#anyway. torn between ''thank you for indulging me in my ramblings'' and ''it's MY blog and I post whatever I want''
theladysherlock · 2 years
BYE Story Time
One of my favorite Ethan moments is when he tried to filibuster the end of the world.
You have to understand, I did not expect this campaign to last so long. I made Ethan as an improv bro, frat boy adjacent bard, thinking that the campaign would fizzle out four sessions in. He was a joke character. I made him cringe on purpose. He was a super-senior who was captain of a failing improv comedy group, and he knew he was painfully un-cool. He was a deeply un-cool person in a party of awesome, powerful people and that was part of his charm.
The other important thing to understand is that throughout the entire campaign I rolled like shit. I've never had consistently dogshit rolls with any other character, just Ethan. On top of that, he had an extremely mid build-- even as a level eleven bard, his charisma score was only 16. He failed often. So often that it ended up being a running joke. As the campaign went on, I played a bit with his Insecurity about being the weakest link on the team. He had failed his senior year of college (though he was always quick to say he failed on purpose), he had no future plans or job prospects, and everything he tried to do combat-wise tended to fizzle out. Surely the others saw him as an annoying, stupid, stubborn fuck-up, and they only put up with him because he was good for a cure wounds in a pinch.
Anyway. The world was going to end.
The party had had a week to convince some demigods to vote to save the world, and we failed. 4-3, they voted to create the world anew, going far enough back in time until they had a blank enough slate to remake the world in their image. Everyone in the party was trapped, unable to use their magic or their weapons to stop whatever was about to happen.
And then, as a last-ditch effort, Ethan raised his hand and started asking questions about policy. "How far back in time would the world go? Fifty years? Would fifty years enough time to undo the damage? If not, won't you all just end up here again, voting on whether or not to start over? Shouldn't there be a solid plan in place before wiping away history all willy-nilly? Is this plan in phases? How long is the rebuilding process going to take? What happens to the other planes when you wipe this one out?"
He couldn't get out of his restraints; he's not strong enough (of course he's not, he's the weakest party member, remember?) But maybe, if he distracted the main villain long enough, one of his friends could break free. The kid whose favorite thing to do is "yes, and-" people was going to buy his friends time by coming up with as many stupid questions as possible. And maybe, if he poked enough holes, the other demigods would start to think that the plan was more trouble than it was worth.
Obviously, this didn't work. The DM had a huge, climactic fight we had to get to, and it would spoil the fun if the session devolved into me poking holes in proposed infrastructure for three hours. But the futility of his attempt makes me love it more. The only thing that Ethan can do in this moment is one of the things he's self conscious about: being a fucking nuisance. There's no "oh it turns out I'm not actually annoying" moment where he realizes at the last second that his friends loved him all along. He's weaponizing the flaws that he's insecure about! Yes, he's annoying! Yes, he's stubborn! And he's going to make that the main villain's problem for as long as possible! Fuck you!
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moonlight--cafe · 3 years
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Hey there! Today is your lucky day! I’m trying a new system of doing ships, I admit it doesn’t really make sense but it also does make sense. Thank you for giving me so much to work with, I got a very clear picture of you and I really like you, you sound so cool and I sound like a bit of a simp but I just really liked you from your description if I wasn’t a kpop ship blog I’d be shipping you with me. I had so much fun with the aesthetic!  That got a bit rambly but anyways here’s your ship, your nsfw ship will be done soon. I hope you have a brilliant day and a great year! 
~BTS~ Jimin
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Okay, Hi! Welcome to your first ship, I ship you with *drumroll* Jimin! To be completely honest I was torn on who to ship you with, and it took me forever to choose just one member. I am so sorry but this is legitimately why your ship took longer than expected, nevertheless I will stop rambling and get onto your ship. After some contemplation I was pretty certain that Jimin was made for you, there is so much about you that just aligns with who Jimin is as a person. Even though you seem to mirror him in many ways there are also some very distinct differences between the two you, these essentially create the beautiful dynamic that you have with Jimin.
I feel like Jimin would be fairly confident, he wouldn’t hesitate to show that he is interested in you. This sounds like he would be jumping the gun, but to be fair he wouldn’t ask you out until much later. He is purely just letting you know that he is willing to be in a relationship, he would be the type to put the idea out there and let you act on it. In his mind this plan would be the safest way to go, but just know that there’s a chance that even if you did flirt with him, he wouldn’t take this as a “I want to date you” thing. You have to literally say that you want to give dating a go, and of course he wouldn’t hesitate to say yes.
To some your relationship would come across as a bit too indulgent, or it would seem like an overload of some sort. Coming together it would seem that the two of you have a taste for the somewhat extravagant, your love of art and your dream of a successful career would be parallel to the aspects of the idol life that appeal to Jimin. He also feels comforted by some idea of success and he lives for the lavish lifestyle, there is also another very personal reason that Jimin is drawn to you. You know the saying “You receive what you give?” That’s an accurate analogy for your relationship, it’s very equal. Yes, both you and Jimin have your more selfish or greedy moments, but you never keep things from each other. This applies to honesty as well, Jimin is fairly good at sugar coating things but he feels less obliged to do that to you because he holds a lot of trust in you. In the early days of your relationship this trust would be born as a result of your ability to be the voice of reason, Jimin finds a lot of security in this. You actively invite him to see problems in a different light, he seriously appreciates this and would repay you back by giving you endless support in whatever you do.
I don’t know if I’ve said this enough but as a Libra my absolute favourite dynamic is the one between a Gemini and a Libra, the two signs are just so compatible. Both signs are intelligent, easy-going and somewhat social, even if you prefer to not be around people. Both signs know how to create a beautiful relationship, one that is long-lasting and straight-up magical! I know Jimin is known to be the vocal, giggly member but a part of him would also appreciate quiet environments. He dotes on the idea of having a bubble bath together and later putting on some lofi music so you can cuddle in bed. He sees the idea of being pampered as being comfortable. Jimin is just the doting type, I can’t go on too long otherwise this would be long like your Soobin ship. However, Jimin just dotes on you and the idea of you together is so amazing in my books. You are someone who is willing to try anything and everything, and so is Jimin but there is a catch… for him to do anything of the sort he needs a little bit of Hannah on his side.
~TXT~  Soobin
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I personally love this section of your ship because I immediately thought of Soobin when reading your description, even if you didn’t request TXT a part of me would have still shipped you with Soobin. You wrote your request so beautifully and I just knew that none of the TXT members would love you more than Choi Soobin. The two of you just seem so compatible, in every sense. I just feel like he would fall for you very easily, falling for you would be natural for him. Nothing with you was ever forced and he really liked that about you. Upon meeting Soobin he was surprised that he felt relatively calm around you, it was as if you drained every single apprehensive thought he had and replaced them with a delightful sense of happiness. When the two of you had eventually entered a relationship, it was so obvious, the other members didn’t know who he was dating. Scratch that, they didn’t even know if he was dating someone, it was more of an assumption based on how happy he was. Soobin is normally quite a happy individual, but imagine his usual behaviour and times that by ten.
One of my motivations to ship you with Soobin is the fact that you are literally the cutest little mom friend ever, I don’t mean this in a condescending way either (I’m 5’2 so I can’t exactly rip on people about their height). Soobin would be so gentle with you, like he doesn’t baby you but he is just so sweet and sentimental. He would love to cuddle with you and act as the big spoon, I know I just jumped straight into the scenarios but the relationship the two of you share would be so full of love that it would be bursting at the seams. I feel like even if the two of you wanted to keep it private, Soobin would still (accidentally) leak your relationship. It would be a small slip, he would be too “in the moment” to realise what he had just said, on a gameshow they would be giving a tmi about what boba flavours and toppings they like and he would, out of habit add on to the end of his sentence a little “And Hannah’s favourite flavour is---” It was kind of touching that he knew your regular order so well, but I’m not kidding it would take him a few minutes to realised he just name dropped you.
Soobin wouldn’t admit how whipped he is for you, but he will say that he’s gotten to the stage where you’re always on his mind in some way or another, not in an obsessive way. It’s more like a “oh my god I’m in love” way. The way he brightens up when you show him your art would honestly be the cutest thing, he would even let you paint watercolour sceneries on his hands just so he could show them off on the group’s Instagram. Soobin would honestly love you to pieces, he would love you flaws and all. He would acknowledge them; he won’t act like you’re 100% perfect but he will view you in rose-coloured glasses for the most part. The two of you capture the energy he puts into the group, mainly because most of his inspiration comes from the life that he experiences with you. You can literally be credited as partially bringing Moa Diary and Ice Cream into existence.
Your travel bug would also be so contagious, it wouldn’t take long for it to spread to Soobin. It would be so severe that on the first day of one of his longer breaks he would immediately start packing for the two of you, and when you finally wake up, he would happily announce that the two of you were going to Hawaii for a couple of weeks. When you smile excitedly, he would take a mental image because that smile would get him through so much, it’s way more valuable than anything he owns. Why? Because it’s coming from you.
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