#anyway. nadia is with anders btw. lmao.
galpalaven · 2 years
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Warden-Commander Kira Cousland -> Hero of Ferelden Kohava 'Koha' Hawke -> Champion of Kirkwall Warden-Constable Inquisitor Nadia Surana -> Herald of Andraste
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westzane · 3 years
Guzmán absolutely was supposed to the the Ted on Elite so wtf happened like seriously... as soon as they sunk his robin, he went all sucky and murdery....
honestly I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to give a real explanation (s/o to candyumbrella I know she would have been able to explain it well) but I've been thinking about it and I recently read this tweet which makes me think it might be a lot simpler than I originally thought. But I’d love to hear what everyone’s theories are on the sitch
The tweet basically said that murder mysteries only work until the original plot is finished, that elite started with marina’s death and should have ended with polo’s death (her murderer). And I think they’re right that the original cast should have all left together at the end of s3, that way the audience would have been sad but would have just had to suck it up and the people who were really interested would have still watched s4 and the new characters would have been given an actual chance versus the constant comparisons they get right now.
Anyways I’m thinking that’s Guzman's "hold" over the show, as a (weak)Ted, is based on the original cast and since Polo died, Nadia his robin was leaving, Marina's been dead for a year now, most of the original cast had left, his power had been severely diminished by the time s4 comes around. He was already a weak Ted from the start, to the point that in s1 I was questioning whether Nano might be/become the Ted with the way he was embarrassing him lol. But by s3, it really felt like he was losing a lot of his Ted energy, possibly from the combination of already being a weak Ted and the fact that it was the last season for a lot of the cast and they wanted to wrap all of their storylines up. Which btw is why Lu got the storyline she did in s3 because if he was still a strong Ted there was no way in hell she would have been able to reject him like she did lmao.
Ultimately I think the writers knew that since Miguel wasn't going to continue past s4, and that elite is popular and is gunna be around for more seasons, that they naturally needed a new Ted - who I'm thinking might be the s5 blonde guy who got called Miguel's mentee lol. The most interesting part to me is why they turned on him the way they did in s4 and I really think it's because they had a new cast and they write and film two seasons at once. So I'm guessing that as they were writing or brainstorming for s4 and 5 together, they were already not that convinced with Ted!Guzman (the tide was already turning), and they were writing s5 possible new Ted at the same time, so Guzman ended up reverting back to season 1 Guzman (the first half at that!) because the writers I guess  just lost interest in him. I think that’s also why the short story ended up like it did, a very transitional moment for Guzman where he still retains some Ted features but ultimately the big ending reconciliation scene gets cut because I’m assuming they edited all of them after writing s4 and 5 and at the point the writers were over him (vs when they wrote/shot it and let them have that big kiss scene at the end).
It is interesting that it manifested itself the way it did though, and maybe s5 will shed some light on the situation if the new blonde guy really is the new Ted, because it seemed like they really hated Guzman in s4. But maybe this is just what happens when you stop being a Ted and maybe it feels so intense because when you go from getting everything to getting nothing it feels like a very stark difference because his ending wasn't the worst thing in the world, at least he didn't go to jail - maybe that's what would have happened if they really did hate him because that would have been quite the full circle lmao. But it's like if you compare what he got in s3: a promise to get back together with his Robin essentially, at peace with the death of his sister and his friend who was her murderer, and reconciled with Samuel and Ander, versus s4 where he lost his Robin, he's getting cheated on (with Samu of all people), he murders a man randomly for a girl he's just met who doesn't even love him enough to choose him when he asks her to (!!! Guzman??? murdering someone ??? for a rando at that !!!), and ends up leaving in the middle of the school year without even getting any qualifications, it's just very .......... very unTed like behaviour lol.
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