#anyways Benrey cringe comp number 5 will leave you appalled and disgusted
bbeeohazardd · 1 year
“no, ‘s all wrong, we gotta do it again.”
Tommy watched Gordon sigh exasperatedly from where he was leaning against the gazebo, pulling out a cigarette to light. His dad, standing next to Gordon, appeared to also be losing his patience, Tommy couldn’t blame them.
Benrey was looking over one of the scripts as he moved over, face expressionless as he looked up at the two taller men. 
“‘s just like having a conversation, not reading from a script.”
He moved over to another part of the gazebo, Gordon and Mr. Coolatta shared a look of annoyance.
“Eight fuckin’ takes and still.”
Gordon muttered as he lit the cigarette, his dad nodded. Tommy could hear some kids playing loudly nearby, he scratched behind Sunkist’s ears, anxious from the tension in the air.
“Can we start yet, Ben?”
“no, ‘s- gotta wait, kids.”
“Great, that’s just great.”
“This is..what, happens when you, film..in a, public location.”
Tommy watched as Forzen adjusted the camcorder that was sat on a tripod, Forzen gave Tommy a worried look that the lanky man returned.
“Good thing I wasn’t busy today.” Gordon’s tone was irritated as he took a drag, blowing the smoke away from the others.
“Yes, twelve to one was a..generous minimal, time..limit.” Mr. Coolatta responded.
“why’d you be busy? you knew we’d do this, ‘n now ‘s takin’ a while. Benrey’s irritated monotone came.
“Dude, it was only supposed to be an afternoon shoot.” Gordon rubbed the bridge of his nose, tone exasperated.
“maybe if you jus’ got it right, we’d be fine ‘n could leave.”
“I haven’t even eaten yet, man! We were-” “Let us..try again.” Mr. Coolatta interjected, cutting Gordon off. “need to calm down, man, just do it again.” Gordon glared at the short man but relented.
The two started again only to be stopped by Benrey again. Tommy watched Forzen turn off the camera as Gordon and Benrey argued a bit. It lasted for a while until they were prepared to start the scene again.
Forzen turned on the camera. “rollin’.”
Benrey visibly tensed, turning towards the muscular man. “wh- rolling?” Gordon and Mr. Coolatta gave each other irritated looks and quietly talked. “bro i told you to keep it on at ALL TIMES. how long was it off?”
“i just forgot for a sec dude.” Forzen replied, sounding bewildered.
“bro you had one job as th’ camera guy, you don’t turn off the damn camera.” He sounded genuinely angry, it was concerning for Tommy.
Mr. Coolatta stepped forward with a hand up. “If..this..is going to be..a while..may I get another, script.”
Forzen nodded and walked over to the table where Tommy and Sunkist stood. Sunkist was staring intently at something in the woods, a low growl coming from her. He gave the duo a questioning look before walking back over with a script, handing it to Mr. Coolatta who looked over it with Gordon. “jus’ savin’ time on the tapes, bro.” Discomfort evident in his tone and stance.
“bro you helped me load the car!” Benrey walked over, visibly mad.
Sunkist’s growling became a bit louder, Tommy looked down at her, very confused. She was still staring intensely in the woods. He couldn’t see what she was looking at, and she was trained very well to not pay attention to other animals.
“if we need another tape we’ll get another tape, we have a fuck-ton.” Sunkist started walking across the gazebo, Tommy following. “when the hell are you gonna listen to me, bro.”
Benrey followed Forzen as he walked back behind the camera. “i mean you-” He was cut off as he stumbled and almost tripped over Sunkist. “you brought your dog!” Benrey shouted, glaring at Tommy. Tommy stared back with a very upset expression.
“Calm down.” The commanding voice of Mr. Coolatta interjected, the man glowering at Benrey.
“memorize your lines.”
“You don’t..need to act so..inappropriate over a, mistake.”
“memorize your lines, maybe we’d be done if you did.”
The man glared daggers into the back of Benrey’s head as the short man went over to the table. Tommy stayed out of the way next to Sunkist.
“Yeah man, memorize your lines, just don’t, like, read ‘em off the page.” Gordon’s tone was dripping with sarcasm. “Gotta be human with it, man.”
“Yes, because I have..had the..script in every scene.” His dad’s voice held the same sarcasm, “Exactly!” Tommy would’ve been happy to see his dad and Gordon getting along if it was in any other context.
“yeah bro, jus’ act, not that hard.” Benrey commented, back to his usual monotone, Mr. Coolatta looked back over with his glare.
“Oh, yeah, that- that’s real fuckin’ nice man, especially considering how much you’re paying us.” Gordon leaned against part of the gazebo, also glaring at Benrey.
“pay you for this? really?”
“Oh yep, real nice, real nice.”
“You should feel..lucky anyone works with you..when you have this..behavior.” Mr. Coolatta replied coldly.
Benrey seemed to realize it was a losing battle. “fine, ‘m sorry-” “Spent so much money on tapes you can’t afford actors anyway.” Gordon interjected, arms crossed. Forzen and Tommy exchanged surprised looks. The two glared at each other for a bit before Benrey sighed. “whatever, ‘s just get it done. ‘m sorry, just don’t stop recording.”
Forzen nodded, gaze focused on the camcorder. “okay, sorry.”
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