#anyway this is an antiwaffles blog
I love little Ivy. She is so cute, and in some moment brighter that her parents. A question does your daughter resemble little Ivy, and that is how you write about a child so perfectly.
Also, it was a long time since a pup update. How is Waffles, is she still jumping over the fence?
PS I am so sorry you got negative comments about Devils Role The Dice. I just can't understand people and why would they pour their energy at insulting others.
I have borrowed some of her verbiage to make it feel like a child was speaking but I think my 5 year old is a lot different than fictional Ivy. The elephant moment was a very familiar scene though hahahaa. And in the car, "why are you always touching my mommy"
I have nightmares about Waffles. Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat like oh my god, where is Waffles? I live in perpetual fear that one she will realize how easy it is to open the window in the living room (and also perpetual hope she might just run away and become another family's problem, even though I think I would miss her and look for her and immediately forget the way she is terrorizing us. Ive never had like, a PUPPY that came straight from their mother, I've always had a shelter dog. And say what you want, but shelter dogs are GRATEFUL.)
If you look Waffles in the eyes, its easy to see that there is just elevator music playing just behind. Zero thoughts. Only vibes. That would be fine but shes creeping up on 60lbs. She knocked over my trashcan today because she was excited about a piece of cheese and instead of APOLOGIZING or looking ashamed, she just began rooting through it for a snack
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