#anyway this was real cute and i went ham on lucifers without meaning to LMAO
luci-four · 5 years
request: i was thinking maybe something cute of playing with lucifer or beel's hair? maybe for lucifer it's after he falls asleep on his desk from overworking himself and for beel after he takes a shower when he comes back from the gym or something? idk, i'm just in a fluffy mood
A/N: fuck, under this hard exterior all there is is fluff; 22 fluff hours a day baby *fingerguns*  under the cut for length!!
★・・・★ LUCIFER★・・・★
His eyes were growing incredibly heavy. It wasn’t very often that he allowed himself to be so vulnerable and fall asleep anywhere besides his bed, especially if there were the slightest possibility of someone seeing him in such a state. Unfortunately for him, this was one of the times he had to curse himself for not getting the proper rest.
Lucifer had no idea when he fell asleep. He could feel that he was in an in-between state, but he just couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes; Something kept lulling him back to the line of unconsciousness but the feeling of something out of the ordinary kept him from returning to the blissful sleep. What was it? It was warm, calming, inviting, but certainly not something he was used to. Very slowly, he willed himself to open his eyes, though his vision had remained blurry. He squinted hard, eyebrows drawing together as he attempted to piece together the vision in front of him and process just what he had been feeling.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
The voice was just as soothing as the sleep had been, he decided, as he closed his eyes once more. He half-heartedly cleared his throat and spoke low and slow.
“No. I’ve been awake.”
“It certainly doesn’t look that way.”
Who had he been talking to? His confusion started to sober him up; He started to decipher just what he had been feeling—a hand had been raking through his hair ever so smoothly, pushing stray pieces away from his face. Feeling slightly embarrassed at the realization, he opened his eyes once again, cautiously, to meet MC’s.
“I certainly was asleep. Do you really believe I’d allow anyone to see me sleep?” He gave a tired smirk, “There’s no way.”
“Ah, I see.” They gave him an equally playful smirk, “So you weren’t snoring?”
“I definitely did not do that.”
“Then you also didn’t start talking in your sleep?”
“I did no such thing–”
“Hmm. So, you definitely weren’t confessing your secret love–”
“I think you should seriously consider your next words.”
Though he threatened them, he couldn’t help but get embarrassed and look away from them, instinctively tightening his shoulders and shying away from their touch. He sighed; Sitting up straight and looking the mess among his desk—papers had been strung everywhere, some crumpled from his nap, some had fallen to the floor. Before he could immediately go back to working, MC had thrown their arm out across the desk.
“Wow, you’ve got a major case of bedhead.”
“I always look presentable.”
“Yeah if ‘presentable’ meant extreme bedhead and a sticky note stuck to your face.” Lucifer immediately felt around to brush the note off of his face. “Why don’t you just call it a night and get in bed?”
His dark eyes scanned their face, evaluating how genuine they were. The smile they gave him had tones of concern, their eyes fixating on the messy state of his hair before extending their hand once again to brush through it softly and whisper.
“Come on. Even you need rest.”
A small, sincere smile tugged at the corners of his lips while he enjoyed the feeling of their nails just slightly scraping against the peak of his jaw each time they brought their hand down just a bit longer before holding it against his cheek.
“Alright. But, only if you join me. Could you do whatever you did when I was just resting my eyes a while ago?”
★・・・★ BEELZEBUB★・・・★
“Um, Beel?”
“What’s… going on?”
“Wha do you meanf?”  
“Please finish before you talk,” MC laughed, gingerly wiping the stray food from his face.
Beelzebub swallowed hard and turned his body towards them, glancing between their eyes and the plate of food surprisingly still in front of him.
“What do you mean?”
“I meant with this,” they ruffled his hair, “it’s normally pretty unruly, but today it’s extra… fluffy.”
“Like… cotton candy?”
“More like if you blow-dry a baby duck.”
“Mmm… duck.”
“Guess it happened after my shower. I didn’t pay much attention. Is it that bad?”
MC’s lips curved into a sweet smile and shook their head. They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves; They tousled his hair, continuously running their fingers through it. It was soft, almost fuzzy, and certainly didn’t enjoy trying to be tamed. Beel watched them for a while before slowly turning to continue eating, allowing them to do as they pleased.
He had to admit, it was a nice feeling; Calming, kind, and very affectionate—it managed to slow his eating down, even for a slight moment. Beelzebub heard them laugh a bit to themselves before they started to quickly—and almost aggressively—rub their hands back and forth through his hair.
With an innocent smile, they moved their hands away and held up one finger with a silent, threatening aura. He looked at it curiously, cocking his head to the side as it slowly came closer to his face. What were they trying to do? Eyes going cross, he watched their finger inch towards the tip of his nose until he could no longer see it, and felt the sharp jolt of electricity instead.
“Did it really hurt?”
“No.” He smiled and wrapped his arms around their waist, pulling them close, “Was it supposed to?”
“Hmm, I guess not,” they leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose, “How about that?”
“Definitely not.”
He continued leaning in, silently asking for them to continue placing kisses across his face until he turned to nuzzle against the crook of their neck instead. He hadn’t realized just how much his hair had rubbed against the underneath of their jaw, however, as the next brush of his nose against their neck elicited a sharp gasp from them.  
“You shocked me!”
“I’m sorry.”  
“Are you?”
“At least a little bit.”  
That got them to laugh, the sweet sound vibrating through their chest and causing his heartbeat to match the frequency. He couldn’t help but laugh as well, the both of them taking their time to settle to a comforting silence once again; Until another sort of vibration ripped through his body.
“I’m hungry.”
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