#anyway. jabitha comfort coming your way
godheadjones · 1 year
can you do pre-fifties jabitha: head in the other persons lap
Life in Riverdale is crazy, unpredictable, absurd, as Tabitha has come to know. The town always seems to have some new problem to throw at its residents, which makes living in Riverdale a constant stress.
She sighs heavily when she gets home, playing with her keys as she enters her apartment and hangs up her coat. There were only a few days until Percival's attempt at destroying Riverdale and the doom of her boyfriend's death hangs high over her head.
How was it possible that in every scenario, every single one, Jughead had to die? The universe must have some kind of grudge against them specifically for whatever reason to torment them this much.
"Tabitha? Are you home?" Jughead's voice asks from the couch, snapping her back to reality.
She makes her way over to him, putting a smile on her face. "Yeah, just needed to collect my thoughts." She takes a seat next to him and smiles at him softly. "Hi."
"Hi," he responds, planting a kiss on her lips. She leans into it, grateful for the comfort it brings her, that she still has him, if only for a little longer.
When they break apart, Tabitha notices a look of concern on his face. "Is everything okay?" he questions, bringing his hand to her neck. "You seem disconnected."
She takes a breath, her shoulders tightening. She can't lie to Jughead about something so serious, something that's been on her mind for the longest time. "You're right, it's just all this Percival stuff."
Jughead nods. "I understand." He removes his hand and gestures for her to lie down on his lap, which she does immediately, falling back with ease and making herself comfortable.
Once she's nestled into position, Tabitha smiles up at him. "This is nice," she says, holding out her hand to be picked up, which he does gently while keeping one hand on her shoulder.
He nods in agreement. "I know. I wish we could stay like this forever."
Tabitha lets out a short chuckle at that. If only they could have more than a moment of peace in this crazy town, maybe they could, forever entwined in each other's touch. If only they'd be allowed that freedom of peace one day if Jughead somehow managed to survive his death. Maybe then.
The simple thought gave Tabitha something to hope for, to long for, so she sends the thought to Jughead.
She knows he receives it when she sees the same flicker of hope in his eyes, and they smile at each other. One day, she thinks.
"One day," Jughead echos.
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