#anyways ๐Ÿ’ž they're so cute (she says as she has another regulus and luna (and ginny) idea hihiiiii)
saintchaser ยท 1 year
luna's tongue was poked out as she drew on regulus' arm, swift lines and small, wonky stars littered across an ugly, skull-headed serpent.
the dark mark had turned into a mere memory etched into regulus' skin, another part of the constellation of scars and beauty marks adorning his body. what used to be black, dark and venomous, had turned into a soft pink, almost white, a strange kind of redemption of the excuse of a man he used to be.
the thing is, regulus black had never been a good person. however, not being a good person should never be equated to being a bad person, because they're not the same thing, and they never would be. regulus had never fully rotted; however, he allowed himself to, giving in and serving a master that had only needed him for what he considered to be good deeds.
the thing is, regulus black had never been a good person. he had hurt people, and sometimes, he lay awake, thinking of what if's and what could have been's. what could have been if he had never lay a hand on anyone, what could have been if he had not lost so many people to a war that hadn't been theirs to fight.
he had drowned in glory, once. he had basked in it, a gold rush, a lavender haze, even if he had been a mere pawn in a game, the last resort to one, victorious "checkmate!". however, he had let himself be used; what else had he been supposed to do?
the thing is, regulus black had never been a good person. however, he would try to be good, even if just for luna. for the little girl who drew stars around the scar that the dark mark had left in his arm and, for a moment, regulus let himself bask again. not in glory, this time, but in love.
"what's that?" luna asked; always a curious thing, like her mother, she was.
"it's the sign that dark people wore before you were born, luna." he smiled to her. what was the point in hiding what he had once been? "i will tell you more about it when you grow up older. that's a promise, moony."
"were you a bad person?" she looked up to him. he was so much tinier than him, so small, so vulnerable.
"do you think i am a bad person?" he asked.
"i don't think you could ever be a bad person." she smiled, resting her head against his upper arm. the sun shined over them, luna's silvery grey eyes (that resembled sirius', actually) glowing with warmth and, in that moment, regulus allowed himself to rest his head against the wooden gate and smile.
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