#anyway this non-supercorp fic is partially about experimenting with deviating a lot more from canon... we'll see how it goes!!
fazedlight · 9 months
mel i loved your post about your full timeline of s5 from a character’s perspective and i eagerly await the fic!!! i’ve never actually posted fic or anything but sometimes i kind of quietly write things i don’t think i’d ever post and honestly i both hate the amount of background you need when all you had was a scene in mind but i have to admit i also love it. it’s like this logic puzzle where you’re trying to slot everything in so it makes sense and adheres to a timeline and the headcanon speculation of it is so fun (insert crazy murderboard jpg here) and i would love to hear any of that sort of background stuff that never made it into your fics but that was painstakingly pieced together if you would care to share! i loved when you shared your gender headcanons.
AHHHHH I genuinely freak out when people put things in my inbox, thank you 💗💗 I'm going to answer this in almost-reverse order! Starting with some stuff that never made it into the fics (I forget a lot of them over time, but these are some off the top of my head):
My Crisis rewrite had some headcanons around how people processed time at the Vanishing Point. More "super" people like Sara and Kara processed time more slowly, whereas humans like Lena and Ryan processed time more quickly. This kind of shows up in the writing with how Kara angsts in the background, and how Sara doesn't really sleep, but ultimately I didn't use it.
In It's a Metallo Life, the team briefly heads to MIT - I have a lot of headcanons around Lena's time at MIT (I went there myself), including certain unauthorized activities she may have participated in. Ultimately, I didn't find a good excuse to include much of that in the fic, but let's just say as a student she spent a lot of time in strange places and setting things on fire.
For Even Though You're Kryptonian, I actually have a separate science summary post that you might enjoy. I really thought a lot about the science there, but it didn't make it into the fic itself.
I love the logic puzzle aspect!! Putting together the outline of the story is the part of writing that really feels like storycrafting to me. When I finally have that working outline, it gives me the same high as engineering a working piece of code.
Last year, I went into posting my very first chapter thinking "What am I even doing? I'm not a writer" - but it ended up unlocking this part of me that I had hidden away, becoming a really worthwhile experience. So I hear you on being shy to post, and I know it's a vulnerable feeling, so no pressure. But if you're feeling that inkling to give it a try, I'd encourage you to ❤️
As for the fic I was posting about... funny thing, it's not supercorp (except as background characters), and it doesn't really need the timeline at all (I just needed to know how much I was going to break canon). Maybe you'll enjoy it anyway, or maybe not.
If not, I have 3 other supercorp fics (after my current WIP) that I plan to release into the world too. So more stories will be coming regardless 💕
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you have a marvelous day!
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