#anyway why did i name him sirius/astro--
keii · 2 years
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redesigning an old oc and he just went from kinky to a mega ho 
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An interview with Makayla Fray
Schninner: Whew! At a computer and have some wifi! *cracks knuckles* Lets get writing! So, I had an idea awhile back where, like in Young Justice where Black Canary was acting as the shrink, Canary would be sent to Team Astro’s base to interview new team members so the league could put their files in the JL data base. This kinda gives you guys an inside look on how the individual members felt toward their predicament and just give you an overall idea of their personality.
OOh! also!  This one takes place soon after the whole kidnapping thing, Makayla had recently been released from the hospital and had just started hero-ing again.
Tagging: @the-singing-canary and @cuddles-for-cassie gonna make one for Sirius as well :D 
Makayla Fray/Little Leaguer/Red Comet
Laurel Lance/Black Canary
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Warnings: Mentions of torture
Word Count: 1311
Master List
Canary: Makayla, please answer the question.
Fray: …
Canary: *Sighs irritably* Makayla, please.
Fray: Why? I mean, you already know my story and about my family. I’ve told you before, or have you forgotten?
Canary: *sighs again and rubs temples* Yes, I remember, but you also have to remember that you told me this 7 years ago, before… the incident happened
Fray: “Incident?” You mean, that whole little “incident” when I was kidnapped and tortured? Or when I was turned into a human guinea pig for some unknown chemical?
Canary: *relaxed tone* Calm down, We just need you tell us your story again that way we can-
Fray: So you can what? Compare it to when I originally told you about my life, so you can determine whether or not I’m an imposter or clone?
Canary: …
Fray: *Bitterly laughs* Yeah, thought so. I’ll tell you my story, but only this once, so you better listen up. I was born in Gotham, and my dad ditched us and ran away with some young beauty shortly after I was born. I lived with my mom and my older brother, and at an early age of three I started showing signs of my metahuman abilities, which freaked out my mom so much, that she left us. My older brother Danny, who was probably the best person in the universe, didn’t want us to be thrown into the system, so we pretended that she was still with us, while he took care of us. That lasted for a few years, but one day, he didn’t come home…
Canary: *Concerned* Makayla? Are you okay?
Fray: *Swallows hard* Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be? Anyways, so I had no idea what happened to him, so I went out to look for him. A block away from my dumpy old apartment there were sirens and police cars. I didn’t see what was left of my brother,but I didn’t have to, I knew he was gone.
Canary: *leans over and places hand on shoulder* Fray, it’s okay to cry. You’ve been through so much already an-
Fray: *Hastily shakes hand off shoulder* I’m fine Laurel. I don’t need a shrink to “fix me,” I’m just going to finish this, that way I’ll be able to get back to patrolling. So anyways, I left home, I barely made it a full twenty four hours before I was mugged by a group of doofuses that thought they could take me down without a fight. They got a few small cuts on me, nothing to bad due to my tough skin, and I managed to hit one of them pretty hard, It wasn’t long before good old bats swooped in and scared the crap out of the lowlifes. He made sure I was all okay, then he brought me to the batmobile where we talked. He made me a deal, that if I go with him to the GCPD and cooperate with them,he’ll watch out for me and would help me control my powers. I agreed and was put into the foster care system. So everyday after school, no matter what city or state I was in, I could always travel to wherever I needed to thanks to the Zeta tubes that were always conveniently placed near me. I trained with pretty much everyone over the next 3 years.When I turned 8, I was allowed to come up with my own Alias and costume, and was granted permission to accompany any league member on a mission, but only when I was needed or chosen by a league member. I chose the name Little Leaguer and joined several of the leaguers,including you Canary,on various missions. I did this for a few years, and then I died. The end.
Canary: *slightly irritated* Makayla, don’t-
Fray: I’m sorry, but aren’t you checking to see if my story checks out with your original files? Yes? Well,if I remember correctly, the original files state that I “died” while foolishly going off on my own to beat up Lobo.
Canary: Yes but-
Fray: *Raises voice to talk over Canary* Of course, it left out the part that I was contacted by someone in the league telling me to go to the excact location Lobo was. I was told it was a live event on the news, that everyone saw me go into that building,Lobo following, then there was a big explosion. Lobo said I was dead. The league never questioned it, not even Batman did any further investigation, you all just assumed that your little pity case was dead and gone, setting up a memorial at the hall, while my wonderful foster parents were told I died in an accident, and refused to pay for a funeral for a girl that they had hardly known. My funeral was held close casket, paid by none other than Wayne enterprises, my whole family came too, my mentors, all accepting my death!
Canary: *calmly and collectively* Makayla, just take a deep breathe, and calm down-
Fray: *Standing and angrily pacing*  And your stupid “original files” on me  don’t even tell you the worst part. While you guys all went on with your lives, pretending that you didn’t know me, or trying to forget me, I was alive and breathing. Every single freakin day for the next… who knows how long, getting tortured for Your names. *Tears now streaming down her face* I told them nothing. Nothing. ‘Cause every day I thought ‘today is going to be the day that they find me, today is going to be the day where they finally rescue me.’
Canary: …
Fray: *Quietly whispers* but they never did.
Canary: *Stunned silence*
Fray: *Slowly sits back down, with tears rolling down* I don’t know when, but at some point they gave up on trying to get answers from me. I thought they were going to kill me, and sometimes, I wish they did. Because what happened next was much worse; they had sold me to the Prale, Some super smart alien, or whatever. I figured that they collect all sorts of funky space and interdimensional substances that they found around the universe and where curious on how they would react with living organisms. They brought me to some sort of Earth base for the Prale, where I spent the next few years being subjected to tests to a substance called “Red Comet.” They had no idea that their tests would give me even more special abilities. So, one day when they came to get me, I let loose. I-i didn’t mean to fry them, it just happened. I didn’t know what to do at first, but then I just started running. I burnt and beat everything and everyone in my path, freeing my fellow prisoners along the way. I eventually made it out of the building. Everything was so… bright. I had no idea where I was, but I knew where i needed to go. I knew that the Justice league had to be looking for me, so I flew, and made my way toward the hall of justice. That’s when I saw the memorial. *Bitterly laughs* and the sad thing was that, up until that point, I still had believed that the League was looking for me. I thought that as soon as I got there I would welcomed back with opened arms and told how hard you guys looked for me. But, come to find out, that you guys didn’t look for me at all. You never gave me a second thought. You just set up some hologram of me in the hall and called it good.
Canary: Makayla, I’m sorry, I-I didn’t know-
Fray: Of course you didn’t. Nobody did. *Wipes eyes* well, that's it. You got my story. *stands up* Now if you excuse me, I’ll be leaving.
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