#anyway yeah when omoroff gets made it'll be on there
vilelittlecritter · 1 year
I made an ao3 account...
what have i become...
Whenever I finally make the first chapter/prologue to OmorOff it'll be posted on there since it's a lot better than just posting it on Tumblr lol
The accounts name is "Zonkerdoodle" although there isn't exactly alot on it yet
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vilelittlecritter · 1 year
Thinking of all the ways I can make OmorOff silly but also super fucked up...
I'm probably going to have a good amount of body horror because body horror always icks me out really badly so it's going in.
I don't know if any of the main characters are gonna be horribly disfigured by body horror though, well I mean Hero's face is already fucked up considering he looks like he got set on fire.
I don't know really, I want this to be silly and fun but also still include the horror of both Omori and Off. I reaaaally want to have super uncomfortable bits or bits that just creep you out really badly. Which I believe once I start writing this there'll be plenty of opportunities to do so. Mostly from the spectres as I do want to make them a genuine threat, some of them are just run of the mill ghosts and others are just straight of nightmare fuel.
I think the parts where it'll get far more into horror is Zone 2, Zone 3 and The finale. Basically just most of the latter half of the story. Although that being said throughout all of the story it's going to be creepy, hell in my head I want to change the opening chapter to be creepy as all hell while Omori's in the void.
I don't want to say too much about what happens in the beginning right now but from the ideas I have it explains a lot better why Omori is doing what they are doing and not just saying "oh yeah they were just made to do that when they were created."
Anyway I'm rambling and I should start drawing these character designs soon.
And again I know I say it every post about this au but if you want to help out or learn more please dm me, I would like to try and show someone else my draft of this so far before really moving on to getting big stuff done.
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