#anyways!! i am doing a bit of classwork but i will be on here in a bit <3
mcmorare · 10 months
that w.wdits clip where colin is trying to drain joh.n sl.attery but it isn't working bc john keeps on being fascinated by colin's specific regional accent and going on tangents about accents and dialects. just like me fr
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moondust-writes · 1 year
『It's Cold Outside』 desc; having a break from classwork is a rare but wonderful opportunity, though maybe you should have worn something a little bit warmer when heading to glasedeo... a/n; no but why do the uniforms not have any proper protection from the cold if they're going to have students wander up glasedeo when it comes to the gym circuit???? no wonder geeta doesn't get many travelers. i like the cold but traveling in snow without proper snow attire??? just something i am pointing out - also first pokemon insert so all i ask is to not be too harsh with any critiques <3
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You rubbed your hands together for what seemed like the thousandth time as you trudged through the snow, blowing on them every now and again to try and keep them from turning blue with the continuously dropping temperatures. Sure, there was a winter uniform that the academy provided its students...but in areas like Glasedeo...well, it didn't provide much protection from the wind and falling snow.
Now that you thought about it...that's probably why you never encountered many trainers on your way to the gyms when you were doing the gym circuit - and was probably a factor for why Nemona and you were one of the few Champion Ranked students rather than La Primera's strength alone. Maybe it would be worth mentioning it to the Director? Changing the entire uniform could be tedious, but even just making the dress code more lenient for the colder months would be a good idea-
Lost in the train of thought, you hadn't noticed the way the snow seemed to flatten, to hold a shine to it as you climbed up hill to your destination. Even though the pokemon traveling with you a few feet away gave a short cry of warning as they galloped toward you, it was a few seconds too late.
"Wh-AH-" You turned your head to look at your partner with confusion, right as your foot struck the ice they were attempting to warn you about just a few moments prior. Slipping, you were lucky to avoid landing face first, hands instinctively stopping your fall in the snow. With a low groan of annoyance and frustration, you pushed up onto your knees, brushing your palms to get rid of the sting from both the impact and biting freeze when you felt a weight drop around the back of your neck and a gloved hand was held out in front of you.
Trailing your gaze up, you found blue eyes staring back at you with the slightest hint of concern shining through the expressionless face the trainer held. "You going to keep staring, or are you going to get up?" Face flushing with heat rather than the cold for the first time that day, you offered a sheepish smile before taking his hand and allowing him to help you onto your feet.
Looking down at your uniform as you cleared the snow from your clothing, you noticed the heavy fabric of the gym leader's scarf dangling over your shoulders- though you didn't have time to question it before Grusha turned to walk away with a motion to follow.
"You should be more careful. There's more ice around Glasedeo this time of year, and with more blizzards, things are more dangerous. Especially without proper clothes." Hurrying to catch up with him, you wrapped the scarf around you properly, pulling the material over your face and melting into the warmth as you tucked your hands under your arms. "Yeah, I know. Was just in thought," you started, smiling as your pokemon pranced up beside you and your new companion, not wanting to stray too far after the previous accident.
"Ironically, it about uniforms and the weather." You finished the thought a moment later after receiving a look of curiosity from Grusha, finding a small sense of pride rise within you as he seemed to chuckle in amusement at the information. "What are you doing up here anyway? It's colder than usual."
"Had free time, decided to travel." You spoke nonchalantly, shrugging afterwards as the two of you approached the gym-site. Rolling his eyes, he only shook his head before speaking again whilst he led you inside. "Of course- come on, get warmed up."
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theoddcatlady · 7 months
I stole someone’s Doordash order. I think it was poisoned.
Listen! I’m not a bad guy! I was just really, really hungry. And broke. And the bitch didn’t tip.  
I had been out dashing every day this bitch ordered her food. Every day for lunch, she’d get fried chicken from this small place down the street from where she lived. She’d get it with all the good stuff, mashed potatoes, green beans, potato wedges, coleslaw… god just typing it out makes me hungry again.  
Again, I don’t think I’m a bad person for stealing one meal. I picked up the order, I said she didn’t answer the door while I parked a bit down the street and dug in. All she had to do was say she didn’t get it and she’d get refunded anyway! I’m not the bad guy here!  
God, it was so damn good too. Just as good as it smelled. The fried chicken was to die for, nice and crispy skin, juicy meat… mashed potatoes perfectly smooth… the green beans had little bacon bits mixed in… I hadn’t eaten that good in weeks.  
But I guess there’s really no such thing as a free lunch.  
It started the day after I had my stolen lunch. I was no longer allowed to dash, apparently the bitch whined to the site and I’d been a mediocre dasher in the first place, so they pulled my dashing privileges. No more stealing meals for me.
I was starving though. So I heated up some pizza rolls. And then some more pizza rolls. And then I finished off the fifty count bag I’d just gotten the day before. And I was still hungry so I warmed up a few bean burritos too. I chowed down on those while I played some League with my friends, and they got bitchy about me chewing loudly on mic so I had to mute myself. We lost like every match because of lack of communication, but I was hungry!  
And I still was, after the burritos, and some frozen pizzas, and I even dug into the dark recesses of the cupboard and had some canned corned beef hash. I only stopped when I started feeling sick. I think my stomach was a little distended from all the food I crammed into it, but I couldn’t help it. I was just. So hungry. And I still felt like I could fit more in.  
Over the next week I ended up cleaning out my cupboards. I went through all my peanut butter, my rice, my ramen. Staples for when you’re broke like I am. If I wasn’t eating, I was bitching about how hungry I was. I couldn’t even focus on classwork without having a granola bar to chew on. I mean, I already have trouble focusing on classwork, but you know what it’s like when you’re hungry. All you can think about is your stomach.  
I ended up just going and getting my own order of chicken from the restaurant I’d stolen from in the first place. I ordered everything the bitch did. The guy up front cracked a joke about the party I had to be going to, but I just gave him a dirty look and practically bolted to my car with my feast. I didn’t even bother leaving the parking lot before I ripped open the bag and started chowing down. I looked like a pig, I knew I attracted some looks from the staff inside as I ate. I literally tipped up the tub of mashed potatoes and poured it down my throat, gravy dripping down my chin as I gulped down the goodness.  
On the way home, I was chewing on the chicken bones. Even after all that, I was still so, so hungry. I’ve maxed out my credit cards on groceries and take out. I literally broke into my neighboring apartment and snatched the pot roast off the counter. From what I heard, they blamed the dog. As long as they didn’t blame me, I was fine.  
The hunger was bad enough. It’s exhausting, you know, being hungry all the time. All I can think about for more than three seconds is when I’m going to eat next. But then about four days ago I woke up and I was covered in hair. Like I wasn’t a hairy guy before, but its now thick as fur from the neck down. I tried shaving the more obvious away but by the end of the day it was back.  
I obviously had to stop going to class. I don’t know how it took me so long to realize how different I look, but that explains why a few of my friends kept asking if I felt okay. I should be looking like I belong on ‘My Six Hundred Pound Life’, but I don’t. I’ve actually lost weight. I can count my ribs, I’ve never been able to do that before. My skin’s gone from a little pasty to practically gray, and my face looks like a famine victim’s, all emaciated and shit.
I was near the breaking point when I decided to seek out the bitch. Yeah, I was going to visit the woman who was supposed to get the food I stole.  
I mean, I would’ve, if I didn’t get there and found out she’d been arrested.  
Her neighbor Hazel was more than informative, and thankfully the old bat was just happy to have someone to talk to so she didn’t ask why I was wearing a turtleneck and a hoodie in sixty five degree weather. Mila, that’s the bitch’s real name, she’d always been an introvert, but she went full on hermit over the past few weeks. She’d even stopped leaving her house, but a lot of cars apparently came to her, and every week the garbage would be filled with take out boxes.  
Then Mila attacked the pizza delivery guy. Hazel had just been dozing off to some odd game show when someone frantically pounding on the door woke her up. Hazel opened up and the poor dude nearly bowled her over in an attempt to escape from the borderline rabid Mila. They slammed the door in her face and Mila threw herself against it several times before screeching like a banshee and taking off back to her own house. Hazel nearly had a heart attack when she saw how much blood was pouring from pizza guy’s face.  
The guy told her everything while Hazel called 911. Mila had insisted that he stay right there while she made sure he didn’t take anything, and unluckily for him she thought there was a missing bread stick. The guy tried to calm her down, told her to just call the parlor and see if she could get a replacement or a refund, but she just lunged at him. Ripped off a good chunk off his cheek and his right ear was just completely gone.
The cops came and took her away, Pizza Guy was whooshed off in an ambulance, and now I was left with an unsettling feeling in my stomach that it may have been a little bit my fault that Pizza Guy got mauled by a hangry bitch with the munchies.  
I want to believe there’s a good, normal explanation for all this, but when I woke up this morning to antlers sprouting out of my forehead, I think I nearly lost my shit. All I could do was laugh and stare at how fucking stupid I looked, an emaciated freak with sunken, crazy eyes, furry chest and arms, and now I had horns.
I finally went to the chicken place this morning, with a well angled hat and scarf to hide my freakishness. I was surprised to walk in though and see one of the owners up front. I asked him what was up and I think I got the final piece of the puzzle.  
See, there was always the same guy up front when I picked up orders. Gus, or something, I’m a bit disoriented from low blood sugar so names are tricky. Apparently one of the other workers caught Gus sprinkling something a little extra in the seasoning. He refused to explain what it was, just that it added a little kick to the flavor and made people crave fried chicken even more.  
Of course, Gus was fired for tampering with food because he wouldn’t explain what the seasoning was and refused to let anyone take it for testing. They couldn’t tell me where he went or where I could find him. He’s gone with the wind, him and his special seasonings.
I did take an order of chicken home, but I gotta be honest, there is definitely something missing now that Gus’ secret ingredient is no longer apart of the recipe.  
I’m so hungry.  
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Okay so here’s the work update
So, I believe I posted that I got my appendix out earlier this year. That was a whole fiasco with me being in the hospital twice and missing a bit over a week of work. When I came back from work, no one had told me I needed to get doctor clearance to be back even though the person I would have sent it to WATCHED ME LEAVE WORK AT LUNCH FOR EMERGENCY SURGERY! This bitch would continue to be a fucking problem. Anyway, so work made me use all of my leave even though I was like “no don’t pay me I need my leave for something else.”
Fast forward to me putting in my leave for that something else, my study abroad in Scotland. It was roughly a two week study abroad, but I said fuck it I’m gonna stay in London a few extra days after, I deserve it - not that I told work that. I put my leave in and turns out someone is already off at the same time. In my request I put ���for mandatory study abroad class”, implying I didn’t have a choice and this leave was happening no matter what. I get an email from that same dumb cunt as before saying “we can’t let you take this, someone is already out then and it’s too long.” I email back with “as per my initial time off request, this is for a mandatory study abroad for a Master’s Program and I have no control over the duration or the time” - corporate speak for “can you fucking read?” So a huff and a fuss later and they allow it because it’s a school thing, but in the meeting about it I am told to my face, in slightly round about words, that if I am off for anything other than illness or something unexpected like a death in the family, I will be fired.
Now, this would not be a problem except for the fact that prior to even being hired at this place my dad had booked and paid for most of the family to go on a cruise - literally everything was paid for including airfare and excursions and it came to around $40k which is basically my entire fucking salary after taxes. So, no way was I going to miss that - ironically I ended up sick and missing half the cruise anyway but that’s a story for later.
Anyway, now I basically have a death sentence over my head. But I keep chugging along with the plan to quit while I’m in Scotland. That’s when work starts getting worse. I was taking three classes at the time, which for a Master’s Program is pretty much full time. I am also working full time and I’m doing catch up work for school after being hospitalized and incapacitated for the second half of the first week of school and the first half of the second week, so two weeks for all intents and purposes. I’m also healing from surgery so I should be resting. Nope, I’m constantly running on 2-4hrs of sleep, which is not healthy normally and an absolutely terrible idea if you’re supposed to be healing.
I’d been doing a bit of homework at work at this time, but mostly saving it for lunch and then the odd small thing during large gaps between patients. Because of the lack of time and pressure I started working on homework all the time between patients. Note, another one of my coworkers was also in school for some kind of a nursing license (LPN, RN idk). So what happens, you ask? Well, I start getting scolded by the head nurse for doing homework. MEANWHILE she and the other nurse were FUCKING HELPING THE OTHER GIRL WITH HER CLASSWORK IN FRONT OF PATIENTS. Double standard much? I didn’t give a fuck so I kept doing homework but the “you better not be doing homework back there” and “are you doing homework” got old real fucking fast.
The end of my semester was in sight so I was under the gun in school and dealing with going in every day to a work environment where I was being treated poorly by the people I worked closest with - FYI the docs? Yeah they were all onboard with me doing homework at work and would say things like “you have to get it done whenever you can”. So finally, I said fuck it. There’s no way I can finish all of what I need to read and do before the end of the semester and go to work if at work during my fucking downtime I can’t do homework - and by downtime I do mean I had done everything in the office I could including restocking and cleaning like I made fucking sure that everything work related that could get done was done. And then one morning I got dressed for work, drove to my mother’s and then quit via email, shut my phone off, and went to sleep on her sofa.
Anyway that’s if. If anyone has questions or needs elaboration on something lmk. Anon is always on.
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daydreaming-paradies · 3 months
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art belongs to @/eriimyon on X
Love at First Sip
Summary: Being a waitress at a new coffee shop as its ups and downs, dealing with all kinds of customers and drama but one customer in particular as a crush on you
note: reader has no pronouns but you/your
Ship: Kazuha x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,273
Warning: reader being a little dense, college!Kazuha, Kazuha trying to rizz reader, just overall fluff and no angst, light cursing
Recommend listen to: Tuscany by her
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What is the most cheesy way to meet your first love?
For you, it is the coffee shop that you work at. You have seen customers and experienced all types of customers plus karens but hey you love and hate your job regardless. You just serve customers with their orders left and right when you catch something in the corner of your eyes. A young boy with white hair with a single red streak hair was seen sitting at one of the empty tables just doing his classwork. You noticed that he has the nicest red eyes you have ever seen. They remind you of those beautiful ruby gemstones. You have not seen him at all but due that he is doing his classwork, he might be in college. And you may be right on that..but anyways you had a job to do.
You went up to the stranger’s table and spoke in a polite tone. “Hello. May I take your order?” The man looks up and smiles at you warmly. “Ah, yes. May I have a medium coffee, light and sweet with a little whipped cream on it and one of your best pastries?” You nearly have a heart attack because this man’s voice sounds so heavenly and so..pleasant to hear. But you collected yourself and nodded your head. “Right away sir.” With that you left to give the workers his order.
When his order was complete, you went to his table to serve him. “Here is your order sir.” the young man looked up at you and boy, you thought that the archons are planning your demise very fast. Now you have a clear look on his face, you cannot help but stare at him. His white hair with that cute red streak framed his face perfectly but his ruby eyes..you just want to get lost in them. But sadly, you are at your job unless you want to be caught staring at this young man by your coworkers.
You slowly close your eyes and take a deep breath before you speak to the young man. “I apologize for staring at you, sir. I was,” You are hesitant to finish your sentence but you just suck it up. “Mesmerize but your appearance.” You honestly expect the boy in front of you to berate you or scold you but..he did the exact opposite. “It is alright, dear. I have gotten used to being stared at. I have not seen you here before. May I have the pleasure of asking your name?” 
‘Damn..he is..very more polite and bearable than the other customers.’ You think to yourself as you remember the types of customers and this boy in front of you is not one of them. “My name is y/n l/n. And you?” The male smiles at you and introduces himself. “My name is Kaedehara Kazuha. I am a college student at a university not far from here.” You were a bit shocked at the news. “Teyvat University right?” You ask Kazuha, just to make sure you are correct. “The one with that large ass gate that makes you second guess that it’s the gate of the school, not the gate to heaven nor hell?” Now that makes Kazuha chuckle a bit at your description of the gate. “Yes, that university. I am surprised that you still remember that university.” You look at Kazuha like he just insulted you. He must have realized what he has said and later added. “Oh no do not think I am insulting you. It is just..Teyvat University is more commonly known among us students as the University of Heaven and Hell. It is mostly because of the gate.” Oh..so Kazuha was not insulting you. He was just surprised that you still called that college Teyvat University.
“Oh. I see my apologies. I am used to customers insulting me so,” You trailed off which Kazuha nodded his head in understanding. “That is understandable. I do not mind correcting myself if I happen to offend you.” You and Kazuha chat until Kazuha has to leave for his classes which start in 30 minutes. After Kazuha left for his class, you went back to work and dealt with the types of customers again. But you can not seem to get Kazuha out of your head no matter how hard you try. Kazuha lives rent free in your head and you have to admit. Kazuha is more gentleman-like than any males that you have seen in your life. Whenever you get home from work, you start to feel butterflies. His ruby eyes, his white hair with that cute red streak. His prince-like manners and he is a college student. He is even better than your typical customer who is the complete opposite. Do you even wonder what Kazuha is thinking about? Well.
Kazuha is more distracted in his classes because of you. How you were a waitress in his favorite cafe, he used to go there, do his classwork, order something and just leave. But you caught his interest and he does not know why. There is something about you that peaks his eye and he..does not want to waste time daydreaming. He needs to see you again and probably ask you out. The next day, Kazuha walks into the cafe with the gentle aura around him. Kazuha sits on his favorite spot near the window, letting his eyes wander from person to person until they land on you, who is currently serving some rude couple with that fake smile. ‘My, [y/n] work so hard yet have to deal with such rudeness from strangers.’ Kazuha thought to himself. ‘I will have to wait for you to finish or on a break.’
Kazuha waited so patiently for you to finish you to be on break. Once you are on a break, Kazuha calls you over. “[Y/N] come here darling. Sit down.” You walk over to him, smiling at him. “Hello Kazuha. You were waiting for me? I am sorry.” You tried to apologize to Kazuha but the male just smiled. “There is no need to apologize dear. I am in no rush. I understand that you have to deal with your daily life as the waitress.” You only nod your head and sighed. “Of course. I had to deal with different types of customers and sometimes it gave me a headache.” You explain as Kazuha nodded his head. “Dear..I am so sorry you have to deal with that. If only I am yours, I will kiss those worries away.” Huh?
You look at Kazuha whose face has a light side of pink dust over his face. “O-Oh well. If you want me to be your boyfriend. I do not mind at all.” Kazuha laughs nervously as you only watch him with amusement. “Hmm..having you as my boyfriend. Well,” You grinned. “I accepted but you will have to deal with me.” Kazuha just looks at you with a dumbstruck expression on his face. ‘Archons this woman will kill me but damn I love it.’ “Well of course. When are you available?” Kazuha asks you which you just hummed. “I am off on Fridays and Sundays so..take me out on a date this Friday at 6pm, kay cutie?” You peck Kazuha’s cheek and walk off to start your shift again, leaving a lovesick and flustered Kazuha who is know your boyfriend behind 
What is the most cheesy way to meet your first love?
Your answer: Coffee shops or cafes are the most cheesy way to meet your first love.
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~Taglist: @areislol @dailypenpen @dxmoness @amxto @yoghurtsan @ryuryuryuyurboat @windblume-wishes @ainescribe @asoulsreverie @rrxaiky/ @rx-lounge @zhengbobatw @inkybloom-luv @kitsuvil @kzuhae @snobwaffles @the-guardian-kitsune @thestarswhisper @sweetlyvibe @kalims @cupids-chamber @sanzach / @zaeshi-amatus
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