#anyways!!! i was nice within the rpc!!!
princelyhelp · 2 years
okay idk how long you've been rping for but remember when rpc stood for roleplay critic and people would send their roleplays to be reviewed!! some people would go SO HARD and it was the juiciest thing to read like 11-year-old me was nodding to the comment about the orange being a hue too bright for the background when i am colourblind
i've been here for a while OAIJGAOIGJAOIGJA AND OMG YES I DO REMEMBER THESE!!!! i was actually one of those people who would do opinions or reviews for rps. but i was like actually nice and helpful back then
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hegrowth · 6 months
I'm the anon from the other night, and I want to make sure I reaffirm that I wasn't at all trying to criticize you or make you feel small. My messages came from a place of worry, because I truly don't want to watch you burn. yourself out trying to force a hobby. I've watched too many wonderfully talented writers do it, and it makes me fearful that you'll fall victim to the "I must reply" cycle as well. Please do take care of yourself
I'm a little brain-addled from social interaction but I didn't want to leave this on read and have you worry, anon ! please please please know: I did not feel criticized or attacked by your messages, and my decisions since regarding my activity here / how I have been feeling have nothing to do with your messages. <3
if anything your messages enabled me to come to terms with myself; I've been trying to do other things, focus my attention elsewhere etc, in an effort to broaden my horizons a bit, give me more to do than be dependent on tumblr. and I think its been working ! so you've helped more than you've hurt, honestly. I'm taking care of myself by letting myself do other things and not let tumblr or rp rule my life.
honestly I just felt. really isolated and pointless and I didn't feel like I occupied a meaningful space within the rpc. so I knew I needed to step back. honestly I made the blog for shade, tried putting myself out there, and then felt cold and silly and, well, stupid for doing it at all. I felt invisible and knew being on tumblr wasn't doing anything for me or my mental health, so I've been doing other stuff.
and I've been really lucky that my friends on discord have been around and been able to spend time with me. <3 we've been playing our bg3 campaign together and chatting in our group so. I definitely don't feel as alone. and I haven't been thinking about tumblr or rp which is... nice. refreshing. weird, kinda. but good. better.
so anyway. you have nothing to apologize / feel bad for / etc. I actually really appreciate that you took the time, and were so... just how you were, I don't know. but it was very obvious to me that you were coming from a good place and I don't think you could have done it any better than you did ! so I appreciate your worry, the time you've put into these messages. and want to assure you I'm doing pretty good, for what its worth ! and taking your advice, so.
I've never really felt like I owed anyone anything. it was just a matter of existing in a way befitting an rper. i.e. actually interacting and doing things like that. but that's still something that can cause burnout. and there's no point in hitting my head against a wall trying to break it down. I'll figure out the muse thing eventually, I'm sure. but right now I'm just trying to take your advice by taking a break !
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pocmuzings · 4 years
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hello hi , it is g , ur friendly local neighbourhood hindu indian ( as in south asian  ) ! so a few people requested that i just make a guide-esque sorta thing on hindu  indian characters ! im not really good at guides , so instead , these are just little things i’ve noticed or picked up on that could really potentially strengthen the next indian character u ( pretty please ! ) pick up ! 
disclaimer : i am writing this from my perspective and it is NOT definitive , nor do i speak on behalf of all hindu indians  ! i am a 23-year-old bisexual cis female hindu indian , with one older gay brother, and a Train Wreck middle brother . my mother is from new delhi , and my father is from nairobi but has indian heritage ( not sure which part of india bc he’s an Engima ) . i have extended family in india and have visited india about 10-15 times throughout my entire life .
so firstly , im so glad u all are here and want to write more hindu indian characters ! please please do so !  i hope this helps , encourages u , and isnt too confusing !! 
psa : i need everyone to know that this is a very basic ‘ guide ‘ and theres a lot it DOESNT touch on or address bc i didnt want to get too Extensive and Detailed and have people Turn off and not Read it . this is just written in the terms of hopefully helping build  character / be relevant to characters a bit better that ive employed into writing my OWN hindu indian character creations !  but if u have any other questions pls reach out to me or any other indians in the rpc and im sure we’ll try our best to assist u !
one thing i’d really like to say is that its great to see fcs like dev patel  , deepika padukone and avan jogia picked up every now and then in rps , but there’s actually a LOT of other indian fcs you could be and should be using ! the main reason people don’t seem to know them is because they’re not ‘ hollywood ‘ stars per se ( it was a super big deal when pr*yanka broke out of bollywood and into bollywood but we don’t talk about her on this Blog ) . they’re usually bollywood stars and i don’t really see bollywood discussed that much in the rpc ! 
if you’re after MORE indian fcs , i have a tag of indian females here , and indian males here . the fcs on my blogs are also not ALL that exist . there are plenty of other blogs out there that post indian fcs , such as sonamhelps &  bollymusings !!! there’s also some really great faceclaim directories out there that include a LOT of indians with resources !
 unfortunately , i do not know of any trans indians or nonbinary indians but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist . indian cultures and beliefs are still quite Old School and not super progressive . india only just had it’s first wlw mainstream bollywood film released last year . lgbtqia+ issues are NOT really spoken about in india or within indian families at ALL , and if they are - they’re usually dismissed or reacted to Very Very Badly . ( again this isnt definitive and im sure and hopeful that some indians have had GREAT coming out stories and been accepted by their families but this has not been a common thing ive seen or witnessed from my cousins my age , indian friends , myself and my brother who are lgbtqia +  ) 
we do eat with our hands and we eat like PROS with our hands . we can shovel it so easily and quickly . i don’t know how to describe it but you use the first three fingers of your hand to place the Food there , and then use your thumb to kinda scoop it off and into your mouth . this is NOT unhygienic because indians wash their hands very regularly and most of the time we aren’t actually touching our mouths to our hands ! 
indian food is MADE to be eaten with your hands for the most part . it is literally NOT practical to eat food with a knife and fork . here’s a really great article explaining things more in depth re: indian food and using our hands !
cows are seen as Very holy beings in hindu indian culture , and for that reason - there isn’t a lot of beef being eaten or consumed. sure , some indians DO eat beef but i don’t think its super common, but in my personal experience as a non-beef-eater this results in A LOT of me asking ‘ oh ,  sorry what sauce does that pasta come with ? ‘ ‘ oh those are beef sausages ? sorry i can’t eat them ‘ etc etc . beef is in a LOT of things , and this makes me very very careful and almost pedantic about what i do eat and ask about , food wise  !
indian food is seen as stinky by a majority of white people . it has a very very strong smell as im sure u know , and opening ur lunch box as a little kid to a Curry or Dal ur mum has made u ? one way street to being bullied . i also remember a time a real estate agent continuously told my dad nobody was interested in buying our house bc it smelled too much like curry,  despite my mum not having cooked curry in Weeks ( just say what u Really mean ,  bitch ! )
 indian curry exists but so does dal / daal . this is curry-like dish that is usually made out of lentils . so if ur going to talk about indian food and u know curries and samosas . . pls also bring up dals . and sabji ! ( sabji is usually just boiled vegetables plopped together . a lot of potato usually )
desserts are what we call Indian Sweets  . this is stuff that is usually very VERY sugary and a bit of an accustomed taste . theyre very colourful and LOOK beautiful but even i , for one , can not eat many indian sweets bc they are a Lot of Sweet and Sugar    . examples of indian sweets that u can google  : gulab jamun , burfi , rasgulla , jalebi etc . here’s a great link for more !
give me spiced food or give me death . literally . . put some cumin in . . put some garam masala . . put some chillies . . flavour ur Food for my Indian Taste Buds 
if you are the oldest son of an Indian Family . . congratulations . you are now the Head of the family and must carry every weight and burden alone . it is extremely isolating and taxing on you ( my dad is the oldest indian son , and also - so is my eldest brother , obvs ) . there is a LOT that is expected of you to do . you are expected to quite literally run the family and be the ‘ man of the house ‘ by yourself . 
if you are a daughter . . . even BIGGER congratulations ! you are basically a maid to every male or guest who EVER comes over to your house . you must be a Hostess , you must be in the kitchen cooking , serving snacks, bringing tea , and then washing up and basically waiting on Hand and Foot . you will not be included into a lot of dialogue or engaged in a lot of conversation and TRUST ME ! THAT WILL GRIND UR GOD DAMN GEARS IN THE 21ST CENTURY ! 
if you are a boys’ boy ( aka straight and Sporty ) , then congrats ! you get it the easiest : you are the favourite of every social event . the uncles and cousins love talking to you and dude-ing it up with you , and the aunts fawn over you and think you’re the Best Thing since sliced bread . sit back , put your feet up , and expect to be treated like a God. you can do absolutely no wrong . ( my middle brother is this to a T and listen . . he’s been in and out of jail for physical violence and ab*se for over 5 years . and family still FROTH over him . my teeth are gritted to dust thinking of this again ) 
indian aunties are lethal . they gossip like teenage girls . they will find out everything . they will bitch behind your back . they can NOT be trusted .
everyone is ur uncle or aunt, sister or brother . literally everyone . ur cousin ? no. thats ur sister . ur dads friend ? no , thats ur uncle . you will call them as such . EVERYONE is family .  
family is in general a VERY BIG THING in indian culture , too . ‘ what will it Look like to everyone else if we don’t all arrive together ? ‘ my dad usually asks dskjdfjn . it’s all about Looking Right and Standing As A United Front  . that being said , indian family has undying and unwavering loyalty for one another , they just show it in a very Weird way .
female hindu indian formal  clothes are usually really embroidered to hell and back and this makes them very scratchy , uncomfortable, and HEAVY . you aren’t running anywhere anytime soon in a full blown lehenga or saree 
most ‘ modern ‘ hindu indian women do not wear full Indian Clothes all the time . some do , but usually it’s a lot of wearing a kurti tunic with jeans , or just normal everyday clothing . again , this is going to be different based on which parts of india your character is from , though ! 
usually , older women and married women  wear traditiona hindul indian clothing quite often . i know my mum wore a sari AT HOME everyday when i was growing up, until i was like 13 and took her shopping with me to get something Else to wear . 
bindi’s just stick right onto ur forehead but they do fall off a lot , especially when ur wearing makeup or sweating . again , you don’t need to wear a bindi everyday , unless thats ur preference . i usually only wear them for festivals . ( festivals means indian celebrations , not like . . coachella  ((which u should not be wearing a bindi to , if ur not indian fyi )) )
male formal clothes are usually just literally anything Formal and buttoned up for the most part , and u can get away with that , or you can wear a really nice kurta
indians wear white at funerals , not black  ( not sure if this should go in the fashion section but this entire thing is being organised into a Mess by now anyways ) . you CAN wear black to a funeral of course , but its common to wear white !
DATING ( tw’s for islamaphobia ): 
modern day indian / desi fuck boys exist and my god they are Something Else . hasan minhaj did a really good piece about this and explaining them to a T ( starts at 1:43 )
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT WILL MENTION ISLAMAPHOBIA AND HOMOPHOBIA ! ) basically according to Older  indians , ,  ur dating options  in 2020 go like this ( if ur a cis female like me ) : hindu indian men are god tier , white men are Not Okay But I Guess So Bc We Have To Accept They’re Everywhere , females / being lgbtqia+ is not Taken Seriously , and muslims are literally not even close to being an option or Accepted  . again this isn’t definitive but based on a lot of  indian media i’ve consumed and seen how they portray muslims in general as well as Dating Options , as well as talking to other indians  , both who are older / traditional and hold these ideals , whereas Younger gens generally do NOT hold these ideals  / actively are Against these backwards ideals.   i remember when i was in year 6 and had my first boyfriend . . he was a muslim and my dad FLIPPED the FUCK out  . it’s not even that i was dating someone / young / his only daughter . . it was mainly because i was dating a muslim . again , this is a very OLD SCHOOL and traditional way of thinking and it is NOT CORRECT .  pls don’t take this as a note to be islamaphobic if u write an indian character bc . . thats literally the opposite of what im trying to tell u here . 
yeah arranged marriages are definitely still a thing for us , even now in 2020
YES if u are an unmarried / single indian ( ESPECIALLY if ur a woman ) about to enter ur 30s . . ur in DANGER and u are the black sheep and theres probably something Wrong With You bc why are u still single ?
idk if its just me and my family but we are SUPER superstitious . if you say anything like ‘ he hasnt gotten sick in years !’ immediately , everyone knocks on wood or their head . if you were planning on leaving the house and sneeze ? thats bad luck , stand and wait for five minutes then u can leave . we have a strong belief in drishti , or  alternatively : The Evil Eye  , and making sure we don’t invite it into our lives . a lot of our prayers are about warding drishti away .
the evil eye is kinda Complicated but basically its an ill-wishing upon an unsuspecting person . if somebody is jealous of you or angered by you , they may wish upon you or cast upon you the Evil eye ( or even just glare at u whilst ur not looking and thats Big Bad ) . 
a lot of older indians , like older people in general i guess , are not super progressive or Open . this isnt ALWAYS the case but older indians can be very very stubborn in their beliefs in what is Right and Wrong , Normal and Not Normal 
theres a LOT of hindu indian festivals and events ! tbh too many for me to even keep up with . but without fail at least once a year ill say to ONE of my friends ‘ oh sorry i cant make it . i have an indian Thing on that day ‘ and its usually about a festival , so pls be aware that there are a LOT of indian festivals and if ur writing an indian character , its perfectly understandable and Relatable for them to say they can’t make it to a party or hang out with their friends that night , for that very reason !
the main / most popular ( ? ) festivities  that i personally do celebrate every year without fail are : 
diwali ( the festival of lights , celebrating goddess lakshmi roaming the earth . in my household this is usually turning on literally every single light and lighting candles and fireworks / sparklers and saying some prayers , and eating a formal dinner all together !  )  
holi ( the festival of colours . celebrating victory and love . again personally for me , this was usually celebrated at the temple with all of us Kids running around throwing paint on each other ! ) 
rakhi / raksha bandhan ( a day of sisters celebrating their brothers . you tie a rakhi which is usually a bracelet / holy string around your brothers wrist , feed them some food , pray for their wellbeing and in return they gift you something . in my case, i usually get money from them ) .
navratri  / durga puja ( 9 nights and 10 days of celebrations but tbh u don’t have to do all the days . or i mean . . i don’t . i fast one day from morning to night and then i slide on over to boogie and dance dandiya which is literally the MOST FUN dance ever bc its based off some Historical Fight and u go faster and faster and keep going until ur absolutely SPENT bc u dont wanna lose ur place in the circle )  
there are SO MANY HINDU INDIAN GODS too . and so many prayers to all of them and to just general Life Wellness . chances are that ur character will know at least ONE aarti / gazal / prayer off by heart and have sung it at least 30 times in a monotone voice . the ones i know off by heart bc ive had to sing them 3000 times ? om jai jagdish hare , & the gayatri mantra 
GENERAL LIL THINGS I DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO CATEGORISE ( tw’s for skin whitening , colorism and classism ) :
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT NEEDS A TW FOR SKIN WHITENING AND COLORISM  ) lets hold indians accountable right now : we advertise SKIN LIGHTENING CREAM  . i think they finally stopped that earlier this year / due to BLM ( i’m not entirely sure / could be wrong ) , but thats literally how bad it is , that we would openly advertise and encourage people to literally bleach their skin rather than look darker . 
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT NEEDS A TW FOR COLORISM AND CLASSISM ) colorism is a BIG thing in india and usually linked to class . generally speaking , the people who are Darker Skinned are usually people who work outside / labourers or homeless even , and are therefore seen as lower class / bottom class . the lighter skin you have , the more privileged and advantaged you are bc ur seen as working a Good job out of the sun and having a home . it’s incredibly classist as well as just generally Fucked Up . why am i telling u this ? mainly so u understand the importance of using a dark skinned indian fc vs a light skinned indian fc which i know is hard , bc a lot of darker skinned indians arent in hollywood / have resources , but its still something to Think About .  
i have a long Ethnic name . literally my first name is 10+ letters , which i know doesnt seem that long Necessarily but its also a Super Ethnic name with e’s and and j and n . it Flows and Sounds very clearly different from a christian name . it is VERY important to me that my name be said Correctly because i’ve spent so much time having it said incorrectly or Westernised . i also know a lot of indians my age who ( like me ) have had to dramatically shorten their REAL first name ( which is usually also pretty long . not always , but it is Common ) , to fit their name into white people’s mouths better . please put some thought into ur indian characters name !
not all indians speak hindi ! hindi is one of MANY dialects within india . there is also tamil , urdu  , bengali , punjabi , telugu and SO many more , so pls research which part of india ur character / their family  is from bc hindi won’t always be the default language for them !
not every indian is hindu ! of course ur character doesnt have to be religious at all , bc if im being honest IM barely religious but my FAMILY is and this is smth u should think abt bc religion is a pretty big thing for indians . so even if ur character isnt hindu , they were probably raised with SOME religious beliefs . have a think about which religions they would have been brought up with ! there’s a very large percentage of practicing muslims , sikhs and buddhists too ! and even christianity !
the first step should be to consume indian media ! listen to indian music . watch bollywood movies ! theres SO MANY  out there on everyone’s netflix . if u want some recs , let me know and i can try my best to find smth for u ! if u want smth thats Hollywood-indian . . . Hasan Minhaj is great to watch , especially his episodes on indian culture / politics , and Never Have I Ever on netflix was rlly good / relatable for me personally as an indian growing up in a western society !
i would really really love to see more indian rep in general , but i’d also like to discuss the Stereotypes that ive seen indians portrayed as in mainstream hollywood media :
indian women as soft spoken and subservient beings who are abused by their husbands and have no say in anything 
heterosexuality within indian relationships and indian dating 
indian men as sleazy 
indians in general not being seen as Sexy or Sexual beings with any sex drive at all 
Stumbling , Stuttering , Nerdy awkward messes of men who don’t know how to interact with anybody they find sexually appealing
an indian character that everybody ( usually white ) finds Uncomfortable and Weird and is seen as usually the Butt of the joke .
 i think those mentioned above could be helpful in how to plan your next indian character and think about how to SUBVERT a trope theyre often portrayed as , or create an indian thats not stereotypical !
so what and who SHOULD you write ? 
an indian character who is proudly and openly gay , or bi 
a trans or nonbinary indian ( PLEASE ! ) 
an indian character with really super accepting parents and family 
an aromantic indian 
an indian who is focused on their career first and not their dating life 
a fuckboy / fuckgirl ( honestly . . i’d love to see it )
a indian character who is a party animal 
an outspoken indian female who takes no shit and is strong in every sense of the word
a confident , smooth talking indian businessman who is Sexy and Lusted After ( not in a gross christian grey way but just . i’d love to see indian characters seen as Sexy . not in a fetishy way , either , but just because it’d be a nice change in pace ! )
a character who IS traditional / religious but also very progressive and forward thinking in their beliefs 
honestly just any character that isnt whats mentioned above
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Honestly no one should ever feel embarrassed about posting their own opinions and views on canon on their own blog, esp when it comes to their own muse. Write those HCs or analysis posts or whatever it is you wanna write!! Doesn’t matter if it’s ‘unpopular’ or ‘goes against fanon’ cus tbh in my own opinion those kinda takes are the best ones!!
It’s always nice to have fresh ideas and views and see other perspectives and it offers such a wide variety of thoughts and creativity within the RPC.
Shouldn’t let the judgement of your peers stop you, because even if some people may be off put, there is much more majority here I know that will be nothing but supportive anyway.
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lovedcult · 3 years
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happy birthday to the bestie @summerlost​​ 💗💭 !!!!!!!!!!!!!  jia. 🙈 what a crazy year it's been. all these memories we've made together. girl you crazy 😫but im not even about to put all that on tumblr 😂. congrats on another trip around the sun, im so proud of you ❤ love u girlie see u at the club LMFAOO😂❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉 
( jk ur real bday message is under the read more ilu HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABEY )
literally me preparing this message just hours before ur birthday but i was determined to have it ready by the time it hit midnight for u so HERE I AM HELLO 🤍 going to try and make this letter heartfelt and cute because we never say things like this to each other but u really have become such an important person in my life in such a short time u just mean very much to me and i really do want you to know just wonderful and special u are to me !! we have only known each other ?? like 5 months ? is that right ? girl idk but within those 5 months we have managed to talk to each other like every single day except maybe 2 days isn’t that so crazy ? so i want to thank u for always keeping me company and crying over txt with me and just being such a warm source of happiness in my life, it really has been so wonderful to get to know you and to be ur friend 🤍 
going to list some things that you’ve done for me that maybe you don’t know you’ve done for me but you deserve to know .. i know i said i was gonna get mushy here but good ness .. anyway it’s so nice to wake up to messages from u everyday and to go to sleep after talking to u all day and knowing that i will have a friend whenever i need it like fr i don’t know how we do it because i am usually so bad at communication rip ..... it has just always felt so easy to talk to you and we clicked right away and there was never a moment of awkwardness like there can be when first meeting someone which thank god .  i’m more comfy with u than i have been with some friends i’ve known for 5+ years and i think that says a lot about our friendship as well as you as a person. we talk literally all the time and it just makes me so happy, i look forward to talking to u every day 💗 whether its about our ships or personal lives or random shite or my godson pumpkin it never matters to me, i am just so happy you are here and that i get to know you
did you know i like never listened to taylor swift before meeting u ? apart from that one time i saw her live in concert when i was like 12 but i don’t even remember that NSNSNSN but i’ll have you know the songs you’ve showed me are special to me now and i enjoy listening to them and she will now forever remind me of u! i have a tendency to try to get into things and like what my friends like so just know whenever you show me stuff i will file it in the heart shaped jia folder in my brain and keep it there forever. literally no matter what it is. tht goes for pacrim too that was so random but i became obsessed with it right after u showed it to me and i’ve actually watched it twice more after we watched it together <3 speaking of, i hope we can have more movie nights together or just cute lil kosmi dates in general because they are so fun and we have a watchlist piling up already so we should crack that open when we can … whenever ur nawt busy being a doctor or whatever
reminds me; do u remember that time i panicked because i ate burnt chicken nuggets and u told me i was gonna get c*ncer ? girl fun times NMDCNBJSAKFJSFJSDV just so you know i WILL be directing any of my future health concerns to u because i might just break otherwise bc i don’t know how to survive and we don’t want that i don’t think so glad i have a smart sexy big brain friend like u in my life
i hope you have a wonderful wonderful wonderful day today which you just might because it’s also txt comeback today ( u fuckin lucky bitch i cant believe they are obsessed with u ) you deserve it so much !! you work so hard all of the time and i know school can be stressful as well as life but i really am so proud of u because u are doing great things and it will all pay off. u are never alone through any of it either so when it gets too hard u will always have me beside u !!! promise !!!! i love u lots !!!!! even tho ur a gemini !!!! but ur my gemini !!!!!!!
also want to mention how just WONDERFUL it has been writing with u omg ??? we have 11 official plots going on rn as well as a bunch of unofficial ones and it has just been the loveliest experience getting to write and ship with u with every single one of them and it’s just been so fun. u are such a talented writer and u put so much effort and thought into all of ur muses which i immensely applaud u for. you should know this already though considering i am vocally in love with all of them ( when jungjae finally d words i will be coming to sweep up sooyeon i really dont care what u have to say its out of ur hands ? let it go ) … jia best rp partner .. i’ve never had a writing partner that gets so involved with our plots the way you do with me and shows the interest that you do and it means so very much to me, i feel very lucky and im forever thankful u messaged me the day u did and introduced urself because i am a scared bitch and probably would have just admired u from afar on the dash instead <3 i hope we can have 327234 more plots and ships in the future because u have managed to make each of them so special. 
i feel like this letter is so all over the place but am i gonna go back in and make it prettier ? naur because im a mess writing it so ur getting the full heidy emotional love spill experience .. this is the first bday im spending with u so i had to write u this & let u know just how much u mean to me . literally thinking abt u all the time and am always hoping u are happy and having good days on the other side of the world <3 ur just that wonderful. thank u for being my friend beyond the rpc and i hope the future can bring us even closer together !!!! i love u so much stinky ( with affection ) stay sexy ......... <33333
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us btw
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toxkeepxbreathing · 4 years
@imxaxmage said:  ⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse belong to? (DRV3 & Until Dawn)
Honestly, Imma answer this for both because honestly my opinions for any fandom seem to always coalesce. For the most part, I really love and appreciate and enjoy how intensely the fandoms I invest in in turn invest in the shows and characters. Tumblr wouldn't exist if not for people to fangasm about all their favorite shit. And everyone who engages in those labors of love from fanart to fan animations to fanfiction to memes and memelists, the RPC, cosplayers, EVERYTHING -- Is just truly mindblowing and heartwarming. That being said... I do wish people would be more open minded to differing opinions and try to keep a balanced perspective on characters. Especially when it comes to characters they like versus characters they don't. Cause I do feel, well, humanity in general, is strongly biased by looks. Or they assume that because a character doesn't wear their heart on their sleeve and reach out or seek attention that they don't care/have feelings/struggle. And it's just frustrating.
I was watching an LP of Danganronpa and the LPer said that Angie deserved to die because she was "too positive" and "not taking anything seriously" and that was in Chapter 1 before anyone even died. He didn't give her a chance to reach Chapter 3 where she legit takes so many actions to try and end the killing game and it becomes apparent that Atua is a major coping mechanism for her and the entire council -- Especially Himiko. But then, yeah, Kiyo murders nearly 100 innocent women and he's a poor innocent boy that got abused by his sister. Which I've not been able to find evidence that it's even hard canon that either him or his sister abused each other. It's just headcanons based on Kiyo's tulpa and the stories of how Kiyo got his tulpa don't even match up. (He claims she came to him in a seance, but the game itself says she manifested while he was being tortured. I imagine the truth is in between those two, and he performed the seance to convince himself that his split personality/tulpa was actually his sister.)
And it's like. It's fine to like characters like that. And to dislike characters like Angie. But it'd be nice to have that be based on equal perspective. I like Mukuro, Kyosuke, Junko, Jack, Mikan and plenty of messed up characters. But I don't try and justify or excuse their behaviours because they still exist and should be recognized as character flaws that those characters need to responsibility for. Not have them excuses and forgiven. Hell, I don't excuse Angie blaming Himiko for Ryoma's murder. And yeah, her actions, good intentions or otherwise, born of abuse or otherwise, whether she has a severe case of God-fearing or God-complex or feeling like a Prophet. Are questionable and take the choice away from other people. (It's why Kaito, Tenko, Maki and Shuichi oppose her.) Anyway, I'm rambling.
I guess the Tl;dr is: I love all fandoms, especially the ones that truly care and deeply analyse their shows/things/characters. But I also feel like human nature invites bias that I wish more people could look beyond to place themselves not just in the shoes of the people they like, but also in the shoes of the people they don't like. Because unless you do that, it becomes hard to fairly judge every character. You miss things. Or don't let yourself hear them. Hell, I was watching Persona 5 Strikers and Futaba, a character I don't particularly care for personality-wise, said something about being unable to sleep in the camper van because she didn't have her usual pillow. My initial reaction was to just not pay attention and jokingly tell her to shut up. But then I stopped to think about that line and the implications, and that line alone gave me at least SOMETHING to appreciate in Futaba. She has obsessive compulsive tendencies. Same when she froze up in public.
I appreciated the game more, and her character a little more, to see how well they delivered on her social anxiety after spending so long hermiting in her room, struggling with PTSD. Granted, I still don't like her. Especially the way she seems to trivialize the trauma, obsessive compulsive behaviours and special interests of others. But I wouldn't even appreciate what I do appreciate of her character if I just shut her down/ignored her based on past judgments. I just don't think it costs anything to keep an open myself and place yourself in their shoes and keep hoping for the best for characters. Maybe that's why Kaito is one of my favorite characters in DRV3. Maybe that's why Tenko and Himiko initially resonated so much. Maybe that's why I like Ryoma, too. And maybe that's why I like Persona IN GENERAL. Because I really do like to see the best in people.
Oh, and don't wish harm upon characters in any meaningful way just because you don't like their personality. Sure, if they're genuinely god-awful criminals, I'd get it. In The Vampire Diaries, I find the actions of characters like Stefan, Damon, Klaus, Katherine, Hayley, and even Tyler, Jeremy and Elena to be very morally fucked up. Those first five moreso than the last three. And I truly believe that a lot of their actions; which for Damon and Katherine include rape and murder and Klaus and Tyler include attempted rape (and murder and brainwashing and a shit tonne of familial abuse and gaslighting for Klaus) and Elena and Jeremy essentially committing a mass genocide on thousands of vampires. They really do highlight how fucked up the vampire's mentality is and explains why characters like Matt Donovan want RID of them from Mystic Falls. (Especially because Matt's sister died because of them.) But to say someone should die because they're too bitchy or too cheery really does disturb me.
Characters like Hiyoko and Angie and Himiko don't deserve to die JUST BECAUSE of how they carry themselves. If you don't like the way they carry themselves. FINE. I don't wish death upon Futaba, either. Hell, I don't even wish death upon characters like Miu, Saiyaka or Kirumi in DRV3, though I disagree with their moral values and motives. I even RP Miu lmao. Note: I also wouldn't wish DEATH upon Tyler, Eleanor and Jeremy based on what I've seen so far. (I'm rewatching the series from scratch for like the fifth time.) And maybe not Hayley, either. And I don't believe the rest of them deserve to be harmed for their personalities. It's the actions and lack of responsibility they take within their own character arcs. It's fine to be jaded and problematic and bitchy and cruel and a fucking asshole to an EXTENT. But only if you're actually trying to improve.  We're all human. Mistakes happen. We all hit rock bottom eventually. I just... I don't know... I wish there was less bias and judgment and more open minds and fair perspectives given to all characters in any given fandom.
. . . . .
(So much for that Tl;dr)
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greenchristmas · 4 years
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@hiddensteel​ - ho, ho, ho ! i thought this week i would try to encompass the santa feeling a bit more since i haven’t done THAT yet. i hope that your week was absolutely amazing and that you liked how the flash prompt turned out ! this week, i spent quite a long time looking through your ooc tag figuring out what makes you YOU, you know ? from what i’ve gathered, you seem like such a genuinely sweet person. when answering asks out of character, you’re always extremely polite and kind to people which is something that truly is valuable in a writing partner in my opinion ! you have such a positive energy radiating from your blog that it just overall gives off such a great vibe. the little things you choose to share (such as tv shows you’re going to start) are just very :) to see because i know personally i like when other muns post details about their other interests than what their blog is about. it’s like oh wow !! i like those things too ! the people who share small things about themselves just make me happy because it makes the rp experience feel a bit more personal ( am i overthinking this ?? maybe… ) but anyway !! your blog has immaculate vibes and it seems that you manage it very well. like, your posts are very organized and your tags are so well done. i mentioned this before i think, but your blog in general is very organized. your theme is easy to navigate while also being perfectly complex ( in a good way, don’t worry !! ). in one ask, you helped someone out with the colored text and as someone who has struggled with tumblr trends / functions in the past, it was so nice seeing you answer it so well and in a way people can understand. additionally, you seem to be extremely smart — your writing is literally legendary. last week i spent a lot of time reading it and honestly ? it was a wonderful experience. not to mention, your blog is nearly seven years old which is extremely impressive ! you seem like such an incredible person and i think you embody what people strive to be within the rpc !!
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muertemismo · 4 years
A Well Needed Rant From Your Friendly Neighborhood Reaper Mun
First and foremost, I want to state that I’ve only been back with the Tumblr RPC for maybe a month now. 
With that being said, I follow a good bit of people (mostly in the Overwatch RPC, but also from some other fandoms) and get a wide range of diversity on my dash. Something that I’ve noticed within the past week is that people tend to be very.. passive aggressive towards others? For a multitude of reasons, too. The biggest one I’ve noticed is timing of replies, or people not being happy with their writing. I’ve had some muns come to me to complain about these things (which I’m always ears for listening, this isn’t a rant about you guys!), but it’s made me want to put the following out into the void for if people had forgotten:
We all have these blogs for the same purpose: to write and further our skills. Not ONE person made a blog with the intention of “I’m going to be a dick and be mean to people OOC”, but I SEE IT HAPPEN SO OFTEN. We all have LIVES outside of our muses -- jobs, school, kids maybe, mental issues that interfere with our writing, etc. If you’re someone that can reply fast, good for you! If you’re not, that’s fine as well! If someone doesn’t reply to a thread that you have for maybe a day or so, LEAVE THEM BE. DO NOT get angry at them because you are maybe excited about the plot and want to further it faster -- writing takes TIME. It’s a variable dependent on the specific PERSON, and it’s FLUID. Some people produce their best work in a shorter time, and others a longer time. There is absolutely NO NEED to badger and be MEAN to someone over it. These blogs were simply designed as a HOBBY and a tool to HAVE FUN. 
Another note that I want to stress while I’m here, blog editing and pretty graphics DO NOT equate to having a high level of writing. Alongside muns coming to complain about people being a little mean to them, I’ve seen a consistent pattern of DISCOURAGEMENT due to people having REALLY edited blogs and graphics to go along with their works. I want to shout it from the rooftops that even if your blog is the BARE MINIMUM with a “basic theme”, THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE A BAD WRITER. I thread with SO MANY PEOPLE who have what some would consider “basic blogs”, and they’re FUCKING AMAZING. Their talent is just.. something I aspire mine to be. I understand that this may be hypocritical coming from me, someone who DOES have a very edited blog -- but I use the blog style as an extension of my muse and my backhand knowledge of photoshop. It’s NOT FAIR to those who DON’T have that knowledge and just use something simple so they can just go and WRITE THEIR MUSE. Also, photoshop is fucking expensive!!! I don’t blame those who don’t have it or don’t use it -- it’s tricky!! But anyways, I would just LOVE to see the hate and anger die from my dashboard because we’re all here to have fun, make friends, and write together. We didn’t create these muses or import them from a place to be mean to others. 
Lastly, we’re all human. Behind these muses, we have feelings, and feelings get hurt. So please, just be nice to each other, yeah? Especially during this time of the virus and all of the rough shit people may be going through.
Thanks for listening to my TED talk. 
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First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat. Long post!
MUN NAME: Bambi / Eden     AGE: 18       CONTACT: IM, Ask, Discord (search discord up on my blog)
CHARACTER(S): a shit ton
CURRENT FANDOM(S): Dragon Age, rdr2, assassin’s creed, star wars (sorta??)
FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  Modern verse, r.dr2, da, skyrim (haven’t touched my bio for it for a while so I may have to touch it up a bit) and that’s pretty much it for any au verse. They’re just crossover verses.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: ONE-LINER (it happens but I tend to not favor it) / 1 PARA / 2 PARA / 3+ PARA / NOVELLA. / ALL
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. ( varies, but overall I tend to post more ooc? )
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  im me or talk to me over discord
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER: Not too much? I’d like for there to be a plot in mind, but I can understand if that’s not the case. I’ve had instances where I want to interact with a character, but have absolutely no idea in mind. Usually sendign in an ask meme can help in that regard.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  I strive to not be one-sided myself, but I do have instances where I can’t think of anything. I’m not sure? Maybe ask the other person if they’re into it or if something else is at play (dealign with real life problems and it just affects their mood voerall).
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I always try to give ideas of my own if I have any. Coming to a equally agreed, general idea is fine. I’ve had instances where I was on both sides of this, but I always try to add input and be equal with the other person.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - AND WHY?: Sometimes I don’t notice it, but sometimes I do. Generally, I like to know, but I understand if someone doesn’t wan tto reach out. Just at least try to let me know and we’re fine. 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  It depends really. Sometimes I just don’t have muse for a thread, or an instance where I have dropped a muse entirely. Sometimes it can be timing, but that’s rarely the issue. Most of the time it’s just I can’t think of anything and I feel like it hasn’t really gone anywhere? I have stuff in my queue for a while, so soemtimes it appears that way until it’s posted and I’m sorry about that.
WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. ( I do have instances where I was forgetful and I haven’t told my partner int he apst adn I’m sorry about that. )
IS COMMUNICATION IN THE RPC IMPORTANT TO YOU? YES / NO. - AND WHY?: I don’t need to be tlaked every day, but stronger friendships ( ooc & ic ) are formed when I talk to a person. It doesn’t need to be often, but it helps me understand your chaarcter and your approach. With that, I can come up with ideas and understand you rmuse more. I understand if people aren’t fond of ooc chatting, that’s completely understandable to me.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: Criticsm is a good way to grow. Criticsm is different from completely bashing a perosn’s portrayal and not giving any pointers (ex: “your portrayal sucks.”). Or even for a person. If you feel like I am portraying something wrong, like depression or something similar, let me know. If you feel like Lydia’s adhd isn’t properly portrayed, let me know. 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: All of my muses are written and taken an interest in for different reasons, sometimes I don’t even know why I decided to write them. I roleplay because I love exploring different characters and dyanamics and it’s easier for me to write like this than forming my own story. But a goal in mind? Be a good rp partner I guess? Or at least try to make things interesting and try my best to portray my characters correctly or in an intruiging manner. 
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  Varies on muse. I have different plots in my wishlist tag: ( wishlist ). 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   Potential triggering content ahead. Rape, noncon, abuse, incest, drug use -not alcohol- ( lyrium I can write fine, it’s just the realistic stuff I can’t do. ), inappropiate under age stuff. Themes where I write a stalker. Sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and racism will never be mentioned by any of my characters. I won’t write smut probably ever, so themes with that I tend to not write. Very likely more, I just can’t think of anything. Within dragon age, I do have a characetr ( Sera ) who will refer to elves as elfy-elves and be pretty anti-elf, which can be triggering to others. Also, animal abuse or gore of any kind.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: I can’t work with starters that don’t really have any dialogue (handing something over with nothing vocally said is fine, but when someone is just sitting there, that’s harder to work with unless somethign is plotted). Generally, I like outside circumstances to be explained (locaiton, where in a game/setting this might be occuring, etc), I really like when dialogue is added and body landguage is explained/noted.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  Honestly? it varies. I tend to really be into deep, complex characters or characters that appear can be sterred in that direction with more added. Bubbly, energetic characters, fighters (typically female). Quick witted or flirty characters & mysterious types. 
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  I hate using the term but mary-sue/gary-sue. I hate saying that, but if a character has no flaws, I won’t be interested. Or characters that seem to just be placed there with no development. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I try to add as much effort, or at least a lot of effort, in replies & interaction. I am very open-minded and when I get passionate about soemthing, you can really tell. I am easy-going, so feel free to tell me if you want to drop a thread or have a concern. I tend to work well of other’s people’s ideas, usually able to add my own.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I am slow and my queue tends to be slow since I try not to overhwelm myself and stress myself out to the heavens. I try to reach out, but sometimes I just can’t think of anything to say. My muse can be very flickle at times, so replies to stuff can vary. My msue tends to be more for ask memes than replies at times. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. ( I love ships, but I am selective with it and require chemistry -unless I know your muse and you occ super, super well-. It’s nice but it isn’t he full focus of this blog. I want to explore my characters and witness other people’s characters and their development. )
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: Varies on muse, but for my rdr2 characters I’ve been really wanting a sorta of “outside” character where they aren’t directly involved in the gang, but they are in a relationship with oen of their members. Where my muse,w hose in the gang, will tell you rmuse about it and the whole aftermath of everything. Where their partner will understand to an extent, but try to undestand? if that makes sense? I also want enemies to work on a job/project together and deal with that. But this all also varies on muse.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO / DEPENDS.  ( I find it easier to write to assume people knwo each other, but an immediate friendship isn’t required. Like my muse may know yours or hear about yours, but they haven’t directly met you before ). 
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: I have a large amount of different muses, but all of my muses all bring something new to the table. Want a guy who seems nice, but can be an asshole with a flick of a dime, who has a secret betrayal plot hidden behind his back? Pick Robert. Want a guy who’s humurous but seems to be hiding under a fake persona? Pick Charley. Want a female assassin who’s very talented anr professional in her work to a fault with her work-alcoholic ways? Pick Evie. Want a sweet and caring character with a heart of gold and will give you advice and comfort? Pick Cassie It depends on the plot, too, but I try my best to add as much to reply to to another. If you ever want more added, tell me! I could give multiple plots, so it’s really hard to put something down.
WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  If someone isn’t interested or outwardly hateful of my muse without a valid reason when starting to interact. Beign enemies is fine, but maybe we could write how it became that way? This really varies, so don’t let this steer you away. Just give me something to work with, brign soemthing to the tbale, and I’m usually fine.
WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, WHAT IS THEIR GOAL?:  Varies on muse. Robert: fame/recognition, a legend made out of him. Charley: just to live life happy? He wants to be okay money-wise. Evie: to take down the Templars & help the people of London, not fail and always be successful and outwit her foes. Cassie: everyone around her happy. Sean: His gang to be successful, btu also be sucessful himself, he wants to be admired as well.
WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  Just using the same muses lmao. Robert: Someone who just listens to him and isn’t quick to make fun of him. Charley: If they have a sense of humor and someone he can stand, he’s pretty much fine tbh. Evie: If they can give her any information or aid with her cause. Cassie: How they are feeling. If they let her just listen and seem more open than closed off. Very personality-based. Sean: soemtimes looks, but mostly if they have a similar personality as him.
WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Evie: devotion, kind spriit, efficiency, loyalty. Robert: willingness and empathy despite having little himself. Charley: Honesty. Cassie: Consistency. Sean: reliability. 
WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  generally all of them like books (except Sean), events around them, their interests.
WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  For half of them, anything mundane or boring. Anything that isn’t relating to anything that’s spoken around / surrounds them.
DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  Robert & Charley (more Robert) witnessed a murder, Robert actually doing that act. Cassie: hearing about the violent nature of her father’s death. Sean: the things he went through with the bounty hunters.
WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  A gunshot or anything that could overpower them.
IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Sean: rich people, Scots for some reason, English people sometimes. When someone disagrees with him on soemthing he is passionate about. Pronouncing and Irish word wrong. O’Driscolls & anyone that’s an enemy of the gang. Evie: Templars, Starrick & Lucy Thorne. People who lie or misled her or others. Injustice. Robert: Someone makign fun of him tbh. Charley: People who don’t plan out anything or are really reckless.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO.    - BEST WAY TO APPROACH THEM?: Talk to them. Initiate a conversation. Pretty much that across the board. 
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: None of my muses are perfect. Some are worse than others, but generally msot of my muses will listen to you and usually be nice to you if you appraoch them well. All my muses are different from one another, so expect different results / reactions
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
TAGGED: stole it
 TAGGING: steal it and pelase tag me ! I want to see your results
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boyancient · 4 years
♡ jan!! you were def one of the five rpers i was looking @ respectfully when i first dared to roll up in this rpc and like, not only are you super cool n nice, but we love your five take. i think that you find a really strong balance of like... cold and warm in your portrayal? you catch his more stoic mannerisms/voice w/ attention to his actions within any given scene. w/ internal dialogue that helps translate the heartfelt genuine love for his family... good insights op w r soft!
;a;;;;;;;;; oh my god this is so lovely thank u sm kels. i try so hard w striking that balance w five between what he feels / what he lets show / what slips past his barriers without him noticing and how aware he is of his own limited communication skills. bc he feels so much!! he has so much depth of emotion and no idea what to do w it and im!!!!!! so soft!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY i’m so glad to see my efforts been noticed by others lol!!! thanks again and ily  ♥ ♥
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unelectedofficial · 4 years
     look  who’s  back  ,  writing  more  essays  because  i  have  nothing  better  to  do  (  just  kidding  ,  i  just  have  a  lot  of  love  to  give  )  .  once  again  ,  i’ll  put  a  disclaimer  here  :  if  you’re  sitting  at  home  or  wherever  reading  this  and  are  like  “ wow  i  wish  someone  would  write  something  nice  like  this  for  me  ! ”  then  literally  hmu  and  i  will  write  an  essay  about  you  because  i  enjoy  doing  this  --  it  makes  me  happy  in  a  time  when  it’s  hard  to  be  for  a  lot  of  people  .      but  anyway  ,  i  know  that  she’s  expecting  this  but  tonight  i’m  going  to  be  talking  about  a  dear  friend  --  @shallowprince  !!  one  night  ,  carlotta  messaged  me  basically  calling  me  out  for  being  mutuals  with  her  for  a  whole  year  and  never  speaking  a  word  to  each  other  (  jk  jk  ,  but  that  is  basically  what  happened  )  .  i’m  so  happy  that  she  did  that  because  since  then  we’ve  become  really  great  friends  .  within  a  matter  of  seconds  that  night  ,  she  was  throwing  compliments  at  me  left  and  right  and  still  does  it  smh  and  i  vividly  remember  my  face  just  constantly  blushing  .  i  tried  to  voice  it  that  night  but  probably  just  sounded  stupid  ,  so  i’ll  say  it  now  .  it  literally  made  my  entire  year  ,  lifetime  ,  week  ,  you  know  ?  it  was  all  unprecedented  and  completely  by  surprise  ,  but  carlotta  just  came  at  me  in  my  dms  telling  me  that  i  was  amazing  .  and  that  ,  my  friends  ,  is  an  amazing  feeling  .  therefore  ,  she  is  amazing  .  .  .  which  i’m  sure  most  of  you  know  .     ��i  find  is  necessary  to  mention  that  we  understand  each  other  on  another  level  ,  as  we’re  both  members  of  the  wicked  rpc  who  1)  don’t  sleep  and  get  yelled  at  for  it  (  oop  )  and  2)  basically  have  the  same  name  --  which  is  the  best  name  in  the  world  ,  you  know  .      but  on  all  seriousness  ,  i  find  it  so  easy  to  talk  and  have  really  amazing  conversations  with  her  .  i  can  be  like  “ hey  let’s  talk  about  ___ ”  and  instantly  (  because  no  one  sleeps  so  time  zones  are  irrelevant  you  know  )  it’ll  be  like  a  message  back  enabling  me  to  talk  nonsense  for  like  twenty  minutes  .      on  the  subject  of  portrayal  well  .  .  .  it’s  a  27 / 10  in  my  opinion  .  seriously  ,  fiyero  is  an  extremely  underrated  musical  character  (  especially  for  being  the  male  lead  for  such  a  successful  show  )  and  carlotta  just  truly  brings  him  to  life  in  a  way  that  i  don’t  often  see  .  his  voice  is  so  clear  and  present  in  every  single  reply  and  we  all  stan  feminist  fiyero  ,  even  if  we  don’t  know  it  yet  .  i  also  really  appreciate  how  willing  she  is  to  make  new  verses  ,  headcanons  ,  and  create  other  shenanigans  to  get  nessa  and  fiyero  to  interact  more  .  because  .  .  .  they  totally  did  .  .  .  the  musical  was  lying  pfft  .  .  .      also  she’ll  deny  it  but  her  posts  always  look  so  neat  and  pretty  on  my  dash  .  the  icons  are  all  so  clear  and  crisp  and  the  writing  is  just  absolutely  gorgeous  .  it’s  the  kind  of  writing  where  you  read  three  paragraphs  but  it  feels  like  three  sentences  ,  and  so  you  go  back  to  re - read  it  because  you  want  the  experience  all  over  again  .  only  this  time  ,  you  go  slower  and  savor  the  parts  that  are  most  beautiful  .      in  conclusion  --  stan  carlotta  ,  stan  fiyero  ,  stan  @shallowprince  !!
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ilusionis · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: vinn (or ila, for close friends)     Age: 22       Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: aizen sosuke on here, askin nakk ke vaar (@ levaer) and lille barro (@ firstritter, sideblog) Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): all of them actually. Current Fandom(s): bleach. Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  none. i’ve been debating about making a modern au but i wouldn’t be sure what to explore in it. within the context of bleach, though, i’m very interested in developing a bunch of AUs. My language(s): i’m only confident in writing in italian or english.  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: none.
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  if you want to plot, it would be best to send me an IM and ask me, then we can definitely move to discord if you’d rather. it’s possible to approach me for rp without plotting first, best way would be to send me a meme when i reblog them or simply an ic ask, which i will answer, while memes might get lost. ic asks are good ice-breakers, we can continue plotting from there.
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  i need my partners to be as interested in our plot as i am. it would be great if you already have an idea, but it’s still good if you don’t, i get that coming up with ideas can be hard sometimes; mostly, i require honesty. you can definitely tell me that you got no ideas and i will do my best to help, ask questions, try to spark something. i do require the feeling of having that commitment reciprocated.
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  i tend to straight up drop the conversation lmao. no hard feelings, but if i get the feeling you’re not interested, i will take my distance - i won’t waste my energy on a plot if my partner doesn’t share my enthusiasm. still, you can always approach me again, if you’re feeling up to it / have new ideas / whatever. nice thing of online convos is that they don’t have an expiration date lol.
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  i always ask if they got any ideas to begin with. if my partner already knows, more or less, what kind of dynamic they wanna build with my character(s), that makes it infinitely easier to build something meaningful. it’s still fine if they don’t, i will usually ask a lot of questions regarding their muse’s opinions / feelings / etc., and try to navigate from there. a question i usually ask is: is there any aspect of your muse you’d like to explore? i think that’s a pivotal point in any interaction. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if they feel like telling me, why not. but usually, i don’t warn when i drop a thread, so it’s not expected of my partners ever. - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  nothing in particular tbh. they can tell me or approach me to start a new thread if they wish to, but it’s not required.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  i might lose interest in a thread, especially if i feel like it’s going nowhere or if the inspiration for it simply doesn’t come. it’s never happened so far that i had to drop a thread because it was making me uncomfortable, but that could still be a reason for me to. in general, though, i would approach my partner in that case. - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  absolutely. i’d rather avoid awkward situations or misunderstandings of any kind; if something’s up, tell me. i also like to communicate with my writing partners (be it in the tags of our threads or in IMs), makes me feel like the enthusiasm is not one-sided and i find it generally pleasant.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  sure. we gotta stay polite, but honest. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  to have fun, to cultivate my writing skills and my english, and to explore my favorite characters. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  i want to develop aizen’s wandenreich verse, because i’m deep in quincy hell and i think his dynamics with quincy muses could be super interesting. anything involving the intricacies of bleach politics is super interesting to me, be it with aizen or with my two quincy muses - who, btw, are also good to explore dynamics between quincies / their culture / relationships etc.
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  i won’t write anything pertaining to sexual assault. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: it’s gotten difficult to work with starters such as “you summoned me / do you need anything / did you call for me” etc. i used to receive that kind of starters all the time with aizen, and i can’t come up with something new every damn time. i also have a hard time working with starters / replies that already feel like a closed conversation and don’t give me anything to reply to.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  i’m not sure i have a type. aizen is pretty much an exception, the only example of an already well-built character i write, since i tend to gravitate around minor ones that don’t have much material and that i can work on and expand without being affected by the fandom’s opinion or whatever. somehow i always tend to rp tall guys-
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  children and teenagers don’t interest me for the most part. characters who don’t have a shred of an opinion or can’t offer any interesting conflicts. overly friendly, mushy, affectionate and flowery characters are really not my cup of tea either. 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  oh god i have no idea. i’m very laid-back, i guess. i’ll never pressure my partners for replies, i don’t think i’m owed a reply in the first place because we all have lives offline,  so i’ll never take it to heart if a partner drops a thread. if i really feel like our roleplaying styles don’t mesh, it will be at my own discretion to do something about it. another strong aspect i have ....... i think i have a decent grasp on all my muses? especially aizen. of course ur free to disagree lol. also, lately i’ve been p active, so that’s it. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: i’m really slow. i might speed up for my closest friends, with whom i plot / rp regularly, but usually i take quite some time to reply to random unplotted threads. i probably have a thousand other flaws as a rper, but this is the biggest one that comes to my mind rn. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  i don’t write detailed sex scenes. sorry lmao they’re just not interesting to me. however, i’m super-ok with writing anything around it, like intimate scenes etc. in fact i find it somewhat soothing.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  the nitty-gritty part is already a no, but i guess also sexual violence and shit like that. it’s a no.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  all my ships are with snow 8′) and ur never bored with her. in general, i love being able to explore the muses’ relationships, their conflicts and their peaceful moments, especially in relation to canon events! - What is your smut tag?: nsfw / ........ my n*sfw posts are rare anyway.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: to an extent, i prefer pre-est relationships to first meetings - which they can get a bit dull after some time. i’m ok with mostly anything, and only more selective when it comes to relationships that might severely alter my muse’s canon / past / overall character. 
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  not to stroke my own feathers but aizen offers a perfect chance at character development to any and all bleach characters. he’s the main villain, he holds some wild opinions, and whether you agree or disagree with him, he leaves no one indifferent. aizen is the main cornerstone of bleach, and if you want your muse to questions themselves and the system / world around them, interacting with him is the best way to start. also, aizen interacted with a fuckton of people, knows practically everything there is to know, is responsible for significant amount of canon events, so you see ... whatever character you write, aizen has the full potential to be extremely relevant in the course of their development.
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   children, ordinary low-ranked shinigami (i find it hard when it’s out of the blue, even in aizen’s captain and lieutenant verses ... because interactions would likely be only work-related, and won’t go far), characters whose personalities really have nothing to do with aizen. unfortunately, he’s not my easiest muse, and i don’t want to force interactions with him.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  characters who have opinions, some political involvement, in general characters with whom aizen had a dynamic in canon. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  reading, calligraphy, philosophy (especially in-world philosophy), science (again, mostly related to the specificity of the bleach universe), the very careful crafting of his plan- - What do they desire, is their goal?:  kill the soul king and take its place, destroy the institutions of soul society, subdue them. and then rule, as the soul king never did before. - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  the idiosyncracies in their behavior, the particularities, their possible weaknesses.  - What do they value in a person?:    very little, usually. he may appreciate a resolute personality, strength, and intelligence. - What themes do they like talking about?:  speaking mostly of mundane talks, he likes conversing about his interests. it takes a lot for him to share any personal information, though. - Which themes bore them?:  anything about the greater good, friendship, love, very human topics.
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  seeing the soul king, in all things like a ghost stalking his dreams, and well ... spending his early life in rukongai as a whole. being forced to consume other souls in order to survive. the first times his reiatsu killed anyone who tried to get near him.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  it’s rare that he will outwardly show signs of distress, i’d say almost impossible. the few times the soul king still appears in his mind, greatly upsets him though. - What could set them off, enrage them?:  the soul king gets him particularly heated. urahara, as we witnessed. after his defeat, ichigo, to an extent. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  kubo was a coward who didn’t dare let him kill any relevant character, but actually aizen kills very liberally.
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  the soul king, urahara. he has a strong disdain for yamamoto, and that joke of C46. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:    himself. tousen
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  he’s only really easy to approach for bleach characters, who, depending on who they are, have different eligible verses to further facilitate the interaction. humans / powerless bleach characters can’t really interact with him tho. - Where are they usually to find?:  soul society or hueco mundo. i have a verse set in the wandenreich.
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  aizen is not a particularly easy muse, but it’s part of his overall mosaic to be somewhat unapproachable and distant. i’m not out to make him someone he is not, so forgive me in advance if plotting with me turns out to be difficult in a way or another. he’s very dear to me, and i try my best to do him justice! while my main headcanons may not affect our interactions specifically, i still ask my partners to look them up (they’re linked in my about page) because they’re essential to my portrayal and it makes me happy to have them acknowledged. i think that’s all lmao. come visit me over at my quincy boys too.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar​ I DID IT AT LAST. Tagging:  i don’t know who has been tagged so, you know what to do.
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bountyman · 6 years
LEGENDS OF THE WEST. if you received this, you are a legend of the wild west rpc. Who are legends to you?
Wow?? This is unexpected and has made my heart so happy. :’) Thanks, whoever sent this!! You’re the bee’s knees.
Boy oh boy, though. Everyone in the western RPC is a legend to me considering when I first came here, I don’t know if I found any active western RPers? There were very very few, anyhow, and to see how it’s grown thanks to Westworld and Red Dead Redemption is aaaaaaa, so fantastic! ♥ But I’ll do my best to list all those that really stand out to me... 
(I can’t help but feel I’m missing some folks, but... if I did, I’m sorry! If you write within the western RPC know that I love you already.)
@briigand - One of my favorite Arthur Morgans. Their writing style is lovely and they’re extremely nice. I hope to see more of them in the future. 
@escatcns - Haven’t written very much with them, but they have a great grasp on Hector’s voice and character. I hope to see them on my dash more often!
@fleewest - TILLY!! I adore Tilly and all the effort and care the mun puts into her. They create such a nice balance between Tilly’s sweetness and her fire, which I think is something that can be difficult to do. Forever glad they joined the western RPC. ♥
@forgedbymistakes - I don’t see them on my dash too often, nor have I written much with them, but I love this blog anyway. A lovely collection of muses with great writing behind them. The mun is really nice as well!
@fillyflynn​ - I’ve only just started writing with them but I love them already. I can’t wait to see where their OC goes and to write with them more. c:
@harriedwritings - This mun is so dang sweet. I love them, I love them, I love them, and I love their writing. 
@hellbentwidow - What a beautiful Sadie. I didn’t really care much for Sadie, actually, before I found this blog and they’ve made me love her. You won’t be disappointed by following them. c:
@maevc - Holy crap, I’m in love, dudes. This blog couldn’t radiate more Maeve energy. I love them and I love how they write the queen Maeve. Please go follow them.
@myxcenterxstage​ - My precious darling dear. ♥ A fantastic artist and writer, one of my favorite people on this website. I can tell how much love goes into her OC and it pays off.
@norxstforthewickxd - Might actually be Dutch????? They write him so well it might as well be canon and I’m duly impressed. I can’t wait to do more threads with them!
@notlikegcds - One of my favorite people here. Their passion for Armistice shows in everything they write, bringing great depth to a character that I before didn’t pay much attention to. They’re also super nice and friendly! Much love for this darling. ♥
@outlawmistermatthews​ - Extremely friendly Hosea RPer. An absolute doll. I’d love to write with them more often.
@polyphoniie​ - Probably the first Dolores I ever saw? Super sweet and a fantastic writer. I adore them.
@repentedgun - I haven’t written much with them yet, but they seem great! It’s nice to see someone bringing Micah’s twin to life. I hope they stick around!
@shcllshocked - I don’t know why they feel so uncertain about the way they write Goodie; it’s perfect. Very happy whenever I see them on my dash and a delight to write with. The mun is a sweetie as well!
@standunshaken - A wonderful collection of western muses and an equally wonderful writer. Their blog’s existence makes my heart sing.
@thenervetoservetheturn - Another collection of muses that are fantastic. The mun is so easy to talk to and so sweet. They have a lot of patience for how slow I am responding, too, lol so that’s always nice. I enjoy reading their threads and I’m always happy to see them on my dash.
@thesoundofwardrums - I love seeing Native American muses and this mun’s OC is top notch. I’m very glad to have found their blog and to now call them friend. c:
@timegoesbyforusall - How can I not love someone who writes any of the Cartwright family? Mr. Cartwright and Hoss? Perfection. I love them. I hope that they stay for a long, long while. 
@williamofwestworld - I love!! People!! Who unabashedly write and love villains!!!!! I can hear their voice in all of William’s lines and I think they have some really great insight into a character as complex as William/MiB.
@wisenedup​ / @bastardswxrd​ - Writes Bill Williamson on wisenedup and sometimes (?) Hector on bastardswxrd, and has western verses for practically all their other muses. One of my best internet friends and a fantastic writer. Thanks to their characters, I’ve been able to develop my own in ways that really surprised me. I love them. ♥
@quiisquiliae - One of the best Logans that I have ever seen. They understand him so well and I’m forever impressed by how they juggle so many muses at once. 
Honorable mentions for people who write characters that aren’t necessarily western muses, but have a verse for it and are legends in my heart anyway:
@clockworkmadness - I LOVE MCGUCKET!! It makes me so happy to see someone write one of my favorite Gravity Falls characters so perfectly. 10/10 a good bean, am so happy they’re here, and I love their ideas for a western Fiddleford.
@dreambounty - The bounty of my dreams. We haven’t actually written together, I just think they’re neat and I love them.
@psychicsass​ - I adore Alix to bits. She breathes life into Charlotte like nobody else can and I’m so happy to have her as a friend. She’s one of my favorite people. She’s also responsible for half the angst for my muses, but it’s great. (Josh is very happy to call Charlotte his daughter too).
@talktoten​ - Forever one of my faves. Ingrid’s writing is absolute writing goals. They’re a wonderful positive light on my dash and I swear secretly the Doctor, somehow.
@therapardalis​ - Precious! Darling! I love their OC and how the charm in their writing. They’re so sweet and wonderfully patient. I enjoy how our muses play off one another; it’s nice to have someone Josh can banter with and tease.
@tvvolips​ - I don’t know anything about Preacher so I don’t actually know if it’s considered a western or not, but you know? This person deserves a spot here anyway. They’re always so kind and I love how after only talking to them for a little bit, it felt like we’d been buds forever.
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jacktherph · 6 years
jack, my friend!! i hope all is okay. i'm wondering about your experience as a barista?? are there things about its portrayal in the rpc that are inaccurate or annoying to you?? being a barista is probably the most popular job characters have on here!! what impact does being trans, ace, queer have on your workplace environment if you don't mind talking about it?
oh man olivia, oh man. you’re gonna have me GO aren’t you?? i’m doing better ilusm bb
okay so disclaimer that i’ve only been a barista at sun-dollars (think of synonyms) for a year now. i’ve never done it at some fancy, privately owned shop, and my experience isn’t that of everyone else!! i’m also pretty damn low on my totem poll, too, so keep that in mind
so when i was hired, i worked at a small cafe store for a few months; small outside patio, small parking spaces, located in a tiny strip mall off a main road, maybe a max crew of 20 or less?? but now we all relocated to one of the busiest drive thru stores in our district; large outside patio, giant inside seating, one of the only stores with a conference room in the CITY, a drive thru that pretty much… never stops, and a stand-alone building on the same main road. and wow what a difference there is
this thing ended up being super long so it’s under a cut
note:: this is really for people looking to portray accurate, non-dramatized versions of barista life, and the whole thing is largely fueled by personal experience. hope it helps??
if you think its an easy job, please get out of my face. if you think it’s super complicated and hard, there’s a bit for you to learn here. and most importantly–if you think fucking with a barista is fun, go to hell
firstly–there is a lot to remember. there’s the drink standard; how the drink is supposed to be made without any customization. then there’s whatever people add and change about it. then there’s “i asked for five mocha pumps but this tastes like you didn’t put five in, remake it.” and then there’s “i think i know how a drink is made, but i don’t, but i’ll still tell you how to do your job.”
there is a specific routine for making drinks called SEQUENCING that we’re supposed to learn as soon as possible. it ensures that, if you’re on bar, you are always making part of a drink and finishing another. steam milk, queue shots, turn and start blending a frappuccino, while that’s in the blender turn back and finish the hot drink, hand it out, steam another milk, queue more shots, turn and pour frappuccino, hand it out, etc etc etc
personally, i’m not the best on bar. i know people who are stunningly gorgeous at it – who can sequence without fail. but it requires a LOT of mental work. not a lot of room for talking unless there’s only one drink or two to make. any character who is “skilled” at being a barista probably doesn’t spend their shift talking, but working in hasty silence when it is busy
being on register is my personal skill. i always work drive thru orders. yes, we have specific buttons for everything, but with as many combinations as sun-dollars has, there’s still an infinite number of ways to mess it up if you don’t know what you’re doing. and if the order comes out wrong, it gets made wrong, and then the barista on bar gets the brunt of the abuse from the customer and has to mess up their sequence by remaking it
at sun-dollars, we’re paid just slightly above minimum wage and a huge chunk of our money is tips, which at a store of our size are still under a dollar earned an hour, then divided by how many hours you worked, and how many people worked that week and their hours too. tips don’t always add up to much, because people never think about tipping us
but here’s the thing. we make everything by hand just like someone would at a restaurant. sometimes more than once if one little thing is wrong. we burn our hands on hot coffee and water, we slip and fall, we haul heavy things around. even if you don’t see it, we do it. so please… tip your barista because we make everything and serve it to you just like at any other food business
a part-time barista position, maybe working 25-30 hours a week with included tips, is NOT ENOUGH TO HAVE AN APARTMENT ON. not anywhere outside of fantasy land anyway
take that example. if i get 10.55/hour, and work 25 hours one week and 16 the next (which is a GOOD week for me, holy shit), and my tips are… $15 for both weeks, then I’ve made around… $475~ after taxes are taken out. no. so many of my fellow partners have second, third jobs. or their spouse earns the majority of the money. or they still live at home–like myself. it simply isn’t a job you can live on independently
i.e. this is a callout to the “barista who somehow lives without a roommate and doesn’t constantly complain about how hungry they are” trope
yes, sun-dollars used to write on cups. but now we have a sticker system that is ten times more efficient. yes, we still write on the cups if our machine goes down, or if we have a messed up drink, any number of things. but it isn’t common for a busy store to write on cups daily anymore
that being said, let’s talk about our big fave trope: muse a writes their number on the cup for muse b because they flirted at the handoff plane. YOU CAN GET FIRED FOR THIS. it is immediately a fireable offense, no questions asked. i know it ruins the CUTESY moment but it’s a thing. best to keep your ship intact and employed by having them ask when the barista is on a break. 
yes, we misspell names. it happens. whether your fingers slip up on the touch screen or you just didn’t hear it right. but no barista i know would risk their job and security by purposefully writing a malicious name on a cup. end of
the cafe store had been around for years in a community where snowbirds (old people who come to the warmth of arizona for the winter) are the largest customer base. that, plus the small crew, meant that the partners (baristas) had a long-established rapport with many of the customers. i remember on my first official day working, so many people kept telling me “my usual” and my partners had to keep reminding the customers to order properly, since i was new and didn’t know them yet
but once i got to know the regulars–and it definitely took a lot of time–it showed me the incredible connection people have with their baristas. we joke that as baristas, we’re unpaid therapists with a coffee in hand. people tell their barista SO MUCH. but it’s fascinating, really; sometimes it’s just plain oversharing, but sometimes you just get to be connected to a person you see every day, even if it’s only for a minute or two
now, at my drive thru store, i have my personally labelled “night regs” who i see pretty much every time i work. i know their names, their orders by heart, and sometimes stuff about their family or lives. and for those who are grateful, you’d be surprised the brightening affect on someone’s day it can be when you remember their order and ask them about something they mentioned last week
recently, a family who comes through my drive almost every day suffered a loss in their family. i could tell something was different because they weren’t joking around with me. they ended up sharing and it brought us really close. they even came to visit me when i worked on christmas day. recently, they had a family bbq and actually drove all the way to the store to bring me a plate of leftovers because of an inside joke we all have. i don’t give them discounts–big no no–or free drinks. they pay like everyone else. but we’ve grown really close and they make my work day nicer because i know i’m making people happy
so often when i see people writing baristas, the character is a certain archetype: the aloof one, the bubbly one, the romantic one, for examples. but i think the connection between a barista (even an introverted one like myself) and a regular is really undervalued!! the fact that we have worked so hard to maintain that customer personal connection with our regulars even though we have thousands more people a week has really shown me a lot about how people interact with one another
it takes a LOT to kick someone out of a store. like a LOT. we’ve only ended up kicking out one person because they were repeatedly stealing from our food display, and then we could only do it once we got proof. so no, being rude to the barista once isn’t an offense that can get them removed. somehow
people are rude. collectively. some are nice, but people are rude. whether it’s the cranky person who insists they ordered their drink iced but the sticker says hot, the person who repeatedly asks “is my drink ready?” even though the sticker line is as long as i am tall, the person who demands their drink be remade for any reason valid or otherwise with a big attitude, or the drive thru car who has an attitude because they expected to be in and out but their wait time is 15 minutes because the car ahead of them ordered for their entire church. people will find a way to be rude, even if they don’t know it
what do we do? we smile, apologize and take blame, and do it over. especially at sun-dollars; the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT. welcome to the service industry
i’m very lucky when i can say sun-dollars is a very accepting environment. being a trans and queer partner, i had my identity accepted right away by my coworkers. i also make it a point to let them know that if they have any questions about my identity, they can ask it to my face within reason. this has led to some really heartfelt interactions with my fellow partners, because it was how they learned some things about identities other than theirs
customers… well it’s touch-and-go. i live in a primarily… single-minded area. but i know i’m not the only one who knows this – being trans in a workplace is a touch-and-go thing. i’ve had people who only hear my voice call me “miss” at the speaker and correct themselves to “sir” at the window when they see my beard. i’ve had stubborn old people refuse to say my name. you still have to serve them, and personally, i avoid correcting people to avoid any sort of confrontation
my specific workplace is very personal; we know a lot about one another’s personal lives. what else is there to talk about when cleaning? some partners have been insensitive, but we talk it out and it’s done and fixed. sometimes we snark at one another using personal jabs, but that’s something we all participate in. and we know where the line is and not to cross it. but i’m sure many workplaces are like that
on ETC :
you will get messy. i end a time on bar with my fingers sticking together, my arms covered in fake-tan from chai or frappuccino roast pumps, and one partner told me once she went home to find mocha in her belly button of all places
you clean the bathrooms too. in all their shitty mess. and people treat public bathrooms terribly. but doing bathrooms is also a good release from the business of the bar
that drive thru headset? paid-for walkie talkies. yes, we gossip, we laugh, we trade jokes. we rag on customers out of earshot. let us have fun
WE DID NOT INVENT OR TAKE PART IN THE SECRET MENU. we cannot make your drink unless you tell us how it’s made. we’re not gonna google your weird invention when we have other things to do. you either come prepared, or you get something else
if you’re going to pay separately for a large order, TELL US FIRST
there will always be that one partner you hate working with. it happens in every job. there will always be that crew you love working with. you don’t always get to choose when that happens. c’est la vie
if it’s closing time, customers need to LEAVE. this is an issue of safety for when we work with money. even your best friend, your spouse, or your elderly mother cannot be inside the store during closing
at sun-dollars we have a weekly thing called the “clean play,” where people come in after the closers and do a deep-clean of the store. we rock out to music, enjoy there being no customers, and have fun. good setting for fellow workers!!
don’t give us pity on holidays. you’re the reason we’re there
i once had a woman come in half an hour before closing, and she was so mad we didn’t have the food box she wanted that she called corporate to complain. we now have more waste at the end of the night because we have to order so many boxes so we never run out
sometimes you’ll have to run out before or during a shift to pick up product from other stores
people take it personally when you finish a seasonal beverage. really personally when you’re out of anything, really
seeing regulars outside of the workplace will always be awkward. some even ask if you remember their drink. you might
people will complain about things out of your control. smile and nod and say you’ll let your manager know
when in doubt, give it to your shift supervisor
ADDITION :: my wonderful friend @morbidrpa​ wrote about her experience as a barista/manager in a smaller, single-location coffee shop. go check it out for varied experiences!!
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xdefending · 5 years
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Words cannot convey the depth to which I love Mannimarco. I already love a well-rounded powerful necromancer. I have multiple necromancer characters (with Sol/Symone being my primary) because they are just. my type. So upon being introduced to Manni in TES, I was immediately intrigued. Tbh, I wasn’t that much of a fan of him until I started interacting with a Mannimarco rp blog a while later. Something just struck a chord with me then, and it was like he was suddenly brought to life, and the progression of his relationship with Symone just made me love him so much more. Now, I adore him. I’ve read every inch of his documented lore, I love discussing theory about him with others, etc. My rp experience would not have been as fantastic as it is if I had never interacted with him.How they play them: Fea does such a good job at conveying who he is!! I adore their Manni, as does Symone, and we both wouldn’t know what to do without Fea and their Manni in the rpc. They’re both just so wonderful! I also love Fea’s overall interpretation of him and his godhood/lichdom. They give him such unique qualities!The Mun: Fea and I met a couple of years ago, and I must say that I’m truly thankful that I did. I had really been on the fence about returning to the tes rpc at the time after a 3-year long absence because I had left due to toxicity within the community. But when I found my new friends within the community upon my return, Fea included, I couldn’t have been more happy with the decision. Now we’re friends not only on Tumblr, and honestly, even when I take extended breaks from the rpc, it’s just nice talking to them. They’re a pretty awesome person and a good friend. uwu
Do I:
RP with them: I do! On Symone’s blog, anyway. Our threads are pretty low-activity, but I don’t mind! I’m always patient for their replies because I know they’re worth it once I read them!
Want to RP with them: I WILL ALWAYS WANT TO RP WITH THEM OML. I honestly… don’t know how he and Lorelei would fare in interactions. Tbh, she’d likely hate him lmao. But like, that’s a fight I know she would lose, so, by all means, if Fea wants Manni to come and kick my hero’s ass, he’s free to. |D;;;
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Beautiful mun, beautiful muse. There are literally no bad words to say about either of them (okay, well, for Manni, that’s subjective but ghjfdklsg;) and if you aren’t following them, YOU NEED TO. Like, right now!
.:x– @dethlune –x:.
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heartillian · 6 years
✉  honesty meme!  / @softestmoodHave you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it?
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I have! More than once, would you believe! As for how I deal with it, it kind of varies from…not well to not at all asdfghgf!! But I do want to start this by saying I think theft is really shitty and a big problem in the rpc because too many people think it’s okay so long as they don’t get caught. I also feel that having something stolen and having something copied are, while both technically theft, two different things so I’ll just be talking about the former, even though I’ve seen more instances of people copying me (I don’t even see myself as someone people would steal ideas from but it’s happened a lot??).
However, I do believe that some people are too quick to accuse others of copying. The rpc is obviously very trend-driven so a lot of blogs do look similar. I try not to be judgemental because I don’t care whether or not people follow trends, nor do I care how a blog looks, but it’s a lot to see someone accuse another blog of theft when a lot of other blogs look just like that. Theft sucks. I have no respect for it. But I also think that people are too quick to claim ownership of fairly open concepts. Like, sure, if someone’s actually stealing specific ideas or they’re consistently and frequently using you as a concepts inspo sheet, you’re well within your rights to get upset but you can’t own a genre or a trope or whatever. You can’t own colour scheme or a border style or a font.
Anyway, answering the actual question —I’ve had a couple of cases where people have stolen icons from me? But they’d edit them? The first case was in 2014 or something and it was a pretty basic icon theft situation. It was a little odd bc they’d cropped a bunch of them weirdly so they weren’t quite square and sized them up from like 100px in width to 120px. I never messaged them because I was v scared of people back then. I figured they weren’t someone I ever saw on my dash so I could just close the blog and stop caring. The other case of my icons being stolen was two whole year after I’d stopped writing the muse. All their icons had the same PSD on them but a bunch of them look 1) better quality and 2) very familiar. I check them against my own icons and, lo and behold, the exact frames used all add up exactly with the icons I’d had. I stick them on TOP of my icons and realise they line up PERFECTLY. (See below for what I mean; the colouring is different but it’s obviously just an edited crop of my icon.)
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I didn’t message them about it because it didn’t look like they were a super active blog. The blog actually went inactive pretty quickly so I was right. I just think there was much point in contacting them when the issue was going to be a flash-in-the-pan sort of thing but I did complain about it on the Dash…I’m mature!
The worst case of theft I’ve had, however, was when someone stole one of my themes. They didn’t actually steal it from me directly but from a friend who was using a theme I’d made for them as a gift. I’d put hours into this theme because, frankly, I didn’t know as much about putting themes together (it was 2015) and it was a somewhat experimental theme but also because it had been a Christmas gift so I wanted to make it look nice. Anyway, my friend receives this weird ask in their inbox from a blog neither of us have seen before. Suspicious. Around the same time, I find some blog I’ve never seen in my statcounter results (because I’d accidentally left my code in my friend’s theme & they hadn’t removed it yet) and it’s some random test blog. The background is totally blank but the coding is unmistakably mine. They’ve changed a few things and removed some parts but the fonts are the same, the link navigation bar and popups are the same. When I check the code, I realise the popups are so much the same that the ask popup is still coded to send asks to my friend’s inbox. This person stole this theme and then…sent a test ask to the victim?? lmaooooooo This one did actually get dealt with. My friend confronted them, they denied it, my friend said we found their test blog and then they admitted to it. They then sent me a private apology that was weirdly guilt-trippy. I think I basically told them I accepted the apology but it was a shit apology so I couldn’t forgive them for it and they left it at that.
Anyway, theft sucks and if you steal shit from people, you should feel bad ):
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