skills are top-notch among phantom thieves. I would like to ask your assistance.
-Phantom Thief Noir
 Of course, he was suspicious of the letter from the moment it arrived. Spade wouldn't be deceived by compliments. Joker came to mind immediately.
Is this one of Joker's pranks? Is he just trying to get a laugh at my expense when he sees me take up this offer without paying any heed...?
Then I'll just have to make the first move myself.
Spade had gone out to visit him with full conviction, but not only was it not Joker's doing, an advance notice had been sent from Noir to Joker as well.
Somehow, he felt as if he had lost. This "Noir" enigma was challenging Joker, and he was attempting to recruit Spade for it. Did he think he would be easier to manage? He considered Joker an enemy, yet wouldn't consider Spade as one.
That's why I lied on the spot...
Hearing his name called suddenly, Spade snapped back.
"Kyo kyo, we'll be arriving shortly..."
"Ah, all right."
Spade overlooked the scenery beneath the front window. A small island floated in the middle of a dark ocean. The circular island was completely built over and looked like a maritime citadel. Rightly so, as this was the "Miral Fort Hotel", a former fortress remodeled into a hotel.
Sitting in the middle of the ocean, its manmade appearance gave it an imposing and out-of-place atmosphere. Yet as it was surrounded on all 360 degrees by water and removed from the bustle of the city, it was popular with rich people who wanted rare quiet. In spite of the exorbitant lodging fee, it was booked years in advance. He had come to steal a jewel from a wealthy woman who was staying there.
"..." Spade took a quick breath. "I need to discipline myself better..." he whispered. A letter that could have been a mere prank had him ruffled. Enough of that, don't even start. I have to focus on my thief work...
Beside him, Dark Eye peered over. "Kyo kyo, Spade-sama? Is something the matter?"
"No, it's nothing. It's about time to go."
"Indeed. Shall I still follow the plan you outlined earlier?"
"Yes, that will do."
"Then let us depart," said Dark Eye, putting on a head-to-toe black suit and a black backpack to blend into the dark of night. Then they carefully adjusted the hand of their wristwatch.
"All right, mission start."
Spade pushed a button and the floor opened up beneath them. Still upright, the pair dropped. Their silhouettes were silently swallowed up by the darkness of night.
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In one of the hotel's rooms, a man observed the dark sea. A thin plume of purple smoke rose from the cigar in his mouth. The man shifted his attention to the advance notice in his hand.
 Tonight, I will steal the 'Octopus Turquoise' from the lady staying at the Miral Fort Hotel.
-Phantom Thief Spade
 "..." Without a word, the man lit the advance notice with his cigar and flung it into the ashtray. The advance notice burned silently.
"Ohohohoho, so it seems not even Phantom Thief Spade is able to come to this remote island!" Behind the man, a wealthy-looking lady laughed. Though she spoke elegantly, her words had an obnoxious ring. "It was worth renting out this secluded hotel. Even if he does manage to enter, he'll be caught in short order."
"Yes, exactly so." The man exhaled another puff of smoke out his mouth. The cigar smoke silently rose toward the ceiling of the luxurious room.
They were in the hotel's biggest suite. The spacious living room was in a circular shape and was furnished with a large bed and expensive fittings. Sitting in the middle of it all was the predictably octopus-shaped, shining blue gem, the Octopus Turquoise.
The lady addressed the man. "White Hawk, I'm paying you a considerable sum. Do your job well."
"Understood, madam. I may be your bodyguard at the moment, but I am a professional bounty hunter. There are people out there who will pay a hefty reward if I capture Phantom Thief Spade." The man called White Hawk looked at the lady and smirked. Hawk was a notorious bounty hunter. He was a well-built man, with upright silver hair and a military-esque uniform. He wore a patch over his right eye, and a big scar ran over his left cheek. These were proof that he was a seasoned warrior. Most of all, the powerful teeth clenching the thick cigar alluded to Hawk's fortitude.
"I'm the strongest bounty hunter out there! Ain't that right!"
The tall flunky standing beside Hawk answered with vigor. "Yes! White Hawk-sama is the strongest!"
"I sure am! Hah hah hah!" Hawk guffawed.
"Oho, it's an honor to fight someone who boasts to be the strongest."
The voice came from the doorway. Who knows when he had gotten there, but Spade was standing at the entrance to the room.
"You! How did you get there!?"
"How? I just waltzed right in from outside."
"You couldn't have... My men were out there..."
"Those were your men? I was trying to not get my hair tangled while fighting and still swatted them down one after another. I would have hoped you could assemble some more formidable footsoldiers," Spade said, glancing at the flunky standing next to Hawk. The tall, unreliable-looking flunky let out an "e-eek!"
Hawk clicked his tongue and glared at Spade. "Tch... well, fine. I'll just capture you myself, right here. You're wanted alive. Count yourself lucky!" he bellowed, before running toward Spade. The tip of his smoldering cigar still poking out of his fist, he threw a punch at Spade. Spade nimbly dodged the blow and leapt back. Taking his small gun out of its holster, he aimed it at Hawk.
"Ice Shot!" Blue-white beams fired from Spade's gun, hitting Hawk's cigar. The cigar's flame was immediately extinguished, and its tip was frozen solid.
"Fire's weak to water. To ice, even more so. Everybody knows that."
"Ghh, then how about this!" Hawk said, taking out multiple cigars from his pocket and scattering them over the floor. The cigar tips crackled and sparked. They were bombs!
But Spade wasn't bothered and let loose a fusillade at each and every cigar with his Ice Shot. In moments, all of the bombs were silenced.
"Your moves won't work on me. There's no better matchup than fire and ice." Spade chuckled. "Well, enough playing around. I'm going after my target now."
Spade took a look at his wristwatch and counted down. "3, 2, 1... lights off!"
Right on cue, the lights in the room crackled off. In a moment the whole place had gone completely dark. There was no light coming in from the window, either. After all, outside was the nighttime sea, devoid of even a single light.
"Perfect timing, Dark Eye," murmured Spade. Dark Eye had snuck into the hotel's electrical room and shut off power to all rooms, just as scheduled.
All right, time to take the treasure... Spade relied on his memory to navigate through the darkness, just before he saw a small ember. "...!?" Spade quickly moved himself out of the way, narrowly avoiding the ember.
"Tch!" He heard Hawk click his tongue nearby. Spade swiftly crouched down and stepped away. He heard Hawk's voice come from the darkness. "Phantom Thief Spade... did you think that cigars were the only thing up this bounty hunter's sleeve? My hearing's sharp enough that I can find wherever you are, even in this darkness. So much as twitch and you're done for!"
He's got me... Spade kept down and silenced his breathing. If he made the slightest sound, Hawk would find him. Still, not moving at all would get him nowhere. Spade slowly reached for his holster.
He'll get to me in a matter of seconds. Can I fire off my Ice Shot before that...? Spade recalled the room's layout with perfect detail. Okay...! He reached for his holster, rapidly now, and grabbed his Ice Shot. There was a slight rattle.
"There you are!" he heard Hawk say in the dark. His fist, with a cigar stuck between its fingers, was flying right toward Spade. Spade fired his Ice Shot, but it went off in the completely wrong direction.
"Ha ha ha! Where do you think you're aiming!?" In the darkness, Hawk's cigar-stuffed fist swung. Its embers were just about to singe Spade's cheek — but before it could connect, Spade vanished and Hawk's punch jabbed through air. "W-What the heck!?"
Hawk immediately pricked up his ears. But he couldn't hear Spade's footsteps. Instead he heard something sliding around the room.
"What's that sound?"
Spade had to be the one making it, but it was too fast. It was like he was circling around the whole room...
Just then, the room's lights crackled back on. Hit by the sudden flood of brightness, Hawk squinted. Within the rays, he saw Spade at the entrance to the room, holding the Octopus Turquoise and smiling.
"Heh heh, as promised, I've taken the treasure."
"M-My Octopus Turquoise!" Behind Hawk, the lady shrieked.
"You fop, how did you...!?" Hawk started, before seeing something glimmer in his peripheral vision. "W-What is this!?"
Hawk looked around and saw a meter-wide line of ice on the walls around the perimeter of the circular room. The line of ice stretched from the doorway where Spade was all the way to the back where the lady was at, making a complete loop.
"It's a line of ice I made with my Ice Shot. I suppose the easiest way to explain is that it's a makeshift skating rink."
"A what?"
Spade lifted up his leg. Now that he could see better, there was a blade like the kind used on ice skates on the bottom of his shoe. "I skated atop the line with these shoes while I was still making it with my Ice Shot. With enough speed, centrifugal force allowed me to skate on the walls to some degree. And of course, I picked up the treasure while I was at it!"
"Ghh...!" Hawk grimaced, biting down on his cigar.
"I'll be taking the treasure, then. Adios!" Spade turned around and jumped out the window in the room. He quickly blew a bubble of Balloon Gum and floated up toward the darkness of night. Behind him, he heard Hawk's voice, yelling "Wait!" at him.
As he steadily ascended toward the Twin Thunder Shark where Dark Eye was waiting, Spade was feeling refreshed, as if a load had been lifted off his chest. The phantom thief business truly is great... It was like all that doubt and second-guessing earlier had never even happened.
That was when...
For a split second, Spade let down his guard. He heard a pop, and a moment later realized that his Balloon Gum had burst. "!?" He looked and saw Hawk on the hotel roof, brandishing a gun. Hawk fixed his sights, taking aim for Spade. Spade's body had started to fall. He was a sitting duck.
Oh shoot...! Spade hurriedly tried to inflate another Balloon Gum, but he got off-balance and the gum fell out of his pocket. "Aaah!"
Looking again, Hawk was aiming directly at Spade. His finger was on the trigger. "You're not getting away, Phantom Thief Spade!"
"Ghh...!" Spade thought it was all over, but just then...
Everything went black, and he felt his body being gently held up.
"Are you all right?" It was a man's voice; one he had never heard before. Whoever it belonged to, he was somehow floating in the air.
"Haah!" The man held up a knife and threw it with force. Hawk's resulting scream echoing from the rooftop was just barely audible. "You're okay now."
Reassured by the voice, Spade's body warmed. When Spade was shocked by something, he became feverish. Then a wiry arm drugged Spade with something. Spade's consciousness slowly floated away.
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Spade awoke to a chilly breeze on his cheek.
He glanced around and saw that he was in a dark, cold room, with a faint shaft of moonlight beaming in from the window. It seemed to be some kind of decrepit house, but with so little light, he couldn't see the whole room. Spade himself was lying down on a small platform.
"...Spade-kun, how do you do. This is my hideout. So as to keep the location secret, I put you to sleep for a little while," came a voice from the darkness. It was a low, monotone voice... the same one that had saved Spade.
"My name is Noir. I sent you a letter."
"I see..." So I was saved by Noir. Spade slowly sat up. "Thank you for what you did. I was careless..."
"Hm..." Noir didn't respond. Spade went ahead and asked the question on his mind.
"Why did you send me that letter? What do you want my assistance for?"
"Oh yes... that was a mistake."
"A mistake?"
"I intended to steal a treasure from Joker and, with your help, defeat Silver Heart. However, it appears I overestimated you."
"What? Defeat my master...?" Hearing all this, Spade wasn't even sure where to start.
"You and I have similar circumstances. Thus I believed that you would be willing to help me defeat Silver Heart. Seeing as you are Joker's rival, I thought sure that you would be motivated if I showed you this treasure I stole from Joker."
"You took a treasure from Joker!?" Spade exclaimed. In the dark, a red gemstone caught the light of the moon and gleamed. It was the Crimson Crystal which Joker had stolen from Kaneari. "That's..."
"I won it from Joker in a minute-long match. For me, something such as this is child's play. However, Silver Heart will not be as simple."
"Aha. You have confidence in your skills. You're planning to challenge my master to a match?"
"That's correct. I will never forgive him."
"I don't know what happened between you and Master. But do you really think I would assist with that?" Spade said with a faint smile. Even if he had beaten Joker, he certainly wouldn't help him fight against his master.
"That makes sense... Regardless, I no longer have any need for you."
"That theft you just did. You stayed calm and collected through most of it, but at the very end, you let down your guard. That could have been a fatal mistake."
"That was because..." I can't say it was because the letter he sent was bothering me. That's just an excuse.
"My apologies, but I rescind what I said in the letter. I do not need your assistance. I would be better off with Joker, who chose to fight against me."
"Say what..." Spade's eyes flashed with anger as he glared into the dark. "Show yourself! I'll prove to you here and now that I'm not inferior to Joker!"
"Heh heh, I am not in the habit of showing myself to those I deem unworthy..."
"Ghh... Unworthy, you say..."
But Spade knew that he couldn't fight here anyway. His body was still warm, and just getting up made his head feel dizzy.
"Farewell then, Phantom Thief Spade. Return this to Joker for me, if you would," Noir told him, placing the Crimson Crystal on a side table. "It's unlikely that we will meet again. Go ahead and chase behind Joker forever..." he said before apparently walking out. Then in a voice too low for Spade to hear, he spoke to himself. "I'm not like you..." Noir's footsteps faded away into the darkness.
"Wait! Take that back!"
But Noir didn't respond to Spade's shout. Soon enough, he could no longer hear the footsteps.
"Ghh..." Spade balled up a fist and slammed it onto the table. It made a heavy thud, and pain coursed through Spade's hand. He gnashed his teeth, the frustration heating up his body even more. "Phantom Thief... Noir......!" he wrung out.
Then with a great clamor, Dark Eye came in to his rescue exclaiming "Spade-sama!", but their voice didn't reach Spade's ears.
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capaimagines · 4 years
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jackson wang - forever yours pt.2
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader | Genre: angst & fluff | Warnings: mentions of anxiety & depression, heartache | WC: 1.5k
Request:  Can you post a part 2 of forever yours? Thank youuuu ❤
part one
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You looked at yourself in the mirror, eyeing the baby blue dress that adorned your frame. It was always Jackson’s favorite color on you. Your makeup was matching and you looked good yet you didn’t feel too good. It had been almost a year since you last saw Jackson. Since he walked out of your once shared apartment with tears streaming down his face.
You felt the familiar burn of tears in your eyes and quickly blinked them away, not wanting to ruin your makeup; you could do that later. You thought the tears had dried up, that they were long gone because all you had done for months after your breakup was cry until you fell asleep. You hadn’t handled it well and you knew you weren’t going too.
You weren’t keeping tabs on him necessarily, but you wouldn’t scroll past a new article posted about him. You had yet to shut your notifications off for when he would tweet something or post a new picture on Instagram. You wanted to make sure he was doing okay, that he was still working towards what he always wanted.
From the pictures and tweets, it seemed that he was doing okay. You didn’t know if that hurt or not. Of course, you wanted him to be doing well. To have put you in the past and not given you and him a second thought, but at the same time, you wanted to know if he had hurt like you did.  Like you still were.
You had still kept in touch with his members, after all, they were your friends now too. You did try to keep some distance after the break up, didn’t want them to feel like they needed to choose between you two even though you know they would choose him always. Just like you would. 
You had tried going out on dates set up by your other friends, but they never lasted long or turned into anything more. None of them were Jackson. You had graduated and you had just received an offer for a position in your dream company. While your happiness and love life may have taken a toll, you had achieved your dream. Your goal. Unfortunately, while you had pictured that moment with Jackson by your side, he wasn’t.
Jaebeom had called you one day, asking to come over. The premise was that he just wanted to check-in, to see how you were fairing and that you were okay. You knew none of them fully believed you were okay, but they never seemed to question it, knowing it was something they couldn’t help you get over. That was something you had to do yourself. You happily agreed to have him come by.
When he came over, he had handed you a ticket to the award show they were going to be performing at in a few weeks. He wanted you to come, the others were missing you and while he didn’t say it directly, you knew he meant Jackson. To say you were surprised was a bit of an understatement. You had never planned on ever going to anything they were at.
If Jackson still was hurting as much as you, you didn’t want to make it worse. You didn’t want to throw him off or have that heartbreak in the forefront of his mind while he tried to put on his idol appearance. You wanted to see him though and you hesitantly agreed. Jaebeom was relieved.  Seeing you and Jackson the past year had torn him apart.
Jackson was not okay even though his social media seemed to portray differently. He was quieter, more reserved. He still worked hard and gave everything his all but the spark in his eyes had gone out. Sure, he was happy doing what he loved, but he wasn’t happy that the one he loved wasn’t there to experience it with him.
For months after your breakup, it was Jaebeom who sat at Jackson’s home consoling him.  Letting him sob his eyes out, scream at whatever higher power there was that could do this to him. That could make someone feel so much pain. It was Jaebeom who was quite literally holding Jackson up when he would cry everything he had left in him out for hours upon hours.
“He still loves you, you know,” You looked at Jaebeom with wide eyes. 
Of course, you knew that. Even if it had ended differently you knew that you two would always hold love for each other. There was no possible way you couldn’t, but to hear it, to actually hear that he still thought about you, that he still loves you, sent a pain to your heart.
You had stumbled, tears cascading down your cheeks and just like he had done with Jackson before, Jaebeom held you up and let you cry. Even if you coming to the show didn’t resolve anything, at least you two could have some type of closure. That was Jaebeom’s wish, as well as the rest of the members.
So, here you were, sitting backstage in GOT7’s waiting room. Watching them on the screen perform and seeing Jackson made your heart swell, with love and with hurt. You didn’t know how much it would hurt to see him again, even if it wasn’t physically. He did look different.
He still had his bright smile, still performed like it was the last thing on earth but you could see it.  The light in his eyes was gone, he had gotten a little thinner, his hair had grown out and you were pretty positive it wasn’t because he just wanted a new look. You would know, you didn’t go out for something as simple as a haircut until a month after the breakup.
Then, they won an award, Jackson seemed happy enough, but you could tell his smile didn’t reach his eyes. That’s when you knew; you knew he couldn’t see you. It would only bring more torment to what you knew his brain was already giving him. You stood up abruptly, some of the staff giving you weird looks.
You needed to leave before they had gotten back to the dressing room. You couldn’t do this to him. He still had dreams and goals he was working towards and you couldn’t be the roadblock.  You quickly scribbled a note, slipping it into the pocket of what you knew was his jacket and ran out. You couldn’t do this to him again, to yourself.
Jackson thought he saw a flash of baby blue turn the corner, but when he looked there was nothing. He blinked a few more times alluding that his eyes must be playing tricks on him. They walked into the dressing room and he saw Jaebeom’s face fall and he nudged him.  
“What’s with the face? We won!” He cheered and Jaebeom quickly changed his facial expression, nodding.  
“Hm, you’re right,” He sighed.
They changed their clothes and eventually headed out. The others wanted to go out and celebrate with some drinks, but Jackson declined. He just wanted to go home and sleep because he felt utterly exhausted. Jaebeom tried to convince him to come for just an hour but Jackson shook his head and clapped him on the back.  
“No thanks, hyung. I’m not really feeling up to it, maybe another day though.”
As he shoved his hands into his pockets, his face scrunched up in confusion. He didn’t remember leaving scrap paper in his pocket. He pulled it out and opened the folded paper, stopping in his tracks and breath faltering. He knew that handwriting. His mind quickly replayed the glimpse of blue he thought he saw running around a corner earlier.
He read the note quickly, turning on his heels and running back into the building. He was quickly walking around all the hallways, eyes searching wildly for the girl he hasn’t seen in almost a year. You had to still be here. You had too. He felt the burn of tears in his eyes, the frustration bubble up that you had been right there and he had no idea.
“Jackson?” It was Jaebeom and Jackson couldn’t help it anymore. He fell into his chest and Jaebeom held strong, held him.  
“What’s wrong Jacks?” Jackson couldn’t speak, only letting the tears and sobs take over any noises or words he could think. His shaky hands held up the note he had found in his pocket.  Jaebeom took it and read it quickly, frowning and taking Jackson away from prying eyes, “Let’s get you home, okay?”
He hastily threw the note into a trash can, feeling his heart break all over again for his best friend.
I am so, so proud of you, Jacks. I’m really sorry I couldn’t stay, but you know why. I’ll always watch over you and I’ll be waiting for the day we can both be happy again, even if that means not being together. Keep working hard, love.  Don’t ever let your spark die. It’s one of the things I love most about you. I love you, I really do, but it’s time for the both of us to let go.
Forever yours,
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I had a dream about rottmnt and pirates of the caribbean (hey at least I’m consistent with my nonsense)
More specifically, I had a dream that I was reading a fanfiction about rottmnt and pirates of the caribbean. (Well- it was rottmnt in a pirate universe, I’m pretty sure that there was only one fully pirates of the caribbean character, and he was just a mix of the two comic relief from the original black pearl crew. The ones I can’t remember the names of rn, but they’ve shown up in every movie so far, and one of them looses an eye constantly)
I don’t remember all the specifics, but I remember being really enthralled by the plot.
It followed Leo mostly, he was swashbuckling and always one step ahead of everyone else. He sailed alone on his own ship on a search for treasure.
He made deals with other pirates to gain maps and insider information (and to get out of sticky situations). However, Leo was also hiding from another pirate crew. They had basically taken over the seas and was the only one who knew where the treasure was.
Now, while Leo mostly used his wit to convince others to do the dirty work, and gain info on things, his greatest success he figured out all by himself. There was a letter that his father gave him before he died. As well as the letter goodbye, it contained a map and a poem. Leo had followed the map, thinking that it would lead him to this great treasure, but instead it lead him to a giant cliff, no treasure in sight.
Leo was thoroughly disheartened, because this was his final lead to find that treasure. He looks at the poem that came with the map and is further depressed because it says something along the lines of “when you’re out of options, the waves will always welcome” So it seems like his father is telling him from beyond the grave to end it. But then he has an idea, what if the treasure is underwater and that’s why he can’t see it? He takes the dive.
Now, there isn’t any treasure, but he finds an Pirate haven. A bar with multiple floors, gin, and a rule against fights. The only way to get in is through an underwater cave. Leo nearly drowns trying to get in. There are pirates there that Leo has never met before, and with new faces comes new information.
Among those new faces he meets that comic relief character I mentioned earlier and Mikey.
They get along fabulously and they become great friends (I’m pretty sure the four turtle bros are brothers in this too, but they just don’t know it. Maybe that’s the treasure Leo’s father wanted him to find)
Insert miscellaneous adventure I don’t remember here for bonding purposes.
Eventually, the haven is attacked by that evil pirate crew that took over the seas. (Its not Leo’s fault, I checked) and the whole place is ransacked. That comic relief guy lost his glass eye (it’s on the second floor) nearly everyone is killed, and the whole bar is gutted for anything valuable.
Only Leo, Mikey, and that one guy make it out alive. They go their separate ways after that for whatever reason but now Leo wants revenge on this other pirate crew.
Insert other miscellaneous adventure here for timeline purposes
Leo eventually meets up with comic relief, and offers to get his eye back in return for a ship and help taking down the evil pirate crew (oh yeah, forgot to mention, comic relief guy is a captain in this). He agrees, and Leo sets out back to the secret underwater cave.
Now, while Leo was doing all that, Mikey was having an adventure of his own, at some point he met Raph, who was also a captain of a ship. Mikey was sure to tell Raph all about Leo. I truly can’t remember what their adventure was, but I remember that it ended with them fighting the Evil pirate crew very close by to the secret cave.
Something I neglected to mention, is that while the turtle bros didn’t have mystic weapons they did have mystic powers. Leo’s was that he could teleport under very specific circumstances that I don’t remember (it’s probably drowning) and he can know with certainty where something is, if he’s been to that place before. That’s how he knew where the eye was.
So Leo gets to the cliff where the cave is, and immediately jumps into the, now nearly frozen water (it’s night, and it’s winter) Mikey and Raph see this, and promptly freak out because of aforementioned nearly frozen water (also Raph doesn’t know about the secret cave, and mikey knows that it’s closed off) so they rush off to save Leo.
When they get there, Leo is pretty much unconscious in the water and his pulse is very slow, he isn’t really breathing. Mikey and Raph understandably freak out. And they do so for several moments before they’re surrounded by a glowing blue light, and the three are teleported inside the secret cave, to the second floor, right next to the eye. Mikey and Raph freak our further (raph finds out about the secret cave) but somehow Leo wakes up, they hug, Leo properly meets Raph, and he gets the eye.
All seems to be going well, until the ceiling collapses and the whole place starts filling with water. The theee nearly make it out still breathing, and see that the reason for the cave in was because the Evil Crew shot a cannon at the cliff trying to lure them out.
It’s finally time for the final showdown.
Now, before I continue, I’d like to point out how built up Donnie had been at this point in the story. He was the final missing brother, he had been alluded too in ever single arc, and the author made it clear that THIS was it. In the next chapter Donnie would finally show up. But they did so in way, that none of the readers knew in what role he would show up in. Would he save the brothers? Was he on the Evil crew? Was he pirate? Was he maGiC? Did he know where or what the treasure was??
And then I woke up.
FUCKING WHAT?!??!??!????!???
You have no idea how much it KILLS me that I don’t know how it ended. For the first few moments when I woke up, I thought the story was real and I thought “oh, I should go read that to see how it ends” but it’s not and I’m so sad.
I want to see the conclusion!!!! Do they find the treasure??? What’s Donnie’s deal???? Do they defeat the Evil Crew????? Why did Leo even care to get the eye back, was it important????? Did Leo’s father know the other brothers???? Are they brothers at all????
If you managed to make it this far, you’re probably invested as well, and I’d just like to say, I understand your pain of not getting to see how it ends. I’m sorry.
Also, sorry for the long post, I wanted y’all to share my pain.
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sepublic · 4 years
The Season Finale Promo...!
           New promo! The Season Finale promo, my heart can NOT take this…!
           We get our very traumatic flashback to Eda’s transformation… Then we have a close-up shot of an Emperor’s Guard doing the drums! It’s probably a parade making a big announcement that YO, Eda the Owl Lady, the allegedly most powerful Witch on the Boiling Isles, has fallen to Emperor Belos! That’s right people if you think you had a chance against him before, well- Not anymore! Considering how young his reign is, Belos is 100% taking any chance to solidify and make it look good.
           We see the book from the previous image, and I was right! It’s Belos! We get some little snippets of text, I can catch, “Belos…”, “The Savage Ages”, “from that and his past remains [unknown]”, “Savage Ages caused”, and “many people have proved willing to”… Obviously it’s making a big deal what an allegedly benevolent civilizer he is, how nobody knows where Belos came from (of course), and that if I had to guess, many were willing to fall in line with his Coven System! While I have no doubt that Belos had his fair share of voluntary supporters, I also wonder about, you know… Just how many WEREN’T in line. We also see him surrounded by flame, which further alludes to the fire in his throne room, as well as his implied genocides and executions!
           We have Eda being released from Lilith’s bubble into the throne room of Belos, likely our first scene looking back at her since Agony of a Witch… And then we have King warning Luz against her crusade against Belos! We have a better look at the book cover, it’s called “The unauthorized Boiling Isles history,” yet it has the Emperor’s Coven symbol behind it? Did the EC spread its propaganda as having been the always-hidden truth, or is this someone basically taking the symbol of the EC and slapping a title over that screams, “Yeah these guys are SKETCHY, here’s why!”
           The author’s name has been faded out, which only makes me more curious, but it’s also possible this won’t matter! There are no doubt many of who have defied him in the past and died… Regardless, we also get our code at the bottom of the cover, which- Whoops! It’s Blood, I guessed, you guessed it, we ALL guessed it! It’s Lilith, she’s the betrayal of blood.
           NOW we have a shot of Belos with blue eyes, and I think these are his ‘regular’ eyes, because we can actually see his pupils (instead of them being drowned-out amidst the energy of a palisman’s bile)! His eyes are IDENTICAL to those of an Emperor’s Guard, which really makes me wonder if they’re the same species as him, or homunculu off-shoots made in his image? Regular Boiling Isles residents transformed by Belos’ brand to fit his ideal mold as magic-less enforcers? Or for all we know he stole the eyes of some poor Emperor’s Guard to replace his own… THAT would be a freaky thought, because…
           We see him in what could be another section of his castle (there seems to be some weird, organic thing in the bottom-left corner), manifesting behind Luz initially as some… Mixed-up blob version of himself that properly solidifies into his ACTUAL intended shape! This practically confirms for me that Belos’ body isn’t all that well put-together, but there’s at least some benefit to this perhaps? Mostly it seems to be a hindrance to him. You know, I wonder if there’s some symbolism about a character who forces people to fit into a specific mold, having to do the same literally with his own deteriorating body…
           What’s interesting is that he’s glowing RED when he manifests behind Luz, who KNOWS she’s messed up! Is this his natural spell-color, does this come from the Titan or some other previous victim? Regardless, the way he seems to form from the floor, this makes me wonder if the castle is essentially just another extension of him (as seen with his “I will know” line from earlier), and that because it’s a part of Belos, his body can just… disseminate within the structure and reassemble itself as it pleases!
His VA calls him ‘omnipotent’, I have to wonder if this is the result of his connection to the Titan’s Heart, and possibly the rest of the Boiling Isles; Like he can form ANYWHERE from the earth, which when coupled with my speculation about the growing limbs… It makes me wonder if Belos is basically destroying his body and constantly recreating/growing it from the ground-up to ‘teleport’! Pretty metal…
We have Luz not caring about Belos’ status, and GOOD FOR HER! She’s always had misguided optimism sure, but she’s also been someone who will take on the odds when she KNOWS what she’s doing is right! I love that defiant confidence, that she’ll give people space and room and be kind and gentle, but when it gets down to it she’s tougher than anyone else! You go, girl! I just… WANT her to go apeshit, Luz deserves it just this once, to utterly wreck her enemies!
Then we have Luz hiding as the same dude who reported on the Greater Basilisk attacks is on some orbs, announcing stuff –possibly Eda’s capture, Luz’s arrest warrant, a new big announcement by Belos for the next stage of his plan- and I have to wonder if Luz has a Wanted Poster now as well. Granted, if she did it’s a bit weird that the Emperor’s Coven didn’t bother capturing her back when she was RIGHT there at the end of Agony of a Witch… But at the same time, Luz roaming about might come as an alarm especially if she’s trying to sneak somewhere, so we’ll see.
We see Lilith by herself, holding Eda’s staff without Owlbert... But I think we see Owlbert in her other hand? I guess this confirms she’s okay, but it seems the throne room doors are closing on her, leaving her alone. I have to wonder if Belos is essentially telling her to ‘stay out of this’ while he does his own thing, and perhaps being in the same room with Owlbert is going to make Lilith have an epiphany... I HOPE at least...
We have a shot of Gus and Willow in their casual outfits but with their school cowls draped on, so I presume there’s been a sudden call for a town meeting by the Emperor’s Guard for an announcement! We can see Boscha’s green-haired friend, another Hexside student from the Oracle track (they were BOTH on the field trip to Belos’ castle), and what even appears to be the Lead Demon Hunter! I wonder how the Demon Hunters feel about the Coven System, if they were once Wild Witches and technically were when they debuted, but then they had to be bound to a coven after Willow destroyed their livelihood!
Then we have a tapestry of Belos being torn down, possibly by Eda while she’s messing around in her beast-form! Next is a shot of Eda’s portal to the human world opening up in a dungeon, which could be the conformatorium, but it could also be another section of Belos’ castle… And this WORRIES me, because. What if someone took Eda’s key and is banishing Luz into the human realm, like I feared- And THIS is our season finale cliffhanger!? On the bright side we’ll likely get a quick resolution on the whole Creepy Luz subplot, but…
…Honestly I do NOT want this girl separated from her family again! Even if it’s Eda turning back and thanking Luz for rescuing her, but still having to save her apprentice again as she sends Luz to the human world! Dana PLEASE…!
And then we have Luz and King looking justifiably wrathful as Luz asks someone that is apparently in some crystalline-magic prison, “Where’s Eda?!” And she is PISSED, do NOT mess with this girl, you go for it! Go get ‘em! I have to wonder if she’s defeated Lilith or some random Emperor’s Guard/Witch, maybe even Kikimora or Warden Wrath? We still have two shots of them from the Season 1B trailer that haven’t debuted yet!
…Either way my heart can NOT take this, so bring it OOOONNNN!!!!!
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