#anyways also y'all can't tell me Angel Dust would hear Lucifer talking and gushing over Starlo and tell me Angel wouldn't yell out
celestelunisea16 · 4 months
would they pin for eachother because if so their friends just have to hear them yap constantly about eachother and they're like please just ask him OUT
or it's just luck realizes first and pins and when starlo realizes he's not taking any chances this time and goes straight for it
Good question, Anon, good question...
This would be a yes for Starlo. I can see Starlo start pining for Lucifer like a few weeks before they start dating without even realizing it. Like he's first talking to the Fiestyj Five and Ceroba about things that they could be doing for the town, then a few minutes later, this guy is unknowingly talking about Lucifer a minute later. Not even kidding. After several days of this, I'm betting Ceroba and the four literally tell him just to plan a day and confess to him.
Lucifer probably would, I can also see him pining after Starlo after like several days before they start dating as well. Like after the incident that allowed Lucifer and Starlo to meet and after the several months that they spent together as friends, this man is sitting at home with his ducks trying to make some little cowboy ducks or he's helping his daughter with anything she needs.
At the hotel, this man is just having a normal conversation with his daughter while trying to help her with something, and then Charlie asks about how he and Starlo are doing together and then Lucifer is almost calmly gushing over him. Like this.
"So, dad, how has everything been going with you and that Starlo guy from the other world?"
"Oh, well, that's an odd question. Why would you ask that?"
"Well, I was mostly just asking, because you've visited his world a lot in the past few days, so I assumed you both spent a lot of time together."
"Well, we have... Me and Starlo have spent a lot of time together and he's even come here on several occasions. He has mostly only been to the castle, but I have taken him out to see some of the good things we have to offer. I think at one point in some of our little trips, he got so happy about this one item that really hit his interests and-"
Oh yeah, he would be talking about Starlo for one or two hours straight. Three if he's feeling extra talkative and four of he could gush for more. Everyone in the hotel is listening like birds on a wire while Lucifer is gushing over some Star guy. After that hour, I'm pretty sure Angel Dust would most likely yell out the most absurd or vulgar sentence. (Y'all know exactly what I mean.)
Everyone in the hotel is actually telling Lucifer to just confess to Starlo and Lucifer, for a while, is actually HUMBLE, the opposite of Pride, saying that Starlo is too good for him, and that he doesn't wanna ruin his life with any of his own problems. Around the second to last day before, I feel like everyone in the hotel would actually finally get him to stand up and plan a day for him to go to Starlo and ask him out on a date.
When they do, I'm pretty sure they plan a day at the Cafe in Oasis Valley to do something. As an extra measure, I feel like Charlie and Vaggie would probably go with Lucifer as back up sitting in a booth behind Starlo, while Ceroba and the Five are just giving Starlo silent thumbs up from the window behind Lucifer. Now, I'm going to say, I absolutely agree Starlo is the one who would actually pop the question of dating Lucifer.
I feel like he would have someone actually push him to ask it though. Like you could have Angel Dust come with Charlie and Vaggie as a way to be like, "Ok, they're becoming awkward and not even asking each other out, send in the jealousy creator." And then literally low and behold, Charlie had Angel in a Western Dress, looking absolutely gorgeous.
Angel Dust would just walk up to them with a sassy looking walk and that little hip thingy some people can do in dresses, and then just flirt with Lucifer. The whole entire conversation goes as such:
"Hey there, pretty boy. You look absolutely handsome this fine evening, lemme tell you! Wanna maybe come over to my place later~?"
"Uh... What-"
"Oh don't be so shy, small guy, I just think you look good~! But you know where you'd look way better a-"
"Sorry miss/mister, this man is taken."
"Oh, really? But he didn't seem taken five seconds ag-"
"Well, that's because I just asked and you interrupted him when he was about to answer. Now, Lucifer, go ahead and answer the question, it's no rush, darlin'. I'll make sure this person stays in line while you think on it."
"... Yeah, I would love nothing more than to go out with you"
Soon after Lucifer accepts, you can literally hear cheering from both outside the cafe AND from the inside of the Cafe, which then spreads from Charlie, Vaggie, Ceroba and the Four cheering to EVERYONE in the cafe cheering. (Except for Angel Dust, he had to act disappointed and he can't let that act down. He celebrated with the others once they got back to Hell though.)
Ah, the sound of true love being accepted~! TuT
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