#anyway ummmmm lee sneep is my fave bc it's adorable and he gets all grumpy but is still grinning like a goofball
Oh? Could we get some general TF2 tiggle headcanons for the support class? owo
HEH EH HE ok hell yeah support MeeM 💉  : Ler-leaning switch. Med is one of those who’s not too ticklish all over, but has sensitive sweet spots! These include the hips, feet, and ribs! Med has this wonderful (and scary) cackling laugh that gets super high pitched and desperate if you spider over the spot rapidly! Fast tickles get him the most ehehe. He’s definitely the type to find himself on the floor if he’s out ler-ed, and he always scoffs at the idea of being overpowered afterwards (cough by heavy cough). But be careful. Med is a dangerous, strategic ler. As the team doctor, he knows everyone’s weak points. He will ABSOLUTELY utilize this information to blackmail or get what he wants, or just to be a bit evil. He’s a strong, intimidating man, so it’s hard to bounce back once he has you pinned. AND he has a unique flavor of teasing. As the lee cackles beneath him, he makes comments about their anatomy, how their nerves is so sensitive, how he may have to examine them later...all with that devilish grin. Even with the evil smile, he does enjoy getting his patients to smile a bit. Pissman 🐊 : Lee-leaning switch. Sneeper is your classic grumpy, “I’m not ticklish”, frowny lee. He will absolutely deny being ticklish (’it’s not professional!”) but he is stupidly ticklish! He’s a lil sensitive all over, but SUPER ticklish on his belly, ears/neck, underarms, and feet! His tum is his worst spot hands down (it’s a lil chubby from all that beer and coffee and hunched snipin’ form). When sneep is tickled, he immediately tries to curl into himself and has this precious, wheezy high pitched giggle that is seldom heard. Only when you get a bit rougher with the tickles does he get into full on belly laughter, in which he kicks his legs and grabs at the ler’s hands weakly. He blushes super fast and wiggles a loooot. He doesn’t like being tickled by those he isn’t close to, but a friend or s.o.? <33333 He secretly loves the physical attention. Sneep becomes a ler in playful situations usually! He doesn’t always take this route since he’s so sensitive himself, but he can be a devilish fellow. He has rough, blunt nails that do wonders on anyone in his grasp. He’s definitely the teasing type, asking the lee if it tickles here? what about here? and he smiles the whole time. He’s not always a grump! Sometimes sneep wants to goof around, and tickling was something he experienced between himself and his parents when he was a boy. He has that fond connection. Spah 🚬 : A mess. The first impression is a ruthless ler. Spee is a trained interrogator, and isn’t above using some tickles to humiliate and weaken a hostage. He has slippery fingers, that go from spiders to knives, and he’s oh so meticulous with it. Spee is an incredibly good ler, and the Most Evil Tease Alive. This man talks the whole time he tickles the other, mocking them for their sensitivity, chuckling when he hits a sweet spot, generally being a dick (What’s that? I can’t seem to hear you~ Guess I’ll keep going then, yes?). Spee is a very dangerous person to be targeted by, and he’ll use all his dirty tricks >:) But, alas, the professional and proper frenchman couldn’t possibly be ticklish right? wrong. Just like his son, Spee is unbearably ticklish. He has tried time and time again to repress this sensitivity, to overcome it (for his line of work obviously), but only so much can be done. He is ticklish everywhere, but is especially sensitive on his sides, feet, and ribs. Spee hates being tickled, because when he does...it is a sight. Spee flails, loses his strength, and IMMEDIATELY plummets into loud, frantic, goofy snorting laughter! He’ll put up a good fight, but loses his composure very quickly and turns into a snorting flustered mess. He hates his laugh, and how silly it is. And to anyone watching, it is the prime entertainment. Alas, most mercs don’t get to tickle s.py, as he is all too skilled at slipping away or taking the offensive first. ANYTHING to avoid the secret getting out.
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