#anyway yeah that's all. waste of time. maybe someday I'll get around to writing the skoll and hati backstory fic that exists in my head
leofrith · 9 months
ahsoka has no personality, practically no character arc, and probably less screentime than any of the other main characters. in the ahsoka show. sabine can suddenly use the force now because she thought about it really really hard. meaningful character interactions are constantly being cut short or interspersed with quips because heaven forbid we linger on any genuine displays of human emotion. morgan's identity as a nightsister could have been really interesting to explore but instead of doing pretty much anything with that her only purpose was to look like an idiot next to thrawn to emphasize what a genius he is. and then die. what motivation do the nightsisters have to help thrawn? that's anyone's guess! ezra is the only rebels character in this show who actually feels even remotely recognizable as his animated counterpart. and after all that we're probably never gonna get any resolution for shin and baylan because fuck me i guess!!!!!
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azpher-omega · 2 years
Wanted to make a 'what I've been up to' post, both cuz I forget to post So Much and I want people to Look and also because its really good to look back on my very slow but continuous progress.
This is where I would say 'I'm most active on my Discord' but I've also forgotten to post there too, whoops-
Here it is anyway: 
Its still the best way to look at my stuff. Its got conlangs, worldbuilding, eventually website progress, creatures, general WIPs of stuff, my musing and ideas, and a taster of my comic.
So, what have I been up to.
Well I recently reformatted my conlang's dictionary in such a way that makes it much, much, much easier to make dialects. So now there's 4 of them I'm working on, with at least one I need to add, and several fringe cases I could do too where there logically should be mixes of languages. As part of this I'm slowly reviewing every word for how its meaning shifts, whether or not it works (initially the word for green came from the word for grass- in a place where the primary speakers grass is blue. Lots of little things you don't think about) and how to flesh it out. It's real promising, and I feel like a big roadblock on the language has been lifted off of me, now I don't just have to stick with the one universal language that cant account for each different cultures unique outlook. Grammar is still nonexistent, but again, more room to experiment!
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I have, hopefully for the final time, redesigned the world, and am making a complete map, complete with globe. I'm doing it very detailed, and its going slow, but it looks amazing. Its going to have elevation on land and sea, language regions, creature ranges, climates, temperature, roads, flight paths, so much I can do with it. Some of these I will do via the website though, with a handy dandy plugin that lets you make interactive images.
Speaking of, the plugin for webcomics finally works! Woo! Nowhere near putting anything up, but I would like to trial sooome kind of thing there. Its... kind of ugly and theres not a lot of customisability for it, but infinitely less painful than making it manually and infinitely less precarious than hosting on a webcomic site, which I dont like anyway (I wanna make my own siiiite)
Website in general, I said I wanted to focus on it before potential college, but well as usual I bounce around from thing to thing as my brain gets ideas. Its hard to write when your brain has motivation to revamp a 1000 row long google sheet, something that doesnt really happen often and should be taken advantage of. At the very least... new project logo? Maybe? The old one, while cool, is hard to read and not very relevamt symbolically. This feels much more focused on the Creatures and well, being able to be read.
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Creature wise to follow on, haven't done much lately, aside from that model. Dragon model i've steered away from to making a simpler dragon first, which is going well.
Now, the comic. Hrm. Not going great. Last year I unintentionally intentionally took a break from it, because it was my last year of school. It's been... hard to get back into it. Technically I've improved it plenty mentally in the meantime but actually Getting it done, very hard. Checking off days does help, but I inevitably get energy for other things and it feels a waste to not use said energy, then I get rusty and forget to check off stuff and suddenly its been a month since I worked on it. Its technically the primary, core thing to all my work and yet I treat it so poorly, sob sob. Slow and steady at least, I have no intention of stopping it, even if my will to make it does wane every so often.
So yeah. Thanks for reading or something. I'm sure someday I'll get into a habit of posting. I want my Stuff to be Seen :]
Also, since its on now, if anyone wants, heres my artfight! Probably gonna stick to doing colored sketches at most, and who knows how much I'll do, but I'll try my best~
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euphoriacrossing · 4 years
So while I sit here trying to get normal balloon spawns...
I may as well write a blog. I am using a guide post on how to catch normal balloon spawns to try and get more cherry blossom recipes. Well I am only half using it.. I am camping on the beach waiting for normal balloon spawns instead of going there every 0/5 ending minute. I'll share the guide on here after this if I remember, but I already got one new cherry blossom recipe just by camping on the side of the beach that balloon spawns are coming from and ignoring the bunny day balloons, so I think this could work, too.
Anyway, now story mode is over, but I still have so, so much to do that it's not even funny. I am making it my main priority to save miles up to buy all the different paths and stuff. I think I have three left to buy so roughly 6,000 miles to earn. But saving miles means making less bells as Nook mile trips are where I made the most, I think. And now I can't take them because I have no miles/am saving miles and so I don't have the bells to pay off my house or to build a new bridge or any of the things I am saving for. But in part the fact it is harder to save bells just makes it feel like I have more to do and that is comforting in a way. I want the appeal of this game to last forever but I know my brain doesn't work like that. Still for now it's the best distraction I have and I'm grateful for it.
Having the ability to make paths is tough because it's just another million decisions to make and hope I get it right or can redo it better or whatever, so that Euphoria becomes the island I dreamed it could be. Right now I have a lot of dirt paths and I think they look okay. But I plan on redoing them someday with either custom paths or maybe just the arched tile ones... I like that path style. Still I started when I just had dirt so I just kind of kept going that way.
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It looks alright, I think, especially at the entrance. I haven't finished a lot of the paths on either the right (residential) side or the left (wooded area/orchard) but I have mostly finished the center which is shops and such.
(So far I've gotten a normal balloon spawn every 5 minutes! So it works to just hang around the beach and then look for the spawns at every 0 and 5 ending minute. Edit: Aw, nope just didn't get that last one... I am probably doing something wrong then. Oops Edit2: Definitely doing something wrong. Didn't get a spawn again. Oh well I'll check the guide again once I finish this post. I am also watching for wishing stars so it won't be a total waste.. though I haven't seen any of those either. Last edit: Guide said spawns don't happen every time AND I just got another regular balloon, so maybe I'm fine? I hope I am not just wasting time.)
I am moving most of the houses before I do the paths on that side which is ANOTHER expense for sure, but after seeing a couple of my friend's islands, I knew I could make the houses probably a bit straighter and I decided I want them not quite as closer together as I want everyone to be able to have a yard. One of my friends has houses that are PIN straight and have little yards to them. I don't think I can accomplish that. But I do think I can space them out far enough to fence them in and have little yards.
So I started with the last to move in which was Marina. I put her in a space both by the beach, and by my house because even though she just moved in we're absolute besties. No but honestly, I love her. She sings like everywhere she goes and it's adorable.
I would move Beau next but I think he might stay close to where he is. Unfortunately if I have to move him a little bit I first have to move his house out of the way and then move it back because you can't move buildings just a tad, you have to find a whole new spot. This is why I had to move the whole museum to a new spot as it was slightly out of line and i couldn't just move it to where it lined up. I wish i had known this when i put things there. I didn't take care placing anything because I knew it could be moved. I only ASSUMED it could be moved a small amount as well especially since I assumed correctly that you were paying for it. But no, so oh well, now I have to come up with new spots for things, that's fine. Luckily both Nook's Cranny and the Able Sisters I got in perfect alignment with resident services like I wanted to so they're all on one straight path.
Anyway, I hope I can get it looking like i want it to. I thought that decorating it how I wanted would be the hardest because I still need to find all the furniture. But the paths might give that a run for it's money when we talk about difficulty level if you include trying to get all the houses in the right position and such.
But as hard as I've been "working" (it's definitely still fun or I wouldn't do it) I have found plenty of time for play as well. Yesterday morning I visited a friend for her KK Slider concert. I luckily have a good group of friends from a discord I'm part of and a lot of them are from other countries so they experience stuff before I do and things like that. So a bunch of us visited her for her KK concert and we did some of that...
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And then things got a little wild...
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Lol, it was fun. I thought for a second about the state of the world but I didn't panic thankfully. I just saw a bunch of us coming together from across the globe, some of us in quaratine, almost all of us at least ADVISED not to go out unless necessary. The world is a scary place right now, but the fact we could still come together from across the globe to be silly and enjoy a game together makes me feel like everything might be alright. I mean, it would still be cool even if these things weren't going on, but the fact they are abd socialization is becoming more difficult than ever, it's cool to see an alternate means of that in action.
I can't believe I took no pictures of her super straight houses, ugh, if I go again, I will have to, they are literally perfect.
And the weirdest thing about all of this to me is how included i feel in all of this. We're all on a small AC discord together and it seems like a lot of them have maybe known each other a while. But unlike a lot of other places it doesn't feel cliquey to me. I've always been welcome to come to their islands, and they have always been very courteous when any of them have come to mine. They act as happy to see me as they do anyone else. And I've only known them a short time so it would usually feel strange to call them "friends" but it doesn't. Now obviously they could feel differently but if they do they don't show it. I am incredibly grateful to have found them. I really couldn't ask for a better group of people to play with.
I actually was invited from this tumblr. Likely after I made some kind of post about not feeling like I belonged in the AC community or something similarly emo and whiny, I'm sure. So I am surprised I was invited at all, but I am so thankful I was. It was just what i was looking for in the AC community.
(Yes! I learned cherry blossom umbrella! Balloon hunting is going fairly well considering I only had like two of the cherry blossom DIYs total before I started and now in about an hour I've doubled that.)
I do have some facebook friends and such I have play AC with, and I am also grateful for them as well of course. It has brought us closer together and I am thankful for that. I have one friend who we constantly send each other gifts like if we accidentally got two of something or a DIY we already have or just if we think something is cool, it's really fun. I enjoy mail as much in game as I do in real life.
But yeah, I was nervous when this game first came out that I would be stuck playing just with my sister. And don't get me wrong I love playing the game with her, we always have a good time. But sometimes you need socialization beyond your own family and I really saw this as my one chance to connect since I'm not very social, I am very anxious, and I just struggle with these things. I may have been right about it being my best chance at connection because I can hide a lot of the awkwardness in game. Very thankfully though, I found people who accept what I can't hide in game. And who accept me. For some reason that's just been really hard to do. Every community I am a part of I feel like an outsider until now. But yeah, I am looking forward to a continued friendship with these people and continuing to enjoy the game moving forward.
I guess I've rambled enough. I still need to get more balloons, but I can't write here forever. Though... I frequently do write far too much here and I wonder if it get read. If it doesn't I don't blame ya. But yeah. I will leave you with this adorable pic I took while Marina was singing... you can't really tell she was singing, but still, she's adorable either way.
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(And don't you love this dress? I have it in I think 4 different colors, I just love it.)
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Perfect Girl| Life is Strange Nathan Prescott x Reader
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Author's note: I'm sorry if i go a little overboard on Nathan's character ot god knows what else, i just had a small plot in my head and decided to use it and it will follow the timeline of the game and it may be seperated into different parts, in any case i hope you enjoy my drabble.
You were what people called the 'perfect girl'. Not because you were the girl every guy wanted, or because you were popular, but because you never attended parties on your own accord and you always stuck to your work. You wanted to focous on your writing career and become an author, you already had an idea for a story worked out, but it just didn't know if you wanted to take a chance and try to make a comic or actually write a book. Just because you wanted to become an author doesn't mean it has to be limited to a book filled with words, but you also knew that words are the most powerful thing to humans, it describes scenarios, allows you to give detail and can make a story feel alive, but a comic can allow people to see the action and not have to look up so many big words. You remember those days before you learned so much, you figured you may as well put it to use. 
As you sat back in your dorm, listening to some music to help bring your story some light, you heard a loud knock on your door. After pausing your music, you got up and opened the door and was greeted by Dana's annoyed face. "why didn't you hear me knock? Blasting your music again?" "yeah, I've been working on a character for my story and i needed some music to help me gain ideas" you nodded as Dana sighed "imagination isn't bad, but you should come out with Hayden, Juliet and i tonight, we're gonna go to the beach for a little and have a small party." "no thanks Dana, maybe if i get a date or convinced I'll consider the vortex club's 'End of the World' party." Dana sighed and nodded. "alright then (y/n). But if you do want a date come hit me up and I'll hook you up with someone." you giggled at Dana's response "I'll keep that in mind Dana, but for now I'll stick with my fanfics." "alright then my little nerdette, but you'll have to come down from your tower someday." "maybe if my knight in shining armor shows up." Dana grinned and giggled "you would even turn down your prince? That's sad, but your also a fighter at heart and he'll have a lot on his hands, i wish you luck." smiling, you told Dana that one day you'll find your 'prince' and that she better hurry and meet Juliet and Hayden. Once you closed your door, you were alone again, in your perfect room of solitude.
As you sat in the back of the class barley listening to what Mr.Jefferson was saying, you glanced around the class and ended up resting your gaze at Nathan Prescott. You have no reason to talk to him, let alone think about him, but from what you know about Nathan and have seen, you know he's an asshole, but it's sad. If you had the courage you would try to befriend him....But you've had too many experiences with guys like him and most of them attached themselves to you, you were like their 'angel' that they couldn't let go. Despite your past, you wouldn't mind getting to know Nathan although, it would be dangerous, and take forever to pull him out of his shell. As the class continued while you were taking notes and drawing small pictures and symbols all over your spiral, a crumbled note landed on your desk from god knows who. As you looked up at Mr.Jefferson who was too busy talking to pay much attention, you grabbed the ball of paper and carefully unfold it that had told you to meet at the Two Whales diner after school and to sit in the back near the Jukebox, but the writer is still unknown. The rest of the day went on as usual until you arrived at the Two Whales diner.
When you arrived at the diner you sat in the back near the jukebox as the note instructed while you waited for your anonymous sender. We're you worried? Well, worried was an understatement, you were kinda scared especially since in a town like Arcadia Bay where there are mostly druggies, even most students were into that stuff and who knows if a druggie or a dealer comes in for you for anything they want. Your worries we're washed away as Joyce came to your table to take your order, and to make yourself better you went with a strawberry milkshake. You sat and looked out the window as you heard the bell hanging above the diner bell ring, it was nothing unusual until you spotted Nathan walking towards you in an assertive manner. As you turned your head and watched as Nathan sit on yhe opposite side, he told you that his time better not be wasted by meeting with you.
"why do you want to meet with me?"
"don't ask questions, i don't want anyone to assume anything between us and meeting here is a bad thing anyways, so don't ask questions and be thankful that it's not an alley!"
"alright, i won't ask anything. Now what do you want?"
You watched as Nathan glanced around the diner and turned back to you and saying in an almost whisper
"i need someone to help cover for me at the next Vortex club party and you would be a good candidate."
Now you were worried 
"I'm sorry Nathan, but why me and not someone lile Victoria?"
"because, you are the good girl, you don't wanna get into trouble and you barely join any of the parties so you can make up for me being gone, a lot of people in the Vortex club watch what you do and a few of them swear that your a better dancer than most of the girls in the club especially after you drink."
"so...What your telling me is that you want me to attend a Vortex Party on your behalf because I'm the talk of the campus?"
"pretty much, and if you want i can pay you-"
"i don't need your money, and if i would go to the party i would need to be heavily persuaded, amd not by money."
As you sat back and watched Nathan's face turn hard, Joyce came back with your milkshake that you gladly accepted. The ment that Joyce left Nathan spoke in a low, harsh tone.
"if you don't do this I'll make sure that your out of Blackwell!"
"why should i worry when i pretty much have my degree? I'm only staying for the next year or two for any extra degrees i want."
You could tell that Nathan was gonna go ballistic, but Nathan didn't do something that you ever thought he would do, bargian.
"fine- if that doesn't work, then what would it take?"
"hmmmm... If you can fimd me a date by Thursday, I'll go and make it worthwhile and I'll habe more leverage for the Vortex to talk about."
Nathan grinned, he had to admit that for a good girl who studies hard and doesn't care to party, you know exactly how to gain people's attention.
"you have yourself a deal (y/l/n), i already have a few people in mind that will be perfect for you. And you may as well stay in contact with me too just in case."
"what for? In case i change my mind?"
"if you find someone other than one of my friends for the dance."
You nodded as Nathan put his number into your phone and put yours in his. You have no other choice than to agree.
"alright then, i guess I'll see you in Photography."
"don't worry, you'll see me a lot more than just in photography."
As you watched Nathan walk out of the diner you knew you sold your soul to the devil of Arcadia Bay, and that the week was gonna be a long one.
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