#anyway. thats how i found out about stanley cups
pain-tool-sai · 6 months
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this image suddenly came to my mind and i had to draw it (stanley cup collection)
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hockybish · 5 months
“They never actually got married even though they told everyone they did”
Mom is a very strong independent person who isn't afraid to speak her own mind. Like when she finds out she's pregnant with Hattie, she's not nervous or worried what Quinn will say, because with or without him she's got this, thankfully Quinn was all in on babygirl.
Quinn and Mom were always going to get married, that was the plan: get drafted, get engaged, finished school/play in nhl, get married, move to Vancouver, have a family, win a Stanley cup. They accomplish 1 ½ of those things before they found out about Hattie. Quinn already had an engagement ring picked (Luke and Jack helped him ☺️) so he moved up his proposal date. Mom said yes and they started planning a wedding.
They wanted to get married before baby was born, or at least thats what both their parents told them. And as the date got closer and things started to become overwhelming for our strong mom. The thing that set her off was Ellen wanted to add more family and friends to the guest list.
She cried to Quinn about everything. Quinn was shocked, he had never seen her cry like this before. Quinn suggests forgetting the whole big white wedding and eloping instead. They can just cancel the wedding, they don't have to explain anything to anyone, grab a friend and elope. Mom agrees and they plan the next time he's in the states to go to the court house.
But the day of her hormones are getting the best of her again. She's feeling like she's disappointing everyone, especially Ellen by doing this, and everyone's going to be judging her.
They're at the courthouse waiting for their mystery friend, Mom's upset and Quinn takes matters into his own hands. He gives her the band that matches her engagement ring.
"Let's wait Y/N. You're upset, I don't want you upset on your wedding day." Quinn rubbed his hand up and down her arm, calming her down some.
"No no. We can do it now, I want to do this now. We need to do this now, we've already cancelled the wedding. It'll be too late to schedule something else before March." Y/N wiped her eyes with the palms of her hands. Quinn saw how important pleasing his mother and their family meant to her. His happy-go-lucky girl was never like this.
"Or" Quinn took her left hand, and slid the white gold sparkly band next to the big diamond. "we just tell everyone we eloped now. And later once babygirl is born, we can actually elope. Won't it be more fun to include her anyways?"
They believed the lie for so long that they eventually forgot them never tied the knot. Mom legally got her last name to Hughes, and no ever suspected a thing. Though the subject gets brought up in arguments from time to time.
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nomorelonelydays · 7 years
an amnesia fic idea for a setting where sid and geno aren't together (yet): sid loses his memories but somehow no one knows. he just goes to practice like normal because he found his schedule and he knows what day it is. he remembers hockey, of course. he can figure out who his teammates are by watching them interact and call out each other's nicknames. then geno comes directly up to sid and BEAMS at him and sid instantly decides that this wonderful guy MUST be his boyfriend. (lol he's not)
lmao thats wild but how about 18-yo Sidney mind-traveled (just pretend it’s a Stanley Cup magic thing) to his 30 year old body, and he’s so pleased that he has a team who loves him and also a boyfriend too!!! until Geno shows up with a woman he introduces as his girlfriend during their team outings and Sidney is just…..heartbroken.
“Oh,” he says, looking at Geno and the blonde up and down. “I, uh, I’m–”
“Sid, you okay?” Flower asks.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” Sidney says quickly, setting the drinks down and backing up. “I just, um, I just remembered something I had to do at home.”
“You not having dog, Sid,” Geno says.
“Well, maybe I do!” Sidney yells back, then lowers his voice when he realizes that his entire team is staring at him, and Geno looks taken aback. “I mean–I’m sorry. I’m going to go home. Sorry.”
Sidney calls Taylor first. No dice. Then his mother, who picks up on the second ring.
“You alright, honey?” her voice asks warmly. Sidney feels the tears start to well up.
“Mom,” he says. Then he just absolutely loses it. 
“Sidney,” his mom says, but he can barely hear her voice over the receiver and his own blubbering. 
“Mom, I want to go home,” he sobs. “Are you home? Can I come home?” 
“Sidney, shh, shh,” his mom says. “It’s alright, baby, you’re alright. Shh.” She keeps making these soothing noises and lets Sidney finish crying. 
(basically the following scene is just him explaining to his mom that he knows he’s 18, but somehow he time traveled to his 30 yo body, and let’s say they get his dad on the phone too and they believe him because this is like a hockey magic thing that happens when people get stressed, like getting deaged or something. Sidney can’t come home, but they do promise that he can call them again anytime until he’s back to normal, and that they love him very much.
Later, after Sidney has showered and is getting ready for bed, his doorbell rings. He really doesn’t want to open the door, but then his phone rings too. It’s Flower.)
“Took you long enough,” Flower begins, then takes in Sidney’s red-rimmed, puffy eyes. “Woah. You okay?”
“I’m okay,” Sidney sighs. “Just tired.”
“You left the bar so suddenly. Geno’s pissed. He’s been wanting to introduce his girlfriend to you for weeks.”
“Oh,” Sidney says, his voice small. “I’ll…I’ll apologize to him later. I’m sorry, Flower, this is a really bad time–”
(Flower eventually wrangles the truth out of him, and listens in shock as Sidney reveals that he’s not himself, that he’s time traveled.)
“I thought we were dating,” Sidney admits in shame, hating how dumb he sounds. “I just–he was so nice to me–I thought–after all these years, I’d finally…you know. Have someone. Be happy. But, um.” He looks up, bites his bottom lip, and tries to blink away tears. “I’m just. You know. The same.” 
“Oh, Sidney,” Flower says, and wraps him in a hug. “Fuck.”
“I really liked him, Flower,” Sidney whispers. “I really, really thought I finally had it all. But that’s really asking for too much. I’m just being stupid. Sorry.”
“I’m so fucking sorry,” Flower replies.
(He eventually tells the team the truth, that he can’t remember anything past age 18, and the team doctors eventually say he’ll be back to normal soon.)
“Yeah, well, that’s the good news, at least,” Sidney says, looking at the ground and trying to ignore the eyes on him. “That, and me still being able to play.”
(He pulls Geno aside before they head out for practice, even though his legs are shaking.)
“Hey,” Sidney says. “Geno. I’m–I’m really sorry…the other day. I shouldn’t have been so rude.”
“It’s okay,” Geno says gruffly, not looking at Sid. “You not know.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“You should have telling me. I’m best friend, I’m help,” Geno says.
“I know, I just–” Sidney sneaks a look behind him. “Look. I’m really sorry. I already told Flower this, but I think I have to say this. I thought we were dating.”
Geno stops moving. “What?”
“I thought we were together. I’m–” He sighs. “I didn’t know what was going on. You were so nice to me. And no one’s ever that nice to me unless they want something, but you never did, so I just assumed–” He wrings his hand helplessly. “I freaked out. I’m over it now. But I’m really, really sorry about what happened.”
Geno opens his mouth, then closes it again. “So…you think, at bar, I’m cheat?”
“No!” Sidney shakes his head, but purses his lips. “Well. A little bit, in the beginning. But after a few seconds I figured that we weren’t together in the first place. So I was just mad at myself, and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
“You want date me?”
“I wish you’d stop rubbing it in,” Sidney grumbles. “I’m going to head out. We good?”
“No, we not good,” Geno says, pulling Sidney back. “What happen after? After you leave bar?”
“I…went home.” Geno is still staring at him, so Sidney admits, “I called my mom. Cried a bit. Went to sleep.” He shrugs. “I really don’t have a dog.”
“Sidney, I’m so sorry,” Geno says mournfully, which just breaks Sidney’s heart even more, because it means Geno’s confirming that there won’t ever be anything between them. Sidney wishes everyone could just stop apologizing. 
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Sidney says.
Then Geno kisses him, out of the blue. Sidney gasps a bit and nearly bites off his own tongue, but Geno is insistent, slotting a leg between Sidney’s thighs and tipping him back a little bit. 
“I’m sorry for make cry,” Geno says breathlessly, when he pulls back. 
(anyways it turns out that Geno is also sorry that he was too chicken to ask sidney out sooner, and the girl was just his friend visiting from home, and geno just brought her to make sid jealous etc etc. sidney is back to normal soon and they date and everything is roses the end)
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